Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Wargames - Giochi da Tavolo
Dottrina Militare
Risultati della Ricerca: 323 Prodotti
61269 - Campari, M.:
Adowa March 1st 1896. The End of an African Dream
40.00 €
61799 - Cornett, G.:
Agamemnon - Osprey Board Games
36.00 €
47432 - Garton, P.:
Age of Alexander. Using Three Ages of Rome to fight the Wars of Alexander and his Successors (The) - Helion Wargames
29.95 €
18464 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 01: Starship Techniques Beginners
15.00 €
39864 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 02: Starship Techniques Advanced
15.00 €
72754 - AAVV, :
AK Learning Wargames 03: Landship techniques
15.00 €
67684 - Sears, R.:
Apocalypse game (The)
18.00 €
61645 - Torriani, M.:
Arkeo Obskura. Basato sulle meccaniche di Survival Heroes
28.00 €
55184 - Torriani, M.:
Assault Platoon. Armata Russa. Liste complete Esercito Russo 1943-1945
15.00 €
58107 - Torriani, M.:
Assault Platoon. World War Two (English Version)
24.00 €
33713 - Skinner, N.:
Bag the Hun. Rules for WW2 aerial combat
24.00 €
73453 - Sartori, L.:
Baroque. Regole per battaglie in miniatura. L'Europa in guerra 1550-1700
28.00 €
73452 - Sartori, L.:
Basic Impetus 2.0. Antichita', Medioevo, Rinascimento
28.00 €
62580 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for America Wargame - American Civil War
30.00 €
62581 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for America Wargame - American Revolutionary War
30.00 €
62138 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - 1066 Saxons, Vikings, Normans
30.00 €
64711 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - Castle Assault. Sieges and Battles Edward I to Bannockburn
30.00 €
62139 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - English Civil War 1642-1651
30.00 €
62182 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - Roman Invasion Ad 43-84
30.00 €
62183 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - Spanish Armada 1588
30.00 €
64712 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - The Jacobite '45
30.00 €
62137 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Battle for Britain Wargame - Wars of the Roses 1455-1487
30.00 €
71221 - Acerbi, E.:
Battle of Novi August 1799. An untimely death (The)
70.00 €
40729 - Fields, N.:
Battle Orders 037: Roman Army of the Principate 27 BC-AD 117
29.95 €
58005 - Davies, P.:
Battlefields in Miniature. Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames
45.00 €
49561 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Battleground General. Arnhem 1944
19.95 €
33712 - Brown, D.:
Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier - Battles for the East 1939-1945
23.50 €
38000 - Canaccini, F.:
Belgrado. 22 luglio 1456
7.50 €
67975 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Bersaglieri d'Italia 1940-1945. Paper Soldiers of Andrey Akimov
19.90 €
43869 - AAVV, :
Black Powder. Battles with Model Soldiers in the Age of Musket
45.00 €
49418 - Abbey, A.:
Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls. A Tabletop Game of Naval in the Age of Sail
29.95 €
52351 - Warlord Games-Torriani, -M.:
Bolt Action 002: Armies of the United States
39.95 €
53574 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 003: Armies of Great Britain
39.95 €
53575 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 004: Armies of the Soviet Union
39.95 €
54349 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 005: Armies of Imperial Japan
39.95 €
54551 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 006: Armies of France and the Allies
39.95 €
54552 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 007: Armies of Italy and the Axis
39.95 €
56926 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 008: Tank War
39.95 €
56927 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 009: Battleground Europe. D-Day to Germany
39.95 €
57360 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 010: Ostfront. Barbarossa to Berlin
39.95 €
57565 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 011: Empires in Flames. The Pacific and the Far East
39.95 €
58683 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 012: Germany Strikes! Early War in Europe
39.95 €
58839 - Owen-Cavatore, D.-A.:
Bolt Action 013: Duel in the Sun. The African and Italian Campaign
39.95 €
58841 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 016: Konflikt '47. Weird WWII Wargames Rules
55.00 €
61810 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 017: Campaign: Battle of the Bulge
39.95 €
61809 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 018: Campaign: Sea Lion
39.95 €
58840 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 019: Campaign: New Guinea
39.95 €
45904 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 020: Konflikt '47. Resurgence
39.95 €
63842 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 021: Campaign: The Road to Berlin
39.95 €
64039 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 022: Bolt Action: Campaign: Market Garden
39.95 €
64040 - Warlord Games - Clockwork Goblin, :
Bolt Action 023: Konflikt '47: Defiance
39.95 €
64889 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 025: Campaign: Battle of France
39.95 €
64890 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 026: Campaign: Western Desert
39.95 €
65772 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 027: Campaign: Fortress Budapest
39.95 €
65774 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 029: Korea
39.95 €
65773 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 034: Campaign: D-Day: Overlord
39.95 €
64888 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 035: Campaign: Stalingrad
39.95 €
66557 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 036: Campaign: Mariana and Palau Islands
39.95 €
20130 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 037: Campaign: D-Day: British and Canadian Sectors
39.95 €
68423 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 038: Campaign: D-Day: US Sector
39.95 €
69415 - Warlord Games, :
Bolt Action 039: Campaign: Italy. Soft Underbelly
39.95 €
41198 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 040: Bolt Action: Campaign: Italy: Tough Gut
39.95 €
41199 - Warlord Games-Dennis, -P.:
Bolt Action 041: Bolt Action: Campaign: Case Blue
39.95 €
52352 - Cavatore-Pristley-Dennis, A.-R.-P.:
Bolt Action: World War II Wargames Rules 2nd Ed.
55.00 €
53553 - Federico, P.:
Braccio da Montone. Signore di Perugia: Sant'Egidio 1416, Death of a Condottiero: L'Aquila 1424
49.00 €
42385 - Antal, J.:
Brothers in Arms. Hell's Highway
15.00 €
39629 - Kidd, P.:
Bushidan. Miniatures rules for small unit warfare in Japan 1543 to 1615 AD
39.95 €
56255 - Chiavini, R.:
Caricat! Into Glory Ride
20.00 €
64536 - Torriani, M.:
Centuria II. Battaglie nel periodo antico e medioevale
28.00 €
57473 - Torriani, M.:
Centuria. Regolamento per miniature ambientato nel periodo antico
27.00 €
32864 - Appleget-Burks-Cameron, J.-R.-F.:
Craft of Wargaming. A detailed planning guide for defense planners and analysts (The)
65.00 €
58781 - Latham, M.:
Dark Osprey 012: Cthulhu Campaigns. Ancient Rome
19.95 €
58780 - Smith-McCullough, P.-J.:
Dark Osprey: Steampunk Soldiers: The American Frontier
27.50 €
52366 - Ubisoft, :
Dark Osprey: World of Might and Magic. The Ashan Compendium (The)
29.95 €
33758 - AAVV, :
DBM - De Bellis Multitudinis. Wargames Rules for Ancient and Medieval Battles 3000 BC-1500 AD
10.00 €
30042 - Laporte, P.:
De Bull Run a Gettysburg. Regle de Jeu avec Figurines pour la Guerre de Secession
12.50 €
47537 - Peers, C.:
Death in the Dark Continent. Rules for Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa 1870-1899
25.00 €
33982 - Stine-Conley, K.-C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers
21.00 €
33984 - Stine-Conley, K.-C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Angriff! 2nd edition
21.00 €
39687 - Gardner, D.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Atacar es vencer
21.00 €
34077 - Conley-Stine, C.-K.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Blood and Guts
18.00 €
35287 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Futile Gallantry
21.00 €
34075 - Conley-Stine, C.-K.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Go Forward Together
21.00 €
38504 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Long Road South
21.00 €
36967 - Stine, K.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Price of Glory
21.00 €
37337 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Primera Batalla
25.00 €
35629 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Seek out, Close with and Destroy
21.00 €
37349 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - This Very Ground
21.00 €
33983 - Conley, C.:
Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers - Urrahh!
18.00 €
26790 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 100: World War II Axis Booby Traps and Sabotage Tactics
23.00 €
26743 - Bull, S.:
Elite 105: World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
23.00 €
50862 - Watt-Hook, R.-A.:
Elite 119: Apache Tactics 1830-86
23.00 €
30547 - Bull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Elite 122: World War II Infantry Tactics (2) Company and Battalion
23.00 €
30584 - Rottman-Noon, G.-S.:
Elite 124: World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
23.00 €
32053 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 136: World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
35923 - Rottman-Hook, G.-A.:
Elite 154: Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
37162 - Cowan-Hook, R.-A.:
Elite 155: Roman Battle Tactics 109 BC - AD 313
23.00 €
37163 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 156: World War II Combat Reconnaissance Tactics
23.00 €
38093 - Griffith-Dennis, P.-P.:
Elite 159: French Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
23.00 €
38042 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 160: World War II Infantry Assault Tactics
23.00 €
38045 - Haythornthwaite-Noon, P.-S.:
Elite 164: British Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
23.00 €
33173 - Bull, S.:
Elite 168: World War II Street-Fighting Tactics
23.00 €
33174 - Rottman-Takizawa, G.-A.:
Elite 169: World War II Japanese Tank Tactics
23.00 €
42960 - Fields, N.:
Elite 172: Roman Battle Tactics 390-110 BC
23.00 €
42964 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 176: World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
44566 - Roberts, K.:
Elite 179: Pike and Shot Tactics 1590-1660
23.00 €
49426 - Hofschroer-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 182: Prussian Napoleonic Tactics
23.00 €
47695 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Elite 185: European Medieval Tactics (1) The Fall and Rise of Cavalry 450-1250
23.00 €
47696 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 186: Vietnam Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
53755 - Haythornthwaite-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 188: Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry and Dragoon Tactics
23.00 €
52374 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-A.:
Elite 189: European Medieval Tactics (2) New Infantry, New Weapons 1260-1500
23.00 €
53592 - Bull-Noon, S.-S.:
Elite 193: World War II Winter and Mountain Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
54573 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 195: World War II River Assault Tactics
23.00 €
58697 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 214: World War II Infantry Fire Support Tactics
23.00 €
61693 - Reid-Degas, P.-B.:
Escape from Colditz - Osprey Board Game
95.00 €
69058 - Hilton, B.:
Every Bullet has Its Billet. A Guide to Wargaming the Late 17th Century - Helion Wargames
29.95 €
38049 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 001: Rise of Rome. Republican Rome at War
27.00 €
38051 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 003: Immortal Fire. Field of Glory Greek, Persian and Macedonian Army List
27.00 €
38052 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 004: Swords and Scimitars. Field of Glory The Crusades Army List
27.00 €
38053 - Bodley Scott-Dennis, R.-P.:
Field of Glory 005: Legions Triumphant. Imperial Rome at War
27.00 €
40743 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 008: Wolves from Sea. The Dark Ages
27.00 €
40744 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 009: Swifter than Eagles. The Biblical Middle East at War
27.00 €
42966 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 010: Oath of Fealty. Feudal Europe at War
27.00 €
42967 - Gaukroger, N.:
Field of Glory 011: Empires of the Dragon. The Far East at War
27.00 €
42968 - Briggs, G.:
Field of Glory 012: Blood and Gold
27.00 €
44569 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory 013: Lost Scrolls. The Ancient and Medieval World at War
27.00 €
50867 - Slitherine-Dennis, P.:
Field of Glory Napoleonic 002: Triumph of Nations
39.95 €
52380 - Slitherine-Dennis, S.-P.:
Field of Glory Napoleonic 003: Emperors and Eagles
39.95 €
46448 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory Renaissance 001: Wars of Religion
27.00 €
47727 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory Renaissance 004: Colonies and Conquest. Asia 1494-1698
27.00 €
62845 - Torriani, M.:
Final Assault. Battaglie ambientate nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale
28.00 €
58297 - AAVV, :
Flames of War - Brown Water Navy. The Battle for the Mekong Delta 1965-1969
21.00 €
35310 - AAVV, :
Flames of War - D minus 1
23.00 €
57551 - AAVV, :
Flames of War - Fate of a Nation. Arab-Israeli Wars. Six Days War 1967
21.00 €
33669 - AAVV, :
Flames of War - Stars and Stripes ULTIMA COPIA !!!
23.00 €
54065 - AAVV, :
Flames of War - Tour of Duty: Armoured, Airborne, and Infantry Combat in Vietnam 1965-1971
33.00 €
51395 - AAVV, :
Flames of War 4. World War II Miniatures Game 1942-1943 - 4th Edition
25.00 €
33664 - AAVV, :
Flames of War. World War II Miniatures Game - 1st Edition OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA
25.00 €
34537 - AAVV, :
Flames of War. World War II Miniatures Game - 2nd Edition OFFERTA ULTIMA COPIA
25.00 €
64726 - Dennis-Richter, P.-F.:
Fleets in Profile - The Battle of Trafalgar 1805. Profile Models of Every Ship in Both Fleets (The)
30.00 €
43831 - Sawyer, P. cur:
Foundry Miniatures Compendium. Pirates to Darkest Africa
23.00 €
66502 - Montinaro, P.:
Garibaldini, all'attacco! Espansione
15.00 €
60385 - Montinaro, P.:
Garibaldini, all'attacco! Regolamento per il Risorgimento italiano 1848-1866
15.00 €
69903 - Brusa, A.:
Giochi per imparare la storia. Percorsi per la scuola
16.00 €
72234 - Faina-Lucchetti, M.-L.:
Gioco - Battaglia di Eluet el Asel (La)
25.00 €
68326 - Barbieri-Garavglia, A.-M.:
Gioco da tavolo: Radetzky. Milano 1848
39.00 €
64111 - Becker Ho-Debord, A.-G.:
Gioco della guerra (Il)
34.00 €
27967 - Masini, R.:
Gioco di Arianna. Guerra, politica ed economia nel labirinto della simulazione non lineare (Il)
30.00 €
41091 - AAVV, :
Gioco e la guerra nel secondo millennio (Il)
30.00 €
72762 - Schiavi, S.:
Gioco: Radetzky's March. The road to Novara
60.00 €
71313 - Galeotti, M.:
Gran Meccanismo. Clockpunk Roleplayng in Da Vinci's Florence
39.95 €
64309 - Masini, R.:
Guerre di carta 2.0. Giocare con la storia nel terzo millennio (Le)
18.00 €
65539 - Chiavini, R.:
Guida al gioco da tavolo moderno. Dalle origini agli anni ottanta
22.00 €
48538 - AAVV, :
Hail Caesar. Battles with Model Soldiers in the Ancient Era
45.00 €
59461 - Calabrese, A.:
Hatamoto. Regolamento per battaglie nel Giappone feudale
15.00 €
58848 - Jenkins, R.:
Horizon Wars. Science-Fiction Combined-Arms Wargaming
35.00 €
33672 - AAVV, :
How to Paint Miniatures for Wargames
45.00 €
34697 - Vae Victis, HS:
HS Vae Victis 04: Jouez 1914-1918
12.50 €
33648 - Clarke, R.:
I Ain't Been Shot, Mum - Blitzkrieg. The Reich Ascendant 1939-1942
19.00 €
33647 - Clarke-Tucker, R.-M.:
I Ain't Been Shot, Mum - In the Shadow of the Rising Sun
19.00 €
57481 - Calabrese, A.:
Imperi e feudi. Prima espansione geografica: Italia, Spagna e Portogallo
10.00 €
57480 - Calabrese, A.:
Imperi e feudi. Regolamento per battaglie medievali tridimensionali
12.00 €
57759 - Calabrese, A.:
Imperi e feudi. Seconda espansione geografica: isole britanniche
10.00 €
59873 - Calabrese, A.:
Imperi e feudi. Terza espansione geografica: Bisanzio, il Medio Oriente e le Crociate
10.00 €
43406 - AAVV, :
Imperium. Rome and Its Enemies 107 BC to 476 AD
19.95 €
40716 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus Extra 01. Liste esercito, campagne, tutorial
15.00 €
43821 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus Extra 02. Liste esercito, campagne, tutorial
16.00 €
47067 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus Extra 03. Liste esercito, campagne, tutorial
16.00 €
54029 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus Extra 05. Liste esercito, campagne, tutorial
16.00 €
38966 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus. Regole di gioco per battaglie in miniatura. Antichita', Medioevo, Rinascimento
28.00 €
73451 - Sartori, L.:
Impetus. Seconda Edizione. Regole per battaglie in miniatura. Antichita', Medioevo, Rinascimento
28.00 €
69059 - Garton, P.:
In Deo Veritas Captain General. Wargaming the Age of Marlborough and the Great Northern War - Helion Wargames
29.95 €
67576 - Garton, P.:
In Deo Veritas. Fast Play Rules for Exciting Seventeenth Century Battles - Helion Wargames
29.95 €
64205 - Vae Victis, Jeu:
Jeu Vae Victis: Avec infini regret Vol 2: Les guerres de religion 1562-1598 Ivry 1590, Marc'hallac'h 1591, Craon 1592
33.00 €
46361 - Vae Victis, Jeu:
Jeu Vae Victis: Avec infini regret Vol 3: Les guerres de religion 1562-1598 Bataille de Moncontour 1569
33.00 €
65080 - Vae Victis, Jeu:
Jeu Vae Victis: Honneur et Panache Vol 1: Turenne
33.00 €
59017 - Vae Victis, Jeu:
Jeu Vae Victis: Tourcoing 1794. 29 Floreal An II
33.00 €
36676 - Borg-Naud, H.-P.:
Jeux et Strategies 01: Blitzkrieg. Recits, Cartes, Organigrammes, Strategies, Tactiques, Jeux
18.95 €
37286 - Bey, F.:
Jeux et Strategies 02: Rome. Du premier siecle av. J.-C. au cinquieme siecle ap. J.-C. La legion romaine au service de l'Empire
18.95 €
72804 - Copestake, A.:
Khalsa! A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849
36.00 €
59304 - Sylvester, P.:
King is Dead (The) - Osprey Board Game
39.95 €
56904 - Krone, J.:
Land of the Free. Wargames Rules for North America 1754-1815
39.95 €
34948 - Latham, M.:
Legends of the Old West. Alamo. Victory or Death (The)
33.00 €
71217 - Saravanamuttu, R.:
Leipzig. The Battle of Nations. A Wargamer's Guide to the Battle of Leipzig 1813
39.95 €
57483 - Verna, F.:
Leoni delle Ambe. Gioco di guerra a livello tattico ambientato in Abissinia negli anni 1880-1900 (I)
12.00 €
69012 - Acerbi, E.:
Lepanto Sunday October 7th, 1571. A sea turned red by blood
75.00 €
30045 - Raguet, J.C.:
Listes d'armees pour de Bonaparte a Napoleon. Livret N 01: Vive la Nation, 1792-1802
12.50 €
30044 - Raguet, J.C.:
Listes d'armees pour de Bonaparte a Napoleon. Livret N 02: Les annees de gloire, 1805-1811
12.50 €
30043 - Raguet, J.C.:
Listes d'armees pour de Bonaparte a Napoleon. Livret N 03: Les annees terribles, 1812-1815
12.50 €
73454 - Sartori, L.:
Lords and Servants. Regole da schermaglia per il Medioevo
22.00 €
69617 - Stanley, P.:
Modelling and Painting Fantasy Figures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
33.00 €
69616 - Stanley, P.:
Modelling and Painting Science Fiction Miniatures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
29.95 €
66219 - Farnworth, M.:
Modelling and Painting World War II German Military Figures - Crowood Wargaming Guides
30.00 €
68183 - Haskins, R.:
Modelling and Painting World War II US Figures and Vehicles - Crowood Wargaming Guides
27.00 €
69900 - Prisco, D.:
Mondi di sabbia. Linguaggio ed evoluzione dei giochi di ruolo
15.00 €
66247 - Acerbi, E.:
Moravian Sun. 1st December 1805. Battle of Austerlitz
40.00 €
72195 - Emsen, N.:
Muskets and Springfields. Wargaming the American Civil War 1861-1865
39.95 €
39631 - Saravanamuttu, R.:
Napoleon's Spring Campaign 1813. Luetzen and Bautzen. A Wargamer's Guide
39.95 €
26038 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 49 Panzer Regiment 24 vers la Seine
17.50 €
53695 - Chiavini, R.:
Obbedisco! 1866 The Bezzecca Campaign
20.00 €
58786 - Pramas, C.:
OBK: Dwarf Warfare
17.00 €
58787 - Pramas, C.:
OBK: Elf Warfare
17.00 €
58801 - Pramas-Tan, C.-D.:
OBK: Orc Warfare
17.00 €
69647 - Carter, S.M.:
One King! A Wargamer's Companion to Argyll's and Monmouth's Rebellion of 1685 - Helion Wargames
55.00 €
52394 - Mersey-Cabrera Pena, D.-J.D.:
Osprey Wargames 001: Dux Bellorum - Arthurian Wargame Rules AD 367-793
23.00 €
52395 - Eaglestone-Stacey, P.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 002: A World Aflame - Interwar Wargame Rules 1918-39
23.00 €
53607 - Cartmell-Esnard Lascombe, C.-F.:
Osprey Wargames 003: In Her Majesty's Name - Steampunk Skirmish Wargaming Rules
23.00 €
54586 - Cartmell-Esnard Lascombe, C.-F.:
Osprey Wargames 003A: Heroes, Villains and Fiends. A Companion for In Her Majesty's Name
23.00 €
55474 - Cartmell-Esnard Lascombe, C.-F.:
Osprey Wargames 003B: Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun. A Companion for In Her Majesty's Name
23.00 €
54587 - Woodfield-Cabrera Pena, C.-J.D.:
Osprey Wargames 004: Ronin. Skirmish Wargames in the Age of the Samurai
23.00 €
54588 - Sfiligoi-Stacey, A.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 005: Of Gods and Mortals. Mythological Wargame Rules
23.00 €
55475 - Sfiligoi-Esnard Lascombe, A.-F.:
Osprey Wargames 006: A Fistful of Kung Fu. Hong Kong Movie Wargame Rules
23.00 €
55476 - Peers-Noon, C.J.-S.:
Osprey Wargames 007: On the Seven Seas. Wargames Rules for the Age of Piracy and Adventure c. 1500-1730
23.00 €
56928 - Mersey-Stacey, D.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 008: Lion Rampant. Medieval Wargaming Rules Second Edition - Osprey Game
36.00 €
57392 - Miller-Dennis, R.-P.:
Osprey Wargames 009: Fighting Sail. Fleet Actions 1775-1815
23.00 €
58852 - Bowers, G.:
Osprey Wargames 010: Black Ops. Tactical Espionage Wargaming
23.00 €
58853 - Flint, K.:
Osprey Wargames 011: Honours of War. Wargames Rules for the Seven Years' War
23.00 €
58854 - Woodfield, C.:
Osprey Wargames 012: En Garde! Swashbuckling Skirmish Wargames Rules
23.00 €
58855 - Mersey, D.:
Osprey Wargames 013: Dragon Rampant. Fantasy Wargaming Rules
23.00 €
58856 - Lambshead, J.:
Osprey Wargames 014: Poseidon's Warriors. Classical Naval Warfare 480-31 BC
23.00 €
58857 - Latham, M.:
Osprey Wargames 015: Broken Legions. Fantasy Skirmish in the Roman Empire
23.00 €
58851 - Mersey, D.:
Osprey Wargames 016: The Men Who Would Be Kings. Colonial Wargaming Rules
23.00 €
58850 - Sfiligoi, A.:
Osprey Wargames 017: Rogue Stars. Skirmish Wargaming in a Science Fiction Underworld
23.00 €
58849 - Latham, M.:
Osprey Wargames 018: Chosen Men. Military Skirmish Games in the Napoleonic Wars
23.00 €
61814 - Mersey-Leck, D.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 019: Pikeman's Lament. Pike and Shot Wargaming Rules
23.00 €
63841 - Mersey-Leck, D.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 020: Gaslands. Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat
23.00 €
64070 - Burman, R.:
Osprey Wargames 021: Kobolds and Cobblestones. Fantasy Gang Rumbles
23.00 €
64071 - Gordon, J.:
Osprey Wargames 022: Outremer: Faith and Blood. Skirmish Wargames in the Crusades
23.00 €
65778 - Leck-Mersey, M.-D.:
Osprey Wargames 023: Rebels and Patriots. Wargaming Rules for North America: Colonies to Civil War
23.00 €
65779 - Farrington, E.:
Osprey Wargames 024: Men of Bronze. Ancient Greek Hoplite Battles
23.00 €
20283 - Todoroff-Lamont, P.-S.:
Osprey Wargames 025: Zona Alfa: Salvage and Survival in the Exclusion Zone
23.00 €
20284 - Hutchinson-Durrani, M.-Z.:
Osprey Wargames 026: A Billion Suns
23.00 €
68425 - Bruce, B.:
Osprey Wargames 027: Absolute Emperor. Napoleonic Wargame Battles
23.00 €
69416 - Farrington, E.:
Osprey Wargames 029: Wars of the Republic. Ancient Roman Wargaming 343-50 BC
23.00 €
70190 - Farrington-Doscher, E.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 030: Castles in the Sky. A wargame of Flying Battleships
23.00 €
41200 - van der Ster-Stacey, A.-M.:
Osprey Wargames 032: With Hot Lead and Cold Steel. American Civil War Wargaming Rules
23.00 €
66222 - Barber, S.:
Painting Miniatures for the American Civil War - Crowood Wargaming Guides
30.00 €
40766 - Torregrosa-Jimenez, R.M.:
Painting Wargame Tanks. 2 ed.
27.00 €
31876 - De Francisco Lopez, R.:
Paper Empires. 100 Years of German Paper Soldiers 1845-1945
45.00 €
69265 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper Soldiers of Drum Majors in the Art of Jean-Benoit Pfeiffer
20.00 €
67561 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper Soldiers of French Second Empire in the art of Jean-Benoit Pfeiffer
19.90 €
70215 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic campaign in Egypt in the Art of Jean-Benoit Pfeiffer
20.00 €
67255 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era Vol 1: France and Italy from the Vinkhuijzen Collection
19.90 €
67336 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era Vol 2: Prusse and German Allied from the Vinkhuijzen Collection
19.90 €
67337 - Cristini, L.S. cur:
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era Vol 3: Russia and Holland from the Vinkhuijzen Collection
19.90 €
65004 - Richter-Dennis, F.-P.:
Paperboys on Campaign: European Buildings. 28mm Paper Models for 18th and 19th Century Wargames
30.00 €
67536 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Paperboys on Campaign: H.G. Wells' Little Wars
30.00 €
47369 - Dennis, P.:
Paperboys on Campaign: Peninsular War. Paper Soldiers for Wellington's War in Spain
30.00 €
65381 - Dennis-Callan, P.-A.:
Paperboys on Campaign: War of the Spanish Succession. Paper soldiers for Marlborough's Campaigns in Flanders
30.00 €
51139 - Morgan-Priestly, S.-R.:
Pike and Shotte. Battles with Model Soldiers in the 16th and 17th Centuries
45.00 €
38978 - Foss, T.:
Pirates! Miniature Battles on the High Seas 3rd edition
36.00 €
68540 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Ancient Greek Wars - Gioca a Wargame alle guerre degli antichi Greci
22.00 €
69430 - Cristini-Chapple, L.S.- S.:
Play the Arab Conquest Wars 633 A.D.
22.00 €
67252 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Burgundian Wars 1474-1477
22.00 €
70724 - Cristini-Chapple, L.S.-S.:
Play the Crusade wars in the Holy Land - Gioca a wargame alle Crociate fra arabi e cristiani in Terrasanta
25.00 €
67506 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 - Gioca a wargame alla guerra del 1870
22.00 €
67249 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Italian Wars of Indipendence
22.00 €
67254 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Landsknecht wars 1500-1560 - Gioca a wargame alle guerre dei Lanzichenecchi
22.00 €
68912 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Napoleonic Wars. The British Army. Gioca a wargame alle guerre napoleoniche. Esercito inglese
22.00 €
69493 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Napoleonic Wars. The French Army 1. Gioca a wargame alle guerre napoleoniche. Esercito francese - Guardia Imperiale
25.00 €
70624 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Napoleonic Wars. The French Army 2. Gioca a wargame alle guerre napoleoniche. Esercito francese di linea
25.00 €
70685 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Napoleonic Wars. The Prussian Army. Gioca a wargame alle guerre napoleoniche. Esercito prussiano di Blucher
25.00 €
67976 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Naval Battle of Lepanto 1571
22.00 €
68015 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Naval Battle of Tsushima 1905
22.00 €
67505 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Seven Years' War 1756-1763 Vol 1 Prussian - British and Hannoverian Armies
22.00 €
67999 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Seven Years' War 1756-1763 Vol 2 Austrian - French, Russian and Allied Armies
22.00 €
69438 - Cristini-Rybak, L.S.- S.:
Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 - Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
22.00 €
70354 - Cristini-Rybak, L.S.- S.:
Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 ADD-ON - Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
25.00 €
68552 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Thirty Years War 1618-1648 and ECW. Gioca a wargame alla Guerra dei 30 Anni e alla Guerra Civile Inglese 24 adding sheets
22.00 €
67251 - Cristini-Bistulfi, L.S.-G.:
Play the Thirty Years War 1618-1648. Gioca a wargame alla Guerra dei 30 Anni
22.00 €
66558 - Korklewski-Elliott, T.-T.:
Ragnarok 002: The Vanir
33.00 €
65776 - McGuire, J.:
Reality's Edge. Cyberpunk Skirmish Rules
39.95 €
69182 - Hall-Harley-Clarke, S.-A.-S.:
Renatio et Gloriam. Miniature Battles Between 1494 and 1721
55.00 €
39860 - Hall-Clarke-Harley, S.-S.-A.:
Renatio et Gloriam: Europe's Ruin. Army Lists for The Thirty Years War and British Civil Wars
39.95 €
41533 - Clarke-Hall-Harley, S.-S.-A.:
Renatio et Gloriam: Great Kings, Grand Alliances. Army Lists for the Great Northern War and War of Spanish Succession
39.95 €
44668 - Grant, C.S.:
Republic to Empire. Wargaming the Wars of Napoleon Bonaparte
45.00 €
71362 - Garton, P.:
Rise of Bysantium. Fighting the Early Wars of Byzantium with the Three Ages of Rome
29.95 €
37712 - Charlton, C.:
Rules of Engagement
45.00 €
46051 - Charlton, C.:
Rules of Engagement. Armoured Assault
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39921 - Charlton, C.:
Rules of Engagement. Operation Bagration to the Fall of the Reich
25.00 €
73294 - Cains, C.:
Savage and Romantic War. A Wargamer's Guide to the First Carlist War. Spain 1833-1840 (A)
36.00 €
33639 - AAVV, :
Schede Battlefront - Late War Card Supplement
21.00 €
61801 - Faust-Davies, R.A.-A.N.:
Scrappers. Post-Apocalyptic Skirmish Wargame
33.00 €
30041 - Mercier, A.:
Section d'Assaut. Regle de Jeu avec Figurines pour la Seconde Guerre Mondiale ULTIME COPIE!!!!
12.50 €
72361 - AAVV, :
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum 12 - Campo Santo 1743: tra Asburgo e Borboni
24.00 €
73178 - AAVV, :
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum 13 - La squadriglia degli assi
24.00 €
73401 - AAVV, :
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum 14 - Operazione C3
24.00 €
42231 - AAVV, :
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum Numero Speciale 2: Arrivano i Francesi!
22.00 €
59837 - Sabin, P.A.G.:
Simulating War. Studying Conflict through Simulation Games
36.00 €
23235 - Scarpa, L. cur:
Soldatini di Carta. Le grandi firme del fumetto nel Corriere dei Piccoli
28.90 €
56911 - Smith-McCullough, P.-J.:
Steampunk Soldiers. Uniforms and Weapons from the Age of Steam
27.50 €
70944 - Faina, M.:
Storia del Mondo in 100 Wargame Parte I: Il mondo antico
12.00 €
52152 - Thrower, M.:
Tabletop Gaming Manual. A Guide to the diverse world of modern tabletop games
39.95 €
55953 - Bull-Rottman, S.-G.L.:
Tattiche della fanteria nella seconda guerra mondiale
28.00 €
59305 - Benford, A.:
They come Unseen - Osprey Board Game
75.00 €
65092 - Garton, P.:
Three Ages of Rome. Fast Play Rules for exciting ancient battles - Helion Wargames
39.95 €
72196 - Willis, G.D.:
Throwing Thunderbolts. Wargamer's Guide to the War of the First Coalition 1792-7
55.00 €
49451 - Ambush Alley Games, :
Tomorrow's War. Science Fiction Wargaming Rules
39.95 €
71501 - Thompson-Benjamin-MacDonald, D.-T.-R.:
Undaunted: Battle of Britain - Osprey Board Game
75.00 €
71512 - Thompson-Benjamin, D.-T.:
Undaunted: Stalingrad
145.00 €
64315 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 139 + Jeu
19.95 €
65607 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 144 + Jeu
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66721 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 146 + Jeu
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67258 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 148 + Jeu
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67445 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 150 + Jeu
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39746 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 151 + Jeu
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39750 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 152 + Jeu
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62411 - Vae Victis, Mag+Jeu:
Vae Victis 153 + Jeu
19.95 €
73285 - Bonk, D.C.:
Victory or Death. A Wargamer's Guide to the American Revolution 1775-1782
59.95 €
69060 - Shearwood, M.W.:
Waking the Bear. A Guide to Wargaming the Great Northern and Turkish Wars 1700-1721 - Helion Wargames
39.95 €
56256 - Acerbi, E.:
Walcheren 1809
10.00 €
16286 - Lewin, C.G.:
War Games and their History
39.95 €
63313 - Mersey, D.:
Wargamer's Guide to 1066 and the Norman Conquest (A)
19.95 €
63314 - Mersey, D.:
Wargamer's Guide to The Desert War 1940-1943 (A)
19.95 €
19831 - Mersey, D.:
Wargamer's Guide to the Early Roman Empire (A)
19.95 €
56242 - Van Creveld, M.:
Wargames from Gladiators to Gigabytes
30.00 €
70969 - Hyde, H.:
Wargaming Campaigns
60.00 €
49880 - Hyde, H.:
Wargaming Compendium (The)
36.00 €
55004 - Thomas, N.:
Wargaming Nineteenth Century Europe 1815-1878
36.00 €
31715 - Thomas, N.:
Wargaming. An Introduction
27.00 €
53693 - Acerbi, E.:
Wise Bayonets. 17 June-19 June 1799. Suvorov at the Trebbia
45.00 €
61644 - Torriani- Del Castello, M.-V.:
Woodland Wars. Regolamento Skirmish per miniature ambientato nell'America del XVIII Secolo
24.00 €
71829 - Mersey-Cowen-Doscher, D.-M.-R.:
Xenos Rampant. Science Fiction Wargame Battles
39.95 €