Articolo codice 50507
van Gorp, D. (ed.)Medieval Warfare Vol 01/04 Mercenaries and mighty warlords. The Normans in the Mediterranean
Pagine 58
Formato 30x21
Copertina brossura
Lingua ENG (Inglese) -
Prezzo: 9.95 €
Rivista dedicata interamente all'arte della guerra nell'eta' medievale, ricca di illustrazioni, foto di reperti archeologici, tavole uniformologiche a col, foto di soldatini. In questo numero: Hauteville brothers in Italy; Bohemond I of Antioch; Strategy and tactics of the Norman - How to fight and win like a Norman; The Sicilian crucible and Lucaera Saracenorum; Norman naval activity in the Mediterranean; The Battle of Civitate, June 18, 1053; Norman power triumphant in southern Italy, 1068-1071 - The siege of Bari; Recreating a medieval fire-arrow - Early pyrotechnical weapons; The treatment of wounds in the Middle Ages - Slashes and head gashes; Charles the Bold's English archers at the Battle of Murten; The Fechtbuecher of Hans Talhoffer