Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Uniformi, Costume ed Equipaggiamenti: Evo Antico
Storia Antica
Armi Bianche
Uniformi e Costume: Generalità
Uniformi: Medioevo
Araldica e dintorni
Risultati della Ricerca: 400 Prodotti
33140 - Miller-Varley, F.-L.:
40.00 €
69229 - Canestrelli, G.:
A Roma da Cartagine. La spada e lo scudo del legionario repubblicano
20.00 €
52632 - Sheppard, R.:
Alessandro Magno. Una biografia militare
20.00 €
69382 - Nardacchione, D.:
Amazzoni. Fuori dal mito (Le)
29.00 €
71500 - Healy, M.:
Ancient Assyrians. Empire and Army, 883-612 BC (The)
49.95 €
33339 - Houston, M.G.:
Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Costume
21.00 €
62965 - Elliott, S.:
Ancient Greeks at War. Warfare in the Classical World from Agamemnon to Alexander
45.00 €
42767 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Special 2009: Varian disaster. The battle of the Teutoburg Forest
21.00 €
46233 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Special 2010: Core of the legion. The Roman Imperial Centuria
19.95 €
50503 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Special 2011: Athens' claim to greatness. The battle of Marathon
19.00 €
60292 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Special 2016: Art of Ancient Warfare. Painting and drawings from the first 50 issues of AW Magazine
25.00 €
37576 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 01/02 Daily Life
9.95 €
37577 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 01/03 Shields, helmets and armor
9.95 €
38850 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 02/01 Light Infantry
9.95 €
39160 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 02/02 Victory and Defeat
9.95 €
39433 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 02/03 Age of trireme
9.95 €
39889 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 02/04 Campaigns of Caesar
9.95 €
40476 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 02/05 Warfare in the Ancient Near East
9.95 €
41826 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 03/01 War as a livelihood: Mercenaries in the Ancient World
9.95 €
42936 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 03/03 Classical heroes: the warrior in history and legend
9.95 €
44705 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 03/06 Carnyx, cornu and signa - Battlefield communications
9.95 €
45907 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 04/02 Blockade and assault: Ancient siege warfare
9.95 €
46927 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 04/04 Darkness descends: End of the Bronze Age Empires
9.95 €
47364 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 04/05 Fighting for the Gods
9.95 €
47856 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 04/06 Royal Stalemate
9.95 €
48476 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/01 The 'new man' who saved Rome. Gaius Marius at war
9.95 €
49040 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/02 Swords around the throne: Bodyguards of Kings and Emperors
9.95 €
49980 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/03 The Last Great Enemy: Rome and the Sassanid Empire
9.95 €
50504 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/04 Sieges and Terror Tactics: The Assyrian empire at War
9.95 €
50505 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/05 Securing seas and shores. Fleets of the Roman empire
9.95 €
51364 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 05/06 Clad in Gold and Silver: Elite units of the Hellenistic era
9.95 €
51365 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/01 From heroes to hoplites. Warfare in Archaic Greece
9.95 €
52014 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/02 A monumental effort: Trajan's Dacian wars
9.95 €
52672 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/03 Press home the charge! Cavalry in the ancient world
9.95 €
52899 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/04 Out of Alexander's shadow: Campaigns of Phyrrus of Epirus
9.95 €
53231 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/05 Bringing order to Chaos: Armies of Diocletian
9.95 €
53729 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 06/06 Attack of the Celts: Confronting the Classical world
9.95 €
53982 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/01 Warriors of the Nile: Conflict in ancient Egypt
9.95 €
54384 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/02 Struggle for Control: Wars in Ancient Sicily
9.95 €
55025 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/03 Conquerors of Italy: the Early Roman Republic
9.95 €
55026 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/04 Movement and supply: Logistics and the army train
9.95 €
55332 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/05 Trapped behind Enemy Lines: the March of the Ten Thousand
9.95 €
56056 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 07/06 The Reluctant Warlord. The wars of Marcus Aurelius
9.95 €
56555 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 08/01 Deserters, Defectors, Traitors. Betrayal in the Ancient World
9.95 €
56556 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 08/02 War, Trade and Adventure. Struggles of the Ionian Greeks
9.95 €
35812 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 08/04 The Ancient World's Fragile Giant. The Seleucid Empire at war
9.95 €
29325 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 08/05 Rebellion against the Empire. The Jewish-Roman wars
9.95 €
57487 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 08/06 Savage Captor taken captive. The Roman Conquest of Greece
9.95 €
57489 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/01 The end of the Empire. The fall of Rome
9.95 €
58405 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/02 Struck with the club of Heracles. The ascendancy of Thebes
9.95 €
58917 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/03 Mighty rulers of Anatolia. Hittites and their successors
9.95 €
59432 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/04 Clash of the Colossi. The First Punic War
9.95 €
59436 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/05 At the point of Sarissa. Warriors of the Hellenistic Age
9.95 €
59433 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 09/06 A Feast for dogs and crows. The aftermath of battle
9.95 €
60287 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/01 Conflict between Sparta and Athens. The Archidamian War
9.95 €
60643 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/02 Wars in Hellenistic. Kingdom of the Ptolemies
9.95 €
61136 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/03: Rome versus Poisonous Pontus. Mithridatic Wars, 88-63 b.C.
9.95 €
61137 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/04: Protecting the Borders. Wars at the edge of empires
9.95 €
61683 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/05: Legacy of Cyrus. The Empires of Persia at war
9.95 €
61949 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 10/06: Ancient Rome in Turmoil. The Year of the Four Emperors
9.95 €
62280 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/01 Blotting out the Sun. Archers in the ancient world
9.95 €
62526 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/02 On the Cusp of Empire. The Romans unify Italy
9.95 €
62620 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/03 Roman Against Roman. Caesar and Pompey in the Balkans
9.95 €
63180 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/04 Wars of the Twelve Tribes. Conflict in the Old Testament
9.95 €
63477 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/05 Riding into Battle. Ancient mounted warfare
9.95 €
63822 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 11/06 Victory for Sparta. Finale of the Peoponnesian War
9.95 €
64170 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/01 Army for an Empire
9.95 €
64490 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/02 Wild Allies and Enemies. Thracians in the Fourth Century BC
9.95 €
65023 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/03 The many Means of Protection. Body Armour in the Ancient World
9.95 €
65305 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/04 The Power of Poseidon. The Successors take to the sea
9.95 €
65666 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/05 Rome's indispensable Auxiliaries. Serving up front and on the flanks
9.95 €
66095 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 12/06 An Empire under Pressure. Germanic raiding and invasion
9.95 €
66440 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/01 Hired help from overseas. Sparta and Epirus visit Southern Italy
9.95 €
66439 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/02 Hunting for good ground. The role of geography in warfare
9.95 €
66914 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/03 To the Victor go the Spoils. The rise of Septimius Severus
9.95 €
67383 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/04 Warriors on Wheels. Chariot Combat in antiquity
9.95 €
67610 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/05 Soldiers of Fortune. Mercenary armies in antiquity
9.95 €
58358 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 13/06 Proving his worth. Claudius' empire (and reputation) building
9.95 €
45233 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/01 Crucible of Empires. Warfare in Hellenistic Asia Minor
9.95 €
67658 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/02 Rise of the Legion. The development of a 'Roman' army
9.95 €
68482 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/03 Breaking Down the Walls. Fortification and siege warfare
9.95 €
69071 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/04 Waking the Giant. The Greco-Persian wars in perspective
9.95 €
69636 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/05 Charting their own Course: Breakway Empires of the Third Century AD
9.95 €
69637 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 14/06 For the Glory of Ashur. The Neo-Assyrian Empire at War
9.95 €
69638 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/01 Outside of the Ordinary. Special Operations in Antiquity
9.95 €
69164 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/02 The batavian revolt. Rome's allies pushed to the brink
9.95 €
70078 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/03 A time of Epic Heroes. Everlasting glory, undying fame
9.95 €
70081 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/04 Conquering Legion. Armies of the Roman Republic
9.95 €
71179 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/05 Saxon shore forts. England's mysterious defences
9.95 €
34708 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 15/06 Macedonia Rising. The volatile life of King Philip II
9.95 €
71207 - Brouwers, J. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/01 Piracy and Raids. Robbers in the Mediterranean
9.95 €
71204 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/02 The Coming of the Oplite. Shields, spears and shining bronze
9.95 €
71206 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/03 Goths Sassanids and Romans. The Roman Empire in the east at bay
9.95 €
71872 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/04 New Kingdom Empire Builder. Pharaoh Thutmose III goes to war
9.95 €
72377 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/05 The Roman Imperial Legions. The Army of the Julio Claudians
9.95 €
72649 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 16/06 Alexander versus Darius. The Macedonians invade Persia
9.95 €
72650 - van Gorp, D. (ed.):
Ancient Warfare Vol 17/01 Land of the Enemy. The Challenges of Campaigning
9.95 €
31512 - Thompson, L.:
Ancient Weapons in Britain
36.00 €
44504 - Steele, P.:
Antica Roma
12.90 €
43817 - Olmi, M.:
Armature romane in eta' imperiale. Dalle fonti storiche e archeologiche alle moderne ricostruzioni (Le)
12.00 €
61712 - Gilbert-Vincent, F.-F.:
Armee de Cesar pendant la Guerre des Gaules (L')
33.00 €
27249 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of Ancient Greece Circa 500 to 338 BC. History, Organization and Equipment
45.00 €
29514 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of Ancient Italy 753-218 BC. From the foundation of Rome to the start of the Second Punic War
39.95 €
29188 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of Celtic Europe 700 BC to AD 106. History, Organization and Equipment
33.00 €
66408 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of the Hellenistic States 323 BC to AD 30. History, Organization and Uniforms
33.00 €
46767 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of the Late Roman Empire AD 284 to 476. History, Organization and Uniforms
33.00 €
68068 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of the Roman Republic 264-30 BC. History, Organization and Equipment
45.00 €
38591 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of the Scythians and Sarmatians 700 BC to AD 450. Weapons, Equipment and Tactics
39.95 €
66405 - Esposito, G.:
Armies of the Thracians and Dacians 500 BC. History, Organization and Equipment
45.00 €
69079 - Eschbach-Borin, J.-S.:
Army of Maximinus Thrax. the Roman Soldier of the early 3rd Century
45.00 €
68069 - Esposito, G.:
Army of the Early Roman Empire 30 BC-AD 180. History, Organization and Equipment
45.00 €
71534 - Fischer, T.:
Army of the Roman Emperors. Archaeology and History
75.00 €
46060 - Dobson, M.:
Army of the Roman Republic. The Second Century BC, Polybius and the Camps at Numantia, Spain (The)
65.00 €
71280 - Sennewald-Borin, R.-S.:
Art of War in Ancient Assyria. The Sargonid Dynasty at War from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal 722 - 627 B.C. (The)
39.95 €
48268 - Cheesman, G.L.:
Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army (The)
17.50 €
57847 - Meurant-Arcq-Vincent, J.-A.-F.:
Batailles Oubliees 21: Sabis 57 av. J.-C. (L'hypotese Thuin) Caesar face aux Gaulois de Belge
23.00 €
15822 - Delaitre-Demouy-Vincent-Dravigny, F.-P.-F.-F.:
Batailles Oubliees 25: Les Champs Catalauniques 1er-2 septembre 451. Attila vaincu devant Troyes
25.00 €
41019 - AAVV, :
Bunte Tuche und Gleissendes Metall. Fruehe Kelten der Hallstattzeit
25.00 €
49397 - Pratt Judson, H.:
Caesar's Army. The Evolution, Composition, Tactics, Equipment and Battles of the Roman Army
17.50 €
68393 - Dahm-O Brogain, M.-S.:
Campaign 363: Leuctra 371 BC. The Destruction of Spartan Dominance
27.00 €
71474 - Fields-Capparoni, N.-M.:
Campaign 389: Hydaspes 326 BC. The Limit of Alexander the Great's Conquests
27.00 €
41157 - Fields-Shumate, N.-J.:
Campaign 393: Cimbrian War 113-101 BC. The Rise of Caius Marius
27.00 €
72893 - Bahmanyar-Capparoni, M.-M.:
Campaign 400: Second Punic War in Iberia 220-206 BC. From Hannibal at the Tagus to the Battle of Ilipa
27.00 €
36670 - Alcaide Yebra, A.:
Campanas y Batallas 03: El Tercer Frente
17.00 €
36671 - Alcaide Yebra, A.:
Campanas y Batallas 04: El Frente Decisivo (El Tercer Frente tomo II)
17.00 €
24255 - Feugere, M.:
Casques antiques. Les visages de la guerre, de Mycenes a la fin de l'Empire romain
36.00 €
53435 - Chapman, E.M.:
Catalogue of Roman Military Equipment in the National Museum of Wales (A)
65.00 €
52626 - Kruta, V.:
Celti d'Insubria. Guerrieri del territorio di Varese
15.00 €
52792 - Pasquero, M.:
Celti della Valle del Po negli eserciti romani (I)
19.00 €
52627 - Kruta-Licka, V.-M.:
Celti di Boemia e di Moravia
25.00 €
52787 - D'Amato, R.:
Centurioni romani 753 a.C-500 d.C. (I)
20.00 €
68204 - Kazek, K.A.:
Chasseurs et Gladiateurs. L'epopee des heros de l'arene
30.00 €
55445 - Powell, L.:
Combat 006: Roman Soldier vs Germanic Warrior 1st Century AD
25.00 €
64048 - McNab, C.:
Combat 031: Greek Hoplite vs Persian Warrior
25.00 €
64828 - Campbell, D.:
Combat 035: Roman Legionary vs Carthaginian Warrior
25.00 €
65754 - Dahm-Dennis, M.-P.:
Combat 040: Macedonian Phalangite vs Persian Warrior. Alexander confronts the Achemenids, 334-331 BC
25.00 €
67702 - Sheppard-Shumate, S.-J.:
Combat 050: Roman Soldier vs Parthian Warrior. Carrhae to Nisibis, 53 BC-AD 217
25.00 €
68396 - Dahm-Hook, M.-A.:
Combat 053: Athenian Hoplite vs Spartan Hoplite. Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC
25.00 €
68399 - Dahm-Rava, M.-G.:
Combat 056: Late Roman Infantryman vs Gothic Warrior. AD 376-82
25.00 €
70159 - Horsted-Hook, W.-A.:
Combat 065: British Celtic Warrior vs Roman Soldier
25.00 €
70976 - Dahm-Rava, M.-G.:
Combat 067: Hunnic Warrior vs Late Roman Cavalryman. Attila's Wars, AD 440-53
25.00 €
72895 - Dahm-Rava, M.-G.:
Combat 076: Barbarian Warrior vs Roman Legionary. Marcomannic Wars AD 165-180
25.00 €
26166 - Hope, T.:
Costumes of the Greeks and Romans
17.50 €
69941 - AAVV, :
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 03 Guerreros de la antigua Iberia
19.95 €
58681 - Oltean, R.:
Dacia. La conquista romana Vol 1: Sarmizegetusa (lingua spagnola)
29.95 €
55774 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 01 La caida de Roma
10.00 €
27953 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 02 La amenaza celta
10.00 €
27974 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 05 La Republica en peligro
10.00 €
27812 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 10 El Imperio asirio
10.00 €
27855 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 11 El Imperio romano de Trajano a Marco Aurelio
10.00 €
27918 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 14 Esparta
10.00 €
27996 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 15 Egipto, el Imperio Nuevo
10.00 €
27910 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 17 La Segunda Guerra Punica en Iberia
10.00 €
27989 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 18 Justiniano I El Grande
10.00 €
27157 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 19 Cesar contra Pompeyo
10.00 €
27885 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 21 Filipo II de Macedonia
10.00 €
27168 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 25 De Octavio a Augusto
10.00 €
27906 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 27 Alejandro Magno (I) De Pella a Issos
10.00 €
27976 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 29 Juliano el Apostata
10.00 €
17974 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 30 La Guerra de Troya
10.00 €
59243 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 31 Cartago debe ser destruida!
10.00 €
59283 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 33 Alejandro Magno (II) El Levante y Egipto
10.00 €
59955 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 35 Septimio Severo
10.00 €
59957 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 37 Tebas victoriosa
10.00 €
59958 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 38 La Guerra de los Cien Anos (II) Poitiers
10.00 €
61893 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 39 Teutoburgo
10.00 €
62003 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 41 Numancia
10.00 €
62002 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 42 Tamerlan
10.00 €
62001 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 43 Pirro (I)
10.00 €
63928 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 47 Alejandro Magno (III) Gaugamela
10.00 €
63927 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 48 Qadesh. Egipto contra los hititas
10.00 €
66031 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 55 Roma conquista Britania
10.00 €
68922 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 65 Los pueblos del mar
10.00 €
69889 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 66 Heraclio. Bizancio entre la gloria y el desastre
10.00 €
68916 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 67 La batalla de las Termopilas
10.00 €
70597 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Antigua y Medieval 70 La Segunda Guerra Punica (IV) Anibal contra Fabio
10.00 €
58682 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 01 La cultura iberica
10.00 €
59296 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 02 Los bajos fondos en Roma
10.00 €
59298 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 05 La Sicilia griega
10.00 €
59950 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 08 Ricos en Roma
10.00 €
60863 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 12 Tarteso
10.00 €
62018 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 14 Gladiadores: Morituri te salutant
10.00 €
66836 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 24 Los ultimos dias de Pompeya
10.00 €
66887 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 25 Los celtiberos
10.00 €
66888 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 27 La Roma de Neron
10.00 €
67734 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 30 Los primeros cristianos
10.00 €
67739 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 32 Merida Romana
10.00 €
68193 - Desperta, Arq.:
Desperta Ferro - Arqueologia e Historia 33 Indoeuropeos. Migraciones, lenguas y genes
10.00 €
55609 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 04 Mercenarios en el mundo antiguo
12.00 €
55978 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 06 La legion romana (I) La Republica Media
12.00 €
61681 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 10 La legion romana (III) El Primer Siglo del Imperio
12.00 €
49400 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 13 La legion romana (IV) El auge del Imperio
12.00 €
63919 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 17 La legion romana (V) La anarquia militar
12.00 €
67182 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 23 Ejercitos medievales hispanicos (I) Los visigodos
12.00 €
69927 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 29 La legion romana (VIII) Las ultimas legiones
12.00 €
53540 - Lendering-Bosman, J.-A.:
Edge of Empire. Rome's Frontier on the Lower Rhine
36.00 €
15362 - Sekunda-McBride, N.-A.:
Elite 007: Ancient Greeks
23.00 €
15602 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Elite 030: Attila and the Nomad Hordes
23.00 €
15358 - Healy-McBride, M.-A.:
Elite 039: Ancient Assyrians
23.00 €
19212 - Healy-McBride, M.-A.:
Elite 040: New Kingdom Egypt
23.00 €
19640 - Sekunda-Chew, N.-S.:
Elite 042: Persian Army 560-330BC
23.00 €
19757 - Rankov-Hook, B.-R.:
Elite 050: Praetorian Guard
23.00 €
20420 - Sekunda-Hook, N.-R.:
Elite 066: Spartan Army
23.00 €
32022 - Farrokh-McBride, K.-A.:
Elite 110: Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642
23.00 €
32034 - Grguric-McBride, N.-A.:
Elite 130: Mycenaeans c.1650-1100 BC
23.00 €
55455 - Salimbeti-Rava, A.-G.:
Elite 201: Carthaginians 6th-2nd Century BC
23.00 €
57378 - D'Amato-Rava, R.-G.:
Elite 204: Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age Mediterranean c.1400 BC-1000 BC
23.00 €
64057 - D'Amato, R.:
Elite 221: Roman Standards and Standard-Bearers (1) 112 BC-AD192
23.00 €
64832 - D'Amato-Salimbeti, R.-A.:
Elite 223: Etruscans 9th-2nd Century BC
23.00 €
64834 - D'Amato-Negin, R.-A.:
Elite 225: Roman Heavy Cavalry (1) Cataphracti and Clibanarii, 1st Century BC-5th Century AD
23.00 €
67055 - D'Amato-Negin, R.-A.:
Elite 230: Roman Standards and Standard-Bearers (2). AD 192-500
23.00 €
16361 - Bishop, M.C.:
Elite 234: Roman Shields
23.00 €
16454 - D'Amato-Negin, R.-A.E.:
Elite 235: Roman Heavy Cavalry (2) AD 500-1450
23.00 €
69401 - D'Amato-Gilbert, R.-F.:
Elite 241: Armies of Julius Caesar 58-44 BC
23.00 €
70990 - Gilbert-Rava, F.-G.:
Elite 246: Gladiators 4th-1st centuries BC
23.00 €
70991 - Bishop-Rava, M.C.-G:
Elite 247: Roman Plate Armour
23.00 €
41165 - Bishop-Rava, M.C.-G.:
Elite 252: Roman Mail and Scale Armour
23.00 €
73228 - Gilbert, F.:
Elite 258: Gladiators 1st-5th centuries AD.
23.00 €
65632 - Cascarino, G.:
Elmi dei Romani. Dalle origini alla fine dell'Impero d'occidente (Gli)
29.00 €
30460 - Mattesini, S.:
Elmi Romani
26.00 €
26592 - D'Amato-Gilbert, R.-F.:
Eserciti di Giulio Cesare 58-44 a.C. (Gli)
18.00 €
69014 - Feugere, M.:
Eserciti di Roma. Dalla repubblica alla tarda antichita' (Gli)
22.00 €
26504 - Fossati, I.:
Eserciti Etruschi IX-IV Sec. a.C. - Etruscan Armies IX-IV Cent. b.C. - Historica 03
20.00 €
49819 - McNab, C.:
Esercito di Roma (L')
20.00 €
48912 - Lucchetti-Cristini, M.-L.S.:
Esercito romano da Romolo a Re Artu' Vol 1: da Romolo all'avvento di Ottaviano (L')
25.00 €
50217 - Lucchetti-Cristini, M.-L.S.:
Esercito romano da Romolo a Re Artu' Vol 2: da Augusto a Settimio Severo (L') 2a Ed.
25.00 €
50218 - Lucchetti-Cristini, M.-L.S.:
Esercito romano da Romolo a Re Artu' Vol 3: da Caracalla a Re Artu' (L')
23.00 €
43268 - Izzo-Marini, S.-L.:
Esercito romano nelle guerre puniche (L')
12.00 €
38628 - Cascarino, G.:
Esercito Romano. Armamento e organizzazione Vol 1: dalle origini alla fine della Repubblica (L')
29.00 €
38752 - Cascarino, G.:
Esercito Romano. Armamento e organizzazione Vol 2: da Augusto ai Severi
29.00 €
42741 - Cascarino, G.:
Esercito Romano. Armamento e organizzazione Vol 3: dal III Secolo alla fine dell'Impero d'Occidente
29.00 €
52791 - Cascarino, G.:
Esercito Romano. Armamento e organizzazione Vol 4: L'Impero d'Oriente e gli ultimi Romani
29.00 €
42605 - Chastenet-Gilbert, D.-F.:
Femme romaine au debut de l'Empire 2eme ed. (La)
27.00 €
43712 - Remy-Mathieu, B.-M.:
Femmes en Gaule romaine (Les)
35.00 €
38049 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 001: Rise of Rome. Republican Rome at War
27.00 €
38051 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 003: Immortal Fire. Field of Glory Greek, Persian and Macedonian Army List
27.00 €
38053 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 005: Legions Triumphant. Imperial Rome at War
27.00 €
40744 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 009: Swifter than Eagles. The Biblical Middle East at War
27.00 €
42966 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 010: Oath of Fealty. Feudal Europe at War
27.00 €
44633 - Deyber, A.:
Gaulois en guerre. Strategies, tactiques et techniques (Les)
45.00 €
54723 - Munier-Kanape, A.-G.:
Germains. De la conquete romaine aux grandes invasions (Les)
33.00 €
59894 - Gilbert, F.:
Gladiateurs (Les)
35.00 €
39458 - Junkelmann, M.:
Gladiatoren: Das Spiel mit dem Tod
45.00 €
58118 - Rudilosso-Rudilosso, G.-R.:
Gladiatores. Le tipologie e le tecniche di combattimento
9.90 €
43866 - Mattesini, S.:
38.00 €
46755 - Nossov, K.:
Gladiatori. Sangue e spettacolo nell'antica Roma
26.00 €
39871 - D'Amato, R.:
Grande storia delle legioni romane (La)
14.90 €
48521 - Maurino-Maurino, L.-M.:
Grandi Battaglie del Mondo Greco-Ellenistico (Le)
20.00 €
17630 - Connolly, P.:
Greece and Rome at War
45.00 €
30683 - Connolly, P.:
Guerra en Grecia y Roma (La)
35.00 €
43271 - Verdoglia-Marini, F.-L.:
Guerre di Cesare (Le)
12.00 €
34682 - Lago-Garcia Pinto, J.I.-A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 027: Numancia. Eterno monumento a la libertad
17.00 €
37936 - Lago-Martin, J.I.-F.:
Guerreros y Batallas 038: Munda 45 a.C. La Ultima batalla de Cesar
17.00 €
46266 - Lago-Garcia Pinto, J.I.-A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 062: Carthago Nova 209 a.C. Primera victoria de Escipion en Espana
17.00 €
50753 - Lago, J.I.:
Guerreros y Batallas 076: Baecula e Ilipa 208 - 206 A.C.
17.00 €
53411 - Lopez Fernandez, J.A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 084: Las invasiones barbaras de Hispana. El ocaso del Imperio romano
17.00 €
54446 - Lago-Perez-Shumate, J.I.-S.-J.:
Guerreros y Batallas 088: Cannas 216 a.C. Los Hispanos de Anibal masacran a la Legiones romanas
17.00 €
55935 - Lago, J.I.:
Guerreros y Batallas 091: La batalla de Zama 202 a.C.
19.00 €
55938 - Lopez Fernandez, J.A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 094: La guerra Hispana de Sertorio 82-72 a.C.
19.00 €
61208 - Lopez Fernandez, J.A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 112: Las Campanas de Marco Agripa 43-18 a.C. De la guerra civil a las guerras cantabras
19.00 €
40310 - Mathieu, F.:
Guerrier gaulois. Du Hallstatt a la conquete romaine (Le)
35.00 €
54646 - Fields, N.:
Guerrieri di Cartagine 264-146 a.C. (I)
18.00 €
39546 - Stephenson, I.:
Hannibal's Army
33.00 €
59756 - Schertler-Lunyakov, O.-S.:
Heere und Waffen 08 Die Heere im Alten Orient. Von den Stadtstaaten der Sumerer bis zum Weltreich der Assyrer
23.00 €
59759 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 11 Das Heer des Arminius. Germanische Krieger zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts
23.00 €
59762 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 14 Das Heer des Varus Teil 1: Roemische Truppen in Germanien 9 n.Chr: Legionen und Hilfstruppen, Bekleidung, Trachtzubehoer, Schutzwaffen
23.00 €
59765 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 17 Das Heer des Varus Teil 2: Waffen, Ausruestung, Feldzeichen, Reiterei, Verbaende und Einheiten
23.00 €
55029 - Brouwers, J.:
Henchmen of Ares. Warriors and Warfare in Early Greece
35.00 €
30808 - AAVV, :
Historic Costume from Ancient Times to the Renaissance (CD-ROM and Book)
25.00 €
34686 - Alcaide Yebra-Tamariz Saenz, J.A.-M.V.:
Hombres en Uniforme 01. Indomiti Hispani (600 a.C. - 19 a.C.)
16.00 €
18367 - Torre-Hugon, V.:
Hoplite. Le premier guerrier de l'histoire
36.00 €
53760 - Kiley, K.:
Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and their Enemies (An)
36.00 €
41507 - Kiley, K.F.:
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of the Greek World: A Detailed Study of the Fighting Men of Classical Greece and the Ancient World
36.00 €
24888 - Sim-Ridge, D.-I.:
Iron for the Eagles. The Iron Industry in Roman Britain
29.95 €
41574 - Syvaenne, I.:
Late Roman Combat Tactics
55.00 €
53327 - Fields, N.:
Legionari di Roma in eta' repubblicana 298-105 a.C. (I)
15.00 €
54644 - Cowan, R.:
Legionari di Roma nell'Eta' imperiale
16.00 €
60170 - Samueli, A.:
Legionario romano. Armamento e consuetudini di vita dalla Repubblica a Traiano (Il)
20.00 €
66183 - Rocca-Cristini, S.-L.S.:
Legiones Cannenses (The)
25.00 €
57344 - Scuterini, R.:
Legioni di Roma. Breve storia delle unita' legionarie dell'Impero Romano (Le)
12.00 €
35058 - Mattesini, S.:
Legioni romane (Le)
24.00 €
34042 - Gilbert, F.:
Legionnaires et Auxiliaires sous le Haut-Empire Romain 2a Ed
29.95 €
53545 - Depeyrot, G.:
Legions face aux barbares. La colonne de Marc Aurele (Les)
33.00 €
47297 - Dando Collins, S.:
Legions of Rome. The Definitive History of every Imperial Roman Legion (The)
49.95 €
42608 - Depeyrot, G.:
Legions romaines en campagne. La colonne Trajane
33.00 €
59467 - Cullis-Robins, M.-W.:
Libri con adesivi. Antica Roma. Con oltre 120 adesivi
8.50 €
60662 - Watt-Nicholls, F.-P.:
Libri con adesivi. Gli Antichi Romani. Con oltre 300 adesivi
7.50 €
64373 - Esposito, G.:
Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359-323 BC. History, Organization and Equipment
36.00 €
20043 - Simkins-Embleton, M.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 046: Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan
19.00 €
17631 - Cassin-Scott, J.:
Men-at-Arms 069: Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 BC
19.00 €
20044 - Simkins-Embleton, M.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 093: Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine
19.00 €
15357 - Wise-McBride, T.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 109: Ancient Armies of the Middle East
19.00 €
15491 - Wise-Hook, T.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 121: Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265-146 BC
19.00 €
20054 - Wilcox-Embleton, P.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 129: Rome's Enemies (1) Germanics and Dacians
19.00 €
15363 - Cernenko-McBride, E.V-A.:
Men-at-Arms 137: Scythians 700-300 BC
19.00 €
15518 - Sekunda-McBride, N.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 148: Army of Alexander the Great
19.00 €
15170 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 150: Age of Charlemagne
19.00 €
20055 - Wilcox-McBride, P.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 158: Rome's Enemies (2) Gallic and British Celts
19.00 €
20056 - Wilcox-McBride, P.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 175: Rome's Enemies (3) Parthians and Sassanid Persians
19.00 €
20057 - Trevino Martinez-McBride, R.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 180: Rome's Enemies (4) Spanish Armies
19.00 €
20058 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 243: Rome's Enemies (5) The Desert Frontier
19.00 €
20053 - Nicolle-McBride, D.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 247: Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th-9th Centuries
19.00 €
16788 - Sekunda-Hook, N.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 283: Early Roman Armies 600-300 BC
19.00 €
19959 - Sekunda-McBride, N.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 291: Republican Roman Army 200-104 BC
19.00 €
22016 - Webber-McBride, C.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 360: Thracians 700BC - AD 46
19.00 €
22614 - Brzezinski-Embleton, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 373: Sarmatians 600 BC - AD 450
19.00 €
22595 - Sumner-Sumner, G.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 374: Roman Military Clothing (1) 100 BC-AD 200
19.00 €
25937 - Sumner, G.:
Men-at-Arms 390: Roman Military Clothing (2) AD 200-400
19.00 €
32017 - D'Amato-Sumner, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 425: Roman Military Clothing (3) AD 400-640
19.00 €
42975 - Rocca-Hook, S.-C.:
Men-at-Arms 443: Army of Herod the Great
19.00 €
40750 - D'Amato, R.:
Men-at-Arms 451: Imperial Roman Naval Forces 31 BC-AD 500
19.00 €
49434 - D'Amato-Rava, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 470: Roman Centurions 753-31 BC
19.00 €
52383 - Sekunda-Dennis, N.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 477: Macedonian Armies after Alexander 323-168 BC
19.00 €
50872 - D'Amato-Rava, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 479: Roman Centurions 31 BC-AD 500. The Classical and Late Empire
19.00 €
58711 - D'Amato-Ruggeri, R.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 506: Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (1) 31 BC-AD 195
19.00 €
61772 - D'Amato-Ruggeri, R.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 511: Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (1) 31 BC-AD 195
19.00 €
66334 - D'Amato-Ruggeri, R.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 527: Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (2) 3rd Century AD
19.00 €
70993 - D'Amato-Ruggeri, R.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 547: Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (2) 3rd Century AD
19.00 €
71486 - Pogacias-Draghici, A.-C.:
Men-at-Arms 549: Dacians and Getae at War. 4th Century BC-2nd Century AD
19.00 €
73229 - D'Amato, R.:
Men-at-Arms 557: Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (3). 4th-5th Centuries AD
19.00 €
69936 - Cascarino, G.:
Ornatus. L'abbigliamento dei romani
34.00 €
35027 - Menendez Arguin, A.R.:
Pretorianos. La guardia imperial de la antigua Roma
22.00 €
38745 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 05. L'expedition africaine d'Agatocle
12.00 €
41058 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 09. La chevalerie pendant la guerre
12.00 €
42298 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 10. La bataille dans l'antiquite'
12.00 €
43179 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 11. Les soldats de Carthage
12.00 €
44931 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 14. La bataille au Moyen Age
12.00 €
46574 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 15. L'armee assyrienne
12.00 €
47929 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 17. L'histoire en spectacle
12.00 €
49082 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 19. Les Licteurs Romains
12.00 €
50392 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 21. Les Hospitaliers en terre sainte
12.00 €
40611 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 24: La bataille de Raphia
12.00 €
55653 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 29. L'infanterie macedonienne et iranienne apres Alexandre
12.00 €
56985 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 33. Le glaive et le bouclier
12.00 €
58919 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 37. Rome resiste aux victoires de Pyrrhos
12.00 €
49780 - Pretorien, :
Pretorien 50: Le triomphateur a Rome
12.00 €
53326 - Fields, N.:
Primi guerrieri di Roma 753-321 a.C. (I)
15.00 €
48541 - Pacheco Lopez-Sandoval, C.J.-F.:
Rebelion de Espartaco (La)
18.00 €
38145 - AAVV, :
Roemische Schuhe. Luxus an den Fuessen
19.00 €
63048 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels-Cristini, P.R.-L.S.:
Roma contro Roma. L'anno dei quattro Imperatori e le due battaglie di Bedriacum
27.00 €
50535 - Scuterini, R.:
Roma e il suo esercito. Breve storia delle armate di Roma
12.00 €
52235 - Travis-Travis, J.-H.:
Roman Body Armour
33.00 €
20046 - Croom, A.:
Roman Clothing and Fashion
33.00 €
40562 - Swift, E.:
Roman Dress Accessories
15.00 €
35505 - Travis-Travis, H.-J.:
Roman Helmets
39.95 €
49058 - Sim-Kaminski, D.-J.:
Roman Imperial Armour
39.95 €
20050 - Peterson, D.:
Roman Legions - Europa Militaria Special 02 (The)
27.00 €
41745 - Sumner, G.:
Roman Military Dress
33.00 €
31585 - Bishop-Coulston, M.C.-J.C.N.:
Roman Military Equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome 2nd Ed
45.00 €
42692 - Travis-Travis, H.-J.:
Roman Shields
30.00 €
71614 - Sumner-Elliott, G.-S.:
Roman Warriors. The Paintings of Graham Sumner
60.00 €
33357 - Stephenson, I.P.:
Romano-Byzantine Infantry Equipment
36.00 €
61947 - Verstraaten, S.:
Romans. Clothing from the Roman era in northwest Europe
33.00 €
49031 - Boshnakov, K.:
Rulers of Ancient Europe. The Great Statesmen of Ancient Greece, Macedonia and Thrace
39.95 €
41946 - AAVV, :
Salamis 40 b.C. The Wooden Walls that saved Greece
27.00 €
53426 - Cameron, E.A.:
Sheaths and Scabbards in England AD400-1000
85.00 €
69656 - Flaherty, C.:
Shepherd protects their flock. First Armies and first tactics at crossing the military threshold (The)
29.00 €
54397 - Thion, S.:
Soldat lagide de Ptolemee Ier Soter a Cleopatre - Tenues du passe' 02 (Le)
25.00 €
30768 - Gilbert, F.:
Soldat Romain a la Fin de la Republique et sous le Haut-Empire (Le)
35.00 €
59665 - AAVV, :
Soldati dell'antica Roma. Un viaggio entusiasmante alla scoperta di uno straodinario esercito
12.90 €
42281 - Evans-Froese, T.-T.:
Soldati Romani. Alla scoperta dell'Esercito dell'Antica Roma
15.90 €
57273 - Bingham, S.:
Storia dei Pretoriani. Forze d'elite e politica nell'antica Roma (La)
20.00 €
53829 - Peruffo, A.:
Storia militare degli Ostrogoti da Teodorico a Totila
20.00 €
54257 - Oltean, R.:
Tracios, Getas y Dacios
29.95 €
68907 - Peruffo-Cristini-Durand, A.-L.S.-N.:
Ultime battaglie degli Ostrogoti (Le)
29.00 €
56395 - MacDowall, S.:
Ultimi cavalieri di Roma 236-565 (Gli)
18.00 €
69089 - Fantuzzi, C.M.:
Ultimo Limes Vol 1. Traiano e la conquista della Dacia (L')
29.00 €
69609 - Fantuzzi, C.M.:
Ultimo Limes Vol 2. La Dacia: l'ultima conquista e la prima rinuncia dell'Impero
29.00 €
53673 - Gherchanoc-Huet, F.-V. cur:
Vetements antiques. S'habiller, se deshabiller dans les mondes anciens
49.95 €
69604 - Gruppo Storico Romano, :
Voci di Roma. La rievocazione storica al tempo della Pandemia (Le)
25.00 €
28219 - Newark-Mc Bride, :
Warlord Armies
19.00 €
18424 - MacDowall-Embleton, S.-G.:
Warrior 009: Late Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD
23.00 €
18423 - MacDowall-Hook, S.-C.:
Warrior 015: Late Roman Cavalryman 236-565 AD
23.00 €
17496 - MacDowall-McBride, S.-A.:
Warrior 017: Germanic Warrior 236-568 AD
23.00 €
17633 - Sekunda-Hook, N.-A.:
Warrior 027: Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC
23.00 €
16186 - Allen-Reynolds, S.-W.:
Warrior 030: Celtic Warrior. 300 BC - 100 AD
23.00 €
21813 - Wisdom-McBride, S.-A.:
Warrior 039: Gladiators. 100 BC-AD 200
23.00 €
22589 - Wagner-Reynolds, P.-W.:
Warrior 050: Pictish Warrior AD 297-841
23.00 €
25671 - Cowan-McBride, R.-A.:
Warrior 071: Roman Legionary 58 BC-AD 69
23.00 €
25872 - Cowan-McBride, R.-A.:
Warrior 072: Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161-244
23.00 €
32028 - Fields-Hook, N.-A.:
Warrior 101: Roman Auxiliary Cavalryman. AD 14-193
23.00 €
33473 - Heckel-Jones, W.-R.:
Warrior 103: Macedonian Warrior. Alexander's elite infantryman
23.00 €
34795 - Fields, N.:
Warrior 111: Hun. Scourge of God AD 375-565
23.00 €
35953 - Dawson-McBride, T.-A.:
Warrior 118: Byzantine Infantryman: Eastern Roman Empire c. 900-1204
23.00 €
37177 - Bryce-Hook, T.-A.:
Warrior 120: Hittite Warrior
23.00 €
37178 - Fields-Bull, N.-P.:
Warrior 121: Soldier of the Pharaoh. Middle Kingdom Egypt 2055-1650 BC
23.00 €
39074 - Fields, N.:
Warrior 130: Tarentine Horseman of Magna Graecia. 430-190 BC
23.00 €
46425 - Fields-Noon, N.-S.:
Warrior 150: Carthaginian Warrior 264-146 BC
23.00 €
47700 - D'Amato-Rava, R.-G.:
Warrior 153: Bronze Age Greek Warrior 1600-1100 BC
23.00 €
49452 - Fields-O Brogain, N.-S.:
Warrior 156: Early Roman Warrior 753-321 BC
23.00 €
50887 - Fields-O Brogain, N.-S.:
Warrior 162: Roman Republican Legionary 298-105 BC
23.00 €
52399 - Campbell-Noon, D.B.-S.:
Warrior 163: Spartan Warrior 735-331 BC
23.00 €
53613 - Cowan-O Brogain, R.-S.:
Warrior 166: Roman Legionary AD 69-161
23.00 €
53614 - D'Amato-Rava, R.-G.:
Warrior 167: Early Aegean Warrior 3000-1450 BC
23.00 €
55483 - Cowan-O Brogain, R.-S.:
Warrior 170: Roman Guardsman 62 BC-AD 324
23.00 €
57396 - Cowan-O'Brogain, R.-S.:
Warrior 175: Roman Legionary AD 284-337. The age of Diocletian and Constantine the Great
23.00 €
58716 - D'Amato-Salimbeti, R.-A.:
Warrior 180: Early Iron Age Greek Warrior 1100-700 BC
23.00 €
63081 - Cowan-O'Brogain, R.-S.:
Warrior 182: Roman Legionary 109-58 BC. The Age of Marius, Sulla and Pompey the Great
23.00 €
24476 - Feugere, M.:
Weapons of the Romans
36.00 €
52919 - Nosch, M.L. cur:
Wearing the Cloak. Dressing the Soldier in Roman Times
39.95 €