Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Serie Osprey Storia
(Campaign - Essential Histories - Raid - Command - Battle Orders - Fortress)
Risultati della Ricerca: 734 Prodotti
27004 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 001: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations (1) 1941-43
29.95 €
26999 - Reid, S.:
Battle Orders 002: Wellington's Army in the Peninsula 1809-14
29.95 €
27034 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Battle Orders 003: US Armored Divisions. The European Theater of Operations, 1944-45
29.95 €
26997 - Quarrie, B.:
Battle Orders 004: German Airborne Divisions. Blitzkrieg 1940-41
29.95 €
26754 - Chun, C.:
Battle Orders 005: US Army in the Plains Indian Wars, 1865-1890
29.95 €
30594 - Votaw, J.:
Battle Orders 006: American Expeditionary Forces in World War I
29.95 €
29914 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 007: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations 1943-44
29.95 €
29915 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 008: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations 1944-45
29.95 €
30579 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 009: Japanese Army in World War II. Conquest of the Pacific 1941-42
29.95 €
30597 - Zaloga, S:J.:
Battle Orders 010: US Tank and Tank Destroyer Battalions in the ETO 1944-45
29.95 €
30545 - Boose, D.:
Battle Orders 011: US Army in the Korean War
29.95 €
30580 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 012: US Special Warfare Units in the Pacific Theater 1941-45. Scouts, Raiders, Rangers and Reconnaissance Units
29.95 €
30574 - Jeffreys, A.:
Battle Orders 013: British Army in the Far East 1941-45
29.95 €
32051 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 014: Japanese Army in World War II. The South Pacific and New Guinea, 1942-43
29.95 €
32050 - Quarrie, B.:
Battle Orders 015: German Airborne Divisions: Mediterranean Theatre 1942-45
29.95 €
32035 - Gudmundsson, B.:
Battle Orders 016: British Expeditionary Force 1914-15
29.95 €
32055 - Sayen, J.J.:
Battle Orders 017: US Army Infantry Divisions 1942-43
29.95 €
32043 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 018: British Commandos 1940-46
29.95 €
33469 - Gilbert, E.:
Battle Orders 019: US Marine Corps in the Vietnam War. III Marine Amphibious Force 1965-75
29.95 €
34748 - Battistelli, P.P.:
Battle Orders 020: Rommel's Afrika Korps. Tobruk to El Alamein
29.95 €
34749 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Battle Orders 021: US Armored Units in the North African and Italian Campaigns 1942-45
29.95 €
34750 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 022: US Airborne Units in the Mediterranean Theater 1942-44
29.95 €
35901 - Molinari, A.:
Battle Orders 023: Desert Raiders: Axis and Allied Special Forces 1940-43
29.95 €
35902 - Sayen, J.J.:
Battle Orders 024: US Army Infantry Divisions 1944-45
29.95 €
35903 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Battle Orders 025: US Airborne Divisions in the ETO 1944-45
29.95 €
35904 - Rottman, G.L.:
Battle Orders 026: US Airborne Units in the Pacific Theater 1942-45
29.95 €
35905 - Fields, N.:
Battle Orders 027: Roman Army of the Punic Wars 264-146 BC
29.95 €
37153 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 028: Desert Rats. British 8th Army in North Africa 1941-43
29.95 €
37154 - Gudmundsson, B.:
Battle Orders 029: British Army on the Western Front 1916
29.95 €
37155 - Rottman, G.L.:
Battle Orders 030: Mobile Strike Forces in Vietnam 1966-70
29.95 €
38089 - Fremont Barnes, G.:
Battle Orders 031: Royal Navy 1793-1815
29.95 €
37158 - Battistelli, P.P.:
Battle Orders 032: Panzer Divisions: The Blitzkrieg Years 1939-40
29.95 €
38025 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 033: US Army in the Vietnam War 1965-73
29.95 €
33153 - Fields, N.:
Battle Orders 034: Roman Army: the Civil Wars 88-31 BC
29.95 €
33154 - Battistelli, P.P.:
Battle Orders 035: Panzer Divisions: The Eastern Front 1941-43
29.95 €
40729 - Fields, N.:
Battle Orders 037: Roman Army of the Principate 27 BC-AD 117
29.95 €
42943 - Battistelli, P.P.:
Battle Orders 038: Panzer Divisions 1944-45
29.95 €
19251 - Badsey, S.:
Campaign 001: Normandy 1944. Allied Landings and Breakout
25.00 €
17239 - Shepperd, A.:
Campaign 003: France 1940. Blitzkrieg in the West
25.00 €
20862 - Arnold, J.:
Campaign 004: Tet Offensive 1968. Turning Point in Vietnam
25.00 €
15438 - Arnold, J.:
Campaign 005: Ardennes 1944. Hitler's last gamble in the West
25.00 €
15686 - Sweetman, J.:
Campaign 006: Balaclava 1854. The Charge of the Light Brigade
25.00 €
15237 - Warry, J.:
Campaign 007: Alexander 334-323BC. Conquest of the Persian Empire
25.00 €
17322 - Haythornthwaite, P.:
Campaign 008: Gallipoli 1915. Frontal Assault on Turkey
25.00 €
15177 - Bennett, M.:
Campaign 009: Agincourt 1415. Triumph against the Odds
25.00 €
17128 - Hankinson, A.:
Campaign 010: First Bull Run 1861. The South's First Victory
25.00 €
18313 - Gray, R.:
Campaign 011: Kaiserschlacht 1918. The Final German Offensive
25.00 €
17871 - Gravett, C.:
Campaign 013: Hastings 1066. The fall of Saxon England
25.00 €
21573 - Knight, I.:
Campaign 014: Zulu War 1879. Twilight of a Warrior Nation
25.00 €
21453 - Wootten, G.:
Campaign 015: Waterloo 1815. The Birth of Modern Europe
25.00 €
18372 - Healy, M.:
Campaign 016: Kursk 1943. The tide turns in the East
25.00 €
16218 - Arnold, J.:
Campaign 017: Chickamauga 1863. The River of Death
25.00 €
17664 - Mueller, J.:
Campaign 018: Guadalcanal 1942. The Marines Strike Back
25.00 €
17873 - Nicolle, D.:
Campaign 019: Hattin 1187. Saladin's Greatest Victory
25.00 €
18265 - Chandler, D.:
Campaign 020: Jena 1806. Napoleon Destroys Prussia
25.00 €
17619 - Elliot-Wright, P.:
Campaign 021: Gravelotte-St-Privat 1870. End of the Second Empire
25.00 €
19825 - Healy, M.:
Campaign 022: Qadesh 1300 BC. Clash of the warrior kings
25.00 €
18332 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 023: Khartoum 1885. General Gordon's Last Stand
25.00 €
15532 - Badsey, S.:
Campaign 024: Arnhem 1944. Operation 'Market Garden'
25.00 €
18462 - Hofschroer, P.:
Campaign 025: Leipzig 1813. The Battle of the Nations
25.00 €
21268 - Hankinson, A.:
Campaign 026: Vicksburg 1863. Grant clears the Mississippi
25.00 €
20816 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 027: Tel El-Kebir 1882. Wolseley's Conquest of Egypt
25.00 €
19214 - Pickles, T.:
Campaign 028: New Orleans 1815. Andrew Jackson Crushes the British
25.00 €
19332 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 029: Omdurman 1898. Kitchener's victory in the Sudan
25.00 €
18875 - Healy, M.:
Campaign 030: Midway 1942. Turning-Point in the Pacific
25.00 €
21553 - Nicolle, D.:
Campaign 031: Yarmuk AD 636. The Muslim conquest of Syria
25.00 €
15392 - Stevens, N.:
Campaign 032: Antietam 1862. The Civil War's Bloodiest Day
25.00 €
15573 - Castle, I.:
Campaign 033: Aspern and Wagram 1809. Mighty clash of Empires
25.00 €
19728 - Konstam, A.:
Campaign 034: Poltava 1709. Russia comes of Age
25.00 €
19691 - Harrington, P.:
Campaign 035: Plassey 1757. Clive of India's Finest Hour
25.00 €
16086 - Healy, M.:
Campaign 036: Cannae 216 BC. Hannibal smashes Rome's Army
25.00 €
15910 - Morrissey, B.:
Campaign 037: Boston 1775. The shot heard around the world
25.00 €
16284 - Knight, I.:
Campaign 038: Colenso 1899. The Boer War in Natal
25.00 €
18515 - Panzeri, P.:
Campaign 039: Little Big Horn 1876. Custer's Last Stand
25.00 €
20249 - Bryant, A.J.:
Campaign 040: Sekigahara 1600. The Final Struggle for Power
25.00 €
20072 - Knight-Perry, I.-A.:
Campaign 041: Rorke's Drift 1879. 'Pinned like rats in a hole'
25.00 €
19347 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 042: Bagration 1944. The Destruction of Army Group Centre
25.00 €
17218 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-R.:
Campaign 043: Fornovo 1495. France's Bloody Fighting Retreat
25.00 €
19600 - Konstam-Turner, A.-G.:
Campaign 044: Pavia 1525. The Climax of the Italian Wars
25.00 €
18652 - Castle, I.:
Campaign 045: Majuba 1881. The Hill of Destiny
25.00 €
18401 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Campaign 046: Lake Peipus 1242. Battle of the Ice
25.00 €
21558 - Morrissey-Hook, B.-A.:
Campaign 047: Yorktown 1781. The World turned upside down
25.00 €
20135 - Fletcher-Younghusband, I.-B.:
Campaign 048: Salamanca 1812. Wellington Crushes Marmont
25.00 €
18977 - Lomas-Dovey, D.-E.:
Campaign 049: Mons 1914. The BEF's Tactical Triumph
25.00 €
18657 - Pickles-Hook, T.-C.:
Campaign 050: Malta 1565. Last Battle of the Crusades
25.00 €
18085 - Mercer-Turner, P.-G.:
Campaign 051: Inkerman 1854. The Soldiers' Battle
25.00 €
17513 - Smith-Hook, C.-A.:
Campaign 052: Gettysburg 1863. High tide of the Confederacy. Special extended edition
25.00 €
17564 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Campaign 053: Granada 1492. The Twilight of Moorish Spain
25.00 €
20282 - Arnold-Perry, J.-A.:
Campaign 054: Shiloh 1862. The Death of Innocence
25.00 €
16204 - Smith-Hook, C.-A.:
Campaign 055: Chancellorsville 1863. Jackson's Lightning Strike
25.00 €
16810 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 056: Eggmuehl 1809. Storm Over Bavaria
25.00 €
20146 - Konstam-Rickman, A.-D.:
Campaign 057: San Juan Hill 1898. America's Emergence as a World Power
25.00 €
17135 - Lomas-Dovey, D.-E.:
Campaign 058: First Ypres 1914. The Graveyard of the Old Contemptibles
25.00 €
21317 - Fletcher-Younghusband, I.-B.:
Campaign 059: Vittoria 1813. Wellington Sweeps the French from Spain
25.00 €
16798 - Henry-Hook, C.-A.:
Campaign 060: Ebro 1938 Death Knell of the Republic
25.00 €
18796 - Perrett-Dovey, B.-E.:
Campaign 061: Megiddo 1918. The Last Great Cavalry Victory
25.00 €
19608 - Smith-Laurier, C.-J.:
Campaign 062: Pearl Harbor 1941. The Day of Infamy
25.00 €
17255 - Smith-Hook, C.-A.:
Campaign 063: Fredericksburg 1862. 'Clear The Way'
25.00 €
15680 - Fletcher-Younghusband, I.-B.:
Campaign 065: Badajoz 1812. Wellington's bloodiest siege
25.00 €
15911 - Gravett-Turner, C.-G.:
Campaign 066: Bosworth 1485. Last Charge of the Plantagenets
25.00 €
20152 - Morrissey-Hook, B.-A.:
Campaign 067: Saratoga 1777. Turning Point of a Revolution
25.00 €
18613 - Brzezinski-Turner, R.-G.:
Campaign 068: Luetzen 1632. Climax of the Thirty Years War
25.00 €
19062 - Turnbull-Gerrard, S.-H.:
Campaign 069: Nagashino 1575. Slaughter at the Barricades
25.00 €
18697 - Hollins-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 070: Marengo 1800. Napoleon's day of fate
25.00 €
16434 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 071: Crecy 1346. Triumph of the longbow
25.00 €
18306 - London-Gerrard, C.-H.:
Campaign 072: Jutland 1916. Clash of the Dreadnoughts
25.00 €
19352 - Latimer-Laurier, J.-J.:
Campaign 073: Operation Compass 1940. Wavell's Whirlwind Offensive
25.00 €
24930 - Ford-Bryan, K.-T.:
Campaign 074: Rhineland 1945. Last killing ground in the West
25.00 €
18557 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
Campaign 075: Lorraine 1944. Patton versus Manteuffel
25.00 €
20881 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 076: Ticonderoga 1758. Montcalm's victory against all odds
25.00 €
20798 - Wright-Gerrard, D.-H.:
Campaign 077: Tarawa 1943. The turning of the tide
25.00 €
16423 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 078: Constantinople 1453. The End of Byzantium
25.00 €
18568 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 079: Louisbourg 1758. Wolfe's First Siege
25.00 €
20903 - Latimer-Laurier, J.-J.:
Campaign 080: Tobruk 1941. Rommel's opening move
25.00 €
18234 - Wright-Laurier, D.-J.:
Campaign 081: Iwo Jima 1945. The Marines raise the flag on Mount Suribachi
25.00 €
16805 - Tincey-Turner, J.-G.:
Campaign 082: Edgehill 1642. First Battle of the English Civil War
25.00 €
16419 - Haythornthwaite-Hook, P.-C.:
Campaign 083: Corunna 1809. Sir John Moore's Fighting Retreat
25.00 €
15144 - MacDowall-Gerrard, S.-H.:
Campaign 084: Adrianople AD 378. The Goths Crush Rome's Legions
25.00 €
19609 - Harrington-Perry, P.-M.:
Campaign 085: Peking 1900. The Boxer Rebellion
25.00 €
15455 - Konstam-Gerrard, A.-H.:
Campaign 086: Armada Campaign 1588. The Great Enterprise against England
25.00 €
18612 - Hofschroer-Hook, P.-C.:
Campaign 087: Luetzen and Bautzen 1813. The Turning Point
25.00 €
21634 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
Campaign 088: Operation Cobra 1944. Breakout from Normandy
25.00 €
21583 - Hardin-McBride, S.-A.:
Campaign 089: Alamo 1836. Santa Anna's Texas Campaign
25.00 €
21651 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 090: Vimeiro 1808. Wellesley's first victory in the Peninsular
25.00 €
21857 - Millar-Hook, S.-A.:
Campaign 091: Kolin 1757. Frederick the Great's First Defeat
25.00 €
21981 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 092: St Nazaire 1942. The Great Commando Raid
25.00 €
22034 - Martin-Gerrard, W.-H.:
Campaign 093: Verdun 1916. 'They Shall Not Pass'
25.00 €
21943 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 094: Orleans 1429. France turns the tide
25.00 €
21986 - Langellier-Adams, J.-M.:
Campaign 095: Second Manassas 1862. Lee's greatest victory
25.00 €
22584 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 096: Okinawa 1945. The last battle
25.00 €
21716 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 097: Bussaco 1810. Wellington defeats Napoleon's Marshals
25.00 €
22563 - Nicolle-Nicolle, D.-D.:
Campaign 098: Kalka River 1223. Genghiz Khan's Mongols invade Russia
25.00 €
22544 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 099: Fuentes de Onoro 1811. Wellington's liberation of Portugal
25.00 €
22532 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 100: D-Day 1944 (1) Omaha Beach
25.00 €
22505 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 101: Austerlitz 1805. The fate of Empires
25.00 €
22513 - Armstrong-Turner, P.-G.:
Campaign 102: Bannockburn 1314. Robert Bruce's great victory
25.00 €
22557 - Konstam-Hook, A.-A.:
Campaign 103: Hampton Roads 1862. Clash of the Ironclads
25.00 €
22533 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 104: D-Day 1944 (2) Utah Beach and US Airborne Landings
25.00 €
22535 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 105: D-Day 1944 (3) Sword Beach and the British Airborne Landings
25.00 €
22530 - Reid-Embleton, S.-G.:
Campaign 106: Culloden Moor 1746. The death of the Jacobite cause
25.00 €
23513 - Zaloga-Bujeiro, S.J.-R.:
Campaign 107: Poland 1939. The birth of Blitzkrieg
25.00 €
23524 - Sekunda-Hook, N.-R.:
Campaign 108: Marathon 490 BC. The first Persian invasion of Greece
25.00 €
22555 - Konstam-Hook, A.-A.:
Campaign 109: Guilford Courthouse 1781. Lord Cornwallis's Ruinous Victory
25.00 €
23533 - Moran-Gerrard, J.-H.:
Campaign 110: Peleliu 1944. The forgotten corner of hell
25.00 €
23544 - Knight-Hook, I.-A.:
Campaign 111: Isandlwana 1879. The great Zulu victory
25.00 €
23554 - Ford-Lyles, K.-K.:
Campaign 112: D-Day 1944 (4) Gold and Juno Beaches
25.00 €
23564 - Millar-Hook, S.-A.:
Campaign 113: Rossbach and Leuthen 1757. Prussia's Eagle Resurgent
25.00 €
25743 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
Campaign 114: Lepanto 1571. The greatest naval battle of the Renaissance
25.00 €
25863 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 115: Battle of the Bulge 1944 (1) St Vith and the Northern Shoulder
25.00 €
25522 - Roberts-Turner, K.-G.:
Campaign 116: First Newbury 1643. The turning point
25.00 €
25851 - Armstrong-McBride, P.-A.:
Campaign 117: Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297-98. William Wallace's rebellion
25.00 €
25141 - Dunstan-Gerrard, S.-H.:
Campaign 118: Yom Kippur War 1973 (1) The Golan Heights
25.00 €
25377 - Tincey-Turner, J.-G.:
Campaign 119: Marston Moor 1644. The beginning of the end
25.00 €
25512 - Gravett-Turner, C.-G.:
Campaign 120: Towton 1471. England's bloodiest battle
25.00 €
25755 - Reid-Embleton, S.-G.:
Campaign 121: Quebec 1759. The battle that won Canada
25.00 €
25909 - Turnbull-Hook, S.-R.:
Campaign 122: Tannenberg 1410. Disaster for the Teutonic Knights
25.00 €
25172 - Reid-Embleton, S.-G.:
Campaign 123: Auldearn 1645. The Marquis of Montrose's Scottish campaign
25.00 €
25830 - Konstam-Embleton, A.-G.:
Campaign 124: Fair Oaks 1862. McClellan's Peninsula campaign
25.00 €
25191 - Millar-Hook, S.-A.:
Campaign 125: Zorndorf 1758. Frederick faces Holy Mother Russia
25.00 €
26226 - Dunstan-Lyles, S.-K.:
Campaign 126: Yom Kippur War 1973 (2) The Sinai
25.00 €
25658 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 127: Dieppe 1942. Combined Operations Catastrophe
25.00 €
26984 - Morrissey-Hook, B.-A.:
Campaign 128: Quebec 1775. The American invasion of Canada
25.00 €
25920 - Kirkhubel-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 129: Operation Barbarossa 1941 (1) Army Group South
25.00 €
27025 - Turnbull-Hook, S.-C.:
Campaign 130: Kawanakajima 1553-64. Samurai power struggle
25.00 €
26776 - Gravett-Turner, C.-G.:
Campaign 131: Tewkesbury 1471. The last Yorkist victory
25.00 €
26986 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 132: First Crusade 1096-99. Conquest of the Holy Land
25.00 €
26797 - Konstam-Embleton, A.-G.:
Campaign 133: Seven Days Battles 1862. Lee's defense of Richmond
25.00 €
26769 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 134: Cassino 1944. Breaking the Gustav Line
25.00 €
26983 - Morrissey, B.:
Campaign 135: Monmouth Courthouse 1778. The last great battle in the North
25.00 €
27033 - Young-Gerrard, E.-H.:
Campaign 136: Meiktila 1945. The battle to liberate Burma
25.00 €
27005 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 137: Saipan and Tinian 1944. Piercing the Japanese Empire
25.00 €
26988 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 138: Poitiers 1356. The capture of a King
25.00 €
29917 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 139: Guam 1941 and 1944. Loss and Reconquest
25.00 €
29881 - Chartrand-Walsh, R.-S.:
Campaign 140: Monongahela 1754-55. Washington's defeat, Braddock's disaster
25.00 €
29925 - Tincey-Turner, J.-G.:
Campaign 141: Blenheim 1704. The Duke of Marlborough's Masterpiece
25.00 €
29362 - Reid-Turner, S.-G.:
Campaign 142: Dunbar 1650. Cromwell's most famous victory
25.00 €
29888 - Ford-Dennis, K.-P.:
Campaign 143: Caen 1944. Montgomery's Break-Out Attempt
25.00 €
49408 - Moran-Dennis, J.-P.:
Campaign 144: Wake Island 1941. A battle to make the gods weep
25.00 €
29935 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 145: Battle of the Bulge 1944 (2) Bastogne
25.00 €
29918 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 146: Marshall Islands 1944. Operation Flintlock, the Capture of Kwajalein and Eniwetok
25.00 €
30542 - Antill-Gerrard, P.-H.:
Campaign 147: Crete 1941. Germany's lightning airborne assault
25.00 €
30575 - Kirchubel-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 148: Operation Barbarossa 1941 (2) Army Group North
25.00 €
30563 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 149: Falaise 1944. Death of an army
25.00 €
30582 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Campaign 150: Khe Sanh 1967-68. Marines battle for Vietnam's vital hilltop base
25.00 €
30591 - Turner, I.A.J.:
Campaign 151: Vimy Ridge 1917. Canadian's triumph at Arras
25.00 €
30600 - Zaloga-Welply, S.J.-M.:
Campaign 152: Kasserine Pass 1943. Rommel's last victory
25.00 €
30562 - Forczyk-Hook, R.A.-A.:
Campaign 153: Toulon 1793. Napoleon's first great victory
25.00 €
30578 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 154: Acre 1291. Bloody sunset of the Crusader States
25.00 €
32072 - Zaloga-Dennis, S.J.-P.:
Campaign 155: Anzio 1944. The beleaguered beachhead
25.00 €
32011 - Chun-Gerrard, C.-H.:
Campaign 156: Doolittle Raid 1942. America's first strike at Japan
25.00 €
32031 - Fremont-Barnes-Hook, G.-C.:
Campaign 157: Trafalgar 1805. Nelson's crowning victory
25.00 €
32029 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 158: El Alamein 1942. The turning of the tide
25.00 €
32005 - Antill-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 159: Berlin 1945. End of the thousand years Reich
25.00 €
32042 - McNally-Turner, M.-G.:
Campaign 160: Battle of the Boyne 1690. The Irish campaign for the English Crown
25.00 €
32044 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 161: Third Crusade 1191. Richard Lionheart and the battle for Jerusalem
25.00 €
33486 - Rottman, G.:
Campaign 162: Inch'on 1950. The last great amphibious assault
25.00 €
32038 - Ireland-Gerrard, B.-H.:
Campaign 163: Leyte Gulf 1944. The world's greatest sea battle
25.00 €
33455 - Armstrong, P.:
Campaign 164: Otterburn 1388. Bloody border conflict
25.00 €
33375 - Lyman-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 165: Iraq 1941. The battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Falluja and Baghdad
25.00 €
33481 - Millar, S.:
Campaign 166: Assaye 1803 . Wellington's first and 'bloodiest' victory
25.00 €
33467 - Forczyk, R.A.:
Campaign 167: Moscow 1941. Hitler's first defeat
25.00 €
33488 - Sadler, J.:
Campaign 168: Flodden 1513. Scotland's greatest defeat
25.00 €
33485 - Robertshaw, A.:
Campaign 169: Somme 1 July 1916. Tragedy and triumph
25.00 €
33494 - Turnbull, S.:
Campaign 170: Osaka 1615. The last battle of the samurai
25.00 €
61040 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
Campaign 171: River Plate 1939. The sinking of the Graf Spee
25.00 €
33458 - Chartrand, R.:
Campaign 172: Gibraltar 1779-1783. The Great Siege
25.00 €
34752 - Sheppard, S.:
Campaign 174: Pharsalus 48 BC. Caesar and Pompey - Clash of the Titans
25.00 €
34753 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 175: Remagen 1945. Endgame against the Third Reich
25.00 €
37357 - Clement-Walsh, J.-S.:
Campaign 176: Philadelphia 1777. Taking the capital
25.00 €
35906 - Bonk-Dennis, D.-P.:
Campaign 177: Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood 1918. America's Baptism of Fire on the Marne
25.00 €
35907 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 178: Rhine Crossings 1945
25.00 €
35908 - Smith-Hook, D.-R.:
Campaign 179: Sherman's March to the Sea 1864. Atlanta to Savannah
25.00 €
35909 - McNally-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 180: Easter Rising 1916. Birth of the Irish Republic
25.00 €
35910 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 181: Siegfried Line 1944-45. Battles on the German Frontier
25.00 €
35911 - Thompson-Hook, M.-R.:
Campaign 182: Granicus 334 BC. Alexander's First Persian Victory
25.00 €
35912 - Dildy-White, D.-J.:
Campaign 183: Denmark and Norway 1940. Hitler's Boldest Operation
25.00 €
35913 - Antill-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 184: Stalingrad 1942
25.00 €
35914 - Marix Evans-Turner, M.-G.:
Campaign 185: Naseby 1645. The Fatal Defeat of the Royalist Army
25.00 €
37159 - Kirchubel-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 186: Operation Barbarossa 1941 (3) Army Group Center
25.00 €
37160 - Turner-Dennis, A.-P.:
Campaign 187: Cambrai 1917
25.00 €
37161 - Fields-Noon, F.-S.:
Campaign 188: Thermopylae 480 BC
25.00 €
38026 - Forczyk-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 189: Sevastopol 1942. Von Manstein's triumph
25.00 €
38027 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 190: Poitiers AD 732. Charles Martel turns the Islamic tide
25.00 €
38028 - Millar-Dennis, S.-P.:
Campaign 191: Vienna 1683. Christian Europe repels the Ottomans
25.00 €
38029 - Smith-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 192: New York 1776. The Continentals' first battle
25.00 €
38030 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 193: London 1914-17. The Zeppelin Menace
25.00 €
38031 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 194: Liberation of Paris 1944. Patton's race for the Seine
25.00 €
38032 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Campaign 195: Syracuse 415-13 BC. Destruction of the Athenian Imperial Fleet
25.00 €
38033 - Ford-White, K.-J.:
Campaign 196: Gazala 1942. Rommel's greatest victory
25.00 €
38034 - McCluskey-Dennis, A.-P.:
Campaign 197: Amiens 1918. The Black Day of the German Army
25.00 €
33156 - Turnbull, S.:
Campaign 198: Samurai Invasion of Korea 1592-98
25.00 €
33157 - Sheppard, S.:
Campaign 199: Philippi 42 BC. The death of the Roman Republic
25.00 €
33158 - Chun, C.:
Campaign 200: Japan 1945. From Operation Downfall to Hiroshima and Nagasaki
25.00 €
33159 - Beattie, D.:
Campaign 201: Brandy Station 1863. First step towards Gettysburg
25.00 €
33160 - Murphy, D.:
Campaign 202: Arab Revolt 1916-18. Lawrence sets Arabia ablaze
25.00 €
33161 - Bonk, D.:
Campaign 203: Trenton and Princeton 1776-77. Washington crosses the Delaware
25.00 €
33162 - Nicolle, D.:
Campaign 204: Second Crusade 1148. Disaster outside Damascus
25.00 €
40731 - Forczyk, R.:
Campaign 205: Warsaw 1944. Poland's bid for freedom
25.00 €
42944 - Fields, N.:
Campaign 206: Spartacus and the Slave War 73-71 BC
25.00 €
40732 - Brooks, R.:
Campaign 207: Solferino 1859. The battle for Italy's freedom
25.00 €
40733 - Field, R.:
Campaign 208: Petersburg 1864-65. The longest siege
25.00 €
40734 - Latimer, J.:
Campaign 209: Niagara 1814. The final invasion
25.00 €
40735 - Zaloga, S.:
Campaign 210: Operation Dragoon 1944. France's other D-Day
25.00 €
40736 - Sheppard, S.:
Campaign 211: Actium 31 BC. Downfall of Antony and Cleopatra
25.00 €
42945 - Dunstan, S.:
Campaign 212: Six Day War 1967: Sinai
25.00 €
42946 - McNally-Turner, M.-G.:
Campaign 213: Ireland 1649-52. Cromwell's Protestant Crusade
25.00 €
42947 - Stille, M.:
Campaign 214: Coral Sea 1942. The first carrier battle
25.00 €
42948 - Forczyk, R.:
Campaign 215: Leningrad 1941-44. The Epic Siege
25.00 €
42949 - Dunstan, S.:
Campaign 216: Six Day War 1967: Jordan and Syria
25.00 €
44589 - Turnbull, S.:
Campaign 217: Mongol Invasions of Japan 1274 and 1281
25.00 €
44590 - Romanych, M.:
Campaign 218: Maginot Line 1940. Battles on the French Frontier
25.00 €
44591 - Dildy, D.:
Campaign 219: Dunkirk 1940. Operation Dynamo
25.00 €
44592 - Ford, K.:
Campaign 220: Operation Crusader 1941. Rommel in retreat
25.00 €
44593 - Sumner-Turner, I.-G.:
Campaign 221: First Battle of the Marne 1914. The French 'miracle' halts the Germans
25.00 €
44594 - Shepherd-Dennis, W.-P.:
Campaign 222: Salamis 480 BC. The naval campaign that saved Greece
25.00 €
44595 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 223: Operation Nordwind 1945. Hitler's last offensive in the West
25.00 €
45813 - Campbell-O Brogain, W.-S.:
Campaign 224: Mons Graupius AD 83. Rome's battle at the edge of the world
25.00 €
46435 - Turner-Dennis, A.-P.:
Campaign 225: Messines 1917. The zenith of siege warfare
25.00 €
46436 - Stille-Gerrard, M.-H.:
Campaign 226: Midway 1942. Turning Point in the Pacific
25.00 €
46437 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 227: London 1917-18. The bomber blitz
25.00 €
47711 - McNally-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 228: Teutoburg Forest AD 9. The destruction of Varus and his legions
25.00 €
46438 - Lyman-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 229: Kohima 1944. The battle that saved India
25.00 €
47712 - Fremont Barnes-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 230: Nile 1798. Nelson's first great victory
25.00 €
47713 - Forczyk-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 231: Nez Perce 1877. The last fight
25.00 €
47714 - Konstam-Wright, A.-P.:
Campaign 232: Bismarck 1941. Hunting Germany's greatest battleship
25.00 €
47715 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Campaign 233: Boudicca's Rebellion AD 60-61. The Britons rise up against Rome
25.00 €
47716 - Brooks-Turner, R.-G.:
Campaign 235: Walcheren 1944. Storming Hitler's island fortress
25.00 €
49409 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 236: Operation Pointblank 1944. Defeating the Luftwaffe
25.00 €
49410 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 237: Fourth Crusade 1202-04. The betrayal of Byzantium
25.00 €
49411 - Bonk-Gerrard, D.-H.:
Campaign 238: St Mihiel 1918. The first American battle
25.00 €
50845 - Shepherd-Dennis, W.-P.:
Campaign 239: Plataea 479 BC. The most glorious victory ever seen
25.00 €
49412 - Winkler-Denis, J.F.-P.:
Campaign 240: Wabash 1791. St Clair's defeat
25.00 €
50846 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 241: Fall of English France 1449-53
25.00 €
50847 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 242: Metz 1944. Patton's fortified nemesis
25.00 €
50848 - Chun-Gerrard, C.-H.:
Campaign 243: Fall of the Philippines 1941-42
25.00 €
50849 - Fremont-Barnes-Turner, G.-G.:
Campaign 244: Falklands 1982. Ground operations in the South Atlantic
25.00 €
50850 - Forczyk-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 245: Demyansk 1942-43. The frozen fortress
25.00 €
52353 - Haythornthwaite-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 246: Borodino 1812. Napoleon's great gamble
25.00 €
52354 - Stille-Gerrard, M.-H.:
Campaign 247: Santa Cruz 1942. Carrier duel in the South Pacific
25.00 €
52355 - McNally-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 248: Coronel and Falklands 1914. Duel in the South Atlantic
25.00 €
52356 - Lieb-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 249: Vercors 1944. Resistance in the French Alps
25.00 €
52357 - Ford-Noon, K.-S.:
Campaign 250: Mareth Line 1943. The end in Africa
25.00 €
53576 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 251: Sicily 1943. The debut of Allied joint operations
25.00 €
53577 - Sheppard-Dennis, S.-P.:
Campaign 252: Jewish Revolt AD 66-73
25.00 €
53578 - Chartrand-Turner, R.-G.:
Campaign 253: Talavera 1809. Wellington's lightning strike into Spain
25.00 €
53579 - Forczyk-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 254: Kharkov 1942. The Wehrmacht strikes back
25.00 €
53580 - Stille-Gerrard, M.-H.:
Campaign 255: The naval battles for Guadalcanal 1942. Clash for supremacy in the Pacific
25.00 €
53581 - Winkler-Dennis, J.F.-P.:
Campaign 256: Fallen Timbers 1794. The US Army's first victory
25.00 €
53582 - Konstam-Noon, A.-S.:
Campaign 257: Salerno 1943. The Allies invade Southern Italy
25.00 €
54560 - Donnell-Hook, C.-A.:
Campaign 258: Shenandoah Valley 1862. Stonewall Jackson outmaneuvers the Union
25.00 €
54561 - Sheads-Turner, S.S.-G.:
Campaign 259: Chesapeake Campaigns 1813-1815. Middle ground of the War of 1812
25.00 €
54562 - Castle-Turner, I.-G.:
Campaign 260: Fort William Henry 1757. A battle, two sieges and bloody massacre
25.00 €
54563 - Shepherd-Dennis, W.-P.:
Campaign 261: Pylos and Sphacteria 425 BC Sparta's island of disaster
25.00 €
54564 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-C.:
Campaign 262: Manzikert 1071. The breaking of Byzantium
25.00 €
55435 - Lai-Rava, B.-G.:
Campaign 263: Hong Kong 1941-45. First strike in the Pacific War
25.00 €
54565 - Dildy, D.:
Campaign 264: Fall Gelb 1940 (1) Army Group A
25.00 €
57361 - Dildy-Dennis, D.-P.:
Campaign 265: Fall Gelb 1940 (2) Airborne assault on the Low Countries
25.00 €
55437 - Lipscombe, N.:
Campaign 266: Bayonne and Toulouse 1813-14 Wellington invades France
25.00 €
55438 - Nunez, A.:
Campaign 267: Wilderness and Spotsylvania 1864
25.00 €
55439 - Ford, K.:
Campaign 268: Operation Neptune 1944. D-Day's Seaborne Armada
25.00 €
55440 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Campaign 269: Alesia 52 BC. The final Struggle for Gaul
25.00 €
56886 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 270: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (1) The American Airborne Missions
25.00 €
56887 - Nicolle-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 271: Conquest of Saxony AD 782-785. Charlemagne's defeat of Widikund of Westphalia
25.00 €
56888 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 272: Kursk 1943. The Northern Front
25.00 €
56889 - Winkler-Dennis, J.F-P.:
Campaign 273: Point Pleasant 1774. Prelude to the American Revolution
25.00 €
56890 - Lardas-Hook, M.-A.:
Campaign 274: Shenandoah 1864. Sheridan's valley campaign
25.00 €
56891 - McNally-O'Brogain, M.-S.:
Campaign 275: Ramillies 1706. Marlborough's tactical masterpiece
25.00 €
56892 - Franklin-Embleton, J.-G.:
Campaign 276: Waterloo 1815 (1) Quatre Bras
25.00 €
57362 - Franklin-Embleton, J.-G.:
Campaign 277: Waterloo 1815 (2) Ligny
25.00 €
57363 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 278: Cherbourg 1944. The first Allied victory in Normandy
25.00 €
57364 - Field-Hook, R.-A.:
Campaign 279: Appomattox 1865. Lee's last campaign
25.00 €
57365 - Franklin-Embleton, J.-G.:
Campaign 280: Waterloo 1815 (3) Mont St Jean and Wavre
25.00 €
57366 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 281: Caucasus 1942-43. Kleist's race for oil
25.00 €
58742 - Chun, C.:
Campaign 282: Leyte 1944. Return to the Philippines
25.00 €
58743 - Gilbert-Gilbert-Turner, E.-C.-G.:
Campaign 283: Cowpens 1781. Turning point of the American Revolution
25.00 €
58744 - Stille, M.:
Campaign 284: Guadalcanal 1942-43. America's First Victory on the road to Tokyo
25.00 €
58745 - Brooks, R.:
Campaign 285: Lewes and Evesham 1264-65. Simon de Montfort and the Barons' War
25.00 €
58746 - MacDowall, S.:
Campaign 286: Catalaunian Fields AD 451. Rome's last great battle
25.00 €
58747 - Winkler, J.F.:
Campaign 287: Tippecanoe 1811. The Prophet's battle
25.00 €
58748 - Konstam, A.:
Campaign 288: Taranto 1940. The Fleet Air Arm's precursor to Pearl Harbor
25.00 €
58749 - Diamond, J.:
Campaign 289: Burma Road 1943-44. Stilwell's assault on Myitkyna
25.00 €
58750 - Donnell, J.:
Campaign 290: Atlanta 1864. Sherman marches South
25.00 €
58751 - Forczyk, R.:
Campaign 291: Dnepr 1943. Hitler's eastern rampart crumbles
25.00 €
58752 - Smith, D.:
Campaign 292: Camden 1780. The annihilation of Gates' Grand Army
25.00 €
58753 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 293: Downfall 1945. The Fall of Hitler's Third Reich
25.00 €
58754 - Hart-Shumate, S.A.-J.:
Campaign 294: Operation Totalize 1944. The Allied drive sout from Caen
25.00 €
58755 - Lardas-Hook, M.-A.:
Campaign 295: Chattanooga 1863. Grant and Bragg in Central Tennessee
25.00 €
58756 - Cowan, R.:
Campaign 296: Milvian Bridge AD 312. Constantine's battle for Empire and Faith
25.00 €
58757 - Turnbull, S.:
Campaign 297: Gempei War 1180-85. Great Samurai Civil War
25.00 €
58758 - Macrory, R.:
Campaign 298: The First Afghan War 1839-42. Invasion, Catastrophe and Retreat
25.00 €
58741 - Bahmanyar, M.:
Campaign 299: Zama 202 BC .Scipio crushes Hannibal in North Africa
25.00 €
58738 - Stille, M.:
Campaign 300: Malaya and Singapore 1941-42. The Fall of Britain's Empire in the East
25.00 €
58739 - Ford-Turner, K.-G.:
Campaign 301: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (2) The British Airborne Missions
25.00 €
58740 - Winkler, J.F.:
Campaign 302: Thames 1813. The War of 1812 on the Northwest Frontier
25.00 €
61778 - Fields, N.:
Campaign 303: Lake Trasimene 217 BC. Ambush and annihilation of a Roman Army
25.00 €
61779 - Alford, B.:
Campaign 304: Darwin 1942. The Japanese attack on Australia
25.00 €
61780 - Forczyk, R.:
Campaign 305: Kursk 1943. The Southern Front
25.00 €
61781 - Chun, C.:
Campaign 306: Luzon 1945. The final liberation of the Philippines
25.00 €
61782 - McNally, M.:
Campaign 307: Fontenoy 1745. Cumberland's Bloody Defeat
25.00 €
61783 - Zaloga-Shumate, S.J.-J.:
Campaign 308: St Lo 1944. The Battle of the Hedgerows
25.00 €
61784 - Lai-Rava, B.-G.:
Campaign 309: Shanghai and Nanjing 1937. Massacre on the Yangtze
25.00 €
63090 - Powell-Dennis, L.-P.:
Campaign 310: Bar Kokhba Revolt AD 132-135. The Last Jewish uprising against Rome
25.00 €
63091 - Harris-Martin-Turner, B.F.-S.-G.:
Campaign 311: Savannah 1779. The British turn south
25.00 €
63092 - Herder-Tan, B.L.-D.:
Campaign 312: Operation Torch 1942. The invasion of French North Africa
25.00 €
63093 - Stille, M.:
Campaign 313: Philippine Sea 1944. The last great carrier battle
25.00 €
63094 - Lardas-Hook, M.-A.:
Campaign 314: Nashville 1864. From the Tennessee to the Cumberland
25.00 €
63095 - McCluskey-Dennis, A.-P.:
Campaign 315: Hindenburg Line 1918. Haig's forgotten triumph
25.00 €
63096 - Whitehood-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 316: Shrewsbury 1403. Struggle for a Fragile Crown
25.00 €
64041 - Ford, K.:
Campaign 317: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (3) The British XXX Corps Missions
25.00 €
64042 - Forczyk, R.:
Campaign 318: Kuban 1943. The Wehrmacht's last stand in the Caucasus
25.00 €
64046 - Singh Katoch, H.:
Campaign 319: Imphal 1944. The Japanese Invasion of India
25.00 €
64043 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 320: Brittany 1944. Hitler's Final Defenses in France
25.00 €
64044 - Sheppard, Si:
Campaign 321: Tenochtitlan 1519-21. Clash of Civilizations
25.00 €
64045 - Fields-O'Brogain, N.-S.:
Campaign 322: Caudine Forks 321 BC. Rome's Most Humiliating Defeat
25.00 €
64846 - Cansiere-Gilbert, R.-E.:
Campaign 323: Blanc Mont Ridge 1918. America's Forgotten Victory
25.00 €
64847 - DeVries-Capponi, K.-N.:
Campaign 324: Campaldino 1289. The Battle that made Dante
25.00 €
41154 - Lardas-Shumate, M.-J.:
Campaign 325: Corregidor 1945. Repossessing the Rock
25.00 €
64848 - Stille-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 326: Solomons 1943-44. The Struggle for New Georgia and Bougainville
25.00 €
64849 - Winkler, J.F:
Campaign 327: Peckuwe 1780. The Revolutionary War on the Ohio River Frontier
25.00 €
64850 - Drohan, B.:
Campaign 328: Imjin River 1951. Last stand of the 'Glorious Glosters'
25.00 €
64851 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Campaign 329: Mutina 43 BC. Mark Antony's struggle for survival
25.00 €
64852 - Lardas, M.:
Campaign 330: Tsushima 1905. Death of a Russian Fleet
25.00 €
65745 - Forczyk-Hook, R.-A.:
Campaign 331: Smolensk 1943. The Red Army's Relentless Advance
25.00 €
65746 - Galeotti-Tan, M.-D.:
Campaign 332: Kulikovo 1380. The battle that made Russia
25.00 €
65747 - Lane Herder-Hwee, B.-D.:
Campaign 333: Aleutians 1942-43. Struggle for the North Pacific
25.00 €
65748 - de Groot-Dennis, B.-P.:
Campaign 334: Nieuwpoort 1600. The battle of the Dunes
25.00 €
65749 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 335: Mortain 1944. Hitler's Normandy Panzer offensive
25.00 €
65750 - D'Amato-Frediani-Vincent, R.-A.-F.:
Campaign 336: Strasbourg AD 357. The victory that saved Gaul
25.00 €
65751 - DeVries-Capponi-Turner, K.-N.-G.:
Campaign 337: Castagnaro 1387. Hawkwood's Great Victory
25.00 €
66527 - Smith-Noon, D.-S.:
Campaign 338: First Anglo-Sikh War 1845-46. The Betrayal of the Khalsa
25.00 €
66528 - Rogers-Tan, A.-D.:
Campaign 339: Kos and Leros 1943. The German Conquest of the Dodecanese
25.00 €
66529 - Lardas-Groult, M.-E.A.:
Campaign 340: Glorious First of June 1794
25.00 €
66530 - Lai-Hook, B.-A.:
Campaign 341: Long March 1934-35. The Rise of Mao and the Beginning of Modern China
25.00 €
66531 - Esposito-Rava, G.-G.:
Campaign 342: Paraguayan War 1864-70. The Triple Alliance at Stake in La Plata
25.00 €
66532 - Greentree-Turner, D.-G.:
Campaign 343: Petsamo and Kirkenes 1944. The Soviet Offensive in the Northern Arctic
25.00 €
66533 - Stille-Laurier, M.-J.:
Campaign 344: Java Sea 1942. Japan's Conquest of the Netherlands East Indies
25.00 €
67045 - Harris-Eward-Groult, J.P.-J.K.-E.A.:
Campaign 345: Ia Drang 1965. The Struggle for Vietnam's Pleiku Province
25.00 €
67046 - Chun-Shumate, C.K.S.-J.:
Campaign 346: Yalu River 1950-51. The Chinese spring the trap on MacArthur
25.00 €
67047 - Sheppard-Turner, S.-G.:
Campaign 347: Constantinople AD 717-18. The Crucible of History
25.00 €
67048 - Herder-Hwee, B.L.-D.:
Campaign 348: Naval Siege of Japan 1945. War Plan Orange triumphant
25.00 €
67049 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 349: Warsaw 1920. The War for the Eastern Borderlands
25.00 €
67050 - Rodgers-Tan, R.-D.:
Campaign 350: Nierstein and Oppenheim 1945. Patton Bounces the Rhine
25.00 €
15800 - Forczyk-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 351: Velikiye Luki 1942-43. The Doomed fortress
25.00 €
15881 - McNally, M.:
Campaign 352: Dettingen 1743. Miracle on the Main
25.00 €
15882 - Fields-Noon, N.-S.:
Campaign 353: Britannia AD 43. The Claudian Invasion
25.00 €
15961 - Esposito-Rava, G.-G.:
Campaign 354: King Philip's War 1675-76. America's Deadliest Colonial Conflict
25.00 €
15980 - MacDowall-Turner, S.-G.:
Campaign 355: Malplaquet 1709. Marlborough's Bloodiest Battle
25.00 €
16021 - Konstam, A.:
Campaign 356: North Cape 1943. Sinking of the Scharnhorst
25.00 €
16281 - Herder-Shumate, B.L.-J.:
Campaign 357: Meuse-Argonne Offensive 1918. The American Expeditionary Forces' Crowning Victory
25.00 €
68335 - Battistelli-Hook, P.P.-A.:
Campaign 358: Balkans 1940-41 (1). Mussolini's Fatal Blunder in the Greco-Italian War
25.00 €
68334 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 359: Stalingrad 1942-43 (1) The German Advance to the Volga
25.00 €
68333 - Gravett-Turner, C.-G.:
Campaign 360: Bosworth 1485. The Downfall of Richard III
25.00 €
68332 - Hampshire-Turner, E.-G.:
Campaign 361: Falklands Naval Campaign 1982. War in the South Atlantic
25.00 €
68392 - Melson-Bujeiro, C.D.-R.:
Campaign 362: Vietnam 1972: Quang Tri. The Easter Offensive Strikes the South
25.00 €
68393 - Dahm-O Brogain, M.-S.:
Campaign 363: Leuctra 371 BC. The Destruction of Spartan Dominance
25.00 €
68394 - Lohnstein-Turner, M.-G.:
Campaign 364: Netherlands East Indies Campaign 1941-42. Japan's Quest for Oil
25.00 €
68395 - Battistelli-Hook, P:P.-A.:
Campaign 365: Balkans 1940-41 (2). Hitler's Blitzkrieg against Yugoslavia and Greece
25.00 €
69390 - Windrow-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 366: Dien Bien Phu 1954. The French Defeat that Lured America into Vietnam
25.00 €
69391 - Murphy-Shumate, D.-J.:
Campaign 367: Finnish-Soviet Winter War 1939-40. Stalin's Hollow Victory
25.00 €
69392 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 368: Stalingrad 1942-43 (2) The Fight for the City
25.00 €
69393 - Galeotti-Bujeiro, M.-R.:
Campaign 369: Panjshir Valley 1980-86. The Lion Tames the bear in Afghanistan
25.00 €
69394 - Stille, M.:
Campaign 370: Leyte Gulf 1944 (1). The Battles of the Sibuyan Sea and Samar
25.00 €
69395 - Willbanks, J.H.:
Campaign 371: Battle of Hue 1968. Fight for the Imperial City
25.00 €
69396 - Sheppard, S.:
Campaign 372: Cuzco 1536-37. Battle for the Hearth of the Inca Empire
25.00 €
70147 - Sutton-Turner, D.C.-G.:
Campaign 373: Syria and Lebanon 1941. The Allied Fight against the Vichy French
25.00 €
70148 - Orr-Noon, T.J.-S.:
Campaign 374: Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (1). The First Day
25.00 €
70149 - Herder, B.L.:
Campaign 375: East China Sea 1945. Climax of the Kamikaze
25.00 €
70150 - Konstam, A.:
Campaign 376: Barents Sea 1942. The Battle for Russia's Arctic Lifeline
25.00 €
70151 - Mihalyi-Shumate, B.-J.:
Campaign 377: Siege of Budapest 1944-45. The Brutal Battle for the Pearl of the Danube
25.00 €
70152 - Stille-Laurier, M.-J.:
Campaign 378: Leyte Gulf 1944 (2). Surigao Strait and Cape Engano
25.00 €
70153 - Smith, D.:
Campaign 379: East Africa Campaign 1914-18. Von Lettow-Vorbeck's Masterpiece
25.00 €
70154 - Greentree, D.:
Campaign 380: Narvik 1940. Battle for Northern Norway
25.00 €
70981 - Rogers-Turner, A.-G.:
Campaign 381: Battle of Malta. June 1940-November 1942
25.00 €
70982 - Fields-O Brogain, N.-S.:
Campaign 382: Carrhae 53 BC. Rome's Disaster in the Desert
25.00 €
70983 - Mikaberidze-Hook, A.-A.:
Campaign 383: Berezina 1812. Napoleon's Hollow Victory
25.00 €
70984 - Moreman-Shumate, T.-J.:
Campaign 384: Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942. The Advance to the Gates of India
25.00 €
70985 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 385: Stalingrad 1942-43 (3) Catastrophe: the Death of 6. Armee
25.00 €
70986 - McNally-O Brogain, M.-S:
Campaign 386: Tannenberg 1914. Destruction of the Russian Second Army
25.00 €
71472 - Battistelli-Bujeiro, P.P.-R.:
Campaign 387: Assault on the Gothic Line 1944. The Allied Attempted Breakthrough into Northern Italy
25.00 €
71473 - Konstam-Tooby, A.-A.:
Campaign 388: Naval Battle of Crete 1941. The Royal Navy at Breaking Point
25.00 €
71474 - Fields-Capparoni, N.-M.:
Campaign 389: Hydaspes 326 BC. The Limit of Alexander the Great's Conquests
25.00 €
41156 - Lyman-Shumate, R.-J.:
Campaign 390: Reconquest of Burma 1944-45. From Operation Capital to the Sittang Bend
25.00 €
71475 - Orr-Noon, T J.-S.:
Campaign 391: Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (2) The Second Day
25.00 €
71476 - Herder-Tooby, B.L.-A.:
Campaign 392: Early Pacific Raids 1942. The American Carriers Strike Back
25.00 €
41157 - Fields-Shumate, N.-J.:
Campaign 393: Cimbrian War 113-101 BC. The Rise of Caius Marius
25.00 €
41158 - Konstam-Turner, A.-G.:
Campaign 394: Operation Pedestal 1942. The Battle for Malta's Lifeline
25.00 €
41159 - Battistelli-Shumate, P.P.-J.:
Campaign 395: Winter Campaign in Italy 1943. Orsogna, San Pietro and Ortona
25.00 €
41160 - Stille-Laurier, M.-J.:
Campaign 396: Japan's Indian Ocean Raid 1942. The Allies' Lowest Ebb
25.00 €
41161 - Konstam-Tooby, A.-A.:
Campaign 397: Cape Matapan 1941. Cunningham's Mediterranean Triumph
25.00 €
72891 - Forczyk-Noon, R.-S.:
Campaign 398: Port Arthur 1904-05. The First Modern Siege
25.00 €
72892 - Stille-Tooby, M.-A.:
Campaign 399: Philippines Naval Campaign 1944-45. The Battles After Leyte Gulf
25.00 €
72893 - Bahmanyar-Capparoni, M.-M.:
Campaign 400: Second Punic War in Iberia 220-206 BC. From Hannibal at the Tagus to the Battle of Ilipa
25.00 €
72894 - Colby-Capparoni, C.-M.:
Campaign 401: Jamestown 1622. The Anglo-Powhatan Wars
25.00 €
44557 - Fremont Barnes, G.:
Command 001: Napoleon Bonaparte
21.00 €
44558 - Forczyk, R.:
Command 002: Erich von Manstein
21.00 €
44559 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Command 003: George S. Patton
21.00 €
44560 - Fields, N.:
Command 004: Julius Caesar
21.00 €
45814 - Battistelli-Dennis, P.-R.:
Command 005: Erwin Rommel
21.00 €
45815 - Turnbull-Rava, S.-G.:
Command 006: Toyotomi Hideyoshi
21.00 €
46473 - Fields-Hook, R.-A.:
Command 007: Robert E. Lee
21.00 €
46474 - Cowper-Turner, M.-G.:
Command 008: Henry V
21.00 €
46475 - Moreman-Turner, T.-G.:
Command 009: Bernard Montgomery
21.00 €
46476 - Konstam-Turner, A.-G.:
Command 010: Marlborough
21.00 €
47750 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Command 011: Hannibal
21.00 €
47751 - Nicolle-Dennis, D.-P.:
Command 012: Saladin
21.00 €
47752 - Battistelli-Hook, P.P.-A.:
Command 013: Heinz Guderian
21.00 €
47753 - Field-Dennis, R.-P.:
Command 014: Garibaldi
21.00 €
47754 - Forczyk-Hook, R.-A.:
Command 015: Walther Model
21.00 €
49413 - Konstam-Dennis, A.-P.:
Command 016: Horatio Nelson
21.00 €
49414 - Lyman-Dennis, R.-P.:
Command 017: Bill Slim
21.00 €
49415 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Command 018: Eisenhower
21.00 €
49416 - Murphy-Rava, D.-G.:
Command 019: Lawrence of Arabia
21.00 €
52358 - Diamond-Dennis, J.-P.:
Command 020: Orde Wingate
21.00 €
49417 - Lardas-Turner, M.-G.:
Command 021: George Washington
21.00 €
50851 - Forczyk-Hook, R.-A.:
Command 022: Georgy Zhukov
21.00 €
50852 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Command 023: Pompey
21.00 €
50853 - Turnbull-Rava, S.-G.:
Command 024: Tokugawa Ieyasu
21.00 €
50854 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Command 025: Omar Bradley
21.00 €
50855 - Stille-Hook, M.-A.:
Command 026: Yamamoto Isoroku
21.00 €
52359 - Battistelli-Hook, P.P.-A.:
Command 027: Albert Kesselring
21.00 €
52360 - Diamond-Dennis, J.-P.:
Command 028: Archibald Wavell
21.00 €
52361 - Lardas-Hook, M.-A.:
Command 029: Ulysses S. Grant
21.00 €
54557 - Erickson-Hook, E.J.-A.:
Command 030: Mustafa Kemal Atatuerk
21.00 €
56917 - Fields-Noon, N.-S.:
Command 031: Attila the Hun
21.00 €
58819 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Command 032: Gustaf Mannerheim
21.00 €
26790 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 100: World War II Axis Booby Traps and Sabotage Tactics
23.00 €
26743 - Bull, S.:
Elite 105: World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
23.00 €
29916 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 117: US WWII Amphibious Tactics. Army and Marine Corps, Pacific Theater
23.00 €
50862 - Watt-Hook, R.-A.:
Elite 119: Apache Tactics 1830-86
23.00 €
30547 - Bull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Elite 122: World War II Infantry Tactics (2) Company and Battalion
23.00 €
30584 - Rottman-Noon, G.-S.:
Elite 124: World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
23.00 €
32053 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 136: World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
34758 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 144: US World War II Amphibious Tactics. Mediterranean and European Theaters
23.00 €
35919 - Jones-Hook, S.-R.:
Elite 150: World War I Gas Warfare Tactics and Equipment
23.00 €
35920 - Bull-Noon, S.-S.:
Elite 151: World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
35923 - Rottman-Hook, G.-A.:
Elite 154: Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
37162 - Cowan-Hook, R.-A.:
Elite 155: Roman Battle Tactics 109 BC - AD 313
23.00 €
37163 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 156: World War II Combat Reconnaissance Tactics
23.00 €
38093 - Griffith-Dennis, P.-P.:
Elite 159: French Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
23.00 €
38042 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 160: World War II Infantry Assault Tactics
23.00 €
38044 - Griffith-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 162: World War II Desert Tactics
23.00 €
38045 - Haythornthwaite-Noon, P.-S.:
Elite 164: British Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
23.00 €
33173 - Bull, S.:
Elite 168: World War II Street-Fighting Tactics
23.00 €
33174 - Rottman-Takizawa, G.-A.:
Elite 169: World War II Japanese Tank Tactics
23.00 €
42808 - Neville, L.:
Elite 171: American Civil War Railroad Tactics
23.00 €
42960 - Fields, N.:
Elite 172: Roman Battle Tactics 390-110 BC
23.00 €
42962 - McLachlan, S.:
Elite 174: American Civil War Guerrilla Tactics
23.00 €
42964 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 176: World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
44566 - Roberts, K.:
Elite 179: Pike and Shot Tactics 1590-1660
23.00 €
49426 - Hofschroer-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 182: Prussian Napoleonic Tactics
23.00 €
46417 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
Elite 183: U-boat Tactics in World War II
23.00 €
47695 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Elite 185: European Medieval Tactics (1) The Fall and Rise of Cavalry 450-1250
23.00 €
47696 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 186: Vietnam Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
53755 - Haythornthwaite-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 188: Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry and Dragoon Tactics
23.00 €
52374 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Elite 189: European Medieval Tactics (2) New Infantry, New Weapons 1260-1500
23.00 €
53592 - Bull-Noon, S.-S.:
Elite 193: World War II Winter and Mountain Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
54573 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 195: World War II River Assault Tactics
23.00 €
54574 - Haythornthwaite-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 196: Napoleonic Light Cavalry Tactics
23.00 €
55862 - Clarke-Dennis, D.-P.D.:
Elite 199: World War I Battlefield Artillery Tactics
23.00 €
55454 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 200: World War II Glider Assault Tactics
23.00 €
16461 - Nicolle, D.:
Essential Histories 001: Crusades
23.00 €
16437 - Sweetman, J.:
Essential Histories 002: Crimean War. 1854-1856
23.00 €
19091 - Fisher, T.:
Essential Histories 003: Napoleonic Wars (1) The rise of the Emperor 1805 - 1807
23.00 €
15307 - Gallagher, G.:
Essential Histories 004: American Civil War (1) The war in the East 1861-May 1863
23.00 €
15308 - Krick-Krick, R.-R.:
Essential Histories 005: American Civil War (3) The war in the East 1863-1865
23.00 €
20274 - Marston, D.:
Essential Histories 006: Seven Years' War
23.00 €
21796 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 007: French Revolutionary Wars
23.00 €
21858 - Malkasian, C.:
Essential Histories 008: Korean War
23.00 €
21884 - Fisher, T.:
Essential Histories 009: Napoleonic Wars (2) The empires fight back 1808-1812
23.00 €
21677 - Engle-Gallagher, S.-G.:
Essential Histories 010: American Civil War (2) The war in the West 1861-July 1863
23.00 €
21678 - Glatthaar, J.T.:
Essential Histories 011: American Civil War (4) The war in the West 1863-1865
23.00 €
21924 - Bennett, M.:
Essential Histories 012: Campaigns of the Norman Conquest
23.00 €
23079 - Jukes, G.:
Essential Histories 013: First World War (1) The Eastern Front 1914-1918
23.00 €
23088 - Simkins, P.:
Essential Histories 014: First World War (2) The Western Front 1914-1916
23.00 €
23070 - Anderson, D.:
Essential Histories 015: Falklands War 1982
23.00 €
23157 - Bagnall, N.:
Essential Histories 016: Punic Wars 264-146 BC
23.00 €
23140 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 017: Napoleonic Wars (3) The Peninsular War 1807-1814
23.00 €
23184 - Horner, D.:
Essential Histories 018: Second World War (1) The Pacific
23.00 €
23657 - Curry, A.:
Essential Histories 019: Hundred Years' War. 1337-1453
23.00 €
23122 - Karsh, E.:
Essential Histories 020: Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988
23.00 €
23167 - Whitby, M.:
Essential Histories 021: Rome at War AD 293-696
23.00 €
23097 - Simkins, P.:
Essential Histories 022: First World War (3) The Western Front 1917-1918
23.00 €
23105 - Hickey, M.:
Essential Histories 023: First World War (4) The Mediterranean Front 1914-1923
23.00 €
23192 - Jukes, G.:
Essential Histories 024: Second World War (5) The Eastern Front 1941-1945
23.00 €
23132 - Meed, D.:
Essential Histories 025: Mexican War 1846-1848
23.00 €
23216 - Heckel, W.:
Essential Histories 026: Wars of Alexander the Great. 336-323 BC
23.00 €
23149 - de Souza, P.:
Essential Histories 027: Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC
23.00 €
23062 - Karsh, E.:
Essential Histories 028: Arab-Israeli Conflict. The Palestine War 1948
23.00 €
23208 - Bonney, R.:
Essential Histories 029: Thirty Years' War 1618-1648
23.00 €
23200 - Finlan, A.:
Essential Histories 030: Second World War (3) The war at sea
23.00 €
23176 - Jukes, G.:
Essential Histories 031: Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905
23.00 €
23703 - Hart, R.:
Essential Histories 032: Second World War (6) Northwest Europe 1944-1945
23.00 €
23583 - Haldon, J.:
Essential Histories 033: Byzantium at War. AD 600-1453
23.00 €
23629 - Lynn, J.A.:
Essential Histories 034: French Wars 1667-1714. The Sun King at war
23.00 €
23685 - Havers, R.:
Essential Histories 035: Second World War (2) Europe 1939-1943
23.00 €
23648 - de Souza, P.:
Essential Histories 036: Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC
23.00 €
23712 - Lannon, F.:
Essential Histories 037: Spanish Civil War. 1936-1939
23.00 €
23721 - Wiest, A.:
Essential Histories 038: Vietnam War 1956-1975
23.00 €
23667 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 039: Napoleonic Wars (4) The fall of the French Empire 1813-1815
23.00 €
42999 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 040: Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839-1919
23.00 €
23730 - Benn, C.:
Essential Histories 041: War of 1812
23.00 €
23592 - Goldsworthy, A.:
Essential Histories 042: Caesar's Civil War. 49-44 BC
23.00 €
23602 - Gilliver, K.:
Essential Histories 043: Caesar's Gallic Wars. 58-50 BC
23.00 €
23639 - Marston, D.:
Essential Histories 044: French-Indian War 1754-1760
23.00 €
23620 - Marston, D.:
Essential Histories 045: American Revolution 1774-1783
23.00 €
23740 - Turnbull, S.:
Essential Histories 046: War in Japan 1467-1615
23.00 €
23114 - Knecht, R.J.:
Essential Histories 047: French Religious Wars 1562-1598
23.00 €
25221 - Collier, P.:
Essential Histories 048: Second World War (4) The Mediterranean 1940-1945
23.00 €
25280 - Varble, D.:
Essential Histories 049: Suez Crisis 1956
23.00 €
30570 - Huffines, A.C.:
Essential Histories 050: Texan War of Independence 1835-1836. From Outbreak to the Alamo to San Jacinto
23.00 €
25613 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 052: Boer War 1899-1902
23.00 €
25629 - Hicks, M.:
Essential Histories 054: Wars of the Roses. 1455-1485
23.00 €
25824 - Finlan, A.:
Essential Histories 055: Gulf War 1991
23.00 €
25448 - Knight, I.:
Essential Histories 056: Zulu War 1879
23.00 €
25575 - Turnbull, S.:
Essential Histories 057: Genghis Khan and the Mongol Conquests 1190-
23.00 €
25336 - Gaunt, P.:
Essential Histories 058: English Civil Wars 1642-1651
23.00 €
25458 - Robinson, C.M.:
Essential Histories 059: Plains Wars 1757-1900
23.00 €
27001 - Robinson, C.:
Essential Histories 060: Spanish Invasion of Mexico 1519-1521
23.00 €
27022 - Turnbull, S.:
Essential Histories 062: Ottoman Empire 1326-1699
23.00 €
29887 - Finlan, A.:
Essential Histories 063: Collapse of Yugoslavia 1991-1999
23.00 €
33460 - Cottrell, P.:
Essential Histories 065: Anglo-Irish War. The Troubles of 1913-1922
23.00 €
34763 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 066: Wars of the Barbary Pirates. To the shores of Tripoli: the rise of the US Navy and Marines
23.00 €
35924 - Kelle, B.:
Essential Histories 067: Ancient Israel at War 853-586 BC
23.00 €
35925 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 068: Indian Mutiny 1857-58
23.00 €
38047 - Bullock, D.:
Essential Histories 069: Russian Civil War 1918-22
23.00 €
33178 - Cottrell, P.:
Essential Histories 070: Irish Civil War 1922-23
23.00 €
33180 - Nicolle, D.:
Essential Histories 071: Great Islamic Conquests AD 632-750
23.00 €
47755 - Fremont Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 072: Jacobite Rebellion 1745-46
23.00 €
49427 - Edwards, A.:
Essential Histories 073: The Northern Ireland Troubles. Operation Banner 1969-2007
23.00 €
50863 - Schneid, F.C.:
Essential Histories 074: The Second War of Italian Unification 1859-61
23.00 €
52377 - Fremont Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 075: Soviet-Afghan War 1979-89
23.00 €
53593 - Campbell, D.B.:
Essential Histories 076: Rise of Imperial Rome AD 14-193
23.00 €
54572 - Fletcher, J.:
Essential Histories 077: Wars of Spanish American Independence 1809-29
23.00 €
56918 - Galeotti, M.:
Essential Histories 078: Russia's Wars in Chechnya 1994-2009
23.00 €
29854 - Gallagher-Engle-Krick, G.-S.-R.:
Essential Histories Special 01: American Civil War. This mighty scourge of war
29.95 €
29883 - de Souza, P.:
Essential Histories Special 05: Greeks at War. From Athens to Alexander
29.95 €
72907 - Konstam-Laurier, A.-J.:
Fleet 005: Royal Navy Home Fleet 1939-41. The last line of defence at Scapa Flow
25.00 €
72908 - Cernuschi-Groult, E.-E.A.:
Fleet 006: Italian Battle Fleet 1940-43. 'La Squadra', the pride of the Regia Marina
25.00 €
25303 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 001: Japanese Pacific Island Defenses 1941-45
21.00 €
25677 - Fields, N.:
Fortress 002: Hadrian's Wall AD 122-410
21.00 €
25812 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 003: U-Boat Bases and Bunkers 1940-45
21.00 €
25868 - Berhow-Taylor, M.-C.:
Fortress 004: American Defenses of Corregidor and Manila Bay 1898-1945
21.00 €
25342 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 005: Japanese Castles 1540-1640
21.00 €
25973 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 006: American Civil War Fortifications (1) Coastal brick and stone forts
21.00 €
25952 - Fletcher, I.:
Fortress 007: Lines of Torres Vedras 1809-10
21.00 €
25406 - McGovern-Taylor, T.-C.:
Fortress 008: Defenses of Pearl Harbor and Oahu 1907-50
21.00 €
26780 - Harrington-Spedaliere, P.-D.:
Fortress 009: English Civil War Fortifications 1642-51
21.00 €
26732 - Allcorn-Vanelle, W.-J.:
Fortress 010: Maginot Line 1928-45
21.00 €
27023 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 011: Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (1) The red brick castles of Prussia 1230-1466
21.00 €
26767 - Fletcher, I.:
Fortress 012: Fortresses of the Peninsular War 1807-14
21.00 €
26774 - Gravett-Hook, C.-A.:
Fortress 013: Norman Stone Castles (1) The British Isles 1066-1216
21.00 €
26974 - Lavelle-Spedaliere, R.-D. - S.:
Fortress 014: Fortifications in Wessex c. 800-1066. The defences of Alfred the Great against the Vikings
21.00 €
27007 - Short-Taylor, N.-C.:
Fortress 015: Germany's West Wall. The Siegfried Line
21.00 €
27008 - Stephenson-Noon, C.-S.:
Fortress 016: Fortifications of Malta 1530-1945
21.00 €
26765 - Fields-Spedaliere, N.-D. - S.:
Fortress 017: Troy 1800-1250 BC
21.00 €
26775 - Gravett-Hook, C.-A.:
Fortress 018: Norman Stone Castles (2) Europe 950-1204
21.00 €
27024 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 019: Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (2) The stone castles of Latvia and Estonia 1185-1560
21.00 €
26977 - Lowry, B.:
Fortress 020: British Home Defences 1940-45
21.00 €
29909 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Fortress 021: Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097-1192
21.00 €
29886 - Fields-Spedaliere, N.-D.:
Fortress 022: Mycenaean Citadels c. 1350-1200 BC
21.00 €
29919 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 023: German Field Fortifications 1939-45
21.00 €
29891 - Griffith-Dennis, P.-P.:
Fortress 024: Fortifications of the Western Front 1914-18
21.00 €
29926 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 025: Walls of Constantinople AD 413-1453
21.00 €
29878 - Bahmanyar-Palmer, M.-I.:
Fortress 026: Afghanistan Cave Complexes 1979-2004. Mountain strongholds of the Mujahideen, Taliban and Al Qaeda
21.00 €
30550 - Chartrand-Alina Ill., R.:
Fortress 027: French Fortresses in North America 1535-1763. Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg and New Orleans
21.00 €
30558 - Field-Hook, R.-A.:
Fortress 028: Forts of the American Frontier 1820-91. Central and Northern Plains
21.00 €
30585 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 029: US World War II and Korean War Field Fortifications 1941-53
21.00 €
30556 - Dunstan-Johnson, S.-H.:
Fortress 030: Fort Eben Emael. The key to Hitler's victory in the West
21.00 €
30560 - Fields-Alina Ill., N.:
Fortress 031: Rome's Northern Frontier AD 70-235. Beyond Hadrian's Wall
21.00 €
32045 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Fortress 032: Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192-1302
21.00 €
32054 - Rottman-Taylor, G.-C.:
Fortress 033: Special Forces Camps in Vietnam 1961-70
21.00 €
32064 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 034: Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710-1062
21.00 €
32041 - Knight-Hook, I.-A.:
Fortress 035: British Fortifications in Zululand 1879
21.00 €
32008 - Berhow-Taylor, M.-C.:
Fortress 036: US Strategic and Defensive Missile Systems 1950-2004
21.00 €
32073 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
Fortress 037: D-Day Fortifications in Normandy
21.00 €
32023 - Field-Dennis, R.-P.:
Fortress 038: American Civil War Fortifications (2) Land and Field Fortifications
21.00 €
32047 - Nossov-Dennis, K.-P.:
Fortress 039: Russian Fortresses 1480-1682
21.00 €
32026 - Fields-Delf, N.-B.:
Fortress 040: Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-336 BC
21.00 €
32057 - Stephenson-Taylor, C.-C.:
Fortress 041: Channel Islands 1941-45. Hitler's impregnable fortress
21.00 €
33472 - Griffith, P.:
Fortress 042: Vauban Fortifications of France
21.00 €
33457 - Campbell, D.B.:
Fortress 043: Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC-AD 378
21.00 €
33480 - McGovern-Smith, T.-B.:
Fortress 044: American Coastal Defences 1885-1950
21.00 €
33489 - Short, N.:
Fortress 045: German Defences in Italy in World War II
21.00 €
33484 - Reid, S.:
Fortress 046: Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450-1650
21.00 €
33476 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress 047: Fortifications of the Incas
21.00 €
34765 - Rottman, G.:
Fortress 048: Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War
21.00 €
34766 - Chartrand, R.:
Fortress 049: Spanish Main 1492-1800
21.00 €
34767 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 050: Forts of Celtic Britain
21.00 €
34768 - Nossov, K.S.:
Fortress 051: Indian Castles 1206-1526. The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
21.00 €
34769 - Fa, D.:
Fortress 052: Fortifications of Gibraltar 1068-1945
21.00 €
34770 - Chun, C.:
Fortress 053: Defending Space. US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry
21.00 €
34771 - Field, R.:
Fortress 054: Forts of the American Frontier 1820-91. The Southern Plains and Southwest
21.00 €
34772 - Cowper, M.:
Fortress 055: Cathar Castles. Fortresses of the Albigensian Crusade 1209-1300
21.00 €
34773 - Fields, N.:
Fortress 056: Rome's Saxon Shore. Coastal Defences of Roman Britain AD 250-500
21.00 €
35926 - Turnbull-Noon, S.-S.:
Fortress 057: Great Wall of China 221 BC-AD 1644
21.00 €
35927 - Foster-Dennis, R.E.M.-P.:
Fortress 058: Vietnam Firebases 1965-73 American and Australian Forces
21.00 €
35928 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Fortress 059: Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191-1571
21.00 €
35929 - Donnell-Johnson, C.-H.:
Fortress 060: Forts of the Meuse in World War I
21.00 €
35930 - Nossov-Dennis, K.S.-P.:
Fortress 061: Medieval Russian Fortresses AD 862-1480
21.00 €
35931 - Rottman-Taylor, G,C.:
Fortress 062: Soviet Field Fortifications 1941-45
21.00 €
35932 - Zaloga-Johnson-Ray-Taylor, S.J.-H.-L.-C.:
Fortress 063: Atlantic Wall (1) France
21.00 €
37166 - Gravett-Hook, C.-A.:
Fortress 064: Castles of Edward I in Wales 1277-1307
21.00 €
38054 - Rocco-Hook, S.-A.:
Fortress 065: Forts of Judaea 168 BC-AD 73. From the Maccabees to the Fall of Masada
21.00 €
37167 - Harrington-Delf, P.-B.:
Fortress 066: Castles of Henry VIII
21.00 €
37168 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 067: Japanese Castles in Korea 1592-98
21.00 €
37169 - Field-Hook, R.-A.:
Fortress 068: American Civil War Fortifications (3) The Mississippi and River Forts
21.00 €
38055 - Rottman-Taylor, G.-C.:
Fortress 069: Berlin Wall and the Inner-German Border 1961-89
21.00 €
38056 - Durham-Turner, K.-G.:
Fortress 070: Strongholds of the Border Reivers. Fortifications of the Anglo-Scottish Border 1296-1603
21.00 €
38057 - Fields-Dennis, N.-P.:
Fortress 071: Walls of Rome
21.00 €
38058 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
Fortress 072: German V-Weapon Sites 1943-45
21.00 €
38059 - Nossov-Delf, K.S.-B.:
Fortress 073: Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC
21.00 €
38060 - Turnbull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Fortress 074: Japanese Castles AD 250-1540
21.00 €
38061 - Chartrand-Delf, R.-B.:
Fortress 075: Forts of New France in Northeast America 1600-1763
21.00 €
38062 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Fortress 076: Saracen Strongholds AD 630-1050. The Middle East and Central Asia
21.00 €
33183 - Short, N.:
Fortress 077: Stalin and Molotov Lines. Soviet Western Defences 1928-41
21.00 €
33184 - Donnell, C.:
Fortress 078: German Fortress of Metz 1870-1944
21.00 €
33185 - Dunstan, S.:
Fortress 079: Israeli Fortifications of the October War 1973
21.00 €
33186 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 080: British Forts in the Age of Arthur
21.00 €
40745 - Knight, I.:
Fortress 081: Maori Fortifications
21.00 €
40746 - Brown, M.:
Fortress 082: Scottish Baronial Castles 1250-1450
21.00 €
40747 - Campbell, D.:
Fortress 083: Roman Auxiliary Forts
21.00 €
40748 - Turnbull, S.:
Fortress 084: Chinese Walled Cities 221 BC-AD 1644
21.00 €
42969 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 085: Scapa Flow. The defences of Britain's great fleet anchorage 1914-45
21.00 €
42970 - Gravett, C.:
Fortress 086: English Castles 1200-1300
21.00 €
42971 - Nicolle, D.:
Fortress 087: Saracen Strongholds 1100-1500. The Central and Eastern Islamic Lands
21.00 €
42972 - Irincheev, B.:
Fortress 088: Mannerheim Line 1920-39. Finnish Fortifications of the Winter War
21.00 €
42973 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Fortress 089: Atlantic Wall (2) Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway
21.00 €
42974 - Nossov, K.S.:
Fortress 090: Greek Fortifications of Asia Minor 500-130 BC. From the Persian Wars to the Roman Conquest
21.00 €
44598 - Rocca, S.:
Fortress 091: Fortifications of Ancient Israel and Judah 1200-586 BC
21.00 €
44599 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 092: Strongholds of the Picts
21.00 €
44600 - Chartrand, R.:
Fortress 093: Forts of New France
21.00 €
44601 - de Quesada, A.:
Fortress 094: Spanish Colonial Fortifications in North America 1565-1822
21.00 €
44603 - Nossov, K.:
Fortress 096: Fortress of Rhodes 1309-1522
21.00 €
46450 - McNally-Dennis, M.-P.:
Fortress 097: Colditz: Oflag IV-C
21.00 €
46451 - Vogel-Delf, C.-B.:
Fortress 098: Fortifications of Ancient Egypt 3000-1780 BC
21.00 €
46452 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Fortress 099: Defense of Japan 1945
21.00 €
46453 - Short-Hook, N.-A.:
Fortress 100: Fuehrer's Headquarters. Hitler's command bunkers 1939-1945
21.00 €
47731 - Chartrand-Spedaliere, R.-D.:
Fortress 101: Forts of Colonial North America. British, Dutch and Swedish North America
21.00 €
47732 - Zaloga-Hook, S.J.-A.:
Fortress 102: Defense of the Rhine 1944-45
21.00 €
47733 - Donnell-Delf, C.-B.:
Fortress 103: Fortifications of Verdun 1874-1917
21.00 €
47734 - Harrison-Dennis, P.-P.:
Fortress 104: Fortress Monasteries of the Himalayas. Tibet, Ladakh, Nepal, adn Bhutan
21.00 €
49432 - Field-Hook, R.-A.:
Fortress 105: Forts of the American Frontier 1776-1891. California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska
21.00 €
50868 - Chartrand-Spedaliere, R.-D.:
Fortress 106: Forts of the War of 1812
21.00 €
52381 - Zaloga-Hook, S.J.-A.:
Fortress 107: Defense of the Third Reich 1941-45
21.00 €
58771 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Fortress 109: Atlantic Wall (3) The Suedwall
21.00 €
54201 - Simkins, P.:
Kitchener's Army. The Raising of the New Armies 1914-1916
36.00 €
61456 - Konstam-Turner, A.-G.:
Pavia 1525. Al culmine delle guerre d'Italia
20.00 €
42986 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Raid 001: Rangers Lead the Way. Pointe-du-Hoc D-Day 1944
23.00 €
42987 - Dunstan, S.:
Raid 002: Israel's Lightning Strike. The raid on Entebbe 1976
23.00 €
42988 - Rottman, G.L.:
Raid 003: Cabanatuan Prison Raid. Philippines 1945
23.00 €
42989 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Raid 004: Who Dares Wins. The SAS and the Iranian Embassy Siege 1980
23.00 €
42990 - Rottman, G.L.:
Raid 005: Great Locomotive Chase. The Andrews Raid 1862
23.00 €
42991 - Turnbull, S.:
Raid 006: Samurai Capture a King. Okinawa 1609
23.00 €
44572 - Prince, S.:
Raid 007: Blocking of Zeebrugge. Operation Z-O 1918
23.00 €
44573 - Ford, K.:
Raid 008: Cockleshell Raid. Bordeaux 1942
23.00 €
44574 - Forczyk, R.:
Raid 009: Rescuing Mussolini. Gran Sasso 1943
23.00 €
44575 - Fowler, W.:
Raid 010: Certain Death in Sierra Leone. The SAS and Operation Barras 2000
23.00 €
44576 - Fowler, W.:
Raid 011: Pegasus Bridge. Benouville D-Day 1944
23.00 €
45816 - Lardas-Spedaliere, M.-D.:
Raid 012: Roughshod Through Dixie. Grierson's Raid 1863
23.00 €
46439 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 013: Bruneval Raid. Operation Biting 1942
23.00 €
46440 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Raid 014: Los Banos Prison Camp Raid. Philippines 1945
23.00 €
46441 - Greentree-Spedaliere, D.-D.:
Raid 015: A Far-Flung Gamble. Havana 1762
23.00 €
46442 - Dildy, D.:
Raid 016: Dambusters. Operation Chastise 1943
23.00 €
47717 - Konstam-Dennis, A.-P.:
Raid 017: Great Expedition. Sir Francis Drake on the Spanish Main 1585-86
23.00 €
47718 - Castle-Dennis, I.-P.:
Raid 018: Zeppelin Base Raids. Germany 1914
23.00 €
47719 - McNab-Gerrard, C.-H.:
Raid 019: Storming Flight 181. GSG 9 and the Mogadishu Hijack 1977
23.00 €
47720 - Nicolle-Dennis, D.-P.:
Raid 020: Great Chevauchee. John of Gaunt's Raid on France 1373
23.00 €
47721 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 021: Operation Archery. The Commandos and the Vaagso Raid 1942
23.00 €
49446 - Lardas-Noon, M.-S.:
Raid 022: Decatur's Bold and Daring Act. The Philadelphia in Tripoli 1804
23.00 €
49447 - Turnbull-Shumate, S.-J.:
Raid 023: Revenge of the 47 Ronin. Edo 1703
23.00 €
49448 - Chun-Noon, C.-S.:
Raid 024: Last Boarding Party. The USMC and the SS Mayaguez 1975
23.00 €
49449 - McLachlan-Shumate, S.-J.:
Raid 025: Ride around Missouri. Shelby's Great Raid 1863
23.00 €
49450 - Stille, M.:
Raid 026: Tora! Tora! Tora! Pearl Harbor 1941
23.00 €
50880 - Chartrand-Dennis, R.-P.:
Raid 027: Tomahawk and Musket. French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758
23.00 €
50881 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 028: Run the Gauntlet. Channel Dash 1942
23.00 €
50882 - de Quesada-Dennis, A.-P.:
Raid 029: Hunt for Pancho Villa. The Columbus Raid and Pershing's Punitive Expedition 1916-17
23.00 €
50883 - Forczyk-Shumate, R.-J.:
Raid 030: Red Christmas. Tatsinskaya Airfield Raid 1942
23.00 €
50884 - Chun-Shumate, C.-J.:
Raid 031: Gothic Serpent. Black Hawk Down Mogadishu 1993
23.00 €
50885 - Greentree-Shumate, D.-J.:
Raid 032: Knight's Move. The Hunt for Marshal Tito 1944
23.00 €
52396 - Chartrand-Stacey, R.-M.:
Raid 034: Oldest Allies. Alcantara 1809
23.00 €
52397 - McLachlan-Dennis, S.-P.:
Raid 035: Last Ride of the James-Younger Gang. Jesse James and the Northfield Raid 1876
23.00 €
52398 - Field-Shumate, R.-J.:
Raid 036: Avenging Angel. John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry 1859
23.00 €
53608 - Konstam-Stacey, A.-M.:
Raid 037: Blackbeard's Last Fight - Pirate Hunting in North Carolina 1718
23.00 €
53609 - McNab-Dennis, C.-P.:
Raid 038: Fall of Eben Emael - Belgium 1940
23.00 €
53610 - Neville-Shumate, L.-J.:
Raid 039: Takur Ghar - The SEALs and Rangers on Roberts Ridge, Afghanistan 2002
23.00 €
53611 - Short, N.:
Raid 040: Kill Hitler - Operation Valkyrie 1944
23.00 €
53612 - McLachlan-Stacey, S.-M.:
Raid 041: Tombstone - Wyatt Earp, the OK Corral and the Vendetta Ride 1881-82
23.00 €
54589 - Higgins-Shumate, D.R.-J.:
Raid 042: The Swamp Fox. Francis Marion's Campaign in the Carolinas 1780
23.00 €
55478 - Mortimer-Dennis, G.-P.:
Raid 043: Kill Rommel! Operation Flipper 1941
23.00 €
55479 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Raid 044: Carlson's Marine Raiders. Makin Island 1942
23.00 €
54590 - Panzeri-Shumate, P.-J.:
Raid 045: Killing Bin Laden. Operation Neptune Spear 2011
23.00 €
56915 - Chartrand-Dennis, R.-P.:
Raid 046: Montcalm's Crushing Blow. French and Indian Raids along New York's Oswego River 1756
23.00 €
56916 - Higgins-Shumate, D.R.-J.:
Raid 047: Behind Soviet Lines. Hitler's Brandenburgers capture the Maikop Oilfields 1942
23.00 €
65591 - Ricaldone, L.:
Veneto 1866. Il generale Karl Moering e la Terza Guerra d'Indipendenza
12.00 €