Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Terrestre: Blindo / VCC / VTT
(Autoblindo, Veicoli Corazzati Combattimento e Trasporto Truppa)
Risultati della Ricerca: 380 Prodotti
59731 - Doyle, D.:
251 Half-Track. A visual History of the German Army's Sd.Kfz. 251 Armored Half-Tracks
36.00 €
29007 - Boniface, J.M.:
50 ans de Vehicules militaires en France de 1945 a nos jours Vol 3: Armee de l'Air-Marine Nationale
55.00 €
56897 - Green, M.:
American Tanks and AFVs of World War II
45.00 €
18624 - Mesko, J.:
Armor in Action 034: M-3 Halftracks
15.00 €
45156 - Doyle, D.:
Armor in Action 045: M-113 APC in Vietnam
15.00 €
29851 - Mesko, J.:
Armor Walk Around 004: M-2/M-3 Half Track
21.00 €
41858 - Stapfer, H.H.:
Armor Walk Around 009: SdKfz 251 Ausf D (Color Series)
27.00 €
53533 - Sarrazin, P.:
Armored Car Ford M8-M20 (L')
29.95 €
23424 - Hunnicutt, R.P.:
Armored Car. A history of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles
115.00 €
23179 - Regenberg, W.:
Armored Vehicles and Units of the German Order Police (Ordnungspolizei) 1936-1945
49.95 €
38346 - Spielberger, W.J.:
Armored Vehicles of the German Army 1905-1945
65.00 €
57675 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 11: GM Otter Mk. I Car, Light Reconnaissance
19.95 €
24900 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 02
15.00 €
30443 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 09
15.00 €
31893 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 11
15.00 €
32166 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 12
15.00 €
32626 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 13
15.00 €
33287 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 14
15.00 €
34462 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 15
15.00 €
34850 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 16
15.00 €
36777 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 18
15.00 €
37765 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 19
15.00 €
41537 - Cristini, L.S.:
Autoblindo AB 40/41/42/43 - The Weapons Encyclopedia 027
22.00 €
41232 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Autoblindo tedesche dalle origini al 1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 75
16.00 €
51833 - Pignato, N.:
Automitragliatrici blindate e motomitragliatrici nella Grande Guerra. Armi di una vittoria Vol 3
25.00 €
24392 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano Vol I: dalle origini al 1939 (Gli)
45.00 €
37785 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano Vol III: 1945-1955 (Gli)
45.00 €
46873 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano Vol IV: 1956-1975 (Gli)
45.00 €
65473 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 1: Scorpion, Scimitar, Trainer, Striker
39.95 €
65474 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 2: Spartan, Samaritan, Sultan, Samson
39.95 €
42589 - Mata Duaso-Gutierrez, J.M.-F.M.:
Blindados Autoctonos en la Guerra Civil Espanola
17.50 €
43640 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Espanoles en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
42588 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Italianos en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
36662 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Blindados Vol 1. Los medios blindados de ruedas en Espana. Un siglo de Historia
36.00 €
36663 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Blindados Vol 2. Los medios blindados de ruedas en Espana. Un siglo de Historia
36.00 €
34952 - AAVV, :
Blindes de l'US Army 1941-1945 - Vehicules Militaires HS 01 (Les)
17.00 €
37380 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 2. M3 Halftracks in South Lebanon
25.00 €
37381 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 3. M113 Carriers in South Lebanon
25.00 €
37382 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 4. M-50 Sherman Tanks and APCs in South Lebanon
25.00 €
43647 - Molina-Manrique , L.-J.M.:
BMR. Los Blindados del Ejercito espanol
36.00 €
23252 - Halberstadt, H.:
Bradley Company - Europa Militaria 30
21.00 €
15922 - Hunnicutt, R.P.:
Bradley. A history of American Fighting and Support Vehicles
95.00 €
66994 - Jackson, R.:
Bren Gun Carrier. Britain's Universal War Machine - LandCraft 03
29.95 €
71135 - Fletcher, D.:
British Tanks and Armoured Cars in the First World War. Landships and War Cars
25.00 €
40029 - Sewards-Hraban, A.-M.:
Canadian LAV III in Afghanistan
25.00 €
16104 - Regenberg, W.:
Captured Armored Cars and other vehicles in Wehrmacht service
13.95 €
36664 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Carros de Combate y Vehicuols de cadenas del Ejercito Espanol. Un siglo de Historia Vol 1
49.00 €
36665 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Carros de Combate y Vehicuols de cadenas del Ejercito Espanol. Un siglo de Historia Vol 2
49.95 €
52018 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Carros de Combate y Vehicuols de cadenas del Ejercito Espanol. Un siglo de Historia Vol 3
49.95 €
27777 - US Army, :
CD ROM M-113 APC. Armored Personel Carrier Family 34 US Army Technical Manuals
39.00 €
40564 - Pignato , N.:
Century of Italian Armoured Cars. Un secolo di autoblindate in Italia (A)
60.00 €
55578 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Chars legers et Vehicules a armement Lourd
23.00 €
66998 - Dougherty, M.:
Chinese Tanks and AFVs 1950-Present. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns - APCs - IFVs
29.95 €
36938 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 05: La Brunete Pt. 1
15.00 €
36939 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 06: La Brunete Pt. 2
15.00 €
68697 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Dizionario enciclopedico dei mezzi militari
20.00 €
27901 - Bartholomew, :
Early Armoured Cars
12.00 €
67281 - Gannon, T.:
Early IDF Armoured Cars
27.50 €
67282 - Gannon, T.:
Early IDF Sandwich Trucks and Improvised Armoured Vehicles
30.00 €
61190 - Canales, F.M.:
En vanguardia 1935-1945. Panzer Aufklaerungs Abteilungen. Unidades de reconocimiento en el ejercito aleman - Imagenes de Guerra 11
21.00 €
19528 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 04: Panzergrenadiere der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46293 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 13: Schuetzenpanzer BMP
17.00 €
21803 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 15: Gepanzerten Truppen des Oesterreischen Bundesheeres
17.00 €
21715 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 16: Bundeswehr in CMTC
17.00 €
46296 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 20: US-Panzeraufklaerungsbataillon der Division 1943-2003
17.00 €
46298 - Blume-Boehm, P.-W.:
Fahrzeug Profile 22: Panzertruppe der Bundeswehr 1956-2003
17.00 €
46299 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 23: Panzertruppe der US Army
17.00 €
46300 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 24: Gepanzerte Infanterie der US Army in Deutschland 1945-2003
17.00 €
46305 - Boehm, W.:
Fahrzeug Profile 29: 11. US-Panzeraufklaerungsregiment 'Blackhorse'
17.00 €
46306 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 30: Flugabwehr der US Army in Deutschland 1948 bis 2006
17.00 €
46309 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 33: Jaegerbataillon 292
17.00 €
46310 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 34: Heer der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46311 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 35: US ARMY in Europa 1981. Die Divisionen und Kampftruppen
17.00 €
46313 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 37: Oesterreichische Bundesheer - The Austrian Army
17.00 €
46314 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 38: Panzeraufklaerungstruppe der Bundeswehr 1956 bis 2008
17.00 €
46315 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 39: 1. Panzerdivision (Eingreifkraefte) der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46317 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 41: Deutsch/Franzoesische Brigade
17.00 €
46318 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 42: Geschuetzte Bundeswehrfahrzeuge der ISAF
17.00 €
46319 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 43: 2. Stryker Cavalry Regiment 'Second Dragoons' in Deutschland 2006-2007
17.00 €
46320 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 44: Nachschubtruppe der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
56322 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 48: Die Radfahrzeuge der Belgischen Armee
17.00 €
56330 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 51: Einheiten der US ARMY in Europa Teil 3
17.00 €
56324 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 52: 'Warriors' US OPFOR Hohenfels 1990-2007
17.00 €
56329 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 53: Die Panzertruppe der Bundeswehr 2004-2012
17.00 €
56326 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 56: Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr Teil 1
17.00 €
56331 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 57: Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr Teil 2
17.00 €
27229 - Bishop, E. cur:
Firepower - Mechanised Warfare
32.50 €
39297 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Fotos from the Panzertruppen. The Early Years
33.00 €
17373 - Spielberger, W.:
Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres
42.50 €
17377 - Scheibert, H.:
German 8 wheeled recon vehicles
13.95 €
71546 - Doyle, D.:
German Heavy Armored Cars. Sd.Kfz. 231, 232, 233, 263, and 234 in World War II - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
17436 - Scheibert, H.:
German Heavy Reconnaissance Vehicles
13.95 €
17449 - Scheibert, H.:
German Light Reconnaissance Vehicles
13.95 €
24215 - Clarke, R.M.:
German Military Equipment WWII
49.95 €
67000 - Porter, D.:
German Tanks of World War II 1939-1945. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns
39.95 €
31363 - AAVV, :
German War Files: German Military Vehicles DVD
18.00 €
35459 - Dinardo, R.L.:
Germany's Panzer Arm in WWII
21.00 €
17640 - Hogg, I.V.:
Greenhill Armoured Fighting Vehicles Data Book
55.00 €
17854 - Spielberger, W.:
Halbketten-Fahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres
42.50 €
70324 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Half-Track - Storia Militare Briefing 31
15.00 €
58961 - AAVV, :
Half-Track US du M2 au M9 - Vehicules Militaires HS 07 (Les)
19.95 €
38347 - Spielberger, W.J.:
Halftracked Vehicles of the German Army 1909-1945
65.00 €
34532 - Doyle-Stansell, D.-P.:
High Speed Tractor. A Visual History of the US Army's Tracked Artillery Prime Movers
27.00 €
51431 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 05: Cavaliers et blindes de France
17.50 €
67120 - Doyle, D.:
Hummel and Nashorn/Hornisse. German Self-Propelled Artillery in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67121 - DeJohn, C.M.:
Humvee. America's Military Workhorse - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
57233 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 09: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 1: Fitters
45.00 €
47842 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 11: Puma Heavy APC. Centurion Based APC in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
60004 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 15: Nagmachon Heavy APC. Centurion based APC in IDF Service Part 2
45.00 €
62231 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 18: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 2: Command and Medevac
45.00 €
63697 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 19: Puma Heavy APC. Centurion based APC in IDF Service Part 3 With Carpet, Nochri and Dozer
45.00 €
65249 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 23: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 3: APC and TOGA
45.00 €
67387 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 28: Nakpadon Heavy APC in IDF Service
45.00 €
49867 - Thomas, P.:
Images of War. German Halftracks at War 1939-1945
27.00 €
39471 - Burik, R.W.:
In Detail Special 07: NTC Fort Irvin in detail
35.00 €
39473 - AAVV, :
In Detail Special 09: Staghound in detail
39.95 €
41214 - War Office, :
Infantry Training Part V: The Carrier Platoon (1943)
12.00 €
38503 - Taylor, D.:
ISAF Vehicles Afghanistan 2007. Kabul and Kandahar Area
29.95 €
44494 - Gannon, T.:
Israeli Half-Tracks Vol 1 including Sandwich Trucks and Armoured Cars
45.00 €
71251 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M:
Italienfeldzug Vol 4: German Tanks and Vehicles 1943-1945
40.00 €
52517 - Faggioni, G.:
Italienische KFZ und Panzer 1919-1943 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
41361 - Oliver, D.:
Jagdtiger Heavy Tank Destroyer. German Army Western Front 1945 - TankCraft 42
29.95 €
22849 - Oswald, W.:
Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr ab 1900
55.00 €
40287 - Arthur-Hearn, G.-S.:
LAV and Piranha. The Extended Family
13.00 €
24244 - Bovi-Zorzetto, L.-G.:
Libia.WW2 Speciale 1911/1943: Autoblindate
20.00 €
52894 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Light Tanks and Heavily Armed Combat Vehicles
23.00 €
54532 - Carretta-Guglielmi, L.-D.:
Lince LMV. Light Multirole Vehicle
28.00 €
59242 - Cappellano-Guglielmi-Calo', F.-D.-R.:
M-113 in Italia. Veicolo trasporto truppe e derivati
28.00 €
68556 - Skipper, B.:
M113. American Armoured Personnel Carrier - LandCraft 05
29.95 €
73271 - Cappellano-Esposito-Guglielmi, F.-F.-D.:
M113. Trasporto truppe corazzato e i suoi derivati - Storia Militare Briefing 46
15.00 €
38131 - Green-Brown, M.-J.D.:
M2/M3 Bradley at War
28.00 €
65457 - Dejohn, C.M.:
M2/M3 Bradley. America's Cavalry/Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
66233 - Jackson, R.:
M2/M3. American Half-tracks of the Second World War - LandCraft 02
27.00 €
67126 - Doyle, D.:
M24 Chaffee Vol 2: Chaffee-Based Vehicle Variants in the Korean War - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
63246 - AAVV, :
M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Detail Volume 2
45.00 €
65374 - AAVV, :
M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Europe in Detail Volume 1
45.00 €
37374 - Becze, C.:
Magyar Steel
28.00 €
32572 - Vauviller, F.:
Materiels de l'Armee Francaise 01: Automitrailleuses de Reconnaissance Tome 1: L'AMR 33 Renault
18.00 €
45044 - Mortera Perez, A.:
Medios blindados en la Guerra Civil Espanola Vol 1. Teatro de operaciones del norte 36/37 (Los)
36.00 €
57962 - Mortera Perez, A.:
Medios blindados en la Guerra Civil Espanola Vol 2. Teatro de operaciones de Andalucia y Centro 36/37 (Los)
65.00 €
57961 - Mortera Perez, A.:
Medios blindados en la Guerra Civil Espanola Vol 3/1. Teatro de operaciones de Levante, Aragon y Cataluna 36/37 (Los)
36.00 €
31035 - Vollert, J.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5001: Fuchs Armoured Personnel Carrier
23.00 €
31036 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5002: Early Years of the Modern German Army
23.00 €
31039 - Zwilling-Hoiczyk, R.-N.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5005: Modern German Army Training Center Letzlingen
23.00 €
31042 - Marx, S.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5008: Armoured Engineer Vehicles
23.00 €
32394 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5010: Modern German Army in the Cold War 1967-1990
23.00 €
39123 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5018: Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle Schuetzenpanzer kurz Hotchkiss and lang HS 30
23.00 €
42072 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5022: Wiesel 1 - Mobile Weapon Platform
23.00 €
43062 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5023: Panzertruppe '2010'. German Panzer Forces in the 21st Century
23.00 €
43529 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5024: Wiesel 2 - Mobile Weapon Platform
23.00 €
47066 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5028: Panzerkampf im Kalten Krieg. German Armoured Corps in Cold War Exercise Schneller Wechsel '74
23.00 €
50325 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5032: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 1
23.00 €
50326 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5033: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 2
23.00 €
50423 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5034: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 3
23.00 €
50422 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5035: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 4
23.00 €
51690 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5036: Dingo 1 - Protected Vehicle
23.00 €
52441 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5037: Dingo 2 - Protected Transport Vehicle
23.00 €
52906 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5038: Cold War Tank Battle in Southern Germany on FTX Kecker Spatz 87
23.00 €
54510 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5043: Fennek. The Fennek Reconnaissance Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
55345 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5046: Marder 1 A5 / 1A5A1. The Marder 1 A5 and 1 A5A1 AIFVs in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
56813 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5050: Yak. The Yak Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
57200 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5051: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 1: Development and Technology
23.00 €
57199 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5052: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 2: Reconnaissance / Engineer / Command
23.00 €
49701 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5053: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 3: Ambulance / Electronic Warfare / NBC
23.00 €
49702 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5054: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 4: Battlefield Surveillance Radar / Radio Communications / International
23.00 €
61510 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5062: Puma. The New Armoured infantry Fighting Vehicle of the Bundeswehr Part 2
23.00 €
63448 - Nowak-Zwilling, :
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5069: Panzer Task Force. 'Storm on the Heath 2017' - German Panzer-Formations train for VJTF (Land)
23.00 €
64363 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5072: Boxer A0-A1-A2 The Multirole Armoured Wheeled 'Mothership' of the German Infantry
23.00 €
31575 - Burkert Opitz-Niesner, G.-C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7001: GECON-ISAF. The Vehicles of the German Army in Afghanistan
17.50 €
34031 - Niesmer, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7003: NATO Response Forces
17.50 €
34292 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7004: Uhlan Eagle
17.50 €
34695 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7005: Esercito Italiano - Modern Italian Army in action
17.50 €
37260 - Blume, P.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7007: Nederlandse Troepen - Vehicles of the Royal Netherlands Army in Germany 1963-2006
17.50 €
38016 - Arthur, G.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7008: US Army in Korea USFK/EUSA. Vehicles of the United States Forces Korea / Eight United States Army
17.50 €
39121 - Bouchal, T.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7010: Czech Republic Army ACR-Armada Ceske Republiky. Vehicles of the Modern Czech Republic Armed forces Part 1
17.50 €
39122 - Bouchal, T.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7011: Czech Republic Army ACR-Armada Ceske Republiky. Vehicles of the Modern Czech Republic Armed forces Part 2
17.50 €
43059 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7015: Vehicles of the Multinational IFOR Peace-Keeping Operation 1995-1996
17.50 €
46406 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7018: Free Lion 88. The Last Cold War Exercise of 1st (NL) Corps
17.50 €
49205 - Monteiro, P.M.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7022: Exercito Portugues. Vehicles of the Modern Portuguese Army
17.50 €
50327 - Dimitrijevic, B.B.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7023: Yugoslav Armies. Armor of the Yugoslav/Serbian Armies from 1945 to Today
17.50 €
15220 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7024: DANCON-ISAF - Danish Battle Group
17.50 €
52438 - Cicalesi-Rivas, J.C.-S.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7026: Ejercito Argentino. Vehicles of the Modern Argentine Army
17.50 €
53960 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7027: Svenska Armen. Vehicles of the Modern Swedish Army
17.50 €
56180 - Arthur, G.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7028: ANZAC Army Vehicles. Vehicles of the Modern New Zealand and Australian Armies
17.50 €
63445 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7030: Finland's Maavoimat. Vehicles of the modern Finnish Army
17.50 €
41365 - Orczyc Musialek, L.:
Modeling Modern Armored Fighting 8x8 Vehicles
36.00 €
66997 - Hart-Hart, R.-S.:
Modern Russian Tanks and AFVs 1990-Present. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns - APCs - IFVs
29.95 €
27458 - Green-Stewart, M.-G.:
Modern US Tanks and AFVs
21.00 €
56234 - Anweiler-Pahlkotter, K.-M.:
MTW M-113 seit 1962 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
21429 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 010: Warrior Mechanised Combat Vehicle 1987-1994
19.00 €
18623 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 011: M-3 Infantry Half-Track 1940-73
19.00 €
15867 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 012: BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1967-1994
19.00 €
20197 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 013: Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle 1972-1994
19.00 €
17154 - Doyle-Sarson, H.-P.:
New Vanguard 015: Flammpanzer. German Flamethrower Tanks 1941-45
19.00 €
18619 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 018: M-2/M-3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1983-95
19.00 €
20215 - Culver-Laurier, B.-J.:
New Vanguard 025: SdKfz 251 Half-Track 1939-1945
19.00 €
17392 - Perrett-Culver, B.-B.:
New Vanguard 029: German Armoured Cars and Reconnaissance Half-Tracks 1939-45
19.00 €
15348 - Zaloga-Hadler, S.J.-T.:
New Vanguard 030: Amtracs US Amphibious Assault Vehicles
19.00 €
22572 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
New Vanguard 053: M-8 Greyhound Light Armored Car 1941-91
19.00 €
26772 - Gelbart-Bryan, M.-T.:
New Vanguard 093: Modern Israeli Tanks and Infantry Carriers 1985-2004
19.00 €
26744 - Bullock-Aksenov, D.-A.:
New Vanguard 095: Armoured Units of the Russian Civil War (2) Red Army
19.00 €
30561 - Fletcher-Bryan, D.-T.:
New Vanguard 110: Universal Carrier 1936-48. The 'Bren Gun Carrier' Story
19.00 €
33487 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 121: Stryker Combat Vehicle 2002-06
19.00 €
42981 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 159: Staghound Armored Car 1942-62
19.00 €
47762 - Doherty-Morshead, R.-H.:
New Vanguard 177: Humber Light Reconnaissance Car 1941-45
19.00 €
49444 - Rottman-Bryan, G.L.-T.:
New Vanguard 184: Vietnam Gun Trucks
19.00 €
49445 - D'Angina-Morshead, J.-H.:
New Vanguard 185: LAV-25. The Marine Corps' Light Armored Vehicle
19.00 €
50877 - Fletcher-Morshead, D.-H.:
New Vanguard 189: Rolls-Royce Armoured Car
19.00 €
57387 - McNab-Palmer, C.-I.:
New Vanguard 219: Riot Control Vehicles. 1945-Present
19.00 €
64064 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 254: Early US Armor. Armored Cars 1915-1940
19.00 €
64881 - Cappellano-Battistelli, F.-P.P.:
New Vanguard 261: Italian Armoured and Reconnaissance Cars 1911-45
19.00 €
18556 - Prenatt-Hook, J.-A.:
New Vanguard 284: Soviet Armoured Cars 1936-45
19.00 €
34968 - Skotnicki, M.:
Niemiecke Samochody Pancerne (German Armored Cars) 1905-1945
23.00 €
29236 - Kolomiec-Moszczanskij, M.-I.:
No 206 Panzerwaffe 1945 Vol 2 ENGLISH
22.00 €
46868 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 340 Kfz 13/14 Sd Kfz 231/232/263 (Tank Power Vol XCVII) ENGLISH
21.00 €
51212 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 366 M3A1 Scout Car (Tank Power Vol CXIII) ENGLISH
21.00 €
25184 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 12: Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 to and Variants Famo 'Bulle' (Sdkfz. 9)
29.95 €
37265 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 20: Leichter Zugkraftwagen 3 ton and variants - Hanomag/Borgward Sd.Kfz. 11
35.00 €
26989 - Oehler, B.:
Osprey Modelling 006: Modelling the SdKfz 251 Half Track
25.00 €
69523 - AAVV, :
Ostfront Panzers 1: Last Year of the War
45.00 €
69524 - AAVV, :
Ostfront Panzers 2: Belarus 1943-44
45.00 €
72307 - Oliver, D.:
Pakwagen Sdkfz 234/3 and 234/4 Heavy Armoured Cars. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe Units, Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - Landcraft Series 11
29.95 €
43178 - Siegert, J.:
Panzer der NVA Vol 2: Radfahrzeuge 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
40951 - Luedeke, A.:
Panzer der Wehrmacht 1933-1945. Rad- und Halbkettenfahrzeuge 1939-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
71509 - Anderson, T.:
Panzer Reconnaissance
49.95 €
48575 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 13-1 Leichter Panzerspaehwagen (Sd.Kfz.221, 222, and 223) and Kleiner Panzerfunkwagen (Sd.Kfz.260 and 261)
29.95 €
27969 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 15-2 Mittlere Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz.251) from 1939 to 1942
25.00 €
34745 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 15-3 Mittlere Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz.251) 1943-45
39.95 €
61274 - Doyle-Friedli-Jentz, H.L.-L.-T.L.:
Panzer Tracts 15-4 Vollketten M.S.P. Kaetzchen and Final Development of the Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz.251)
39.95 €
47265 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzergrenadier Aces. German Mechanized Infantrymen in WW II
39.95 €
37932 - Bishop, C.:
Panzergrenadier Divisions 1939-45
39.95 €
44222 - Nowak, D.:
Panzermanoever 02 Panzerbrigade Bundeswehr
12.00 €
30136 - Feist-Johnson, U.-R.:
49.95 €
31538 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 01. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
34000 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 02. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
35372 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 03. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
37267 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 04. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
38531 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 05. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
39602 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 06. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
40367 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 07. Ostfront Vol 1
33.00 €
42080 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 08. Normandy Vol 1
33.00 €
43586 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 09. Italy Vol 1
33.00 €
44805 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 10. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
47857 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 11. Normandy Vol 2
33.00 €
48448 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 12. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
51940 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 13. Italy Vol 2
33.00 €
53064 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 14. Ostfront Vol 2
33.00 €
54035 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 15. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
56612 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 16. Bulge
33.00 €
31944 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 17. Normandy Vol 3
33.00 €
49674 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 18. German Armour 1944-45
33.00 €
49835 - Archer-Dimitrijevic, L.-B.:
Panzerwrecks 19. Yugoslavia
33.00 €
60231 - Archer-Nevenkin, L.-K.:
Panzerwrecks 20. Ostfront Vol 3
33.00 €
40760 - Archer-Neely, L.:
Panzerwrecks 21. German Armour 1944-45 Minor Damages
33.00 €
64597 - Archer-Neely, L.:
Panzerwrecks 22. Desert
33.00 €
67851 - Archer, L.:
Panzerwrecks 23. Italy Vol 3
39.95 €
70948 - Archer, L.:
Panzerwrecks 24. German Armour 1944-45
39.95 €
72488 - Archer, L.:
Panzerwrecks 25. Normandy Vol 4
39.95 €
53806 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 007: Chieftain Main Battle Tank. Development And Active Service From Prototype To Mk.11
29.95 €
57012 - Gladysiak-Rejmak, L.-A.:
Photosniper 008: Jagdpanther
29.95 €
57014 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 009: Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank Vol I
29.95 €
57013 - Robinson, M.P.:
Photosniper 010: AMX-30. Char de Bataille 1966-2006 Vol 1
29.95 €
57011 - Griffin, R.:
Photosniper 011: Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank Vol II
29.95 €
58194 - Robinson, M.P.:
Photosniper 012: AMX-30. Char de Bataille 1966-2006 Vol 2
29.95 €
58193 - Robinson-Guillemain, M.P.-T.:
Photosniper 019: Char Leclerc
29.95 €
59821 - Karmieh-Gladysiak, S.-L.:
Photosniper 020: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H and Ausf. J. Vol I
29.95 €
47394 - Haskew, M.E.:
Postwar Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1945 to Present
33.00 €
36681 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 17: Stryker in detail. US Stryker Interim Armored Vehicle Family Part 1 (2nd extended Ed.)
39.95 €
39469 - Koran-Perry-de Boer, F.-D.-J.W.:
Present Vehicle 20: PT-76 Family in detail
39.95 €
43335 - Koran-Perry-de Boer, F.-D.-J.W.:
Present Vehicle 23: BTR-70 in detail
27.00 €
43514 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 24: Japanese 4x4 LAV in detail
27.00 €
45740 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 26: Guardian in detail. M1117 Guardian and M1200 armored Knight
33.00 €
46855 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 27: Stryker MGS. Stryker M1128 Mobile Gun System
33.00 €
51702 - Browne-Koran, K.-F.:
Present Vehicle 30: Ferret Scout Cars in detail. Ferret Mk.1, Mk. 1/2 and Mk. 2
45.00 €
55009 - Zwilling-Collins, R.-M.:
Present Vehicle 33: RG-31 Mark 1/3 MRAP in detail
30.00 €
27297 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 39: M2A2 Bradley in detail. M2A2 ODS Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle
33.00 €
59194 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 42: Stryker Family Upgrades in detail
36.00 €
66770 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 60: Early M113 in detail. M113 ACAV, Dozer, Fitter and Early IDF Zelda
39.95 €
44383 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 64: T-54 Chassis-based Vehicles in detail. type 69, Tiran 4, ZSU-57-2 and other
33.00 €
52598 - AAVV, :
Present Vehicle 66: IED Hunters in detail. US Army Route Clearance Vehicles
39.95 €
72323 - Cristini, L.S.:
Prime autoblinde(!) italiane: Lancia 1Z, Fiat 611 e altre minori - The Weapons Encyclopedia 011 (Le)
22.00 €
19820 - Scheibert, H.:
Puma and other German Recon Vehicles
13.95 €
43074 - Anweiler-Pahlkoetter, K.-M.:
Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1956 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
46174 - Kunkel, R.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
62082 - Gau-Siegert, L.R.-J.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA. LKW, PKW und Kraeder
55.00 €
68524 - Hart, S.:
Russian Tanks of World War II 1939-1945. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns
29.95 €
54299 - Lohman-Hilmes, L.-R.:
Schuetzenpanzer Marder. Die technische Dokumentation der Waffensysteme
45.00 €
20184 - Scheibert, H.:
13.95 €
70739 - Grummitt, D.:
Scorpion and Scimitar. British Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicles 1970-2022 - TankCraft 33
29.95 €
68694 - Dunstan, S.:
Scorpion CVR(T) Owner's Workshop Manual. Scorpion FV101 Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (tracked) in British service 1972-2020
39.95 €
53526 - Edwards-Pruett-Olive, R.-M.H.-M.:
Scouts Out. A History of German Armored Reconnaissance Units in WWII
59.95 €
46793 - Trojca, W.:
Sd.Kfz. 250 and 251 in Color
21.00 €
27827 - Trojca-Muench, W.-K.H.:
Sd.Kfz. 250-251 at War
55.00 €
26340 - Gander, T.:
SdKfz 250/1 to 250/12 Armoured Halftrack - Vehicles in Detail 1
24.00 €
68939 - Oliver, D.:
Sdkfz 251. 251/9 and 251/22 Kanonenwagen. German Army and Waffen-SS Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - LandCraft 08
29.95 €
67909 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Semicingolati corazzati tedeschi Sd.Kfz. 250 e 251 - Storia Militare Briefing 22 (I)
15.00 €
48220 - Lohmann, H.P.:
Spaehpanzer Luchs. Die technische Dokumentation des Waffensystems
45.00 €
29293 - Hellebrand-Petz, K.-D.:
Special Museum 14: Israeli Armour in detail Part 2
18.00 €
41720 - Koran-de Boer-Velek, F.-J.W.-M.:
Special Museum 53: Humber Mk.II Scout Car in detail. Humber Mk.II Scout Cars in Belgian Royal Army Museum and Private Collections
27.00 €
43513 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
Special Museum 55: Dingo Scout Car in detail. Dingo Scout Cars in the Belgian Royal Army and Military History Museum and in British Private Collections
25.00 €
48941 - Gosling-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 63: Humber Mk.IV and GM Fox Mk. I in detail
35.00 €
59196 - Koran-Browne-Mostek, F.-K.-J.:
Special Museum 78: Saladin Mk.2 in detail
30.00 €
61612 - Baxter-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 79: FAT. WWII Allied Field Artillery Tractor
45.00 €
68496 - Koran, F.:
Special Museum 88: Greyhound in detail. WWII US Army M8 and M20 APCs
33.00 €
68497 - Koran, F.:
Special Museum 89: BTR-152 in detail. BTR-152, 152V1, 152K1, 152U and Other
45.00 €
39475 - Baxter-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 91: Daimler AC Mk.1 in Detail
30.00 €
43973 - Doyle, D.:
Staghound. A Visual History of the T17 Series Armored Cars in Allied Service. T17E1-T17E2-T17E3-Staghound II-Staghound III
27.00 €
20498 - Berndt, T.:
Standard Catalog of US Military Vehicles 1940-65
39.95 €
68937 - Grummitt, D.:
Stryker Interim Combat Vehicle. The Stryker and LAV III in US and Canadian Service 1999-2020 - LandCraft 04
29.95 €
66425 - Oliver, D.:
StuG III and IV. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe. Western Front 1944-1945 - TankCraft 19
27.00 €
59629 - Camp-Heitman, S.-H.R.:
Surviving the Ride. A Pictorial History of South African-Manufactured Armoured Vehicles
55.00 €
73022 - Crippa-Raspagliosi, P.-M.:
Tank Master Special 11. Blindati ferroviari italiani 1940 1945
15.00 €
41475 - Cristini, L.S.:
TanketteTK/TKS - The Weapons Encyclopedia 026
22.00 €
39388 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3006: Reforger 1969-1978 Part 1
23.00 €
39940 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3007: Reforger 1979-1985 Part 2
23.00 €
40634 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3008: Reforger 1986-1993 Part 3
23.00 €
43530 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3011: MRAP. Modern US Army Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles
23.00 €
43531 - Weber, B.:
Tankograd American Special 3012: USAREUR. Vehicles and Units of the US Army in Europe 1992-2005
23.00 €
45373 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3014: M88 Armored Recovery Vehicle
23.00 €
46400 - Blume, P.:
Tankograd American Special 3015: US Army Germany 1945-1969
23.00 €
48369 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3016: LVTP7-AAVP7A1. The AMTRACS of the US Marines - Development, technology, Operational Use
23.00 €
34003 - AAVV, :
Tankograd British Special 9002: Royal Armoured Engineers
23.00 €
39120 - Nowak-Copley Smith-Maetzold, D.-S.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9007: REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Vehicles of 2nd Battalion REME - Equipment Support to 7th Armoured Brigade
23.00 €
39382 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9008: BATUS British Army Training Unit Suffield
23.00 €
42073 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9010: Last Cold War Exercise of the BAOR - Key Flight '89
23.00 €
43058 - Nowak-Maetzold, D.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9011: RECCE. Eyes and Ears of 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
43527 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9012: BAOR in REFORGER. Vehicles of the British Army of the Rhine in the REFORGER Exercises 1975-91
23.00 €
44447 - Neate, T.:
Tankograd British Special 9013: Salisbury Plain Training Area. British Army Vehicles on SPTA - 1970s to Today
23.00 €
59576 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9024: AT 105 Saxon. Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier of the British Army 1977 to Today
23.00 €
69685 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9033: CVR(T). Scorpion - Scimitar - Sabre
23.00 €
69684 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9034: CVR(T). Variants
23.00 €
70357 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9035: Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle
23.00 €
70358 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9036: Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades
23.00 €
71040 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd British Special 9037: Lionheart 84. The largest British Exercise of the Cold War
23.00 €
71905 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9038: BAOR-SLTA. Vehicles of the Legendary Soltau-Lueneburg Training Area of the British Army of the Rhine
23.00 €
58620 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd Fast Track 11: Warrior FV510 TES(H). British Infantry Fighting Vehicle
15.00 €
58618 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 12: Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi. German Protected Patrol Vehicle
15.00 €
59574 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 16: San-Boxer. GTK Boxer A0, A1, A1+ sgSanKfz
15.00 €
61830 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 21: Urban Panzer Ops. Modern German Tanks in Urban Area Warfare
15.00 €
62617 - Kirchoff, A.:
Tankograd Fast Track 22: Pansarbandvagn PBV 302B and variants
15.00 €
47545 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd International 8003: CV 90. Swedish Infantry Combat Vehicle - History, Technology
17.50 €
47544 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd International 8004: CV 90 International. In Service with Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland and Finland
17.50 €
42064 - Koshchavtsev-Kinnear-Koch, A.-J.-F.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2006: PT-76 Soviet and Warsaw Pact Amphibious Light Tank
17.50 €
43064 - Kinnear, J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2008: Russian Army on Parade. The Return of Russia's Red Square Military Parades 2008-2009
17.50 €
31047 - Hoppe, H.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4003: German Vehicle Rarities (3)
17.50 €
39387 - Hoppe, H.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4010: Wehrmacht Heavy 6-Wheeled and 8-Wheeled Armoured Cars and their Derivatives
17.50 €
44449 - Zoellner, M.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4014: Panzerspaehwagen Sd.Kfz. 221/222/223
17.50 €
53667 - Strasheim, R.:
Tankograd World War I 1007: Panzer-Kraftwagen. Armoured Cars of the German Army and Freikorps
29.95 €
37261 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6009: US WWII Half Track Cars M2, M2A1, M9A1 and Personnel Carriers M3, M3A1, M5, M5A1
15.00 €
37262 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6010: US WWII Half Track Mortar Carriers, Howitzers, Motor Carriages and Gun Motor Carriages
15.00 €
39385 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6014: US WWII 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 HMC 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T82
15.00 €
50424 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6021: US WW II M8 Light Armored Car M20 Armored Utility Car
15.00 €
67986 - Mucha, K.:
Top Drawings 091: Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther
25.00 €
67989 - Mokwa, S.:
Top Drawings 098: M4 Sherman. M4, M4A1, M4A4 Firefly
25.00 €
67995 - Suliga, M.:
Top Drawings 099: Pz.Kpfw. VI. Ausf.B Tiger II (Sd.Kfz.182)
25.00 €
30718 - Koegel, M.:
Total Detail Archive Part 2: Sd Kfz 250/1 Alt - Neu
45.00 €
40664 - Rivet, G.:
TSAHAL. Au coeur de l'action
35.00 €
28780 - Bryson, A.:
United States Military Vehicles 1941-45
15.00 €
38298 - Watson, N.:
Universal Carriers Vol 1
55.00 €
60208 - Doyle, D.:
US Half Tracks. The development and deployment of the US Army's half-track based multiple gun motor carriages and gun motor carriages Part 2. The Military Machine Vol 3
59.95 €
20990 - Crismon, F.W.:
US Military Tracked Vehicles
45.00 €
43827 - Pauleian, E.:
US Military Vehicles. Normandy 1944
13.00 €
21191 - Blume, P.:
US-Army 1943-1945 band 1
39.00 €
72964 - Doyle, D.:
USMC Tracked Amphibious Vehicles. T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1 - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
43733 - Dreer, F.:
Vehicules allies du D-Day (Les)
45.00 €
52833 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Vehicules blindes de Combat 8x8 / Wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicles
23.00 €
30259 - AAVV, :
Vehicules de l'US Army 1941-1945 - Military Armor HS 01 (Les)
17.00 €
33087 - McNab, C.:
Veicoli militari. 300 memorabili modelli dal 1900 ad oggi
18.00 €
24040 - Dunstan, S.:
Vital Guide: Modern Tanks and AFVs
18.00 €
25822 - Sutherland, J.:
Vital Guide: WWII Tanks and AFVs
18.00 €
61404 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 02: Stryker MGS M1128 Mobile Gun System
33.00 €
51710 - Taylor, D.:
Warpaint Vol 4. Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003
29.95 €
21431 - Dunstan, S.:
Warrior Company - Europa Militaria 25
21.00 €
34398 - Livesey, J.:
World Encyclopedia of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (The)
33.00 €
35655 - Forty-Livesey, G.-J.:
World Encyclopedia of Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles
36.00 €
43201 - Bradford, G.:
World War II AFV Plans: Allied Armored Fighting Vehicles 1:72 scale
21.00 €
36511 - Bradford, G.:
World War II AFV Plans: American Armored Fighting Vehicles
21.00 €
43202 - Bradford, G.:
World War II AFV Plans: Axis Armored Fighting Vehicles 1:72 scale
21.00 €
39146 - Bradford, G.:
World War II AFV Plans: British Armored Fighting Vehicles
21.00 €
28871 - Clarke, R.M.:
WW2 Allied Vehicles Military Portfolio 1939-45
25.00 €