Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Terrestre: Gran Bretagna
II GM: Gran Bretagna
II GM: Commonwealth
II GM: Altri Alleati
Armi Fuoco-Gran Bretagna
Armam. Terrestre (Generalità)
Armam.Terr.: Italia
Armam. Terr.: Germania
Armam. Terr.: Russia
Armam. Terr.: Stati Uniti
Armam. Terr.: Francia
Armam. Terr.: Giappone
Armam. Terr.: Altri Paesi
Armam. Terr.: Post 1945
Armam. Navale: Gran Bretagna
Arm. Aereo: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Terr.: Jeeps
Armam. Terr.: Moto
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Terrestri
Uniformi: II GM
Uniformi: II GM - Alleati
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 262 Prodotti
41114 - British War Office, :
17-pounder antitank gun (The)
27.50 €
47304 - Bradford, G.:
AFV Plans: 1914-1938 Armored Fighting Vehicles
21.00 €
47330 - Bradford, G.:
AFV Plans: Cold War Armored Fighting Vehicles
21.00 €
50598 - Riccio, R.A.:
AFVs in Irish Service since 1922. From the National Army to the Irish Defence Forces
39.95 €
64634 - Buffetaut, Y.:
Allied Armor in Normandy - Men, Battles, Weapons
33.00 €
15263 - Hogg, I.V.:
Allied Armour of World War Two
35.00 €
15265 - Hogg, I.V.:
Allied Artillery of World War Two
35.00 €
38132 - Bertin, F.:
Allied Liberation Vehicles 1944
21.00 €
39246 - Plowman, J.:
Armor Color Gallery 03: Camouflage & Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-45
27.00 €
64715 - Gregory, R.:
Armor Color Gallery 15: Camouflage and Markings of the British Expeditionary Force. France 1939-1940. Part 1: 1st Army Tank Brigade
39.95 €
43510 - Gawrych, W.J.:
Armor Photogallery 21: Sherman IC Firefly
21.00 €
47344 - Doyle, D.:
Armor Walk Around 022: Valentine Tank
27.00 €
57676 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 08: Hillman 10HP Light Utility Mk.I, Mk.IA, Mk.II, Mk.IIA, Mk.IIB
19.95 €
57674 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 09: GM C15TA Armoured Truck
19.95 €
57675 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 11: GM Otter Mk. I Car, Light Reconnaissance
19.95 €
59193 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 13: Lloyd Carrier Mk.I/Mk.II (Tracked Personnel Carrier (TPC), Carrier Tracked Toving (CTT), Carrier Tracked Starting and Charging (CTS and C), Carrier Tracked Cable, Layer Mechanical (CTCLM)
19.95 €
61552 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 15: British Anti-Tank Guns in CIABG during WWII - Ordnance Quick-Firing 2-pdr, 6-pdr, 17-pdr
20.00 €
71615 - Skipper, B.:
Battle of the Bulge. The last Counter Offensive in the West
29.95 €
65473 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 1: Scorpion, Scimitar, Trainer, Striker
39.95 €
65474 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 2: Spartan, Samaritan, Sultan, Samson
39.95 €
36367 - AAVV, :
Best of Military Vehicles DVD
18.00 €
56824 - Gander, T.:
Bofors Gun (The)
39.95 €
66994 - Jackson, R.:
Bren Gun Carrier. Britain's Universal War Machine - LandCraft 03
29.95 €
55912 - Le Sant, T.:
British and Canadian Soldiers in Normandy
15.00 €
40879 - Oliver, D.:
British Armour in North-West Europe (1). Normandy to Arnhem
19.00 €
71133 - Fletcher, D.:
British Armour in the Second World War Part 1: Great Tank Scandal. (The)
25.00 €
71132 - Fletcher, D.:
British Armour in the Second World War Part 2: Universal Tank
25.00 €
64860 - Fletcher-Zaloga, D.-S.J.:
British Battle Tanks. American-made Tanks of World War II
39.95 €
63106 - Fletcher, D.:
British Battle Tanks. British-made Tanks of World War II
39.95 €
67084 - Dunstan, S.:
British Battle Tanks. Post-war Tanks 1946-2016
45.00 €
15990 - Orchard-Madden, C.J.-S.J.:
British Forces Motorcycles 1925-1945
23.50 €
59922 - Taylor-Fletcher, J.-G.:
British Military Land Rovers. Leaf-Sprung Land Rovers in British Military Service
59.95 €
54951 - Vollert, J.:
British Military Trucks in Wehrmacht Service. Vehicles captured around Dunkirk, in France, Belgium, Greece and North Africa - Service on the Eastern Front, in the West, South and with the Afrikakorps
45.00 €
60001 - Freathy, L.:
British Military Trucks of the Cold War. Manufacturers, Types, Variants and Service of Trucks in the British Armed Forces 1945-79
45.00 €
55678 - Gosling, T.:
British Military Trucks of World War One. Types and Variants of British-Built and Non-British-Built Trucks in British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Flying Corps Service 1914-18
45.00 €
71135 - Fletcher, D.:
British Tanks and Armoured Cars in the First World War. Landships and War Cars
25.00 €
31086 - Fortin, L.:
British Tanks in Normandy
25.00 €
58481 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 02: Armour in Theatre Normandy Campaign Part 1. British and Canadian Forces
29.95 €
71273 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Carri armati britannici della Seconda Guerra Mondiale - Storia Militare Dossier 64
16.00 €
73327 - Forczyk, R.:
Carri armati nel deserto. La guerra corazzata nel Nord Africa da Beda Fomm all'operazione Crusader 1940-41
28.00 €
18180 - Cristini, L.S.:
Carro britannico Crusader - The Weapons Encyclopedia 028
22.00 €
68536 - Cristini, L.S.:
Carro britannico Matilda MK II - The weapons Encyclopedia 016
22.00 €
73344 - Cristini, L.S.:
Carro medio US M4 Sherman Vol 2: Carri UK and Allied - The weapons Encyclopedia 031
22.00 €
16132 - McCord, M.:
Cars of the State Police and Highway Patrol
27.00 €
63299 - Dunstan, S.:
Centurion Main Battle Tank Owner's Workshop Manual. 1946 to present
36.00 €
32370 - Jackson, R.:
Centurion. Armoured Hero of Post-War Tank Battles - TankCraft 14
27.00 €
59507 - Taylor, D.:
Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1983-2001 (FV 4030/4 Model)
39.95 €
66058 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 1. Bitish Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 21
29.95 €
64779 - Kreutzkamp, S.:
Challenger 2 Family in Germany (The)
30.00 €
24944 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 2. British Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 23
29.95 €
16202 - Dunstan, S.:
Challenger Squadron - Europa Militaria 29
21.00 €
26547 - Fortin, L.:
Chars Britanniques en Normandie (Les)
40.00 €
73130 - Varagas, C.:
Chars en France. 1940 l'Orage d'Acier
45.00 €
69722 - Segretain, F.:
Chars en Normandie. Ete 1944 le choc
45.00 €
66055 - Jackson, R.:
Chieftain. Bitish Cold War Main Battle Tank - TankCraft 15
27.00 €
66386 - Kent, R.:
Chieftain. Britain's Flawed Masterpiece
45.00 €
70961 - Suttie, W.:
Chobham Armour. Cold War British Armoured Vehicle Development
55.00 €
45917 - Doyle, D.:
Churchill Tank. A Visual History of the British Army's Heavy Infantry Tank 1941-1945 Part 1: The gun tank, Mk I-VIII (The)
27.00 €
62978 - Oliver, D.:
Churchill Tanks. British Army, North-West Europe 1944-45 - TankCraft 05
27.00 €
66992 - Manes, L.:
Cingolette britanniche della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Le)
19.90 €
34848 - Oliver, D.:
Codename Swallow. British Sherman Tanks at Alamein
25.00 €
26074 - Morrison, B.:
Combat Land Rovers Portfolio nr.1
25.00 €
47315 - Carter, I.:
Cromwell and Centaur - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
65005 - Oliver, D.:
Cromwell and Centaur Tanks. British Army and Royal Marines North-West Europe 1944-1945 - Tankcraft 09
27.00 €
51742 - Beale, P.:
Death by Design. British Tank Development in the Second World War
25.00 €
71505 - Forczyk, R.:
Desert Armour. Tank Warfare in North Africa: Beda Fomm to Operation Crusader 1940-41
49.95 €
41208 - Forczyk, R.:
Desert Armour. Tank Warfare in North Africa: Gazala to Tunisia, 1942-43
49.95 €
39040 - Smith, D.J.:
Discovering Horse-Drawn Transport of the British Army
12.00 €
37611 - Hart, A.H.:
Duel 002: Sherman Firefly vs Tiger. Normandy 1944
25.00 €
42956 - Dunstan, S.:
Duel 021: Centurion vs T-55. Yom Kippur War 1973
25.00 €
53586 - Higgins-Dennis, D.R.-P.:
Duel 049: Mark IV vs A7V
25.00 €
58763 - Higgins, D.R.:
Duel 071: M48 Patton vs Centurion. Indo-Pakistani War 1965
25.00 €
64055 - Higgins, D.R.:
Duel 086: Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV. Normandy 1944
25.00 €
68410 - Greentree-Campbell, D.-D.:
Duel 109: German 88mm Gun vs Allied Armour. North Africa 1941-43
25.00 €
70169 - Grant, N.:
Duel 118: Tiger vs Churchill. North-West Europe 1944-45
25.00 €
71488 - Short-Hook, N.-A.:
Duel 125: British Coastal Weapons vs German Coastal Weapons. The Dover Strait 1940-44
25.00 €
41184 - Newsome-Hook, B.-A.:
Duel 132: Valentine Infantry Tank vs Panzer III. North Africa 1941-43
25.00 €
73233 - Greentree, D.:
Duel 137: Crusader vs M13/40. North Africa 1941-42
25.00 €
63998 - Tytgat-Le Sant, J.-T.:
Dunkirk 1940 - Operation Dynamo Battlefield relics
15.00 €
27901 - Bartholomew, :
Early Armoured Cars
12.00 €
40581 - Spencer, M.:
Early Firearms 1300-1800
12.00 €
35732 - Griffin, P.D.:
Encyclopedia of Modern British Army Regiments
45.00 €
50987 - Chassillan, M.:
Encyclopedie des chars de combat modernes Tome 2: Royame Uni, Suede, Inde, Russie, Pakistan, Israel, Chine, Coreee du Sud
45.00 €
16639 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 06: Kanadischen Streitkraefte in Deutschland
17.00 €
53976 - Bull, S.:
Furie of the Ordnance. Artillery in the English Civil Wars
45.00 €
50682 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 09: Chasseurs de chars et engins d'appui allies
17.50 €
39110 - Vollert, J.:
Humber 1600 Series. Truck 1 Ton, 4x4, C.T. (The)
30.00 €
53884 - Delf-Ware, B.P.:
Images of War Special. Centurion Tank
27.00 €
53885 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in Northwest Europe
27.00 €
52104 - Ware, P.:
Images of War. British Tanks. 1945 to Present Day
27.00 €
51046 - Ware, P.:
Images of War. British Tanks. The Second World War
25.00 €
52425 - Ware, P.:
Images of War. Special Forces Vehicles
25.00 €
39473 - AAVV, :
In Detail Special 09: Staghound in detail
39.95 €
51711 - Taylor, D.:
Into the Vally. The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960
29.95 €
52700 - Riccio, R.A.:
Irish Artillery Corps Since 1922
39.95 €
34540 - Cooper, B.:
Ironclads of Cambrai. The First Great Tank Battle (The)
36.00 €
54289 - Luedeke, A.:
Kampfpanzer. Internationale Entwicklungen ab 1970 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
54288 - Luedeke, A.:
Kampfpanzer. Internationale Entwicklungen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
34303 - AAVV, :
Killer Tanks: The Churchill Tank
18.00 €
34304 - AAVV, :
Killer Tanks: The Cromwell Tank
18.00 €
34305 - AAVV, :
Killer Tanks: The Grant M3 Tank
18.00 €
34306 - AAVV, :
Killer Tanks: The Sherman Tank
18.00 €
57572 - Taylor, J.:
Land Rover Military One-Tonne
25.00 €
45788 - Taylor, J.:
Land Rover Series II and IIA Specification Guide
36.95 €
51729 - Taylor, J.:
Land Rover Series III Specification Guide
36.95 €
28287 - Pierotti, A.:
Land Rover. Defender, Range Rover, Discovery, Freelander
46.00 €
60636 - Ghi, V.:
Land Rover. Le vetture che hanno fatto la storia
28.00 €
68938 - Skipper, B.:
Land Rover. Military Versions of the British 4x4 - LandCraft 07
29.95 €
40287 - Arthur-Hearn, G.-S.:
LAV and Piranha. The Extended Family
13.00 €
56064 - McGuirk-Williams, R.-C.C.H.:
Light Car Patrols 1916-1919. War and Exploration in Egypt and Lybia with the Model T Ford
39.95 €
71020 - Doyle, D.:
M10 Gun Motor Carriage and the 17-Pounder Achilles Tank Destroyer - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
40412 - Taylor, D.:
Men Inside the Metal Vol 1. The British AFV Crewman in WW2 (The)
39.95 €
56498 - Taylor, D.:
Men Inside the Metal Vol 2. The British AFV Crewman in WW2 (The)
39.95 €
36368 - AAVV, :
Military Vehicles on Parade DVD
18.00 €
66220 - Cole, T.:
Modelling British World War II Armoured Vehicles
30.00 €
63735 - AAVV, :
Modelling Churchills Book 1
39.95 €
19013 - Fletcher, D.:
Mr. Churchill's Tank. British Infantry Tank Mk IV
59.95 €
16228 - Perrett-Chappell, B.-M.:
New Vanguard 004: Churchill Infantry Tank 1941-51
19.00 €
18746 - Fletcher-Sarson, D.-P.:
New Vanguard 008: Matilda Infantry Tank 1938-45
19.00 €
21429 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 010: Warrior Mechanised Combat Vehicle 1987-1994
19.00 €
20197 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 013: Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle 1972-1994
19.00 €
16457 - Fletcher-Sarson, D.-P.:
New Vanguard 014: Crusader Cruiser Tank 1939-45
19.00 €
16200 - Dunstan-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 023: Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-97
19.00 €
22603 - Henry-Fuller, C.-M.:
New Vanguard 048: 25-pounder Field Gun 1939-72
19.00 €
23908 - Henry-Delf, C.-B.:
New Vanguard 060: British Napoleonic Artillery 1793-1815 (1) Field Artillery
19.00 €
25393 - Henry-Delf, C.-B.:
New Vanguard 065: British Napoleonic Artillery 1793-1815 (2) Siege and Coastal Artillery
19.00 €
25784 - Dunstan-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 068: Centurion Universal Tank 1943-2003
19.00 €
26763 - Dunstan-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 080: Chieftain Main Battle Tank 1965-2003
19.00 €
26755 - Clarke-Delf, D.-B.:
New Vanguard 094: British Artillery 1914-18. Field Army Artillery
19.00 €
26782 - Henry-Delf, C.-B.:
New Vanguard 098: British Anti-Tank Artillery 1939-45
19.00 €
26768 - Fletcher-Bryan, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 100: British Mark I Tank 1916
19.00 €
33466 - Fletcher-Harley, D.-R.C.:
New Vanguard 104: Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50
19.00 €
32013 - Clarke-Delf, D.-B.:
New Vanguard 105: British Artillery 1914-19. Heavy Artillery
19.00 €
30568 - Henry-Delf, C.-B.:
New Vanguard 108: English Civil War Artillery 1642-60
19.00 €
30561 - Fletcher-Bryan, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 110: Universal Carrier 1936-48. The 'Bren Gun Carrier' Story
19.00 €
33463 - Dunstan, S.:
New Vanguard 112: Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank 1987-2006
19.00 €
32074 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
New Vanguard 113: M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank 1941-45
19.00 €
35946 - Fletcher-Bryan, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 133: British Mark IV Tank
19.00 €
37173 - Fletcher-Bryant, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 136: Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower
19.00 €
37176 - Fletcher-Bryant, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 139: Sherman Crab Flail Tank
19.00 €
42981 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 159: Staghound Armored Car 1942-62
19.00 €
47762 - Doherty-Morshead, R.-H.:
New Vanguard 177: Humber Light Reconnaissance Car 1941-45
19.00 €
47763 - Fletcher, D.:
New Vanguard 178: Mark V Tank
19.00 €
50877 - Fletcher-Morshead, D.-H.:
New Vanguard 189: Rolls-Royce Armoured Car
19.00 €
55469 - Fletcher-Morshead, D.-H.:
New Vanguard 207: Medium Mark A Whippet
19.00 €
56924 - Fletcher-Morshead, D.-H.:
New Vanguard 217: British Light Tanks 1927-45. Marks I-VI
19.00 €
58830 - Newsome, B.:
New Vanguard 233: Valentine Infantry Tank 1938-45
19.00 €
66548 - Fletcher-Morshead, D.-H.:
New Vanguard 272: Churchill Infantry Tank
19.00 €
68415 - Mortimer-Morshead, G.-H.:
New Vanguard 291: Vehicles of the Long Range Desert Group 1940-45
19.00 €
68419 - Mortimer-Morshead-Cano Rodriguez, G.-H.-I.:
New Vanguard 295: SAS Combat Vehicles 1942-91
19.00 €
68420 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 296: Tanks of D-Day 1944. Armor on the beaches of Normandy and southern France
19.00 €
70182 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 302: Tanks in the Battle of Germany 1945. Western Front
19.00 €
70185 - Konstam-Tooby, A.-A.:
New Vanguard 305: Warships in the Baltic Campaign 1918-20. The Royal Navy takes on the Bolsheviks
19.00 €
70188 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 308: Tanks at the Iron Curtain 1960-75
19.00 €
41192 - Hiestand-Rodríguez, W.E.-F.:
New Vanguard 321: Allied Tanks at El Alamein 1942
19.00 €
37294 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 267 Matilda (Tank Power Vol XLII)
22.00 €
44692 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 331 Valentine (Tank Power Vol XC) ENGLISH
21.00 €
51213 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 367 Cavalier, Centaur (Tank Power Vol CXIV) ENGLISH
21.00 €
31019 - Le Sant, T.:
Normandie 1944. Les Vehicules Allies et Allemands
25.00 €
48446 - Vale, M.:
Norton Commando. The Complete History
29.95 €
55196 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 3 British Steel
29.95 €
25329 - Joiner, J.H.:
One More River to cross. The Story of British Military Bridging
45.00 €
54210 - Skipper, B.:
Operation Market Garden. A Bridge too Far
29.95 €
26736 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 005: Modelling the Matilda Infantry Tank
25.00 €
32007 - Bannerman, M.:
Osprey Modelling 021: Modelling the Churchill Tank
25.00 €
33462 - Davidson-Johnston, G.-P.:
Osprey Modelling 029: Modelling the Challenger 1 and 2 MBT and Variants
25.00 €
43073 - Luedeke, A.:
Panzer der Alliierten 1939-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
39117 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 19-2 Beute-Panzerkampfwagen. British, American, Russian and Italian Tanks captured from 1940 to 1945
29.95 €
53806 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 007: Chieftain Main Battle Tank. Development And Active Service From Prototype To Mk.11
29.95 €
57014 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 009: Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank Vol I
29.95 €
57011 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 011: Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank Vol II
29.95 €
60837 - Taylor, D.:
Photosniper 023: British Infantry Tanks In World War II
29.95 €
66786 - Taylor, D.:
Photosniper 030: Challenger 2
29.95 €
29715 - Spurny, J.:
Present Vehicle 08: AS-90 Braveheart in detail
24.00 €
45740 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 26: Guardian in detail. M1117 Guardian and M1200 armored Knight
33.00 €
51697 - de Boer-Kautsky-Koran, J.-A.-F.:
Present Vehicle 29: Special Operations Landies in detail. Armed Landies used by Special Forces
36.00 €
51702 - Browne-Koran, K.-F.:
Present Vehicle 30: Ferret Scout Cars in detail. Ferret Mk.1, Mk. 1/2 and Mk. 2
45.00 €
51703 - Koran-Zwilling, F.-R.:
Present Vehicle 31: G31-M939 Truck Family. Modern US 5-ton Trucks
36.00 €
55009 - Zwilling-Collins, R.-M.:
Present Vehicle 33: RG-31 Mark 1/3 MRAP in detail
30.00 €
55848 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 37: Buffalo MPCV. Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle
27.00 €
57158 - Koran-Kautsky, F.-A.:
Present Vehicle 38: Up-armoured Landies in detail. Snatches of British Private Collections
30.00 €
61837 - Kautsky-Koran, A.-F.:
Present Vehicle 49: Airborne Landies in detail. Lightweights in British and Czech Collections
33.00 €
19904 - Vanderveen, B.:
Record of Military MACKs in the Services and Beyond (A)
39.95 €
70739 - Grummitt, D.:
Scorpion and Scimitar. British Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicles 1970-2022 - TankCraft 33
29.95 €
49817 - Hart, S.H.:
Sherman Firefly contro Tiger. Normandia 1944
15.00 €
32926 - Gawrych, W.J.:
Sherman IC Firefly - History and Model 01
33.00 €
71876 - Oliver, D.:
Sherman Medium Tank. Canadian, New Zealand and South African Armies, Italy 1943-1945 - TankCraft 39
29.95 €
61820 - Oliver, D.:
Sherman Tanks of the British Army and Royal Marines. Normandy Campaign 1944 - TankCraft 02
29.95 €
65665 - Bovi-Manes, L.-L.:
Sicilia.WW2 Speciale: Carri Armati Sherman in Sicilia
20.00 €
41716 - Koran-The Garrison, F.:
Special Museum 49: British 25pdr Field Gun in detail. British 25 Pdr Field gun in Artilleriemuseum Brasschaat and in the Garrison Collection
29.95 €
41720 - Koran-de Boer-Velek, F.-J.W.-M.:
Special Museum 53: Humber Mk.II Scout Car in detail. Humber Mk.II Scout Cars in Belgian Royal Army Museum and Private Collections
27.00 €
41721 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 54: MB Jeeps in detail. WWII Willys MB and Composite Jeeps
36.00 €
43513 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
Special Museum 55: Dingo Scout Car in detail. Dingo Scout Cars in the Belgian Royal Army and Military History Museum and in British Private Collections
25.00 €
45103 - Horak-Kennis-Koran-Velek, J.-J.-F.-M.:
Special Museum 58: Bofors AAA Guns in detail
27.00 €
49800 - Koran-Mostek, F.-M.:
Special Museum 59: Bantam Jeeps in detail. First Jeep of Robin Burfoot Collection
27.00 €
47859 - Koran-Kautsky, F.-A.:
Special Museum 60: SAS Panthers in detail
27.00 €
48941 - Gosling-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 63: Humber Mk.IV and GM Fox Mk. I in detail
35.00 €
51698 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 67: Bedford QL 3-ton WWII Trucks in detail. The British QL truck family in Belgian and British Museums and private collections
35.00 €
51706 - Horak-Koran-van Loon, J.-F.-M.:
Special Museum 71: M7B2 Priest in detail. A Restoration Masterpiece at the Artillery Museum Brasschaat
33.00 €
59196 - Koran-Browne-Mostek, F.-K.-J.:
Special Museum 78: Saladin Mk.2 in detail
30.00 €
61612 - Baxter-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 79: FAT. WWII Allied Field Artillery Tractor
45.00 €
65672 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 84: Bedford QL 3-ton WWII Trucks in detail. The British QL Truck Family in Belgian and British Museums and Private Collections
36.00 €
65673 - Horak-Hughes-Koran, J.-C.-F.:
Special Museum 85: Matador Gun Tractors in detail. Matador Tractors with 4.5 and 5.5. inch guns
35.00 €
68303 - Baxter-Corden-Koran, J.-J.-F.:
Special Museum 90: British Airborne Jeeps in detail. British WWII Airborne Jeeps and Trailers
45.00 €
39475 - Baxter-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 91: Daimler AC Mk.1 in Detail
30.00 €
38262 - Baxter-de Boer-Koran, J.-J.W.-F.:
Special Museum 92: SAS and LRDG Trucks in Detail
30.00 €
43973 - Doyle, D.:
Staghound. A Visual History of the T17 Series Armored Cars in Allied Service. T17E1-T17E2-T17E3-Staghound II-Staghound III
27.00 €
20787 - Jentz, T.:
Tank combat in North Africa
65.00 €
61296 - Sheppard, R. cur:
Tank Commander Pocket Manual 1939-1945. Instructions for Training, Tactics and In-theatre Operations (The)
15.00 €
66053 - Oliver, D.:
Tank Destroyer Achilles and M10. British Army Anti-Tank Units, Western Europe, 1944 - 1945 - TankCraft 14
27.00 €
67539 - Guglielmi-Calo', D.-R.:
Tank Master Special 07: Carri armati della grande guerra 1916-1918
14.00 €
44154 - Guglielmi, D.:
Tank Master Special 08: Campagna d'Italia 1943-1945. Unita' alleate terrestri
16.00 €
39238 - Moczulski , L.:
Tank Power 26: Churchill Vol 1
33.00 €
43210 - Jarymowycz, R.:
Tank Tactics. From Normandy to Lorraine
29.95 €
34003 - AAVV, :
Tankograd British Special 9002: Royal Armoured Engineers
23.00 €
38018 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9005: British Armour Evolution. Development, Types and Detail of Modern British Vehicle Armor
23.00 €
39120 - Nowak-Copley Smith-Maetzold, D.-S.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9007: REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Vehicles of 2nd Battalion REME - Equipment Support to 7th Armoured Brigade
23.00 €
39382 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9008: BATUS British Army Training Unit Suffield
23.00 €
39925 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9009: British Next Generation Armour
23.00 €
42073 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9010: Last Cold War Exercise of the BAOR - Key Flight '89
23.00 €
43058 - Nowak-Maetzold, D.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9011: RECCE. Eyes and Ears of 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
43527 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9012: BAOR in REFORGER. Vehicles of the British Army of the Rhine in the REFORGER Exercises 1975-91
23.00 €
44447 - Neate, T.:
Tankograd British Special 9013: Salisbury Plain Training Area. British Army Vehicles on SPTA - 1970s to Today
23.00 €
48364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9016: Modern British Army Tank Transporters
23.00 €
50328 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9017: Task Force Helmand
23.00 €
51686 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9018: British Nuclear Artillery
23.00 €
52436 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9019: Jackal High Mobility Weapons Platform and Coyote Tactical Support Vehicle - Light
23.00 €
53959 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9020: Challenger 1. The Last Cold War Era Tank of Britain's Armoured Corps
23.00 €
57201 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9022: Cold War Exercise Spearpoint 80. Joint British and American Forces face the Threat from the East
23.00 €
59187 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9023: Conqueror Heavy Gun Tank. Britain's Cold War Heavy Tank
23.00 €
59576 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9024: AT 105 Saxon. Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier of the British Army 1977 to Today
23.00 €
61512 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9025: MAN Support Vehicles. The most modern Trucks of the British Army
23.00 €
62398 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9026: British Cold War Military Trucks FODEN. Commercial Pattern Low Mobility, Medium Mobility and Variants
23.00 €
64364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9027: FV 620 STALWART High Mobility Load Carrier
23.00 €
65257 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9028: White Rhino 89. 'A Last Hurrah' - The last Large-Scale Cold War Exercise of the 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
66331 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9029: British Cold War Military Trucks - Bedford TM. TM-Series, 4-4 und 6-6 - The Last Bedfords for the British Army
23.00 €
67442 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9030: British Forces in Germany. The British Army in Germany - Post-BAOR to Today
23.00 €
69686 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9031: FV4201 Chieftain. Britain's Cold War Main Battle Tank
23.00 €
69687 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9032: Farewell BAOR. The Last Years of the British Army of the Rhine 1989-94
23.00 €
69685 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9033: CVR(T). Scorpion - Scimitar - Sabre
23.00 €
69684 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9034: CVR(T). Variants
23.00 €
70357 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9035: Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle
23.00 €
70358 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9036: Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades
23.00 €
71040 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd British Special 9037: Lionheart 84. The largest British Exercise of the Cold War
23.00 €
71905 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9038: BAOR-SLTA. Vehicles of the Legendary Soltau-Lueneburg Training Area of the British Army of the Rhine
23.00 €
25260 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9039: RAC Germany. Armoured Vehicles of the Royal Armoured Corps during the Cold War in West Germany 1950-90
23.00 €
20995 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9040. Iron Hammer 88. Divisional Training Exercise of the 3rd (BR) Armoured Division 'The Iron Division'
23.00 €
58620 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd Fast Track 11: Warrior FV510 TES(H). British Infantry Fighting Vehicle
15.00 €
48371 - Strasheim, R.:
Tankograd World War I 1003: Beute-Tanks. British Tanks in German Service Vol 1
29.95 €
48372 - Strasheim, R.:
Tankograd World War I 1004: Beute-Tanks. British Tanks in German Service Vol 2
29.95 €
46787 - Pidgeon, T.:
Tanks on the Somme. From Morval to Beaumont Hamel
36.00 €
31398 - AAVV, :
Tanks! On Campaign DVD
18.00 €
63507 - Francev-Brojo, V.-P.:
UK and US Armored Vehicles in CIABG and Czechoslovak Army 1940-1959
29.95 €
62083 - Francev-Brojo, V.-P.:
UK and US Tanks in CIABG and Czechoslovak Army 1940-1950
29.95 €
38298 - Watson, N.:
Universal Carriers Vol 1
55.00 €
22060 - Taylor, D.:
Villers-Bocage. Operation 'Perch' the Complete Account
55.00 €
51710 - Taylor, D.:
Warpaint Vol 4. Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003
29.95 €
21431 - Dunstan, S.:
Warrior Company - Europa Militaria 25
21.00 €
41756 - Porter, D.:
Western Allied Tanks 1939-45
33.00 €
56072 - Goudie, A.S.:
Wheels Across the Desert. Exploration of the Libyan Desert by Motorcar 1916-1942
19.95 €
43201 - Bradford, G.:
World War II AFV Plans: Allied Armored Fighting Vehicles 1:72 scale
21.00 €
28871 - Clarke, R.M.:
WW2 Allied Vehicles Military Portfolio 1939-45
25.00 €