Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armi da Fuoco: Individuali e di Squadra - Generalità
Armi e Armamenti
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi Fuoco-Italia
Armi Fuoco-Germania
Armi Fuoco-Russia
Armi Fuoco-Gran Bretagna
Armi Fuoco-Francia
Armi fuoco-Giappone
Armi Fuoco-Altri Paesi
Armam. Terrestre (Generalità)
Armam. Navale (Generalità)
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Tiro - Sniping
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
VHS/DVD Training
Risultati della Ricerca: 416 Prodotti
47663 - Breccia-Ercolani, G.-A.:
200 generazioni. Dalla pietra all'AI: storia delle armi nella storia dell'umanita'
25.00 €
60620 - Supica, J. (ed):
2024 Standard Catalog of Firearms, 34th Edition. The Illustrated Collector's Price and Reference Guide
75.00 €
58273 - Hacker, R.:
50 Famous Firearms You've Got to Own. Rick Hacker's Bucket List of Guns
39.95 €
15096 - Koenig, K.P.:
9 mm Parabellum. History and development of the worlds 9mm pistols and ammunition
49.95 €
58980 - Scollo-Compagni, L.-P.:
A Colpo Sicuro. I tiratori scelti italiani dal secondo dopoguerra al 2000
24.90 €
42138 - Fowler-North-Stronge, W.-A.-C.:
A-Z World Directory of Revolvers, Pistols and Submachine Guns (The)
19.95 €
63982 - Campbell, R.:
Accurate Handgun. Gun Digest presents (The)
36.00 €
27269 - Taffin, J.:
Action Shooting Cowboy Style
45.00 €
49238 - Nance-Peachman, R.-A.:
Advanced Carbine Tactics. Combat-Effective Carbine Training DVD
29.95 €
39154 - Stanford, A.:
Advanced fighting with firearms. Concept, skills, and tactics for the advanced combat shooter DVD
39.95 €
41698 - Bezzant, J.:
Air Rifle Shooting for Pest Control and Rabbiting
36.00 €
45613 - AAVV, :
Airplanes in Scale 3: World War I
33.00 €
57292 - Troso, M.:
Alla ricerca del dardo. Mistero e fascino di un'antica arma da lancio
78.00 €
21676 - Hogg, I.V. cur:
American Arsenal. The World War II Official Standard Ordnance Catalogue (The)
55.00 €
51540 - Mortera Perez, A.:
Ametralladoras en Espana 1867-1936
39.95 €
57959 - Mortera Perez, A.:
Ametralladoras en Espana 1936-1939
55.00 €
36929 - Forker, B.:
Ammo and Ballistics 5th Edition. For Hunters, Shooters and Collectors
33.00 €
15388 - Norris, J.:
Anti Tank Weapons
27.00 €
32664 - Chicoine, D.R.:
Antique Firearms. Assembly/Disassembly
39.00 €
44407 - Magill, L.:
AR-15 Workout - DVD
29.95 €
27264 - Andreoli, V.:
Arma nella mente (L')
26.00 €
62646 - Corona-Fenu, C.-M.:
Armati. Teoria, tecniche e scelta delle attrezzatura
40.00 €
47829 - Ahern, J.:
Armed for Personal Defense
25.00 €
42914 - Kenik, D.S.:
Armed Response. A Comprehensive Guide to Using Firearms for Self-Defense
25.00 €
50291 - Noel, D.:
Armes de la Police National de l'Ancien Regime a nos jours (Les)
45.00 €
70740 - Poulet, P.:
Armes de precision du monde
55.00 €
30776 - Lebedynsky, I.:
Armes Orientales (Les)
25.00 €
70267 - Bastie'-Casanova, J.P.-D. cur:
Armes sous l'occupation. Collaboration et Resistance - Gaz. des Armes HS 30 (Les)
29.95 €
33962 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1987
20.00 €
33963 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1988-89
20.00 €
33964 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1990
20.00 €
33966 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1993 - Cenni sui corpi di fanteria leggiera e sulle carabine in uso presso le principali armate europee
20.00 €
33967 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1994
20.00 €
34105 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1996
20.00 €
34106 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1997
20.00 €
34107 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 1999
20.00 €
34108 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2000
20.00 €
50622 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2003
20.00 €
50623 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2004
20.00 €
50626 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2007
20.00 €
50627 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2008
20.00 €
50617 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2009
20.00 €
53543 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2010
20.00 €
50618 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2011 - Italia 150
25.00 €
55037 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2012
25.00 €
57220 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2013
25.00 €
61259 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2014
25.00 €
62481 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2015
25.00 €
64972 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2016
25.00 €
65690 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2017
25.00 €
68351 - Accad. San Marciano, :
Armi Antiche 2018
25.00 €
61104 - Franci, R.:
Armi da fuoco a ruota del Museo Stibbert (Le)
26.00 €
42781 - Chase, K.:
Armi da fuoco. Una storia globale fino al 1700
28.00 €
71365 - Tagini, P.:
Armi di James Bond. Un mondo fra finzione e realta': armi, gadget e curiosita' nei romanzi e nei film di 007 (Le)
18.00 €
24834 - Cantagalli-bagl, R.-T.-A.:
Armi e gli esplosivi nella legislazione vigente (Le)
35.00 €
58362 - Lo Curto, C.:
Armi e munizioni comuni e da guerra
60.00 €
15475 - Errante Parrino, A.:
Armi e tecniche di tiro per l'addestramento degli operatori delle Forze di Polizia, Corpi Militari, Agenzie e Istituti di Sicurezza e Vigilanza
30.00 €
41604 - Poggiali, L.:
Armi leggere catturate dai tedeschi nella IIGM
20.00 €
66818 - AAVV, :
Armi, munizioni, materiali esplosivi tra legislazione amministrativa e penale
20.00 €
63964 - Ferguson-Traynor-Yallop, J.-L.-H.:
Arms and Armour of the First World War
19.95 €
49930 - Elgood, R.:
Arms of Greece and her Balkan Neighbours in the Ottoman Period (The)
65.00 €
36657 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.-L.:
Arms of the Spanish Republic. A Nationalist Overview 1938
15.00 €
51896 - Pompanen, K.:
Art and Science of Wet Silencers. How They Work, How they are Made, and Why they are a Good Idea (The)
17.50 €
54371 - Winans, W.:
Art of Revolver Shooting (The)
21.00 €
47862 - Haley-Costa, T.-C.:
Art of the Dynamic Shotgun (The) 3 DVD
55.00 €
68138 - Re, M.:
Arte dell'Archibugeria a Genova (L')
50.00 €
49643 - Strong-Marble, P.-S.:
Artillery in the Great War
25.00 €
51985 - AAVV, :
Assault Rifle DVD
21.00 €
30682 - Popenker-Williams, M.-A.G.:
Assault Rifle. The Development of the Modern Military Rifle and its Ammunition
35.00 €
44121 - AAVV, :
Assault Weapons Manuals CD Rom
21.00 €
30618 - Noel, J.B.L.:
Automatic Pistol (The)
18.00 €
36739 - Restle, S.:
Ballistiche Schutzernwesten und Stichschutzoptionen
19.95 €
50025 - Carlucci-Jacobson, D.E-S.S.:
Ballistics. Theory and Design of Guns and Ammunition
139.00 €
44280 - Wilson-Hackathorn, B.-K.:
Basic Self-Defense Handgun Use and Safety Vol 2 - DVD
39.95 €
49554 - Neumann, G.C.:
Battle Weapons of the American Revolution
49.95 €
27268 - Taffin, J.:
Big Bore Handguns
45.00 €
51298 - Smith, R.:
Black Powder Plainsman. A Beginner's Guide to Muzzleloading and Reenactment on the Great Plains (The)
19.95 €
39010 - Allen, J.B.:
Blue Book of Modern Black Powder Arms
33.00 €
55370 - Fjestad, S.P.:
Blue Book of Tactical Firearms Values. 4th Ed.
36.00 €
43392 - Fjestad, S.P.:
Blue Book of Tactical Firearms. 1st Edition
33.00 €
40935 - Mowbray-Puleo, S.-J.:
Bolt Action Military Rifles of the World
79.95 €
24350 - Marchington, J.:
Brassey's Encyclopedia of handheld weapons (The)
45.00 €
45579 - AAVV, :
Bren and Other Light Machine Guns (The) DVD
21.00 €
52415 - Woodard, T.:
Brownells Guide to 101 Gun Gadgets. Useful Tools and Accessories Every Shooter Must Own
21.00 €
42662 - Sigler, D. cur:
Buyer's Guide to Guns. One-stop Source for New and Used Firearms Pricing
29.95 €
32331 - Cooper, J.:
C Stories
20.00 €
52389 - Sinha, P.N.:
Carabine, basculanti & C. Armi e munizioni per caccia di selezione
29.90 €
24707 - Moses, S.:
Carbine and Shotgun Speed Shooting. How to hit hard and fast in Combat
23.00 €
27772 - US Army, :
CD ROM 50 Weapons Field Manuals
45.00 €
27781 - US Army, :
CD ROM Sniper Training. 27 Field Manuals
45.00 €
16193 - Walter, J.:
Central power's small arms of WWI
35.00 €
72636 - Laforge, V.:
Chair et le plomb (La)
59.95 €
49943 - Kennedy, M.:
Checkering and Carving of Gunstocks
49.95 €
63440 - Fowler, W.:
Children's History of Weapons. Ancient and Modern (The)
19.95 €
15212 - Sweeney, P.:
Choosing Handgun Ammo. The facts that matter most for Self-Defense
45.00 €
29524 - Arnold, D.W.:
Classic Handguns of the 20th Century - A Shooter's and Collector's Guide
29.95 €
31340 - House, J.E.:
CO2 Pistols and Rifles
29.95 €
16277 - Mori, E.:
Codice delle armi e degli esplosivi 2022. Un accurato commento ad oltre 150 voci. Le norme e la prassi aggiornate. La giurisprudenza piu' significativa. (Il)
45.00 €
30772 - Lebedynsky, I.:
Collection d'Armes de l'Empereur de Russie
35.00 €
50648 - Mowbray-Puleo, S.C.-J.:
Collector's Guide to Military Pistol and Revolver Disassembly and Reassembly (A)
49.95 €
38878 - Mowbray-Puleo, S.C.-J.:
Collector's Guide to Military Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly (A)
49.95 €
55221 - Cochrane, K.:
Colt Peacemaker British Model
35.00 €
30785 - Cadiou, Y.L.:
Colt Tome 4: Fusils, carabines et mitrailleuses (Les)
29.00 €
49951 - Ayoob, M.:
Combat Shooting with Massad Ayoob
29.95 €
31881 - Fatuzzo, C.:
Compendio di balistica
10.00 €
37613 - Senich, P.R.:
Complete Book of US Sniping (The)
55.00 €
36456 - AAVV, :
Complete Guide to Paintball. 4th Rev. Ed. (The)
30.00 €
61932 - Schein, Z.:
Contractor Gear. A Collectors' Guide to Weapons, Private-Purchase and Service-Issue Clothing and Equipment as Used by Civilian Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan
79.95 €
16427 - Hogg, I.V.:
Counter-Terrorism Equipment
21.00 €
44255 - AAVV, :
Cowboy Action Shooting Vol 1. Complete Guide and Intro - DVD
29.95 €
44311 - AAVV, :
Cowboy Action Shooting Vol 2. Bounty Hunters Quicken the Pace - DVD
29.95 €
44269 - AAVV, :
Cowboy Action Shooting. Top Shooter's Guide - DVD
36.00 €
62599 - Sieberts, S.:
Custom Gunsmithing for Self-Defense Firearms
33.00 €
49944 - Eck, P.R.:
Custom Gunstock Carving
35.00 €
30004 - Perotti, P.:
De 1 a 1000. Techniques de tir au fusil a lunette
55.00 €
31049 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Death from Afar. Marine Corps Sniping Vol 1
65.00 €
31050 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Death from Afar. Marine Corps Sniping Vol 2
65.00 €
31051 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Death from Afar. Marine Corps Sniping Vol 3 The Black Book
65.00 €
31052 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Death from Afar. Marine Corps Sniping Vol 4
65.00 €
31176 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Death from Afar. Marine Corps Sniping Vol 5
65.00 €
31216 - Wenger, S.P.:
Defensive use of Firearms. A Common-Sense guide to Awareness, Mental Preparedness, Tactics, Skills and Equipment
19.95 €
57771 - Varone-Zanti, C.-T.:
Difesa abitativa (La)
20.00 €
48396 - Corona, C.:
Don't miss the target. Linee guida ed esercizi di tiro difensivo per Arma Corta
45.00 €
63961 - Richardson, T. cur:
East Meets West. Diplomatic Gifts of Arms and Armour Between Europe and Asia
29.95 €
31322 - James, F.W.:
Effective Handgun Defense. A comprehensive guide to concealed carry
27.00 €
24982 - Laidacker, J.S.:
Engraved Handguns of .22 Calibre
85.00 €
27188 - Kempers, RTW:
Eprouvettes. A comprehensive Study of early Devices for the testing of Gunpowder
45.00 €
52554 - Willemsen, M.A.:
Erprobung und Versuch. Prototypen und Versuchsstuecke militaerischer Handfeuerwaffen des 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhunderts
110.00 €
52577 - Rementer-Eimer, S.R.-B.N.:
Essential Guide to Handguns. Firearm Instruction for Personal Defense and Protection
29.95 €
34907 - Mowbray, S.C.:
Essential Tips and Tricks. A How-to Guide for the Gun Collector
39.95 €
64781 - Schwalm-Hoffman, M.-K.:
European Arms in the Civil War. The Imported Muskets, Rifles, Carbines, Revolvers and Swords of the Union and Confederacy
45.00 €
52335 - Bruce, G.:
Evolution of Automatic Military Pistols. Self-loading Pistol Designs of Two World Wars and the Men who Invented Them (The)
39.95 €
52287 - Shideler, D. cur:
Exploded Gun Drawings. Over 1000 Isometric Views
45.00 €
70000 - Scollo-Palmisano-Pisenti, L.-G.-D.:
Extreme Sniping. Manuale avanzato sul tiro di precisione con armi lunghe
36.00 €
47279 - Angier-Schwing, R.H.-N.:
Firearm Blueing and Browning - Classic Gun Book
29.95 €
33346 - Karns-Traister, J.-J.:
Firearms Disassembly with Exploded Views
26.00 €
50030 - Warlow, T.:
Firearms, the Law and Forensic Ballistics. 3rd Edition
135.00 €
30452 - Chase, K.:
Firearms. A Global History to 1700
49.95 €
44191 - Kokalis, P.G.:
Firestorm - DVD
29.95 €
51302 - Torsten, L.:
Flintlock. Its Origins, Development and Use (The)
29.95 €
67480 - Accademia Liverziani, :
Foco Grosso. Memorie patrie di armi
25.00 €
54959 - Flatnes, O.:
From Musket to Metallic Cartridge. A Practical History of Black Powder Firearms
45.00 €
67938 - Poggiali, L.:
Fucili di precisione
30.00 €
65891 - Sinha, P.N.:
Fucili militari della Prima Guerra Mondiale
29.90 €
69867 - Sinha, P.N.:
Fucili militari della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
29.90 €
25308 - Lewer, N.:
Future of Non-Lethal Weapons
49.95 €
47268 - Smith, W.H.B.:
Gas, Air and Spring Guns of the World - Classic Gun Book
45.00 €
26159 - Cameron Stone, G.:
Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times
65.00 €
47827 - Shideler, D.:
Greatest Guns of Gun Digest
29.95 €
17641 - Hogg, I.V.:
Greenhill Military Small Arms Data Book (The)
45.00 €
22501 - Greener, W.W.:
Gun and its development 9th Edition (The)
25.00 €
47821 - Massaro, P.P. (ed.):
Gun Digest 2025 79th Ed.
49.95 €
33532 - House, J.E.:
Gun Digest Book of .22 Rimfire 2nd Ed.
45.00 €
15095 - Comus, S.:
Gun Digest Book of 9mm Handguns 2nd ed.
27.00 €
21828 - Lewis, J.:
Gun Digest Book of Assault Weapons 7th ed.
32.50 €
17825 - Ayoob, M.:
Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery 7h Ed.
45.00 €
40206 - Ayoob, M.:
Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
36.00 €
31332 - Michalowski, K. cur:
Gun Digest Book of Cowboy Action Shooting. Gear, Guns, Tactics
35.00 €
31326 - Muramatsu, K.:
Gun Digest Book of Exploded Gun Drawings 3rd Ed. Over 1000 Isometric Views
55.00 €
52288 - Wood, J.B.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol II: Revolvers
39.95 €
17830 - Wood, J.B.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol III: Rimfire Rifles
29.95 €
42684 - Muramatsu, K.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol III: Rimfire Rifles 3rd Ed.
45.00 €
17831 - Wood, J.B.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol IV: Centerfire Rifles
29.95 €
17832 - Wood, J.B.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol V: Shotguns 2nd Ed
32.50 €
52100 - Muramatsu, K.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly: Vol V: Shotguns 3rd Ed
45.00 €
42449 - Sapp, R.:
Gun Digest Book of Firearms Fakes and Reproductions
29.95 €
30775 - Michalowski, K. cur:
Gun Digest Book of Guns for Personal Defense. Arms and Accessories for Self-Defense
19.95 €
37780 - Brezny, L.P.:
Gun Digest Book of Long-Range Shooting 2nd ed.
36.00 €
17836 - Shiedeler, D.:
Gun Digest Book of Modern Gun Values (17th Ed)
45.00 €
49950 - Peterson, P.:
Gun Digest Book of Modern Gun Values (18h Ed.)
45.00 €
42455 - Campbell, R.K.:
Gun Digest Book of Personal Protection and Home Defense
29.95 €
28019 - Mitchell, J.:
Gun Digest Book of Riflesmithing
33.00 €
31335 - Shideler, D. cur:
Gun Digest Book of Semi-Auto Pistols
19.95 €
60617 - Sweeney, P.:
Gun Digest Book of Suppressors
39.95 €
42450 - Shideler-Sigler, D.-D.:
Gun Digest Book of Tactical Gear
29.95 €
42451 - Wood, J.B.:
Gun Digest Book of Tactical Weapons Assembly/Disassembly 3rd Ed.
45.00 €
44618 - Rodney, J.C.:
Gun Digest Book of the .22 Rifle
25.00 €
49949 - Cunningham, G.:
Gun Digest Book of the Revolver
29.95 €
47825 - Sweeney, P.:
Gun Digest Book of the Tactical Rifle
33.00 €
29622 - Muramatsu, K.:
Gun Digest Guide to Maintaining and Accessorizing Firearms
39.95 €
29631 - Brezny, L.P.:
Gun Digest Guide to Modern Shotgunning
39.95 €
69574 - Galli, F.:
Gun Digest Precision Rifle Marksmanship: the Fundamentals
39.95 €
62600 - Sieberts, S.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Competitive Pistol Shooting
27.50 €
54193 - Lessler, P.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Handgun Marksmanship
25.00 €
54186 - Cunningam, G.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Handguns
25.00 €
54187 - Lessler, P.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifle Marksmanship
25.00 €
58275 - Sisley, N.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Shotgun Games
27.50 €
54195 - Wieland, T.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Shotguns
25.00 €
33779 - Lyons, L.:
Gun Owner's Handbook. A Complete Guide to Maintaining and Repairing Your Firearms in the Field or at Your Workbench (The)
37.00 €
49946 - Yardley, M.:
Gunfitting. The Quest for Perfection for Shotguns and Rifles. 2nd Ed.
49.95 €
60568 - Walter, J.:
Guns of the Elite Forces
30.00 €
31135 - Walter, J.:
Guns of the Elite forces
39.00 €
31327 - Chicoine, D.:
Guns of the New West. A close up look at modern replica firearms
29.95 €
50033 - DiMaio, V.J.M.:
Gunshot Wounds. Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques. 2nd Edition
195.00 €
44305 - AAVV, :
Gunsite: Tactical Carbine - DVD
39.95 €
47267 - Dunlap, R.F.:
Gunsmithing - Classic Gun Book
55.00 €
58277 - Sweeney, P.:
Gunsmithing Pistols and Revolvers 4th Edition
45.00 €
29229 - Henderson, D.R.:
Gunsmithing Shotguns. A Basic Guide to Care and Repair
35.00 €
47287 - Dubino, A.:
Gunsmithing With Simple Hand Tools - Classic Gun Book
33.00 €
28034 - Sweeney, P.:
Gunsmithing: Rifles
29.95 €
36532 - Heard, B.J.:
Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics. Examining and Interpreting Forensic Evidence
99.00 €
22838 - Mullin, T.:
Handbook on Handguns. A comprehensive evaluation of military, police, sporting and personal defense pistols
45.00 €
44119 - AAVV, :
Handgun Manuals CD
21.00 €
43332 - Walter, J.:
Handgun Story. A Complete Illustrated History (The)
45.00 €
17862 - Marchington, J.:
Handguns and Submachine Guns
27.00 €
26498 - Ramage, K. cur:
Handloader's Digest. All New 18th Edition
29.95 €
39678 - Hatcher , J. S.:
Hatcher's Notebook. A Standard Reference for Shooters, Gunsmiths, Ballisticians, Historians, Hunters and Collectors - Classic Gun Book
49.95 €
71031 - Merlo, M.:
Heavy Metal. Acciaio, oro e polvere da sparo nel museo delle armi Luigi Marzoli di Brescia
30.00 €
45248 - AAVV, :
Hermann Historica Auction No. 55 - The Poche de Royan Museum 1944/45. June 13/14, 2008
29.95 €
44989 - AAVV, :
Hermann Historica Auction No. 58 - The World War II Museum 'La Percee d'Avranches'. November 12/13, 2009
35.00 €
51545 - Sword, W.:
Historic Henry Rifle. Oliver Winchester's Famous Civil War Sword (The)
39.95 €
47735 - McNab, C.:
History of the World in 100 Weapons (A)
21.00 €
28896 - Campbell, R.K.:
Holsters for Combat and Concealed Carry
25.00 €
33194 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 01: Les fusils d'assaut Vol 1
15.00 €
46413 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 04: Les fusils d'assaut Vol 2
15.00 €
51430 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 06: Les fusils d'assaut Vol 3 L'age d'or du 5,56
17.50 €
53700 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 11: Les fusils d'assaut Vol 5 Generation 1990-2000
17.50 €
62031 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 30: Les armes d'infanterie de la seconde guerre mondiale
15.00 €
38709 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 26: Les Fusils d'Assault Tome 1
15.00 €
47291 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 37: Le Pistolet au combat OFFERTA!
7.50 €
53083 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 45: L'armement des vingt prochaines annees. Eurosatory 2012
15.00 €
50053 - Hendrick-Paradis-Hornick, H.W.-P.-R.J.:
Human Factors Issues in Handgun Safety and Forensics. Libro+DVD
145.00 €
45999 - van Zwoll, W.:
Hunter's Guide to Long-Range Shooting
29.95 €
23414 - AAVV, :
Identification of Firearms. From Ammunition Fired Therein with an Analysis of Legal Authorities
23.00 €
44298 - AAVV, :
IDPA International Defensive Pistol Association - DVD
29.95 €
24395 - Davis, W.C.:
Illustrated Directory of the Old West (The)
19.95 €
18016 - Zhuk, A.:
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Handguns. Pistols and Revolvers of the World, 1870 to present (The)
45.00 €
64094 - Fowler-Sweeney, W.-P.:
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Machine Guns (The)
19.95 €
29730 - Bishop, C.:
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II (The)
59.95 €
50819 - Supica-Wicklund-Schrier, J.-D.-P.:
Illustrated History of Firearms. In Association with the National Firearms Museum
36.00 €
33015 - AAVV, :
Illustriertes Lexikon der Waffen im 1. und 2. Weltkrieg
18.00 €
50959 - Massantini, A.:
Impiego tattico del fucile ad anima liscia
30.00 €
52157 - Massantini-Ardovini, A.-B.:
Impiego tattico delle torce nella difesa personale con armi corte e lunghe
25.00 €
44158 - AAVV, :
Infantry Weapons and Their Effects. Official US Army Training Film - DVD
29.95 €
30326 - Suermont, J.:
Infantry Weapons of World War II
25.00 €
47576 - Johnson, G.B.:
International Armament (Vol 1 and 2)
69.95 €
50377 - McBride, M. cur:
Jane's Police and Homeland Security Equipment Old Edition
165.00 €
38376 - Cooper, J.:
Jeff Cooper's Defensive Pistolcraft Tape Series 2 DVD
75.00 €
37612 - McCann, K.:
Kelly McCann's Tactical Carbine. A No-Nonsense Guide to the Combat Use of the Tactical Carbine DVD
115.00 €
36521 - AAVV, :
Lame des Chevaliers. Armes et armures dans les collections du Musee Mandet de Riom
30.00 €
31325 - Simpson, L.:
Layne Simpson's Shooter's Handbook. 500 Questions answered
27.00 €
54627 - Ghirardelli, P.:
Legittima difesa. Quando e come difendersi nel rispetto della legge
25.00 €
44120 - AAVV, :
Long Gun Manuals CD
21.00 €
44320 - Tubb, G.D.:
Long Range Rifle Shooting Techniques - DVD
39.95 €
62376 - Cleckner, R.M:
Long Range Shooting Handbook. The Complete Beginner's Guide to Precision Rifle Shooting
36.00 €
63772 - Pope, D.:
Macchine infernali. Storia delle armi da fuoco dalla polvere pirica ai missili (Le)
28.00 €
39278 - Popenker-Williams, M.- A.G.:
Machine Gun - The Development of the Machine Gun from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day
65.00 €
26492 - Gander, T.:
Machine Guns
36.00 €
43028 - Cornish, P.:
Machine Guns and the Great War
36.00 €
37897 - Bianchi, D.:
Manuel de tir a la Poudre Noir
42.50 €
44136 - Hathcock, C.:
Marine Sniper Legend Carlos Hathcock. His own words / Advanced Snipercraft - DVD
29.95 €
44152 - AAVV, :
Marine Sniper. Official US Armed Forces Training Film - DVD
29.95 €
20905 - USMC, :
Marine Sniping Handbook Remastered
27.00 €
44620 - Ayoob, M.:
Massad Ayoob's Greatest Handguns of the World
33.00 €
15054 - Ayoob, M.:
Massad Ayoob's Greatest Handguns of the World Vol 2
36.00 €
44220 - AAVV, :
Mastering Revolvers. Self-Defense and Target Shooting - DVD
39.95 €
54197 - Van Zwoll, W.:
Mastering the Art of Long Range Shooting
36.00 €
44373 - Magill, L.:
Mastering the Combat Shotgun - DVD
39.95 €
44395 - AAVV, :
Mastering the Defensive Taser
29.95 €
66880 - Selvini, A.:
Meccanica delle armi corte. I sistemi di chiusura delle pistole semiautomatiche dall'ottocento ad oggi
14.00 €
17149 - Dunstan-Volstad, S.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 157: Flak Jackets. 20th Century Military Body Armour
19.00 €
42683 - Adler, D.:
Metallic Cartridge Conversions: the History of the Guns and Modern Reproductions
49.95 €
33014 - AAVV, :
Militaer-Gewehre Enzyklopaedie
19.95 €
61951 - Bruce, G.:
Military Pistols. Handguns of the Two World Wars - Europa Militaria 39
21.00 €
63329 - Fleischer, W.:
Military Technology of World War One. Developement, use and consequences
39.95 €
47244 - Rosso, O.:
Minimi Machine Gun. Modern Warfare 03 (The)
18.00 €
47243 - Rosso, O.:
Mitrailleuse Minimi. La Guerre Moderne 03 (La)
18.00 €
35673 - Popenker, M.:
Modern Combat Pistols
45.00 €
27299 - Turpin, T.:
Modern Custom Guns.Walnut, Steel, and Uncommon Artistry
50.00 €
39006 - Quartermous-Quartermous, R.-S.:
Modern Guns Identification and Values. 16th Edition
23.50 €
18958 - Ferguson, T.:
Modern Law Enforcement Weapons and Tactics 3rd Edition
29.95 €
45181 - Berte', T.:
Monte Zugna 1912-1918. Guida al percorso storico
8.00 €
30083 - Awerbuck, L.:
More Tactical Reality. Why There's No Such Thing as an 'Advanced' Gunfight'
29.95 €
44299 - Magill, L.:
Move! Shoot! Live! - DVD
39.95 €
44211 - Kinnel, E.:
Muzzle Loading Basics. Flintlock and Percussion Firearms - DVD
39.95 €
47274 - Roberts, N.H.:
Muzzle-Loading Cap Lock Rifle - Classic Gun Book (The)
45.00 €
44125 - Caracci, C.J.:
Navy SEAL Deathwish PT. The Final Challenge - DVD
29.95 €
44122 - Caracci, C.J.:
Navy SEAL Industrial Strength PT / SEAL Ambush - DVD
29.95 €
46001 - Webb-Doherty, B.-G.:
Navy Seal Sniper. An Intimate Look at the Sniper of the 21st Century
33.00 €
32233 - Harding, D. cur:
New Weapons of the World Encyclopedia. An International Encyclopedia from 5000 B.C. to the 21st Century (The)
29.95 €
25457 - Scaglia, S.:
Nozioni di difesa personale
40.00 €
37592 - Rodengen, J.L.:
NRA an American Legend
49.95 €
72540 - Scollo-Palmisano-Pisenti, L.-G.-D.:
OFFERTA Sniper 1: On Sniping + Sniper Data Book + Extreme Sniping
90.00 €
72541 - Scollo-Palmisano-Pisenti, L.-G.-D.:
OFFERTA Sniper 2: Extreme Sniping + Sniper Data Book
65.00 €
72542 - Scollo-Palmisano-Pisenti, L.-G.-D.:
OFFERTA Sniper 3: On Sniping + Extreme Sniping
60.00 €
21129 - Us Army, :
Official US Army Sniper Training and Operations Manual (The)
33.00 €
37445 - Us Army, :
Official US Army Special Forces Sniper Handbook
33.00 €
22163 - Stroebel, N.:
Old Gunsights. A Collectors Guide, 1850 to 1965
45.00 €
63850 - Scollo-Palmisano, L.-G.:
On Sniping. Manuale sul tiro di precisione con armi lunghe ad uso di Forze Armate e dell'Ordine, cacciatori, sportivi ed appassionati
27.00 €
36370 - Awerbuck, L.:
Only Hits Count DVD
39.95 €
42476 - Wagner, S.W.:
Own the Night. Selection and Use of Tactical Lights and Laser Sights
36.00 €
42477 - Hayes, G.:
Personal Defense for Women
27.00 €
31878 - Improbabili compari, Gli:
Pisello. La vita vista da lui (Il)
10.00 €
54370 - Himmelwright , A.L.A.:
Pistol and Revolver Shooting
17.50 €
30647 - Sala, A.:
Pistole. Storia, tecnologia e modelli dal 1550 al 1913 - Cofanetto
70.00 €
29025 - Caranta, R.:
Pistolets automatiques etrangers 1900-1950 (Les)
35.00 €
19683 - AAVV, :
Pistolets de combat - Action Gun HS 03 (Les)
17.00 €
24142 - Caranta, R.:
Pistolets et Revolvers aujourd'hui Vol II
33.00 €
67449 - AAVV, :
Pistolets et Revolvers militaires. Demontage/Remontage - Gaz. des Armes HS 25
18.00 €
23797 - Cashner, B.:
Poor Man's Scout Rifle. A how to Guide
25.00 €
46715 - Cashner, B.:
Poor Man's Scout Rifle. A How to Guide
33.00 €
50038 - Hueske, E.E.:
Practical Analysis and Reconstruction of Shooting Incidents
155.00 €
23567 - AAVV, :
Practical Gunsmithing
29.95 €
36770 - Albrecht, R.:
Praezisionschiessen. Ein Leitfaden fuer alle Langwaffenschuetzen
29.95 €
64934 - Gillespie-Brown, J.:
Precision Long Range Shooting and Hunting 1. Getting started, caliber and equipment choices
33.00 €
60949 - Gillespie-Brown, J.:
Precision Long Range Shooting and Hunting 2. Fundamentals, ballistics and reading the wind
33.00 €
60950 - Gillespie-Brown, J.:
Precision Long Range Shooting and Hunting 3. Choosing and Using a Long Range Rifle Scope
33.00 €
55023 - Irving, N.G.:
Precision Rifle B.I.B.L.E. (Ballistics In Battlefield Learned Environments)
33.00 €
61735 - Continiello, A.:
Processo alla legittima difesa. Profili criminologici e vittimologici
25.00 €
49948 - Sweeney, P.:
Reloading for Handgunners
33.00 €
24007 - Debaeker, JP.:
Repliques et poudre noire. Black Powder Only. Tome III - Les armes a meche et a pierre
35.00 €
49975 - Hess, E.J.:
Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat. Reality and Myth (The)
27.00 €
44207 - Carter, J.:
Rifle Shooting. Tips and Techniques - DVD
39.95 €
48706 - Potter, L.:
Riflesmithing a Comprehensive Guide
29.95 €
48847 - Corona-Fenu, C.-M.:
Ritenzione d'arma. Teoria, Tecniche e Attrezzature
29.00 €
39419 - Brookesmith, P.:
Scharfschuetzen. Geschichte-Taktik-Waffen
29.95 €
30210 - Museo Storico Nazionale di Artiglieria, :
Sebastopoli. La guerra di Crimea. Il Piemonte tra i grandi d'Europa
60.00 €
45089 - Miller-Cunningham, L.K.-K.A.:
Secrets of Mental Marksmanship. How to Fire Perfect Shots
49.95 €
44196 - Hill, J.:
Service Rifle Competition Basic - DVD
39.95 €
52068 - Musso-Cioppi-Francioni, F.-M.-B.:
Settore armiero per uso sportivo, venatorio e civile in Italia (Il)
36.00 €
51304 - Golob-Froman, J.S.:
Shoot. Your Guide to Shooting and Competition
19.95 €
32217 - Cassell, J. cur:
Shooter's Bible 109th Edition (2018). The World's Bestselling Firearms Reference
39.95 €
51312 - Sadowski, R.:
Shooter's Bible Guide to Combat Handguns
27.00 €
51310 - McIntyre, T.:
Shooter's Bible Guide to Optics. The Most Comprehensive Guide Ever Published on Riflescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rangefinders and More
27.00 €
51311 - Van Zwoll, W.:
Shooter's Bible Guide to Rifle Ballistics 2nd ed.
39.95 €
20156 - Sadowski, R.A.:
Shooter's Bible Guide to Tactical Firearms. A Comprehensive Guide to Precision Rifles and Long-Range Shooting Gear
27.00 €
32820 - Tabor, T.C.:
Shooter's Bible Guide to the Hunting Rifle and Its Ammunition
27.00 €
34943 - AAVV, :
Shooter's Guide to Classic Firearms
30.00 €
44221 - Koenig, D.:
Shooting Clean. My Way - DVD
39.95 €
42474 - Applegate, R.:
Shooting for keeps. Point shooting for close-quarter combat DVD
39.95 €
37857 - Askins, C.:
Shotgun-ology. An Handbook of useful Shotgun Information
15.00 €
39902 - Taylor, J.:
Shotshells and Ballistic
25.00 €
44226 - Magill, L.:
Sighting in Handguns - DVD
29.95 €
22321 - Paulson, A.:
Silencer: History and Performance Vol 1
79.95 €
24218 - Paulson-Parker-Kokalis, A.-N.R.-G.:
Silencer: History and Performance Vol 2
79.95 €
44670 - Crews, J.:
Simple Sniper. Sniper Fundamentals DVD
59.95 €
20324 - Allsop, D.:
Small Arms
59.95 €
51755 - Haskew, M.E.:
Small Arms 1914-1945
33.00 €
68527 - Spilling, M. cur:
Small Arms Visual Enyclopedia
39.95 €
47667 - Fenning, C.:
Smallbore Rifle Shooting. A Practical Guide
25.00 €
69362 - Scollo-Palmisano-Pisenti, L.-G.-D.:
Sniper Data Book / Libretto Individuale di Tiro
36.00 €
36567 - Poulet, P.:
Snipers et Tireurs d'elite
35.00 €
43013 - Perotti, P.:
Sniping de 4eme generation (Le)
15.00 €
30037 - Hesketh Prichard, H.:
Sniping in France 1914-18
29.95 €
26124 - Lovette, E.:
Snubby Revolver. The ECQ, Backup, and Concealed Carry Standard. 1st Ed. (The)
19.95 €
65733 - Suenkler, S.:
Spezial K-ISOM 2017/II: Moderne Dienstpistolen: Glock/SIG Sauer/H und K
13.00 €
65732 - Suenkler, S.:
Spezial K-ISOM 2018/I: Scharfschuetzensysteme
15.00 €
72832 - Suenkler, S.:
Spezial K-ISOM 2019/II: 40mm. Werfersysteme Polizei and Militaer
15.00 €
72835 - Suenkler, S.:
Spezial K-ISOM 2021/I: NATO Maschinengewehre
15.00 €
48982 - Marshall Ball, R.:
Sporting Rifle 5th ed.
49.95 €
43490 - Pott, B.:
Sporting Rifles
39.95 €
43572 - Dockery, K.:
Stalkers and Shooters. A History of Snipers
19.95 €
42663 - Graf, J.F.:
Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms
33.00 €
33656 - Peterson, P.:
Standard Catalog of Military Firearms. The Collector's Price and Reference Guide. 9th Ed.
45.00 €
22624 - Marshall -Sanow, E.-E.:
Stopping Power. A practical analysis of the latest handgun ammunition
65.00 €
28425 - McNab, C.:
Storia del mondo in 100 armi
24.00 €
47575 - Reid, W.:
Storia delle armi dall'eta' della pietra ai giorni nostri
24.00 €
72023 - Myatt, F.:
Storia delle pistole e dei revolver. Dalle origini agli anni '80
24.00 €
22633 - Marshall -Sanow, E.-E.:
Street Stoppers. The latest Handgun Stopping Power Street Results
65.00 €
50941 - Popenker-Williams, M.- A.G.:
Sub-Machine Gun - The Development of the Sub-Machine Gun from WWI to the Present Day
45.00 €
22894 - Long, D.:
Super shotguns. How to make your shotgun into a do-everything weapon
23.00 €
64135 - Sweeney, P.:
Suppressor Handbook. Everything You Need to Know about Silencers for Rifles and Handguns (The)
19.95 €
35586 - Lauck-Hantke, D.M.-P.W.:
Tactical AR-15. High-Performance Techniques for Police, Military, and Practical Shooters (The)
59.95 €
15916 - Graff, C. cur:
Tactical Gun Digest. The World's Greatest Tactical Gun Book
45.00 €
31336 - Lawrence-Pannone, E.-M.:
Tactical Pistol Shooting 2nd ed. Your Guide to Tactics and Techniques that Work 2nd Ed.
29.95 €
22452 - Awerbuck, L.:
Tactical Reality. An uncommon look at common-sense firearms training and tactics
49.95 €
44321 - Tubb, G.D.:
Tactical Sniper Shooting Techniques For Law Enforcement - DVD
39.95 €
51822 - White, M.:
Tactical Use of Low-Signature Weapons for Military and Police
21.00 €
30007 - AAVV, :
Techniques d'action immediate
36.00 €
30738 - Rolli, N.:
Tecnica di tiro accademico per armi corte con aspetti psicologici
14.00 €
53690 - Traversa, A.:
Tecniche di tiro difensivo. Tecniche e procedure di tiro difensivo per difesa personale con armi corte
20.00 €
61243 - Bravi-Farinetti-Rossi, S.-M.-F.:
Tecniche operative di polizia locale
39.00 €
22230 - De Florentis, G.:
Tecnologia delle armi da fuoco portatili
34.90 €
50044 - Dodd, M.J.:
Terminal Ballistics. A Text and Atlas of Gunshot Wounds
315.00 €
24904 - Mullin, T.J.:
Testing the War Weapons. Rifles And Light Machine Guns From Around The World
49.95 €
40089 - Hirsch, C.:
Texas Gun Trade. A Guide to the guns made or sold in the Lone Star State, 1780-1899 (The)
59.95 €
61642 - Hatcher , J.S.:
Textbook of Pistols and Revolvers. Their Ammunition, Ballistics and Use
27.50 €
32387 - Perotti, P.:
Tireur d'elite
29.95 €
27799 - Anderson, H.S.:
Top Shooter's Guide to Cowboy Action Shooting: Proven Tips to Sharpen Your Skills (The)
27.00 €
44219 - Magill, L.:
Truth about Point Shooting - DVD
39.95 €
33254 - McNab, C.:
Twentieth Century Small Arms. 300 of the world's greatest small arms
18.00 €
27734 - Henderson, D.R.:
Ultimate Guide to Shotgunning. Guns, Gear and Hunting Tactics for Deer and Big Game, Upland Birds, Waterfowl and Small Game (The)
32.50 €
44135 - Plaster, J.L.:
Ultimate Sniper / Pro Sniper - DVD
29.95 €
44324 - Tubb, G.D.:
Understanding Scopes and Ballistics - DVD
29.95 €
40742 - Cabrio, F.:
Uomini e mitragliatrici nella Grande Guerra Vol 1. Storia, armi, luoghi, evoluzione, caratteristiche
22.00 €
42259 - Cabrio, F.:
Uomini e mitragliatrici nella Grande Guerra Vol 2. Storia, armi, luoghi, evoluzione, caratteristiche
26.00 €
42211 - Wolf, W.:
US Aerial Armament in World War II The Ultimate Look Vol 1: Guns, Ammunition, and Turrets
85.00 €
28868 - Southworth, S.A.:
US Armed Forces Arsenal. A Guide to Modern Combat Hardware
22.50 €
21196 - Senich, P.:
USMC Scout-Sniper. WWII and Korea
36.00 €
25384 - Albano, A.:
Uso legittimo delle armi e degli altri mezzi di coazione fisica nelle dinamiche di intervento dell'operatore di Polizia
30.00 €
55207 - Richards, C.T.:
Varmint Rifles and Cartridges. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Select Guns and Loads
25.00 €
33860 - Stanford, A.:
VHS Combat Riflecraft. The Ultimate Guide to Equipping, Handling and Firing the Combat Rifle OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA !
35.00 €
22485 - Cirillo, J.:
VHS Jim Cirillo. Modern-day gunfighter. Everything you ever wanted to know about gunfighting by a guy who put his life on the line to find out OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA !
30.00 €
22717 - AAVV, :
VHS Manstoppers. Selecting the right double-action pistol OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA !
21.00 €
26092 - Stanford-Janich, A.-MD.:
VHS Martial Marksmannship. A fighter's guide to Close-quarters handgunning OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA !
35.00 €
22896 - Applegate, R.:
VHS Shooting for keeps. Point shooting for close-quarter combat OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA !
35.00 €
22442 - Plaster, J.L.:
21.00 €
59011 - Pegler, M.:
Vickers-Maxim Machine Gun Enthusiasts' Manual. 1886 to 1968 (all models)
45.00 €
22956 - Harding, D. cur:
Waffen Enzyklopaedie
27.00 €
25798 - Rosenberger, M.R.:
Waffen und Einsatzmunition der Polizei
35.00 €
31323 - Graf, J.F.:
Warman's Civil War Collectibles Field Guide. Values and Identification
15.00 €
39683 - Graf, J.F.:
Warman's Civil War Collectibles. Identification and Price Guide. 2nd Edition
36.00 €
46479 - McLachlan-Embleton, S.-G.:
Weapon 003: Medieval Handgonnes. The first black powder infantry weapons
25.00 €
46482 - Pegler-Dennis, M.-P.:
Weapon 006: Sniper Rifles. From the 19th to th 21st Century
25.00 €
58861 - McNab, C.:
Weapon 041: Flamethrower
25.00 €
64072 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Weapon 060: Anti-Tank Rifle
25.00 €
20129 - Nemeth, B.:
Weapon 076: Early Military Rifles
25.00 €
22475 - Kokalis, P.:
Weapon tests and evaluations. The best of Soldier of Fortune
55.00 €
26200 - Hart, H.H.:
Weapons and Armor
21.00 €
35037 - Paulson, A.C.:
Weapons Evaluations for the Armed Professional and Advanced Collector
55.00 €
31908 - Bryant-Bryant, R.-S.:
Weapons of the US Army Rangers
33.00 €
45177 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: Iron Factory
25.00 €
41808 - Chiodo, L.:
Winning a High-speed, Close-distance Gunfight
19.95 €
38449 - Fowler-North-Stronge, W.-A.-C.:
World Encyclopedia of Pistols, Revolvers and Submachine Guns
33.00 €
25094 - Philip, C.:
World's Great Small Arms (The)
25.00 €
49388 - Grupp, L. cur:
Worldwide Gun Owner's Guide (The)
25.00 €