Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Pubblicazioni di Hart-Mann
Risultati della Ricerca: 386 Prodotti
35954 - Naumann, V.:
10 cecchini piu' letali della storia: Storia, tecniche, attrezzatura e segreti dei piu' temuti soldati dei campi di battaglia (I)
15.00 €
61482 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
100 Astronavi di carta da piegare e lanciare
10.00 €
34198 - Manning, J.:
1000 Preserved Aircraft in colour
36.00 €
32921 - Beckmann-Bhulmann-Wasmus-Schroeder, L.-H.-H.-W.:
13. Panzer Division. 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
46920 - Hart, P.:
16th Durham Light Infantry in Italy 1943-1945 - Voices from the Front
25.00 €
32933 - Engelmann, J.:
18. Infanterie- und Panzergrenadier-Division 1934-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
60106 - Camanni, S.:
35 borghi imperdibili della Valle d'Aosta
9.90 €
32918 - Hermann, C.H.:
9. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner 1938-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
64437 - Ormanni-Paciolla-Paciolla, I.-A.-A.:
Abuso sessuale. Guida interdisciplinare
42.00 €
52325 - Hoffmann, H.:
Adolf Hitler. Immagini della vita del Fuehrer 1923-1936
25.00 €
69123 - Borgmann, W.:
Airbus A300/310. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
15213 - Manning, G.:
Airline Tail Colours
15.00 €
26224 - Heilmann, W.:
Alert in the West. A Luftwaffe Pilot on the Western Front
18.00 €
69822 - Mann, K.:
Alessandro. Romanzo dell'utopia
17.50 €
43989 - Lehmann, E.:
Ali del potere. La propaganda aeronautica nell'Italia fascista (Le)
24.00 €
40179 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 02: Martin Marauder Mk.I
18.00 €
40180 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 03: Northrop BT-1
16.00 €
40182 - Jennks-Laird-Listemann, C.-M.-P.H.:
Allied Wings 05: The Dauntless in RNZAF Service
18.00 €
45953 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 06: Grumman FF
18.00 €
45954 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 07: Boeing Fortress MK.1
18.00 €
45955 - Listemann-Thomas-Laird, P.H.-A.-M.:
Allied Wings 08: Boulton Paul Defiant Vol 1
19.95 €
45956 - Listemann-Laird, P.H.-M.:
Allied Wings 09: North American B-25 in Australian Service
19.95 €
45957 - Listemann-Laird-Crawford, P.H.-M.-A.:
Allied Wings 10: Hawker Fury Vol 1
19.95 €
64308 - Camanni, E.:
Alpi ribelli. Storie di montagna, resistenza e utopia
11.00 €
24012 - Newhart, M.R.:
American Battleships. A Pictorial History of BB-1 to BB-71 with prototypes Maine and Texas.
15.00 €
43236 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 1: The March to D-Day
39.95 €
43237 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 2: Storming Ashore
39.95 €
46822 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 3: the Battle in France
39.95 €
61860 - Manna, A.:
Angio' di Napoli (Gli)
46.00 €
71602 - Wharton, K.:
Another Bloody Chapter in an Endless Civil War Vol 1. Northern Ireland and the Troubles 1984-87
39.95 €
71603 - Wharton, K.:
Another Bloody Chapter in an Endless Civil War Vol 2. Northern Ireland and the Troubles 1988-90
39.95 €
30364 - Hirschmann-Graves, W.-D.:
Another Place, Another Time. A U-Boat Officer's Wartime Album
36.00 €
47624 - Chartrand, R.:
Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 Vol 1. The Guard of Louis XIV (The)
45.00 €
66612 - Chartrand, R.:
Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 Vol 2. The Infantry of Louis XIV (The)
45.00 €
67547 - Chartrand, R.:
Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 Vol 3. The Cavalry of Louis XIV (The)
45.00 €
43135 - Chartrand, R.:
Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 Vol 4. The War of the Spanish Succession, Artillery, Engineers and Militias (The)
45.00 €
65214 - Chartrand, R.:
Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715 Vol 5. Buccaneers and Soldiers in the Americas
55.00 €
43560 - Urquhart, R.E.:
27.00 €
52531 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann et al., :
Atlantic Wall. History and Guide
45.00 €
51750 - Hart, S.:
Atlas of Tank Warfare. From 1916 to the present day
33.00 €
61700 - Maerz-Hartmann, D.-B.:
Awards of the Heer Vol 2 (The)
125.00 €
71290 - Hart, J.:
B.C. 1958-1959 edizione cronologica Vol 1
27.00 €
51455 - Mannucci, E.J.:
Baionette nel focolare. La Rivoluzione francese e la ragione delle donne
22.00 €
64691 - von Vormann, N.:
Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy. The Encirclement and Breakout of Army Group South 1944 (The)
29.95 €
55858 - Mannall, D.:
Battle on the Lomba 1987. The day a South African Armoured Battalion shattered Angola's Last Mechanised Offensive
29.95 €
49554 - Neumann, G.C.:
Battle Weapons of the American Revolution
49.95 €
30218 - Hart, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Road to Falaise
27.00 €
44800 - Evan Hart-Stuckey, J.-D.:
Beginner's Guide to Metal Detecting
19.95 €
57418 - Hartwig, Q.L.:
Bendix Field. The History of an Airport and Legendary Pilot Homer Stockert
27.00 €
15835 - Engelmann, J.:
Bison and other 150 mm self-propelled Guns
13.95 €
71604 - Wharton, K.:
Blood and Broken Glass. Northern Ireland's Violent Countdown Towards Peace 1991-1993
39.95 €
48384 - Wharton, K.:
Bloody Belfast. An Oral History of the British Army's War Against the IRA
33.00 €
56311 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 707. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
69122 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 737. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
71016 - Borgmann, W.:
Boeing 747. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
24877 - Nottelmann, D.:
Brandenburg-Klasse. Hoehepunkt des deutschen panzerschiffbaus
45.00 €
68167 - Singh Mann, G.:
British and the Sikhs. Discovery, Warfare and Friendship 1700-1900 (The)
27.00 €
53474 - Uckelmann-Moedlinger, M.-M.:
Bronze Age Warfare. Manufacture and Use of Weaponry
75.00 €
32960 - Engelmann, J.:
Buch der Artillerie 1939-1945 (Das)
16.00 €
22829 - Mallmann Showeel, J.:
Buch der deutschen Kriegsmarine 1935-45
25.00 €
60981 - Wassermann, M.:
Bula Matari. La vita di Henry Stanley
17.50 €
41741 - Wharton, K.:
Bullets, Bombs and Cups of Tea. Further Voices of the British Army in Northern Ireland 1969-98
33.00 €
58011 - Hartley, J.:
Bully Beef and Biscuits. Food in the Great War
39.95 €
57150 - Mann, D.:
Caccia al lupo
13.90 €
50074 - Rebmann-Dadid-Sorg, A.-E.-M.H.:
Cadaver Dog Handbook. Forensic Training and Tactics for the Recovery of Human Remains
125.00 €
52087 - Dollmann, E.:
Calda estate del 1943 (La)
9.50 €
48517 - Hartcup, G.:
Camouflage. The History of Concealment and Deception in War
36.00 €
62043 - Feldmann-Mas, D.-C.:
Campagne du Rhin. Les Allies entrent en Allemagne. Janvier-mai 1945 (La)
35.00 €
20881 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 076: Ticonderoga 1758. Montcalm's victory against all odds
27.00 €
18568 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 079: Louisbourg 1758. Wolfe's First Siege
27.00 €
21651 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 090: Vimeiro 1808. Wellesley's first victory in the Peninsular
27.00 €
21716 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 097: Bussaco 1810. Wellington defeats Napoleon's Marshals
27.00 €
22544 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Campaign 099: Fuentes de Onoro 1811. Wellington's liberation of Portugal
27.00 €
29881 - Chartrand-Walsh, R.-S.:
Campaign 140: Monongahela 1754-55. Washington's defeat, Braddock's disaster
27.00 €
33458 - Chartrand, R.:
Campaign 172: Gibraltar 1779-1783. The Great Siege
27.00 €
53578 - Chartrand-Turner, R.-G.:
Campaign 253: Talavera 1809. Wellington's lightning strike into Spain
27.00 €
58754 - Hart-Shumate, S.A.-J.:
Campaign 294: Operation Totalize 1944. The Allied drive sout from Caen
27.00 €
16139 - Barnes-Mann, F.C.-R.A.:
Cartridges of the World. 17th Edition
49.95 €
66409 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Castle to Fortress. Medieval to Post-Modern Fortifications in the Lands of the Former Roman Empire
39.95 €
47903 - Charton, B.:
Chevaliers Teutoniques (Les)
21.00 €
16224 - Tiemann, R.:
Chronicle of the 7. Panzer-Kompanie 1. SS-Panzerdivision Leibstandarte
39.95 €
16226 - Davidson-Manning, E.-D.:
Chronology of World War Two
27.00 €
26379 - Rustmann, F.W.:
CIA, Inc. Espionage and the Craft of Business Intelligence
35.00 €
69891 - Simms-Ladermann, B.-C.:
Cinque giorni che hanno cambiato la IIGM. Da Pearl Harbor alla dichiarazione di guerra di Hitler agli USA: come la guerra divento' mondiale (I)
12.00 €
46541 - Grohmann, A.:
Citta' medievale (La)
16.00 €
33053 - Thillmann, J.H.:
Civil War Army Swords. A Study of US Army Swords from 1832 through 1865
105.00 €
56147 - Hartcup, G.:
Code Name MULBERRY. The Planning, Building and Operation of the Normandy Harbours
19.95 €
36450 - Ashley Hart, S.:
Colossal Cracks. Montgomery's 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe 1944-45
21.00 €
34175 - Hartley Leather, E.:
Combat without Weapons
9.00 €
49597 - Manning-Stamp Dawkins, A.-M.:
Comportamento animale (Il)
29.00 €
56176 - Hoffmann, H.:
Con Hitler in Polonia. Libro+DVD
25.00 €
59474 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Astronavi
7.50 €
62478 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Motociclette
7.50 €
59472 - Tudhope-Mann, S.-A.:
Costruisco con gli adesivi. Treni
7.50 €
35073 - von Peschke-Feldmann, H.P.-W.:
Cucina del Rinascimento (La)
18.00 €
45353 - Fortmann, M.:
Cycles de Mars. Revolutions militaires et edification etatique de la Renaissance a nos jours (Les)
45.00 €
50725 - Wharton-Bly, E.-N.:
Da fronti opposti. Diari di guerra 1914-1915
19.00 €
15592 - Hormann-Behr, J.M.-V.:
Decorations Allemandes Militaires (1933-1945) et Civiles (1919-1945)
69.95 €
45610 - Eberhart-Wilson, L.D.-R.L.:
Derringer in America Vol 1. The Percussion Period (The)
59.95 €
36716 - Bichlmaier-Hartung, L.-L.:
Deutsche Koppelschloesser 1919-1945
25.00 €
40943 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Schlachtschiffe, Torpedoboote, Kreuzer, Zerstoerer 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
43072 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - U-Boote 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
27036 - Mallmann-Shovell, J.P.:
Deutsche U-Boote an feindilichen Kuesten 1939-1945
29.95 €
50723 - Nattermann, R. cur:
Diari e le agende di Luca Pietromarchi 1938-1940. Politica estera del fascismo e vita quotidiana di un diplomatico romano del '900 (I)
45.00 €
16662 - Batemann III, R.L.:
Digital War. A view from the front lines
32.50 €
54379 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Doenitz, U-Boats, Convoys. The British Version of His Memoirs from the Admiralty's Secret Anti-Submarine Reports
36.00 €
49273 - Mannino, S.:
Domenica di sangue. I 'fatti di Renzino' fra storia e mito (Una)
15.00 €
72608 - Borgmann, W.:
Douglas DC-3. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
71018 - Borgmann, W.:
Douglas DC-9. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
54280 - Laumanns, H.W.:
Drohnen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
37611 - Hart, A.H.:
Duel 002: Sherman Firefly vs Tiger. Normandy 1944
25.00 €
57591 - Hart, M.:
Dutch Wars of Independence. Warfare and commerce in the Netherlands 1570-1680 (The)
59.95 €
25898 - Chartrand-Hook, R.-R.:
Elite 093: American War of Independence Commanders
23.00 €
26752 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Elite 102: Santa Anna's Mexican Army 1821-48
23.00 €
26751 - Chartrand-Hook, R.-R.:
Elite 108: Spanish Guerrilla in the Peninsular War 1808-14
23.00 €
66538 - Chartrand-Hook, R.-A.:
Elite 229: Raiders from New France. North American Forest Warfare Tactics, 17th-18th Centuries
23.00 €
32783 - McManners, H.:
Elite- und Spezialverbaende Weltweit
29.95 €
21772 - Wiedemann, T.:
Emperors and Gladiators
39.95 €
57714 - Werge-Hartley, J.:
Enamelling on Precious Metals
27.00 €
36530 - Akermann, P.:
Encyclopaedia of British Submarines 1901-1955
65.00 €
23703 - Hart, R.:
Essential Histories 032: Second World War (6) Northwest Europe 1944-1945
23.00 €
35010 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS. Vol 4
165.00 €
35626 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Army. Vol 1
85.00 €
35627 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Luftwaffe. Vol 2
85.00 €
35628 - Wittmann, T.T.:
Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Navy. Vol 3
115.00 €
38867 - Kunzmann-Milius, S.:
Fallschirmjaeger der Waffen SS im Bild
25.00 €
26640 - Hasemann, D.:
Feuerwehr-Klassiker: Feuerwehr Legenden
27.50 €
17099 - Hughes-Mann, M.-C.:
Fighting Techniques of a Panzergrenadier 1941-45
27.00 €
23581 - Westermann, E.B.:
Flak. German anti-aircraft defenses
35.00 €
26430 - Hermann-Petrick, D.-P.:
Focke-Wulf FW 187. An Illustrated History
59.95 €
27082 - Hermann, D.:
Focke-Wulf FW 190 'Long Nose'. An illustrated History of the FW 190 D series
75.00 €
27695 - Hermann-Leverenz-Weber, D.-U.-E.:
Focke-Wulf FW 190 A. An illustrated History of the Luftwaffe's legendary Fighter Aircraft
75.00 €
17178 - Harmann, D.:
Focke-Wulf Ta 152. The Story of the Luftwaffe's Late-War, High-Altitude Fighter
45.00 €
28712 - Hermann, D.:
Focke-Wulf Ta 154. Luftwaffe Reich Defence Day and Night Interceptor
45.00 €
30550 - Chartrand-Alina Ill., R.:
Fortress 027: French Fortresses in North America 1535-1763. Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg and New Orleans
23.00 €
33476 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress 047: Fortifications of the Incas
23.00 €
34766 - Chartrand, R.:
Fortress 049: Spanish Main 1492-1800
23.00 €
38061 - Chartrand-Delf, R.-B.:
Fortress 075: Forts of New France in Northeast America 1600-1763
23.00 €
44600 - Chartrand, R.:
Fortress 093: Forts of New France
23.00 €
47731 - Chartrand-Spedaliere, R.-D.:
Fortress 101: Forts of Colonial North America. British, Dutch and Swedish North America
23.00 €
50868 - Chartrand-Spedaliere, R.-D.:
Fortress 106: Forts of the War of 1812
23.00 €
58772 - Chartrand, R.:
Fortress 110: Forts of the American Revolution 1775-83
23.00 €
37282 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress America. The Forts that Defended America, 1600 to the Present
30.00 €
25528 - Kaufmann-Jurga, J.E.-R.M.:
Fortress Europe. European Fortifications of World War II
39.95 €
38277 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress France. The Maginot Line and French Defenses in WWII
21.00 €
27307 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Fortress Third Reich. German Fortifications and Defence Systems in WWII
33.00 €
49361 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945. The Central States: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia
39.95 €
29505 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
Forts and Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945: The Neutral States, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland (The)
39.95 €
58662 - Chartrand, R.:
French Military Arms and Armor in America 1503-1783
49.95 €
55930 - Loewer-Bernhart, H.J.-U.:
Fronte delle Alpi - ieri e oggi. Sulle tracce della Grande Guerra in montagna 1915-1918 (Il)
24.90 €
71929 - Steinmann, L.:
Fronte Russo. La guerra in Ucraina raccontata dall'inviato tra i soldati di Putin (Il)
19.00 €
66573 - Chartrand-Gelinas, R.-K.:
Frontier Soldiers of New France. Vol 1. Regulation Clothing, Armament, and Equipment of the Colonial Troops in New France 1683-1760
59.95 €
55533 - Bartmann, E.:
Fuer Volk and Fuehrer. The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
39.95 €
66131 - Clostermann, P.:
Fuoco dal cielo. La vera storia di un pilota di caccia francese nell'inferno dell'Algeria 1956-1957
18.00 €
57086 - Camanni, E.:
Fuoco e il gelo. La grande guerra sulle montagne (Il)
12.00 €
42641 - Engelmann, J.:
Geheime Waffenschmiede Peenemuende. V2, Wasserfall, Schmetterling
16.00 €
33040 - Bornemann, M.:
Geheimprojekt Mittelbau. Vom zentralen Oellager des Deutschen Reiches zur groessten Raketenfabrik im Zweiten Weltkrieg
18.00 €
45147 - Valtz Mannucci, L.:
Genesi della potenza americana. Da Jefferson a Wilson (La)
10.00 €
17404 - Engelmann, J.:
German Artillery in WWII 1939-45
33.00 €
17433 - Engelmann, J.:
German Heavy Field Artillery 1934-1945
13.95 €
17435 - Engelmann, J.:
German Heavy Mortars
13.95 €
17446 - Engelmann, J.:
German Light Field Artillery 1935-1945
13.95 €
17474 - Engelmann, J.:
German Rocket Launchers in WWII
13.95 €
47340 - Ulrich-Ziemann, B.-B.:
German Soldier in the Great War. Letters and Eyewitness Accounts
36.00 €
17490 - Hormann, J.:
German Uniforms of the 20th Century Vol I: The Panzer Troops 1917-to the Present
33.00 €
17491 - Hormann, J.:
German Uniforms of the 20th Century Vol II: The Infantry 1919-to the Present
33.00 €
39458 - Junkelmann, M.:
Gladiatoren: Das Spiel mit dem Tod
45.00 €
55866 - Mann, C.:
Gladiatori (I)
12.00 €
59776 - Manning, R.:
Glock Reference Guide 2nd Ed. Full Coverage! The first generation to the Latest Models
33.00 €
31264 - Hartnik, A.E.:
Grande enciclopedia dei coltelli (La)
29.90 €
17573 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol I: Dolomiti orientali (La)
18.00 €
17574 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol II: Dolomiti occidentali (La)
18.00 €
17576 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol IV: Alpi carniche occidentali (La)
21.00 €
17577 - Schaumann, W.:
Grande Guerra 15-18 Vol V: Alpi carniche orientali (La)
21.00 €
62858 - Lehmann, E.:
Grande Guerra aerea. Sguardi incrociati italo-francesi
23.50 €
16274 - Camanni, E.:
Grande libro del ghiaccio (Il)
22.00 €
56032 - Hart, P.:
Grande storia della prima guerra mondiale (La)
12.00 €
17622 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Great Captains unveiled
21.00 €
45121 - Bleckmann, B.:
Guerra del Peloponneso (La)
10.50 €
54907 - Lehmann, E.:
Guerra dell'aria. Giulio Douhet stratega impolitico (La)
20.00 €
62593 - Camanni, E.:
Guerra di Joseph (La)
8.90 €
23480 - Gere-Widemann, F.-T.:
Guerre totale (La)
30.00 €
65859 - Mann, J.K.:
Guerriero zen. Buddhismo e arti marziali (Il)
14.50 €
61996 - Manning, R.:
Gun Digest Book of CZ Firearms
36.00 €
49695 - Mann, R.A.:
Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to the AR-15
25.00 €
54192 - Mann, R.A.:
Handgun Training for Personal Protection. How to choose and Use the Best Sights, Lights, Lasers and Ammunition
27.50 €
51023 - Rebmann-Roesler-Sander, D.-H.-F.:
Harley-Davidson Legends
39.95 €
59753 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 05 Die Langen Kerls. Die preussische Riesengarde 1675/1713-1806
23.00 €
59754 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 06 Der Deutschorden. Von Akkon bis zum Baltikum. Die Armee 1198-1420
23.00 €
59755 - Fuhrmann-Iselt, R.-G.:
Heere und Waffen 07 Tannenberg 1410. Die Niederlage des Deutschen Ritterordens
23.00 €
59757 - Weber-Fuhrmann, T.-R.:
Heere und Waffen 09 Die Samurai der Sengoku-Zeit Teil 1: Anatomie einer Samurai-Armee im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
23.00 €
59759 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 11 Das Heer des Arminius. Germanische Krieger zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts
23.00 €
59760 - Fuhrmann, R.:
Heere und Waffen 12 Die Fahnen von Waterloo. Umkaempft, erobert und verloren
27.00 €
59762 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 14 Das Heer des Varus Teil 1: Roemische Truppen in Germanien 9 n.Chr: Legionen und Hilfstruppen, Bekleidung, Trachtzubehoer, Schutzwaffen
23.00 €
59765 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 17 Das Heer des Varus Teil 2: Waffen, Ausruestung, Feldzeichen, Reiterei, Verbaende und Einheiten
23.00 €
59766 - Amsel-Lunyakov-Fuhrmann, L.-S.-R.:
Heere und Waffen 18 Die etatmaessigen Dienstgrade und Dienststellungen in der franzoesischen Armee 1804-1815
23.00 €
59767 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 19 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 1: Bekleidung, Trachtzubehoer, persoenliche Ausruestung, Ruestung
23.00 €
59768 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 20 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 2: Schild und Schwert
23.00 €
59770 - Strassmeir-Gagelmann, A.-A.:
Heere und Waffen 22 Das fraenkische Heer der Merowingerzeit Teil 3: Waffen, Feldzeichen, Reitausruestung und Organisation
29.95 €
29243 - Koehler-Von Sichart, C.-E.:
History of Costume (A)
23.00 €
17950 - Zitelmann, R.:
7.23 €
49750 - Hoffmann, H.:
Hitler Was My Friend. Memoirs of Hitler's Photographer
36.00 €
61986 - Mann-Joergensen, C.-C.:
Hitler's Arctic War. The German Campaign in Norway, Finland and the USSR 1940-1945
27.00 €
53851 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Naval Bases. Kriegsmarine Bases During the Second World War
33.00 €
42025 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Navy. The Ships, Men and Organization of the Kriegsmarine 1935-1945
55.00 €
21838 - Hoffmann, P.:
Hitler's personal security
27.00 €
32178 - Westermann, E.B.:
Hitler's Police Battalions. Enforcing Racial War in the East
45.00 €
23436 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's U-Boat Bases
23.50 €
32827 - Mann, D.:
How to Become a Navy Seal. Everything You Need to Know to Become a Member of the US Navy's Elite Force
21.00 €
42761 - Immelmann, F.:
Immelmann. The Eagle of Lille
27.00 €
35251 - Bidermann, G.H.:
In deadly Combat. A German Soldier's Memoir of the Eastern Front
25.00 €
26432 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 1: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1939-1943
55.00 €
48578 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 2: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1943-1945
75.00 €
52657 - Price-Thonemann, S.-P.:
In principio fu Troia. L'Europa nel mondo antico
24.00 €
43571 - Durant-Hartov, M.J.-S.:
In the Company of Heroes
17.50 €
43080 - Herrmann-Hartmann, R.-P.:
Infanterieoffizierdegen 1889 und Varianten
35.00 €
18086 - Redemann, H.:
Innovations in aircraft construction
39.95 €
25338 - Charters-Farson-Hastedt, D.-S.-G.P. cur:
Intelligence Analysis and Assessment
49.95 €
50191 - Hoffmann-Terplan, P.-K.:
Intelligence Support Systems. Technologies for Lawful Intercepts
155.00 €
30500 - Hammermann, G.:
Internati militari italiani in Germania 1943-1945 (Gli)
18.00 €
37475 - Arfmann-Kallmeyer, P.-R.:
J.P. Sauer and Son. The Story of the oldest weapons factory in Germany, established 1751
55.00 €
55008 - Feldmann, H.:
Jagdgeschwader 71 'Richthofen' 1975-2013
21.00 €
51036 - Chartrand, R.:
Japanese War Art and Uniforms 1853-1930
85.00 €
31475 - Steel-Hart, N.-P.:
Jutland 1916. Death in the Grey Wastes
15.00 €
70797 - Dodson-Nottelmann, A.-D.:
Kaiser's Cruisers 1871-1918
65.00 €
48057 - Normann, M.:
Kampfflugzeuge der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
54276 - Normann, M.:
Kampfhubschrauber seit 1962 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
24543 - Wachsmann, N.:
KL. Storia dei campi di concentramento nazisti
21.00 €
62911 - Lenhart, U.:
Kleidung und Waffen der Duererzeit 1480-1530 Band 2
45.00 €
51031 - Schumann, R.:
Knight's Cross Profiles Vol 1. Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, Rudolf Winnerl, Hermann Graf, Hans-Georg Schierholz
45.00 €
53291 - Schumann-Westerwelle, R.-W.:
Knight's Cross Profiles Vol 2: Gerhard Tuerke, Heinz Baer, Arnold Huebner, Joachim Muencheberg
49.95 €
62362 - Pallasmann-Tonazzi, K.-D.:
Kriegswege. Sentieri di Guerra. Dal monte Malvueric alla Mozenica, nelle postazioni di montagna del fronte Italo-austriaco della Grande Guerra
25.00 €
18428 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Lawrence of Arabia
24.00 €
38290 - Gebhart, J.J.:
LBJ's Hired Gun. A Marine Corps Helicopter Gunner's War in Vietnam
36.00 €
25961 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte im Bild
40.00 €
18455 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/I
69.95 €
28140 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/II
65.00 €
42545 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Letzte Jahr der Waffen-SS. Mai 1944-Mai 1945 (Das)
18.00 €
72121 - Zerkowski-Fuhrmann, W.-R.:
Make your own Medieval Clothing. Basic Garments for Men
25.00 €
51382 - Zerkowski-Fuhrmann, W.-R.:
Make your own Medieval Clothing. Basic Garments for Women
25.00 €
45865 - Hartmann-Leloup Perier, G.-F.:
Manifesti aerei
75.00 €
69121 - Borgmann, W.:
McDonnell Douglas DC-10/MD-11. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
37359 - Hartley, D.:
Medieval Costume and how to Recreate it
21.00 €
49752 - Lockhart, R.B.:
Memoirs of a British Agent
27.00 €
18562 - Chartrand-Back, R.-F.:
Men-at-Arms 203: Louis XIV's Army
19.00 €
19128 - Chartrand-Back, R.-F.:
Men-at-Arms 211: Napoleon's Overseas Army
19.00 €
17264 - Chartrand-Back, R.-F.:
Men-at-Arms 244: French Army in the American War of Independence
19.00 €
16007 - Chartrand-Chappell, R.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 294: British Forces in the West Indies 1793-1815
19.00 €
18563 - Chartrand-Leliepvre, R.-E.:
Men-at-Arms 296: Louis XV's Army (1) Cavalry and Dragoons
19.00 €
18564 - Chartrand-Leliepvre, R.-E.:
Men-at-Arms 302: Louis XV's Army (2) French Infantry
19.00 €
18565 - Chartrand-Leliepvre, R.-E.:
Men-at-Arms 304: Louis XV's Army (3) Foreign Infantry
19.00 €
18566 - Chartrand-Leliepvre, R.-E.:
Men-at-Arms 308: Louis XV's Army (4) Light Troops and Specialists
19.00 €
18567 - Chartrand-Leliepvre, R.-E.:
Men-at-Arms 313: Louis XV's Army (5) Colonial and Naval Troops
19.00 €
15973 - Chartrand-Embleton, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 319: British Forces in North America 1793-1815
19.00 €
20415 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 321: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) 1793-1808
19.00 €
16831 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 328: Emigre' and Foreign Troops in British Service (1) 1793-1802
19.00 €
20416 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 332: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) 1808-1812
19.00 €
20417 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 334: Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3) 1812-1815
19.00 €
16830 - Chartrand-Courcelle, R.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 335: Emigre' and Foreign Troops in British Service (2) 1803-15
19.00 €
19741 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 343: Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)
19.00 €
19742 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 346: Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2)
19.00 €
21637 - Chartrand-Younghusband, R.-B.:
Men-at-Arms 358: Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3)
19.00 €
21727 - Chartrand-Volstad, R.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 359: Canadian Forces in World War II
19.00 €
22522 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 366: Colonial American Troops 1610-1774 (1)
19.00 €
22525 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 372: Colonial American Troops 1610-1774 (2)
19.00 €
25477 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 383: Colonial American Troops 1610 - 1774 (3)
19.00 €
35942 - Chartrand-Embleton, R.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 439: Canadian Corps in World War I
19.00 €
39019 - Chartrand, R.:
Men-at-Arms 450: American Loyalist Troops 1775- 84
19.00 €
49439 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 475: Spanish Army in North America 1700-1783
19.00 €
64061 - Chartrand, R.:
Men-at-Arms 517: French Naval and Colonial Troops 1872-1914
19.00 €
18833 - Mathmann, J.M.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 Vol 2
13.95 €
67130 - Normann, M.:
Mil Mi-24 Attack Helicopter. In Soviet/Russian and Worldwide Service. 1972 to the Present
55.00 €
26067 - Hormann, J.M.:
Militaerische Auszeichnungen 1935-1945. Orden und Ehrenzeichen der Wehrmacht
36.00 €
38519 - Manning, G.:
Military Aircraft of the 1970s
36.00 €
31025 - Haverfield-Hofmann, cur:
Military Field Pocket Book 1811 (Translation of General Scharnhorst)
29.95 €
46002 - Mann, D.:
Modern Day Gunslinger. Defensive Tactical Handgun Training
25.00 €
66997 - Hart-Hart, R.-S.:
Modern Russian Tanks and AFVs 1990-Present. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns - APCs - IFVs
29.95 €
66999 - Hart-Hart, R.-S.:
Modern Tanks and AFVs 1991-Present. Armoured Fighting Vehicles
45.00 €
18985 - Schaumann, W.:
Monte Piana. Storia escursioni e paesaggio
14.00 €
15449 - Mannucci, E.:
Morire e' poco. L'esilio di Edda Ciano
20.00 €
59960 - Rothmann, R.:
Morire in primavera
16.00 €
24733 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierte Artillerie und Panzerartillerie des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945
29.95 €
32957 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierte Artillerie und Panzerartillerie des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
19006 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Motorisierten Schuetzen und Panzergrenadiere des deutschen Heeres 1935-1945 (Die)
19.95 €
71352 - Negri Mussolini-Russomanno, E.-M.:
Mussolini dopo Mussolini (I)
18.00 €
43478 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels-Manni, P.-S.:
Napoleone I. Da Austerlitz a Friedland. Scritti, discorsi, bollettini 1805-1807
35.00 €
19093 - Chartrand, R.:
Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon's Army
23.50 €
69033 - Bachmann-Maignon, F.-J.:
Nebeltruppen. Les lance-fusees de l'Armee Allemande 1939-1945. Uniformes - insignes - organisation
45.00 €
55504 - Herrmann, E.:
Neuschwabenland. Rapporto fotografico della spedizione antartica tedesca 1938-1939. Libro+CD-ROM
20.00 €
25450 - Chartrand-Hutchins, R.-R.:
New Vanguard 066: Napoleon's Guns 1792-1815 (1) Field Artillery
19.00 €
25577 - Hart-Laurier, S.-J.:
New Vanguard 067: Panther Medium Tank 1942-45
19.00 €
25904 - Chartrand-Hutchins, R.-R.:
New Vanguard 076: Napoleon's Guns 1792-1815 (2) Heavy and Siege Artillery
19.00 €
43574 - Durant-Hartov-Johnson, M.J.-S.-R.L.:
Night Stalkers. Top Secret Missions of the U.S. Army's Special Operations Aviation Regiment (The)
19.95 €
50667 - Listemann, P.H.:
No.453 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron 1941-1945. Buffaloes, Spitfire
39.95 €
50668 - Watkins-Listemann, P.H.:
No.501 (County of Gloucester) Squadron 1939-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire, Tempest
33.00 €
71677 - Manning, G.:
North Korean Aviation. An Eyewitness Account
25.00 €
71605 - Wharton, K.:
Northern Ireland: An Agony Continued. The British Army in Northern Ireland 1980-83
45.00 €
42390 - Cazzola Hofmann, R.L.:
Nuovi pirati. La pirateria del Terzo Millennio in Africa, Asia e America Latina (I)
14.00 €
54451 - Baschin-Block-Nelson-Tippmann, J.-M.-J.-H.:
Nuts and Bolts 30: Nebel-, Panzer- und Vielfachwerfer
35.00 €
55378 - Baschin-Block-Nelson-Tippmann, J.-M.-J.-H.:
Nuts and Bolts 31: Marder II Panzerjaeger II fuer 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 (Sd.Kfz. 131)
35.00 €
56641 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 32: The medium cross-country lorries 3 ton (6x4) of the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht
35.00 €
57288 - Baschin-Block-Nelson-Tippmann, J.-M.-J.-H.:
Nuts and Bolts 33: Leichte Feldhaubitze 18, GW II fuer le.F.H. 18/2 Wespe and Hummel-Wespe
35.00 €
59482 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 35: Buessing's schwere Pz.Spaehwagen Part 1: schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (SdKfz.231) and schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (Fu) (SdKfz.232) (8-Rad)
35.00 €
60982 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 36: Buessing's schwere Pz.Spaehwagen Part 2: schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (7,5 cm) (SdKfz.233), schw.Pz.Fu.Wg (SdKfz.263) (8-Rad) and Panzermesskraftwagen
35.00 €
21620 - Bannermann, M.:
Osprey Modelling Manuals 05: Intermediate Military Vehicle Modelling
25.00 €
24833 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Other side of the Hill (The)
15.00 €
52182 - Di Manno, F.:
Panico tra mente e corpo (Il)
25.00 €
31269 - Hughes-Mann, M.-c.:
Panther. Weapons of War (The)
25.00 €
47335 - Hartmann, B.:
Panzers in the Sand. The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol 1: 1935-41
39.95 €
47336 - Hartmann, B.:
Panzers in the Sand. The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol 2: 1942-45
39.95 €
19585 - Schaumann-Eybl, W.-E.:
Passo di Monte Croce Carnico. Storia escursioni e paesaggio
12.00 €
70042 - Hartungen, von, C.H.:
Piccola patria austriaca. Il Tirolo fra Ottocento e Novecento
11.00 €
57539 - Listemann, P.:
Planes and Pilots 21: Supermarine Spitfire Vol 2: Mk VI to IX and XVI
23.00 €
67299 - Baumann, G.:
Posen '45. Bastion on the Warthe
65.00 €
31165 - Niemann, D.:
Price Guide Orders Germany / Bewertungs-Katalog Deutschland 1871-1945
75.00 €
46246 - Niemann, D.:
Price Guide Orders Germany 1871-1945 (Pocket Ed.)
29.95 €
19775 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Prima Guerra Mondiale 1914-1918 (La)
12.00 €
50880 - Chartrand-Dennis, R.-P.:
Raid 027: Tomahawk and Musket. French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758
25.00 €
52396 - Chartrand-Stacey, R.-M.:
Raid 034: Oldest Allies. Alcantara 1809
25.00 €
56915 - Chartrand-Dennis, R.-P.:
Raid 046: Montcalm's Crushing Blow. French and Indian Raids along New York's Oswego River 1756
25.00 €
42552 - Engelmann, J.:
Raketen die den Krieg entscheiden sollten: Taifun, Natter, Kirschkern (V1), Rheinbote (V4), Foehn (V3) u.a.
16.00 €
70771 - Singh Mann, G.:
Rise of the Sikh Soldier. The Sikh Warrior through the ages c. 1700-1900
36.00 €
46366 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 01: Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer
17.00 €
46370 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 05: Major Gerhard Tuerke
17.00 €
56348 - Schumann-Westerwelle, R.-W.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 08: Joachim Muencheberg. Der Jaeger von Malta
17.00 €
56349 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 09: Wilhelm Weissberg. Kommandeur der I./Flak-Sturmabteilung Flak-Regiment 25
17.00 €
56351 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 10: Franz von Werra. der Ausbrecherkoenig
17.00 €
56968 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 12: Walther Dahl. Kommodore der Rammjaeger
17.00 €
56352 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 13: Rudolf Frank. Eichenlaubtraeger der Nachtjagd
17.00 €
53393 - Hoffmann, B.:
Roman Invasion of Britain. Archaeology Versus History (The)
36.00 €
20062 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Rommel Papers (The)
29.95 €
39771 - Hartley, J.M.:
Russia 1762-1825
125.00 €
68524 - Hart, S.:
Russian Tanks of World War II 1939-1945. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns
29.95 €
33833 - Oltmann, R.:
Russlandkrieg im Farbe Vol 2: In die Tiefen Russlands. Durchbruch zu wolga und Kaukasus (1942)
29.00 €
71839 - Borgmann, W.:
S.E. 210 Caravelle. A Legends of Flight Illustrated History
39.95 €
29051 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Scipio Africanus. Greater than Napoleon
25.00 €
68559 - Manno, R. (cur):
Sed ferro. Arditi all'assalto - Guerra 1915/1918
22.00 €
28433 - Liddel Hart, B.H.:
Sherman. Soldier, Realist, American
29.95 €
52522 - Wharton, K.:
Sir, They're Taking the Kids Indoor. The British Army in Northern Ireland 1973-74
33.00 €
52578 - Hart, P.:
Somme Success. The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of the Somme 1916
25.00 €
63043 - Reiner-Hoeller-Hartinger, M.-H.-A.:
Sous les ordres de Rommel. Des deserts d'Afrique du nord aux plages de Normandie
45.00 €
48220 - Lohmann, H.P.:
Spaehpanzer Luchs. Die technische Dokumentation des Waffensystems
45.00 €
62835 - Neumann, P.:
SS: Generazione maledetta
18.00 €
61031 - Block-Erdmann-Blackman, P.M.-T.I.-R.:
Star Trek Costumes. Five Decades of Fashion from the Final Frontier
75.00 €
63221 - Pietschmann, R.:
Storia dei fenici
25.00 €
45514 - Seligmann, K.:
Storia della magia
20.00 €
20653 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Storia militare della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Gli eserciti, i fronti, le battaglie
22.00 €
31759 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Strategy 2nd Ed
27.00 €
45931 - Mueller-Zimmermann, P.-W.:
Sturmgeschuetz III. Backbone of the German Infantry, Volume I, History; Development, Production, Deployment
59.95 €
42691 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Swastikas in the Arctic. U-Boat Alley through the Frozen Hell
33.00 €
31298 - Hughes-Mann, M.-c.:
T-34. Weapons of War (The)
25.00 €
54521 - Boehm-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Tankograd American Special 3020: Nuclear Winter FTX. US Army Vehicles during the Cold War Exercises WINTER SHIELD I and II in 1960-61
23.00 €
20813 - Hoffmann, P.:
Tedeschi contro il nazismo
10.33 €
60497 - Terhart, F.:
Tesoro dei templari. Le ricchezze nascoste (Il)
25.80 €
52226 - Lochmann-von Rosen-Rubbel, F.W.-R.-A.:
Tiger-Abteilung 503. La Schwere Panzerabteilung 503 du Front de l'Est a la Normandie
65.00 €
50016 - Normann, M.:
Transporte und Hubschrauber der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
34889 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boat Century. German Submarine Warfare 1906-2006 (The)
36.00 €
51840 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boats Attack! The Battle of the Atlantic witnessed by the Wolf Packs
25.00 €
21010 - Roessler-Emsmann, E.-H.J.:
Ubootklasse 205 (Bundesmarine) - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
38096 - Eismann-Steinhardt, H.G.-F. cur:
Under Himmler's Command. The Personal Recollections of Oberst Hans-Georg Eismann. Helion WWII German Military Studies Volume 02
39.95 €
26608 - Hermann-Nguyen-Bernert, R.-J.-R.:
Uniformen der deutschen Infanterie 1888 bis 1914 in Farbe
45.00 €
67192 - Lienhart-Humbert, C.-R.:
Uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 Vol 1: Major Staff, Maison du Roy, Guards (The)
29.00 €
67193 - Lienhart-Humbert, C.-R.:
Uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 Vol 2: The Cavalry (The)
29.00 €
67194 - Lienhart-Humbert, C.-R.:
Uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 Vol 3: The Infantry (The)
29.00 €
67195 - Lienhart-Humbert, C.-R.:
Uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 Vol 4: Artillery and Military Engineering (The)
29.00 €
67196 - Lienhart-Humbert, C.-R.:
Uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 Vol 5: National Guard and Allied Armies (The)
29.00 €
51327 - Mann-Pezzullo, D.-R.:
US Navy Seal Survival Handbook. Learn the Survival Techniques and Strategies of America's Elite Warriors
25.00 €
21204 - Engelmann, J.:
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