Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Germania 1944-45
II GM: Olocausto
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - A.O.I.
II GM - Balcani
II GM - Italia/Foibe
II GM - Blitzkrieg
II GM - Batt. Inghilterra
II GM - Europa
II GM - Fr. Russo
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM - Resistenza
II GM - Prig.di Guerra/IMI
Risultati della Ricerca: 288 Prodotti
57416 - Ford Jones, M.R.:
'Easy' Boys. The Story of a Bomber Command Aircrew in World War II: Based on the Wartime Diaries of Flying Officer Reg Heffron, RAAF (The)
45.00 €
65885 - Citino, R.M.:
1944-1945 Il crollo finale della Werhrmacht Vol 1
24.00 €
66732 - Citino, R.M.:
1944-1945 Il crollo finale della Werhrmacht Vol 2
24.00 €
69183 - Lucioli, M.:
1945 Germania anno zero. Atrocita' e crimini di guerra Alleati nel 'Memorandum di Darmstadt'
36.00 €
69735 - Appoloni, V.:
1945 Noi difendiamo Berlino
14.50 €
40996 - Muelle, R.:
1945. L'armee Francaise dans la campagne d'Allemagne
33.00 €
68220 - Ullrich, V.:
1945. Otto giorni a maggio. Dalla morte di Hitler alla fine del Terzo Reich
22.00 €
61066 - Sebestyen, V.:
1946. La guerra in tempo di pace
28.00 €
24910 - Miller, K.:
363rd Fighter Group in WWII in action over Germany with the P-51 Mustang (The)
65.00 €
34230 - Miller, K.:
365th Fighter Squadron in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-47
75.00 €
23205 - Brett, J.:
448th Group (H). Liberators over Germany in WWII (The)
65.00 €
15072 - Hill, M.:
451st Bomb Group in World War II. A Pictorial History (The)
59.95 €
24919 - Hill, M.:
464th Bomb Group in WWII in action over the Third Reich with the B-24 Liberator (The)
75.00 €
31858 - Watts, P.:
467th Bombardment Group (H) in World War II. in Combat with the B-24 Liberator over Europe (The)
75.00 €
29638 - Fairfield, T.A.:
479th Fighter Group in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-38 and P-51
85.00 €
69626 - Galbiati, F.:
8th Air Force. Aerei, uomini e operazioni dell' 8a Forza Aerea dell'USAAF 1944-1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 57
16.00 €
37062 - ATB, :
After the Battle 048 Germany Surrenders
9.95 €
37136 - ATB, :
After the Battle 122 November push to the Rhine
9.95 €
37144 - ATB, :
After the Battle 130 Battle for Leipzig
9.95 €
40003 - ATB, :
After the Battle 140 Battle for Geilenkirchen
9.95 €
62106 - ATB, :
After the Battle 176 Allied capture of Trier
9.95 €
69879 - ATB, :
After the Battle 192 Battle for Orsogna - Battle for Festung Kuestrin
9.95 €
52649 - MacDonogh, G.:
After the Reich. From the Liberation of Vienna to the Berlin Airlift
19.95 €
64839 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Air Campaign 005: Operation Crossbow 1944. Hunting Hitler's V-Weapons
27.00 €
66592 - Worrall-Turner, R.-G.:
Air Campaign 011: Battle of Berlin 1943-44. Bomber Harris' Gamble to End the War
27.00 €
67040 - Michel-Laurier, M.L. III-J.:
Air Campaign 014: Schweinfurt-Regensburg 1943. Eighth Air Force costly early daylight battles
27.00 €
59386 - Dildy-Turner, D.C.-G.:
Air Campaign 027: 'Big Week' 1944. Operation Argument and the breaking of the Jagdwaffe
27.00 €
72887 - Worrall-Bangso, R.-M.:
Air Campaign 044: Hamburg 1940-45. Long war against Germany's great port city
27.00 €
19461 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 024: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
25228 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 051: 'Down to Earth' Strafing Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
32067 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 068: Bf 109 Defence of the Reich Aces
27.00 €
46428 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 092: Fw 190 Defence of the Reich Aces
27.00 €
49406 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 101: Luftwaffe Viermot Aces 1942-45
27.00 €
63085 - Chapis-Thomas-Laurier, S.-A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 136: Allied Jet Killers of World War 2
27.00 €
43617 - Childers, T.:
Ali del mattino. L'ultimo bombardiere americano abbattuto sulla Germania 21 aprile 1945 (Le)
20.00 €
36017 - Hastings, M.:
Armageddon. La battaglia per la Germania 1944-1945
18.00 €
32423 - Hastings, M.:
Armageddon. The battle for Germany 1944-45
18.00 €
43601 - Boscawen, R.:
Armoured Guardsmen. A War Diary from Normandy to the Rhine
25.00 €
51426 - Regeniter, A.:
Artigliere d'assalto. Il diario di guerra di un ufficiale della StuG-Brigade 276 sul fronte dell'est, 1944-1945
25.00 €
60102 - Buttar, P.:
Assalto al fronte orientale. L'invasione sovietica della Prussia 1944-1945
22.00 €
52197 - Gundlach, G.:
At the gates of Leningrad/Alle porte di Leningrado. La 291. Infanterie-Division dalla Lituania alla battaglia della sacca del Volchov 1941-1942 - Ostfront 02
29.00 €
65478 - Gilbers, H.:
Atto finale. L'ex Commissario Oppenheimer e l'Armata Rossa a Berlino
16.00 €
45341 - de Lannoy, F.:
Au coeur du Reich. Allemagne 1945
36.00 €
45822 - De Loisy, P.:
Bataillon de Chartreuse (Le)
25.00 €
53402 - Thompson, R.W.:
Battle for Rhineland (The)
19.95 €
44024 - Le Tissier, T.:
Battle of Berlin 1945 (The)
21.00 €
46819 - O'Keeffe, T.:
Battle Yet Unsung. The Fighting Men of the 14th Armored Division
36.00 €
56681 - Pettit, P.:
Battles of a Gunner Officer. Tunisia, Sicily, Normandy and the Long Road to Germany
39.95 €
68905 - Gil Martinez, E.M.:
Bautzen. Ultima vittoria del Terzo Reich
19.90 €
54948 - Fischer, T. cur:
Berlin 1933-1945 avec Wilhelm Mohnke
25.00 €
48540 - AAVV, :
Berlin 1945
18.00 €
64130 - McCormack, D.:
Berlin 1945 Battlefield Guide Part 1: The Battle of the Oder-Neisse
27.50 €
41947 - AAVV, :
Berlin 1945. The collapse of the 'Thousand-Years' Reich
36.00 €
59872 - Brettin-Kroh, M.-P.:
Berlin 1945. WWII: Photos of the Aftermath
35.00 €
39614 - Le Tissier, T.:
Berlin Battlefield Guide. Third Reich and Cold War
36.00 €
61301 - Harrison, R.W. cur:
Berlin Operation 1945. Soviet General Staff (The)
55.00 €
46774 - Middlebrook, B.:
Berlin Raids. The Bomber Battle, Winter 1943-1944 (The)
39.95 €
15812 - Le Tissier, T.:
Berlin Then and Now
75.00 €
44901 - Lopez, J.:
Berlin. Les offensives geantes de l'Armee Rouge, Vistule-Oder-Elbe (12 janvier-9 mai 1945)
35.00 €
63539 - Cristini-Ricciardi, L.S.-E.:
Berlino 1945 - WW2 the last battle in Berlin
29.00 €
57653 - Antill-Dennis, P.-P.:
Berlino 1945. La fine del Terzo Reich
20.00 €
15814 - McLaren, D.:
Beware the Thunderbolt! The 56th Fighter Group in WWII
49.95 €
46396 - Delaforce, P.:
Black Bull. From Normandy to the Baltic with the 11th Armoured Division (The)
25.00 €
58008 - Graves, D.E.:
Blood and Steel 2. The Wehrmacht Archive: Retreat to the Reich. September to December 1944
36.00 €
63380 - Hunt, V.:
Blood in the Forest. The End of the Second World War in the Courland Pocket
33.00 €
40959 - Hamilton, A.S.:
Bloody Streets. The Soviet Assault on Berlin, April 1945. Revised and Expanded Edition
90.00 €
33849 - von Leesen, H.J.:
Bombenterror. Der Luftkrieg ueber Deutschland
29.00 €
38191 - Copp, T.:
Brigade. The Fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWII (The)
21.00 €
52830 - Bouchery, J.:
British Soldier Vol 1 and Vol 2 (The)
45.00 €
63382 - Harrison, R.W. cur:
Budapest Operation 1945 an operational-strategic study. Soviet General Staff
59.95 €
47210 - Bar-Zohar, M.:
Caccia agli scienziati nazisti 1944-1960
20.00 €
47173 - Clark, M.W.:
Campagne d'Africa e d'Italia della 5a Armata americana (Le)
30.00 €
62043 - Feldmann-Mas, D.-C.:
Campagne du Rhin. Les Allies entrent en Allemagne. Janvier-mai 1945 (La)
35.00 €
24930 - Ford-Bryan, K.-T.:
Campaign 074: Rhineland 1945. Last killing ground in the West
27.00 €
32005 - Antill-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 159: Berlin 1945. End of the thousand years Reich
27.00 €
34753 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 175: Remagen 1945. Endgame against the Third Reich
27.00 €
35907 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 178: Rhine Crossings 1945
27.00 €
35910 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 181: Siegfried Line 1944-45. Battles on the German Frontier
27.00 €
44595 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 223: Operation Nordwind 1945. Hitler's last offensive in the West
27.00 €
58753 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 293: Downfall 1945. The Fall of Hitler's Third Reich
27.00 €
28955 - AAVV, :
Cartina: Berlin Allied Intelligence Map of Key Buildings 1945
9.95 €
62196 - Segretain, F.:
Chars en Allemagne. 1944-1945: le crepuscule
45.00 €
24340 - Delaforce, P.:
Churchill's Desert Rats - From Normandy to Berlin
25.00 €
27421 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Cittadini in Uniforme. L'esercito americano dallo sbarco in Normandia alla resa della Germania: la guerra vista da soldati che l'hanno combattuta
14.00 €
37650 - Doubler, M.D.:
Closing with the Enemy. How GIs fought the War in Europe 1944-1945
25.00 €
36450 - Ashley Hart, S.:
Colossal Cracks. Montgomery's 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe 1944-45
21.00 €
61762 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Combat 022: Panzergrenadier vs US Armored Infantryman. European Theater of Operations 1944
25.00 €
15667 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 015: B-24 Liberator Units of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
15660 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 018: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 1)
27.00 €
23454 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 035: Lancaster Squadrons 1944-45
27.00 €
23470 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 036: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (part 2)
27.00 €
66523 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 131: Me 210/410 Zerstoerer Units
27.00 €
50482 - Bodenmueller, E.:
Con i Panther della 'Brandenburg'
20.00 €
40685 - Bowman, M.W.:
Confounding the Reich. The RAF's Secret War of Electronic Countermeasures in WWII
36.00 €
50551 - Holmsten, G.:
Contro Hitler. 20 luglio 1944. L'attentato al Fuehrer raccontato da uno dei protagonisti
10.00 €
65512 - Aubin, N.:
Course au Rhin 25 juillet-15 decembre 1944. Pourqoi la guerre ne s'est pas finie a Noel (La)
35.00 €
46519 - Beevor, A.:
D-Day. La battaglia che salvo' l'Europa
18.00 €
39518 - Hanford, W.B.:
Dangerous Assignment. An Artillery Forward Observer in World War Two
21.00 €
35970 - Le Tissier, T.:
Death Was Our Companion. The Final Days of the Third Reich
21.00 €
16549 - Speer, F.:
Debden Warbirds. 4th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
57748 - Ramsey, W.G. cur:
Defeat of Germany Then and Now
75.00 €
65570 - Villatoux-Aiolfi, P.-X.:
Dernieres Archives du Bunker. 23-26 Avril 1945. Berlin 1945
45.00 €
25574 - Harris, A.T.:
Despatch on War Operations. 23rd February 1942 to 8th May 1945
145.00 €
63921 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 28 Budapest 1945
10.00 €
66895 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 38 Berlin 1945 (I) La ofensiva sovietica
10.00 €
66897 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 39 Berlin 1945 (II) La batalla por la ciudad
10.00 €
16597 - Reynolds, M.:
Devil's Adjutant. Jochen Peiper, Panzer Leader (The)
29.95 €
50273 - Fest, J.C.:
Dialoghi con Albert Speer
22.00 €
53909 - von Lehndorff, H.:
Diario della Prussia Orientale. Annotazioni di un medico negli anni 1945-1947. Libro+DVD
32.00 €
56218 - Willemer, W.:
Difesa tedesca di Berlino (La)
27.00 €
25470 - Fest, J.C.:
Disfatta. Gli ultimi giorni di Hitler e la fine del Terzo Reich (La)
11.00 €
68350 - Mabire, J.:
Division Charlemagne. I combattenti della Waffen SS francese
35.00 €
70165 - Forsyth-Hector, R.-G.:
Dogfight 001: Fw 190D-9. Defence of the Reich 1944-45
25.00 €
52937 - Anderson, D.:
Downfall of the Third Reich (The)
25.00 €
28327 - Maier, G.:
Drama between Budapest and Vienna. The Final Battles of the 6. Panzer-Armee in the East - 1945
105.00 €
67699 - Peter, R.Sr.:
Dresda. Sguardi dall'Apocalisse. Le fotografie di Richard Peter Senior 1945-1949
29.00 €
37610 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 001: P-51 Mustang vs Fw 190. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
33168 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 011: P-47 Thunderbolt vs Bf 109G/K. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
54569 - Zaloga-Chasemore, S.J.-R.:
Duel 053: M10 Tank Destroyer vs StuG III Assault Gun. Germany 1944
25.00 €
72905 - Forsyth-Hector-Laurier, R.-G.-J.:
Duel 135: Me 163 vs Allied Heavy Bombers. Northern Europe 1944-45
25.00 €
70075 - Johnen, W.:
Duels sous les etoiles. Memoires d'un pilote de la Nachtjagd
30.00 €
57415 - Saft, U.:
Eclipse without a Future. Battles for Northern Germany (An)
79.95 €
58666 - Prefer, N.B.:
Eisenhower's Thorn on the Rhine. The Battles for the Colmar Pocket 1945
33.00 €
58700 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 209: Victory 1945. Western Allied Troops in Northwest Europe
23.00 €
51741 - Tout, K.:
End of War. Fatal Final Days to VE Day 1945 (An)
33.00 €
43512 - Urbanke, A.:
Endkampf um das Reichsgebiet 1944-1945
59.95 €
69737 - Lucioli, M.:
Endkampf. SS Sturmbataillon 'Charlemagne' nella difesa di Berlino 24 aprile- 2 maggio 1945
16.00 €
42812 - Saint Loup, :
Eretici. Dalla Brigata d'Assalto SS alla Divisione Charlemagne (Gli)
30.00 €
70006 - Urbanke, A.:
Escape from the Halbe Pocket! The Story of Tank Officer Joachim Senholdt
85.00 €
54183 - Guenther, H.:
Eyes of the Division. The reconnaissance Battalion of the 17 SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 'Goetz Von Berlichingen' (The)
49.95 €
72221 - Gil Martinez, E.M.:
Fallschirmjaeger in the Defense of the Oder 1945. Schwedt Zehden Eberswalde Seelow Berlin
36.00 €
46915 - Hill, J.:
Fighting Brigadier. The Life of Brigadier James Hill
36.00 €
37963 - Gilbers, H.:
Figli di Odino. L'ex commissario Oppenheimer e la fine del Reich
16.00 €
53051 - Middlebrook, M.:
Firestorm Hamburg. The Facts Surrounding the Destruction of a German City 1943 (The)
39.95 €
36159 - MacKay, R.:
First in the Field: The 1st Air Division over Europe in WWII
75.00 €
46453 - Short-Hook, N.-A.:
Fortress 100: Fuehrer's Headquarters. Hitler's command bunkers 1939-1945
23.00 €
47732 - Zaloga-Hook, S.J.-A.:
Fortress 102: Defense of the Rhine 1944-45
23.00 €
52381 - Zaloga-Hook, S.J.-A.:
Fortress 107: Defense of the Third Reich 1941-45
23.00 €
58770 - Short, N.:
Fortress 108: Germany's East Wall in World War II
23.00 €
56392 - Nevenkin, K.:
Fortress Budapest. The Siege of the Hungarian Capital 1944-45 2 Voll
135.00 €
48298 - Murrell, C.N.:
From Dunkirk to the Rhineland. Diaries and Sketches of Sergeant Charles Murrell, Welsh Guards
36.00 €
62204 - Dick, C.J.:
From Victory to Stalemate. The Western Front, Summer 1944 Decisive and Indecisive Military Operations Vol 1
55.00 €
55533 - Bartmann, E.:
Fuer Volk and Fuehrer. The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
39.95 €
25284 - Mansoor, P.R.:
GI Offensive in Europe. The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 (The)
30.00 €
36840 - Hoyt, E.P.:
GI's War. American Soldiers in Europe during World War II (The)
25.00 €
41012 - Muelle, R.:
Glorieuse epopee du 1er Bataillon de Choc 1943-1945 (La)
33.00 €
58934 - Neurath, W.L.:
Governo Doenitz. Gli ultimi giorni del Terzo Reich (Il)
19.00 €
31266 - Mari, G.:
Governo Goebbels. Trenta ore di morte e menzogne (Il)
19.00 €
60390 - Ottone, F.M. cur:
Grande esodo attraverso il Baltico (Il) Libro+DVD
28.00 €
66740 - Thorwald, J.:
Grande fuga. Il massacro dei tedeschi orientali (La)
28.00 €
54454 - Atkinson, R.:
Guns at Last Light. The War in Western Europe 1944-1945 (The)
49.95 €
55945 - Alexander-Makos, L.-A.:
Higher Call. The Incredible True Story of Heroism and Chivalry During the Second World War (A)
15.00 €
57517 - Hargreaves, R.:
Hitler's Final Fortress. Breslau 1945
27.00 €
50975 - Hargreaves, R.:
Hitler's Final Fortress. Breslau 1945
39.95 €
57333 - Just, B.:
Hitler's Last Levy in East Prussia. Volkssturm Einsatz Bataillon Goldap (25/235) 1944-45
29.95 €
31780 - Kissel, H.:
Hitler's Last Levy. The Volkssturm 1944-45
45.00 €
58468 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 27: L'effondrement du Reich. Des Ardennes a Berlin. Recit et temoignages
17.50 €
65484 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 39: les 10 derniers jours du Reich
17.50 €
66967 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 42: Finir la guerre a l'ouest. Vaincre la bete!
17.50 €
34434 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 52: 1945 Agonie de la Panzerwaffe
17.00 €
66909 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 39: Wehrmacht 1945
15.00 €
63420 - Alloin, R.:
HS Navires&Histoire 31: Les Poches de l'Atlantique
19.95 €
40272 - Pierik, P.:
Hungary 1944-1945. The Forgotten Tragedy
29.95 €
49089 - Baret, J.G.:
I Wouldn't Want to do it Again
33.00 €
68182 - Trang-Tiquet, C.-P.:
III.Panzer-Korps. Le IIIe Corps blinde' SS de Volontaires germaniques
75.00 €
45729 - Cornish, N.:
Images of War. Berlin. Victory in Europe
25.00 €
49866 - Baxter, I.:
Images of War. Final Days of the Reich
27.00 €
33591 - Close, R.:
In Action with the SAS. A soldier's odyssey from Dunkirk to Berlin
36.00 €
47794 - Rusiecki, S.M.:
In Final Defense of the Reich. The Destruction of the 6th Mountain Division 'Nord'
45.00 €
18056 - Tieke, W.:
In the Firestorm of the last Year of the War
65.00 €
35177 - Baxter, I.:
Into the Abyss: The Last Years of the Waffen-SS 1943-45. A Photographic History 1943-45
39.95 €
45625 - Adriano, P.:
Intrigo di Berna. Diplomatici, generali, agenti segreti: la verita' sulla fine della guerra in Italia (L')
20.00 €
58595 - Borowski, T.:
Last Blood on Pomerania. Leon Degrelle and the Walloon Waffen SS Volunteers. February-May 1945
29.95 €
39352 - Wright, S.L.:
Last Drop. Operation Varsity March 24-25, 1945 (The)
39.95 €
61214 - Szamveber, N.:
Last Panzer Battles in Hungary. Spring 1945
69.95 €
72091 - Pascale-Materassi, S.-M.:
Lavoro forzato nel Terzo Reich (Il)
9.90 €
42533 - Bowman, M.W.:
Legend of the Lancasters. The Bomber War from England 1942-45
59.95 €
18473 - Saint Paulien, :
Leoni morti. La battaglia di Berlino (I)
22.00 €
42545 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Letzte Jahr der Waffen-SS. Mai 1944-Mai 1945 (Das)
18.00 €
53038 - Schmidt, A.:
Leviatano o il migliore dei mondi (Il)
10.00 €
54411 - Kershaw, A.:
Liberatore. Un'odissea lunga 500 giorni dalle spiagge della Sicilia ai cancelli di Dachau (Il)
19.00 €
45028 - Mackay-Bailey-Scorza, R.-M.-D.:
Liberators over Norwich. The 458th Bomb Group (H), 8th USAAF at Horsham St. Faith 1944-1945
85.00 €
28894 - Hannig, N.:
Luftwaffe Fighter Ace. From the Eastern Front to the Defence of the Homeland
35.00 €
45851 - Fischer, W.:
Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot. Defending the Reich Against the RAF and the USAAF
33.00 €
36509 - Caldwell-Muller, D.-R.:
Luftwaffe over Germany. Defense of the Reich (The)
65.00 €
69566 - Le Tissier, T.:
Marshal Zhukov at the Oder. The Decisive Battle for Berlin
25.00 €
23162 - Perkins, B.W.:
Memphis Belle. Biography of a B-17 Flying Fortress
59.95 €
21135 - Henry-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 350: US Army in World War II (3) North-West Europe
19.00 €
15970 - Brayley-Chappell, M.J.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 354: British Army 1939-45 (1) North-West Europe
19.00 €
52094 - Bowden, R.:
Merseburg: Blood, Flak and Oil. The 8th Air Force Missions
29.95 €
23515 - Freeman, R.A.:
Mighty Eight war manual (The)
35.00 €
42864 - Alling, C.:
Mighty Fortress. Lead Bomber Over Europe (A)
19.95 €
59496 - Alford, K.D.:
Monetary Men. The Allies' Struggle to Recover and Restore Nazi Gold, Silver and Diamond
39.95 €
55551 - Delaforce, P.:
Monty's Rhine Adventure. War and Peace. September 1944 NW Europe
25.00 €
47405 - Edsel, R.M.:
Monuments men. Eroi alleati, ladri nazisti e la piu' grande caccia al tesoro della storia
16.90 €
69841 - Mabire, J.:
Morire a Berlino. Le SS francesi gli ultimi difensori del bunker di Adolf Hitler
30.00 €
66757 - Tieke, W.:
Narva 1944. La battaglia delle SS europee. Il III. (germanisches) SS-Panzerkorps dal fronte di Leningrado alla difesa dell'Estonia
32.00 €
70998 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 312: Tanks in the Battle of Germany 1945. Eastern Front
19.00 €
46503 - MacLachan, I.:
Night of the Intruders. The Slaughter of Homeward Bound USAAF Mission 311
36.00 €
51512 - Pessot-Vassallo, S.-P.:
Odessa. La vera storia e la leggenda nera
20.00 €
33654 - Rogers-Williams, D.-S. cur:
On the Bloody Road to Berlin. Frontline Accounts from North-West Europe and the Eastern Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
58282 - Delaforce, P.:
Onslaught on Hitler's Rhine. Operations Plunder and Varsity, March 1945
33.00 €
28234 - Taylor, E.:
Operation Millenium. Bomber Harris's Raid on Cologne, May 1942
30.00 €
67574 - Marina, A.:
Panzers en Berlin. Unidades acorazadas alemanas y sovieticas combaten por la capital del Reich - Imagenes de Guerra 37
25.00 €
64595 - Karalus-Jerzak, M.-J.:
Panzers in defense of Festung Posen 1945
29.95 €
66153 - Schaeufler, H.:
Panzers on the Vistula. Retreat and rout on the East Prussia 1945
30.00 €
42779 - Stocker-Feast, T.-S.:
Pathfinder's War. An extraordinary tale of surviving over 100 Bomber Operations against all odds (A)
30.00 €
26026 - Whiting, C.:
Paths of Death and Glory: The Last Days of the Third Reich
29.95 €
26055 - Ivie, T.:
Patton's Eyes in the Sky. USAAF Combat Reconnaissance Missions North-West Europe 1944-1945
55.00 €
19594 - Prefer, N.:
Patton's ghost corps. Cracking the Siegfried Line
27.00 €
24488 - Whiting, C.:
Patton's Last Battle
29.95 €
43608 - English, J.A.:
Patton's Peers. The Forgotten Allied Field Army Commanders of the Western Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
52089 - Bowden, R.:
Plane Names and Fancy Noses. The 91st Bomb Group (Heavy) USAAF
33.00 €
67973 - Hechler, K.:
Ponte di Remagen. L'ultima difesa tedesca sul Reno (Il)
18.00 €
65001 - Harrison, R.W. cur:
Prelude to Berlin. The Red Army's Offensive Operations in Poland and Eastern Germany, 1945 - Soviet General Staff
55.00 €
67656 - Borowski, T.:
Prezzo del giuramento. SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne durante la battaglia di Berlino 1945
28.00 €
54493 - Nouaille-Mercury-De Goutel, P.-F.-E.:
Processo di Norimberga Vol 1. Le vicende, i documenti, le condanne (Il)
22.00 €
54494 - Nouaille-Mercury-De Goutel, P.-F.-E.:
Processo di Norimberga Vol 2. Le vicende, i documenti, le condanne (Il)
22.00 €
71780 - Leggiero, A.:
Profilo criminologico dei gerarchi nazisti
22.00 €
39804 - Mari, G.:
Propaganda nell'abisso. Goebbels e il giornale nel bunker (La)
24.00 €
51354 - Kieser, E.:
Prussian Apocalypse. The Fall of Danzig 1945
36.00 €
49571 - Gorle, R.:
Quiet Gunner at War. El Alamein to the Rhine with the Scottish Division (The)
36.00 €
68872 - Galbiati, F.:
RAF Bomber Command (1939-1945) - Storia Militare Dossier 54
16.00 €
19876 - Havelaar, M.:
Ragged Irregulars. The 91st Bomb Group in WWII
59.95 €
68257 - Buttar, P.:
Reckoning. The Defeat of Army Group South 1944 (The)
25.00 €
19911 - Duffy, C.:
Red storm on the Reich. The soviet march on Germany 1945
65.00 €
66002 - Ruberti, F.:
Relitto del transatlantico Wilhelm Gustloff. La piu' grande tragedia della storia della navigazione (Il)
22.00 €
72145 - Memorabilia, :
RHE HS 03: Dans le bunker d'Hitler
13.00 €
19993 - Mackay, R.:
Ridgewell's Flying Fortresses. The 381st Bombardment Group (H) in WWII
75.00 €
25636 - Whitlock, F.:
Rock of Anzio. From Sicily to Dachau: a History of the US 45th Infantry Division
27.00 €
47374 - Higgins, D.:
Roer River Battles. Germany's Stand at the Westwall 1944-45 (The)
33.00 €
54056 - Alford-Johnson-Morris, K.D.-T.M.-M.F.:
Sacking Aladdin's Cave. Plundering Goering's Nazi War Trophies
75.00 €
36793 - Webster, G.:
Savage Sky. Life and Death on a Bomber over Germany in 1944 (The)
21.00 €
43034 - Le Tissier, T.:
Siege of Kuestrin 1945. Gateway to Berlin
27.00 €
47337 - Le Tissier, T.:
Siege of Kuestrin 1945. Gateway to Berlin
29.95 €
31004 - Taylor, D. cur:
Siegfried Line Then and Now
45.00 €
43553 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Siegfried Line. The German Defense of the West Wall. September-December 1944
25.00 €
35140 - Le Tissier, T.:
Slaughter at Halbe. The Destruction of Hitler's 9th Army
25.00 €
70680 - De la Maziere, C.:
Sognatore con l'elmetto. Le memorie di un giovane volontario della Divisione SS Charlemagne nel libro-verita' che scosse la Francia (Il)
25.00 €
52948 - Prueller, W.:
Soldat. Il diario di un soldato nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale
25.00 €
53301 - Gil Martinez, E.M.:
Spanish in the SS and Wehrmacht 1944-1945. The Ezquerra Unit in the Battle of Berlin (The)
59.95 €
20463 - Hutton, S.:
Squadron of Deception. 36th Bomb Sq. in WWII
49.95 €
46577 - Le Tissier, T.:
SS Charlemagne. The 33rd Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS
21.00 €
23398 - Ripley, T.:
SS Steel Rain. Waffen-SS Panzer Battles in the West 1944-45
35.00 €
47653 - Poller-Mansson-Westberg, H.-M.-L.:
SS-Panzer-Aufklaerungs-Abteilung 11 'Nordland' and the Swedish SS-Platoon in the Baltic States, Pomeraina and Berlin 1943-1945. Armoured Reconnaissance with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
55.00 €
71530 - Tirloni, L.:
Storie di fine guerra. Episodi, eventi e curiosita' che chiusero il secondo confitto mondiale
25.00 €
25250 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Strategic Air War against Germany. The official report of the british Bombing Survey Unit
155.00 €
61241 - Murawski, E.:
Struggle for Pomerania. The Last Defensive Battles in the East (The)
85.00 €
47338 - English, J.A.:
Surrender Invites Death. Fighting the Waffen SS in Normandy
36.00 €
37404 - Lebenson, L.:
Surrounded by Heroes. Six Campaigns with Division Headquarters, 82d Airborne Division, 1942-1945
36.00 €
58690 - Kaestner, E.:
Taccuino '45. Un diario del tracollo del III Reich
16.00 €
52096 - Bowden, R.:
Tales to Noses over Berlin. The 8th Air Force Missions
21.00 €
63373 - Nebolsin, I.:
Tank Battles in East Prussia and Poland 1944-1945. Vilkavishkis, Gumbinnen/Nemmersdorf, Elbing, Wormditt/Frauenburg, Kielce/Lisow
89.95 €
38369 - Yeide, H.:
Tank Killers. A History of America's World War II Tank Destroyer Force (The)
25.00 €
42576 - Cooper, A.:
Target Leipzig. The RAF's Disastrous Raid of 19-20 February 1944
36.00 €
70129 - Russell, J.:
Theirs the Strife. The Forgotten Battles of British Second Army and Armeegruppe Blumentritt, April 1945
45.00 €
31483 - Le Tissier, T.:
Third Reich Then and Now (The)
75.00 €
39753 - Sion, E.M.:
Through Blue Skies to Hell. America's Bloody 100th in the Air War over Germany
19.95 €
26058 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Tigri in battaglia. La storia degli uomini che pilotarono i B-24 sopra la Germania
16.50 €
47312 - Oliver, D.:
To the Last Bullet. Germany's War on 3 Fronts Part 1: The East - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
31714 - Bellamy, B.:
Troop Leader. A Tank Commander's Story
19.95 €
70074 - Knoke, H.:
Tueur de B-17. Memoires d'un As aux 33 victoires
30.00 €
34329 - Scott, T.:
Twenty Days in the Reich
36.00 €
72251 - Urbanke, A.:
U-Bootmaenner als Panzerjaeger. Das Marine-Panzerjagd-Regiment 1 und die Kaempfe bei Hamburg im April/Mai 1945
75.00 €
68129 - Lopez, J.:
Ultimi cento giorni di Hitler. Cronaca di un'apocalisse (Gli)
20.00 €
72468 - Toland, J.:
Ultimi cento giorni. Declino e caduta del Terzo Reich (Gli)
28.00 €
49481 - Boldt, G.:
Ultimi giorni di Hitler (Gli)
16.00 €
50712 - Best, N.:
Ultimi giorni. 28 aprile-2 maggio 1945 (Gli)
25.00 €
67782 - Rampin, M.:
Ultimo inganno di Hitler (L')
19.90 €
64824 - Brisard-Parshina, J.C.-L.:
Ultimo Mistero di Hitler. L'inchiesta definitiva sugli ultimi giorni e la morte del dittatore nazista (L')
14.00 €
67472 - Siegert, R.:
Ultimo Tiger. I combattimenti di un equipaggio di Panzer nella Festung Posen 1945 (L')
16.00 €
38096 - Eismann-Steinhardt, H.G.-F. cur:
Under Himmler's Command. The Personal Recollections of Oberst Hans-Georg Eismann. Helion WWII German Military Studies Volume 02
39.95 €
41369 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Uomini della RAF. Il Bomber Command nella battaglia di Berlino 1943-1944
22.00 €
67879 - Steinbach, P.:
Uomo che voleva uccidere Hitler. Claus von Stauffenberg e l'Operazione Valchiria (L')
12.50 €
67267 - Ramsey, W.:
V-Weapons Then and Now (The)
59.95 €
40080 - Butler, J.R.M. cur:
Victory in the West Vol II: The Defeat of Germany
39.95 €
71299 - Pohmann, H.:
Walther Dahl. Kommodore dei Rammjaeger all'attacco dei B 17
20.00 €
48101 - Longacre, E.G.:
War in the Ruins. The American Army's Final Battle Against Nazi Germany
33.00 €
65934 - Citino, R.M.:
Wehrmacht's Last Stand. The German Campaigns of 1944-1945
45.00 €
62447 - AAVV, :
Werwolf. Linee guida per le unita' di guerriglia
15.00 €
52000 - Oliver, D.:
Westwall. German Armour in the West, 1945 - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
49759 - von Studnitz, H.G.:
While Berlin Burns. The Memoirs of Hans-Georg von Studnitz
36.00 €
21910 - Le Tissier, T.:
With our backs to Berlin. The German Army in retreat 1945
21.00 €
43211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Wolfpack Warriors. The Story of WWII Most Successful Fighter Outfit
21.00 €
21544 - Kuhl, G.:
Wrong Place, Wrong Time. The 305th Bomb Group and the 2nd Schweinfurt Raid
39.95 €
23233 - Cora, P.B.:
Yellowjackets! 361st Fighter Group in WWII. P-51 Mustangs over Germany
49.95 €
44492 - Le Tissier, T.:
Zhukov at the Oder. The Decisive Battle for Berlin
29.95 €