Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Guerra Navale
II Guerra Mondiale
II GM - Guerra Terrestre
II GM - Guerra Aerea
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
IIGM - Italia/R.Marina
Armam. Navale (Generalità)
Armam. Navale: Sommergibili
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Navali
Risultati della Ricerca: 453 Prodotti
55959 - Cernuschi, E.:
'ULTRA' la fine di un mito. La guerra dei codici tra gli inglesi e le marine italiane 1934-1945
19.00 €
41891 - AAVV, :
100 Anni Aeronautica Militare 2 Voll + cofanetto
90.00 €
65904 - De Risio, C.:
1300 Bare d'acciaio. La guerra sotto i mari 1939-1945
15.00 €
21671 - Newcomb, R.F.:
Abbandonate la nave
17.56 €
46934 - Guridi, J.:
Acorazado Admiral Graf Spee (El)
17.50 €
59700 - Torello Pichetto, G.:
Affondamento ad opera del Smg.russo S13 della Wilhelm Gustloff. Il piu' grave disastro navale della storia: circa 9000 morti (L')
24.00 €
42395 - Watts, J.A.:
Affondamento dello Scharnhorst (L')
14.00 €
37022 - ATB, :
After the Battle 008 Battle of the Falaise Pocket
9.95 €
37023 - ATB, :
After the Battle 009 Obersalzberg
9.95 €
37033 - ATB, :
After the Battle 019 Guide to Hitler's Headquarters
9.95 €
37036 - ATB, :
After the Battle 022 Rescue of Mussolini
9.95 €
37047 - ATB, :
After the Battle 033 St. Malo
9.95 €
37052 - ATB, :
After the Battle 038 Pearl Harbor Then and Now
9.95 €
37061 - ATB, :
After the Battle 047 Operation 'Merkur', The German Invasion of Crete
9.95 €
37062 - ATB, :
After the Battle 048 Germany Surrenders
9.95 €
37065 - ATB, :
After the Battle 051 Libya - Tobruk Revisited
9.95 €
37074 - ATB, :
After the Battle 060 Maginot Line
9.95 €
37075 - ATB, :
After the Battle 061 Reichs Chancellery
9.95 €
37078 - ATB, :
After the Battle 064 Battle of Den Bosch
9.95 €
37088 - ATB, :
After the Battle 074 Peenemuende Rocket Centre
9.95 €
37093 - ATB, :
After the Battle 079 Bielefeld Viaduct
9.95 €
37094 - ATB, :
After the Battle 080 Death of Rommel
9.95 €
37095 - ATB, :
After the Battle 081 Tragino
9.95 €
37098 - ATB, :
After the Battle 084 Supreme Headquarters for D-Day
9.95 €
37104 - ATB, :
After the Battle 090 Battle for Leros
9.95 €
37109 - ATB, :
After the Battle 095 Salerno
9.95 €
37111 - ATB, :
After the Battle 097 Battle of the Alps
9.95 €
37112 - ATB, :
After the Battle 098 Battle for New Georgia
9.95 €
37123 - ATB, :
After the Battle 109 Vaagso Commando Raid
9.95 €
37133 - ATB, :
After the Battle 119 Break-Out Across the Seine
9.95 €
37134 - ATB, :
After the Battle 120 SAS Tragedy at Sennecy-Le-Grand
9.95 €
37136 - ATB, :
After the Battle 122 November push to the Rhine
9.95 €
37137 - ATB, :
After the Battle 123 Siege of Leningrad
9.95 €
37138 - ATB, :
After the Battle 124 German Air Raid Shelters
9.95 €
37144 - ATB, :
After the Battle 130 Battle for Leipzig
9.95 €
37148 - ATB, :
After the Battle 134 Kasserine
9.95 €
37762 - ATB, :
After the Battle 137 Kokoda Trail
9.95 €
40004 - ATB, :
After the Battle 139 Capture of Le Havre
9.95 €
40003 - ATB, :
After the Battle 140 Battle for Geilenkirchen
9.95 €
48325 - ATB, :
After the Battle 150 Fromelles - Cefalonia - Sinalunga
9.95 €
48330 - ATB, :
After the Battle 152 Liberation of Rome
9.95 €
49265 - ATB, :
After the Battle 153 Raid on Rommel's HQ
9.95 €
50386 - ATB, :
After the Battle 154 Heligoland
9.95 €
43099 - Morison, S.E.:
Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls. June 1942-April 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 7
29.95 €
39333 - Malizia, N.:
Ali sulla Steppa. La Regia Aeronautica nella campagna di Russia
18.50 €
24999 - Lambert-Ross, J.-A.:
Allied Coastal Forces of WWII Vol 1: Fairmile Designs and US Submarine Chasers
75.00 €
24987 - Lambert-Ross, J.-A.:
Allied Coastal Forces of WWII Vol 2: Vosper MTB's and US ELCOs
75.00 €
30884 - Kauffman Bush, E.:
America's First Frogman. The Draper Kauffman Story
27.00 €
15330 - Chun, V.:
American PT Boats in World War II Volume One
75.00 €
50999 - Chun, V.:
American PT Boats in World War II Volume Two
85.00 €
52599 - McGee, W.L.:
Amphibians Are Coming! Emergence of the Gator Navy and Its Revolutionary New Landing Craft in World War II
39.95 €
33009 - Kurowski, F.:
An alle Woelfe: Angriff!
16.00 €
40904 - Cunningham, A.B.:
Andrew Browne Cunningham 'A-B-C'. Il vincitore della battaglia del Mediterraneo
32.00 €
70886 - Tirondola, A. cur:
Anime bianche. Romanzo autobiografico dell'ammiraglio Virgilio Spigai 1907-1945
35.00 €
30364 - Hirschmann-Graves, W.-D.:
Another Place, Another Time. A U-Boat Officer's Wartime Album
36.00 €
43312 - Owen, D.:
Anti-Submarine Warfare. An Illustrated History
39.95 €
15435 - Dupuis, D.:
Arcipelaghi in fiamme
13.00 €
37813 - Woodman, R.:
Arctic Convoys 1941-1945
29.95 €
54855 - Grossmith, M.:
Arctic Warriors. A Personal Account of Convoy PQ18
36.00 €
27748 - Poolman, K.:
Ark Royal. The courageous Story of one of the best-loved and best-fought Ships to fly the White Ensign
17.50 €
48503 - Sims, E.H.:
Assi della Luftwaffe raccontano. Joachim Marseille - Erich Hartmann - Adolf Galland (Gli)
20.00 €
27473 - Bulkley Jr, R.J.:
At Close Quarters. PT Boats in the United States Navy
27.00 €
61492 - Prange, G.W.:
At Dawn We Slept. The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor
36.00 €
43400 - Bianchi, G.:
Athos Fraternale. Il 'moschettiere' dell'Atlantico. La storia di uno dei piu' audaci assi di Betasom
20.00 €
37394 - La Racine-Prosperini, R.B.-F.:
Atlante storico della marina Militare 1861-1991 - Cofanetto
130.00 €
43104 - Morison, S.E.:
Atlantic Battle Won. May 1943-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 10 (The)
29.95 €
52601 - Edwards, B.:
Attack and Sink! The Battle of the Atlantic Summer 1941
15.00 €
49006 - Zimm, A.D.:
Attack on Pearl Harbor. Strategy, Combat, Myths, Deceptions (The)
36.00 €
15604 - Lupinacci, P.F.:
Attivita' in Mar Nero e Lago Ladoga
33.00 €
26982 - Fioravanzo, G. cur:
Azioni navali in Mediterraneo dal 1 aprile 1941 all'8 settembre 1943
39.95 €
55747 - Malbosc, G.:
Bataille de l'Atlantique 1939-1945. 2eme ed. (La)
39.95 €
56473 - Macintyre, D.:
Battaglia del Mediterraneo 1940-1945 (La)
18.00 €
41872 - Bennett, G.:
Battaglia del Rio della Plata (La)
10.00 €
42178 - Croucher Pack, S.W.:
Battaglia di Creta (La)
16.00 €
47940 - Haarr, G.H.:
Battle for Norway. April-June 1940
45.00 €
43319 - Scott, P.:
Battle of Narrow Seas. The History of the Light Coastal Forces in the Channel and North Sea 1939-1945 (The)
39.95 €
41994 - Konstam, A.:
Battle of North Cape. The Death Ride of the Scharnhorst (The)
25.00 €
47789 - Crenshaw, R.S.:
Battle of Tassafaronga
19.95 €
27539 - Milner, M.:
Battle of the Atlantic
45.00 €
47408 - Morison, S.E.:
Battle of the Atlantic. September 1939-May 1943. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 1 (The)
29.95 €
28866 - Williams, A.:
Battle of the Atlantic. The Allies' Submarine Fight against Hitler's Gray Wolves of the Sea (The)
27.00 €
38245 - Jackson, R.:
Battle of the Baltic. The Wars 1918-1945
36.00 €
52918 - Winklareth, R.:
Battle of the Denmark Strait. A Critical Analysis of the Bismarck's Singular Triumph (The)
33.00 €
38916 - Woodman, R.:
Battle of the River Plate. A Grand Delusion
19.95 €
39689 - Smith, P.C.:
Battle-Cruiser HMS Renown 1916-48
36.00 €
32873 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The War against the U-Boats DVD
18.00 €
34574 - Dorrian, J.:
Battleground Europe - St Nazaire Raid. Operation Chariot, Channel Ports
25.00 €
42437 - Williams, P.:
Battleground Mediterranean - Malta. Island Under Siege
25.00 €
31617 - AAVV, :
Battleships at War DVD
18.00 €
22380 - Veronico, N.:
Battlestations! American Warships of WWII
45.00 €
46506 - Evans, A.S.:
Beneath the Waves. A History of HM Submarine Losses 1904-1971
39.95 €
55254 - Pearce, M.J.:
Between Hostile Shores. Mediterranean Convoys 1941-1942
27.50 €
58007 - Stern, R.C.:
Big Gun Battles. Warship Duels of the Second World War
45.00 €
43306 - Buxton, I.:
Big Gun Monitors. Design, Construction and Operations 1914-1945
33.00 €
55549 - Santarini, M.:
Bismarck and Hood. The Battle of the Denmark Strait: a Technical Analysis
29.95 €
53551 - Asmussen, J.:
Bismarck. Pride of the German Navy
75.00 €
41742 - Zetterling-Tamelander, N.-M.:
Bismarck. The final days of Germany's greatest Battleship
29.95 €
15839 - Gannon, M.:
Black May. The Epic Story of the Allies Defeat of the German U-Boats in May 1943
25.00 €
46922 - Lundstrom, J.B.:
Black Shoe Carrier Admiral. Frank Jack Fletcher at Coral Seas, Midway, and Guadalcanal
49.95 €
25472 - Parkin, R.s.:
Blood on the Sea. American Destroyers lost in World War II
32.50 €
38634 - Buchheim, L.G.:
Boot (Das)
15.00 €
47413 - Morison, S.E.:
Breaking the Bismarks Barrier. 22 July 1942-1 May 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 2 (The)
29.95 €
30712 - Mackay, R.:
Britain's Fleet Air Arm in World War II
75.00 €
23299 - Raven-Roberts, A.-J.:
Britischen Schlachtschiffe des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Die)
55.00 €
22162 - Tennent, AJ.:
British and Commonwealth Merchant Ship Losses to Axis Uboats 1939-45
45.00 €
51360 - Burt, R.A.:
British Battleships 1919-1945
69.95 €
49742 - Hobbs, D.:
British Pacific Fleet. The Royal Navy's Most Powerful Strike Force (The)
33.00 €
16008 - Hepper, D.:
British Warship Losses in the Modern Era 1920 1982
45.00 €
22829 - Mallmann Showeel, J.:
Buch der deutschen Kriegsmarine 1935-45
25.00 €
16023 - Wood, L.:
Bull and the barriers. The wrecks of Scapa Flow (The)
33.00 €
49604 - Potter, E.B.:
Bull Halsey
36.00 €
22872 - Terraine, J.:
Business in Great Waters. The U-Boat Wars 1916-1945
39.95 €
71473 - Konstam-Tooby, A.-A.:
Campaign 388: Naval Battle of Crete 1941. The Royal Navy at Breaking Point
27.00 €
29230 - Hendrie, A.:
Canadian Squadrons in Coastal Command
45.00 €
56679 - Grehan-Mace, J.-M.:
Capital Ships at War 1939-1945
33.00 €
16129 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
Carrier Air War in Original WWII Color. US Navy Air Combat 1939-1946
36.00 €
43310 - Brown, J.D.:
Carrier Operations in WWII
59.95 €
53395 - Stewart, A.:
Carriers at War 1939-1945
36.00 €
29172 - Hobson, R.W.:
Chariots of War
49.95 €
36977 - McCart, N.:
Colossus-Class Aircraft Carriers 1944-1972 (The)
45.00 €
16323 - Strekhnin, Y.F.:
Commandos from the sea. Soviet naval spetsnaz in WWII
45.00 €
67930 - Toll, I.W.:
Conquering Tide. War in the Pacific Islands 1942-1944 (Pacific War Trilogy 2)
29.95 €
30386 - Cocchia, A.:
Convogli. Un marinaio in guerra 1940-1942
24.00 €
48993 - Smith, P.C.:
Convoglio non deve passare. La battaglia aeronavale di Mezzagosto 1942 contro Pedestal (Il)
24.00 €
45847 - Saunders, A.:
Convoy Peewit. Blitzkrieg from the Air and Sea, 8 August 1940
29.95 €
49264 - Middlebrook, M.:
Convoy SC122 and HX229. Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943
27.00 €
47159 - Morison, S.E.:
Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions. May 1942-August 1942. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 4 (The)
29.95 €
33632 - Rastelli, A.:
Corazzata. L'evoluzione della nave da battaglia in Italia (La)
39.00 €
40375 - Carresse, P.:
Corps de Bataille de la Marine Allemande Tome 2 1919-1945 - Marines du Monde 11 (Le)
60.00 €
16412 - Mattesini, F.:
Corrispondenza e direttive tecnico-operative di Supermarina Vol 1: Maggio 1939 - Dicembre 1940 (2 Tomi)
60.00 €
30917 - Mattesini, F.:
Corrispondenza e direttive tecnico-operative di Supermarina Vol 2: Gennaio 1941 - Dicembre 1941 (2 Tomi)
60.00 €
17773 - Smith, P.C.:
Critical Conflict. The Royal Navy's Mediterranean Campaign in 1940
36.00 €
58885 - Rowher, J.:
Critical Convoy Battles of WWII. Crisis in the North Atlantic. March 1943
29.95 €
32787 - Caresse, P.:
Croiseur de Bataille Scharnhorst. Son epopee et sa fin tragique - Marines du Monde 07
55.00 €
48061 - Garier-du Cheyron, G.-P.:
Croiseurs Francais de 10000 tW Tome I: Suffren et Colbert - Marines du Monde 17 (Les)
60.00 €
48498 - Garier, G.:
Croiseurs Francais de 10000 tW Tome II: Foch et Dupleix - Marines du Monde 18 (Les)
59.95 €
53534 - Guridi, J.:
Crucero de batalla Scharnhorst (El)
17.50 €
16455 - Hayward, R.:
Cruisers in camera
35.00 €
51129 - Caresse, P.:
Cuirasse Bismarck - Marines du Monde 19 Nouv. Edition (Le)
60.00 €
27752 - Gibson, J.F.:
Dark Seas Above. HM Submarine Taurus
17.50 €
52455 - Harrold, J.:
Dark Seas. The Battle of Cape Matapan
33.00 €
25083 - Franks, N.:
Dark Sky, Deep Water. First Hand Reflections on the Anti-U-Boat War in WWII
19.00 €
22794 - Lord, W.:
Day of Infamy. Attack on Pearl Harbor
9.00 €
34426 - Edwards, B.:
Death in the Doldrums. U-Cruiser Actions off west Africa
36.00 €
16552 - Nesi, S.:
Decima flottiglia nostra... I mezzi d'assalto della marina italiana al sud e al nord dopo l'armistizio
18.00 €
29945 - Jones, G.:
Defeat of the Wolf Packs
18.00 €
34430 - Henry, C.:
Depth Charge. Royal Naval Mines, Depth Charges and Underwater Weapons 1914-1945
36.00 €
46784 - Evans, A.S.:
Destroyer Down. An Account of HM Destroyer Losses 1939-1945
36.00 €
39950 - Stern, R.:
Destroyer Versus Destroyer
39.95 €
27036 - Mallmann-Shovell, J.P.:
Deutsche U-Boote an feindilichen Kuesten 1939-1945
29.95 €
39455 - Harnack, W.:
Deutschen Flottentorpedoboote 1939-1945 (Die)
22.50 €
55755 - Barjot, D. cur:
Deux guerres totales 1914-1918, 1939-1945: la mobilisation de la nation
45.00 €
54841 - Dornan, P.:
Diving Stations. The Story of Captain George Hunt and the Ultor
25.00 €
54379 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Doenitz, U-Boats, Convoys. The British Version of His Memoirs from the Admiralty's Secret Anti-Submarine Reports
36.00 €
16761 - Franti, M.:
Dragaggio (Il)
33.00 €
22788 - Busch, F.O.:
Drama of Scharnhorst (The)
12.00 €
54453 - Hoopes-Brinkley, T.-D.:
Driven Patriot. The Life and Times of James Forrestal
45.00 €
49519 - Martelli, A.:
Due battaglie dell'Atlantico. La guerra subacquea 1914-18 e 1939-45 (Le)
25.00 €
44561 - Forczyk, R.:
Duel 025: Fw 200 Condor vs Atlantic Convoy 1941-43
25.00 €
21978 - Sumner-Baker, I.-A.:
Elite 079: Royal Navy 1939-45
23.00 €
22616 - Henry-Bujeiro, M.-R.:
Elite 080: US Navy in World War II
23.00 €
29916 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 117: US WWII Amphibious Tactics. Army and Marine Corps, Pacific Theater
23.00 €
34758 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 144: US World War II Amphibious Tactics. Mediterranean and European Theaters
23.00 €
44567 - de Quesada, A.:
Elite 180: US Coast Guard in World War II
23.00 €
33012 - Reuth, R.G.:
Entscheidung im Mittelmeer. Die suedliche Peripherie Europas in der deutschen Strategie des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1940-1942
16.00 €
46045 - Faggioni-Rosselli, G.-A.:
Epopea dei convogli e la guerra nel Mare del Nord (L')
22.00 €
34429 - Wragg, D.:
Escort Carrier of The Second World War. Combustible, Vulnerable and Expendable! (The)
36.00 €
50747 - Escuadra, A.:
Espanoles en la Kriegsmarine. Misiones en el Baltico 1942-1943
28.00 €
23200 - Finlan, A.:
Essential Histories 030: Second World War (3) The war at sea
23.00 €
25175 - Gardner, WJR (ed.):
Evacuation from Dunkirk. Operation Dynamo 26 May-4 June 1940 (The)
49.95 €
36394 - AAVV, :
Eyewitness. The Pacific War Vol 2: Day of Infamy DVD
18.00 €
25098 - Schull, J.:
Far Distant Ships. An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations in WWII
35.00 €
34319 - Wiggins, M.:
Fatal Ascent. HMS Seal, 1940
36.00 €
52457 - Harrold, J.:
Fight for the Fjords. The Battle for Norway 1940
33.00 €
41977 - Wragg, D.:
Fighting Admirals of WWII
36.00 €
34576 - Burn, A.:
Fighting Captain (The)
17.00 €
46588 - Smith, P.C.:
Fighting Flotilla. RN Laforey Class Destroyers in WWII
36.00 €
31808 - Reynolds, C.G.:
Fighting Lady. The New Yorktown in the Pacific War (The)
29.95 €
17109 - Schofield, B.:
Fine della Bismarck (La)
14.30 €
45734 - Stern, R.C.:
Fire from the Sky. Surviving the Kamikaze Threat
45.00 €
17138 - Pope, D.:
Flag 4. The Battle of Coastal Forces in the Mediterranean 1939-1945
19.95 €
35400 - Bradley-Powers, J.-R.:
Flags of our Fathers. La battaglia di Iwo Jima
10.80 €
70955 - Worth, R.:
Fleets of World War II. Design History and Analysis for Every Ship of Every Navy (Rev Edition)
65.00 €
39947 - Suma, G.:
Flotta senza ali. Perche' la Germania e l'Italia non ebbero portaerei
12.00 €
52410 - Walling, M.G.:
Forgotten Sacrifice. The Arctic Convoys of World War II
19.95 €
54894 - Dobrillo, D.:
Forzate il blocco. 1940. L'odissea della Marina Militare italiana
16.00 €
31925 - Cunningham, C.:
Frogmen of WWII. An oral History of the US Navy's Underwater Demolition Units (The)
12.50 €
37725 - LaVO, C.:
Galloping ghost. The extraordinary Life of Submarine Legend Eugene Fluckey (The)
36.00 €
54622 - Haarr, G.H.:
Gathering Storm. The Naval War in Northern Europe September 1939-April 1940 (The)
55.00 €
25833 - Grove, E. cur:
German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II Vol I: From Graf Spee to Bismarck 1939-1941
135.00 €
25189 - Grove, E. cur:
German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II Vol II: From Scharnhorst to Tirpitz 1942-1944
155.00 €
52214 - Breyer-Skwiot, S.-M.:
German Capital Ships of the Second World War. The Ultimate Photograph Album
69.95 €
30886 - O Hara, V.P.:
German Fleet at War 1939-1945 (The)
25.00 €
43320 - Haarr, G.H.:
German Invasion of Norway. April 1940
45.00 €
17462 - Breyer, S.:
German Navy at War Vol I - Battleships
49.95 €
17463 - Breyer, S.:
German Navy at war Vol II - U-boats
49.95 €
50317 - AAVV, :
German U-Boats at Sea. Atlantic Missions DVD
29.95 €
59640 - Boog, H. et al:
Germany and the Second World War Vol 7: The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia, 1943-1944/5
95.00 €
21808 - Scalia, J. M.:
Germany's last mission to Japan. The sinister voyage of U-234
45.00 €
50955 - Raiola, G.:
Gianfranco Gazzana Priaroggia. Le vicende dell'eroico comandante del Leonardo da Vinci e degli altri comandanti di sommergibili italiani 1940-1943
24.00 €
42238 - Bianchi, G.:
Ginetto Brizzolari. La storia di un asso dei Ragazzi di Campoformido, i precursori delle Frecce Tricolori
22.00 €
27317 - Robertson, T.:
Golden Horseshoe. The Wartime Career of Otto Kretschmer, U-Boat Ace (The)
27.00 €
61026 - Potter-Nimitz, E.B.-C.W.:
Grande guerra sui mari. Le piu' drammatiche azioni navali durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale (La)
25.00 €
31618 - AAVV, :
Great Sea Battles of WWII DVD
18.00 €
39519 - Smith, P. C.:
Great Ships. British Battleships in World War II
27.00 €
51317 - Hird, D.M.:
Grey Wolves of Eriboll (The)
25.00 €
54388 - Kaplan, P.:
Grey Wolves. The U-Boat War 1939-1945
36.00 €
52315 - Faggioni, G.:
Guerra aeronavale nelle Indie Occidentali. Regia Marina e Kriegsmarine nel Mar dei Caraibi e lungo le coste dell'America Latina 1939-1945 (La)
25.00 €
17681 - Marzi, P.:
Guerra che non voleva finire. Agosto 1940 - Giugno 1946 (La)
14.50 €
17719 - Lupinacci, P.F.:
Guerra di mine (La)
33.00 €
17753 - De La Sierra, L.:
Guerra navale nell'Atlantico 1939-1945 (La)
22.50 €
17755 - Caporilli, P.:
Guerra negli abissi
20.00 €
40266 - Nassigh, R.:
Guerra negli abissi. I sommergibili italiani nel secondo conflitto mondiale
24.00 €
27049 - Santoni, A.:
Guerra segreta sugli Oceani. L'ULTRA britannico e i corsari tedeschi
22.00 €
47669 - Faggioni, G.:
Guerre navali nel Mar Baltico. L'epopea dei convogli e la guerra nel Mare del Nord
13.00 €
38973 - Hichens, A.:
Gunboat Command. The Biography of Lieutenant Commander Robert Hichens DSO DSC RNVR
45.00 €
43691 - Giangreco, D.M.:
Hell to Pay. Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan 1945-47
39.95 €
47956 - Veronico, N.A.:
Hidden Warships. Finding World War II's Abandoned, Sunk, and Preserved Warships
36.00 €
66349 - Martienssen, A.:
Hitler e i suoi Ammiragli
22.00 €
30830 - Bennett-Bennett, G.H.-R.:
Hitler's Admirals
39.95 €
52458 - Bennett, G.H.:
Hitler's Ghost Ships. Graf Spee, Scharnhorst and disguised German Raiders
33.00 €
53851 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Naval Bases. Kriegsmarine Bases During the Second World War
33.00 €
42025 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Navy. The Ships, Men and Organization of the Kriegsmarine 1935-1945
55.00 €
42872 - Lunde, H.O.:
Hitler's Pre-Emptive War. The Battle for Norway 1940: History's First Special Operations Campaign
25.00 €
46216 - Frank-Rogge, W.-B.:
HK 16 Atlantis. Le gesta della celebre nave corsara narrate dal suo comandante
35.00 €
36974 - McCart, N.:
HMS Glory 1945-1961
36.00 €
36978 - McCart, N.:
HMS Hermes 1923 and 1959
45.00 €
28010 - Norman, A.:
HMS Hood. Pride of the Royal Navy
19.95 €
26185 - Ballantyne, I.:
HMS London. Warships of the Royal Navy
36.00 €
39463 - Meyer, K.:
Hochsee-Minensuchboote 1939-1945. Biskaya-Nordsee-Polarkueste-Finnenbusen
25.00 €
54824 - Ditcham, T.:
Home on the Rolling Man. A Naval Memoir 1940-1946 (A)
25.00 €
37627 - Delize, J.:
Hommes des U-Boote. La vie quotidienne a bord des sous-marins du IIIe Reich (Les)
45.00 €
44078 - Hoyt, E.P.:
How They Won the War in the Pacific. Nimitz and his Admirals
29.95 €
36724 - AAVV, :
HS Histoire de Guerre 02: Le Bismarck. Gloire et defaite
12.00 €
50659 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 14: Debarquez! Le guide des operations amphibies 1939-1945
17.50 €
66809 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 24: Le Guide des Porte-avions de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
17.50 €
51400 - Krausener, J.M.:
HS Navires&Histoire 15: Les porte-avions de l'US Navy Vol 1: Des debuts a 1945
19.95 €
31284 - Savas, T.:
Hunt and Kill. U-505 and the U-boat War in the Atlantic
36.00 €
28158 - Y'Blood, W.T.:
Hunter-Killer. US Escort Carriers in the Battle of the Atlantic
25.00 €
33381 - Skwiot-Prusinowska, M.Z.-E.T.:
Hunting the Bismarck
36.00 €
52456 - Bennett, G.H.:
Hunting Tirpitz. Naval Operations Against Bismarck's Sister Ship
33.00 €
40187 - Adams, J.A.:
If Mahan ran the Great Pacific War. An Analysis of WWII Naval Strategy
45.00 €
46998 - Duskin-Segman, G.L.-R..:
If the Gods are Good. The Story of the HMS Jervis Bay's final Heroic Battle
13.00 €
36976 - McCart, N.:
Illustrous and Implacable Classes of Aircraft Carrier 1940-1969 (The)
45.00 €
54378 - Kaplan, P.:
Images of War. Naval Aviation in the Second World War
27.00 €
51042 - Canwell-Sutherland, D.-J.:
Images of War. Tirpitz: the First Voyage
25.00 €
41067 - Baxter, I.:
Images of War. U-Boat War 1939-1945
27.00 €
43055 - Sutherlamd-Canwell, J.-D.:
Images of War. U-Boats at War in World War I and II
27.00 €
37375 - Atkinson, J.:
Imperial Japanese Navy WWII
23.00 €
18052 - Meneghini, T.:
In Mediterraneo potevamo mettere in ginocchio l'Inghilterra!
25.00 €
44055 - Lombardi, A. cur:
Incrociatore pesante Prinz Eugen. La nave fortunata della Kriegsmarine (L')
28.00 €
59407 - Malizia, N.:
Inferno su Malta. La piu' lunga battaglia aeronavale nel Mediterraneo 1940-1943
23.00 €
18123 - Bruce, C.J.:
Invaders. British and american experience of seaborne landings 1939-1945
36.00 €
43106 - Morison, S.E.:
Invasion of France and Germany. 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 11
29.95 €
18138 - Werner, H.A.:
Iron Coffins. A personal account of the German U-Boat Battles of WWII
27.00 €
25388 - Mallett, R.:
Italian Navy and Fascist Expansionism 1935-40
85.00 €
45073 - Edwards, B.:
Japan's Blitzkrieg. The Allied Collapse in the East 1941-1942
36.00 €
51014 - Fuller, R.:
Japanese Admirals 1926-1945
99.00 €
37724 - Hara, T.:
Japanese Destroyer Captain
36.00 €
18288 - Bordogna, M.:
Junio Valerio Borghese e la X Flottiglia MAS
17.00 €
18311 - Evans, D.C.:
Kaigun. Strategy, Tactics, and Technology in the Imperial Japanese Navy 1887-1941
65.00 €
43098 - Rielly, R.:
Kamikazes, Corsairs and Picket Ships. Okinawa 1945
22.50 €
42237 - Doenitz, K.:
Karl Doenitz. Il comandante degli U-Boote
30.00 €
46411 - Ballantyne, I.:
Killing the Bismarck. Destroying the Pride of Hitler's Fleet
39.95 €
53151 - Meier, F.:
Kriegsmarine in guerra. Rapporto fotografico della lotta della Germania per la sua liberta' sui mari (La)
30.00 €
31381 - AAVV, :
Kriegsmarine. The German navy of WW2 DVD
18.00 €
46134 - Holmes, H.:
Last Patrol (The)
13.00 €
42862 - Gilbert, A.K.:
Leader Born. The Life of Admiral John Sidney McCain, Pacific Carrier Commander (A)
33.00 €
43101 - Morison, S.E.:
Leyte. June 1944-January 1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 12
29.95 €
28307 - Vaccari, P.F.:
Leyte. La battaglia navale piu' grande della storia 24-26 ottobre 1944
16.00 €
43102 - Morison, S.E.:
Liberation of the Phillippines. Luzon, Mindanao, the Visayas 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 13
29.95 €
52079 - Brouard, J.Y.:
Liberty en guerre
49.95 €
66423 - Henshaw, J.:
Liberty's Provenance. The Evolution of the Liberty Ship from its Sunderland Origins
39.95 €
40125 - Gurioli, E.:
Longanesi Cattani. Il miglior comandante fra i comandanti migliori
20.00 €
70885 - O Hara, V.P.:
Lotta per il mare di mezzo. La guerra delle grandi Marine nel teatro del Mediterraneo 1940-1945
25.00 €
18570 - Lambert, J.W.:
Low Level Attack: Pacific
28.00 €
66284 - Mattesini, F.:
Luci e Ombre degli Aerosiluranti italiani e tedeschi nel Mediterraneo. Agosto 1940-Settembre 1943
30.00 €
34433 - Thomas, D.A.:
Malta Convoys
36.00 €
27087 - Mattesini, F.:
Marina e l'8 settembre 2 Tomi (La)
60.00 €
47689 - Pellegrini, E.:
Marina italiana e il problema aeronavale 1919-1945 (La)
30.00 €
40105 - La Racine-Prosperini, R.B.-F.:
Marina Militare 1861-1991 - Compendio di 130 anni di vita (La)
50.00 €
32179 - Buell, T.B.:
Master of Sea Power. A Biography of Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King
55.00 €
18799 - Doenitz, K.:
Memoirs. Ten years and Twenty days
29.95 €
55739 - Coutau Begarie-Huan, H.-C.:
Mers El Kebir 1940. La rupture franco-britannique
25.00 €
24698 - De Risio, C.:
Mezzi d'assalto nella seconda guerra mondiale (I)
21.00 €
53399 - Watkins, P.:
Midget Submarine Commander. The Life of Godfrey Place VC
36.00 €
39955 - Smith, P.C.:
Midway. Dauntless Victory. Fresh Perspectives on America's Seminal Naval Victory of World War II
55.00 €
43018 - White, J.F.:
Milk Cows. The U-Boat Tankers 1941-1945 (The)
36.00 €
40986 - Korganoff, A.:
Mistero di Scapa Flow. L'incredibile impresa dell'U-47 (Il)
17.00 €
38099 - Weinberg, G.L.:
Mondo in armi. Storia globale della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Il)
35.00 €
49618 - Capriotti, G.:
Morte per acqua a capo Matapan. La piu' drammatica battaglia navale della Marina Militare Italiana
20.00 €
29687 - Waldron-Gleeson, T.J.-J.:
Naval Frogmen. Wartime Underwater Operators
25.00 €
25668 - Brown, D. cur:
Naval Operations of the Campaign in Norway
135.00 €
66650 - Jullian, M.:
Nave Fantasma. Un equipaggio inglese scomparso misteriosamente 1940-1942 (La)
18.00 €
38285 - Bagnasco-De Toro, E.-A.:
Navi da Battaglia Classe Littorio 1937-1948 (Le)
35.00 €
37287 - Freghieri, C.:
Nell'anima di un relitto
15.00 €
52509 - Brown, D.K.:
Nelson to Vanguard. Warship Design and Development 1923-1945
33.00 €
51794 - Hornfischer, J.D.:
Neptune's Inferno. The US Navy at Guadalcanal
30.00 €
43100 - Morison, S.E.:
New Guinea and the Marianas. March 1944-August 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 8
29.95 €
40758 - Williamson, G.:
New Vanguard 156: Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruisers
19.00 €
64884 - Lardas, M.:
New Vanguard 264: South American Battleships 1908-59. Brazil, Argentina, and Chile's great dreadnought race
19.00 €
40424 - Dickens, P.:
Night Action. MTB Flotilla at War
16.00 €
51147 - Williams, D.P.:
Night Fighters. Hunters of the Reich
19.99 €
28697 - Kaczmarek, R.M.:
No 093 Battle of Narvik
16.00 €
28715 - Solarz, J.:
No 113 Guadalcanal
16.00 €
42092 - Prag, C.:
No Ordinary War. The Eventful Career of U-604
39.95 €
34302 - AAVV, :
North Atlantic Battles. The Fight Against the U-Boats
18.00 €
44040 - Feifer, G.:
Okinawa 1945. The Stalingrad of the Pacific
29.95 €
47786 - O Hara-Dickson-Worth, V.P.-W.D.-R.:
On Seas Contested. The Seven Great Navies of WWII
33.00 €
19339 - Young, E.:
One of our submarines
15.00 €
38971 - Schofield, B.B.:
Operation Neptune
36.00 €
49991 - Edwards, K.:
Operation Neptune. The Normandy Landings 1944
29.95 €
47157 - Morison, S.E.:
Operations in North African Waters. October 1942-June 1943. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 2 (The)
29.95 €
50335 - Faggioni-Rosselli, G.-A.:
Operazioni aeronavali nel Mar Ligure 1940-1945 (Le)
19.90 €
42858 - McNab, C.:
Order of Battle: German Kriegsmarine in WWII
33.00 €
53027 - Toll, I.W.:
Pacific Crucible. War at Sea in the Pacific 1941-1942 (Pacific War Trilogy 1)
29.95 €
49261 - Wragg, D.:
Pacific Naval War 1941-1945
36.00 €
61493 - Moore, S.L.:
Pacific Payback. The Carrier Aviators who avenged Pearl Harbor at the Battle of Midway
25.00 €
48377 - Wright, D.:
Pacific Victory
21.00 €
31283 - Wiest-Mattson, A.-G.L.:
Pacific War (The)
36.00 €
42839 - Costello, J.:
Pacific War 1941-1945. The first comprehensive one-volume account of the conduct of WWII in the Pacific (The)
27.00 €
54714 - Bardanzellu, G.:
Paukenschlag. L'11 settembre di Roosevelt. L'entrata in guerra degli USA e le missioni dei sommergibilisti tedeschi
18.00 €
21953 - van der Vat, D.:
Pearl Harbor: the day of infamy, an illustrated history
45.00 €
57799 - Castagna, A.:
Perso nella guerra. Cronaca di una sconfitta raccontata da un sopravvissuto
13.00 €
42766 - Lund-Ludlam, P.H.:
PQ17 convoglio per l'inferno. Il racconto dei superstiti
17.00 €
19819 - Polmar-Morison, N.-S.L.:
PT Boats at War. WWII to Vietnam
27.00 €
30673 - Konstam, A.:
PT-Boats Squadrons. US Navy Torpedo Boats - Spearhead 18
24.00 €
46833 - Edwards , B.:
Quiet Heroes. British Merchant Seamen at War 1939-1945 (The)
25.00 €
43826 - Buell, T.B.:
Quiet Warrior. A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance (The)
29.95 €
49450 - Stille, M.:
Raid 026: Tora! Tora! Tora! Pearl Harbor 1941
25.00 €
50881 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 028: Run the Gauntlet. Channel Dash 1942
25.00 €
66547 - Konstam-Groult, A.-E.A.:
Raid 051: Tirpitz in Norway. X-craft midget submarines raid the fjords, Operation Source 1943
25.00 €
36247 - Marzo Magno, A. cur:
Rapidi e invisibili. Storie di sommergibili
17.00 €
24850 - Pearson, M.:
Red Sky in the Morning. The Battle of the Barents Sea 1942
29.95 €
43610 - Korzh, V.:
Red Star Under the Baltic
25.00 €
39637 - Korzh, V.:
Red Star Under the Baltic ULTIME COPIE!!!
36.00 €
44960 - Smith, F.G.:
Red Tobruk. Memoirs of a WWII Destroyer Commander
36.00 €
43260 - Affinati, R.:
Regia Marina italiana 1860-1946
12.00 €
36994 - Tiberi, L.:
Regia Nave Roma. Le ultime ore DVD
12.00 €
26223 - Wemyss, D.E.G.:
Relentless Pursuit. The Story of Capt. F.J. Walker. CB, DSO, RN U-Boat Hunter and Destroyer
15.00 €
51249 - Pivetta-Spazzapan, S.-G.:
Relitti e navi sommerse. La costa adriatica e ionica
28.00 €
41683 - Mirto-Pivetta-Spazzapan, G.-S.-G.:
Relitti e navi sommerse. Liguria e Toscana
28.00 €
53419 - Pivetta-Spazzapan, S.-G.:
Relitti e navi sommerse: Lucania e Calabria. Guida ai relitti moderni nei mari italiani
28.00 €
47567 - Mirto-Pivetta-Spazzapan, G.-S.-G.:
Relitti e navi sommerse: Sardegna. Guida ai relitti moderni nei mari italiani
28.00 €
23669 - AAVV, :
Reluctant Allies. German-Japanese naval relations in WWII
45.00 €
47158 - Morison, S.E.:
Rising Sun in the Pacific. 1931-April 1942. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 3 (The)
29.95 €
55480 - Cox, J.R.:
Rising Sun, Falling Skies. The Disastrous Java Sea Campaign of WWII
27.00 €
46080 - Storani-Storani, F.-N.:
Ritrovamento del Regio Sommergibile Ammiraglio Millo (Il)
25.00 €
36811 - Lavery, B.:
River-class Frigates and the Battle of the Atlantic. A Technical and Social History
27.00 €
52210 - Accini, L.:
Rotta della morte. Canale di Sicilia 1942-1943 (La)
17.00 €
35364 - Llewellyn Jones, M.:
Royal Navy and the Arctic Convoys: A Naval Staff History (The)
125.00 €
47782 - Cumming, A.J.:
Royal Navy and the Battle of Britain (The)
33.00 €
38011 - Llewellyn Jones, M.:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Convoys: A Naval Staff History (The)
145.00 €
25502 - Brown, D. cur:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Vol I: September 1939-October 1940
135.00 €
25168 - Brown, D. cur:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Vol II: November 1940-December 1941
135.00 €
25534 - Page, CLW cur:
Royal Navy and the Raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe
49.95 €
37389 - Atkinson, J.:
Royal Navy Submarine Service Losses in WWII
18.00 €
26428 - Dallies Labourdette, J.P.:
S-Boote. German E-Boats in action 1939-1945
39.95 €
26497 - Dallies Labourdette, J.P.:
S-Boote. Les vedettes rapides de la Kriegsmarine 1939-1945
42.50 €
37509 - Bianchi, G.:
Salvatore Todaro. Eroe d'Italia e dell'umanita'
28.00 €
53733 - Bianchi, G.:
Salvatore Todaro. Mago Baku. Omaggio all'eroe nel 70esimo anno della morte
26.00 €
27419 - Jacobsen, A.R.:
36.00 €
36137 - Nesi, S.:
Scire'. Storia di un sommergibile e degli uomini che lo resero famoso
25.00 €
43288 - AAVV, :
Seapower. Operation Hailstone. The Ghost Ships of Truk Lagoon DVD
18.00 €
43287 - AAVV, :
Seapower. U-Boat 534 DVD
18.00 €
48287 - Roskill, J.:
Secret Capture. U-110 and the Enigma Story (The)
25.00 €
20238 - Hirschfeld, W.:
Secret diary of a U-boat
15.00 €
38148 - Meckel, H. cur:
Seekrieg im Bild 1939-1945
20.00 €
38970 - Turner, J.F.:
Service Most Silent. The Navy's Fight Against Enemy Mines
36.00 €
71783 - De Risio, C.:
Sfida negli oceani
15.00 €
34664 - Parshall-Tully, J.-A.:
Shattered Sword. The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway
45.00 €
36701 - Bruning, J.R.:
Ship Strike Pacific
35.00 €
41969 - Morison, S.E.:
Sicily-Salerno-Anzio. January 1943-June 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II 09
29.95 €
26442 - Bradford, E.:
Siege: Malta 1940-1943
25.00 €
34432 - Savas, T.P.:
Silent Hunters. German U-Boat Commanders of World War II
36.00 €
52909 - Green, M. cur:
Silent Service in WWII. US Navy Submarine Force in the Words of the Men Who Lived It
39.95 €
29946 - Berthold, W.:
Sinking of the Bismarck. The Death of a Flagship (The)
18.00 €
29995 - Busch, F.O.:
Sinking of the Scharnhorst. The German Account (The)
18.00 €
40127 - Dupuis, D.:
SKL Chiama. Le navi corsare del Terzo Reich
17.00 €
37508 - Leoni, M.:
Sommergibile Malaspina e' rientrato a Betasom (Il)
20.00 €
35320 - Rastelli, A.:
Sommergibili a Singapore 1943: l'odissea di un marinaio friulano
17.00 €
52049 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Sommergibili britannici nella seconda guerra mondiale e il caso dell'HMS Graph (I)
22.00 €
51260 - Trizzino, A.:
Sommergibili italiani in Atlantico
22.00 €
20376 - Mori Ubaldini, U.:
Sommergibili negli Oceani (I)
40.00 €
43693 - Crenshaw, R.S.:
South Pacific Destroyer. The Battle for the Solomons from Savo Island to Vella Gulf
25.00 €
29634 - Lo Martire, N.B.:
Storia e tradizioni della Marina Militare italiana
39.00 €
31523 - Warner, O.:
Storia mondiale dei conflitti navali. 1571-1944: da Lepanto alla riconquista americana del Pacifico
28.00 €
41093 - Morison, S.E.:
Struggle for Guadalcanal. August 1942-February 1943. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 5 (The)
29.95 €
41730 - O Hara, V.P.:
Struggle for the Middle Sea. The Great Navies at War in the Mediterranean Theater 1940-1945
39.00 €
34082 - Hall, K.:
Submariners. Real life stories from the deep
24.00 €
46703 - McCrum, T.:
Sunk by Stukas, survived at Salerno. The Memoirs of Captain Tony McCrum RN
36.00 €
52072 - Hashimoto, M.:
Sunk. The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet 1941-1945
27.00 €
52606 - Heden, K.:
Sunken Ships World War II. US Naval Chronology, Including Submarine Losses of the United States, England, Germany, Japan, Italy
39.95 €
36595 - Galantin, I.J.:
Take Her Deep. A Submarine Against Japan in World War II
19.95 €
26070 - Ottolenghi, G.:
Taranto: la Pearl Harbor italiana
22.80 €
47035 - Smith, P.C.:
Task Force 57. The British Pacific Fleet 1944-45
18.00 €
40795 - Garfield-Cole, B.-T.:
Thousand-Mile War. World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians
29.95 €
36971 - McCart, N.:
Three Ark Royals 1938-1999
45.00 €
47216 - Sweetman, J.:
Tirpitz. Hunting the Beast. Air Attacks on the German Battleship 1940-1944
17.00 €
43564 - Zetterling-Tamelander, N.-M.:
Tirpitz. The Life and Death of Germany's Last Super Battleship
29.95 €
41663 - Gibbs, P.:
Torpedo Leader
15.00 €
73061 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Torpedos Humanos. Buceadores de combate en la II Guerra Mundial
17.50 €
34428 - Marriott, L.:
Treaty Cruisers. The First International Warship Building Competition
36.00 €
43447 - Rapalino-Schivardi, P.-G.:
Tutti a Bordo! I marinai d'Italia l'8 settembre 1943 tra etica e ragion di Stato
18.00 €
67931 - Toll, I.W.:
Twilight of the Gods. War in the Western Pacific 1944-1945 (Pacific War Trilogy 3)
55.00 €
37883 - Morison, S.E.:
Two Ocean War. A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War (The)
33.00 €
63163 - Urbanke-Rey, A.-M.:
U-552 The Red Devil Boat. Its Operational History in words and Images
75.00 €
50936 - Morgan-Taylor, D.-B.:
U-Boat Attack Logs. A Complete Record of Warship Sinkings from Original Sources 1939-1945
69.95 €
34889 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boat Century. German Submarine Warfare 1906-2006 (The)
36.00 €
31619 - AAVV, :
U-Boat War. 'They were the only thing that really frightened me' Churchill DVD
18.00 €
51840 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boats Attack! The Battle of the Atlantic witnessed by the Wolf Packs
25.00 €
21006 - Kemp, P.:
U-Boats Destroyed: German Submarine Losses in WWII
27.00 €
35615 - Paterson, L.:
U-Boats in the Mediterranean 1941-1944
39.95 €
38831 - Gray, E.:
U-Boot della morte (L')
10.00 €
48708 - Frank, W.:
U-Boot nella battaglia dell'Atlantico 1939-1945 (Gli)
32.00 €
33010 - Wetzel, E.:
U-Boot-Krieg im Nordmeer. Feindfahrten des letzten Weltkriegs-U-Bootes U 995 (Der)
16.00 €
37626 - Delize, J.:
U-Boote Crews. The day-to-day life aboard Hitler's submarines
45.00 €
21018 - Bendert, H.:
U-Boote im duell
18.00 €
43835 - Braeuer, L.:
U-Boote! Saint-Nazaire. Des Heures de gloire a la defaite totale
27.00 €
21045 - Winterbotham, F.:
Ultra Secret
10.00 €
40835 - Nesbit, R.C.:
Ultra Versus U-Boats. Enigma Decrypts in the National Archives
36.00 €
34425 - Mars, A.:
Unbroken. The Story of a Submarine
25.00 €
26204 - Lewis, W.J.:
Under the Red Duster. The Merchant Navy in WWII
35.00 €
49608 - Darling, K.:
US Carrier War. Design, Development and Operations
45.00 €
36581 - O Hara, V.P.:
US Navy Against the Axis. Surface combat 1941-1945 (The)
45.00 €
23499 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
US Navy air combat 1939-1946
35.00 €
21199 - Fry, J.:
USS Saratoga CV-3. An illustrated history of the legendary aircraft carrier 1927-1946
49.95 €
23975 - Inogouchi, R.:
Vento divino. La vera storia dei Kamikaze
16.00 €
21255 - Beesly, P.:
Very Special Intelligence - The Story of the Admiralty's Operational Intelligence Centre, 1939-1945
27.00 €
43103 - Morison, S.E.:
Victory in the Pacific. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 14
29.95 €
73775 - Kennedy, P.:
Vittoria sui mari. Il potere navale e la trasformazione dell'ordine globale nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale
25.00 €
51361 - Faulkner, M.:
War at Sea. A Naval Atlas 1939-1945
75.00 €
29097 - Ireland, B.:
War in the Mediterranean (The)
36.00 €
42111 - Cooper, B.:
War of the Gun Boats (The)
36.00 €
22559 - Tagaya-White, O.-J.:
Warrior 055: Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator 1937-45
23.00 €
26779 - Hargis-Vuksic, R.-V.:
Warrior 082: US Submarine Crewman 1941-45
23.00 €
65794 - Jordan, J. cur:
Warship 2019
65.00 €
67614 - Jordan, J. cur:
Warship 2020
65.00 €
67077 - Jordan, J. cur:
Warship 2021
65.00 €
70201 - Jordan, J. cur:
Warship 2022
65.00 €
46043 - Jordan, J. cur:
Warship 2023
69.95 €
46589 - Ballantyne, I.:
Warspite. From Jutland Hero to Cold War Warrior
27.00 €
43692 - Schultz, R.:
We Were Pirates. A Torpedoman's Pacific War
39.95 €
35543 - Paterson, L.:
Weapons of Desperation. German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of World War II
36.00 €
50995 - Edwards, B.:
Wolf Packs Gather. Mayhem in the Western Approaches 1940 (The)
36.00 €
33011 - Alman, K.:
Wolfgang Lueth. Das Erfolgreichste U-Boot-Kommandant des Zweiten Weltkrieges
16.00 €
67002 - Symonds, C.L.:
World War II at sea Global history
39.95 €
33770 - D'Este, C.:
World War II in the Mediterranean 1942-1945
29.95 €
43653 - Rottman, G.L..:
WWII Pacific Island Guide. A Geo-Military Study
125.00 €
48989 - Kerrigan, M.:
WWII Plans that Never Happened 1939-1945
33.00 €
34129 - Jacobsen, A.R.:
X-Craft versus Tirpitz. The Mistery of the Missing X5
36.00 €
33592 - Felton, M.:
Yanagi. The underwater trade between Germany and Japan 1942-1945
36.00 €
21566 - Whitley, M.:
Zerstoerer im Zweiten Weltkrieg
27.00 €