Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Aereo: Stati Uniti
II GM - Guerra Aerea
II GM: Stati Uniti
Armam. Terr.: Stati Uniti
Armam. Navale: Stati Uniti
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Arm. Aereo: Italia
Arm. Aereo-Germania
Arm. Aereo: Russia
Arm. Aereo: Gran Bretagna
Arm. Aereo: Francia
Arm. Aereo: Giappone
Armam. Aereo: Altri Paesi
Arm. Aereo: post 1945
Armam. Aereo: Elicotteri
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Aerei
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 1280 Prodotti
63798 - Buffetaut, Y.:
101st Airborne in Normandy. June 1944 - Men, Battles, Weapons (The)
33.00 €
52818 - Paloque, G.:
12th and 15th Air Forces - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
52819 - Paloque, G.:
12th et 15th Air Forces - Histoires Aeriennes (Les)
29.95 €
15065 - AAVV, :
350th Fighter Group in the Mediterranean Campaign
27.00 €
57332 - Trombetta, P.:
362nd Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
55844 - Trombetta, P.:
404th Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
71545 - Brandt, S.A.:
406th Fighter Group. P-47s over Europe in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
52231 - Robinard-Trombetta-Clementine, F.-P.-J.:
50 Aerodromes pour une victoire. Juin-Septembre 1944
65.00 €
31839 - Pocock, C.:
50 Years of the U-2. The Complete Illustrated History of Lockheed's Legendary 'Dragon Lady'
85.00 €
61914 - Larson, G.A.:
54th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (The)
39.95 €
43630 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
43631 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Histoires Aeriennes (La)
29.95 €
68429 - Goodall, J.C.:
75 years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
75.00 €
22215 - Woerpel, D.:
79th Fighter Group over Tunisia, Sicily and Italy in WWII
59.95 €
69626 - Galbiati, F.:
8th Air Force. Aerei, uomini e operazioni dell' 8a Forza Aerea dell'USAAF 1944-1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 57
16.00 €
34455 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. American Heavy Bomber Groups in England, 1942-45
45.00 €
34456 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. Les bombardiers lourds de l'aviation americaine en Angleterre, 1942-1945 (La)
45.00 €
61913 - Howland, N.:
8th Army Air Force in Color. As Seen through the Eyes of Kodak Film (The)
65.00 €
40783 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. American Tactical Aviation in the ETO 1943-45
45.00 €
40782 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. Les groupes d'aviation tactique americains, 1942-1945
45.00 €
26262 - Mutza, W.:
A-1 Skyraider in Vietnam. The Spad's last War (The)
65.00 €
67102 - Neubeck, K.:
A-10 Thunderbolt II. Fairchild Republic's Warthog at war - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
38858 - Dunridge, N.:
A-10 Thunderbolt II: 21st Century Warthog (The)
49.95 €
69115 - Doyle, D.:
A-20 Havoc. Douglas's Attack Bomber/Night Fighter in WWII - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
71836 - Doyle, D.:
A-26 Invader. Douglas A-26/B-26 from WWII through Vietnam - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
69458 - Westwood-Valladares, Y.-E.:
A-6 Intruder. Grumman's All-Weather Interdictor from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
15123 - Logan, D.:
ACC Bomber Triad. The B-52s, B-1s and B-2s of Air Combat Command
75.00 €
41555 - Vangansbeke, L.:
Achtung Jabo! Les Chasseurs Bombardiers Allies au combat
45.00 €
43214 - Bowman, M.W.:
Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945
85.00 €
51817 - Chorlton, M.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 7: Scotland and Northern Ireland
39.95 €
69129 - Doyle, D.:
AD and A-1 Skyraider. Douglas's 'Spad' in Korea and Vietnam - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
15146 - Linares, R.:
Adversary. American Fighter Squadrons
39.95 €
41325 - Cortina, D.:
Aereo che cadde a casa mia. Sant'Antonio Tortal. Storia di un B-24G americano e del suo equipaggio (L')
15.00 €
15172 - Reade, D.:
Age of Orion: the Lockheed P-3 Story
65.00 €
50214 - Weiss, R.:
AH-1 Tzefa in IAF Service - Aircraft in Detail 07
39.00 €
48453 - Weiss, R.:
AH-64A/D Peten and Saraf in IAF Service - Aircraft in Detail 06
39.00 €
54926 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 002: F-16 Fighting Falcon Flying in Air Forces around the World
29.95 €
69834 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 021: Grumman EA-GB Prowler. Flying with the US Navy and Marines Corps
33.00 €
71891 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 025: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter flying in Air Forces around the World
36.00 €
71892 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 026: Boeing F15 E/K/SG Strike Eagle
39.95 €
71978 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 027: Boeing B-1B Lancer in service with the USAF
36.00 €
51959 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 028: Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter and Tiger II Flying in air Forces around the World
33.00 €
72527 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 030: Fairchild A-10 Tunderbolt II Flying in the United States Air Force
36.00 €
15183 - Mutza, W.:
Air 200 Aircaft of US Bicentennial
27.00 €
29107 - Butler-Hagedorn, P.-D.:
Air Arsenal North America. Aircraft for the Allies 1938-45. Purchase and Lend-Lease
69.95 €
42844 - Szlagor, T.:
Air Battles 11: Lighthnings of the US 12th Army Air Force
21.00 €
43953 - Szlagor, T.:
Air Battles 12: Lighthnings of the US 15th Army Air Force
21.00 €
63103 - Michel-Tooby, M.L. III-A.:
Air Campaign 008: Operation Linebacker I 1972. The first high-tech air war
27.00 €
66519 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Air Campaign 012: Ploesti 1943. The great raid on Hitler's Romanian oil refineries
27.00 €
67040 - Michel-Laurier, M.L. III-J.:
Air Campaign 014: Schweinfurt-Regensburg 1943. Eighth Air Force costly early daylight battles
27.00 €
41146 - Napier-Bangso, M.-M.:
Air Campaign 039: Korea 1950-53. B-29s, Thunderjets and Skyraiders fight the strategic bombing campaign
27.00 €
73207 - Davies, P.E.:
Air Campaign 046: Chrome Dome 1960-68. The B-52s' high-stakes Cold War nuclear operation
27.00 €
60017 - Libis, S.:
Air Force Legends 201: Martin XB-51
19.95 €
60054 - Wagner, R.:
Air Force Legends 202: North American Sabre Jet Part 1: F-86D/K/L
33.00 €
60074 - Simone, W.J.:
Air Force Legends 203: North American F-107A
49.95 €
60016 - Libis-Landis, S.-T.:
Air Force Legends 204: Lockheed NF-104A Aerospace Trainer
19.95 €
60018 - Pace, S.:
Air Force Legends 205: McDonnell XF-88 Voodoo
19.95 €
60064 - Berlin, E.:
Air Force Legends 206: Douglas C-124 Globemaster II
39.95 €
60062 - Curtis, D.:
Air Force Legends 207: North American Sabre Dog Part 2: USAF F-86 D/L
39.95 €
60039 - Pace, S.:
Air Force Legends 208: Bell Aerospace P-59 Airacomet
29.95 €
60060 - McLaren, D.:
Air Force Legends 209: North America P-51H Mustang
36.00 €
60022 - Pace, S.:
Air Force Legends 210: Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor
19.95 €
60052 - Curtis, D.:
Air Force Legends 211: North American Sabre Dog Part 3: ANG and Foreign F-86D/K/L
33.00 €
60063 - Berlin, E.:
Air Force Legends 212: North American F-86H Sabre 'Hog'
49.95 €
60081 - Norton, W.:
Air Force Legends 213: Vought/Hiller/Ryan XC-142A Tiltwing VSTOL Transport
59.95 €
60021 - Ginter, S.:
Air Force Legends 214: Consolidated Vultee XP-81
19.95 €
60086 - Drendel-Taylor, L.-N.:
Air Force Legends 216: United States Air Force in Vietnam
65.00 €
60061 - Balzer, G.:
Air Force Legends 217: Curtiss XP-55 Ascender
39.95 €
60088 - Carey, A.:
Air Force Legends 218: Lockheed F-94 Starfire
65.00 €
60023 - Ginter, S.:
Air Force Legends 219: Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech
25.00 €
62062 - Ginter, S.:
Air Force Legends 221: Consolidated Vultee (Convair) XB-46
36.00 €
52346 - Chorlton-Tooby, M.-A.:
Air Vanguard 001: Allison-Engined P-51 Mustang
23.00 €
52347 - Davies-Tooby, P.-A.:
Air Vanguard 002: Republic F-105 Thunderchief
23.00 €
54547 - Chorlton-Tooby, M.-A.:
Air Vanguard 004: Martin B-26 Marauder
23.00 €
53571 - Davies-Tooby, P.-A.:
Air Vanguard 007: USAF McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
23.00 €
53572 - Molesworth, C.:
Air Vanguard 008: Curtiss P-40. Long-nosed Tomahawks
23.00 €
54549 - Davies-Morshead, P.-H.:
Air Vanguard 010: General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark
23.00 €
54550 - Molesworth, C.:
Air Vanguard 011: Curtiss P-40 Snub-nosed Kittyhawks and Warhawks
23.00 €
55426 - Crickmore-Tooby, P.F.-A.:
Air Vanguard 012: Lockheed A-12 The CIA's Blackbird and other variants
23.00 €
56878 - Crickmore-Tooby, P.F-A.:
Air Vanguard 016: Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter
23.00 €
56879 - D'Angina-Tooby, J.-A.:
Air Vanguard 017: Vought F4U Corsair
23.00 €
57359 - Crickmore-Tooby, P.F.-A.:
Air Vanguard 020: Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird
23.00 €
58719 - Davies, P.:
Air Vanguard 022: USN McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
23.00 €
48526 - Ripley, T.:
Air War Afghanistan. US and NATO Air Operations from 2001
39.95 €
30363 - Flint, K.:
Airborne Armour. Tetrarch, Locust, Hamilcar and the 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment 1930-50
39.95 €
68529 - Eden-Moeng, P.-S. cur:
Aircraft anatomy. A Technical guide to Military Aircraft from WWII to the modern day
39.95 €
42194 - Roberts, M.L.:
Aircraft Histories of the Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II
85.00 €
15673 - Birdsall, S.:
Aircraft in Action 050: B-26 Marauder
15.00 €
61656 - Davis, L.:
Aircraft in Action 080: B-24 Liberator
27.00 €
35165 - Mesko, J.:
Aircraft in Action 144: A-20 Havoc
15.00 €
62554 - Doyle, D.:
Aircraft in Action 241: F-105 Thunderchief
27.00 €
62550 - Doyle, D.:
Aircraft in Action 244: F-104 Starfighter
27.00 €
63400 - Sullivan-Greer, J.-D.:
Aircraft in Action 246: A-1 Skyraider
27.00 €
65125 - Doyle, D.:
Aircraft in Action 247: F-15 Eagle
27.00 €
19463 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 001: P-51 Mustang Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
21498 - Tillman-Davey, B.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 003: Wildcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
18359 - Dorr-Davey, R.F.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 004: Korean War Aces
27.00 €
19053 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 007: Mustang Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces and the RAF
27.00 €
16413 - Styling-Styling, M.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 008: Corsair Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17908 - Tillman-Styling, B.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 010: Hellcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
18503 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 014: P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
18502 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 019: P-38 Lightning Aces of the ETO/MTO
27.00 €
19461 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 024: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
20875 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 026: Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
20876 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 030: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces
27.00 €
18548 - O'Leary, M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 031: Long Reach. VIII Fighter Command at War (Special edit.)
27.00 €
19458 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 035: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the CBI
27.00 €
19454 - Stanaway-Laurier, J.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 036: P-39 Airacobra Aces of World War II
27.00 €
21635 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 042: American Aces of World War I
27.00 €
22585 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 043: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the MTO
27.00 €
25228 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 051: 'Down to Earth' Strafing Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
25786 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 055: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
26733 - Aloni, S.:
Aircraft of the Aces 060: Israeli F-4 Phantom II Aces
27.00 €
26787 - Holmes-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 061: 'Twelve to One' V Fighter Command Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
33493 - Thompson, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 070: F-86 Sabre Aces of the 51st Fighter Wing
27.00 €
34740 - Thompson, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 072: F-86 Sabre Aces of the 4th Fighter Wing
27.00 €
34742 - Mellinger, G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 074: Soviet Lend-Lease Fighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
33150 - Thompson, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 084: American Nightfighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40723 - Persyn, L.:
Aircraft of the Aces 086: P-36 Hawk Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40725 - Guttman, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 088: Pusher Aces of World War I
27.00 €
44581 - Stenman, K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 091: Brewster F2A Buffalo Aces of World War II
27.00 €
44582 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 093: RAF Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces
27.00 €
46429 - Bucholtz-Davey, C.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 096: Mustang Aces of the 357th Fighter Group
27.00 €
52343 - Blake-Davey, S.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 108: P-38 Lightning Aces of the 82nd Fighter Group
27.00 €
52344 - Young-Styling, E.M.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 109: American Aces Against the Kamikaze
27.00 €
54544 - McKelvey Cleaver-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 115: Aces of the 78th Fighter Group
27.00 €
55429 - Ivie-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 117: Aces of the 325th Fighter Group
27.00 €
55430 - Young-Laurier, E.M.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 119: F6F Hellcat Aces of VF-9
27.00 €
55431 - Stanaway-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 120: P-38 Lightning Aces 1942-43
27.00 €
56880 - Thomas-Thomas, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 122: Spitfire Aces of Northwest Europe
27.00 €
57355 - McKelvey Cleaver-Laurier, T.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 125: F4F Wildcat and F6F Hellcat Aces of VF-2
27.00 €
63085 - Chapis-Thomas-Laurier, S.-A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 136: Allied Jet Killers of World War 2
27.00 €
42575 - Jacobs, P.:
Airfields of the D-Day Invasion Air Force. 2nd Tactical Air Force in South-East England in WWII
25.00 €
15211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Airfields of the Eighth Then and now
45.00 €
69966 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 18: North American P-51D/K Mustang. Including the P-51H and XP-51F, G and J. A Complete Guide To The Cadillac of The Skies
45.00 €
71117 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 19: Lockheed P-38 Lightining. Including the F-4 and F-5. A Complete Guide To The Fork-tailed Devil
45.00 €
55585 - Zamarbide, D.:
Airframe Constructor 01: Building the North American P-51D Mustang. A Detailed Guide to to building the Zoukei-Mura 1/32nd kit
22.00 €
38124 - AAVV, :
Allied Bombers DVD
18.00 €
28184 - Spick, M.:
Allied Fighter Aces. The Air Combat Tactics and Techniques of World War II
33.00 €
40179 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 02: Martin Marauder Mk.I
18.00 €
40180 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 03: Northrop BT-1
16.00 €
40182 - Jennks-Laird-Listemann, C.-M.-P.H.:
Allied Wings 05: The Dauntless in RNZAF Service
18.00 €
45953 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 06: Grumman FF
18.00 €
45954 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 07: Boeing Fortress MK.1
18.00 €
45956 - Listemann-Laird, P.H.-M.:
Allied Wings 09: North American B-25 in Australian Service
19.95 €
69052 - Parsons, G.:
Alpine Hornets F/A 18 in the Swiss Air Force
35.00 €
35972 - Jarski-Pajdosz, A.-W.:
AM 020 F6F Hellcat ENGLISH
49.95 €
15301 - Glines, C.:
Amazing Gooney bird: the Saga of the legendary DC-3 / C-47
59.95 €
15337 - Dean, F.:
America's Army and Air Force Airplanes. Post WWI to the Present
65.00 €
65439 - Adamcik, R.A.:
America's Great Endeavour. The Missions of Space Shuttle Endeavour
29.95 €
15340 - Dean, F.:
America's hundred thousands: US production fighters of WWII
75.00 €
15338 - Dean, F.:
America's Navy and Marine Corps Airplanes. Post WWI to the Present
65.00 €
52406 - Peck, G.R. Jr:
America's Secret MiG Squadron. The Red Eagles of Project Constant Peg
21.00 €
22449 - Goodall, J.C.:
America's Stealth Fighters and Bombers B-2, F-117, YF-22, and YF-23
29.95 €
23509 - Hess, W.:
America's Top WWII Aces
27.00 €
51206 - Norton, B.:
American Bomber Aircraft Development in WWII
39.95 €
15304 - Campbell, J.:
American Bombers of WWII Vol 1 - Consolidated B-24
49.95 €
15305 - Campbell, J.:
American Bombers of WWII Vol 2 - Boeing B-29 Superfortress
59.95 €
24396 - Freeman, R.:
American Eagles 3 - P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the 8th Air Force
29.95 €
23258 - Buttler, T.:
American Experimental Fighters of WWII. The Pursuit of Excellence
55.00 €
70556 - Casari, B.:
American Military Aircraft 1908-1919
125.00 €
46179 - Samson, V.:
American Missile Defense. A Reference Handbook
49.95 €
52511 - Nicklas, B.:
American Missiles. The Complete Smithsonian Field Guide. 1962 to the Present Day
55.00 €
46597 - Buttler, T.:
American Secret Projects 4: Bombers, Attack and Anti-Submarine Aircraft 1945 to 1974
45.00 €
39576 - Balzer, G.:
American Secret Pusher Fighters of WWII. XP-54, XP-55, and XP-56
49.95 €
45266 - Darling, K.:
American X and Y Planes Vol 1. Experimental Aircraft to 1945
29.95 €
45798 - Darling, K.:
American X and Y Planes Vol 2. Experimental Aircraft since 1945
29.95 €
36737 - AAVV, :
Amerikanische Kampfflugzeuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs
15.00 €
15396 - Wagner, R.:
Any Place, Any Time, Any Where. The 1st Air Commandos in WWII
49.95 €
59741 - Willmin, D.:
Apache in European Service (The)
29.95 €
65440 - AAVV, :
Apollo 11. The Flight to Land the First Man on the Moon - Libro+DVD
33.00 €
54970 - Baker, D.:
Apollo 13 Manual 50th Anniversary Edition. 1970 (including Saturn V, CM-109, SM-109, LM-7)
39.95 €
41681 - Cavina, S.:
Apollo. La sfida alla Luna
35.00 €
46660 - Grasso, L.:
Araba Fenice. Storia di un F-104 che riprende il volo (L')
27.00 €
35084 - Yenne, B.:
Area 51 Black Jets. A History of the Aircraft Developed at Groom Lake, America's Secret Aviation Base
33.00 €
54616 - Da Forno-Foschia, G.-N.:
Armonie di colori in volo. L'universo delle Pattuglie Acrobatiche Militari
48.00 €
66285 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Assi della caccia americana (Gli)
20.00 €
15595 - Stanaway, J.:
Attack and Conquer. The 8th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
56272 - Neubeck, K:
AV-8B Harrier II. The US Marine Corps VSTOL Jet Aircraft - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
15080 - Freeman, R.A.:
Aviation Elite Units 002: 56th Fighter Group
27.00 €
21581 - Hess, W.N.:
Aviation Elite Units 007: 354th Fighter Group
27.00 €
22502 - Ivie-Tullis, T.G.-T.:
Aviation Elite Units 008: 352nd Fighter Group
27.00 €
23438 - Smith, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 010: 359th Fighter Group
27.00 €
25511 - O Neill-Styling, B.-M.:
Aviation Elite Units 011: 303 Bombardment Group
27.00 €
29895 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 014: 49th Fighter Group. Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
29892 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 017: SPA124 Lafayette Escadrille. American Volunteer Airmen in World War I
27.00 €
34743 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 021: Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
35899 - Stanaway-Davey, J.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 023: 475th Fighter Group
27.00 €
35900 - Bucholtz-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 024: 332nd Fighter Group - Tuskegee Airmen
27.00 €
38024 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 028: USAS 1st Pursuit Group
27.00 €
40727 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 031: 23rd Fighter Group. Chennault's Sharks
27.00 €
40728 - Stanaway, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 032: 479th Fighter Group. Riddle's Raiders
27.00 €
44585 - Nijboer, D.:
Aviation Elite Units 035: No 126 Wing RCAF
27.00 €
44586 - Tillman, B.:
Aviation Elite Units 036: VF-11/111 'Sundowners' 1943-95
27.00 €
47706 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 039: 57th Fighter Group. First in the Blue
27.00 €
57630 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 02/1: El mitico McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II (US Navy y US Marine Corps)
18.95 €
57629 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 02/2: El mitico McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II (US Navy y US Marine Corps)
18.95 €
57631 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 03/1: Curtiss Hawk (del P-36 al P-40), un caza universal
18.95 €
57628 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 03/2: Curtiss Hawk (del P-36 al P-40), un caza universal
18.95 €
61360 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 03/3: Curtiss Hawk (del P-36 al P-40), un caza universal
18.95 €
57633 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 11/1: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
18.95 €
57634 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 11/2: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
18.95 €
61364 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 11/3: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
18.95 €
61365 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 11/4: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
18.95 €
61369 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 16/1: Chanche Vought F4U/AU-1 Corsair y Goodyear F2G
21.00 €
73151 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 18/1: North American F-86 Sabre y FJ Fury
21.00 €
73152 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 18/2: North American F-86 Sabre y FJ Fury
21.00 €
40021 - Lert, F.:
Avions de combat Americains 01: Grumman F-14 Tomcat au combat (Les)
19.50 €
45827 - Lert, F.:
Avions de combat Americains 02: le F-16 Tome 1. Fighting Falcon versions A-B (Les)
19.95 €
54792 - Lert, F.:
Avions de combat Americains 03: le F-16 Tome 2. Fighting Falcon versions A-B (Les)
19.95 €
40024 - Pernes-Souleys, E.-O.:
Avions et Maquettes 02: Curtiss P-40
19.50 €
49638 - Fildes, D.W.:
Avro Type 698 Vulcan. The Secrets Behind its Design and Development (The)
45.00 €
23536 - Armistead, E.:
AWACS and Hawkeyes. The Complete History of Airborne Early Warning Aircraft
35.00 €
70642 - Caliaro, L.:
B-17 Flying Fortress - Storia Militare Briefing 32
15.00 €
15661 - Freeman-Osborne, R.A.-D.:
B-17 Flying Fortress Story (The)
35.00 €
67104 - Doyle, D.:
B-17 Flying Fortress Vol 1: Boeing's Model 299 through B-17D in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68929 - Doyle, D.:
B-17 Flying Fortress Vol 2: Boeing's B-17E through B-17H in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
31270 - Jackson, R.:
B-17 Flying Fortress. Weapons of War (The)
25.00 €
28179 - Bowman, M.W.:
B-17 Groups of the 8th Air Force in Focus
33.00 €
49615 - Simons-Friedman, G.-S.H.:
B-17 The Fifteen Ton Flying Fortress
25.00 €
34231 - Hill-Beitling, M.D.-R.:
B-24 Liberators of the 15th Air Force/49th Bomb Wing in World War II
75.00 €
15669 - Forman, W.:
B-24 Nose Art Name Directory
23.50 €
56304 - Wolf, W.:
B-25 Mitchell Vol 1: The A through D Models in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
56298 - Wolf, W.:
B-25 Mitchell Vol 2: The G through J, F-10, and PBJ Models in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67105 - Doyle, D.:
B-26 Marauder. Martin's Medium Bomber in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67106 - Doyle, D.:
B-29 Superfortress Vol 1: Boeing's XB-29 through B-29B in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68451 - Doyle, D.:
B-29/B-50 Superfortress Vol 2: Post-World War II and Korea - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
65467 - Doyle, D.:
B-52 Stratofortress. Boeing's Iconic Bomber from 1952 to the Present - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
69128 - Doyle, D.:
B-58 Hustler. Convair's Cold War Mach 2 Bomber - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
28541 - Kopanski, T.:
Barbarossa Victims. Luftwaffe Kills in the East
22.50 €
55400 - Pape, G.R.:
Bats. The History of Iowa's Air National Guard 174th Squadron from Fighter to Tanker (The)
75.00 €
28141 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol I: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the 8th Air Force in WWII. (VIII) Bomber Command
59.95 €
34888 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol II: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the 8th Air Force in WWII. (VIII) Fighter Command
59.95 €
38727 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol III: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the 9th Air Force in WWII. The Orphan Air Force of the ETO
59.95 €
43846 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol IV: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the US Army Air Force in WWII. European, African, Middle Eastern Theater of Operations
59.95 €
54042 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol V: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the US Army Air Forces in World War II. Pacific Theater of Operations
59.95 €
62545 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol VI: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the 10th, 14th and 20th USAAFs: China-Burma-India Theater of Operations and the Western Pacific Area
59.95 €
15776 - Larkins, W.:
Battleship and Cruiser aircraft of the US Navy 1910-49
65.00 €
53145 - Storaro, F.:
Beechcraft C-45, Douglas C-47-C-53, Fairchild C-119G in Italian Service
25.00 €
63193 - Mutza, W.:
Bell 47/H-13 Sioux Helicopter. Military and Civilian Use. 1946 to the Present - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
54262 - Luedeke, A.:
Bell AH-1 'Cobra'
35.00 €
65059 - Luedeke, A.:
Bell AH-1 Cobra. From Vietnam to Present (The)
49.95 €
67107 - Gordon-Kommissarov-Kommissarov, Y.-D.-S.:
Bell P-39 Airacobra and P-63 Kingcobra Fighters. Soviet Service during World War II
65.00 €
27335 - Mattioli, M.:
Bell P-39 Airacobra in Italian Service
15.50 €
69720 - Vangansbeke, L.:
Bell UH-1 Huey sur tous les fronts
35.00 €
48050 - Busse, R.:
Bell UH-1D 'Huey'
35.00 €
15814 - McLaren, D.:
Beware the Thunderbolt! The 56th Fighter Group in WWII
49.95 €
57160 - Shaw-Santana, I.-S.:
Beyond the Horizon. The History of AEW and C Aircraft
39.95 €
39366 - Martin-Klein, P.-A.:
Bildband. Pictorial USMC Phantoms F-4B/J/N/S and RF-4B of the US Marine Corps
17.50 €
45980 - Yenne, B.:
Birds of Prey. Predators, Reapers and America's Newest UAVs in Combat
36.00 €
45027 - Pocock-Fu, C.-C.:
Black Bats. CIA Spy Flights over China from Taiwan 1951-1969 (The)
49.95 €
57167 - Romano-Lawson, A.-R.L.:
Black Knights Rule! (BKR) - A Pictorial History of VBF-718 / VF-68A / VF-837 / VF-154 / VFA-154 1946-2013
59.95 €
51589 - Jackson, N.:
Black Project. America's Secret Aircraft Program
21.00 €
15840 - Hill, M.:
Black Sunday: Ploesti!
59.95 €
49075 - McGill, E.J.:
Black Tuesday Over Namsi. B-29s vs MIGs. The Forgotten Air Battle of the Korean War. 23 October 1951
36.00 €
69726 - Julien, G.:
Bleu comme l'acier
45.00 €
49654 - Veronico, N.S.:
Bloody Skies. US Eighth Air Force Battle Damage in World War II
33.00 €
43905 - Breffort-Jouineau, D.-A.:
Boeing 707 KC-135 and their derivatives
47.50 €
43904 - Breffort-Jouineau, D.-A.:
Boeing 707 KC-135 et leurs derives
47.50 €
45835 - Stitt, R.M.:
Boeing B-17 Fortress in RAF Coastal Command Service
39.95 €
71853 - Skipper, B.:
Boeing B-29 Superfortress - Flightcraft Series 29
29.95 €
59549 - Douglas, G.:
Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1942-1960 (all marks)
45.00 €
31840 - Wolf, W.:
Boeing B-29 Superfortress. The Ultimate Look: From Drawing Board to VJ-Day
75.00 €
31308 - Lowther, S.:
Boeing B-47 Stratojet and B-52 Stratofortress. Origins and Evolution
55.00 €
48165 - Natola, M.:
Boeing B-47 Stratojet. A Photographic History
27.00 €
64927 - Habermehl-Hopkins, M.-R.S.III:
Boeing B-47 Stratojet. Strategic Air Command's Transitional Bomber (The)
45.00 €
24784 - Natola, M.:
Boeing B-47 Stratojet. True stories of the Cold War in the air
45.00 €
41601 - Skipper, B.:
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Flightcraft Series 31
29.95 €
53353 - Davies, S.:
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1952 onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
59733 - Remak, J.:
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. Warrior Queen of the USAF
49.95 €
15871 - Boyne, W.:
Boeing B-52. A Documentary History
39.95 €
63836 - Granella, L.:
Boeing B.737
22.00 €
15872 - Logan, D.:
Boeing C-135 series: Stratotanker, Stratolifter and other variants
65.00 €
51037 - Elward, B.:
Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler. A Developmental and Operational History (The)
99.00 €
62293 - Hopkins, R.S.:
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. More Than a Tanker
45.00 €
35966 - Zichek, J.A.:
Boeing XF8B-1 Fighter. Last of the Line
85.00 €
71837 - Wimpress, J.K.:
Boeing YC-14. US Air Force Experimental STOL Aircraft - Legends of Warfare
33.00 €
69256 - Mattioli, M.:
Bombe siluri e sparvieri. In guerra con gli S.79: Mediterraneo ed Egeo 1940-1942
18.00 €
42112 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Bases of WWII. 3rd Air Division, 8th Air Force USAF 1942-1945
25.00 €
72135 - Lewis, T.:
Bombers North. Allied Bomber Operations from Northern Australia 1942-45
45.00 €
55236 - Veronico, N.:
Boneyard Nose Art. US Military Aircraft Markings and Artwork - Military Photo Series (The)
35.00 €
70776 - Kotelnikov, V.:
British and American Aircraft in Russia prior to 1941
69.95 €
45983 - Elward, B.:
Building the P-51 Mustang in Original Factory Photos. The Manufacturing Story of North American's Legendary WWII Fighter
39.95 €
49955 - Loving, G.:
Bully Able Leader. The Story of a Fighter-Bomber Pilot in the Korean War
33.00 €
16031 - Holder, B.:
C Planes: US Cargo Aircaft from 1925 to the Present
49.95 €
68452 - Doyle, D.:
C-130 Hercules. Lockheed's Military Air Transport, and its Variants - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
56630 - Anselmino-Cini-Col, F.-M.-C.:
C-130J Super Hercules - Italian Aviation Series
18.50 €
69114 - Gourley, J.:
C-141 Starlifter. Lockheed's Cold War Strategic Airlifter - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
69455 - Neubeck, K.:
C-17 Globemaster III. McDonnell Douglas and Boeing's Military Transport - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
72957 - Doyle, D.:
C-47 Skytrain. The 'Gooney Bird' from Douglas - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
37714 - Leversedge, T.F.J.:
Canadian Combat and Support Aircraft. A Military Compendium
65.00 €
46614 - Spencer, D.D.:
Cape Canaveral: America's Spaceport
36.00 €
16127 - AAVV, :
Carrier Air Group 86
59.95 €
16128 - Lawson, R.:
Carrier Air Group Commanders. The men and their machines
59.95 €
16129 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
Carrier Air War in Original WWII Color. US Navy Air Combat 1939-1946
36.00 €
53727 - French, J.:
Catalina over Arctic Oceans. Anti-Submarine and Rescue Flying in World War II
36.00 €
28090 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM AH-1 F/S Cobra. 2 NATOPS Flight Manuals
39.00 €
28096 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM AH-64 Apache. 4 NATOPS Flight Manuals
39.00 €
28097 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM CH-47D Chinook. NATOPS Flight Manual
39.00 €
28092 - US Navy, :
CD ROM F/A-18A/B/C/D. NATOPS Flight Manual
39.00 €
28094 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM Lockheed C-130A. NATOPS Flight Manual
39.00 €
28098 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM UH-1H/V Huey. NATOPS Flight Manual
39.00 €
28099 - US Air Force, :
CD ROM UH-60 A/L Blackhawk. NATOPS Flight Manual
39.00 €
51024 - Spitzmiller, T.:
Century Series: The USAF Quest for Air Supremacy 1950-1960. An Illustrated History (The)
75.00 €
72958 - Doyle, D.:
CH-47 Chinook. Boeing's Tandem-Rotor Heavy Lifter - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
56161 - Fletcher, L.E.:
Charlie Chasers. History of USAF AC-119 Shadow Gunships in the Vietnam War
45.00 €
54808 - Paloque, G.:
Chasseurs de la 8th Air Force - Histoires Aeriennes (Les)
29.95 €
26443 - Marrett, G.J.:
Cheating Death. Combat Air Rescues in Vietnam and Laos
36.00 €
15063 - McDowell, E.R.:
Checkertails. The 325th Fighter Group in the Second World War (GRO 6175)
19.00 €
16215 - Glines, C.:
Chennault's forgotten warriors. The Saga of the 308th Bomb Group in China
39.95 €
70722 - Hawkins, D.:
Classic Aircraft in Detail 002: North American T-6 Harvard/Texan
29.95 €
39573 - Graff, C.:
Clear the Deck! Naval Aviation Accidents of World War II
21.00 €
68625 - Alberti-Merli-Annoni, A.-L.-M.:
Close Air Support in Korea. Il supporto aereo ravvicinato dell'Aviazione del Corpo dei Marines nel conflitto coreano
14.00 €
16272 - Matthews, B.:
Cobra! Bell Aircraft Corporation 1934-46
75.00 €
54664 - Verier, M.:
Cobra! The Attack Helicopter. Fifty Years of Sharks Teeth and Fangs
39.95 €
48183 - Hill, M.:
Cold War Cornhuskers. The 307th Bomb Wing Lincoln Air Force Base Nebraska 1955-1965
85.00 €
24205 - Lloyd, A.T.:
Cold War Legacy. A tribute to the Strategic Air Command- 1946-1992
69.00 €
44862 - Jenkins-Pyeatt, D.R.-D.:
Cold War Peacemaker. The Story of Cowtown and the Convair B-36
33.00 €
15654 - Scutts-Tullis, J.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 002: B-26 Marauder Units of the Eighth and Ninth Air Forces
27.00 €
16983 - Mersky-Tullis, P.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 007: F-8 Crusader Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
15841 - Thompson-Styling, W.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 008: P-61 Black Widow Units of World War II
27.00 €
20173 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 010: SBD Dauntless Units of World War II
27.00 €
15670 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 011: B-24 Liberator Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
19982 - Mersky-Tullis, P.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 012: RF-8 Crusader Units over Cuba and Vietnam
27.00 €
15667 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 015: B-24 Liberator Units of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
20807 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 016: TBF/TBM Avenger Units of World War II
27.00 €
15660 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 018: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 1)
27.00 €
20804 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 020: TBD Devastator Units of the US Navy
27.00 €
15668 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 021: B-24 Liberator Units of the Fifteenth Air Force
27.00 €
21167 - Elward-Laurier, B.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 026: US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-70
27.00 €
15197 - Chant-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 027: Air War in the Gulf 1991
27.00 €
21650 - Elward-Laurier, B.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 030: US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73
27.00 €
22511 - Pace-Laurier, S.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 032: B-25 Mitchell Units of the MTO
27.00 €
22512 - Dorr-Styling, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 033: B-29 Superfortress Units of World War II
27.00 €
22591 - Carey-Tullis, A.C.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 034: PV Ventura/Harpoon Units of World War II
27.00 €
23470 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 036: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (part 2)
27.00 €
25977 - Hess-Styling, W.N.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 038: B-17 Flying Fortress of the MTO
27.00 €
25396 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 039: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
27006 - Scutts-Laurier, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 040: PBJ Mitchell Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
26738 - Bernstein-Laurier, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 041: US Army AH-1 Cobra Units in Vietnam
27.00 €
26762 - Dorr-Styling, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 042: B-29 Superfortress Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
26798 - Lake-Styling, J.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 043: B-52 Stratofortress Units 1955-73
27.00 €
26759 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 045: USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-68
27.00 €
26788 - Holmes-Davey, T.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 046: F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet Units in Operation Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
26760 - Davies-Davey, S.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 047: F-15C/E Eagle Units in Operation Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
29905 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 048: US Navy A-7 Corsair II Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
29882 - Cooper-Davey, T.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 049: Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat
27.00 €
29902 - Lake-Styling, J.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 050: B-52 Stratofortress Units 1980-1999
27.00 €
29913 - Powell-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 051: RA-5C Vigilante Units in Combat
27.00 €
29897 - Holmes-Laurier, T.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 052: F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
30555 - Davies-Styling, S.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 053: F-15C Eagle Units in Combat
27.00 €
30571 - Isby-Davey, D.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 054: C-47/R4D Units of the ETO and MTO
27.00 €
30554 - Davies-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 055: USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73
27.00 €
30569 - Holmes, T.:
Combat Aircraft 056: US Marine Corps and RAAF Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
30543 - Bernstein-Laurier, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 057: AH-64 Apache Units of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
32037 - Holmes-Davey, T.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 058: US Navy Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2)
27.00 €
32018 - Davies-Davey, S.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 059: F-15E Strike Eagle Units in Combat 1991-2005
27.00 €
32070 - Withington, T.:
Combat Aircraft 060: B-1B Lancer Units in Combat
27.00 €
32019 - Davies-Dildy, S.-D.:
Combat Aircraft 061: F-16 Fighting Falcon Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
27.00 €
37748 - Dorny, L.B.:
Combat Aircraft 062: US Navy PBY Catalina Units of World War II Pacific War
27.00 €
33600 - Withington, T.:
Combat Aircraft 064: B-2A Spirit Units in Combat
27.00 €
34746 - Ragnarsson, R.J.:
Combat Aircraft 065: US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Atlantic War
27.00 €
35915 - Isby-Davey, D.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 066: C-47/R4D Skytrain Units of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
34747 - Aloni, S.:
Combat Aircraft 067: Israeli F-15 Eagle Units in Combat
27.00 €
35916 - Thompson-Styling, W.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 068: F-117 Stealth Fighter Units of Operation Desert Storm
27.00 €
35917 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 069: US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War 1963-1973
27.00 €
38035 - Holmes-Laurier, T.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 070: F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Enduring Freedom
27.00 €
33165 - Crickmore, P.F.:
Combat Aircraft 076: Lockheed SR-71 Operations in the Far East
27.00 €
40737 - Burgess, R.:
Combat Aircraft 077: US Navy A-1 Skyraider Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
40738 - Thompson, W.:
Combat Aircraft 078: F4U Corsair Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
42950 - Crickmore, P.F.:
Combat Aircraft 080: Lockheed SR-71 Operations in Europe and the Middle East
27.00 €
42951 - Aloni, S.:
Combat Aircraft 081: Israeli A-4 Skyhawk Units in Combat
27.00 €
42952 - Scutts, J.:
Combat Aircraft 082: A-26 Invader Units of World War 2
27.00 €
44588 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 084: F-105 Thunderchief Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
47709 - Young-Styling, E.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 087: B-24 Liberator Units of the CBI
27.00 €
49419 - Davies-Menard-Ugolini, P.-D.W.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 089: F-100 Super Sabre Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
49420 - Nordeen-Laurier, L.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 090: AV-8B Harrier II Units of Operation Desert Storm
27.00 €
50857 - Bernstein-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 092: P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force
27.00 €
52363 - Morgan-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 093: A-6 Intruder Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
52364 - Davies-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 094: US Marine Corps F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
53584 - Hukee-Laurier, B.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 097: USAF and VNAF A-1 Skyraider Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
53585 - Wetzel-Laurier, G.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 098: A-10 Thunderbolt II Units of Operation Enduring Freedom Vol 1
27.00 €
54558 - Nordeen-Laurier, L.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 099: AV-8B Harrier II Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom I-II
27.00 €
56882 - Davies-Ugolini, P.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 101: F-104 Starfighter Units in Combat
27.00 €
55446 - Davies-Ugolini, P.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 102: F-111 and EF-111 Units in Combat
27.00 €
55863 - Thompson-Styling, W.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 103: F9F Panther Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
56883 - Nordeen-Laurier, L.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 104: AV-8B Harrier II Units of Operation Enduring Freedom
27.00 €
56885 - Davies-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 107: F-105 Thunderchief MiG Killers of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
57370 - Morgan-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 108: A-3 Skywarrior Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
57564 - Wetzel-Laurier, G.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 111: A-10 Thunderbolt II Units of Operation Enduring Freedom Vol 2
27.00 €
58732 - Thompson, W.:
Combat Aircraft 113: F-51 Mustang Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
58733 - Burgess-Thompson, R.-W.:
Combat Aircraft 114: AD Skyraider Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
58735 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 116: US Navy F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War 1964-68
27.00 €
63086 - Morgan-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 121: A-6 Intruder Units 1974-96
27.00 €
64052 - Davies, P.E.:
Combat Aircraft 125: US Navy F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War 1969-73
27.00 €
64844 - Young, E.M.:
Combat Aircraft 126: B-25 Mitchell Units of the CBI
27.00 €
65742 - Davies-Laurier, P.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 127: RF-101 Voodoo Units in Combat
27.00 €
65743 - Thompson-Laurier, W.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 128: F-80 Shooting Star Units of the Korean War
27.00 €
66522 - Davies-Laurier, P.E.-J:
Combat Aircraft 130: B-58 Hustler Units
27.00 €
67044 - Davies-Laurier, P.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 132: F-102 Delta Dagger Units
27.00 €
68339 - Mersky, P.:
Combat Aircraft 135: A-7 Corsair II Units 1975-91
27.00 €
68337 - Davies, P.E.:
Combat Aircraft 137: B/EB-66 Destroyer Units in Combat
27.00 €
71001 - Burgess-Laurier-Hector, R.R.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 141: F2H Banshee Units
27.00 €
70161 - Copalman, J.:
Combat Aircraft 143: F3D/EF-10 Skyknight Units of the Korean and Vietnam Wars
27.00 €
70162 - Davies, P.E.:
Combat Aircraft 144: B-36 'Peacemaker' Units of the Cold War
27.00 €
71468 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.E.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 147: F-4 Phantom II Wild Weasel Units in Combat
27.00 €
41149 - Napier-Hector-Swiatlon, M.-G.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 151: Harrier GR 7/9 Units in Combat
27.00 €
72889 - Davies-Hector-Laurier, P.E.-G.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 152: U-2 'Dragon Lady' Units 1955-90
27.00 €
26153 - Flintham-Thomas, V.-A.:
Combat Codes. A full explanation and listing of British, Commonwealth and Allied air force unit codes since 1938
79.00 €
36076 - Bridgwater, H.C.:
Combat Colours 03: The Curtiss P-36 and P-40 in USAAC/USAAF service 1939 to 1945
19.95 €
36077 - Bridgwater-Scott, H.C.-P.:
Combat Colours 04: Pearl Harbor and beyond. December 1941 to May 1942
21.00 €
26543 - Crickmore, P.:
Combat Legend - F-117 Nighthawk
18.00 €
28303 - Bowman, M.W.:
Combat Legend - F-4 Phantom
18.00 €
28295 - Bowman, M.W.:
Combat Legend - F-86 Sabre
18.00 €
28276 - Scutts, J.:
Combat Legend - P-47 Thunderbolt
18.00 €
27766 - Darling, K.:
Combat Legend - P-51 Mustang
18.00 €
51351 - Chinnery, P.:
Combat over Korea
36.00 €
59721 - Graham, R.:
Complete Book of the SR-71 Blackbird. The Illustrated Profile of Every Aircraft, Crew, and Breakthrough of the World's Fastest Stealth Jet (The)
65.00 €
61966 - Simonsen, E.:
Complete History of US Combat Aircraft Fly-Off Competitions. Winners, Loosers and what might have been (A)
49.95 €
66156 - Yenne, B.:
Complete History of US Cruise Missiles. From Kettering's 1920s' Bug and 1950s' Snark to Today's Tomahawk (The)
45.00 €
53350 - Graeme, D.:
Consolidated B-24 Liberator. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1939 onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
65455 - Doyle, D.:
Consolidated B-24 Vol 1: The XB-24 to B-24E Liberators in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67108 - Doyle, D.:
Consolidated B-24 Vol 2: The B-24G to B-24M Liberators in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
34233 - Wolf, W.:
Consolidated B-32 Dominator. The Ultimate Look: from Drawing Board to Scrapyard
65.00 €
51716 - Griffith, A.:
Consolidated Mess. The illustrated guide to nose-turreted B-24 production variants in USAAF combat service
39.95 €
31684 - Carey, A.C.:
Consolidated-Vultee PB4Y-2 Privateer. The Operational History of the US Navy's World War II Patrol/Bomber Aircraft
39.95 €
43784 - Bradley, R.E.:
Convair Advanced Designs. Secret Projects from San Diego 1923-1962
45.00 €
66229 - Baker, D.:
Convair B-36 Peacemaker 1949-1959. Owner's Workshop Manual
45.00 €
16397 - Jacobsen, M.:
Convair B-36 Peacemaker. A Photo Chronicle
13.95 €
16398 - Jacobsen, M.:
Convair B-36. A comprehensive history of America's Big Stick
85.00 €
23153 - Holder, B.:
Convair B-58 Hustler
27.00 €
16400 - Mutza, W.:
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger
39.95 €
26495 - Pautigny, B.:
Corsair. 30 years of piracy
29.95 €
43426 - AAVV, :
Corsair. Le vengeur du Pacificque - Mod. Reduit Avion HS 03 (Le)
17.00 €
42199 - Musciano, W.A.:
Corsair. The Saga of the Legendary Bent-Wing Fighter-Bomber
99.00 €
26496 - Pautigny, B.:
Corsair. Trente ans de filibuste
29.95 €
65057 - Doyle, D.:
Corsair. Vought's F4U in World War II and Korea - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
71017 - McClinton, D.M.:
Crazyhorse. Flying Apache Attack Helicopters with the 1st Cavalry Division in Iraq 2006-2007
45.00 €
16459 - Gillcrist, P.T.:
Crusader! Last of the Gunfighters
49.95 €
35965 - Dean-Hagedorn, F.H.-D.:
Curtiss Fighter Aircraft. A Photographic History 1917-1948
85.00 €
46517 - Lapray, O.:
Curtiss H-75 au combat. Le Groupe de Chasse 1/5 dans la campagne de France
45.00 €
48182 - Woodling-Chayka, B.-T.:
Curtiss Hydroaeroplane. The US Navy's First Airplane 1911-1916
75.00 €
63191 - Doyle, D.:
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk. The Famous Flying Tigers Fighter - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
22429 - Dean, F.:
Curtiss X-Planes. Curtiss-Wright's VTOL Effort 1958-1965
65.00 €
66387 - Hegedorn, D.:
Curtiss-Wright AT-9. The Other Jeep
29.95 €
28180 - Hurt, Z.:
Czechs in the RAF in focus
33.00 €
66930 - Bergstroem, C.:
Daisy. The History of a C-47/DC-3 in World War II
21.00 €
16508 - Peebles, C.:
Dark eagles. A history of top secret US aircraft
27.00 €
16546 - Wolf, W.:
Death Rattlers: Marine Squadron VMF-323 over Okinawa
65.00 €
16549 - Speer, F.:
Debden Warbirds. 4th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
36224 - Brown, C.:
Debrief. A Complete History of US Aerial Engagements - 1981 to the Present
65.00 €
67426 - Ragatzu, A.:
Decimomannu. Gli anni d'oro 1959-1989
32.00 €
40947 - Hoeveler-Kraemer, P.-A.:
Desert Boneyards - Endstation Wuestenfriedhof
35.00 €
46605 - Hoeveler-Kraemer, P.-A.:
Desert Boneyards Retired Aircraft Storage Facilities in the US
59.95 €
24213 - Cohen, S.:
Destination Tokyo.A Pictorial History of Doolittle's Tokyo Raid, April 18, 1942
18.00 €
51137 - Wildenburg, T.:
Destined for Glory. Dive Bombing, Midway, and the Evolution of Carrier Airpower
25.00 €
56024 - Doyle, D.:
Detail in Action 003: F8F Bearcat Detail in Action
27.00 €
70166 - Bucholtz, C.:
Dogfight 002: P-51B/C Mustang. Northwest Europe 1943-44
25.00 €
70979 - Davies-Hector-Brown-Laurier, P.E.-G.-T.-J.:
Dogfight 004: F-86A Sabre. Korea 1950-51
25.00 €
70980 - Young-Hector-Brown-Laurier, E.-G.-T.-J.:
Dogfight 005: F6F Hellcat. Philippines 1944
25.00 €
41150 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.E.-J.-G.:
Dogfight 007: F-8 Crusader. Vietnam 1963-73
23.00 €
41152 - Young-Hector, E.M.-G.:
Dogfight 009: F4F Wildcat. South Pacific 1942-43
23.00 €
16732 - Glines, C.:
Doolittle Raid (The)
33.00 €
63880 - Hoskins, T.:
Douglas A-1 Skyraider Owner's Workshop Manual 1945-85 (all marks and variants)
39.95 €
57989 - Wolf, W.:
Douglas A-20 Havoc. From Drawing Board to Peerless Allied Light Bomber
105.00 €
16753 - Johnsen, F.:
Douglas A1 Skyraider: a photo chronicle
27.00 €
62367 - Galbiati, F.:
Douglas AD/A-1 Skyraider - Storia Militare Briefing 02
15.00 €
36160 - Wolf, W.:
Douglas B-18 Bolo. The Ultimate Look: from Drawing Board to U-Boat Hunter
75.00 €
68633 - Jackson, R.:
Douglas DC-3 - Flightcraft Series 21
29.95 €
52568 - Blackah, P.:
Douglas DC-3 Dakota. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1935 onwards (all marks)
27.00 €
72608 - Borgmann, W.:
Douglas DC-3. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
53978 - Fernandez, J.:
Douglas F3D Skyknight
24.00 €
61922 - Doyle, D.:
Douglas TBD Devastator. Americass First World War II Torpedo Bomber - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
61912 - Wolf, W.:
Douglas XB-19. An illustrated History of America's would-be Intercontinental Bomber
59.95 €
72610 - Merlin, P.W.:
Dreamland. The Secret History of Area 51
105.00 €
54280 - Laumanns, H.W.:
Drohnen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
63293 - Yenne, B.:
Drone Strike. UCAVs and Unmanned Aerial Warfare in the 21st Century
39.95 €
27260 - Benjamin, M.:
Drone Warfare. Killing by Remote Control
18.00 €
26435 - Sloggett, D.:
Drone Warfare. The Development of Unmanned Aerial Conflict
30.00 €
37610 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 001: P-51 Mustang vs Fw 190. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
38039 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Duel 008: P-40 Warhawk vs Ki-43 Oscar. China 1944-45
25.00 €
33168 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 011: P-47 Thunderbolt vs Bf 109G/K. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
33169 - Davies, P.:
Duel 012: F-4 Phantom II vs MiG-21. USAF and VPAF in the Vietnam War
25.00 €
42958 - Davies, P.:
Duel 023: USN F-4 Phantom II vs VPAF MiG-17/19. Vietnam 1965-73
25.00 €
42959 - Forsyth, R.:
Duel 024: Fw 190 Sturmboecke vs B-17 Flying Fortress. Europe 1944-45
25.00 €
45682 - Njboer, D.:
Duel 026: P-38 Lightning vs Ki-61 Tony. New Guinea 1943-44
25.00 €
47724 - Davies, P.:
Duel 035: F-105 Wild Weasel vs SA-2 'Guideline' SAM. Vietnam 1965-75
25.00 €
50858 - Young-Laurier, E.M.-J.:
Duel 041: B-24 Liberator vs Ki-43 Oscar
25.00 €
53587 - Dildy-Laurier, D.-J.:
Duel 050: F-86 Sabre vs MiG-15. Korea 1950-53
25.00 €
54570 - Young-Laurier, E.M.-J.:
Duel 054: F4F Wildcat vs A6M Zero-Sen. Pacific Theater 1942
25.00 €
56893 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Duel 061: F-8 Crusader vs MiG-17. 1966-72
25.00 €
56894 - Young-Laurier, E.M.-J.:
Duel 062: F6F Hellcat vs A6M Zero-Sen. Pacific 1943-44
25.00 €
58764 - Dildy-Cooper, D.-T.:
Duel 072: F-15C Eagle versus MiG-23/25. Iraq 1991
25.00 €
58765 - Young, E.M.:
Duel 073: F4U Corsair vs Ki-84 'Frank'. Pacific Theater 1945
25.00 €
63097 - Nijboer-Laurier-Hector, D.-J.-G.:
Duel 082: B-29 Superfortress vs Ki-44 'Tojo'. Pacific 1944-45
25.00 €
64056 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Duel 087: P-39/P-40 Airacobras vs A6M2/3 Zero-Sen
25.00 €
64855 - Davies, P.E.:
Duel 089: B-52 Stratofortress vs SA-2 'Guideline' SAM. Vietnam 1972-73
25.00 €
64853 - Holmes-Lauriel-Hector, T.-J.-G.:
Duel 091 F6F Hellcat vs N1K1/2 Shiden/Shiden-Kai
25.00 €
66541 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.E.-J.-G.:
Duel 095: USAF F-105 Thunderchief vs VPAF MiG-17. Vietnam 1965-68
25.00 €
66544 - Nijboer-Laurier-Hector, D.-J.-G.:
Duel 098: German Flak Defences vs Allied Heavy Bombers 1942-45
25.00 €
66546 - Forsyth-Laurier-Hector, R.-J.-G.:
Duel 100: Me 262 vs P-51 Mustang
25.00 €
67062 - Ingman-Laurier-Hector, P.-J.-G.:
Duel 102: P-40E Warhawk vs A6M2 Zero-Sen. East Indies and Darwin 1942
25.00 €
17236 - Claringbould-Hector-Laurier, M.J.-G.-J.:
Duel 103: P-47D Thunderbolt vs Ki-43-II Oscar. New Guinea 1943-44
25.00 €
17277 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.-J.-G.:
Duel 104: A-4 Skyhawk vs North Vietnamese AAA. North Vietnam 1964-72
25.00 €
69405 - Davies, P.E.:
Duel 112: UH-1 Huey Gunship vs NVA/VC Forces
25.00 €
69407 - Bernstein, J.:
Duel 114: P-47 Thunderbolt vs German Flak Defenses
25.00 €
69408 - Nijboer, D.:
Duel 115: SBD Dauntless vs A6M Zero-sen. Pacific Theater 1941-1944
25.00 €
69409 - Lardas, M.:
Duel 116: B-25 Mitchell vs Japanese Destroyer. Battle of the Bismarck Sea 1943
25.00 €
70170 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Duel 119: F4U Corsair versus A6M Zero-sen. Rabaul and the Solomons 1943-44
25.00 €
70172 - Davies, P.E.:
Duel 121: F9F Panther vs Communist AAA. Korea 1950-53
25.00 €
71489 - Young-Laurier-Hector, E.M.-J.-G.:
Duel 126: H6K Mavis/H8K Emily vs PB4Y-1/2 Liberator/Privateer. Pacific Theater 1943-45
25.00 €
41183 - Young-Hector-Laurier, E.M.-G.-J.:
Duel 131: P-38 Lightning vs Bf 109. North Africa, Sicily and Italy 1942-43
25.00 €
72904 - Nordeen-Laurier, L.-J.:
Duel 134: Harpoon Missile vs Surface Ships. US Navy, Libya and Iran 1986-88
25.00 €
72905 - Forsyth-Hector-Laurier, R.-G.-J.:
Duel 135: Me 163 vs Allied Heavy Bombers. Northern Europe 1944-45
25.00 €
67111 - Santana, S.:
E-8 JSTARS. Boeing-Northrop Grumman's Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68966 - Lewis, T.:
Eagles over Darwin. American Airmen defending Northern Australia in 1942
49.95 €
53937 - Buttler, T.:
Early US Jet Fighters. Proposals, Projects and Prototypes
45.00 €
50499 - Melampy, J.:
Early Viper Guide. The F-16 A/B Exposed (The)
49.95 €
16808 - Archer, R.:
Edwards Air Force Base. Open House at the USAF Flight Test Center 1957-66
59.95 €
16813 - Stanaway, J. et al.:
Eight Ballers: Eyes of Fifth Air Force. The 8th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron in WWII
49.95 €
43218 - Speer, F.L.:
Eighty-One Aces of the 4th Fighter Group
75.00 €
23295 - Tuttle, J.:
Eject! The Complete History of US Aircraft Escape Systems
39.95 €
66794 - Redon Trabal, P.:
Ejercito del Aire y del Espacio. The Spanish Air Force from 1939 to the present day - Europe@War 25
29.95 €
67057 - Herder-Hook, B.L.-A.:
Elite 232: World War II US Fast Carrier Task Force Tactics 1943-45
23.00 €
53355 - Cassidy, B.:
Empire Flying Boat. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1936-1947 (Short S.23 'C' class)
36.00 €
39572 - Jenkins-Landis, D.R.- T.R.:
Experimental and Prototype. US Air Force Jet Fighters
45.00 €
29640 - Easley, R.:
F-101 Voodoo. An Illustrated History of McDonnell's Heavyweight Fighter
75.00 €
57984 - de Vries, L.:
F-104 Starfighter Special Camouflages
29.95 €
72959 - Doyle, D.:
F-104 Starfighter. Lockheed's Sleek Cold War Interceptor - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
69127 - Gourley, John, J.:
F-111 Aardvark. General Dynamics' Variable-Swept-Wing Attack Aircraft - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
72588 - Archer, B..:
F-111. Fort Worth Swinger
25.00 €
47038 - Landis-Mailes, T.-Y.:
F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter
19.95 €
67112 - Brown, D.F.:
F-14 Tomcat: Grumman's 'Top Gun' from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
72602 - Doyle, D.:
F-15 Eagle. McDonnell Douglas Strike Fighter - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
65363 - Simmonds, B.:
F-15 Eagle. Undefeated 4th Generation Super-Fighter
25.00 €
72960 - Neubeck, K.:
F-22 Raptor. Lockheed Martin Stealth Fighter - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
55713 - Vignarca , F.:
F-35. L'aereo piu' pazzo del mondo
13.00 €
16976 - AAVV, :
F-4 J Natops flight manual
49.95 €
55766 - McLelland, T.:
F-4 Phantom
85.00 €
24793 - Logan, D.:
F-4 Phantom IIs of the USAF Reserve and Air National Guard
85.00 €
33231 - Malizia, N.:
F-47 D Thunderbolt
13.90 €
16990 - AAVV, :
F-86D and TF-86D Aircraft Flight Handbook
33.00 €
67113 - Neubeck, K.:
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler. The US Navy's Primary Fighter/Attack Aircraft - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
61977 - Kolacha, Z.:
F4U Corsair in WWII
29.95 €
70073 - Euphrosine, A.:
F4U Corsair. La terreur du Pacifique
35.00 €
67114 - Doyle, D.:
F6F Hellcat. Grumman's Ace Maker in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
72603 - Doyle, D.:
F8F Bearcat.Grumman's Late-War Dogfighter - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
16991 - AAVV, :
F9F-6, 6P Aircraft Flight Handbook: AN 01-85FGD-1 Navy Models
27.00 €
30661 - Lloyd, A.T.:
Fairchild C-82 Packet and C-119 Flying Boxcar
36.00 €
62970 - Davies, S.:
Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1972 to date (all marks)
45.00 €
49912 - Grandolini, A.:
Fall of the Flying Dragon. South Vietnamese Air Force 1973-1975
39.95 €
64914 - Laemlein, T.:
Fallen Stars 01: Crashed, Damaged and Captured Aircraft of the USAAF
29.95 €
48058 - Jendsch, W.:
Feuerloeschflugzeuge. Loeschen aus der Luft - Typenkompass
15.00 €
17080 - Toliver-Constable, R.F.-T.J.:
Fighter Aces of the USA
75.00 €
42532 - Bowman, M.V.:
Fighter Bases of WWII. US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF 1942-45
25.00 €
22402 - Ethell, J.:
Fighter Command
39.00 €
17088 - Miller, K.:
Fighter Units and Pilots of the 8th Air Force September 1942 - May 1945. Volume 1 Day-to-Day Operations - Fighter Group Histories
75.00 €
17089 - Miller, K.:
Fighter Units and Pilots of the 8th Air Force September 1942 - May 1945. Volume 2 Aerial Victories - Ace Data
75.00 €
54809 - Paloque, G.:
Fighters of the 8th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
61991 - Friedman, N.:
Fighters over the Fleet. Naval Air Defence from Biplanes to the Cold War
69.95 €
70475 - Owers, C.A:
Fighting America Flying Boats of WWI Vol 1
69.95 €
70476 - Owers, C.A:
Fighting America Flying Boats of WWI Vol 2
69.95 €
54078 - Nagao-Matsuki, K.-Y.:
Fine Scale Modeler. American Fighters over Europe
29.95 €
45979 - Johnsen, F.A.:
Fire Bombers in Action Videobook. Libro+DVD
45.00 €
36159 - MacKay, R.:
First in the Field: The 1st Air Division over Europe in WWII
75.00 €
65599 - Hansen, J.R.:
First Man. Il primo uomo. La biografia autorizzata di Neil Armstrong
20.00 €
17133 - Wolley, C.:
First to the front. The Aerial Adventures of 1st Lt. Waldo Heinrichs and the 95th Aero Squadron 1917-1918
65.00 €
51791 - Workman, R.B.:
Float Planes and Flying Boats. The US Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation
45.00 €
16970 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 12: F-16 Fighting Falcon
17.00 €
16757 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 15: Douglas C-54
17.00 €
18752 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 16: Mc Donnell Douglas F-15
17.00 €
16756 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 22: Douglas DC-4
17.00 €
18535 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 32: Lockheed P-38 Lightning
17.00 €
21925 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 37: North American P-51 Mustang
17.00 €
35206 - Higham, R. cur:
Flying American Combat Aircraft. The Cold War
27.00 €
52279 - Hendrie, A.:
Flying Catalinas. The Consolidated PBY Catalina in WWII
36.00 €
17166 - Losonsky, T.:
Flying Tiger. A crew chief's story
45.00 €
61967 - Chong, T.:
Flying Wings and Radical Things. Northorp's Secret Aerospace Projects and
49.95 €
17167 - Pape, J.R.:
Flying Wings of Jack Northrop
13.95 €
17203 - Francillon, R.:
Force Drawdown: A USAF Photo History 1988-1995
39.95 €
17205 - Larkins, W.:
Ford Tri-Motor 1926-1992
65.00 €
23333 - Wrynn, V.D.:
Forge of Freedom. American Aircraft Production in WWII
29.95 €
42870 - Stout, J.A.:
Fortress Ploesti. The Campaign to Destroy Hitler's Oil Supply
19.95 €
63396 - Romano-Herndon, A.-J.D.:
From Bats to Rangers. A Pictorial History of Electronic Countermeasures Squadron Two (ECMRON-2) Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two (VQ-2)
85.00 €
17315 - Gabreski, F.:
Gabby: a fighter pilot's life
59.95 €
17334 - Logan, D.:
General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark
75.00 €
72579 - Kropf, K.:
German Starfighters. The Story in Colour: training and service
25.00 €
35315 - Chambers-Chambers, M.J.-R.M.:
Getting off the Planet. Training Astronauts
25.00 €
57427 - Aloni, S.:
Ghosts of Atonement. Israeli F-4 Phantom Operations During the Yom Kippur War
79.95 €
39724 - Samuel, W.:
Glory Days.The Untold Story of the Men who Flew the B-66 Destroyer into the Face of Fear
45.00 €
70204 - McKelvey Cleaver, T.:
Going Downtown. The US Air Force over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia 1961-75
25.00 €
17555 - Maguire, J.:
Gooney Birds and Ferry Tales. The 27th Air Transport Group in WWII
75.00 €
21780 - Matricardi-Feldzer, P.-G.:
Grande libro degli aerei da combattimento
29.90 €
17620 - Davies, P.:
Gray Ghosts. USN and USMC F-4 Phantoms
65.00 €
22404 - Hess, W. et al.:
Great American Bombers of WWII
36.00 €
40022 - Lert, F.:
Great American Combat Aircrafts 01: Grumman F-14 Tomcat in combat
19.50 €
46776 - Lert, F.:
Great American Combat Aircrafts 02: F-16 Vol 1. Fighting Falcon A-B
19.95 €
54793 - Lert, F.:
Great American Combat Aircrafts 03: F-16 Vol 2. Fighting Falcon A-B
19.95 €
36223 - Mutza, W.:
Green Hornets. The History of the US Air Force 20th Special Operations Squadron
45.00 €
17657 - Mutza, W.:
Grumman Albatross
27.00 €
64235 - Holmes, T.:
Grumman F14 Tomcat. Owner's Workshop Manual. All models 1970-2006
36.00 €
63192 - Doyle, D.:
Grumman F4F Wildcat. Early WWII Fighter of the US Navy- Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
45975 - Elward, B.:
Grumman F9F Panther/Cougar. First Grumman Cat of the Jet Age
36.00 €
69892 - De Ponti-Del Canale-Panella, G.-O.-E.:
Grumman HU-16A. Il soccorso aereo sulle ali degli 'Albatross'
35.00 €
65058 - Doyle, D.:
Grumman J2F Duck. US Navy, Marine Corps, Army Air Force, and Coast Guard Use in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
71952 - Caliaro, L.:
Grumman Wildcat and Hellcat - Storia Militare Briefing 38
15.00 €
55791 - Baeza, B.:
Guadalcanal. Cactus Air Force contre Marine Imperiale Tome 2 - Histoire de l'Aviation 32
65.00 €
69312 - Paloque, G.:
Guerre Aerienne au Vietnam 1961-1973. US Air Force, US Navy, USMC, US Army, Aviations du Nord et du Sud du Vietnam
39.95 €
67742 - Grummitt, D.:
Guideline in Action 02: Atlantic Resolve. NATO's Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2018 Vol 2: Aircraft
24.00 €
42470 - Mutza, W.:
Gunships. The Story of Spooky, Shadow, Stinger, and Spectre
39.95 €
43558 - Parsons-Bangso, D.-M.:
Half Century, Baby! Fifty Years of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat
59.95 €
46609 - Aloni-Avidror, S.-Z.:
Hammers. Israel's Long-Range Heavy Bomber Arm: The Story of 69 Squadron
75.00 €
52161 - Caliaro, L.:
Harrier della Marina italiana (Gli)
22.00 €
17913 - Green, H.:
Herky! The Memoirs of a Checkertail
59.95 €
42203 - Dewez-Faley, L.-M.:
High Noon over Haseluenne. The 100th Bombardment Group over Berlin, March 6,1944
85.00 €
34215 - Polmar, N.:
Historic Naval Aircraft from the pages of Naval History Magazine
25.00 €
63410 - USCMH, :
History of Strategic Air and Ballistic Missile Defense Vol 1: 1945-1955
33.00 €
63411 - USCMH, :
History of Strategic Air and Ballistic Missile Defense Vol 2: 1956-1972
33.00 €
55655 - Nichols, M.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 F4U-1 Corsair
23.00 €
67740 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 F4U-1A and F4U-1D Corsair Vol 2
25.00 €
50483 - Green, B.:
How to Build Tamiya's 1:32 P-51 Mustang
21.00 €
66657 - Pautigny, B.:
HS Aces 01: Les F4U Corsair Iere Partie: Du prototype au F4U-4
15.00 €
67318 - Pautigny, B.:
HS Aces 02: Les F4U Corsair IIeme Partie: Du F2G au F4U-7
15.00 €
52323 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 11: 1969-1982 Les Phantom Israeliens au combat
17.50 €
61382 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 24: Les As de l'US Navy
17.50 €
49777 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 33: Curtiss P-40
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66749 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 35: Medium. Les bombardiers bimoteurs americains
17.50 €
67628 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 37: Boeing B-52. Le destructeur
17.50 €
69723 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 40: B-24 Liberator
17.50 €
70009 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 41: Combat oublies des P-51 Mustang
17.50 €
71737 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 44: McDonnell F-4 Phantom II Une histoire americaine
17.50 €
72638 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 48: L'US Army Air Force
17.50 €
42098 - Avions HS, 27:
HS Avions 27: Les Skyhawk argentines pendant la guerre des Malouines
17.50 €
61875 - Avions HS, 43:
HS Avions 43: B-29 contre MIG-15 dans le ciel de Coree, ou la derniere guerre des 'Superfortress'
19.95 €
63935 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 17: Petite Historie du Sous-Marin
17.50 €
56078 - Raids, HS Av:
HS Raids Aviation 03: L'aviation des forces speciales americaines 1960-2014
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61578 - Raids, HS Av:
HS Raids Aviation 09: L'Armee de l'Air aujourd'hui
15.00 €
54275 - Lang, G.:
Hubschrauber und Propellerflugzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1955 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
69453 - Doyle, D.:
Huey in Vietnam. Bell's UH-1 at War - Legends of Warfare (The)
29.95 €
67530 - Dabrowski, K.:
Hunt for the U-2. Interceptions of Lockheed U-2 Reconnaissance Aircraft over the USSR, Cuba and People's Republic of China 1959-1968 - Europe@War 03
29.95 €
66459 - Hampton, D.:
Hunter Killers. The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions (The)
25.00 €
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17998 - Barker, R.:
Hurricats. The fighters that coud not return
33.00 €
51348 - Simons, G.:
Images of War. B-17 Memphis Belle
27.00 €
40599 - Bodle, P.:
Images of War. Liberators in England in World War II
25.00 €
37713 - Stachiw-Tattersall, A.L.-A.:
In Canadian Service. Starfighter CF-104
35.00 €
67074 - Napier, M.:
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49.95 €
39472 - AAVV, :
In Detail Special 08: B-17G in detail
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67450 - Cooper, T.:
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29.95 €
25053 - Fugere, J.:
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42.00 €
53875 - Oven, C.:
Interceptor Force. Fighter Command 1950-1968
19.95 €
29652 - Morgan, M.:
Intruder. The Operational History of Grumman's A-6
75.00 €
57313 - Taghvaee, B.:
Iranian Tigers at War. Northrop F-5A/B, F-5E/F and Sub-Variants in Iranian Service since 1966 - Middle East @War 004
29.95 €
18142 - Treadwell, T.:
Ironworks. The Story of Grumman and its aircraft
45.00 €
43796 - Klein-Aloni, A.-S.:
Israeli Phantoms Part 1: The Kurnass in IDF/AF Service 1969-1988
45.00 €
43797 - Klein-Aloni, A.-S.:
Israeli Phantoms Part 2: The Kurnass in IDF/AF Service 1989 until Today
45.00 €
51061 - McGill, E.J.:
Jet Age Man. SAC B-47 and B-52 Operations in the Early Cold War
45.00 €
45929 - Pavelec, S.M.:
Jet Race and the Second World War (The)
25.00 €
18316 - Mutza, W.:
Kaman H-43. An illustrated history
27.00 €
48190 - Lang, G.:
Kampfflugzeuge des Zweiten Weltkrieges
35.00 €
50478 - Reynolds, D.W.:
Kennedy Space Center. Gateway to Space
27.00 €
45973 - Frankel, M.:
Killer Rays. Story of the Douglas F4d Skyray and F5d Skylancer
55.00 €
33123 - Rearden, J.:
Koga's Zero. The Fighter that Changed World War II
18.00 €
68433 - Napier, M.:
Korean Air War. Sabres, MiGs and Meteors 1950-53
45.00 €
49848 - Martinez, M.:
Lady's Men. The Story of WWII's Mystery Bomber and Her Crew
25.00 €
18396 - Gordon, D.:
Lafayette Flying Corps. American volunteers in the French Air Service in WWI
75.00 €
71245 - Kotelnikov, V.:
Land-Lease and Soviet Aviation in Second World War
55.00 €
18416 - Klaas, M.:
Last of the flying clippers. The Boeing 314 story
65.00 €
71247 - Krylov-Tepsurkaev, L.-Y.:
Last War of the Superfortresses. MiG-15 versus B-29 in the Korean War 1950-53 - Asia @War 052
29.95 €
29320 - Hagedorn, D.:
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55.00 €
38988 - Lennick, M.:
Launch Vehicles. Heritage of the Space Race
15.00 €
23238 - Carey, A.C.:
Leatherneck Bombers. Marine Corps B-25/PBJ Mitchell Squadrons in WWII
33.00 €
63194 - Elward, B.:
Legacy Hornets. Boeing's F/A-18 A-D Hornets of the USN and USMC - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
18434 - Pardini, A.L.:
Legendary Norden Bombsight (The)
45.00 €
52292 - Simons, G.M.:
Liberator. The Consolidated B-24
39.95 €
31842 - Mutza, W.:
Loach! The Story of the H-6/Model 500 Helicopter
39.95 €
44605 - Crickmore, P.F.:
Lockheed Blackbird. Beyond the Secret Missions - The Missing Chapters
89.95 €
18526 - Reed, C.:
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18527 - Reed, C.:
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22641 - Smith, P.:
Lockheed C130 Hercules
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49486 - Breffort, D.:
Lockheed Constellation. De l'Excalibur au Starliner, Versions Civiles et Militaires
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23287 - Bowman, M.W.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
45.00 €
29396 - Dobrzynski, J.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
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45045 - De Madariaga Fernandez, R.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Vol 1: F-104A/F-104F
49.95 €
52019 - De Madariaga Fernandez, R.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Vol 2: F-104G de la Luftwaffe
49.95 €
57960 - De Madariaga Fernandez, R.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Vol 3: F-104G / F-104S
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38447 - Bowman, M.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. A History
45.00 €
63171 - Francillon, R.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. L'histoire controversee du Zipper - Profils Avions 26
60.00 €
42205 - Logan, D.:
Lockheed F-117 Night Hawks. A Stealth Fighter Roll Call
65.00 €
18528 - Holder, B.:
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk. An illustrated history of the stealth fighter
27.00 €
18529 - McLaren, D.:
Lockheed F-94 Starfire
27.00 €
30216 - Cosci, S.:
Lockheed F/TF-104 G Starfighter
15.90 €
47016 - Smith, P.:
Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules
45.00 €
18530 - Miller, J.:
Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk
15.50 €
18532 - Wallace, M.:
Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. An illustrated history
27.00 €
18534 - Mutza, W.:
Lockheed P-2 V Neptune
65.00 €
22398 - Pace, S.:
Lockheed P-38 Lightning
29.95 €
26667 - Treadwell, T.C.:
Lockheed P-38 Lightning - Classic WW2 Aviation 07
35.00 €
41333 - Caliaro, L.:
Lockheed P-38 Lightning - Storia Militare Briefing 47
15.00 €
30220 - Mattioli, M.:
Lockheed P-38 Lightning in Italian Service 1943-1955
14.90 €
18537 - McLaren, D.:
Lockheed P-80/F-80 Shooting Star
33.00 €
23392 - Jenkins, D.R.:
Lockheed Secret Projects. Inside Skunk Works
27.00 €
65033 - Goodall, J.:
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. The Illustrated History of America's Legendary Mach 3 Spy Plane
59.95 €
23183 - Holder, B.:
Lockheed SR71 Blackbird
27.00 €
22363 - Sweetman, B.:
Lockheed Stealth
36.00 €
18538 - McLaren, D.:
Lockheed T-33. A photo chronicle
33.00 €
27361 - Malizia, N.:
Lockheed T/RT-33A (Storia di un addestratore - Story of a Trainer)
16.50 €
59254 - Storaro, F.:
Lockheed TR-33A/RT-33A in Italian Service
30.00 €
34242 - Lambert, J.W.:
Long Campaign. The History of the 15th Fighter Group in World War II
65.00 €
42534 - Eisel-Schreiner, B.R.-J.A.:
Magnum! The Wild Weasels in Desert Storm. The Elimination of Iraq's Air Defence
33.00 €
42252 - Franks-Saunders, N.-A.:
Mannock. The Life and Death of Major Edward Mannock
33.00 €
35523 - Wolf, W.:
Martin B-26 Marauder. The Ultimate Look. From Drawing Board to Widow Maker Vindicated
105.00 €
18754 - Holder, B.:
McDonnel Douglas F-15 Eagle
27.00 €
18753 - Holder, B.:
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27.00 €
35686 - Davies-Dildy, S.-D.:
McDonnel Douglas/Boeing F-15 Eagle. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1972 onwards (all marks)
39.95 €
50697 - Black, I.:
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1958 onwards (all marks)
21.00 €
61254 - Davies, S.:
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet Owner's Workshop Manual. 1978 onwards (All marks)
45.00 €
53296 - Diaz Bedia Astor, L. :
McDonnell Douglas Harrier II AV-8B, BPlus
17.50 €
40792 - Weiss-Koren, R.-A.:
McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F-15 Baz - Aircraft of the Israeli Air Force 05
45.00 €
65056 - Logan, D.:
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27.00 €
70523 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 1: Aviators of WWI
45.00 €
70524 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 2: Interwar Years 1919-1939
33.00 €
70525 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 3: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 1
45.00 €
70526 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 4: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 2
45.00 €
22927 - Durkota, A.:
Medals of Honor. Aviators of WWI
33.00 €
23162 - Perkins, B.W.:
Memphis Belle. Biography of a B-17 Flying Fortress
59.95 €
42475 - McCarthy, D.J.:
MiG Killers. A Chronology of US Air Victories in Vietnam 1965-1973
36.00 €
37885 - Tillman, B.:
MiG Master. The Story of the F-8 Crusader
27.00 €
23515 - Freeman, R.A.:
Mighty Eight war manual (The)
35.00 €
50696 - Baker, D.:
Millennium Falcon. Owner's Workshop Manual. Modified YT-1300 Corellian Freighter
27.00 €
30911 - Zbiegniewski, A.R.:
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21.00 €
47788 - Gormley, D.M.:
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19.95 €
28531 - Tomalik, J.:
ML 059 Bell P-63 Kingcobra, XFL-1 Airabonita, P-39 Airacobra Vol 2
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39241 - Jarski, A.:
ML 110 Douglas A-1 Skyraider Part 1: The story of carrier attack planes development
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31652 - AAVV, :
MMA: Night Stalkers. They only come out at night! DVD
18.00 €
46963 - Lowe, M.D.:
Modellers Datafile 21: North American P-51 Mustang Part 1: Allison Powered
36.00 €
59971 - Cleaver, T.M.:
Modellers Datafile 25: Grumman F6F Hellcat. A comprehensive Guide
36.00 €
65521 - Ritger, L.:
Modellers Datafile 32: Vought F-8 Crusader. A Comprehensive Guide
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46982 - Evans, A.:
Modellers Datafile Scaled Down 01: Top Gun. US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps Aggressors
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27086 - Scutts-Green, J.-B.:
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45.00 €
54021 - Melampy, J.:
Modern Hornet Guide. Boeing F/A-18 A/B/C/D Exposed (The)
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68260 - Copalman, J.:
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37704 - Melampy, J.:
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29053 - Zbiegniewski, A.R.:
Monografie 02: Brewster F-2A Buffalo
25.00 €
30469 - Zbiegniewski, A.R.:
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25.00 €
31826 - Janowicz-Szlagor, K.-t.:
Monografie 17: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Vol 1
25.00 €
32791 - Janowicz-Szlagor, K.-t.:
Monografie 20: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Vol 2
25.00 €
34287 - Szlagor, T.:
Monografie 24: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Vol 3
25.00 €
35345 - Szlagor-Wieliczko, T.-L.A.:
Monografie 28: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Vol 4
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37328 - Janowicz-Zbiegniewski, K.-A.R.:
Monografie 34: Douglas SBD Dauntless
25.00 €
38764 - Janowicz-Wieliczko, K.-L.A.:
Monografie 36: Curtiss P-40 Vol 1
25.00 €
40194 - Janowicz, K.:
Monografie 40: Curtiss P-40 Vol 2
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45372 - Wieliczko-Janowicz, L.-K.:
Monografie 43: Curtiss P-40 Vol 3
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55015 - Wieliczko-Janowicz, L.-K.:
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58180 - Wieliczko-Szlagor, L.A.-T.:
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68118 - Mafe' Huertas, S.:
Monografie 70: Hawker Siddeley (BAe), McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing Harrier AV-8S/TAV-8S and AV-8B/B+/TAV-8B
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69348 - Mafe' Huertas, S.:
Monografie 78: Boeing (Mcdonnell Douglas) F/A-18 A/B/C/D Hornets
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69952 - Mafe' Huertas, S.:
Monografie 82: Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets
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18990 - Walker, R.:
More Painted Ladies. Modern Military Aircraft Nose-Art and Unusual Markings
33.00 €
19054 - Delve, K.:
Mustang Story (The)
35.00 €
19056 - Carter, D.:
Mustang: the racing thoroughbred
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56819 - Neer, R.M.:
Napalm. An American Biography
30.00 €
59032 - Woods-Harland, D.-D.M.:
NASA Gemini. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1965-1966 (All Marks, All Missions)
39.95 €
66228 - Dolling-Riley, P.-C.:
NASA Mission AS-506 Apollo 11. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1969 (including Saturn V, CM-107, SM-107, LM-5) 50th Anniversary Special Edition
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61253 - Woods, W.D.:
NASA Saturn V. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1967-73 (Apollo 4 to Apollo 17 and Skylab)
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64190 - Baker, D.:
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51015 - Becker, H.J.:
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48032 - Baker, D.:
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59031 - Riley, C.:
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19145 - Gibson, J.:
Navaho Missile Project: story of the know how missile of american rocketry
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60024 - Ginter, S.:
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Naval Fighters 047: The 'reluctant dragon': The Curtiss SO3C, Seagull/Seamew
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60013 - Kowalski, B.:
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60066 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 049: Douglas A-4A/B Skyhawk in Navy Service
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60033 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 050: USMC/USMCR/USNR Douglas A-4A/B Skyhawk
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Naval Fighters 051: Douglas A-4E/F Skyhawk in Navy Service
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Naval Fighters 052: Douglas A-4E/F Skyhawk in Marine Service
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60058 - Ginter, S.:
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60045 - Libis, S.:
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Naval Fighters 062: Curtiss XBT2C-1: Bomber/Torpedo Aircraft Prototype
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60031 - Koehnen, R.:
Naval Fighters 065: Boeing XF8B-1 Five-in-One Fighter
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Naval Fighters 066: Grumman F9F-6/7/8 Cougar Part One: Design, Testing, Structures and Blue Angels
33.00 €
60050 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 067: Grumman F9F-6P/8P Photo-Cougar
33.00 €
60051 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 068: Grumman F9F-8T/TF-9J Two-Seat Cougars
33.00 €
60080 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 069: Navy and Marine Fleet Single-Seat F9F Cougar Squadrons. Includes Fleet, Reserve and Auxiliary Units
59.95 €
54080 - Thomason, T.H.:
Naval Fighters 070: Bell HSL. US Navy's first All-Weather Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopter
19.95 €
60046 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 071: Douglas TBD-1 Devastator
33.00 €
60038 - Frankel, M.:
Naval Fighters 072: Temco TT-1 Pinto
29.95 €
60079 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 073: Early Banshees': The McDonnell F2H-1, F2H-2/2B/2N/2P
59.95 €
60082 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 074: Martin P5M Patrol Seaplane
59.95 €
60047 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 076: Brewster SB2A Bermuda/Buccaneer
33.00 €
60020 - Kowalski, B.:
Naval Fighters 077: Curtiss XBTC-2 'Eggbeater'
19.95 €
60056 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 078: Vought TA-7C/EA-7L/A-7K 'Twosair'
36.00 €
60043 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 079: Curtiss F9C Sparrowhawk Airship Fighters
33.00 €
60089 - Meyer-Ginter, C.-S.:
Naval Fighters 080: Grumman F8F Bearcat
69.95 €
60032 - Thomason, T.H.:
Naval Fighters 081: Bell XFL-1 Airabonita
27.00 €
60083 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 082: USN/USMC Two-Seat Skyhawks: TA-4F, EA-4F, TA-4J, and OA-4M
59.95 €
60048 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 083: Lockheed R6O/R6V Constitution
33.00 €
60065 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 084: Grumman JF/J2F Duck
49.95 €
60090 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 085: Consolidated PB2Y Coronado
69.95 €
60092 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 086: Lockheed-Vega PV-1 Ventura and PV-2 Harpoon
85.00 €
60055 - Thomason, T.H.:
Naval Fighters 087: Vought F8U-3 Crusader III: Super Crusader
36.00 €
60091 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 088: North American FJ-3/3M Fury
65.00 €
60076 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 089: Curtiss SOC Seagull
49.95 €
60057 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 090: Northrop BT-1
33.00 €
60087 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 091: McDonnell F2H-3/4 'Big Banjo'
69.95 €
60095 - Meyer-Ginter, C.-S.:
Naval Fighters 092: Grumman F6F Hellcat
85.00 €
60069 - Thomason, T.H.:
Naval Fighters 094: Chance Vought F7U-1 Cutlass
49.95 €
60077 - Ginter-Tayler-Romano, S.-N.-A.:
Naval Fighters 095: Douglas R4D-8/C-117D Super Gooney
55.00 €
60078 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 096: Consolidated P2Y Ranger
55.00 €
60098 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 097: Martin PBM Mariner
85.00 €
60097 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 098: Douglas AD/A-1 Skyraider Part One
85.00 €
60099 - Ginter, S.:
Naval Fighters 099: Douglas AD/A-1 Skyraider Part Two
85.00 €
60085 - Riley-Doll, W.A.-T.E.:
Naval Fighters 100: Blue Goose' Command Aircraft of the USN, USMC and USCG 1911 to 1961
59.95 €
60093 - Kowalski-Thomason, R.J.-T.H.:
Naval Fighters 101: Grumman S2F/S2 Tracker Part One: Development, Testing, Variants, and Foreign Users
65.00 €
62060 - Siegfried-Ginter, D.-S.:
Naval Fighters 102: Grumman S2F/S2 Tracker and WF-2/1B Tracer Part Two
69.00 €
63398 - Siegfried-Ginter, D.-S.:
Naval Fighters 103: Sikorsky S-43/JRS-1 Amphibian
39.95 €
63397 - Siegfried-Ginter, D.-S.:
Naval Fighters 104: Brewster F2A Buffalo
55.00 €
63667 - Siegfried-Ginter, D.-S.:
Naval Fighters 105: Consolidated PB4Y-1/1 P Liberator
65.00 €
73098 - Siegfried-Ginter, D.-S.:
Naval Fighters 106: Vought SB2U Vindicator
75.00 €
26740 - Bishop-Badrocke, C.-M.:
New Vanguard 087: Bell UH-1 Huey 'Slicks' 1962-75
19.00 €
26828 - Lardas-Palmer, M.-I.:
New Vanguard 099: Space Shuttle Launch System 1975-2004
19.00 €
30544 - Bishop-Laurier, C.-J.:
New Vanguard 111: Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) AH-64 Apache 1976-2005
19.00 €
38068 - Bishop-Palmer, C.-I.:
New Vanguard 116: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk
19.00 €
34779 - Bishop, C.:
New Vanguard 125: Huey Cobra Gunships
19.00 €
67069 - Zaloga-Laurier, S.J.-J.:
New Vanguard 283: American Guided Missiles of World War II
19.00 €
55415 - Carey, A.C.:
Night Cats and Corsairs. The Operational History of Grumman and Vought Night Fighter Aircraft 1942-1953
65.00 €
43222 - Mays, T.M.:
Night Hawks and Black Widows. 13th Air Force Night Fighters in the South and Southwest Pacific 1943-1945
85.00 €
19224 - Blazek, P.:
Nighthawks. Insider's guide to heraldry and insignia of the Lockheed F-117 Stealth Fighter
33.00 €
72357 - Lawless, R.P.:
Nightstalkers. The Wright Project and the 868th Bomb Squadron in World War II
59.95 €
51778 - Grandolini-Koelich, A.-M.:
Nine Lives of the Flying Tiger Vol 1: America's Secret Air Wars in Asia 1945-1950 - Asia @War 043
29.95 €
51714 - Skulski, P.:
North American A-36A Apache
23.50 €
68154 - Peczkowski-Juszczak, R.-A.:
North American Aviation P-51B/C and F-6C Mustang
39.95 €
38354 - Wolf, W.:
North American B-25 Mitchell. The Ultimate Look. From Drawing Board to Flying Arsenal
85.00 €
66866 - Caliaro, L.:
North American F-86 'Sabre' - Storia Militare Briefing 17
15.00 €
47960 - Linney, M.:
North American F-86 Sabre. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1947 onwards (all day-fighter varaints)
21.00 €
57434 - Avila-Yanez, G.-R.:
North American F-86F Sabre. The Birth of a Modern Air Force
27.00 €
35253 - Wache, S.:
North American F-86K 'Sabre'. The 'Sabre-Dog' in Luftwaffe Service
19.95 €
44972 - Lowe, M.V.:
North American P-51 Mustang
45.00 €
19259 - Davis, L.:
North American P-51 Mustang. A Photo Chronicle
27.00 €
47341 - Cotter, J.:
North American P-51 Mustang. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1940 onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
61979 - Peczkowski, R.:
North American P-51D Mustang
33.00 €
31922 - Patrocinio-Di Massimo, A.-M.:
North American P/F 51 D Mustang in Italian service
15.90 €
57435 - Redon, P.:
North American T-6 Texan
27.00 €
71613 - Baker, D.:
North American X-15. Blueprint
45.00 €
60593 - Baker, D.:
North American X-15. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1954-1968 (X-15, X-15B and Delta Wing models)
45.00 €
19261 - Campbell, J.M.:
North American XB-70 Valkyrie. A Photo Chronicle
13.95 €
19262 - Campbell, J.:
North American XB70 in color
27.00 €
46925 - Hagedorn, D.:
North American's T-6. A Definitive History of the World's Most Famous Trainer
39.95 €
19265 - Isham, M.:
Northrop F-89 Scorpion
33.00 €
53845 - Simons, G.:
Northrop Flying Wings
33.00 €
19266 - Pape, R.:
Northrop Flying Wings. A history of Jack Northrop's Visionary Aricraft
65.00 €
19267 - Holder, B.:
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit. An illustrated history
27.00 €
19269 - Pape, G.:
Northrop P-61 Black Widow. The complete History and Combat Record
39.95 €
19270 - Allen, R.:
Northrop Story 1919-39
39.95 €
19271 - Logan, D.:
Northrop's T-38 Talon. A pictorial history
33.00 €
19272 - Logan, D.:
Northrop's YF-17 Cobra. A pictorial history
27.00 €
19289 - Gibson, J.:
Nuclear weapons of the US. An illustrated History
65.00 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
47796 - Smith, D.W.:
One Hundred Years of US Navy Air Power
55.00 €
53298 - Hyre-Benoit, S.-L.:
One-Eleven Down. F-111 Crashes and Combat Losses
65.00 €
19338 - Markman, S.:
One-of-a-Kind Research Aircraft
59.95 €
52070 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Overlord. June to September 1944 Vol 2. USAAF 8th and 9th Air Forces
27.00 €
52722 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Torch. November-December 1942. The Anglo-American Invasion of Vichy French North Africa
27.00 €
26757 - Coughlin, G.:
Osprey Modelling 003: Modelling the F-4 Phantom II
25.00 €
29890 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 011: Modelling the P-47 Thunderbolt
25.00 €
30553 - Davidson, G.:
Osprey Modelling 014: Modelling the M113 Series
25.00 €
30565 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 015: Modelling the P-40. Hawk 81, Tomahawk, Warhawk and Kittyhawk
25.00 €
30551 - Coughlin, G.:
Osprey Modelling 016: Modelling the F/A-18 Hornet
25.00 €
32033 - Green, B.:
Osprey Modelling 024: Modelling the F4U Corsair
25.00 €
35949 - Spooner, S.:
Osprey Modelling 034: Modelling the P-51 Mustang
25.00 €
37317 - Glidden, M.:
Osprey Modelling 039: Modelling the F4F Wildcat
25.00 €
22582 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 19: North American P-51 Mustang
25.00 €
22702 - Christy-Ethell, J.-J.:
P-38 Lightning at War
35.00 €
23402 - Ethell, J.L.:
P-38 Lightning in WWII Color
21.00 €
67131 - Doyle, D.:
P-38 Lightning Vol 1: Lockheed XP-38 to P-38H in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67132 - Doyle, D.:
P-38 Lightning Vol 2: Lockheed's P-38J to P-38M in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
72604 - Doyle, D.:
P-39 Airacobra. Bell Fighter in WWII - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
37636 - Caruana, R.J.:
P-47 Thunderbolt
18.00 €
19460 - Shacklady, E.:
P-47 Thunderbolt - Classic WW2 Aviation 04
32.50 €
67133 - Doyle, D.:
P-47 Thunderbolt. Republic's Mighty 'Jug' in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
59556 - Peczkowski, R.:
P-47B-D Razorback
33.00 €
66995 - Jackson, R.:
P-51 Mustang - Flightcraft Series 19
29.95 €
30225 - Dibbs, J.M.:
P-51 Mustang Flying Legend
45.00 €
67135 - Doyle, D.:
P-51 Mustang Vol 1: North American's Mk. I, A, B, and C Models in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67134 - Doyle, D.:
P-51 Mustang Vol 2: The D, H, and K Models in World War II and Korea - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
55980 - AAVV, :
P-51 Mustang. Le chasseur de l'USAAF - Mod. Reduit Avion HS 05 (Le)
17.00 €
55880 - Francillon, R.:
P-51 Mustang. Un chasseur entre' dans la legende - Profils Avions 24
60.00 €
59512 - Juszczak, A.:
P-51D Mustang American Aces
29.95 €
71022 - Doyle, D.:
P-61 Black Widow. Northrop Night Fighter in WWII - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68962 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Pacific Profiles Vol 03: Allied Medium Bombers Douglas A-20 Havoc Series Southwest Pacific 1942-1944
49.95 €
52914 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Pacific Profiles Vol 04: Allied Fighters: Vought F4U Corsair Series Solomons Theatre 1943-1944
49.95 €
18632 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Pacific Profiles Vol 06: Allied Fighters: Bell P-39 and P-400 Airacobra South and Southwest Pacific 1942-1944
49.95 €
18987 - Claringbould, M.J.:
Pacific Profiles Vol 07: Allied Transports: Douglas C-47 series South and Southwest Pacific 1942-1945
49.95 €
71424 - Claringbould, M.J.: