Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armam. Terrestre (Generalità)
Armam. Navale (Generalità)
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Carri Armati
Veic. Logist.
Armam. Terr.: Jeeps
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Terrestri
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Navali
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Aerei
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Concord Mezzi
Sq.Signal Aria
Libri su Giocattoli
Risultati della Ricerca: 760 Prodotti
70639 - Hernandez Chacon, R.:
1/144 Jet Aircraft
29.95 €
68531 - Fuente, J.:
1/144 Propeller Planes
29.95 €
29056 - Giuliani-Messmer-Mongin, R.-C.-J.M.:
12-Inch Action Figures. Second World War - Action Figures and Toys 01
18.00 €
71051 - AAVV, :
1941-1945 US Military Vehicles. Camouflage Profile Guide
35.00 €
15066 - De Diego Vaquerizo, C.:
1944 German Armour in Normandy
25.00 €
53664 - AAVV, :
1945 German Colors. Camouflage Profile Guide
23.00 €
47887 - Carbonel, J.C.:
1965-2012, Les blindes et les figurines Heller
18.50 €
54734 - Carbonel, J.C.:
1967-2000 The Story of ESCI Kits - Models and Figures 10
25.00 €
61433 - AAVV, :
4 X 2. 4 Modellers, 4 AFV, 2 Variants, Buildings, Paintings and Weathering
45.00 €
65264 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 01: Celtic Storm 2017
21.00 €
65263 - Kuzmin, V.:
Abrams Squad References 02: Russian Vehicles. Forum 'Army 2017'
21.00 €
61667 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 01: Modelling the Fennek
17.50 €
61666 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 02: Modelling the Abrams
30.00 €
61664 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 03: Modelling the BTR eight-wheeled
27.00 €
65262 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 05: Bear in the Sand. Modelling the Russian Armour in Syria and Libya
30.00 €
66776 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 06: Bundeswehr
19.95 €
69479 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 08: Bear in the Mud. Modelling the Russian Armor in Eastern Europe
36.00 €
69474 - Krawczyk, G.:
Abrams Squad Special 09: Tractors. Modelling Eastern European Civil Vehicles
25.00 €
61537 - AAVV, :
Aces High 08 - Captured. Captured Aircrafts Special Issue
12.00 €
63334 - AAVV, :
Aces High 09 - Helicopters. Modern war horses
12.00 €
64024 - AAVV, :
Aces High 10 - Eastern Front
12.00 €
64025 - AAVV, :
Aces High 11 - FW 190 Der Wuerger
12.00 €
65814 - AAVV, :
Aces High 12 - Hydro
12.00 €
65812 - AAVV, :
Aces High 13 - Gulf War
12.00 €
65813 - AAVV, :
Aces High 14 - Twin-Engine Warriors
12.00 €
66609 - AAVV, :
Aces High 15 - French Jet Fighters
12.00 €
67278 - AAVV, :
Aces High 16 - Normandy D-Day
12.00 €
67868 - AAVV, :
Aces High 17 - Torpedo Achtung!
12.00 €
68594 - AAVV, :
Aces High 18 - Trainers
12.00 €
17018 - AAVV, :
Aces High 19 - Aggressors in Blue
12.00 €
70209 - AAVV, :
Aces High Monographic Series 02: Modelling the Scooter
19.95 €
31078 - Le Vexier, E.:
Action Joe. L'Histoire du GI Joe Francais - Figurines et Jouets 02
18.00 €
30314 - Le Vexier, E.:
Action Joe. The Story of the French GI Joe - Action Figures and Toys 02
18.00 €
59414 - Wilder, A.:
Adam's Armour Modelling Guide Vol 1: Construction
45.00 €
59412 - Wilder, A.:
Adam's Armour Modelling Guide Vol 2: Painting and Finishing
45.00 €
27193 - McIllmurray, J.:
Advanced Aviation Modelling
30.00 €
52566 - Romani, M.:
Aerografo. Il nuovo manuale delle tecniche e delle applicazioni nel terzo millennio
48.00 €
36015 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 032. Creating Cougar
17.00 €
44018 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 050. Up sizing
17.00 €
44019 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 051. De-Luchs
17.00 €
44020 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 052. Red Minenraeumer
17.00 €
47985 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 056. Top Gun
17.00 €
50266 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 061. Doing the Demag
17.00 €
50679 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 062. Waltzing Matilda
17.00 €
60994 - AFV Modeller, :
AFV Modeller 089. Printed Panzer
17.00 €
63606 - AAVV, :
Air Modeler's Guide to Wingnut Wings Vol 2
39.95 €
44014 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 028. Doubling Up
17.00 €
44016 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 030. Split Personality
17.00 €
49745 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 040. Supermarine Spitfire
17.00 €
56020 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 054. Spit and polish
17.00 €
56579 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 055. S.8 Calcutta
17.00 €
59652 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 064. Stirling
17.00 €
59653 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 065. Fab Foxhound
17.00 €
62346 - AIR Modeller, :
AIR Modeller 068. Topcat
17.00 €
43628 - Dupuis-Bouteiller, P.A.-F.:
Airborne 44. 12 Inches Allied D-Day Paratrooper Figures
45.00 €
50288 - Dent, G.:
Airbrushing for Railway Modellers
30.00 €
65401 - Carpenter, R.:
Airbrushing Scale Model Aircraft
30.00 €
71848 - Jackson, R.:
Airbus A-380 - Flightcraft Series 23
29.95 €
60324 - Zamarbide, D.:
Aircraft Scale Modelling FAQ. The complete guide for aicraft scale modeller. Building-Weathering-Techniques
65.00 €
48714 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 01: Messerschmitt Me 262. A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's First Jet Fighter
45.00 €
52054 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 02: Hawker Typhoon including The Hawker Tornado 3rd. Ed. A Complete Guide to the RAF's Classic Ground-Attack Fighter
45.00 €
54348 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 05: Messerschmitt Bf 109 Early Series (V1 to E-9 including the T-Series). A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter
45.00 €
61317 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 08: De Havilland Mosquito Part 1: Bomber and Photo Reconnaissance
33.00 €
63967 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 11: Messerschmitt Bf 109 Late Series (F to K including the Z Series). A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter
45.00 €
65404 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 12: Supermarine Spitfire Part 1 (Merlin-powered) including the Seafire. New Ed.
45.00 €
67746 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 14: Junkers Ju 87 Stuka. A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe's Famous Dive Bomber
39.95 €
68698 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 16: Hawker Hurricane. A Complete Guide to the Famous Fighter
45.00 €
69657 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 17: Messerschmitt Bf 110. A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's famous Zerstoerer
45.00 €
69966 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 18: North American P-51D/K Mustang. Including the P-51H and XP-51F, G and J. A Complete Guide To The Cadillac of The Skies
45.00 €
71117 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 19: Lockheed P-38 Lightining. Including the F-4 and F-5. A Complete Guide To The Fork-tailed Devil
45.00 €
71845 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 20: Avro Lancaster (including the Manchester) Part One - Wartime Service. A Complete Guide to the RAF's Legendary Heavy Bomber
45.00 €
37985 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 21: Avro Lancaster (including the Lancastrian) Part Two - Post War Service
49.95 €
72851 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 23: Junkers Ju 88 Part 1 V1 to A-17 plus B-series. A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe's Legendary Twin
49.95 €
55585 - Zamarbide, D.:
Airframe Constructor 01: Building the North American P-51D Mustang. A Detailed Guide to to building the Zoukei-Mura 1/32nd kit
22.00 €
56269 - Zamarbide, D.:
Airframe Constructor 02: Building the Heinkel He 219 Uhu. A Detailed Guide to to building the Zoukei-Mura 1/32nd kit
24.00 €
57695 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 01: Blohm und Voss Bv 141. A Technical Guide 2nd Ed.
33.00 €
65593 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 06: Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito. A Technical Guide
25.00 €
66844 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 07: Henschel Hs 123. A Technical Guide
25.00 €
67407 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 08: Horten Ho IX/Ho 229 (including the Gotha Go 229). A Technical Guide
25.00 €
67944 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 09: Westland Lysander. A Technical Guide
29.95 €
71462 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 10: Bristol Beaufort. A Technical Guide
29.95 €
45234 - Lopez de Anca, J.:
Airplanes in Scale 2. The Greatest Guide: Jets
45.00 €
45613 - AAVV, :
Airplanes in Scale 3: World War I
33.00 €
18464 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 01: Starship Techniques Beginners
15.00 €
39864 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 02: Starship Techniques Advanced
15.00 €
72754 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 03: Landship techniques
15.00 €
46416 - Lambert-Brown, J.-L.:
Allied Torpedo Boats. Shipcraft Series Special
39.95 €
70373 - Ercole, G.:
Angelo Emo e Jacopo Nani. I due ammiragli che volevano salvare Venezia
28.00 €
65819 - Valls-Sex, P.-Z.:
Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1989-2018 - Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol III
33.00 €
65519 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Armour in Profile. Armoured Fighting Vehicles of the United States Army 1945-2018
21.00 €
23154 - De Lillio, G.:
Arnhem: Defeat and Glory. A Miniaturist Perspective
45.00 €
62219 - Yoon, K.Y.:
Art of military figures. Master Yoon. Works and Technique. 1st ed. (The)
25.00 €
50253 - Biddlecombe, G.:
Art of Rigging (The)
15.00 €
67478 - Cross, R.:
Art of Roy Cross (The)
69.95 €
48712 - Kinzey, B.:
Attack on Pearl Harbor. Japan Awakens a Sleeping Giant
33.00 €
30954 - AAVV, :
Avions et Maquettes 01: Focke Wulf FW 190 A/F
18.00 €
40024 - Pernes-Souleys, E.-O.:
Avions et Maquettes 02: Curtiss P-40
19.50 €
57598 - Robinson-Derry, N.-M.:
Avro Lancaster in Military Service 1945-1965 - Flightcraft Series 04
29.95 €
61849 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Avro Shackleton - Flightcraft Series 09
29.95 €
71846 - Skipper, B.:
B-17 Flying Fortress - Flightcraft Series 27
29.95 €
65976 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels-Cristini-Formica di Cirigliano, P.-L.S.-F.:
Battaglia di Anghiari 1440. Dai condottieri a Leonardo (La)
29.00 €
65937 - AAVV, :
Battaglia di Montaperti Vol 2. Storia e cronaca di una battaglia del Duecento (La)
29.00 €
71030 - Hurkmans-Bayerl, R.-M.:
Battle for Hungary 1944-1945 (The)
39.95 €
58005 - Davies, P.:
Battlefields in Miniature. Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames
45.00 €
54618 - Skipper, B.:
Battles of El Alamein. The End of the Beginning (The)
29.95 €
65815 - AAVV, :
Best of Aces High 01
17.50 €
65816 - AAVV, :
Best of Aces High 02
17.50 €
60320 - Lopez, J.L.:
Black and White Techniques
30.00 €
67731 - Doepp, R.:
BMW R75. Escaping from the Falaise-Pocket
39.95 €
71847 - Cole, L.:
Boeing 747 - Flightcraft Series 24
29.95 €
71853 - Skipper, B.:
Boeing B-29 Superfortress - Flightcraft Series 29
29.95 €
35802 - Jang, K.:
Bounty. HM Armed Vessel, 1787 - Shipcraft Series 30
29.95 €
39719 - Graham, T.:
Box Top Air Power. The Aviation Art of Model Airplane Boxes
39.95 €
53942 - Woods, L.V.:
Bridges for Modellers. An Illustrated Record of Railway Bridges
33.00 €
29518 - Wright, M.G.:
British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WW II Vol 1. Destroyers, Frigates, Sloops, Escorts, Minesweepers, Submarines, Coastal Forces and Auxiliaries
29.95 €
59538 - Wright, M.G.:
British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WW II Vol 2. Battleships and Aircraft Carriers
49.95 €
26864 - Wright, M.G.:
British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WW II Vol 3. Cruisers, Minelayers and Armed Merchant Cruisers
49.95 €
69625 - AAVV, :
British at War/Los Britanicos en guerra Vol 1
30.00 €
70138 - AAVV, :
British at War/Los Britanicos en guerra Vol 2
33.00 €
41996 - Brown, L.:
British Destroyers A-1 and Tribal Classes - Shipcraft Series 11
27.00 €
54208 - Brown, L.:
British Destroyers: J-C and Battle Classes - Shipcraft Series 21
27.00 €
70806 - Brown, L.:
British Escort Destroyers of the Second World War - Shipcraft Series 28
29.95 €
66418 - Robinson, N.:
British Military Test and Evaluation Aircraft. the Golden Years 1945-1975 - FlightCraft Special 01
29.95 €
69359 - Brown, L.:
British Sloops and Frigates of the Second World War - Shipcraft Series 27
29.95 €
46986 - Cole, T.:
Build and Convert 01: Airfix Military Models. 52 Kits Featured
19.95 €
56213 - Hatcher, G.:
Build and Convert 03: Classic British Jets. 26 Kits Featured
19.95 €
46987 - Hatcher, G.:
Build and Convert 05: Classic British Bombers and Mud Movers. 6 Kits Featured
19.95 €
56215 - Hatcher, G.:
Build and Convert 06: Aviation Classics Part 1. 14 Kits Featured
19.95 €
53386 - Stanton, M.:
Building and Detailing Scale Commercial Aircraft
30.00 €
35396 - Covert, P.:
Building and Detailing Scale Model Cars
27.00 €
41981 - Reed, P.:
Building Miniature Navy Board Ship Models
29.95 €
45789 - Jones, P.:
Building Small Steam Locomotives
39.95 €
70470 - Wilkins, M.C.:
Building the Dawn Patrol Vol 1: Spad XIII
27.00 €
72031 - AAVV, :
Bundeswehr. Modern German Army in Scale
35.00 €
62142 - Stenman, K.:
Camouflage and Decals Vol 3 Finnish Fighters of World War II Part 1
25.00 €
62141 - Stenman, K.:
Camouflage and Decals Vol 4 Finnish Fighters of World War II Part 2
25.00 €
61976 - Micheluc, R.:
Camouflage and Decals Vol 5 Messerschmitt Bf 109 F
25.00 €
54198 - Healy-Fernandez, M.-C.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 01: Armour in Theatre Eastern Front. Spring and Summer 1943 Vol 1
29.95 €
58481 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 02: Armour in Theatre Normandy Campaign Part 1. British and Canadian Forces
29.95 €
61219 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 03. Camouflage and Markings Normandy Campaign Part 2: US and German forces
29.95 €
64714 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 04. Tanks in the Great War 1914-1918
29.95 €
40029 - Sewards-Hraban, A.-M.:
Canadian LAV III in Afghanistan
25.00 €
53781 - Montagnoli-Ercole, C.-G.:
Cannoniere del Garda. La vera storia delle 'scialuppe cannoniere' 1859-1881 e il ritrovamento del relitto della 'Sesia' (Le)
18.00 €
55198 - Joachim, C.:
Capturing Clervaux. The Final Hour
39.95 €
38551 - Wigman-Keenan-Bottoms, N.-D.-A.:
Car Modellers Handbook (The)
30.00 €
32370 - Jackson, R.:
Centurion. Armoured Hero of Post-War Tank Battles - TankCraft 14
27.00 €
66058 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 1. Bitish Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 21
29.95 €
24944 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 2. British Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 23
29.95 €
66055 - Jackson, R.:
Chieftain. Bitish Cold War Main Battle Tank - TankCraft 15
27.00 €
63882 - Vallejo-Royo, F.-E.:
Chinese Power
39.95 €
62978 - Oliver, D.:
Churchill Tanks. British Army, North-West Europe 1944-45 - TankCraft 05
27.00 €
71960 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.1
36.00 €
71961 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.2
39.95 €
49655 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.3
39.95 €
62460 - Milman-Rolfe, N.-M.:
Combat Colours 09: Mitsubishi Zero
27.50 €
69531 - Garcia Gazquez, J.-J.:
Combat Vehicles of WWII Modelling Guide Vol 1
35.00 €
25723 - Ottinger, B.:
Come realizzare figure napoleoniche in plastica
25.00 €
30942 - Horan, B.:
Complete Bill Horan (The)
85.00 €
38549 - Wingrove, G.:
Complete Car Modeller Vol 1
27.50 €
38550 - Wingrove, G.:
Complete Car Modeller Vol 2
27.50 €
61087 - Rosecky, J.:
Complete Guide to Truck Modelling (The)
45.00 €
57122 - Di Modica, G.:
Consigli pratici per il Fermodellista
22.50 €
39051 - Cooke, D.:
Corgi Toys
11.00 €
31860 - Force-Bray, E.-J.:
Corgi Toys Revised 4th Edition
25.00 €
49832 - Scullino, D.:
Costruzione degli aeromodelli (La)
16.90 €
51272 - Brown, L.:
County Class Cruisers - Shipcraft Series 19
27.00 €
69622 - Booker, T.:
Creating Military Modelling Dioramas
30.00 €
31830 - Greenhill-Venturi, P.-M.:
Creating Miniature Knights - Cavalieri in miniatura
35.00 €
16432 - Jones, K.:
Creating Scenes for Military Miniatures
25.00 €
65005 - Oliver, D.:
Cromwell and Centaur Tanks. British Army and Royal Marines North-West Europe 1944-1945 - Tankcraft 09
27.00 €
29576 - AAVV, :
D.A.K. Profile Guide
27.00 €
57536 - AAVV, :
Damaged. Creating Histories for SCI-FI
19.95 €
67730 - Parker, D.:
David Parker's Crew School
39.95 €
37009 - AAVV, :
Diorama World 02
29.95 €
37010 - AAVV, :
Diorama World 03
29.95 €
72235 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Special Lebanon 1982
25.00 €
66775 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 02
19.95 €
67554 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 05
19.95 €
68247 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 06
19.95 €
68245 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 07
19.95 €
53338 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 08
19.95 €
69477 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 09
19.95 €
69830 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 10
19.95 €
45600 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 11
19.95 €
45601 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 12
19.95 €
71053 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 13
19.95 €
41140 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 14
23.00 €
15100 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 15
23.00 €
41349 - AAVV, :
Dioramag Vol 16
23.00 €
68066 - Angiolino-Sidoti, A.-B.:
Dizionario dei giochi Zanichelli
32.00 €
68633 - Jackson, R.:
Douglas DC-3 - Flightcraft Series 21
29.95 €
61432 - Azkue, A.:
Eagle has Landed (The)
45.00 €
60318 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Aircraft Modelling Techniques Vol 2: Interiors and Assembly
45.00 €
60319 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Aircraft Modelling Techniques Vol 3: Painting
45.00 €
62432 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Aircraft Modelling Techniques Vol 4: Weathering
45.00 €
33621 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Armour Modelling Techniques Vol 1: Construction
33.00 €
33622 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Armour Modelling Techniques Vol 2: Interior and Base Color
39.95 €
34957 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Armour Modelling Techniques Vol 3: Camouflages
39.95 €
35489 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Armour Modelling Techniques Vol 4: Weathering
39.95 €
35497 - Quijano, D.:
Encyclopedia of Armour Modelling Techniques Vol Extra: Complete Process
12.00 €
45255 - Hernandez Chacon, R.:
Encyclopedia of Figures Modelling Techniques Vol 0: Quick Guide for Painting
19.95 €
45251 - Hernandez Chacon, R.:
Encyclopedia of Figures Modelling Techniques Vol 1: Colour, shape and light
36.00 €
45224 - Hernandez Chacon, R.:
Encyclopedia of Figures Modelling Techniques Vol 2: Techniques and Materials
36.00 €
45299 - Hernandez Chacon, R.:
Encyclopedia of Figures Modelling Techniques Vol 3: Modelling, Genres and Special Techniques
36.00 €
38234 - Restayn, J.:
Encyclopedie des Blindes 1939-1945 (L')
45.00 €
31073 - AAVV, :
Encyclopedie du Modelisme Vol 01: Les Avions
39.95 €
31074 - AAVV, :
Encyclopedie du Modelisme Vol 02: Les Blindes
39.95 €
31075 - AAVV, :
Encyclopedie du Modelisme Vol 03: Les Figurines
39.95 €
31076 - AAVV, :
Encyclopedie du Modelisme Vol 04: Mise en scene et decors
39.95 €
30756 - AAVV, :
Encyclopedie du Modelisme Vol 05: Les vehicules civils
27.00 €
61847 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
English Electric Lightning - Flightcraft Series 11
29.95 €
69190 - Bletchley Park, :
Enigmi Criptici. Griglie e schemi da ricomporre
7.00 €
69191 - Bletchley Park, :
Enigmi Logici. Griglie e schemi da ricomporre
7.00 €
42328 - Backer, S.:
Essex Class Carriers of the Second World War New Ed. - Shipcraft Series 12
27.00 €
38586 - AAVV, :
Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon
24.50 €
23194 - MCGrane, E.:
Exotic Panzers in Miniature. Modelling Unusual War Machines of the Third Reich
27.00 €
38527 - Illsey, G.:
Expert Model Craft. Airbrush Painting Techniques DVD
29.95 €
37877 - Dunbar Brown, G.:
Expert Model Craft. Modeling and Detailing German Armor DVD
29.95 €
57984 - de Vries, L.:
F-104 Starfighter Special Camouflages
29.95 €
61977 - Kolacha, Z.:
F4U Corsair in WWII
29.95 €
39113 - Collignon-Giuliani, Y.-R.:
Fallschirmjager en Action Figures - Figurines et Jouets 05
18.00 €
39112 - Collignon-Giuliani, Y.-R.:
Fallschirmjager in Action Figures - Action Figures and Toys 05
18.00 €
38649 - Layos- de Dios Catena, J.-J.:
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions about techniques used for painting cars and motorcycles
40.00 €
66644 - AAVV, :
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions Dioramas 1.2. Extension: Water, Ice and Snow
27.50 €
68596 - AAVV, :
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions Dioramas 1.3. Extension: Storytelling, Composition and Planning
49.95 €
59365 - AAVV, :
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions Dioramas. The Complete Guide for Dioramas and Environments
75.00 €
34624 - Jimenez, M.:
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions of the AFV painting techniques
75.00 €
53663 - Jimenez, M.:
FAQ2 Frequently Asked Questions of the AFV painting techniques
65.00 €
66496 - Gonzalez, R.:
FAQ3 Frequently Asked Questions of the AFV painting techniques
75.00 €
60602 - Guerrero Acosta-Pacheco Fernandez-Lag, J.M.-A.-L.M.E.:
Ferrer-Dalmau. Art, History and Miniatures
49.95 €
60261 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 01 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60262 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 02 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60263 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 03 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60264 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 04 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60265 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 05 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60266 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 06 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60267 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 07 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60268 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 08 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60269 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 09 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60270 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 10 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60271 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 11 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60272 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 12 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60273 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 13 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60274 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 14 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
60281 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 15 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
63528 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 16 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
63527 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 17 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
63529 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 18 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
63526 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 19 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
63530 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 20 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
65063 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 21 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
65064 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 22 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
65488 - Demiras, S. cur:
Figure Modelling 23 - Scale Model Handbook
19.95 €
72029 - Arnau, L.:
Figure Painting Technics FAQ 2. Fantasy Figures
69.95 €
68591 - Kanaev, K.:
Figure Painting Technics FAQ. The Complete Guide for Figure Scale Modellers
85.00 €
68595 - Vallejo, F.:
Figure Sculpting and Converting Techniques - AK Learning Series 11
15.00 €
31077 - Giuliani-Messmer-Mongin, R.-C.-J.M.:
Figurines 12 Pouces de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale - Figurines et Jouets 01
18.00 €
54078 - Nagao-Matsuki, K.-Y.:
Fine Scale Modeler. American Fighters over Europe
29.95 €
36546 - AAVV, :
Fine Scale Modeler. Armor Conversion and Detailing Projects. Step-by-step instructions from expert armor modelers
17.50 €
36545 - McLaughlin, C.:
Fine Scale Modeler. How to Model World War II German Armor. Tips and techniques for building superdetailed models
25.00 €
34851 - Gorman, T.:
Finishing Scale Models. Detailing and Painting Techniques
33.00 €
64023 - AAVV, :
Flesh and Skin. Techniques to Paint all Types of Flesh in Miniatures - AK Learning Series 06
15.00 €
40047 - Abbey, L.:
Fletcher Class Destroyers New Ed. - Shipcraft Series 8
27.00 €
40387 - Lambert-Brown, J.-L.:
Flower Class Corvettes. Shipcraft Series Special
29.95 €
38547 - Bedson, C.:
Flying Radio-Controlled Model Aircraft
25.00 €
41556 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Focke-Wulf Fw 190. The A-G Series - FlightCraft Special 02
29.95 €
43831 - Sawyer, P. cur:
Foundry Miniatures Compendium. Pirates to Darkest Africa
23.00 €
51912 - Nouallier, E.:
From Reality to Realism. Step by step guide for scale modelers
36.00 €
63830 - Giro, L.:
Galee veneziane per Capo da Mar. L'eccellenza della flotta remiera della Serenissima
23.00 €
47245 - Carbonel, J.C.:
Gamme Heller-Musee. Une saga francaise (La)
18.50 €
54209 - Brown-Backer, R.-S.:
German Battlecruisers of First World War - Shipcraft Series 22
27.00 €
64947 - Brown, R.:
German Destroyers - Shipcraft Series 25
27.00 €
35833 - Wiper, S.:
German S-Boats - Shipcraft Series 6
27.00 €
63853 - Derry-Robinson, M.N.:
Gloster Meteor in British Service - Flightcraft Series 13
29.95 €
49741 - Backer, S.:
Grand Fleet Battlecruisers - ShipCraft Special
39.95 €
69857 - Konnikova, M.:
Grande bluff. Abilita'. Fortuna. Controllo. Giocare a poker per capire il gioco della vita
19.50 €
35501 - Lopez, J.L.:
Gravity 1.0: Sci Fi Modelling Perfect Guide 2000's
35.00 €
72376 - Lopez, J.L.:
Gravity 2.0: Sci-Fi Modelling's Perfect Guide. 1980's Part 1: Heroes
35.00 €
72819 - Lopez, J.L.:
Gravity 2.1: Sci-Fi Modelling's Perfect Guide. 1980's Part 2: Villains
35.00 €
45821 - Lemaire-Windels-Jimenez, M.-J.C.-M.:
Guerre en Ukraine. Maquettes de blindes modernes
30.00 €
72430 - Toniolo, F.:
Guida ai videogiochi. Tecniche, storie, immaginari
19.00 €
49836 - Bulleri, D.:
Guida al motore a razzo
14.90 €
65675 - Grummitt, D.:
Guideline in Action 01: Atlantic Resolve. NATO's Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2018 Vol 1: Armor
21.00 €
67742 - Grummitt, D.:
Guideline in Action 02: Atlantic Resolve. NATO's Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2018 Vol 2: Aircraft
24.00 €
70071 - AAVV, :
H-39 H-44. Les projets du cuirasses allemandes
25.00 €
60154 - Winslow, C.:
Handbook of Model-making for Set Designers
29.95 €
60155 - Winslow, C.:
Handbook of Techniques for Theatre Designers
29.95 €
49767 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Hawker Hunter in British Service - Flightcraft Series 16
29.95 €
29377 - Robinson-Derry, N.-M.:
Hawker Hurricane and Sea Hurricane - Flightcraft Series 03
29.95 €
65149 - Lofting, R.:
Heat Treatment
25.00 €
35063 - Carbonel, J.C.:
Heller La maquette a la francaise
40.00 €
70406 - Oliver, D.:
Hetzer Jagdpanzer 38 Tank Destroyer - TankCraft 29
29.95 €
57114 - Green, B.:
How to Build Airfix's 1:24 Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ib 2nd rev edition
27.00 €
24275 - Marmo, R.:
How to build and modify resin model aircraft kits
27.50 €
57118 - Green, B.:
How to Build Revell's 1:32 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
21.00 €
57507 - Hatch, J.:
How to Build Revell's 1:32 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa
21.00 €
55655 - Nichols, M.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 F4U-1 Corsair
23.00 €
67740 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 F4U-1A and F4U-1D Corsair Vol 2
25.00 €
59274 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 Mosquito FB.VI
21.00 €
50483 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 P-51 Mustang
21.00 €
48713 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 Spitfire Mk IXc and MK VIII
21.00 €
45327 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:48 Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I
27.00 €
55654 - Pollard, S.:
How to Build Tamiya's Aircraft in 1:72, 1:48, 1:32
23.00 €
57506 - Pollard, S.:
How to Build Tamiya's Armour Kits in 1:35
23.00 €
57190 - Pollard, S.:
How to Build The Leopard family in 1:35
23.00 €
45330 - Creighton, A.:
How to Build The Steel Wheeled Tiger I (Rev. Ed.)
23.00 €
68530 - AAVV, :
How to Craftmanship Kotobukiya Models
35.00 €
36909 - Porto, J.:
How to make Buildings. Basic Construction and Painting Guide
29.95 €
70322 - Miniszewski, A.:
How to make Vignettes. Basic Guide
25.00 €
69670 - Jang, S.:
How to Paint Early WWII German Tanks 1936 - Feb 1943
33.00 €
41545 - Hamilton, L.:
How to Paint mid WWII German Tanks / Como pintar tanque alemanes de medianos de la 2GM
39.95 €
33672 - AAVV, :
How to Paint Miniatures for Wargames
45.00 €
58036 - Jimenez-Quijano, M.-D.:
How to Paint Winter WWII German Tanks 1940-1945
39.95 €
65317 - AAVV, :
How to Paint with Acrylics 2.0. Ammo Modelling Guide
29.95 €
31521 - AAVV, :
How to Paint with Acrylics. Ammo Modelling Guide
21.00 €
66056 - AAVV, :
How to Paint with Oils. Ammo Modelling Guide
21.00 €
72748 - AAVV, :
How to use pigments. Ammo Modelling Guide
35.00 €
34697 - Vae Victis, HS:
HS Vae Victis 04: Jouez 1914-1918
12.50 €
70892 - Guener-Segarra, Oe-R.:
IDF Colors. Painting and weathering techniques with Vallejo acrylic colors
39.95 €
45202 - Jimenez, M.:
Illustrated weathering Guide to WWII Late War German Vehicles
29.95 €
58018 - Gordon-Kommissarov, Y.-D.:
Ilyushin/Beriyev A-50. The Soviet Sentry - Flightcraft 06
29.95 €
60323 - AAVV, :
In Combat 1. Painting Mechas 3rd Ed.
25.00 €
33618 - AAVV, :
In Combat 2. Mecha Battleground
25.00 €
68526 - AAVV, :
In Combat 3. Future Wars
25.00 €
33403 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
In Detail Special 01: Me 210/410
33.00 €
36682 - Koran-Martinec-de Boer, F.-J.-J.W.:
In Detail Special 04: Strv 103B/C. S-Tank 103C at the Belgian Royal Army Museum and 1/35 and 1/72 Scale Models
33.00 €
39389 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
In Detail Special 05: Famo Sd.Kfz. 9 in detail
33.00 €
39472 - AAVV, :
In Detail Special 08: B-17G in detail
55.00 €
39473 - AAVV, :
In Detail Special 09: Staghound in detail
39.95 €
33738 - Ventura, P.:
In tempo di guerra
32.00 €
41549 - Cuevas, R.:
Inks in Modeling - AK Learning Series 16
15.00 €
29700 - Sbesta, Z.:
Inside and out 01: Zdenek Sebesta's Super Detailed Kit Collection (aircraft)
29.95 €
29724 - Kosek, M.:
Inside and out 02: Milan Kosek's 1/35 Scale Wreckage Collection (WWII German)
29.95 €
67274 - Valls-Sex, P.-Z.:
Iran-Iraq Wars 1980-1988 and its legacy - Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol IV
33.00 €
62979 - Oliver, D.:
Jagdpanther Tank Destroyer. German Army and Waffen-SS, Western Europe 1944-1945 - TankCraft 08
29.95 €
21332 - Oliver, D.:
Jagdpanzer IV. German Army and Waffen-SS Tank Destroyers: Western Front 1944-1945 - TankCraft 26
29.95 €
41361 - Oliver, D.:
Jagdtiger Heavy Tank Destroyer. German Army Western Front 1945 - TankCraft 42
29.95 €
64748 - Parker, D.:
Jagdtiger. Building Trumpeter's 1:16th Scale Kit
55.00 €
36542 - Fleurier, N.:
James Bond and Indiana Jones Action Figures - Action Figures and Toys 04
18.00 €
36543 - Fleurier, N.:
James Bond et Indiana Jones Action Figures - Figurines et Jouets 04
18.00 €
58915 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka - Flightcraft Series 12
29.95 €
64918 - Noszczak, M.:
Junkers Ju 88 A
29.95 €
28240 - Chesneau, R.:
King George V Class Battleships - Shipcraft Series 2
27.00 €
70366 - Skipper, B.:
Landing Craft and Amphibians. Seaborne Vessels in the 20th Century - Landcraft Series 10
29.95 €
60321 - Cabos, R.H.:
Landscapes of War. The Greatest Guide. Dioramas Vol 1
30.00 €
60322 - Cabos, R.H.:
Landscapes of War. The Greatest Guide. Dioramas Vol 2
49.95 €
51013 - Steinbrunn, R.N.:
Large Scale Armor Modeling. Building a 1/6 Scale Stuart Tank
55.00 €
65820 - Abi Chanine-Sex, B.-Z.:
Lebanese Civil War. From 1975 to 1991 and beyond - Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol II
39.95 €
27212 - Grummitt, D.:
Leopard 2. NATO's First Line of Defence 1979-2020 - TankCraft 28
29.95 €
70717 - Cerezo-Vidal, J.-C.:
Little Warriors Vol 2. Building, Detailing and Painting Small Scale Models - Modern Vehicle Vol 1
35.00 €
65817 - Cerezo-Vidal, J.-C.:
Little Warriors. Building, Detailing and Painting Small Scale Models - Modern Vehicle Vol 1
25.00 €
37365 - Merrick-Creek-Green, K.-E.J.-B.:
Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings 1933-45 Photo Archive 1
45.00 €
51918 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.01 Photos and Profiles
25.00 €
51919 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.02 Photos and Profiles
25.00 €
67875 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.03 Photos and Profiles
25.00 €
67874 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.04 Photos and Profiles
25.00 €
67873 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.05 Photos and Profiles
25.00 €
68592 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery No.06 Luck, Fate and Destiny
25.00 €
67872 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery Special No.01: JG 26 1937-1945 The Abbeville boys
39.95 €
67871 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery Special No.02: JG 77 1938-1945 fighting on every Front
39.95 €
67870 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery Special No.03: JG 54 1939-1945 The Green Hearts
39.95 €
67869 - Mombeeck, E.:
Luftwaffe Gallery Special No.04 JG 5 1940-1945 Fighters of the Midnight Sun
39.95 €
45885 - Green, B.:
Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain 1940. From Profile to Model. Classic Modelling Guide 01 (The)
29.95 €
56632 - Green, B.:
Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front 1943-5. From Profile to Model. Classic Modelling Guide 02
29.95 €
66057 - Grummitt, D.:
M1 Abrams. The US's Main Battle Tank in American and Foreign Service 1981-2018 - TankCraft 17
29.95 €
51100 - AAVV, :
M4 Modelling the Sherman tank
45.00 €
66993 - Griffin, R.:
M48 Patton. American Cold War Battle Tank - TankCraft 22
29.95 €
70745 - Grummitt, D.:
M60. Main Battle Tank America's Cold War Warrior 1959-1997 - TankCraft 37
29.95 €
51101 - AAVV, :
Made in Holland. A Portfolio of Dutch Master Modellers
39.95 €
38553 - Bray, S.:
Making Simple Model Steam Engines
36.00 €
68327 - Ass. Calligrafica Italiana, :
Manuale di calligrafia
28.00 €
27175 - Conte, F.D.:
Manuale di navimodellismo statico
19.00 €
61725 - Astier, F.:
Maquettes de Chars 14-18
29.95 €
65034 - Eens, M.:
Maquettes de chars 39-45. Allemands et sovietiques
30.00 €
54733 - Carbonel, J.C.:
Maquettes ESCI 1968-1999 - Figurines et Jouets 10 (Les)
25.00 €
48635 - Carbonel, J.C.:
Maquettes Matchbox 1973-2010 (Les)
21.00 €
59376 - Carbonel, J.C.:
Maquettes Revell Tome 1: 1950-1982 - Figurines et Jouets 11 (Les)
25.00 €
70320 - Lawler, R.:
Master Modeler Series Vol 1. With or Without
33.00 €
70321 - Andre', J.B.:
Master Modeler Series Vol 2. Water, Light and the Works
45.00 €
18743 - Alcorn, J.:
Master scratch builders. Tips and techniques of master aircraft modelers
49.95 €
71130 - Lund, P.O.:
Master's Collection Vol 2: A World of Dioramas
39.95 €
67277 - Vallejo, F.:
Mastering vegetation in modeling - AK Learning Series 10
15.00 €
58456 - Vanni, L.:
Materiale di trazione elettrico. Analisi, funzionamento e schemi elettrici delle locomotive dalla E.626 alla E.403
21.95 €
71616 - Coughlin, G.:
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom - Flightcraft Series 28
29.95 €
16921 - Granella, L.:
MD-82 Alisarda e Meridiana
24.00 €
64766 - Jackson, R.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 - Flightcraft Series 14
29.95 €
67462 - Schatz, S.:
Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet
29.95 €
60387 - AAVV, :
Metallics Vol 1 - AK Learning Series 04
15.00 €
60388 - AAVV, :
Metallics Vol 2 - AK Learning Series 05
15.00 €
38559 - Bray, S.:
Metalworking - Tools and Techniques
36.00 €
65818 - Valls-Sex, P.-Z.:
Middle East Wars. Arab-Israeli Conflict 1948-1973 - Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol I
27.50 €
59522 - Gordon, Y.:
Mikoyan MiG-31 Interceptor - Flightcraft Series 08
29.95 €
61850 - Gordon, Y.:
Mil' Mi-6/-26 Heavy-Lift Helicopters - Flightcraft Series 10
29.95 €
72594 - Lowry, B.:
Military Camouflage
25.00 €
32374 - Greenwood, T.:
Military Vehicle Modelling
30.00 €
38435 - Howarth, D.:
Military Vehicle Modelling and Conversions 2 DVD
59.00 €
36679 - AAVV, :
Military Vehicles Vol 2. Building, Detailing, Painting and Weathering
21.00 €
36680 - AAVV, :
Military Vehicles Vol 3. Building, Detailing, Painting and Weathering
21.00 €
38555 - Stride, M.:
Miniature Internal Combustion Engines
36.00 €
39372 - Jacobs, P.:
Miniature Ship Models. A History and Collector's Guide
60.00 €
68518 - Jackson, R.:
Mitubishi A6M Zero - Flightcraft Series 22
29.95 €
28531 - Tomalik, J.:
ML 059 Bell P-63 Kingcobra, XFL-1 Airabonita, P-39 Airacobra Vol 2
21.00 €
51529 - Foran, K.C.:
Model Building with Brass
45.00 €
60156 - Orton, K.:
Model Making For The Stage
29.95 €
46147 - Burkin, N.:
Model Railways Layouts, Design and Construction Techniques
29.95 €
41562 - Procyk, A.:
Model Rocketry. America's Hobby in the Cold War 1960-1980
35.00 €
58419 - AAVV, :
Modeling from Scratch. Styrene Manual - AK Learning Series 15
15.00 €
18949 - Jones, K.:
Modeling Military Miniatures with Kim Jones
21.00 €
41365 - Orczyc Musialek, L.:
Modeling Modern Armored Fighting 8x8 Vehicles
36.00 €
72756 - Wilder, A.:
Modeling Theoretical Soviet Subjects of the Great Patriotic War. Layering techniques
59.95 €
18950 - Jones, K.:
Modeling Weapons and Accessories for Military Miniature
25.00 €
67215 - AAVV, :
Modeling World's Most Iconic Tank T-54 T-55
35.00 €
64713 - Pocuc, A.:
Modeller's Guide. Superdetailing, Painting and Weathering Aircraft of WWII, with airfield accessories, ordnance and diorama
33.00 €
65521 - Ritger, L.:
Modellers Datafile 32: Vought F-8 Crusader. A Comprehensive Guide
39.95 €
65520 - Evans, A.:
Modellers Datafile Scaled Down 08: Dassault Mirage 2000 B/C/D/N and International Versions
25.00 €
69617 - Stanley, P.:
Modelling and Painting Fantasy Figures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
33.00 €
69616 - Stanley, P.:
Modelling and Painting Science Fiction Miniatures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
29.95 €
66219 - Farnworth, M.:
Modelling and Painting World War II German Military Figures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
30.00 €
68183 - Haskins, R.:
Modelling and Painting World War II US Figures and Vehicles - Crowood Wargaming Guides
27.00 €
69619 - Herne, J.:
Modelling British Aircrafts of World War II
30.00 €
66220 - Cole, T.:
Modelling British World War II Armoured Vehicles
30.00 €
63735 - AAVV, :
Modelling Churchills Book 1
39.95 €
61430 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 01: Knox and Baleares Class
21.00 €
61458 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 02: New Orleans Class
23.00 €
65969 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 03: Bismarck and Tirpitz
23.00 €
61431 - Van Gils, M.:
Modelling Full Ahead Special: Lexington Final Battle
21.00 €
69618 - Hooper, D.:
Modelling German World War I Aircrafts
33.00 €
66221 - Buckland, R.:
Modelling German World War II Armoured Vehicles
30.00 €
39023 - Green, B.:
Modelling Masterclass: Airbrushing and Finishing Scale Models
33.00 €
34736 - Prigent, J.:
Modelling Masterclass: Armour Modelling. A complete guide to building and finishing
33.00 €
43006 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Modelling Masterclass: Modeling US Armor of World War 2
33.00 €
52388 - Green, B.:
Modelling Masterclass: Modelling Luftwaffe Jets and Wonder Weapons
29.95 €
49440 - Clark, A.:
Modelling Masterclass: Small-Scale Armour Modelling
33.00 €
27086 - Scutts-Green, J.-B.:
Modelling Masterclass: WWII US Army Fighter Modelling
45.00 €
69620 - McCabe, M.:
Modelling Naval Ships in Small Scales
30.00 €
31519 - AAVV, :
Modelling School. An Initiation to Aircraft Weathering
27.00 €
30442 - AAVV, :
Modelling School. How to Build Urban Dioramas
27.00 €
38636 - AAVV, :
Modelling School. How to Make Mud in your Models
27.00 €
73038 - AAVV, :
Modelling School. How to use Vegetation in your Dioramas
35.00 €
31517 - AAVV, :
Modelling School. The Modelling Guide for Rust and Oxidation
25.00 €
60597 - and Fantasy Modeller, :
Modelling the Eagle
15.00 €
69621 - Belsey, A.:
Modelling World War I Trench Warfare
30.00 €
59865 - Speranza, S.:
Modellismo incontra la storia. La caccia della Regia Aeronautica nella 2a Guerra Mondiale (Il)
32.00 €
32362 - Santoro, L.:
Modellista navale (Il)
19.90 €
67275 - Vallejo, F.:
Modern Figures Camouflages - AK Learning Series 08
15.00 €
32942 - Soler-Jimenez, J.-M.:
Modulation and Light Techniques 2nd Ed.
29.95 €
29401 - Janowicz, K.:
Monografie 06: Fw 190 Vol 4
25.00 €
54052 - Graham, T.:
Monogram Models 2nd Ed.
35.00 €
31829 - Assoc. Scramasax, cur:
Montaperti. La battaglia nel diorama di Mario Venturi
25.00 €
23209 - Sundin, C.:
More Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile
49.95 €
57687 - Cross, R.:
More Vintage Years of Airfix Box Art
55.00 €
65968 - Mass, M.:
Mud - Rust n'Dust 01
15.00 €
68184 - Carpenter, R.:
Multimedia Building Techniques for Scale Model Aircraft
33.00 €
48784 - Tanzilli, G.:
Nave etrusca. Studio per la ricostruzione di una Monere oneraria e da guerra dei Tirreni del V-IV sec. a.C. (Una)
16.00 €
55001 - Tanzilli, G.:
Nave punica. I Punici e la quadrireme rodia di epoca ellenistica (Una)
20.00 €
42329 - Abbey, L.:
New Orleans Class Cruisers - Shipcraft Series 13
27.00 €
38637 - Golikov, S.:
Next Level Perfection. Taking 1/72 scale to the next level
29.95 €
36483 - AAVV, :
Nordic Edge Model Gallery (The)
39.00 €
38747 - AAVV, :
Nordic Edge Model Gallery Vol 2 (The)
39.00 €
49138 - AAVV, :
Nordic Edge Model Gallery Vol 3 (The)
39.00 €
52600 - Allevi-Cartacci, P.S.-D.:
OFFERTA Vol 1 + Vol 2 Volto del Comando. Dal quadro al figurino storico: ritratti tridimensionali in miniatura di ufficiali dell'epopea napoleonica
30.00 €
40509 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 1 Post War Armour
29.95 €
53652 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 2 StuG III
29.95 €
55196 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 3 British Steel
29.95 €
62433 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 4 Under the Red Star
29.95 €
67393 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 5 German Tank Killers
29.95 €
69790 - AAVV, :
On the Deck Vol 1 Naval Aviation in Scale
29.95 €
26735 - Ashley, G.:
Osprey Modelling 001: Modelling the Harrier I and II
25.00 €
26777 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 002: Modelling the Messerschmitt Bf 110
25.00 €
26757 - Coughlin, G.:
Osprey Modelling 003: Modelling the F-4 Phantom II
25.00 €
27035 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Osprey Modelling 004: Modelling the M3/M5 Stuart Light Tank
25.00 €
26736 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 005: Modelling the Matilda Infantry Tank
25.00 €
26989 - Oehler, B.:
Osprey Modelling 006: Modelling the SdKfz 251 Half Track
25.00 €
27019 - Sutherland, R.:
Osprey Modelling 007: Modelling the De Havilland Mosquito
25.00 €
26985 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 008: Modelling Panzer Crewmen of the Heer
25.00 €
26756 - Cortese, N.:
Osprey Modelling 009: Modelling IS Heavy Tanks
25.00 €
29884 - Edmundson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 010: Modelling the Jagdpanzer 38(t) 'Hetzer'
25.00 €
29890 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 011: Modelling the P-47 Thunderbolt
25.00 €
32061 - Green-Oehler, B.-R.:
Osprey Modelling 012: Modelling the Messerschmitt Me 262
25.00 €
29934 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Osprey Modelling 013: Modelling US Army Tank Destroyers of World War II
25.00 €
30553 - Davidson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 014: Modelling the M113 Series
25.00 €
30565 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 015: Modelling the P-40. Hawk 81, Tomahawk, Warhawk and Kittyhawk
25.00 €
30551 - Coughlin, G.:
Osprey Modelling 016: Modelling the F/A-18 Hornet
25.00 €
32012 - Clark, A.:
Osprey Modelling 017: Modelling the Panzer IV in 1/72 scale
25.00 €
32020 - Dwyer, S.:
Osprey Modelling 018: Modelling the Marder Self-Propelled Gun
25.00 €
32021 - Edmundson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 019: Modelling the German15cm sIG33 Bison and Grille
25.00 €
32015 - Cortese, N.:
Osprey Modelling 020: Modelling the T-55 Main Battle Tank
25.00 €
32007 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 021: Modelling the Churchill Tank
25.00 €
34784 - Edmundson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 022: Modelling the Sturmgeschuetz III
25.00 €
32062 - Tan, C.:
Osprey Modelling 023: Modelling Waffen-SS Figures
25.00 €
32033 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 024: Modelling the F4U Corsair
25.00 €
32016 - Criner, B.:
Osprey Modelling 025: Modelling the Mitsubishi A6M Zero
25.00 €
32014 - Cockle, T.:
Osprey Modelling 026: Modelling the Early Panzerkampfwagen IV
25.00 €
33461 - Coughlin, G.:
Osprey Modelling 027: Modelling the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A, F and G
25.00 €
33459 - Clark, A.:
Osprey Modelling 028: Modelling the Tiger Tank in 1/72 scale
25.00 €
33462 - Davidson-Johnston, G.-P.:
Osprey Modelling 029: Modelling the Challenger 1 and 2 MBT and Variants
25.00 €
33496 - vanBeveren-Johnston, S.-P.:
Osprey Modelling 030: Modelling the Panther Tank
25.00 €
34786 - Ortiz Forns, J.:
Osprey Modelling 031: Modelling Fallschirmjaeger Figures
25.00 €
33471 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 032: Modelling the Messerschmitt Bf 109B/C/D/E
25.00 €
34788 - Alvear, J.:
Osprey Modelling 033: Modelling the T-34/76
25.00 €
35949 - Spooner, S.:
Osprey Modelling 034: Modelling the P-51 Mustang
25.00 €
34789 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Osprey Modelling 035: Modelling the US Army M4 (75mm) Sherman Medium Tank
25.00 €
35950 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 036: Modelling the Messerschmitt Bf 109F and early G series
25.00 €
36625 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling 037: Modelling the Tiger I
25.00 €
36995 - Cockle-Edmundson, T.-G.:
Osprey Modelling 038: Modelling the Late Panzerkampfwagen IV
25.00 €
37317 - Glidden, M.:
Osprey Modelling 039: Modelling the F4F Wildcat
25.00 €
37318 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Osprey Modelling 040: Modelling the US Army M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank
25.00 €
38067 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 041: Modelling Scale Aircraft
25.00 €
39021 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 042: Modelling Scale Figures
25.00 €
39022 - Edmundson-van Beveren-Davidson-Carswell, G.-S.-G.-J.:
Osprey Modelling 043: Modelling Armoured Vehicles
25.00 €
42985 - Windrow, R.:
Osprey Modelling 044: Displaying your model
25.00 €
44612 - Edmundson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 045: Painting and Finishing Techniques
25.00 €
21616 - Scutts, J.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 01: Basic Aviation Modelling
25.00 €
21617 - Scutts, J.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 02: Advanced Aviation Modelling
25.00 €
21618 - Scutts, J.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 03: Basic Military Vehicle Modelling
25.00 €
21619 - Scutts, J.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 04: Advanced Military Vehicle Modelling
25.00 €
21620 - Bannermann, M.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 05: Intermediate Military Vehicle Modelling
25.00 €
21621 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 06: Airbrush Painting Techniques
25.00 €
21622 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 07: WWII Dioramas
25.00 €
21623 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 08: Modelling and Painting Figures
25.00 €
21625 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 10: Modelling Postwar Tanks
25.00 €
21626 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 11: Modelling Soft-Skinned Military Vehicles
25.00 €
21627 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 12: Postwar Aircraft
25.00 €
21628 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 13: Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger
25.00 €
21629 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 14: M-4 Sherman
25.00 €
21630 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 15: Panzerkampfwagen III
25.00 €
21631 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 16: T-34/76 and T-34/85
25.00 €
21632 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 17: Messerschmitt Bf 109
25.00 €
21633 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 18: Supermarine Spitfire
25.00 €
22582 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 19: North American P-51 Mustang
25.00 €
22543 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 20: Focke-Wulf FW 190
25.00 €
37636 - Caruana, R.J.:
P-47 Thunderbolt
18.00 €
66995 - Jackson, R.:
P-51 Mustang - Flightcraft Series 19
29.95 €
59512 - Juszczak, A.:
P-51D Mustang American Aces
29.95 €
19476 - Davidson, M.:
Painting Ancient and Medieval Warriors
21.00 €
39564 - AAVV, :
Painting Animal Figures - AK Learning Series 14
15.00 €
19477 - Davidson, M.:
Painting Civil War Miniatures
21.00 €
69660 - AAVV, :
Painting Female Figures - AK Learning Series 12
15.00 €
56782 - Lopez Ruiz, J.L.:
Painting Guide for AFV of WWII and Modern Era
23.00 €
66222 - Barber, S.:
Painting Miniatures for the American Civil War - Crowood Wargaming Guides
30.00 €
19479 - Davidson, M.:
Painting Napoleonic Miniatures
25.00 €
45229 - AAVV, :
Painting Secrets for Fantasy Figures
33.00 €
40766 - Torregrosa-Jimenez, R.M.:
Painting Wargame Tanks. 2 ed.
27.00 €
19480 - Davidson, M.:
Painting World War II Miniatures
25.00 €
72307 - Oliver, D.:
Pakwagen Sdkfz 234/3 and 234/4 Heavy Armoured Cars. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe Units, Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - Landcraft Series 11
29.95 €
63852 - Oliver, D.:
Panther German Army Medium Tank. Italian Front 1944-1945 - TankCraft 38
29.95 €
70744 - Oliver, D.:
Panther Medium Tank. German Army and Waffen SS Eastern Front Summer 1943 - TankCraft 34
29.95 €
68948 - Oliver, D.:
Panther Medium Tank. IV. SS-Panzerkorps Eastern Front, 1944 - TankCraft 32
29.95 €
66054 - Oliver, D.:
Panther Tanks. Germany Army and Waffen SS, Defence of the West - TankCraft 18
27.00 €
29323 - Oliver, D.:
Panther Tanks. Germany Army Panzer Brigades: Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - TankCraft 24
29.95 €
49139 - AAVV, :
Panther. 10 Subjects and their Stories
39.00 €
68717 - AAVV, :
Panthers. Modelling the Takom Family
33.00 €
65900 - AAVV, :
Panzer Aces Profiles 2. Guide to Camouflage and Insignia of the German Tanks 1943-1945
27.00 €
56816 - AAVV, :
Panzer Crew Uniforms - AK Learning Series 02
15.00 €
64213 - Jackson, R.:
Panzer I and II. Blueprint for Blitzkrieg 1933-1941 - TankCraft 07
27.00 €
71973 - Oliver, D.:
Panzer III German Army Light Tank North Africa. El Alamein to Tunis 1941-1942 - TankCraft 40
29.95 €
68960 - Oliver, D.:
Panzer III. German Army Light Tank. North Africa, Tripoli to El Alamein 1941-1942 TankCraft 36
29.95 €
29408 - Oliver, D.:
Panzer III. German Army Light Tank: Operation Barbarossa 1941 - TankCraft 27
29.95 €
63857 - Thomas, P.:
Panzer IV 1939-1945 - TankCraft 06
27.00 €
41367 - Oliver, D.:
Panzer IV Medium Tank. German Army and Waffen-SS Last Battels in the West 1945 - TankCraft 43
29.95 €
70743 - Thomas, P.:
Panzer IV Medium Tank. German Army and Waffen-SS Normandy Campaig, Summer 1944- TankCraft 35
29.95 €
66138 - Schoot, L.:
Panzerjaeger Elefant. Modelling Porsche's Panzerjaeger Inside and Out
29.95 €
42597 - Munch-Jaugitz, K.-M.:
Panzerjaeger. Technical and Operational History Vol 2
75.00 €
57707 - Trojca-Trojca, W.-G.:
Panzerjaeger. Technical and Operational History Vol 3
105.00 €
57814 - Trojca-Trojca, W.-G.:
Panzerjaeger. Technical and Operational History Vol 4
105.00 €
67272 - de Diego Vaquerizo, C.:
Panzerwaffe Tarnfarben. Camouflage Colours and Organization of the German Armoured Forces (1917-1945)
39.95 €
65971 - AAVV, :
Paper Panzer. Prototypes and What if Tanks
35.00 €
56781 - Lopez Ruiz, J.L.:
Peinture des blindes de la seconde guerre mondiale et modernes
23.00 €
53179 - Garcia Gazquez, J.:
Peinture des figurines de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
23.00 €
66608 - Wilder, A.:
Photoetched Parts - AK Learning Series 07
15.00 €
30251 - AAVV, :
Phototeque 3: Cocardes sur l'Algerie
15.00 €
40202 - Adduci, G.:
Piombo di Napoleone (Il)
28.00 €
31058 - AAVV, :
Planes and Models 01: Focke Wulf FW 190 A/F
18.00 €
40023 - Pernes-Souleys, E.-O.:
Planes and Models 02: Curtiss P-40
19.00 €
53624 - Barckley, R.:
Planning, Designing and Making Railway Layouts in Small Spaces
27.00 €
66860 - Beverini-Parodi, P.-A.:
Plastico ferroviario. 100 tracciati con schemi e indicazioni (Il)
25.00 €
38556 - Jones, P.:
Practical Garden Railways
36.00 €
72306 - Oliver, D.:
Puma Sdkfz 234/1 and 234/2 Heavy Armoured Cars. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe Units, Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - Landcraft Series 12
29.95 €
46513 - Brown, L.:
Queen Elizabeth Class Battleships - Shipcraft Series 15
27.00 €
29390 - Sardeo, G.:
Quelli del vampiro. Storia di una rinascita
25.00 €
38557 - Boddington, D.:
Radio-Controlled Model Aircraft
36.00 €
41403 - Hamilton, L.:
Rail Center Solution Book 01. How to Weather German Trains
19.95 €
65970 - AAVV, :
Real Colors of WWII. Aircraft
59.95 €
63891 - AAVV, :
Real Colors of WWII. Armor
55.00 €
70895 - Evans, A.:
Real to Replica Red 02: F-16 Fighting Falcon Part 2: International Versions
45.00 €
72117 - Evans, A.:
Real to Replica White 01: F-4A/B/N/J/s and RF-4B Phantom US Navy and Marine Corps Versions
27.00 €
72118 - Evans, A.:
Real to Replica White 03: F-4C/F-4E/F-4F/RF-4C/RF-4E Phantom European Operators
27.00 €
61436 - AAVV, :
Realistic Wood Effects - AK Learning Series 01
15.00 €
70893 - Cabrero, C.:
Red Steel. Modern Soviet/Russian AFV in action
45.00 €
26003 - Graham, T.:
Remembering Revell Model Kits 3rd Ed. Revised and Expanded
39.95 €
65805 - Taubert-Berse, U.-A.A.:
Revell Story. The Model of Success
45.00 €
65905 - Giuliani, G.:
Rivarossi. I treni, la storia, i protagonisti attraverso sessant'anni di modelli ferroviari
28.00 €
58931 - Ferrari, A.F.:
Rivarossi. L'evoluzione dei primi modelli delle FF.SS.
19.90 €
25403 - Pavia, C.:
Roma antica, com'era. Storia e tecnica costruttiva del grande plastico dell'Urbe nel Museo della civilta' romana
30.00 €
25724 - AAVV, :
Roma Victrix. Roman Army in Miniature
23.00 €
53392 - Gardiner, R.:
Sailing Frigate. A History in Ship Models (The)
39.95 €
32375 - Stanton, M.:
Scale Aircraft Modelling
30.00 €
50943 - Irvine, M.:
Scale Car Modelling
30.00 €
40809 - Howarth, D.:
Scale Military Figure Conversions
30.00 €
36302 - Howarth, D.:
Scale Military Vehicle Conversions
30.00 €
64513 - Canfora, T.:
Scale Model Challenge Eindhoven 2017 Showcase
25.00 €
60275 - Demiras, S. cur:
Scale Model Handbook - Diorama Modelling 01
36.00 €
60276 - Demiras, S. cur:
Scale Model Handbook - Diorama Modelling 02
36.00 €
42735 - AAVV, :
Scale Model Handbook - WWII German Military Forces in Scale Theme Collection Vol 1
29.95 €
60280 - Demiras, S. cur:
Scale Model Handbook - WWII Special Vol 1
29.95 €
63525 - Demiras, S. cur:
Scale Model Handbook - WWII Special Vol 2
29.95 €
64334 - Demiras, S. cur:
Scale Model Handbook - WWII Special Vol 3
29.95 €
34803 - Irvine, M.:
Scale Spacecraft Modelling
30.00 €
52504 - Backer, S.:
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau - Shipcraft Series 20
27.00 €
59409 - Wright, L.:
SCI-FI FAQ. The Complete Guide for Sci-Fi Scale Modelers
75.00 €
70739 - Grummitt, D.:
Scorpion and Scimitar. British Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicles 1970-2022 - TankCraft 33
29.95 €
63607 - Parker-Neville-Taylor, D.-M.-A.:
Scrapyard Armour. Scenes from a Russian Armour Scrapyard
36.00 €
20204 - Alcorn, J. et al.:
Scratch built!
33.00 €
20213 - Jones, K.:
Sculpting Miniature Military Figures
25.00 €
38359 - De Rogatis, J.:
Sheperd Paine. The Life and Work of a Master Modeler and Military Historian
99.00 €
32926 - Gawrych, W.J.:
Sherman IC Firefly - History and Model 01
33.00 €
71876 - Oliver, D.:
Sherman Medium Tank. Canadian, New Zealand and South African Armies, Italy 1943-1945 - TankCraft 39
29.95 €
61820 - Oliver, D.:
Sherman Tanks of the British Army and Royal Marines. Normandy Campaign 1944 - TankCraft 02
29.95 €
51383 - Oliver, D.:
Sherman Tanks. US Army, North-Western Europe, 1944-1945 - TankCraft 11
27.00 €
31518 - AAVV, :
Sherman. The American Miracle. Camouflage Profile Guide
25.00 €
56271 - Griffith, D.:
Ship Dioramas. Bringing your Models to Life
39.95 €
42530 - Griffith, D.:
Ship Models from Kits. Basic and Advanced Techniques for Small Scales
33.00 €
38548 - Chang, D.:
Slot-Car Handbook: The definitive guide to setting-up and running Scalextric style 1/32 scale ready-to-race slot cars (The)
25.00 €
31516 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 03: How to Paint IDF Vehicles
15.00 €
45211 - Qijano, D.:
Solution Book 05: How to Paint Imperial Galactic Fighters
15.00 €
68262 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 06: How to Paint USAF Navy Grey Fighters
15.00 €
68263 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 07: How to Paint Modern Russian Tanks
15.00 €
68264 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 08: How to Paint Bare Metal
15.00 €
68265 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 09: How to Paint Brick Buildings
15.00 €
69672 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 10: WWII RAF Early Aircraft
15.00 €
68715 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 11: How to Paint 4B0 Green Vehicles
15.00 €
69778 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 12: How to Paint realistic rust
15.00 €
69673 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 13: How to use shaders to create weathering effects and other techniques
15.00 €
69842 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 14. How to Paint WWII US Navy Late Aircraft
15.00 €
69843 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 15: How to Paint Italian NATO Aircraft
15.00 €
70061 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 16: How to Paint Modern US Military Sand Scheme
15.00 €
70062 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 17: How to Paint WWII German Winter Vehicles
15.00 €
71085 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 18: How to Paint WWII Luftwaffe Mid War Aircraft
15.00 €
71930 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 19: How to Paint WWII German DAK Vehicles
15.00 €
71931 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 20: How to Paint WWII Soviet Winter Vehicles
15.00 €
67169 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 21: How to Paint WWII German Mid-War Vehicles
15.00 €
73040 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 22: How to Paint WWII USA ETO Vehicles
15.00 €
36687 - Kopecky-Stepanek, M.-P.:
Sovetsky stredni tank T-34/76 1940-1943
36.00 €
63736 - AAVV, :
Soviet Armour in Foreign Wars. Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Afghanistan
45.00 €
41550 - Lemaire, M.:
Soviet Arsenal in the War in Ukraine (The)
21.00 €
55104 - Gordon-Kommissarov, Y.-D.:
Soviet Spyplanes of the Cold War - Flightcraft Series 01
29.95 €
72755 - AAVV, :
Soviets in Berlin - Las fuerzas sovieticas en Berlin
33.00 €
36749 - Pulinckx, K. cur:
Special Winter. Tanker Techniques Magazine Special Issue
27.00 €
55644 - Snowden, T.:
Spitfire Revisited. An enthusiast's Guide to modelling the Spitfire and Seafire
39.95 €
41206 - AAVV, :
Stahladler 1. The German Way of Engineering
35.00 €
52258 - Bruschi, A.:
Static model manual. Step by step Vol 04: Building
22.50 €
38561 - Darlington-Strong, R.-K.:
Stirling and Hot Air Engines
55.00 €
41272 - Serena, A.:
Storia del circo
26.00 €
68032 - Accordi Rickards, M.:
Storia del videogioco. Dagli anni 50 ad oggi
16.00 €
67759 - Zanfi, A.:
Strangefighters 1. Ovvero, F-104: Aspetti poco noti di un velivolo molto conosciuto
25.00 €
63737 - Veen-Hendrickx, J.-F.:
Stringbag! A Modeller's Guide to the Art of WWI Aircraft
45.00 €
66425 - Oliver, D.:
StuG III and IV. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe. Western Front 1944-1945 - TankCraft 19
27.00 €
58017 - Gordon, Y.:
Sukhoi Su-15. The Boeing Killer - Flightcraft 05
29.95 €
64767 - Cole, L.:
Supermarine Spitfire. The Mk V and its Variants - Flightcraft Series 15 (The)
29.95 €
68716 - AAVV, :
T-34 Colors. Camouflage Profile Guide
25.00 €
64412 - Oliver, D.:
T-34. Russia's Armored Spearhead - TankCraft 05
27.00 €
50304 - Jackson, R.:
T-54/55. Soviet Cold War Main Battle Tank - TankCraft 16
27.00 €
66053 - Oliver, D.:
Tank Destroyer Achilles and M10. British Army Anti-Tank Units, Western Europe, 1944 - 1945 - TankCraft 14
27.00 €
54079 - Rinaldi, M.:
TankArt 01: WWII German Armor
59.95 €
55014 - Rinaldi, M.:
TankArt 03: Modern Armor
59.95 €
59396 - Rinaldi, M.:
TankArt 04: WWII German Armor 2nd Ed.
59.95 €
61540 - AAVV, :
Tanker 02 - Extra Armor
12.00 €
61541 - AAVV, :
Tanker 03 - Dust and Dirt
12.00 €
61546 - AAVV, :
Tanker 04 - Damage inc.
12.00 €
64026 - AAVV, :
Tanker 05 - Mud and Earth
12.00 €
64028 - AAVV, :
Tanker 06 - Steel Cats
12.00 €
64029 - AAVV, :
Tanker 07 - Urban War
12.00 €
64027 - AAVV, :
Tanker 08 - Beasts of War
12.00 €
65810 - AAVV, :
Tanker 09 - Rarities and Variants
12.00 €
65811 - AAVV, :
Tanker 10 - Tricks and Tips
12.00 €
72049 - AAVV, :
Tanker Special IDF 01
25.00 €
72050 - AAVV, :
Tanker Special IDF 02
25.00 €
70420 - Lemaire, M.:
Technicals. Modelling Modern Light Vehicles from the 1950s and beyond
39.95 €
71826 - AAVV, :
Techniques for Creating Bases and Scenography
40.00 €
31721 - AAVV, :
Tecniche avanzate Vol 4: Colorazione e invecchiamento dei mezzi militari
15.00 €
49957 - AAVV, :
Tecniche avanzate Vol 8: Colorazione e invecchiamento dei mezzi militari
24.50 €
30135 - Gomez, M.:
Templars. A complete Introduction to the legendary Monk Warriors - Historical Warrior 1 (The)
21.00 €
61821 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I and Tiger II Tanks. German Army and Waffen-SS. Eastern Front 1944 - TankCraft 01
27.00 €
68949 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I and Tiger II Tanks. German Army and Waffen-SS. Last Battles in the East 1945 - TankCraft 31
29.95 €
49530 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I and Tiger II Tanks. German Army and Waffen-SS. Last Battles in the West 1945 - TankCraft 13
27.00 €
42901 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I and Tiger II Tanks. German Army and Waffen-SS: Normandy Campaign 1944 - TankCraft 25
29.95 €
69995 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I German Army Heavy Tank. Eastern Front 1942 - TankCraft 30
29.95 €
59003 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I German Army Heavy Tank. Eastern Front, Summer 1943 - TankCraft 20
29.95 €
64789 - Oliver, D.:
Tiger I German Army Heavy Tank. Southern Front: North Africa, Sicily and Italy 1942-1945 - TankCraft 10
27.00 €
70418 - Garcia Gazquez, J.-J.:
Tigers to scale. Assembly and painting guide for Tigers models and variants
45.00 €
70323 - AAVV, :
Tigers. Modelling the Ryefield Family
36.00 €
69662 - AAVV, :
Tint Inc. - Issue 01
19.95 €
70141 - AAVV, :
Tint Inc. - Issue 02
19.95 €
54332 - AAVV, :
Tint Inc. - Issue 03
23.00 €
70901 - AAVV, :
Tint Inc. - Issue 04
23.00 €
39865 - AAVV, :
Tint Inc. - Issue 05
23.00 €
55524 - Oliver, D.:
To the Last Bullet. Germany's War on 3 Fronts Part 2: Italy - Firefly Collection 06
25.00 €
61437 - Gonzalez-Perez, R.-M.:
Tracks and Wheels - AK Learning Series 03
15.00 €
15898 - McElvogue, D.:
Tudor Warship Mary Rose - Anatomy of the Ship
33.00 €
67276 - AAVV, :
Ultimate Guide to make Buildings in Dioramas (The) - AK Learning Series 09
15.00 €
72030 - AAVV, :
Urban Wars in Modern Conflicts
30.00 €
41547 - Gonzalez, R.:
US Armor in WW2
30.00 €
61434 - Zamarbide, D.:
USN Legendary Jets. Aircraft Scale Modelling Guide
35.00 €
58019 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
V-Bombers. Valiant, Vulcan and Victor - Flightcraft Series 07
29.95 €
64315 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 139 + Jeu
19.95 €
65607 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 144 + Jeu
19.95 €
66721 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 146 + Jeu
19.95 €
67258 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 148 + Jeu
19.95 €
67445 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 150 + Jeu
19.95 €
39746 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 151 + Jeu
19.95 €
39750 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 152 + Jeu
19.95 €
62411 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 153 + Jeu
19.95 €
72774 - Basarabowicz, T.:
Vehicles of the Polish 1st Armored Division. Camouflage and Markings, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany 1944-45
19.95 €
66394 - Jang, K.:
Victory. 100-gun First Rate 1765 - Shipcraft Series 29
29.95 €
42078 - Cross, R.:
Vintage Years of Airfix Box Art (The)
69.95 €
29127 - Calderon Gonzales, E.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 1 King Tiger. Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B
17.50 €
64706 - Calderon Gonzales, E.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 2 Panther. Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Sd.Kfz. 171
17.50 €
45242 - Robinson, P.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 3 T-54/TYPE 59
17.50 €
67729 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 4 Panzer I and II
17.50 €
70383 - Calderon Gonzales, E.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 4/bis Tiger Ausf. E
19.95 €
67600 - Ramirez Gomez, M.:
Visual Modelers Guide Wing Series Vol 1 F-104G Starfighter
17.50 €
69634 - AAVV, :
Visual Modelers Guide Wing Series Vol 2 Pucara IA-58
17.50 €
33666 - AAVV, :
Visual Modelers Guide Wing Series Vol 3 F-16 Viper
19.95 €
72549 - AAVV, :
Visual Modelers Guide Wing Series Vol 4 MIG 17 F
19.95 €
65252 - Giberti-Chiste', U.-F.:
Volontari di Garibaldi. La loro storia raccontata dai soldatini (I)
24.00 €
59719 - Allevi-Cartacci, P.S.-D.:
Volto del Comando Vol 1. Dal quadro al figurino storico: ritratti tridimensionali in miniatura di ufficiali dell'epopea napoleonica
15.00 €
65397 - Allevi-Cartacci, P.S.-D.:
Volto del Comando Vol 2. Dal quadro al figurino storico: ritratti tridimensionali in miniatura di ufficiali dell'epopea napoleonica
21.00 €
16286 - Lewin, C.G.:
War Games and their History
39.95 €
69040 - Sztarbala, K.F.:
Warbirds et Jets Vol 1
17.50 €
69041 - Haccoun, J.:
Warbirds et Jets Vol 2
17.50 €
41548 - Fontaine, B.:
Warhorses. How to paint and weather WW2 Trucks
21.00 €
67743 - Grummit, D. cur:
Warpaint Armour 01. Armour the Eastern Front 1941-45. German and Soviet Armour from Barbaross to the Fall of Berlin
29.95 €
68973 - Grummit, D. cur:
Warpaint Armour 02. NATO Armor 1991-2020. NATO Armour from the Cold War to Today
29.95 €
39234 - Brzezinski, S.:
Warships in Colour 02: Repulse 1941
19.95 €
46777 - Reed, P.:
Waterline Warship. An Illustrated Masterclass
39.95 €
69659 - AAVV, :
Weathering Pencil Techniques - AK Learning Series 13
15.00 €
45186 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: How to Paint 1/72 Military Vehicles
21.00 €
45188 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: How to paint IDF Tanks
25.00 €
45177 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: Iron Factory
25.00 €
45178 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: World War I
21.00 €
41544 - AAVV, :
Weathering Technical Guide. Metallized (The)
21.00 €
58237 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan 01: Aircraft Modelling 1:32
36.00 €
61708 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan 02: Aircraft Modelling 1:32
36.00 €
66518 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan 03: Aircraft Modelling 1:32
36.00 €
69242 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan 04: Aircraft Modelling 1:32
36.00 €
31307 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan 05: Aircraft Modelling 1:32 WWI
36.00 €
68533 - Canfora, T. cur:
Wingspan Special 01: The 1:32 Tamiya F-16C Fighting Falcon
15.00 €
16022 - Lavery, B.:
Wooden Warship Construction. A History in Ship Models
29.95 €
36009 - Koralewski, J.:
World of Military Dioramas (The)
21.00 €
69664 - AAVV, :
Worn Art Collection 01. Wooden
19.95 €
69665 - AAVV, :
Worn Art Collection 02. Chipping
21.00 €
69663 - AAVV, :
Worn Art Collection 03. Chernobyl
21.00 €
71052 - AAVV, :
Worn Art Collection 04. Camouflage
36.00 €
68554 - AAVV, :
Wrecked Planes/Aviones Destrozados
29.95 €
61435 - AAVV, :
WWI: the First Mechanized War
36.00 €
69666 - AAVV, :
WWII German Most Iconic SS Vehicles Vol 1
30.00 €
69667 - AAVV, :
WWII German Most Iconic SS Vehicles Vol 2
30.00 €
27789 - Mig Jimenez, :
Yakumo. Spanish Weathering Style
39.95 €
42330 - Wiper, S.:
Yamato Class Battleships - Shipcraft Series 14
27.00 €
65119 - Fiorentini-Peres, M.-E.:
Zero uno infinito. Divertimenti per la mente
18.00 €