Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Pubblicazioni di Man
Risultati della Ricerca: 1152 Prodotti
56574 - Manetti, D.:
'Civil difesa'. Economia, finanza e sistema militare nel Granducato di Toscana 1814-1859 (La)
45.00 €
71649 - Casini-Guerriero-Mancini, M.-S.-V. cur:
'Splendida' Venezia di Francesco Morosini (1619-1694). Cerimoniali, arti, cultura (La)
25.00 €
71540 - Mandarano-Cacciacarro-Frilli, F.-L.-E. cur:
'Torneranno i giorni nostri...'. Il diario ritrovato dell'IMI Orazio Frilli
18.00 €
35954 - Naumann, V.:
10 cecchini piu' letali della storia: Storia, tecniche, attrezzatura e segreti dei piu' temuti soldati dei campi di battaglia (I)
15.00 €
61482 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
100 Astronavi di carta da piegare e lanciare
10.00 €
34198 - Manning, J.:
1000 Preserved Aircraft in colour
36.00 €
69442 - Chapman, D.P.:
10th Mountain Division. A History from World War II to 2005 (The)
49.95 €
32921 - Beckmann-Bhulmann-Wasmus-Schroeder, L.-H.-H.-W.:
13. Panzer Division. 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32933 - Engelmann, J.:
18. Infanterie- und Panzergrenadier-Division 1934-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
69788 - Mancini-Gianni, M.-E.:
1871. La Comune di Parigi. 150 anni. I militanti del consiglio della Comune
15.00 €
31775 - Collodel-Romanzi, G.-F.:
1915-1918 Dallo Stelvio al Piave
28.00 €
62102 - Pretto-Romani, G.-D.:
1916 L'Italia impara a fare la guerra
28.50 €
65346 - Isman, F.:
1938, l'Italia razzista. I documenti della persecuzione contro gli ebrei
22.00 €
45633 - Mansutti, A.:
1943-45 Reggimento Alpini 'Tagliamento' (Il)
20.00 €
31015 - Romanisio Amerio, R.:
3 Settembre 1943. L'Armistizio ? stato firmato qui. Appunti siracusani
18.00 €
60106 - Camanni, S.:
35 borghi imperdibili della Valle d'Aosta
9.90 €
32917 - von Manteuffel, H.:
7. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner (Die)
16.00 €
15089 - Manteuffel, H.:
7th Panzer Division. An Illustrated History of Rommel's 'Ghost Division' 1938-1945 (The)
39.95 €
32918 - Hermann, C.H.:
9. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner 1938-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
64437 - Ormanni-Paciolla-Paciolla, I.-A.-A.:
Abuso sessuale. Guida interdisciplinare
42.00 €
43214 - Bowman, M.W.:
Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945
85.00 €
24883 - Carman, W.Y.:
Ackermann Military Prints. Uniforms of the British and Indian Armies (The)
75.00 €
47022 - Berryman, D.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 4: South West England
39.95 €
43913 - Manley, J.:
AD 43 The Roman Invasion of Britain. A Reassessment
25.00 €
50514 - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, :
Ad ogni costo. Immagini dal Fronte Orientale
20.00 €
52719 - Borneman, W.R.:
Admirals. Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King. The Five-Star Admirals who won the War at Sea (The)
25.00 €
52325 - Hoffmann, H.:
Adolf Hitler. Immagini della vita del Fuehrer 1923-1936
25.00 €
62786 - Roman, Y.:
26.00 €
49238 - Nance-Peachman, R.-A.:
Advanced Carbine Tactics. Combat-Effective Carbine Training DVD
29.95 €
70438 - Guttman, J.:
Aerial Foreign Legion. Volunteer Foreign Airmen in French Escadrille Service
59.95 €
52566 - Romani, M.:
Aerografo. Il nuovo manuale delle tecniche e delle applicazioni nel terzo millennio
48.00 €
72652 - Saint Arroman, F.:
Aerospatiale Gazelle - Profils Avions 40
69.95 €
43674 - Hensman, H.:
Afghan War of 1879-1880 (The)
33.00 €
21403 - Maniscalchi, T.:
Afghanistan La tomba degli imperi. Storia e Analisi dalle origini alla nascita del 2. Emirato Islamico
17.50 €
52348 - Guttman, J.:
Air Vanguard 003: Sopwith Camel
23.00 €
52249 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Assaults from the Sky
39.95 €
54229 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Bloody Beaches
36.00 €
54660 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Gold Juno Sword
36.00 €
53400 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. The Build Up
39.95 €
54228 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Winged Pegasus and the Rangers
36.00 €
54233 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 1. The Build Up to the Beginning
39.95 €
54234 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 2. So Near and Yet So Far
39.95 €
54236 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 3. Shrinking Perimeter
39.95 €
54686 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 4. A Bridge too Far
39.95 €
67745 - Foreman-Bock, J.-W.:
Air-War 1941 The Non-stop Offensive Part 1
33.00 €
71654 - Foreman-Bock, J.-W.:
Air-War 1942 Holding The Line Part 1: January to April 42
33.00 €
69123 - Borgmann, W.:
Airbus A300/310. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
21498 - Tillman-Davey, B.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 003: Wildcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17908 - Tillman-Styling, B.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 010: Hellcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17114 - Stenman-Styling, K.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 023: Finnish Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20407 - Guttman, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 039: SPAD VII Aces of World War I
27.00 €
22602 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 047: SPAD XII/XIII Aces of World War I
27.00 €
26998 - Rajlich-Boshniakov-Mandjukov, J.-S.-P.:
Aircraft of the Aces 058: Slovakian and Bulgarian Aces of WWII
27.00 €
32036 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 066: Balloon-Busting Aces of World War I
27.00 €
37156 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 079: Bristol F2 Fighter Aces of World War I
27.00 €
40725 - Guttman, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 088: Pusher Aces of World War I
27.00 €
44581 - Stenman, K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 091: Brewster F2A Buffalo Aces of World War II
27.00 €
49404 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 097: Naval Aces of World War I Part 1
27.00 €
49405 - Millman-Olshoorn, N.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 100: Ki-44 'Tojo' Aces of World War II
27.00 €
50841 - Millman-Olsthoorn, N.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 103: Ki-27 'Nate' Aces
27.00 €
50842 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 104: Naval Aces of World War I part 2
27.00 €
53568 - Stenman-Davey, K.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 112: Fokker D.XXI Aces of World War II
27.00 €
58722 - Millman-Olsthoorn, N.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 114: Ki-61 and Ki-100 Aces
27.00 €
55432 - Stenman-Davey, K.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 121: Morane-Saulnier MS.406 Aces
27.00 €
56881 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 123: Reconnaissance and Bomber Aces of World War I
27.00 €
64842 - Millman, N.:
Aircraft of the Aces 137: A6M Zero-sen Aces 1940-43
27.00 €
15211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Airfields of the Eighth Then and now
45.00 €
15213 - Manning, G.:
Airline Tail Colours
15.00 €
35957 - Demand, C.:
Airplanes of the Second World War Coloring Book
10.00 €
67647 - Rottman, G.L.:
AK-47 Kalashnikov, fucile d'assalto
14.00 €
53915 - McManus, J.C.:
Alamo in the Ardennes. The Untold Story of the American Soldiers Who Made the Defense of Bastogne Possible
21.00 €
16932 - Mansel, P.:
Aleppo. Ascesa e caduta della citta' commerciale siriana
22.00 €
26224 - Heilmann, W.:
Alert in the West. A Luftwaffe Pilot on the Western Front
18.00 €
72278 - Manfredini-Onori, C.-O.:
Alessandro Pavolini. L'ultimo dei Medici a Firenze - Morire con le armi in pugno
28.00 €
69822 - Mann, K.:
Alessandro. Romanzo dell'utopia
17.50 €
43989 - Lehmann, E.:
Ali del potere. La propaganda aeronautica nell'Italia fascista (Le)
24.00 €
45607 - Layman, G.:
All New Collector's Guide to Remington Rolling Block Military Rifle of the World (The)
50.00 €
71400 - Cadeddu-Manzan, L.-P.:
Alle origini del simbolo identitario all'Altare della Patria. La madre popolana Maria Bergamas e il figlio Antonio
13.50 €
40179 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 02: Martin Marauder Mk.I
18.00 €
40180 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 03: Northrop BT-1
16.00 €
40182 - Jennks-Laird-Listemann, C.-M.-P.H.:
Allied Wings 05: The Dauntless in RNZAF Service
18.00 €
45953 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 06: Grumman FF
18.00 €
45954 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 07: Boeing Fortress MK.1
18.00 €
45955 - Listemann-Thomas-Laird, P.H.-A.-M.:
Allied Wings 08: Boulton Paul Defiant Vol 1
19.95 €
45956 - Listemann-Laird, P.H.-M.:
Allied Wings 09: North American B-25 in Australian Service
19.95 €
45957 - Listemann-Laird-Crawford, P.H.-M.-A.:
Allied Wings 10: Hawker Fury Vol 1
19.95 €
64308 - Camanni, E.:
Alpi ribelli. Storie di montagna, resistenza e utopia
11.00 €
54658 - Busana-Manzan, M.-A.:
Altopiano dei Sette Comuni in mountain bike
12.00 €
42917 - Gottlieb-Workman, A.-D.:
America Fights Back. Armed Self-Defense in a Violent Age
29.95 €
30884 - Kauffman Bush, E.:
America's First Frogman. The Draper Kauffman Story
27.00 €
43666 - Manchester, W.:
American Caesar. Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964
25.00 €
24396 - Freeman, R.:
American Eagles 3 - P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the 8th Air Force
29.95 €
43236 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 1: The March to D-Day
39.95 €
43237 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 2: Storming Ashore
39.95 €
46822 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 3: the Battle in France
39.95 €
21679 - Manion, R.:
American Military Collectibles Price Guide
27.00 €
53926 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at D-Day. The American Experience at the Normandy Invasion (The)
25.00 €
53916 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at Normandy: the Summer of 1944. The American War from the Normandy Beaches to Falaise
27.00 €
45176 - Gastaldi-Mantero, G.-E.:
Amore al tempo di guerra. Con una testimonianza inedita sull'eccidio di Cefalonia (L')
12.00 €
45632 - Corbanese-Mansutti, G.G.-A.:
Ancora sulle foibe
16.00 €
67638 - Isman, F.:
Andare per l'Italia degli intrighi
12.00 €
59580 - Manfredi, V.M.:
Andare per l'Italia etrusca
12.00 €
72991 - Isman, F.:
Andare per l'Italia razionalista
14.00 €
59582 - Isman, F.:
Andare per le citta' ideali
12.00 €
61860 - Manna, A.:
Angio' di Napoli (Gli)
46.00 €
30364 - Hirschmann-Graves, W.-D.:
Another Place, Another Time. A U-Boat Officer's Wartime Album
36.00 €
39444 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-M.:
Antiaereos Improvisados en la Guerra Civil Espanola
17.50 €
44915 - Roberts-Manchester, C.A.-K.:
Archaeology of Disease. 3rd ed. (The)
29.95 €
37813 - Woodman, R.:
Arctic Convoys 1941-1945
29.95 €
15451 - Saccoman, A.:
Aristocrazia e politica nell'Italia liberale. Fortunato Marazzi militare e deputato 1851-1921
18.08 €
27748 - Poolman, K.:
Ark Royal. The courageous Story of one of the best-loved and best-fought Ships to fly the White Ensign
17.50 €
54302 - Mitzer-Oliemans, S.-J.:
Armed Forces of North Korea. On the Path of Songun (The)
69.95 €
39246 - Plowman, J.:
Armor Color Gallery 03: Camouflage & Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-45
27.00 €
70436 - Plowman, J.:
Armor Color Gallery 17: Camouflage and Markings of German Armor in Italy. From Anzio Landing to the Alps January 1944-May 1945
39.95 €
47045 - Manchester, W.:
Arms of Krupp 1587-1968. The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Dynasty That Armed Germany at War (The)
23.50 €
36657 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.-L.:
Arms of the Spanish Republic. A Nationalist Overview 1938
15.00 €
37755 - Kertzman, J.:
Art of the Knife. Custom Creations from the World's Top Knife Makers
45.00 €
47105 - Amante, P.M.:
Art of Throwing. The Definitive Guide to Thrown Weapons Techniques
27.00 €
40457 - Manusardi, I.D.:
Arte del duello. La scherma da terreno della dinastia Manusardi (L')
22.00 €
62838 - Harmand, J.:
Arte della guerra nel mondo antico (L')
14.00 €
52710 - Romani, G. cur:
Arte di Galep. Aurelio Galleppini il creatore grafico di Tex (L')
22.00 €
50670 - Manucy, A.:
Artillery through the Ages
15.00 €
41233 - Romano, J.:
Ascari, Dubat e Bande Irregolari. Somalia 1891-1941
24.00 €
51669 - Burman, E.:
Assassini. La setta segreta dei sacri killers dell'Islam (Gli)
16.00 €
25645 - Dolman, E.:
Astropolitik. Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age
49.95 €
56769 - Romano, S.:
Atlante delle crisi mondiali. Dalla guerra fredda ai conflitti moderni: conoscere il passato per capire il presente
14.00 €
52531 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann et al., :
Atlantic Wall. History and Guide
45.00 €
59937 - Manificat, P.:
Au coeur de la Guerre Froide. La Mission Militaire de Potsdam
45.00 €
27955 - Bradley-Ketley-Wadman, J.-B.-D.:
Aufklaerer und Aufklaerungsverbaende der deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945
25.00 €
37493 - Dagerman, S.:
Autunno tedesco. Viaggio tra le rovine del Reich millenario
16.00 €
48268 - Cheesman, G.L.:
Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army (The)
17.50 €
15080 - Freeman, R.A.:
Aviation Elite Units 002: 56th Fighter Group
27.00 €
18466 - Stenman-Keskinen, K.-K.:
Aviation Elite Units 004: Lentolaivue 94
27.00 €
29892 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 017: SPA124 Lafayette Escadrille. American Volunteer Airmen in World War I
27.00 €
29893 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 018: Groupe de Combat 12, 'Les Cigognes'
27.00 €
38024 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 028: USAS 1st Pursuit Group
27.00 €
42942 - Bateman, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 034: No 617 'Dambusters' Squadron
27.00 €
44586 - Tillman, B.:
Aviation Elite Units 036: VF-11/111 'Sundowners' 1943-95
27.00 €
50525 - Silverman, M.E.:
Awakening Victory. How Iraqi Tribes and American Troops Reclaimed Al Anbar and Defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq
29.95 €
61700 - Maerz-Hartmann, D.-B.:
Awards of the Heer Vol 2 (The)
125.00 €
15661 - Freeman-Osborne, R.A.-D.:
B-17 Flying Fortress Story (The)
35.00 €
28179 - Bowman, M.W.:
B-17 Groups of the 8th Air Force in Focus
33.00 €
49615 - Simons-Friedman, G.-S.H.:
B-17 The Fifteen Ton Flying Fortress
25.00 €
15669 - Forman, W.:
B-24 Nose Art Name Directory
23.50 €
31064 - Calamandrei, C.:
Baionette italiane 1814-2017
50.00 €
51455 - Mannucci, E.J.:
Baionette nel focolare. La Rivoluzione francese e la ragione delle donne
22.00 €
32656 - Manzoni, G.R.:
Banda della croce (La)
11.00 €
61335 - Armano, A.:
Bannen Aikido. L'alchimia. L'arte della pace tra Budo e Spirito Universale
15.00 €
22937 - Freeman, R.:
Bases of Bomber Command Then and Now
75.00 €
16203 - Gomane, J.P.:
Batailles Oubliees 03: Chamousset les Mollettes 19 juillet-14 aout 1597. La Savoie s'oppose a Henri IV et Lesdiguieres
21.00 €
71030 - Hurkmans-Bayerl, R.-M.:
Battle for Hungary 1944-1945 (The)
39.95 €
39170 - Rottman-Andrew , G.-S.:
Battle in the East: The German Army in Russia
16.00 €
64691 - von Vormann, N.:
Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy. The Encirclement and Breakout of Army Group South 1944 (The)
29.95 €
38916 - Woodman, R.:
Battle of the River Plate. A Grand Delusion
19.95 €
55858 - Mannall, D.:
Battle on the Lomba 1987. The day a South African Armoured Battalion shattered Angola's Last Mechanised Offensive
29.95 €
27004 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 001: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations (1) 1941-43
29.95 €
29914 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 007: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations 1943-44
29.95 €
29915 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 008: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations 1944-45
29.95 €
30579 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 009: Japanese Army in World War II. Conquest of the Pacific 1941-42
29.95 €
30580 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 012: US Special Warfare Units in the Pacific Theater 1941-45. Scouts, Raiders, Rangers and Reconnaissance Units
29.95 €
32051 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 014: Japanese Army in World War II. The South Pacific and New Guinea, 1942-43
29.95 €
32043 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 018: British Commandos 1940-46
29.95 €
34750 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 022: US Airborne Units in the Mediterranean Theater 1942-44
29.95 €
35904 - Rottman, G.L.:
Battle Orders 026: US Airborne Units in the Pacific Theater 1942-45
29.95 €
37153 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 028: Desert Rats. British 8th Army in North Africa 1941-43
29.95 €
37155 - Rottman, G.L.:
Battle Orders 030: Mobile Strike Forces in Vietnam 1966-70
29.95 €
38025 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 033: US Army in the Vietnam War 1965-73
29.95 €
49554 - Neumann, G.C.:
Battle Weapons of the American Revolution
49.95 €
23956 - Stedman, M.:
Battleground Europe - Somme: Fricourt-Mametz
19.95 €
23964 - Stedman, M.:
Battleground Europe - Somme: Guillemont
19.95 €
23971 - Stedman, M.:
Battleground Europe - Somme: La Boisselle
19.95 €
48510 - Plowman-Rowe, J.-P.:
Battles for Monte Cassino Then and Now (The)
75.00 €
35329 - Boiten-Bowman, T.-M.:
Battles with the Nachtjagd.The Night Airwar over Europe 1939-1945
75.00 €
16185 - Kruta-Manfredi, V.-V.M.:
Biografia non autorizzata della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
13.50 €
15835 - Engelmann, J.:
Bison and other 150 mm self-propelled Guns
13.95 €
57167 - Romano-Lawson, A.-R.L.:
Black Knights Rule! (BKR) - A Pictorial History of VBF-718 / VF-68A / VF-837 / VF-154 / VFA-154 1946-2013
59.95 €
36851 - Kertzman, J.:
Blade's Guide to Making Knives 3rd Ed.
39.95 €
42590 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Alemanes en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
43640 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Espanoles en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
42588 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Italianos en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
39445 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.J.-J.M.:
Blindados Sovieticos en el Ejercito de Franco 1936-1939
17.50 €
47106 - Amante, P.M.:
Blowgun Techniques. The Definitive Guide to Modern and Traditional Blowgun Techniques Libro+DVD
33.00 €
43647 - Molina-Manrique , L.-J.M.:
BMR. Los Blindados del Ejercito espanol
36.00 €
47319 - Manrho-Puetz, J.-R.:
Bodenplatte. The Luftwaffe's Last Hope
29.95 €
56311 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 707. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
69122 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 737. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
71016 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 747. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
15886 - Mantoan, N.:
Bombe a mano austriache 1914-1918
16.50 €
15887 - Mantoan, N.:
Bombe a mano italiane 1915-1918
12.50 €
42112 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Bases of WWII. 3rd Air Division, 8th Air Force USAF 1942-1945
25.00 €
49616 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 1. Cover of Darkness: Retaliation 1939-1941
39.95 €
51227 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 2: Live to Die Another Day. June 1942 - Summer 1943
39.95 €
51363 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 3: Battleground Berlin. July 1943 - March 1944
39.95 €
52581 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 4: Battles with the Nachtjagd. 30/31 March - September 1944
39.95 €
52677 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 5: Armageddon 27 September 1944-May 1945
39.95 €
15904 - Handleman, p.:
Book of air shows
65.00 €
73013 - Romanin-Sinapi, T.-V.:
Bottino di guerra. Il giallo dei quadri razziati dai nazisti e deportati a Belgrado
18.00 €
24877 - Nottelmann, D.:
Brandenburg-Klasse. Hoehepunkt des deutschen panzerschiffbaus
45.00 €
42893 - Forman, A.:
Bravery courage and Valour. Decorations and Awards of the Third Reich
105.00 €
43466 - Bowman, J.:
Breve storia dell'onore
12.00 €
33062 - Manhes-McFarlan, A.-R.:
Brigantaggio. Un'epopea dalle origini ai tempi moderni 1700-1900
10.00 €
37709 - Romano, V.:
Brigantesse. Donne guerrigliere contro la conquista del Sud (1860-1870)
20.00 €
53735 - Saccoman, A.:
Brigate Rosse a Milano. Dalle origini della lotta armata alla fine della colonna 'Walter Alasia' (Le)
20.00 €
22326 - Lenman, B.:
Britain's Colonial Wars 1688-1783
39.00 €
72581 - Chapman, L.:
British Aircraft of the Falklands War
25.00 €
68167 - Singh Mann, G.:
British and the Sikhs. Discovery, Warfare and Friendship 1700-1900 (The)
27.00 €
49706 - Heyman, C.:
British Army Guide 2016-2017 (The)
19.95 €
59543 - Friedman, N.:
British Battleship 1906-1946 (The)
75.00 €
63854 - Friedman, N.:
British Battleships of the Victorian Era
75.00 €
39496 - Layman, G.:
British Bulldog Revolver. The Forgotten Gun that Really Won the West (The)
39.95 €
52692 - Friedman, N.:
British Cruisers of the Victorian Era
75.00 €
48114 - Friedman, N.:
British Cruisers. Two World Wars and After
75.00 €
63317 - Friedman, N.:
British Destroyers. From Earliest Days to the Second World War
105.00 €
15078 - Friedman, N. Cur:
British Naval Weapons of World War Two Vol I: Destroyer Weapons - The John Lambert Collection
60.00 €
15085 - Friedman, N. Cur:
British Naval Weapons of World War Two Vol II: Escort and Minesweeper Weapons - The John Lambert Collection
60.00 €
69955 - Friedman, N.:
British Submarines in the Cold War Era
75.00 €
66410 - Friedman, N.:
British Submarines in Two World Wars
75.00 €
53474 - Uckelmann-Moedlinger, M.-M.:
Bronze Age Warfare. Manufacture and Use of Weaponry
75.00 €
32960 - Engelmann, J.:
Buch der Artillerie 1939-1945 (Das)
16.00 €
22829 - Mallmann Showeel, J.:
Buch der deutschen Kriegsmarine 1935-45
25.00 €
61418 - Bisceglia-Ceriana-Mammana, A.-M.-S. cur:
Buffoni, villani e giocatori alla corte dei Medici
20.00 €
52783 - Herman, S.:
Building a History. The LEGO Group
45.00 €
60981 - Wassermann, M.:
Bula Matari. La vita di Henry Stanley
17.50 €
59528 - Romane, J.:
Byzantium Triumphant. The Military History of the Byzantines 959-1025
36.00 €
57150 - Mann, D.:
Caccia al lupo
13.90 €
50074 - Rebmann-Dadid-Sorg, A.-E.-M.H.:
Cadaver Dog Handbook. Forensic Training and Tactics for the Recovery of Human Remains
125.00 €
52087 - Dollmann, E.:
Calda estate del 1943 (La)
9.50 €
62142 - Stenman, K.:
Camouflage and Decals Vol 3 Finnish Fighters of World War II Part 1
25.00 €
62141 - Stenman, K.:
Camouflage and Decals Vol 4 Finnish Fighters of World War II Part 2
25.00 €
27053 - Bramanti, C.:
Campagna di Libia. La radiotelegrafia militare diventa adulta
10.00 €
62043 - Feldmann-Mas, D.-C.:
Campagne du Rhin. Les Allies entrent en Allemagne. Janvier-mai 1945 (La)
35.00 €
15686 - Sweetman, J.:
Campaign 006: Balaclava 1854. The Charge of the Light Brigade
27.00 €
20146 - Konstam-Rickman, A.-D.:
Campaign 057: San Juan Hill 1898. America's Emergence as a World Power
27.00 €
22584 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 096: Okinawa 1945. The last battle
27.00 €
27005 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 137: Saipan and Tinian 1944. Piercing the Japanese Empire
27.00 €
29917 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 139: Guam 1941 and 1944. Loss and Reconquest
27.00 €
29918 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Campaign 146: Marshall Islands 1944. Operation Flintlock, the Capture of Kwajalein and Eniwetok
27.00 €
30582 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Campaign 150: Khe Sanh 1967-68. Marines battle for Vietnam's vital hilltop base
27.00 €
33486 - Rottman, G.:
Campaign 162: Inch'on 1950. The last great amphibious assault
27.00 €
33375 - Lyman-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 165: Iraq 1941. The battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Falluja and Baghdad
27.00 €
44590 - Romanych, M.:
Campaign 218: Maginot Line 1940. Battles on the French Frontier
27.00 €
46438 - Lyman-Dennis, R.-P.:
Campaign 229: Kohima 1944. The battle that saved India
27.00 €
58741 - Bahmanyar, M.:
Campaign 299: Zama 202 BC .Scipio crushes Hannibal in North Africa
27.00 €
70984 - Moreman-Shumate, T.-J.:
Campaign 384: Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942. The Advance to the Gates of India
27.00 €
41156 - Lyman-Shumate, R.-J.:
Campaign 390: Reconquest of Burma 1944-45. From Operation Capital to the Sittang Bend
27.00 €
72893 - Bahmanyar-Capparoni, M.-M.:
Campaign 400: Second Punic War in Iberia 220-206 BC. From Hannibal at the Tagus to the Battle of Ilipa
27.00 €
16087 - Tuchman, B.:
Cannoni d'Agosto. Come e perche' l'Europa sprofondo' nella Grande Guerra (I)
25.00 €
42586 - Molina Franco-Manrique Garcia, L.-J.M.:
Canon Aleman de 88 mm (El)
17.50 €
58340 - Romanello, E.:
Capitan Harlock. Avventure ai confini dell'Universo
14.50 €
38551 - Wigman-Keenan-Bottoms, N.-D.-A.:
Car Modellers Handbook (The)
30.00 €
72325 - Manzo-Glielmi, A.-A.:
Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa. Soldato Carabiniere perfetto
50.00 €
16129 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
Carrier Air War in Original WWII Color. US Navy Air Combat 1939-1946
36.00 €
62678 - Lewis-Ingman, T.-P.:
Carrier Attack Darwin 1942.The Complete Guide to Australia's own Pearl Harbor
49.95 €
66509 - Manes, L.:
Carro armato medio Sherman nel teatro bellico europeo (Il)
19.90 €
16139 - Barnes-Mann, F.C.-R.A.:
Cartridges of the World. 17th Edition
49.95 €
66409 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Castle to Fortress. Medieval to Post-Modern Fortifications in the Lands of the Former Roman Empire
39.95 €
53435 - Chapman, E.M.:
Catalogue of Roman Military Equipment in the National Museum of Wales (A)
65.00 €
16163 - Mantovani, V.:
Cattivo maestro (Il)
14.46 €
35068 - Pearlman, M.:
Cattura e processo di Eichmann - Libro+DVD
21.00 €
52004 - Cardini-Mantelli, F.-L. cur:
Cavalli e Cavalieri. Guerra, Gioco, Finzione
24.00 €
39451 - Molina-Manrique , L.-J.M.:
Centinelas del Aire. El Grupo Antaereo de la Legion Condor en la Guerra Civil Espanola 1936-39 - La Luftwaffe en Espana 01
33.00 €
50046 - Romano-Lukey-Salem, J.A.-B.J.-H.:
Chemical Warfare Agents. Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics. 2nd Edition
195.00 €
16224 - Tiemann, R.:
Chronicle of the 7. Panzer-Kompanie 1. SS-Panzerdivision Leibstandarte
39.95 €
16226 - Davidson-Manning, E.-D.:
Chronology of World War Two
27.00 €
26379 - Rustmann, F.W.:
CIA, Inc. Espionage and the Craft of Business Intelligence
35.00 €
66992 - Manes, L.:
Cingolette britanniche della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Le)
19.90 €
69891 - Simms-Ladermann, B.-C.:
Cinque giorni che hanno cambiato la IIGM. Da Pearl Harbor alla dichiarazione di guerra di Hitler agli USA: come la guerra divento' mondiale (I)
12.00 €
46541 - Grohmann, A.:
Citta' medievale (La)
16.00 €
33053 - Thillmann, J.H.:
Civil War Army Swords. A Study of US Army Swords from 1832 through 1865
105.00 €
22870 - Chesterman, S.:
Civilians in war
32.50 €
29753 - Mango, C.:
Civilta' bizantina (La)
24.00 €
55087 - Runciman, S.:
Civilta' bizantina (La)
22.00 €
26872 - Bowman, M.:
Cold War Jet Combat. Air-to-Air Jet Fighter Operations 1950-1972
35.00 €
73129 - Layman-Van Dyk, G.-A.:
Collector's Guide to the SKS
59.95 €
16302 - Romanelli, R.:
Comando impossibile (Il)
19.63 €
56869 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Combat 008: US Marine vs Japanese Infantryman. Guadalcanal 1942-43
25.00 €
18996 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 004: Mosquito Bomber/Fighter-Bomber Units 1942-45
27.00 €
18997 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 009: Mosquito Fighter/Fighter-Bomber Units of World War II
27.00 €
20173 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 010: SBD Dauntless Units of World War II
27.00 €
20807 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 016: TBF/TBM Avenger Units of World War II
27.00 €
15660 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 018: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 1)
27.00 €
20804 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 020: TBD Devastator Units of the US Navy
27.00 €
23470 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 036: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (part 2)
27.00 €
25396 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 039: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
70161 - Copalman, J.:
Combat Aircraft 143: F3D/EF-10 Skyknight Units of the Korean and Vietnam Wars
27.00 €
62460 - Milman-Rolfe, N.-M.:
Combat Colours 09: Mitsubishi Zero
27.50 €
28303 - Bowman, M.W.:
Combat Legend - F-4 Phantom
18.00 €
28295 - Bowman, M.W.:
Combat Legend - F-86 Sabre
18.00 €
67160 - Rodman, D.:
Combined Arms Warfare in Israeli Military History. From the War of Independence to Operation Protective Edge
39.95 €
59803 - Domaneschi-Penco, F.-C.:
Come non detto. Usi e abusi dei sottintesi
18.00 €
58064 - Rozman, L.:
Come vincere a scacchi. La guida definitiva per principianti ed esperti
22.90 €
46475 - Moreman-Turner, T.-G.:
Command 009: Bernard Montgomery
23.00 €
49414 - Lyman-Dennis, R.-P.:
Command 017: Bill Slim
23.00 €
30496 - Sheffield-Todman, G.-D. cur:
Command and Control on the Western Front. the British Army's Experience 1914-18
36.00 €
41528 - Freedman, L.:
Command. The Politics of Military Operations from Korea to Ukraine
45.00 €
64780 - Layman, G.:
Communist Bloc Handguns
49.95 €
37392 - Levine-Whitman, D.-J.:
Complete Krav Maga 2nd Ed. The Ultimate Guide to over 250 Self-defense and Combative Techniques
39.95 €
49597 - Manning-Stamp Dawkins, A.-M.:
Comportamento animale (Il)
29.00 €
50104 - Newman, R.C.:
Computer forensics. Evidence Collection and management
125.00 €
56176 - Hoffmann, H.:
Con Hitler in Polonia. Libro+DVD
25.00 €
45681 - Bramanti, C.:
Con la radio alla conquista dell'Impero
9.00 €
27544 - Romano, S. cur:
Confini della storia (I)
18.50 €
40685 - Bowman, M.W.:
Confounding the Reich. The RAF's Secret War of Electronic Countermeasures in WWII
36.00 €
57106 - Holman, K.:
Conquista del nord. I Vichinghi nell'arcipelago Britannico (La)
18.00 €
71059 - Romano, R.:
Conquistadores. Meccanismi di una conquista coloniale (I)
14.00 €
59315 - Romanelli-Tonin, G.-C. cur:
Corfu' 'Perla del Levante'. Documenti, mappe e disegni del Museo Correr. Libro+CD
30.00 €
64769 - Bowman, K.:
Corsets and Codpieces. A Social History of Outrageous Fashion
27.50 €
53670 - Mansutti, A.:
Cosi' eravamo. 1944-1945 fatti e misfatti
10.00 €
64806 - Tome'-Manuzzato, E.-V.:
Costruisci l'aeroplano 3D. La storia dell'aviazione - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
64805 - Tome'-Manuzzato, E.-V.:
Costruisci l'automobile 3D. La storia delle auto - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
59474 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Astronavi
7.50 €
62478 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Motociclette
7.50 €
59472 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Treni
7.50 €
64804 - Facci-Manuzzato, V.-V.:
Costrusci il Titanic 3D. La storia del Titanic - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
64785 - Facci-Manuzzato, V.-V.:
Costrusci l'Orient Express 3D - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
64807 - Trevisan-Manuzzato, I.-V.:
Costrusci la locomotiva 3D. La storia dei treni - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
38573 - Borgomaneri, L. cur:
Crimini di guerra
21.50 €
35090 - Karpman, G.:
Cryptologie. Une histoire des ecritures secretes des origines a nos jours
30.00 €
36938 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 05: La Brunete Pt. 1
15.00 €
36939 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 06: La Brunete Pt. 2
15.00 €
35073 - von Peschke-Feldmann, H.P.-W.:
Cucina del Rinascimento (La)
18.00 €
58299 - Comandante Alfa, :
Cuore di rondine. Conto i respiri in attesa dell'ultimo, quello che non potro' mai raccontare
12.00 €
45353 - Fortmann, M.:
Cycles de Mars. Revolutions militaires et edification etatique de la Renaissance a nos jours (Les)
45.00 €
34608 - Mantini, M.:
Da Tolmino a Caporetto lungo i percorsi della Grande Guerra tra Italia e Slovenia
14.50 €
71086 - Cusumano, E.:
Dai maro' ai contractors. La privatizzazione della sicurezza marittima in Italia
15.00 €
56762 - Busana-Manzan, M.-A.:
Dal Passo Rolle ai Lagorai. 20 itinerari storico-escursionistici sui luoghi della Grande Guerra
18.00 €
67586 - Tuchman, B.:
Dall'Expo a Sarajevo. La Belle Epoque prima del baratro della Grande Guerra 1895-1914
26.00 €
67977 - Crippa-Manes, P.-L.:
Dalla Sicilia al Senio. La straordinaria storia del tenente Giorgio De Sanctis
19.90 €
38402 - Armando, A.:
Dalla Val Sangone a Flossenburg. Un piemontese fra guerra e lager
16.00 €
53955 - Bowman, M.W.:
Dam Busters (The)
19.95 €
57374 - Hite- Bauman, K.-K.:
Dark Osprey 011: Cthulhu Wars. The United States' Battles Against the Mythos
19.95 €
32369 - Bowman, M.W.:
De Havilland Mosquito
29.95 €
56593 - McManus, J.C.:
Dead and Those about to Die. D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach (The)
25.00 €
16543 - McManus, J.C.:
Deadly sky. The American Combat Airman in WWII
32.50 €
43689 - Dingman, R.:
Deciphering the Rising Sun
29.95 €
56619 - Romano, S.:
Declino dell'impero americano (Il)
14.90 €
15592 - Hormann-Behr, J.M.-V.:
Decorations Allemandes Militaires (1933-1945) et Civiles (1919-1945)
69.95 €
49487 - Manrique, J.M.:
Desfile de la victoria. La mayor parada militar de la historia de Espana 1939 (El)
17.50 €
40943 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Schlachtschiffe, Torpedoboote, Kreuzer, Zerstoerer 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
43072 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - U-Boote 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
27036 - Mallmann-Shovell, J.P.:
Deutsche U-Boote an feindilichen Kuesten 1939-1945
29.95 €
44248 - Manenti-Todero, L.-F.:
Di un'altra Italia. Miti, parole e riti dell'impresa fiumana
18.50 €
41425 - Manzoni, G.R.:
Dialoghi infami
15.00 €
50723 - Nattermann, R. cur:
Diari e le agende di Luca Pietromarchi 1938-1940. Politica estera del fascismo e vita quotidiana di un diplomatico romano del '900 (I)
45.00 €
45097 - Mantia, V.:
Diario di guerra. Con gli Alpini in Montenegro 1941-1943
9.00 €
28335 - Sweetman, J.:
Dictionary of European Land Battles from the Earliest Times to 1945 (A)
36.00 €
67197 - Comandante Alfa, :
Dietro il mephisto
16.90 €
60719 - Speelman-McDonald , J.-N.:
Difesa moderna (La)
25.50 €
16662 - Batemann III, R.L.:
Digital War. A view from the front lines
32.50 €
58999 - Mancini-Marchiandi, A.-F.:
Dinastia degli Antonini a Roma. Soldatini in Italia dal 1911 a oggi (La)
38.00 €
16685 - Rimanelli- Cestari, G.-E.:
Discorso con l'altro. Salo', la Guerra Civile e l'Italia del dopoguerra
15.50 €
63157 - Francovich-Manacorda, R.-D.cur:
Dizionario di archeologia
14.00 €
46906 - Manvell-Fraenkel, R.-H.:
Doctor Goebbels. His Life and Death
27.00 €
54379 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Doenitz, U-Boats, Convoys. The British Version of His Memoirs from the Admiralty's Secret Anti-Submarine Reports
36.00 €
49273 - Mannino, S.:
Domenica di sangue. I 'fatti di Renzino' fra storia e mito (Una)
15.00 €
49778 - Manara, M.:
Donne di carta. Tutte le protagoniste di un maestro del fumetto
29.00 €
72608 - Borgmann, W.:
Douglas DC-3. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
71018 - Borgmann, W.:
Douglas DC-9. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
54280 - Laumanns, H.W.:
Drohnen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
37610 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 001: P-51 Mustang vs Fw 190. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
38038 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Duel 007: Sopwith Camel vs Fokker Dr I. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
38041 - Rottman, G.:
Duel 010: M3 Medium Tank vs Panzer III. Kasserine Pass 1943
25.00 €
33168 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duel 011: P-47 Thunderbolt vs Bf 109G/K. Europe 1943-45
25.00 €
40741 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 017: SPAD XIII vs Fokker D VII: Western Front 1916-18
25.00 €
42955 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 020: SE 5a vs Albatros D V. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
47725 - Guttman-Laurier, J.-J.:
Duel 036: SPAD VII vs Albatros D III 1917-18
25.00 €
55451 - Guttman-Laurier, J.-J.:
Duel 059: Nieuport 11/16 Bebe vs Eindecker. Western Front 1916
25.00 €
64054 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 085: Zeppelin vs British Home Defence 1915-18
25.00 €
65764 - Ingman-Laurier-Hector, P.-J.-G.:
Duel 093: Spitfire VC vs A6M2/3 Zero-sen. Darwin 1943
25.00 €
67062 - Ingman-Laurier-Hector, P.-J.-G.:
Duel 102: P-40E Warhawk vs A6M2 Zero-Sen. East Indies and Darwin 1942
25.00 €
42573 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duxford and the Big Wing 1940-45. RAF and USAAF Fighter Pilots at War
36.00 €
62408 - Manzi, P.:
Eccidio di Nola 11 settembre 1943 (L')
15.00 €
53540 - Lendering-Bosman, J.-A.:
Edge of Empire. Rome's Frontier on the Lower Rhine
36.00 €
16806 - Romano, R.V.:
Eduardo De Martino
39.95 €
72546 - Kaufman, U.:
Eighteen Days in October. The Yom Kippur War and How It Created the Modern Middle East
39.95 €
60997 - Lipari-Manfredini-Noceti, B.L.-M.-A.:
Elementi di amministrazione e contabilita' militare. Profili normativi e procedurali per la Guardia di Finanza
32.00 €
50065 - Manley, A.:
Elements of Private Investigation: Introduction to the Law, Techniques, and Procedures (The)
115.00 €
21130 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 004: US Army Special Forces 1952-84
23.00 €
21442 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 010: Warsaw Pact Ground Forces
23.00 €
21177 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 013: US Army Rangers and LRRP Units 1942-87
23.00 €
18091 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 020: Inside the US Army
23.00 €
21526 - Rottman-McCouaig, G.-S.:
Elite 022: World Special Forces Insignia
23.00 €
21125 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 031: US Army Airborne 1940-90
23.00 €
19484 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 037: Panama 1989-90
23.00 €
15497 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Elite 045: Armies of the Gulf War
23.00 €
21123 - Rottman-Chin, G.-F.:
Elite 046: US Army Air Force (1)
23.00 €
21124 - Rottman-Chin, G.-F.:
Elite 051: US Army Air Force (2)
23.00 €
21155 - Rottman-Chappell, G.-M.:
Elite 059: US Marine Corps 1941-45
23.00 €
26790 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 100: World War II Axis Booby Traps and Sabotage Tactics
23.00 €
29879 - Bahmanyar-Welply, M.-M.:
Elite 113: US Navy SEALs 1983-2003
23.00 €
29916 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 117: US WWII Amphibious Tactics. Army and Marine Corps, Pacific Theater
23.00 €
30584 - Rottman-Noon, G.-S.:
Elite 124: World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
23.00 €
30581 - Rottman-Chappell, G.-M.:
Elite 127: Japanese Paratroop Forces of World War II
23.00 €
52372 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 129: World War II US Cavalry Groups: European Theater
23.00 €
32053 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 136: World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
34758 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 144: US World War II Amphibious Tactics. Mediterranean and European Theaters
23.00 €
35921 - Doherty-Chapman, R.-R.:
Elite 152: British Reconnaissance Corps in World War II
23.00 €
35923 - Rottman-Hook, G.-A.:
Elite 154: Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
37163 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 156: World War II Combat Reconnaissance Tactics
23.00 €
38042 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 160: World War II Infantry Assault Tactics
23.00 €
33174 - Rottman-Takizawa, G.-A.:
Elite 169: World War II Japanese Tank Tactics
23.00 €
42963 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 175: World War II US Cavalry Units: Pacific Theater
23.00 €
42964 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 176: World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
44568 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 181: World War II Battlefield Communications
23.00 €
46418 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 184: Allied World War II Sabotage Devices and Booby Traps
23.00 €
47696 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 186: Vietnam Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
53591 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 192: World War II Tactical Camouflage Techniques
23.00 €
54573 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 195: World War II River Assault Tactics
23.00 €
55453 - Rottman-Stacey, G.L.-M.:
Elite 198: US World War II Parachute Infantry Regiments
23.00 €
55454 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 200: World War II Glider Assault Tactics
23.00 €
58700 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 209: Victory 1945. Western Allied Troops in Northwest Europe
23.00 €
58701 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 210: World War II US Army Combat Equipments
23.00 €
58697 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 214: World War II Infantry Fire Support Tactics
23.00 €
61766 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 216: Vietnam War US and Allied Combat Equipments
23.00 €
63079 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 219: D-Day Beach Assault Troops
23.00 €
64087 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 222: World War II US Marine Infantry Regiments
23.00 €
16544 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 236: Vietnam War Booby Traps
23.00 €
32783 - McManners, H.:
Elite- und Spezialverbaende Weltweit
29.95 €
50050 - Cashman, J.R.:
Emergency Response Hanbook for Chemical and Biological Agents and Weapons. 2nd Edition
155.00 €
30284 - Runciman, S.:
Emperor Romanus Lecapenus and his Reign. A Study of Tenth-Century Byzantium
45.00 €
21772 - Wiedemann, T.:
Emperors and Gladiators
39.95 €
36530 - Akermann, P.:
Encyclopaedia of British Submarines 1901-1955
65.00 €
22285 - Lenman, B.:
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688
39.00 €
73181 - Domanin, I.:
Eroe comune. 29 gennaio '79, il giudice Alessandrini, gli anni di piombo, un romanzo familiare (Un)
20.00 €
60546 - Mangano, M.:
Esercizi addominali. Metodo di potenziamento rapido, efficace, graduale
10.35 €
63646 - Manfellotto, B.:
Espresso. Gli anni delle stragi 1969-1984 (L')
15.90 €
16437 - Sweetman, J.:
Essential Histories 002: Crimean War. 1854-1856
23.00 €
53321 - Mango, A. cur:
Eta' della Restaurazione e i moti del 1821 (L')
18.50 €
70370 - Manchia, G.:
Etnologia e Psyops in Afghanistan. Esperienze dalla provincia di Herat
15.00 €
64781 - Schwalm-Hoffman, M.-K.:
European Arms in the Civil War. The Imported Muskets, Rifles, Carbines, Revolvers and Swords of the Union and Confederacy
45.00 €
55771 - Freedman, L.:
Evolution of Nuclear Strategy 4th Ed.
59.00 €
35010 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS. Vol 4
165.00 €
35626 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Army. Vol 1
85.00 €
35627 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Luftwaffe. Vol 2
85.00 €
35628 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Navy. Vol 3
115.00 €
43566 - Poolman, K.:
Faith, Hope and Charity. The Defence of Malta
15.00 €
64943 - Norman, M.:
Falklands War. There and Back Again. The Story of Naval Party 8901 (The)
29.95 €
38867 - Kunzmann-Milius, S.:
Fallschirmjaeger der Waffen SS im Bild
25.00 €
17007 - Fulvi-Manzari-Marcon-Miozzi, L.-G.-T.-O.O.:
Fanterie di marina italiane (Le)
33.00 €
32427 - Pitman, B.:
Fencing. Techniques of Foil, Epee and Sabre
30.00 €
26640 - Hasemann, D.:
Feuerwehr-Klassiker: Feuerwehr Legenden
27.50 €
17077 - Friedman, N.:
Fifty year war. Conflict and strategy in the cold war (The)
32.50 €
42532 - Bowman, M.V.:
Fighter Bases of WWII. US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF 1942-45
25.00 €
48967 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 1. September 1939 to September 1940 (The)
29.95 €
48968 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 2. September 1940 to December 1941 (The)
39.95 €
48969 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 3. January 1942 to June 1943 (The)
39.95 €
48970 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 4. July 1943 to June 1944 (The)
39.95 €
48973 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 5. July 1944 to May 1945 (The)
39.95 €
61991 - Friedman, N.:
Fighters over the Fleet. Naval Air Defence from Biplanes to the Cold War
69.95 €
34347 - Norman, F.J.:
Fighting Man of Japan. The Training and Exercises of the Samurai (The)
9.95 €
17099 - Hughes-Mann, M.-C.:
Fighting Techniques of a Panzergrenadier 1941-45
27.00 €
34851 - Gorman, T.:
Finishing Scale Models. Detailing and Painting Techniques
33.00 €
53977 - Stenman-Holda, K.-K.:
Finnish Aces. Their Planes and Units 1939-1945
75.00 €
40456 - Keskinen-Stenman-Partonen, K.-K.-K.:
Finnish Air Force 1943
55.00 €
60595 - Stenman-Holda, K.-K.:
Finnish Bomber Colours 1939-1945
59.95 €
56312 - Stenman-Holda, K.-K.:
Finnish Fighter Colours 1939-1945 Vol 1
59.95 €
57985 - Stenman-Holda, K.-K.:
Finnish Fighter Colours1939-1945 Vol 2
55.00 €
43938 - Boardman, A.:
First Battle of St Albans 1455 (The)
29.95 €
23581 - Westermann, E.B.:
Flak. German anti-aircraft defenses
35.00 €
17156 - Flayderman, N.:
Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms ...and Their Values 9th Edition
55.00 €
51791 - Workman, R.B.:
Float Planes and Flying Boats. The US Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation
45.00 €
26430 - Hermann-Petrick, D.-P.:
Focke-Wulf FW 187. An Illustrated History
59.95 €
27082 - Hermann, D.:
Focke-Wulf FW 190 'Long Nose'. An illustrated History of the FW 190 D series
75.00 €
27695 - Hermann-Leverenz-Weber, D.-U.-E.:
Focke-Wulf FW 190 A. An illustrated History of the Luftwaffe's legendary Fighter Aircraft
75.00 €
17178 - Harmann, D.:
Focke-Wulf Ta 152. The Story of the Luftwaffe's Late-War, High-Altitude Fighter
45.00 €
28712 - Hermann, D.:
Focke-Wulf Ta 154. Luftwaffe Reich Defence Day and Night Interceptor
45.00 €
47677 - Guttman, J.:
Fokker Dr. I contro Sopwith Camel fronte occidentale 1917-1918
15.00 €
54361 - Sbattelli-Tettamanzi, F.-M. cur:
Fondamenti di psicologia dell'emergenza
27.00 €
25303 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 001: Japanese Pacific Island Defenses 1941-45
23.00 €
29919 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 023: German Field Fortifications 1939-45
23.00 €
29878 - Bahmanyar-Palmer, M.-I.:
Fortress 026: Afghanistan Cave Complexes 1979-2004. Mountain strongholds of the Mujahideen, Taliban and Al Qaeda
23.00 €
30585 - Rottman-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 029: US World War II and Korean War Field Fortifications 1941-53
23.00 €
32054 - Rottman-Taylor, G.-C.:
Fortress 033: Special Forces Camps in Vietnam 1961-70
23.00 €
33476 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress 047: Fortifications of the Incas
23.00 €
34765 - Rottman, G.:
Fortress 048: Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War
23.00 €
35931 - Rottman-Taylor, G,C.:
Fortress 062: Soviet Field Fortifications 1941-45
23.00 €
38055 - Rottman-Taylor, G.-C.:
Fortress 069: Berlin Wall and the Inner-German Border 1961-89
23.00 €
58769 - Romanych-Osborn, M.-P.R.:
Fortress 111: Hindenburg Line
23.00 €
37282 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress America. The Forts that Defended America, 1600 to the Present
30.00 €
25528 - Kaufmann-Jurga, J.E.-R.M.:
Fortress Europe. European Fortifications of World War II
39.95 €
38277 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress France. The Maginot Line and French Defenses in WWII
21.00 €
27307 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress Third Reich. German Fortifications and Defence Systems in WWII
33.00 €
49361 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945. The Central States: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia
39.95 €
29505 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945: The Neutral States, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland (The)
39.95 €
36900 - Manca, V.R.:
Francesco Baracca. L'uomo, l'aviatore, i suoi valori
26.00 €
49589 - Longman, F.W.:
Frederick the Great and the Seven Years War
19.95 €
52967 - Herman, A.:
Freedom's Forge. How American Business Produced Victory in WWII
29.95 €
63396 - Romano-Herndon, A.-J.D.:
From Bats to Rangers. A Pictorial History of Electronic Countermeasures Squadron Two (ECMRON-2) Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two (VQ-2)
85.00 €
72174 - Nottleman-Sullivan, D.-D.M.:
From Ironclads to Dreadnoughts. The Development of the German Battleship 1864-1918
95.00 €
58511 - Manfredini, R.:
Fronte Italiano. Tiger, Panther, Elefant... in azione
26.00 €
71929 - Steinmann, L.:
Fronte Russo. La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall'inviato tra i soldati di Putin (Il)
19.00 €
55533 - Bartmann, E.:
Fuer Volk and Fuehrer. The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
39.95 €
66131 - Clostermann, P.:
Fuoco dal cielo. La vera storia di un pilota di caccia francese nell'inferno dell'Algeria 1956-1957
18.00 €
57086 - Camanni, E.:
Fuoco e il gelo. La grande guerra sulle montagne (Il)
12.00 €
35893 - Newman, S.:
Gallipoli Then and Now
39.95 €
52750 - Freemantle, M.:
Gas! Gas! Quick Boys! How Chemistry Changed the First World War
29.95 €
50123 - Newman,Gilbert , Lothridge, R.N-M.W.G-K.L:
GC-MS Guide to Ignitable Liquids
280.00 €
42641 - Engelmann, J.:
Geheime Waffenschmiede Peenemuende. V2, Wasserfall, Schmetterling
16.00 €
33040 - Bornemann, M.:
Geheimprojekt Mittelbau. Vom zentralen Oellager des Deutschen Reiches zur groessten Raketenfabrik im Zweiten Weltkrieg
18.00 €
64963 - Manca, V.R.:
Generale arruolato da Dio. Gianfranco Maria Chiti 1921-2004
16.90 €
17339 - Saccoman, A.:
Generale Paolo Spingardi Ministro della Guerra 1909-1914 (Il)
15.00 €
38626 - Gaspari-Mantini-Pozzato, P.-M.-P.:
Generali nella nebbia. Le 36 ore di battaglia della 43esima Divisione da Monte Nero al ponte di Caporetto
14.80 €
45147 - Valtz Mannucci, L.:
Genesi della potenza americana. Da Jefferson a Wilson (La)
10.00 €
61466 - Weyman, S.J.:
Gentiluomo di Francia. Ovvero le memorie di Gaston de Bonne signore di Marsac (Un)
17.50 €
17404 - Engelmann, J.:
German Artillery in WWII 1939-45
33.00 €
45035 - Mankau-Petrick, H.-P.:
German Gliders in World War II. Luftwaffe Gliders and their Powered Variants
85.00 €
17433 - Engelmann, J.:
German Heavy Field Artillery 1934-1945
13.95 €
17435 - Engelmann, J.:
German Heavy Mortars
13.95 €
42266 - Rottman-Zgonnik, G.-D.:
German Invasion of Yugoslavia 1941
16.00 €
17446 - Engelmann, J.:
German Light Field Artillery 1935-1945
13.95 €
63324 - Mata-Molina-Manrique, J.M.-L.-J.M.:
German Military Vehicles in the Spanish Civil War. A comprehensive study of the deployment of German Military Vehicles on the eve of WW2
39.95 €
41383 - German Staff/US Intelligence, :
German Mountain Warfare
21.00 €
17474 - Engelmann, J.:
German Rocket Launchers in WWII
13.95 €
47340 - Ulrich-Ziemann, B.-B.:
German Soldier in the Great War. Letters and Eyewitness Accounts
36.00 €
17490 - Hormann, J.:
German Uniforms of the 20th Century Vol I: The Panzer Troops 1917-to the Present
33.00 €
17491 - Hormann, J.:
German Uniforms of the 20th Century Vol II: The Infantry 1919-to the Present
33.00 €
32901 - Grossman, H.:
Geschichte der rheinisch-westfaelischen 6. Infanterie Division 1943-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
67864 - Manfredini, M.:
Gesuita comunista. Vita estrema di Alighiero Tondi spia in Vaticano (Il)
15.00 €
25284 - Mansoor, P.R.:
GI Offensive in Europe. The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 (The)
30.00 €
37559 - Lallemand, F.:
Giornale di bordo di Maarkos Sestios
14.00 €
19386 - Mc Manus, J.:
Giorno che cambio' la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 6 giugno 1944 lo sbarco in Normandia: le diciannove ore che hanno segnato il destino del mondo
12.90 €
65349 - Mango, A.:
Giuseppe Mango: memorie di un sopravvissuto
13.00 €
39458 - Junkelmann, M.:
Gladiatoren: Das Spiel mit dem Tod
45.00 €
55866 - Mann, C.:
Gladiatori (I)
12.00 €
59776 - Manning, R.:
Glock Reference Guide 2nd Ed. Full Coverage! The first generation to the Latest Models
33.00 €
58905 - Manvell-Fraenkel, R.-H.:
24.00 €
47808 - Manvell-Fraenkel, R.-H.:
Goering. The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader
29.95 €
17573 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol I: Dolomiti orientali (La)
18.00 €
17574 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol II: Dolomiti occidentali (La)
18.00 €
17576 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol IV: Alpi carniche occidentali (La)
21.00 €
17577 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol V: Alpi carniche orientali (La)
21.00 €
62858 - Lehmann, E.:
Grande Guerra aerea. Sguardi incrociati italo-francesi
23.50 €
62449 - Brazzale-Caliaro-Vollman, F.-L.-A.:
Grande Guerra. Americani in Italia. Nascita di una superpotenza
22.00 €
53215 - Vollman-Brazzale, A.-F.:
Grande Guerra. Britannici sull'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni
19.00 €
59158 - Vollman-Brazzale, A.-F.:
Grande Guerra. Francesi sull'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni
19.00 €
16274 - Camanni, E.:
Grande libro del ghiaccio (Il)
22.00 €
66045 - Chapman-Heath-Reinman, :
Grandi storie di guerra (Le)
25.00 €
66407 - Plowman, J.:
Greece 1941. The Death Throes of Blitzkreig
29.95 €
70500 - Guttman, J.:
Grim Reapers. French Escadrille 94 in World War I
39.00 €
68868 - Manes, L.:
Gruppo di Combattimento Legnano (Il)
19.90 €
40425 - Springman, M.:
Guards Brigade in the Crimea (The)
36.00 €
72147 - Romanoni, F.:
Guerra d'acqua dolce. Navi e conflitti medievali nell'Italia settentrionale (La)
24.00 €
17691 - Mantoan, N.:
Guerra dei gas 1914-1918 (La)
15.00 €
45121 - Bleckmann, B.:
Guerra del Peloponneso (La)
10.50 €
54907 - Lehmann, E.:
Guerra dell'aria. Giulio Douhet stratega impolitico (La)
20.00 €
62593 - Camanni, E.:
Guerra di Joseph (La)
8.90 €
56375 - Mancini-Merlino, R.-M.M.:
Guerra e' finita (La)
20.00 €
48093 - Hoffman, R.J.:
Guerra giusta e la Jihad. La violenza del Giudaismo, nel Cristianesimo e nell'Islam (La)
18.00 €
48408 - Mancini, U.:
Guerra nelle terre del Papa. I bombardamenti alleati tra Roma e Montecassino attraversando i Castelli Romani (La)
33.00 €
72074 - Casini-Manciulli, E.-A. cur:
Guerra tiepida. Il conflitto ucraino e il futuro dei rapporti tra Russia e Occidente (La)
22.00 €
56487 - Gouttman, A.:
Guerre de Crimee, 1853-1856 (La)
49.95 €
23480 - Gere-Widemann, F.-T.:
Guerre totale (La)
30.00 €
61756 - Romano, S.:
Guerre, debiti e democrazia. Breve storia da Bismarck a oggi
10.00 €
65859 - Mann, J.K.:
Guerriero zen. Buddhismo e arti marziali (Il)
14.50 €
22494 - Newman, B.:
Guerrillas in the Mist. Expanded and Updated
45.00 €
40489 - Gaspari-Mantini-Stok, P.-M.-S.:
Guida ai Luoghi della Grande Guerra nella Provincia di Udine Vol 1: I luoghi della memoria
13.50 €
25803 - Romano, S.:
Guida alla politica estera italiana. Da Badoglio a Berlusconi
16.50 €
61996 - Manning, R.:
Gun Digest Book of CZ Firearms
36.00 €
49695 - Mann, R.A.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to the AR-15
25.00 €
54192 - Mann, R.A.:
Handgun Training for Personal Protection. How to choose and Use the Best Sights, Lights, Lasers and Ammunition
27.50 €
51023 - Rebmann-Roesler-Sander, D.-H.-F.:
Harley-Davidson Legends
39.95 €
56827 - Robinson-Freeman, N.-J.:
Hawker Hunter in RAF Service
36.00 €
23185 - Rowe-Carman, D.-W.:
Head Dress of the British Lancers. 1816 to present
95.00 €
59753 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 05 Die Langen Kerls. Die preussische Riesengarde 1675/1713-1806
23.00 €
59754 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 06 Der Deutschorden. Von Akkon bis zum Baltikum. Die Armee 1198-1420
23.00 €
59755 - Fuhrmann-Iselt, R.-G.:
Heere und Waffen 07 Tannenberg 1410. Die Niederlage des Deutschen Ritterordens
23.00 €
59757 - Weber-Fuhrmann, T.-R.:
Heere und Waffen 09 Die Samurai der Sengoku-Zeit Teil 1: Anatomie einer Samurai-Armee im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
23.00 €
59759 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 11 Das Heer des Arminius. Germanische Krieger zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts
23.00 €
59760 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 12 Die Fahnen von Waterloo. Umkaempft, erobert und verloren
27.00 €
59762 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 14 Das Heer des Varus Teil 1: Roemische Truppen in Germanien 9 n.Chr: Legionen und Hilfstruppen, Bekleidung, Trachtzubehoer, Schutzwaffen
23.00 €
59765 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 17 Das Heer des Varus Teil 2: Waffen, Ausruestung, Feldzeichen, Reiterei, Verbaende und Einheiten
23.00 €
59766 - Amsel-Lunyakov-Fuhrmann, L.-S.-R.:
Heere und Waffen 18 Die etatmaessigen Dienstgrade und Dienststellungen in der franzoesischen Armee 1804-1815
23.00 €
59767 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 19 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 1: Bekleidung, Trachtzubehoer, persoenliche Ausruestung, Ruestung
23.00 €
59768 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 20 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 2: Schild und Schwert
23.00 €
59770 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 22 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 3: Waffen, Feldzeichen, Reitausruestung und Organisation
29.95 €
17905 - Mansson, M.:
Heinrich Himmler. A Photographic Chronicle of Hitler's Reichsfuehrer-SS
75.00 €
42306 - Norman, T.:
Hell They Called High Wood. The Somme 1916 (The)
25.00 €
56899 - Wiseman, D.:
Helmand to the Himalayas. One Soldier's inspirational journey
15.00 €
43380 - Rimanelli, M.:
Historical Dictionary of NATO and Other International Security Intelligence
150.00 €
31911 - Coleman, K.:
History of Chemical Warfare (A)
45.00 €
17949 - Woodman, R.:
History of the Ship
59.95 €
17950 - Zitelmann, R.:
7.23 €
67642 - Cardini-Mancini, F.-R.:
Hitler in italia. Dal Walhalla al Ponte Vecchio, maggio 1938
22.00 €
49750 - Hoffmann, H.:
Hitler Was My Friend. Memoirs of Hitler's Photographer
36.00 €
61986 - Mann-Joergensen, C.-C.:
Hitler's Arctic War. The German Campaign in Norway, Finland and the USSR 1940-1945
27.00 €
22224 - Ellman, J.:
Hitler's Great Gamble. A New Look at German Strategy, Operation Barbarossa, and the Axis Defeat in World War II
45.00 €
62606 - Peakman, J.:
Hitler's Island War. The Men Who Fought for Leros
29.95 €
53851 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Naval Bases. Kriegsmarine Bases During the Second World War
33.00 €
42025 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Navy. The Ships, Men and Organization of the Kriegsmarine 1935-1945
55.00 €
21838 - Hoffmann, P.:
Hitler's personal security
27.00 €
32178 - Westermann, E.B.:
Hitler's Police Battalions. Enforcing Racial War in the East
45.00 €
23436 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's U-Boat Bases
23.50 €
27442 - Munoz-Romanko, A.-O.V.:
Hitler's White Russians: Collaboration, Extermination and Anti-Partisan Warfare in Byelorussia, 1941-1944
85.00 €
28010 - Norman, A.:
HMS Hood. Pride of the Royal Navy
19.95 €
32827 - Mann, D.:
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21.00 €
17990 - Allmand, C.:
Hundred Years War (The)
27.00 €
56755 - Mancini, V.:
Identita' romana. Dinamiche del dominio e dell'integrazione nel millennio di Roma antica (L')
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46998 - Duskin-Segman, G.L.-R..:
If the Gods are Good. The Story of the HMS Jervis Bay's final Heroic Battle
13.00 €
39447 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
IFNI - Sahara 1958. Sangriento combate en Edchera
17.50 €
50034 - Sherman-Petraco, H.-N.:
Illustrated Guide to Crime Scene Investigation
145.00 €
40441 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Ilmavoitot osa 1 - Aerial Victories Part 1
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40442 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Ilmavoitot osa 2 - Aerial Victories Part 2
33.00 €
48546 - Handleman, P.:
Images of War. Flying Legends of World War II
36.00 €
56841 - Plowman, J.:
Images of War. War in the Balkans 1940-41
27.00 €
35855 - Mandarano, D.:
IMI della divisione Acqui che non fecero ritorno a casa. La triste sorte dei soldati tra naufragi, lager nazisti e campi di prigionia sovietici
15.00 €
42761 - Immelmann, F.:
Immelmann. The Eagle of Lille
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69993 - Schuman, M.:
Impero interrotto. La storia del mondo visto dalla Cina (L')
25.00 €
35251 - Bidermann, G.H.:
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25.00 €
26432 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 1: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1939-1943
55.00 €
48578 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 2: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1943-1945
75.00 €
63580 - Vanzo-Saccoman (Cur.), A.-A.:
In guerra con la Terza Armata
22.50 €
58369 - Romano, S.:
In lode della Guerra Fredda. Una Controstoria
16.00 €
52657 - Price-Thonemann, S.-P.:
In principio fu Troia. L'Europa nel mondo antico
24.00 €
53489 - Hitsman, J.M.:
Incredible War of 1812. A Military History (The)
33.00 €
43080 - Herrmann-Hartmann, R.-P.:
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35.00 €
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23.50 €
18086 - Redemann, H.:
Innovations in aircraft construction
39.95 €
39299 - Hoffman, B.:
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21.00 €
18101 - Herman, M.:
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25508 - Herman, M.:
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50191 - Hoffmann-Terplan, P.-K.:
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30500 - Hammermann, G.:
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18.00 €
50066 - Rudin-Inman, N.-K.:
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63395 - Freeman, R.A.:
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61202 - Comandante Alfa, :
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73276 - Ferrari-Trocchia-Dobrowolska Mancini, L.-N.-M.:
Io, morto per dovere. La vera storia di Roberto Mancini il poliziotto che ha scoperto la terra dei fuochi
15.00 €
39541 - Cordesman-Kleiber, A.H.- M.:
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62403 - Manenti-Paci, L.G.-D.cur:
Irredentismi. Politica, cultura e propaganda nell'Europa dei nazionalismi
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21850 - Bregman, A.:
Israel's Wars. A History since 1947. 3rd Edition
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37475 - Arfmann-Kallmeyer, P.-R.:
J.P. Sauer and Son. The Story of the oldest weapons factory in Germany, established 1751
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55008 - Feldmann, H.:
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49550 - Lyman, R.:
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21853 - Manion, R.:
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43730 - Amant, T.:
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60574 - Bowman, M.:
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45.00 €
63347 - Vidino-Marone-Entenman, L.-F.-E.:
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12.00 €
21912 - Chesterman, S.:
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69.95 €
70797 - Dodson-Nottelmann, A.-D.:
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48057 - Normann, M.:
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54276 - Normann, M.:
Kampfhubschrauber seit 1962 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
24543 - Wachsmann, N.:
KL. Storia dei campi di concentramento nazisti
21.00 €
51031 - Schumann, R.:
Knight's Cross Profiles Vol 1. Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, Rudolf Winnerl, Hermann Graf, Hans-Georg Schierholz
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47828 - Kertzman, J. cur:
Knives 2017 37th Ed.
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63981 - Kertzman, J. cur:
Knives 2018 38th Ed.
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42680 - Kertzman, J. cur:
Knives 2022 42nd Ed.
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18355 - Kertzman, J. cur:
Knives 2023 43rd Ed. The World's Greatest Knife Book
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41967 - Levine-Whitman-Hoover, D.J.R.:
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62362 - Pallasmann-Tonazzi, K.-D.:
Kriegswege. Sentieri di Guerra. Dal monte Malvueric alla Mozenica, nelle postazioni di montagna del fronte Italo-austriaco della Grande Guerra
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24951 - Hill-Wileman, P.-J.:
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35.00 €
27259 - Harman, T.D.:
Lee's real plan at Gettysburg
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42533 - Bowman, M.W.:
Legend of the Lancasters. The Bomber War from England 1942-45
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46932 - Manrique-Molina, J.-M.L.:
Legion y la 'Guerra Relampago'. Yague y el Cuerpo de Ejercito Marroqui Vol I (La)
17.50 €
57444 - Manrique-Molina, J.-M.L.:
Legion y la 'Guerra Relampago'. Yague y el Cuerpo de Ejercito Marroqui Vol II (La)
17.50 €
25961 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte im Bild
40.00 €
18455 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/I
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28140 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/II
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18465 - Goodman, M.:
Lenin's legacy. A concise history and guide to soviet collectibles
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73431 - Calimani, R.:
Lepanto nel cuore
18.00 €
42545 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Letzte Jahr der Waffen-SS. Mai 1944-Mai 1945 (Das)
18.00 €
59558 - Borgomaneri, L.:
Li chiamavano terroristi. Storia dei GAP milanesi 1943-1945
18.00 €
41408 - Comandante Alfa, :
Liberate gli ostaggi. L'esordio del GIS: l'assalto al supercarcere di Trani
19.90 €
46745 - Mantelli-Tranfaglia, B.-N.:
Libro dei deportati italiani Vol 3: I luoghi (Il)
38.00 €
53637 - Jarman, C.:
Libro dei nodi (Il)
21.90 €
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Libro delle Galene (Il)
16.50 €
33095 - Chapman, M.:
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32334 - Boatman, R.H.:
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23287 - Bowman, M.W.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
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38447 - Bowman, M.:
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. A History
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22363 - Sweetman, B.:
Lockheed Stealth
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18558 - von Manstein, E.:
Lost victories. The war memoirs of Hitler's most brilliant general
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70838 - Fishman, D.:
Lotteria dei milioni. Combine al Gran premio di Tripoli 1933 (La)
16.00 €
56285 - Herman, J.K.:
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49.95 €
57259 - Matthews-Foreman, A.J.-J.:
Luftwaffe Aces. Biographies and Victory Claims Vol 1: A-F
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57229 - Matthews-Foreman, A.J.-J.:
Luftwaffe Aces. Biographies and Victory Claims Vol 2: G-L
49.95 €
31874 - Matthews-Foreman, A.J.-J.:
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49666 - Matthews-Foreman, A.J.-J.:
Luftwaffe Aces. Biographies and Victory Claims Vol 4: S-Z
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28182 - Foreman, J. et al.:
Luftwaffe Night Fighter Claims 1939-1945. Combat Claims by Luftwaffe Night Fighter Pilots 1939-1945
36.00 €
45842 - Ciulla-Romano, G.-V.:
Lupi nella nebbia. Kosovo: l'ONU ostaggio di mafie e USA
14.00 €
46610 - Oosterman, P.:
M-1 Helmet of the World War II GI. M-1 Helmet, Steel Shell, Liners, Rayon Suspension, Cotton Suspension, M-2 Helmet, Jungle Liner (The)
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67687 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
M16. US Colt model 16. Fucile d'assalto
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58187 - Armani, G.:
Ma chi era il nemico? Storia di un soldato dell'armata italiana in Russia sul Don
12.00 €
69053 - Jabes-Romanello-Tognarini, D.F.-A.-N.:
Macchi C.202 Folgore. Italy's Best Fighter of the Second World War
45.00 €
56247 - Cressman, R.J.:
Magnificent Fight. The Battle for Wake Island (A)
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72121 - Zerkowski-Fuhrmann, W.-R.:
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51382 - Zerkowski-Fuhrmann, W.-R.:
Make your own Medieval Clothing. Basic Garments for Women
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45865 - Hartmann-Leloup Perier, G.-F.:
Manifesti aerei
75.00 €
62748 - Mankiller-Wallis, W.M.:
Mankiller capo Cherokee. Racconta la sua gente
19.50 €
69887 - Romano, S. cur:
Manoscritto pervenuto misteriosamente da Sant'Elena (Il)
15.00 €
70711 - Ass. Psicogeografica Romana, :
Manuale di guerra psichica
12.00 €
23713 - Darman, P.:
Manuale di sopravvivenza. Come si impara a sopravvivere in situazioni estreme
17.50 €
40834 - Pearlman, S.:
Manuale universale del combattimento
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45967 - Carman-Clemens, E.A.-T.G.:
Maryland Campaign of September 1862. Vol 1: South Mountain
45.00 €
52624 - Busana-Manzan-Pozzato, M.-A.-P.:
Massiccio del Grappa
12.00 €
72729 - Manenti, L.G.:
Massoneria italiana. Dalle origini al nuovo millennio (La)
19.00 €
38421 - Iobbi-Germani, L.-C.:
Mastering Power Fighting. Tecniche generali di autodifesa
23.50 €
69121 - Borgmann, W.:
McDonnell Douglas DC-10/MD-11. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
71734 - Manari, M.R. cur:
Medicamenti Antichi, Segreti e Provati
12.00 €
22066 - Sweetman, D.:
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45.00 €
44174 - Gertsman Barbar, E.-B.H.:
Medioevo in 50 oggetti (Il)
24.00 €
45118 - Mansutti, A.:
Memorie sparse dal fascismo e guerra civile alla democrazia
14.00 €
41998 - Bowman, M.W.:
Men who Flew the Mosquito. Compelling Account of the 'Wooden Wonders' Triumphant WWII Career (The)
25.00 €
25596 - Carman-Roffe, W.Y.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 025: Royal Artillery
19.00 €
21143 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 205: US Army Combat Equipments 1910-1988
19.00 €
17414 - Rottman-Volstad, G.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 234: German Combat Equipments 1939-45
19.00 €
18952 - Heitman-Hannon, H.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 242: Modern African Wars (3) South-West Africa
19.00 €
19643 - Konstam-Rickman, A.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 264: Peter the Great's Army (2) Cavalry
19.00 €
21090 - Kochan-Rickman, J.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 345: United States Army 1812-15
19.00 €
21089 - Kochan-Rickman, J.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 352: United States Army 1783-1811
19.00 €
22522 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 366: Colonial American Troops 1610-1774 (1)
19.00 €
22525 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 372: Colonial American Troops 1610-1774 (2)
19.00 €
23825 - Stedman-Chappell, R.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 377: Luftwaffe Air and Ground Crew 1939-45
19.00 €
25477 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 383: Colonial American Troops 1610 - 1774 (3)
19.00 €
44570 - Rottman, G.L.:
Men-at-Arms 458: Army of the Republic of Vietnam 1954-75
19.00 €
49439 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 475: Spanish Army in North America 1700-1783
19.00 €
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Men-at-Arms 482: US 10th Mountain Division in World War II
19.00 €
62935 - Hellman, C.:
Mente del Samurai. Cinque testi classici sulla spada giapponese (La)
13.00 €
63904 - Pittman, R.:
Merlin EH(AW) 101. From Design to Front Line
27.00 €
40433 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2
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40434 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
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18833 - Mathmann, J.M.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 Vol 2
13.95 €
26005 - Mankau-Petrick, H.-P.:
Messerschmitt Bf 110/Me 210/Me 410. An Illustrated Story
85.00 €
37885 - Tillman, B.:
MiG Master. The Story of the F-8 Crusader
27.00 €
46595 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mighty Eight at War. The USAAF 8th Air Force Bombers versus the Luftwaffe 1943-1945 (The)
36.00 €
23515 - Freeman, R.A.:
Mighty Eight war manual (The)
35.00 €
67130 - Normann, M.:
Mil Mi-24 Attack Helicopter. In Soviet/Russian and Worldwide Service. 1972 to the Present
55.00 €
26067 - Hormann, J.M.:
Militaerische Auszeichnungen 1935-1945. Orden und Ehrenzeichen der Wehrmacht
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50765 - Helman, A.:
Militante (Il)
13.00 €
38519 - Manning, G.:
Military Aircraft of the 1970s
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46181 - Chapman, B.:
Military Doctrine. A Reference Handbook
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31025 - Haverfield-Hofmann, cur:
Military Field Pocket Book 1811 (Translation of General Scharnhorst)
29.95 €
30090 - Doorman, P.L.G.:
Military Operations of the Dutch Army 10th-17th May 1940
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43732 - Crosnier-Roman, A.-P.:
Mirage en mission. Du combat canon aux frappes specialisees
45.00 €
25138 - La Mantia, C.:
Missione Militare italiana nel Caucaso 1861-1866 (La)
17.50 €
63892 - Comandante Alfa, :
Missioni segrete
16.90 €
38894 - Alman, K.:
Mit Eichenlaub und Schwerten
19.95 €
21879 - Elleman, B.A.:
Modern Chinese Warfare 1795-1989
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46002 - Mann, D.:
Modern Day Gunslinger. Defensive Tactical Handgun Training
25.00 €
18957 - Durman Walters, D.:
Modern Falconer (The)
35.00 €
69940 - Polderman, R.:
Modern South Korean Air Power. The Republic of Korea Air Force Today
45.00 €
68260 - Copalman, J.:
Modern USMC Air Power. Aircraft and Units of the 'Flying Leathernecks'
45.00 €
41529 - Freedman, L.:
Modern Warfare. Lessons from Ukraine
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18967 - Bauman, Z.:
Modernita' e Olocausto
12.00 €
56417 - Subrahmanyam, S.:
Mondi connessi. La storia oltre l'eurocentrismo secoli XVI-XVIII
19.00 €
69999 - Tyerman, C.:
Mondo delle crociate. Una storia illustrata (Il)
95.00 €
18980 - Parkman, F.:
Montcalm and Wolfe. The French and Indian War
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18985 - Schaumann, W.:
Monte Piana. Storia escursioni e paesaggio
14.00 €
15449 - Mannucci, E.:
Morire e' poco. L'esilio di Edda Ciano
20.00 €
59960 - Rothmann, R.:
Morire in primavera
16.00 €
46910 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Mayhem. De Havilland's Wooden Wonder in Action in WWll
39.95 €
40420 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Menacing the Reich. Combat Actions in the Twin-Engine Wooden Wonder of WWII
27.00 €
39697 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Missions. RAF and Commonwealth De Havilland Mosquitoes
36.00 €
62354 - Del Majno-Bava Beccaris-Colajanni-Comandini, L.-F.-N.-A.:
Moti di Milano del 1898 (I)
16.00 €
24733 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierte Artillerie und Panzerartillerie des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945
29.95 €
32957 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierte Artillerie und Panzerartillerie des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
19006 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierten Schuetzen und Panzergrenadiere des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945 (Die)
19.95 €
36454 - Chapman, J. cur:
Muddy Boots Leadership. Real Life Stories and Personal Examples of Good, Bad and Unexpected Results
21.00 €
25268 - Gommans, J.:
Mughal Warfare
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52471 - Manetti, R.:
Mura di Firenze da Arnolfo a Michelangelo (Le)
18.50 €
48633 - Parkman, F.:
Musket and Tomahawk. A Military History of the French and Indian War 1753-1760
21.00 €
71352 - Negri Mussolini-Russomanno, E.-M.:
Mussolini dopo Mussolini (I)
18.00 €
43478 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels-Manni, P.-S.:
Napoleone I. Da Austerlitz a Friedland. Scritti, discorsi, bollettini 1805-1807
35.00 €
65311 - Reiman, M.:
Nascita dello Stalinismo (La)
20.00 €
72553 - Mancini, L.:
Nato con la camicia
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55103 - Friedman, N.:
Naval Anti-Aircraft Guns and Gunnery
69.95 €
60082 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 074: Martin P5M Patrol Seaplane
59.95 €
60043 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 079: Curtiss F9C Sparrowhawk Airship Fighters
33.00 €
60090 - Hoffman, R.:
Naval Fighters 085: Consolidated PB2Y Coronado
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60077 - Ginter-Tayler-Romano, S.-N.-A.:
Naval Fighters 095: Douglas R4D-8/C-117D Super Gooney
55.00 €
28284 - Bell-Elleman, C.M.-B.A.:
Naval Mutinies of the Twentieth Century. An International Perspective
49.95 €
50947 - Friedman, N.:
Naval Weapons of WWI. Guns, Torpedoes and ASW Weapons of all Nations. An Illustrated Directory
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69033 - Bachmann-Maignon, F.-J.:
Nebeltruppen. Les lance-fusees de l'Armee Allemande 1939-1945. Uniformes - insignes - organisation
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59143 - Manzo-Giacomelli, A.-R.:
Nemeton. Guida pratica agli sport del coraggio
13.50 €
55504 - Herrmann, E.:
Neuschwabenland. Rapporto fotografico della spedizione antartica tedesca 1938-1939. Libro+CD-ROM
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32052 - Rottman-Bryan, G.-T.:
New Vanguard 115: Landing Ship Tank (LST) 1942-2002
19.00 €
33487 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 121: Stryker Combat Vehicle 2002-06
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34782 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 128: Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-75
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39026 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 148: US Patrol Torpedo Boats.World War II
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40759 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 157: Landing Craft, Infantry and Fire Support
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49444 - Rottman-Bryan, G.L.-T.:
New Vanguard 184: Vietnam Gun Trucks
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55468 - Romanych-Morshead, M.-H.:
New Vanguard 205: 42cm 'Big Bertha' and German Siege Artillery of World War I
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62830 - Romanych-Heuer-Noon, M.-G.-S.:
New Vanguard 249: Railway Guns of World War I
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67066 - Romanych-Rupp-tooby-Ricciardi di Gaudesi, M.-M..A.-A.:
New Vanguard 280: World War II German Super-Heavy Siege Guns
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70995 - Romanych-Scott-Cano Rodriguez, M.-J.-I.:
New Vanguard 309: Hawk Air Defense Missile System
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45510 - Fuhrman, Z.A.:
Nitrox. Uso delle miscele ossigeno-azoto
17.00 €
36004 - Domanski, J.:
No 262 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 2 (Tank Power Vol XXXVIII)
22.00 €
38769 - Domanski, J.:
No 280 Prochorowka 1943
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39978 - Domanski, J.:
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41920 - Domanski, J.:
No 314 Budziszyn 1945
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43509 - Domanski, J.:
No 323 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 3
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46869 - Domanski, J.:
No 345 Stalingrad 1942-1943 Vol II
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48026 - Domanski, J:
No 350 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 4
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24589 - Kopel-Blackman, D.B.-P.H.:
No More Wacos. What's wrong with Federal Law Enforcement and How to Fix It
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50667 - Listemann, P.H.:
No.453 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron 1941-1945. Buffaloes, Spitfire
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50668 - Watkins-Listemann, P.H.:
No.501 (County of Gloucester) Squadron 1939-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire, Tempest
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51136 - Goldman , S.D.:
Nomonhan 1939. The Red Army's Victory that shaped WWII
25.00 €
68725 - Mikhailov-Romanovski, W.-V.:
Non bisogna perdonare. Dalle testimonianze russe e documenti tedeschi, lo sterminio nazista dei militari italiani in Polonia
12.00 €
71677 - Manning, G.:
North Korean Aviation. An Eyewitness Account
25.00 €
42390 - Cazzola Hofmann, R.L.:
Nuovi pirati. La pirateria del Terzo Millennio in Africa, Asia e America Latina (I)
14.00 €
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Nuts and Bolts 30: Nebel-, Panzer- und Vielfachwerfer
35.00 €
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Nuts and Bolts 31: Marder II Panzerjaeger II fuer 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 (Sd.Kfz. 131)
35.00 €
56641 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 32: The medium cross-country lorries 3 ton (6x4) of the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht
35.00 €
57288 - Baschin-Block-Nelson-Tippmann, J.-M.-J.-H.:
Nuts and Bolts 33: Leichte Feldhaubitze 18, GW II fuer le.F.H. 18/2 Wespe and Hummel-Wespe
35.00 €
59482 - Erdmann, H.:
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60982 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 36: Buessing's schwere Pz.Spaehwagen Part 2: schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (7,5 cm) (SdKfz.233), schw.Pz.Fu.Wg (SdKfz.263) (8-Rad) and Panzermesskraftwagen
35.00 €
43901 - Grossman, D.:
On Combat. Psicologia e fisiologia del combattimento in guerra e in pace
30.00 €
40204 - Grossman, D.:
On Killing The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society Rev. Ed.
19.95 €
59246 - Grossman, D.:
On Killing. Il costo psicologico di imparare ad uccidere
27.00 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
19338 - Markman, S.:
One-of-a-Kind Research Aircraft
59.95 €
39694 - Manciolino, A.:
Opera Nova
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22481 - Forty-Timmermans, G.-T.:
Operation Market Garden. September 1944
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48402 - Maniaci, B.:
Operazione Brolo Beach
11.00 €
48545 - Guttman, J.:
Origin of the Fighter Aircraft (The)
33.00 €
71162 - Fe'-Manini-Samsa-Stefanini, L.-A.-K.-V.:
Orologi russi da collezione Approfondimenti storici e tecnici Vol 1 Ediz. italiana e inglese
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73184 - Fe'-Manini-Samsa-Stefanini, L.-A.-K.-V.:
Orologi russi da collezione Approfondimenti storici e tecnici Vol 2 Ediz. italiana e inglese
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26736 - Bannerman, M.:
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26985 - Bannerman, M.:
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32007 - Bannerman, M.:
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39021 - Bannerman, M.:
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21620 - Bannermann, M.:
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Pace nel vicinato. La cooperazione militare europea nei Balcani: un punto di vista italiano (La)
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Panico tra mente e corpo (Il)
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Panther. Weapons of War (The)
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47335 - Hartmann, B.:
Panzers in the Sand. The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol 1: 1935-41
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47336 - Hartmann, B.:
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65382 - Saccoman, A.:
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15.00 €
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Parola d'Ordine: proteggere. La mia vita in difesa degli altri
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Partecipazione della Marina alla Guerra di Liberazione. 8 settembre 1943-15 settembre 1945 (La)
22.00 €
19585 - Schaumann-Eybl, W.-E.:
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25691 - Whitman, J.:
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57539 - Listemann, P.:
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29445 - Freeman, R.A.:
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19716 - Bosworth-Romano, :
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Pont des espions sous l'uniforme (Le)
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67299 - Baumann, G.:
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50040 - Thurman, J.T.:
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Present Aircraft 32: Top Gun in Detail. On board Naval Air Station Fallon
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31165 - Niemann, D.:
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Processo alla Russia
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Profiles of Flight 01: Panavia Tornado Strike, Anti-ship, Air Superiority, Air Defence, Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Fighter-bomber
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46578 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
Profiles of Flight 02: Sepecat Jaguar
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46593 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
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49609 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
Profiles of Flight 04: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
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50472 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
Profiles of Flight 06: Vought F4 Corsair
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38387 - Berman, N.:
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62315 - Romano, S.:
18.00 €
30825 - Romano, S.:
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36187 - Freeman, D.:
R.E. Lee Vol 3
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65866 - Man'yoshu, :
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26475 - Foreman, J.:
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33233 - Foreman, J.:
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72577 - Chapman-Jaggard, L.-J.:
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49696 - Pateman, C.:
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46494 - Sweetman, J.:
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42988 - Rottman, G.L.:
Raid 003: Cabanatuan Prison Raid. Philippines 1945
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42990 - Rottman, G.L.:
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Raid 014: Los Banos Prison Camp Raid. Philippines 1945
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Raid 044: Carlson's Marine Raiders. Makin Island 1942
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70192 - Lyman-Tooby, R.-A.:
Raid 057: Operation Jericho. Freeing the French Resistance from Gestapo jail, Amiens 1944
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42552 - Engelmann, J.:
Raketen die den Krieg entscheiden sollten: Taifun, Natter, Kirschkern (V1), Rheinbote (V4), Foehn (V3) u.a.
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43907 - Coleman, E.C.:
Rank and Rate Vol 1. Royal Navy Officers Insigna since 1856
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Rank and Rate Vol 2. Insigna of Royal Naval Rating, WRNS, Royal Marines, QARNNS and Auxiliaries
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51644 - Romano, D.:
Rappresentazione di Venezia. Francesco Foscari, vita di un doge nel Rinascimento (La)
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Re del mondo. La vita di Luigi XIV (Il)
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46858 - Mansutti, A. cur:
Reggimento Alpini 'Tagliamento'. Diario storico-militare 17 settembre 1943-24 gennaio 1945
14.00 €
24301 - Bagnasco-Grossman, E.-M.:
Regia Marina. Italian Battleships of World War Two - A Pictorial History
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Regole del Gioco. Dal terrorismo alle spie russe: come il controspionaggio offensivo ha protetto gli italiani (Le)
19.00 €
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19.90 €
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Reti d'Europa. Margherita d'Austria tra confini e modernita'
24.00 €
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Riccardo Cuor di Leone. La maschera e il volto - I condottieri
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Riconoscere i manipolatori. Come difendersi da trappole, trucchi e inganni
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Ricoveri per navi militari nei porti del Mediterraneo antico e medievale
40.00 €
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10.00 €
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46366 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 01: Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer
17.00 €
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 05: Major Gerhard Tuerke
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 08: Joachim Muencheberg. Der Jaeger von Malta
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 09: Wilhelm Weissberg. Kommandeur der I./Flak-Sturmabteilung Flak-Regiment 25
17.00 €
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 10: Franz von Werra. der Ausbrecherkoenig
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 12: Walther Dahl. Kommodore der Rammjaeger
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Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 13: Rudolf Frank. Eichenlaubtraeger der Nachtjagd
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20.00 €
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Rogo di Primavalle. L'omicidio politicamente corretto dei fratelli Mattei (Il)
19.00 €
43183 - Goodman, M.:
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36.00 €
68965 - Ingman, P.:
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40090 - Layman, G.:
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75.00 €
64083 - Moore-Bahmanyar, N.-M.:
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36192 - Bauman, R.F.:
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33833 - Oltmann, R.:
Russlandkrieg im Farbe Vol 2: In die Tiefen Russlands. Durchbruch zu wolga und Kaukasus (1942)
29.00 €
42136 - Romano Angele', E.:
S. Andrea. Strada di chiese e di cannoni. 'Casotto militare'
10.00 €
71839 - Borgmann, W.:
S.E. 210 Caravelle. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
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67327 - Saint Arroman, F.:
SA 330 Puma - Profils Avions 37
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Saladino. Il condottiero che sconfisse i crociati
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66450 - Wiseman, J.L.:
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20159 - Wiseman, J.:
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23279 - Wiseman, J.:
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30236 - Boorman, S.A.:
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16.00 €
54299 - Lohman-Hilmes, L.-R.:
Schuetzenpanzer Marder. Die technische Dokumentation der Waffensysteme
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41270 - Romanello, E.:
Se fossi Lady Oscar
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Sea Warriors. Fighting Captains and Frigate Warfare in the Age of Nelson (The)
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24952 - Friedman, N.:
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52040 - Schuermans, J.:
Secourir en zone hostile. Se traiter ou traiter efficacement un blesse'
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33623 - Rottman-Andrew, G.-S.:
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Sole, il respiro, il colore dell'aria. 19 donne decorate con Medaglia d'oro al valor militare 1943-1945 (Il)
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45219 - Mancuso, C.:
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62700 - Claringbould-Ingman, M.J.-P.:
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62718 - Claringbould-Ingman, M.J.-P.:
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64453 - Claringbould-Ingman, M.J.-P.:
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68964 - Claringbould-Ingman, M.J.-P.:
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20483 - Claringbould-Ingman, M.J.-P.:
South Pacific Air War Vol 5: Crisis in Papua. September-December 1942
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48220 - Lohmann, H.P.:
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Specchio lontano. Un secolo di avventure e di calamita'. Il Trecento
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Spie atomiche. Il peccato originale della Guerra Fredda
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69861 - Mantici, A.:
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33291 - Rottman-Andrew, G.-S.:
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SS-Panzer-Aufklaerungs-Abteilung 11 'Nordland' and the Swedish SS-Platoon in the Baltic States, Pomeraina and Berlin 1943-1945. Armoured Reconnaissance with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
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Suicidio dell'URSS (Il)
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T'ai Chi Ch'uan. A Simplified Method of Calisthenics for Healt and Self Defense
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45615 - Man Ch'ing-Smith, C.-R.W.:
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70012 - Plowman, J.:
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20813 - Hoffmann, P.:
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10.33 €
63059 - Hiltman, J.:
Terribile amore per la guerra (Un)
22.00 €
27474 - Friedman, N.:
Terrorism, Afghanistan, and America's new Way of War
55.00 €
25773 - Romanello, G.:
Testimonianze di guerra e di prigionia
10.60 €
22448 - Metelman, H.:
Through Hell for Hitler
35.00 €
28376 - Bowman-Bunce, M.-P.:
Thunder in the Heavens. Classic American Aircraft of World War II
27.00 €
52077 - Denham-Bleathman, S.-G.:
Thunderbirds. Owner's Workshop Manual. TB1-TB5, Tracey Island and associated rescue vehicles
21.00 €
42569 - Yeoman-Freeborn, C.-J.:
Tiger Cub. A 74. Squadron Fighter Pilot in WWII. The Story of John Freeborn
36.00 €
52226 - Lochmann-von Rosen-Rubbel, F.W.-R.-A.:
Tiger-Abteilung 503. La Schwere Panzerabteilung 503 du Front de l'Est a la Normandie
65.00 €
53732 - Hoffman, J.T.:
Tip of the Spear. US Army Small-Unit Action in Iraq 2004-2007
27.00 €
47216 - Sweetman, J.:
Tirpitz. Hunting the Beast. Air Attacks on the German Battleship 1940-1944
17.00 €
67241 - Wellman, P.:
Tomahawk. Trent'anni di guerre nelle pianure
18.00 €
52995 - Baldi-Manetti, N.-G.M.:
Toscana in treno. Parole sul treno e dal treno
9.00 €
47451 - Mantini-Stok, M.-S.:
Tracciati delle trincee della Grande Guerra Vol 4: La pianura tra Torre e Judrio (I)
18.00 €
50016 - Normann, M.:
Transporte und Hubschrauber der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
56378 - Redman-Burning, J.-J.R.:
Trident. The Forging and Reforging of a Navy Seal Leader (The)
33.00 €
51762 - Chapman Meder, P.:
True Story of Catch 22. The Real Men and Missions of Joseph Heller's 340th Bomb Group in World War II (The)
30.00 €
63208 - Gordon-Komissarov-Rigmant, Y.-D.V.:
Tupolev Tu-16. Versatile Cold War Bomber
99.00 €
57441 - Gordon-Komissarov-Rigmant, Y.-D.-V.:
Tupolev Tu-4. The First Soviet Strategic Bomber
69.95 €
34889 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boat Century. German Submarine Warfare 1906-2006 (The)
36.00 €
51840 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boats Attack! The Battle of the Atlantic witnessed by the Wolf Packs
25.00 €
21010 - Roessler-Emsmann, E.-H.J.:
Ubootklasse 205 (Bundesmarine) - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
21026 - Freeman, R.:
UK Airfields of the Ninth Then and Now
39.95 €
23386 - Manfredi, V.M.:
Ultima legione - Romanzo (L')
17.60 €
46812 - Coremans, D.:
Uncovering the Boeing B-52 H
21.00 €
16747 - Coremans, D.:
Uncovering the Boeing F-15 A/B MSIP Eagle
39.95 €
65269 - Coremans-Gordts, D.-P.:
Uncovering the English Electric Lightning
39.95 €
35859 - Coremans, D.:
Uncovering the Grumman F-14 A/B/D Tomcat
39.95 €
53189 - Coremans, D.:
Uncovering the Lockheed (T)F-104 G Starfighter
39.95 €
35857 - Coremans-Deboeck, D.-N.:
Uncovering the Lockheed Martin F-16 A/B/C/D
33.00 €
46811 - Coremans, D.:
Uncovering the US Navy Q / F-4 B/J/N/S Phantom
39.95 €
38096 - Eismann-Steinhardt, H.G.-F. cur:
Under Himmler's Command. The Personal Recollections of Oberst Hans-Georg Eismann. Helion WWII German Military Studies Volume 02
39.95 €
26608 - Hermann-Nguyen-Bernert, R.-J.-R.:
Uniformen der deutschen Infanterie 1888 bis 1914 in Farbe
45.00 €
70280 - Manes, L.:
Unita' albanesi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Le)
19.90 €
47795 - Friedman, N.:
Unmanned Combat Air Systems. A New Kind of Carrier Aviation
59.00 €
33522 - Calamandrei, P.:
Uomini e citta' della Resistenza
14.00 €
38816 - Armangue' i Herrero, J.:
Uomini e guerre nella Sardegna medioevale
15.00 €
42740 - Manfredi, L.:
Uomo delle tre rivoluzioni. Vita e pensiero del generale Guglielmo Pepe (L')
18.00 €
21137 - Friedman, N.:
US Battleship. An Illustrated Design History
75.00 €
21145 - Friedman, N.:
US Cruisers. An Illustrated Design History
75.00 €
21146 - Friedman, N.:
US Destroyers. An Illustrated Design History
125.00 €
52642 - Bowman, M.W.:
US Eight Air Force in Europe Vol 1: Eager Eagles: Summer 1941-1943
36.00 €
52691 - Bowman, M.W.:
US Eight Air Force in Europe Vol 2: Black Thursday, Blood and Oil
39.95 €
22328 - Sweetman-Bartlett, J. -M.:
US Marine Corp. An illustrated history (The)
65.00 €
55482 - Tillman, B.:
US Marine Corps Fighter Squadrons of World War II
33.00 €
23499 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
US Navy air combat 1939-1946
35.00 €
22383 - Tillman-Lawson, B.-RL::
US Navy Dive and Torpedo Bombers of WWII
35.00 €
22406 - Tillman-Lawson, B.-RL::
US Navy Fighters WWII
21.00 €
51327 - Mann-Pezzullo, D.-R.:
US Navy Seal Survival Handbook. Learn the Survival Techniques and Strategies of America's Elite Warriors
25.00 €
21179 - Friedman, N.:
US Small Combatants. An Illustrated Design History
95.00 €
21184 - Friedman, N.:
US Submarines through 1945. An Illustrated Design History
85.00 €
31716 - Bowman, M.A.:
USAAF Handbook 1939-1945
29.95 €
39787 - Romano-Grove, A.-M.:
USMC Harriers. The AV-8A/C, AV-8S and TAV-A/S in World WIde Service 1971-2006
33.00 €
28445 - Cressman, R.J.:
USS Ranger 1934-1946 The Navy's First Flattop from Keel to Mast
49.95 €
21204 - Engelmann, J.:
V-1: The Flying Bomb
19.95 €
21205 - Engelmann, J.:
V-2 - Dawn of the Rocket Age
19.95 €
60454 - Blackman-Wright, T.-A.:
Valiant Boys. True Tales from the operators of the UK's first Four-Jet Bomber
36.00 €
43009 - Bahmanyar, M.:
Vanquished. Crushing Defeats from Ancient Rome to the 21st Century
33.00 €
63593 - Mata Duaso-Molina Franco-Manrique, J.M.-L.-J.M.:
Vehiculos alemanes en la Guerra Civil espanola
39.95 €
40435 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Venalaiset Havittajat - Russian Fighters
30.00 €
47104 - Biedermann, G.:
Veneto invaso. Ricordi di guerra di un artigliere austriaco
14.00 €
61895 - Manfredi, G.:
Vespa 2. 85a Squadriglia. Storia dell'asso dell'Aviazione da caccia italiana Luigi Gorrini MOVM
28.00 €
29300 - Runciman, S.:
Vespri siciliani. Storia del mondo mediterraneo alla fine del XIII secolo (I)
21.00 €
59637 - Bowman-Stowell, L.-L.:
Vesto le bamboline Dive del Cinema. Con 200 adesivi
8.00 €
51174 - Secheret-Bowman, J.-L.:
Vesto le bamboline Il concorso ippico. Con oltre 300 adesivi
8.50 €
59638 - Bowman-Stowell, L.-L.:
Vesto le bamboline Stilista per gioco - Collezione Sposa. Con 200 adesivi
8.00 €
36991 - Mantini, M.:
Viaggiare nella storia dall'Adriatico al Passo Monte Croce Carnico
13.50 €
41125 - Mantini, M.:
Viaggio nell'ade carsica. Il Cimitero degli Invitti della Terza Armata sul colle S.Elia
22.00 €
53486 - Blackman, T.:
Victor Boys. True Stories from Forty Memorable Years of the Last V Bomber
36.00 €
21275 - Woodman, R.:
Victory of Seapower. Winning the Napoleonic War 1806-1814
55.00 €
21294 - Nurmann, B. et al.:
Vikings. Recreated in Colour Photographs - Europa Militaria Special 06 (The)
24.00 €
60187 - Subrahmanyam, S.:
Vita e leggenda di Vasco da Gama
18.00 €
61668 - von Manstein, E.:
Vittorie perdute. Le memorie di guerra del miglior generale di Hitler
36.00 €
72028 - Caremani, M.:
Vivere e morire in trincea. Malattie, medicina e pandemia durante la prima guerra mondiale
20.00 €
69604 - Gruppo Storico Romano, :
Voci di Roma. La rievocazione storica al tempo della Pandemia (Le)
25.00 €
58043 - Bowman, M.:
Voices in Flight. Daylight Bombing Operations 1939-1942
39.95 €
43470 - Bermani, C.:
Volante rossa. Storia e mito di un 'gruppo di bravi ragazzi' (La)
14.00 €
36561 - Saccomanno, C.:
Volevamo fare l'Italia. Memorie segrete di un giovane patriota genovese dai moti mazziniani alla presa di Roma
20.00 €
70931 - Manfredi, M.:
Volontari della liberta'. Biografie, miti e imprese dei garibaldini livornesi
26.00 €
56300 - Blackman, T.:
Vulcan Boys. From the Cold War to Falklands: True Tales of the Iconic Delta V Bomber
36.00 €
38175 - Blackman, T.:
Vulcan Test Pilot. My Experiences in the Cockpit of a Cold War Icon
19.95 €
52255 - Rottman-Bujero, G.-R.:
Waffen SS in Russia 1941-44 (The)
16.00 €
71299 - Pohmann, H.:
Walther Dahl. Kommodore dei Rammjaeger all'attacco dei B 17
20.00 €
21371 - Freedman, L. cur:
21.00 €
53471 - Wileman, J.:
War and Rumors of War. The Evidential Base for the Recognition of Warfare in Prehistory
70.00 €
38203 - Friedman, B.:
War I Always Wanted. The Illusion of Glory and the Reality of War (The)
33.00 €
69423 - Lyman, R.:
War of Empires. Japan, India, Burma and Britain 1941-45 (A)
29.95 €
22143 - Hartmann, A. et al.:
War Peace and World Orders in European History
49.95 €
56278 - Wileman, J.:
Warfare in Northern Europe Before the Romans. Evidence from Archaeolgy
36.00 €
22551 - Rottman-Lyles, G.-K.:
Warrior 028: Green Beret in Vietnam. 1957-1973
23.00 €
25702 - Bahmanyar-Welply, M.-M.:
Warrior 065: US Army Ranger 1983-2002. Sua sponte - Of their own accord
23.00 €
25988 - Bahmanyar-Welply, M.-M.:
Warrior 069: Darby's Rangers 1942-45
23.00 €
30586 - Rottman-Welply, G.-M.:
Warrior 095: Japanese Infantryman 1937-45. Sword of the Empire
23.00 €
30583 - Rottman-Lyles, G.-K.:
Warrior 098: US Army Infantryman in Vietnam 1965-73
23.00 €
32056 - Stedman-Hook, R.F.-A.:
Warrior 099: Kampfflieger: Bomber Crewman of the Luftwaffe 1939-43
23.00 €
34796 - Rottman, G.:
Warrior 112: US Marine Rifleman 1939-45. Pacific Theater
23.00 €
35951 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Warrior 116: Viet Cong Fighter
23.00 €
39076 - Stedman, R.F.:
Warrior 122: Jagdflieger: Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot 1939-45
23.00 €
37179 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.L.-H.:
Warrior 123: Soviet Rifleman 1941-45
23.00 €
38077 - Rottman, G.:
Warrior 128: US Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam
23.00 €
39075 - Rottman, G.:
Warrior 132: US Army Long-Range Patrol Scout in Vietnam 1965-71
23.00 €
40771 - Rottman, G.:
Warrior 135: North Vietnamese Army Soldier 1958-75
23.00 €
40772 - Moreman, T.:
Warrior 136: Chindit 1942-45
23.00 €
42993 - Rottman, G.L.:
Warrior 140: US Mechanized Infantryman in the First Gulf War
23.00 €
44580 - Rottman, G.L.:
Warrior 146: German Pionier 1939-45. Combat Engineer of the Wehrmacht
23.00 €
45810 - Rottman-Hook, H.-A.:
Warrior 147: US Combat Engineer 1941-45
23.00 €
45811 - Moreman-Ruggeri, T.-R.:
Warrior 148: Long Range Desert Group Patrolman. Western Desert 1940-43
23.00 €
49455 - Rottman-Delf, G.L.-B.:
Warrior 159: US MACV-SOG Reconnaissance Team in Vietnam
23.00 €
49456 - Moreman-Noon, T.-S.:
Warrior 160: Desert Rat 1940-43. British Commonwealth troops in North Africa
23.00 €
50886 - Rottman-Delf, G.L.-B.:
Warrior 161: Tunnel Rat in Vietnam
23.00 €
52401 - Rottman-Delf, G.L.-B.:
Warrior 165: US Army Paratrooper in the Pacific Theater 1943-45
23.00 €
33690 - Goodman, A.:
Wars of the Roses. The soldiers' experience (The)
45.00 €
46478 - Rottman-Bujeiro, G.L.-R.:
Weapon 002: Rocket Propelled Grenade
25.00 €
46480 - Rottman-Gilliland, G.L.-A.:
Weapon 004: Browning .50 caliber Machine Guns
25.00 €
47757 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 008: Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle
25.00 €
49461 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 014: M16
25.00 €
50891 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 018: Bazooka
25.00 €
53618 - Manning-Dennis, S.-P.:
Weapon 026: Martini-Henry Rifle
25.00 €
55486 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 032: Browning .30-caliber Machine Guns
25.00 €
56930 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 036: Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck
25.00 €
57398 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Weapon 038: Hand Grenade
25.00 €
58860 - Harriman, B.:
Weapon 050: Mosin-Nagant Rifle
25.00 €
63118 - Rottman-Shumate-Gilliland, G.L.-J.-A.:
Weapon 057: US Grenade Launchers. M79, M203, and M320
25.00 €
66560 - Harriman-Dennis-Gilliland, B.-P.-A.:
Weapon 070: Arisaka Rifle
25.00 €
68427 - Harriman-Hook-Gilliland, B.-A.-A.:
Weapon 078: Bayonet
25.00 €
25962 - Darman, P.:
Weapons and Equipment of the SAS
18.00 €
41041 - Romanzi-Collodel, F.-G.:
Weihnachten im Felde 1914-1917
20.00 €
58658 - Chapman, A.:
Welsh Soldiers in the Later Middle Ages 1282-1422
115.00 €
21483 - Engelmann, J.:
Wespe: German Self-Propelled Artillery in WWII
13.95 €
70196 - Tillman, B.:
When the Shooting Stopped. August 1945
25.00 €
60674 - Forman, D.:
Wigforce Story. L'eroico maggiore Wigram nella storia della Brigata Maiella
15.00 €
37581 - Beekman, S.:
William Dudley Pelley. Una vita nell'estremismo di destra e nell'occulto
29.50 €
51776 - Freeman, P.:
Wings of the Fleet. US Navy and Marine Corps Aviation 1919-1941
30.00 €
33011 - Alman, K.:
Wolfgang Lueth. Das Erfolgreichste U-Boot-Kommandant des Zweiten Weltkrieges
16.00 €
43211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Wolfpack Warriors. The Story of WWII Most Successful Fighter Outfit
21.00 €
21521 - Hartman, T.:
World Atlas of Military History 1945-1984
24.00 €
51758 - Hart-Mann, S.-C.:
World War II Secret Operations Handbook. Sabotaging the Nazi War Machine
25.00 €
43653 - Rottman, G.L..:
WWII Pacific Island Guide. A Geo-Military Study
125.00 €
40415 - Hoffmann, J.:
Yakovlev Yak-23. The First Yakovlev Jet Fighters
25.00 €
21565 - Eimannsberger, L.:
Zerstoerer Gruppe. A history of V./(Z)LG 1 - I./NJG 3 1929-41
75.00 €
35295 - Calamandrei, P.:
Zona di guerra. Lettere, scritti e discorsi (1915-1924)
22.00 €
44999 - Corbanese-Mansutti, G.G.-A.:
Zona di operazioni del litorale adriatico. Udine, Gorizia, Trieste, Fiume, Pola, Lubiana. Settembre 1943-Maggio 1945
64.00 €
49528 - Mantini, M.:
Zona monumentale del Monte Sabotino. Storia e memoria della straordinaria fortezza sull'Isonzo
19.50 €
60970 - Mantini, M.:
Zona monumentale del Monte San Michele. Carso 2014 da teatro di guerra a paesaggio della memoria (La)
18.00 €