Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Terrestre: Veicoli Logistici
Risultati della Ricerca: 380 Prodotti
68144 - Ranger, A.:
4-Wheeled Armoured Cars in Germany WW2 - Camera on 21
25.00 €
29007 - Boniface, J.M.:
50 ans de Vehicules militaires en France de 1945 a nos jours Vol 3: Armee de l'Air-Marine Nationale
55.00 €
26063 - Cecchinato-Melotti, E.-F.:
Alfa Romeo AR 51 - AR 52 Alfa 'Matta'. Le vetture che hanno fatto la storia
28.00 €
38132 - Bertin, F.:
Allied Liberation Vehicles 1944
21.00 €
59033 - Ware, P.:
AM General Humvee Enthusiasts' Manual. 1985 Onwards (All Military Variants)
45.00 €
69031 - Andres, D.:
Ambulances et Vehicules Medicaux de l'US Army
33.00 €
31809 - Sannia-Mainetti, A.-P.:
Ambulanze italiane (Le)
32.00 €
41958 - Doyle, D.:
Armor Walk Around 010: GPA/DUKW (Color Series)
27.00 €
45706 - Doyle, D.:
Armor Walk Around 018: GMC CCKW 2.5 Ton Truck
27.00 €
38255 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 01: US Army 5-Ton Truck M939 Series. M923, M925, M927 and M928
19.95 €
57556 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 05: Studebaker US-6. 2,5 ton Truck
19.95 €
57676 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 08: Hillman 10HP Light Utility Mk.I, Mk.IA, Mk.II, Mk.IIA, Mk.IIB
19.95 €
57674 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 09: GM C15TA Armoured Truck
19.95 €
57677 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 10: Humber F.W.D. 4x4. Heavy Utility Car, Light Ambulance, Scwt PU
19.95 €
59193 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 13: Lloyd Carrier Mk.I/Mk.II (Tracked Personnel Carrier (TPC), Carrier Tracked Toving (CTT), Carrier Tracked Starting and Charging (CTS and C), Carrier Tracked Cable, Layer Mechanical (CTCLM)
19.95 €
57557 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 14: Skoda RSO Typ 175 Radschlepper Ost - Typ 175 Porsche
20.00 €
62583 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 17: Truck 4x2 light Utility. Morris 10 HP and Standard 12 HP
20.00 €
15626 - Pignato, N.:
Autocarrette del Regio Esercito (Le)
20.00 €
15627 - Pieri-Guglielmi-Riccio, M.-D.-R.:
Automezzi italiani della seconda guerra mondiale. Motociclette, automobili, autocarri, trattori d'artiglieria 1930-1945
45.00 €
34917 - Condolo, M.:
Automezzi italiani per i Vigili del Fuoco
34.00 €
33948 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli tattici e logistici del Regio Esercito Italiano fino al 1943 (Gli) 2 Tomi
45.00 €
72380 - Cappellano-Esposito, F.-F.:
Autoveicoli Tattico-logistici dell'Esercito Italiano 1945-2023 (Gli) - Storia Militare Dossier 68
16.00 €
64778 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Bergepanzer 2 and 2000
27.50 €
65677 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Leguan. Last of the Breed Part 2
33.00 €
65676 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Pionierpanzer. Last of the Breed Part 1
33.00 €
54291 - Fleischer, W.:
Bespannte Fahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres bis 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
36367 - AAVV, :
Best of Military Vehicles DVD
18.00 €
64386 - Oestergaard, K.:
Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer
27.50 €
57163 - Doyle-Stansell, D.-P.:
Big Macks. A Visual History of the Mack Wheeled Prime Movers in US Army Service 1940-1958 (The)
27.00 €
59128 - Giannelli, L.:
Botteghe fiorentine su due ruote (Le)
12.00 €
15948 - Beiersdorf, H.:
Bridgebuilding Equipment of the Wehrmacht 1939-1945
13.95 €
54951 - Vollert, J.:
British Military Trucks in Wehrmacht Service. Vehicles captured around Dunkirk, in France, Belgium, Greece and North Africa - Service on the Eastern Front, in the West, South and with the Afrikakorps
45.00 €
60001 - Freathy, L.:
British Military Trucks of the Cold War. Manufacturers, Types, Variants and Service of Trucks in the British Armed Forces 1945-79
45.00 €
55678 - Gosling, T.:
British Military Trucks of World War One. Types and Variants of British-Built and Non-British-Built Trucks in British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Flying Corps Service 1914-18
45.00 €
48047 - Weinreich, R.:
Bundeswehr-Fahrzeuge im Bild
29.95 €
26064 - Condolo, M.:
Camion Alfa-Romeo
36.00 €
24338 - Squassoni-Squassoni Negri, C.-M.:
Camion Lancia
42.00 €
57271 - Finazzer-Carretta, E.-L.:
Camionette del Regio Esercito. Fiat-SPA AS 37, SPA-Viberti AS 42, Fiat-SPA AS 43, Desertica 43, I reparti che le impiegarono (Le)
25.00 €
73034 - Giusti, A.:
Camionette della RSI 1943-1945 (Le)
19.90 €
65624 - Andres, D.:
Camions Chevrolet de l'US Army. 1.50-ton 4x4 (Les)
29.95 €
16106 - Mueller, W.:
Captured Tanks in German Service: Small Tanks and Armored Tractors
13.95 €
16108 - Fleischer, W.:
Captured Weapons and Equipment of the German Wehrmacht 1938-1945
13.95 €
51586 - Dozza, W.:
Carioche. Le trattrici agricole figlie della guerra
35.00 €
16132 - McCord, M.:
Cars of the State Police and Highway Patrol
27.00 €
16131 - Frank, R.:
Cars of the Wehrmacht
33.00 €
33052 - AAVV, :
Caterpillar Militaer-Kettenfahrzeuge
19.95 €
27786 - US Army, :
CD ROM M-35 Military Vehicle. 28 Technical Manuals
39.00 €
16187 - Bossi, P.:
Cent'anni di camion FIAT
43.90 €
65035 - Vauvillier, F.:
Collection Vauvillier 01: Tous les Renault Militaires 1914-1940 Part 1: Les Camions
25.00 €
65620 - Vauvillier, F.:
Collection Vauvillier 02: Tous les Laffly Militaires 1914-1940
25.00 €
65485 - Ranger, A.:
Cross-Country Lorries: German Manufacturers - Camera on 13
25.00 €
56809 - Doyle-Stansell, D.-P.:
D7 Tractor. A Visual History of the D7 Tractor in US Army Service 1941-1953 (The)
27.00 €
22738 - Reiner Gau, L. et al.:
Deutsche Militaerfahrzeuge. Bundeswehr und NVA
45.00 €
39040 - Smith, D.J.:
Discovering Horse-Drawn Transport of the British Army
12.00 €
17338 - Raud, :
Dodge WC54 Ambulance. An Iconic World War II Vehicle
45.00 €
29032 - Boniface, J.M.:
Dodge. Sur les voies de la liberte'
35.00 €
60211 - Doyle, D.:
Dragon Wagon Part 2. A Visual History of the US Army's Heavy Tank Transporter 1955-1975
27.00 €
64917 - Ranger, A.:
Einheits-Diesel WW2 German Trucks- Camera on 06 (The)
25.00 €
16639 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 06: Kanadischen Streitkraefte in Deutschland
17.00 €
46294 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 18: Panzerpioniere der Bundeswehr 1956-2000
17.00 €
46297 - Kroh, O.:
Fahrzeug Profile 21: Divisionspionierbataillon der US-Army 1990-2003
17.00 €
46301 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 25: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil I: Fahrzeuggeneration 1956-1976
17.00 €
46302 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 26: Pioniertruppe der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46304 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 28: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil II: Fahrzeuggeneration 1976-2005
17.00 €
46307 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 31: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil III: 3. Fahrzeuggeneration
17.00 €
46309 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 33: Jaegerbataillon 292
17.00 €
46316 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 40: Lastwagen militaerischer Formationen der DDR 1949-62
17.00 €
56325 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 46: Lastwagen der NVA aus sowjetischer Produktion Teil 1
17.00 €
56322 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 48: Die Radfahrzeuge der Belgischen Armee
17.00 €
56319 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 49: Lastwagen der NVA aus sowjetischer Produktion Teil 2
17.00 €
56328 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 54: Lastkraftwagen militaerischer Formationen der DDR 1962-75 Teil 3
17.00 €
56327 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 55: Schwerlasttransporter der Bundeswehr 1956-2013
17.00 €
56332 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 58: Die Einheiten der US-ARMY Europa im Jahre 1981 - Die Divisionstruppen - Teil 4
17.00 €
56686 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 59: LKW der US ARMY in Deutschland
17.00 €
46601 - Suhr, C.:
Fahrzeug-Klassiker der NVA
29.95 €
36741 - Plate, J.:
Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1955
45.00 €
54259 - Gebhardt, W.H.:
Faun Lastwagen 1916-1988 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
40949 - Jendsch, W.:
Feuerwehr Einsatzfahrzeuge - Waldbrandbekaempfung - Typenkompass
15.00 €
17153 - Koch, F.:
Flamethrowers of the German Army 1914-45
13.95 €
17204 - Scheibert, H.:
Ford at war (German trucks and cars in WWII Vol VIII)
13.95 €
63467 - AAVV, :
Foto File 01: Krupp Protze and Variants
27.50 €
63471 - AAVV, :
Foto File 02: Einheitsdiesel and Variants
27.50 €
26422 - AAVV, :
German and Allied Wheeled Vehicles: the Dodge - Militar's Kits HS 5
21.50 €
17424 - Foedrowitz, M.:
German Firefighting Vehicles in World War II
39.95 €
17434 - Frank, R.:
German Heavy Half-Tracked Prime Movers
13.95 €
63871 - Ranger, A.:
German Horse Power. Horse Drawn Elements of the German Army - Camera on 04
25.00 €
17438 - Kopenhagen, W.:
German Infantry Carts, Army Field Wagons, Army Sleds 1900-1945
13.95 €
17447 - Frank, R.:
German Light Half-Tracked Prime Movers 1934-1945
13.95 €
17451 - Frank, R.:
German Medium Half-Tracked Prime Movers 1934-1945
13.95 €
17458 - Beiersdorf, H.:
German Military Trailers and Towed Equipment in World War II
13.95 €
17470 - Frank, R.:
German Personnel Cars in Wartime (German Trucks and Cars in WWII Vol I)
13.95 €
55982 - AAVV, :
GMC CCKW 2,5 ton 6x6 - Vehicules Militaires HS 07 (Les)
17.00 €
29031 - Boniface, J.M.:
GMC. Un camion de legende
35.00 €
51588 - Isenberg, H.G.:
Grande Libro dei Camion. Storia, modelli classici, tecnica (Il)
39.00 €
64610 - Puttini-Thellung di Courtelary, S.-G.:
Grande Libro dei motocarri Italiani (Il)
39.00 €
17654 - Mueller, W.:
Ground Radar Systems of the Luftwaffe 1939-1945
13.95 €
17854 - Spielberger, W.:
Halbketten-Fahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres
42.50 €
73037 - de Diego Vaquerizo-Perez Padilla, C.-L.:
Halbkettenfahrzeug. German Half-tracks 1939-1945
35.00 €
38347 - Spielberger, W.J.:
Halftracked Vehicles of the German Army 1909-1945
65.00 €
54260 - Gebhardt, W.H.:
Henschel Lastwagen 1925-1974 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
34532 - Doyle-Stansell, D.-P.:
High Speed Tractor. A Visual History of the US Army's Tracked Artillery Prime Movers
27.00 €
55107 - Doyle, D.:
Historical Reference 01: The complete DUKW
75.00 €
55112 - Doyle, D.:
Historical Reference 02: The GMC CCKW Truck in US Service
75.00 €
42204 - Taylor, B.:
Hitler's Chariots Vol 1: Mercedes-Benz G-4 Cross-Country Touring Car
65.00 €
45036 - Taylor, B.:
Hitler's Chariots Vol 2: Mercedes-Benz 770K Grosser Parade Car
65.00 €
48166 - Taylor, B.:
Hitler's Chariots Vol 3: Volkswagen. From Nazi People's Car to New Beetle
55.00 €
64923 - Ranger, A.:
Hotchkiss H35 and H39 through a German lens - Camera on 07
25.00 €
54146 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 47: Les Vehicules Blindes anti-mines au combat
15.00 €
59392 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 57: Le Genie. Historique - Vehicules - Projets francais - Engins Russes
15.00 €
68936 - Skipper, B.:
Humvee. American Multi-Purpose Support Truck - LandCraft 06
29.95 €
61473 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 16: Hummer. HMMWV (Hummer) in IDF Service
45.00 €
67386 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 27: ARV and Wreckers. ARV and Wreckers in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
67557 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 29: HEMTT Oshkosh 8x8 Trucks in IDF Service Part 1
49.95 €
16444 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 35: Jeep Tank Hunters.M151 and Landrovers in IDF Service Part 1
49.95 €
52425 - Ware, P.:
Images of War. Special Forces Vehicles
25.00 €
39389 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
In Detail Special 05: Famo Sd.Kfz. 9 in detail
33.00 €
72801 - Pieri-Guglielmi-Riccio, M.-D.-R.:
Italian Soft-skinned Vehicles of the Second World War. Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Artillery Tractors 1935-1945
39.95 €
33825 - Condolo, M.:
Iveco 1975-2005
34.00 €
53510 - Gaujac, P.:
Jeep dans l'armee francaise Tome 1: De 1943 a 1954 De la Tunisie a l'Indochine
33.00 €
64464 - Ghi, V.:
Jeep. Le vetture che hanno fatto la storia
28.00 €
46384 - Trojca-Muench, W.-K.H.:
Kettenkrad at War
33.00 €
18324 - Abel, F.:
Kettenkrad. Sd.Kfz.2 - Type HK-101 (The)
19.95 €
32968 - Koch, F.:
Kettenschlepper der Wehrmacht 1935-1945
16.00 €
65643 - Ranger, A.:
Kfz. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Light off road passenger cars - Camera on 10
25.00 €
22849 - Oswald, W.:
Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr ab 1900
55.00 €
18369 - Frank, R.:
Krupp at War (German trucks and cars in WWII Vol V)
13.95 €
54258 - Gebhardt, W.H.:
Krupp Lastwagen 1925-1974 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
68146 - Ranger, A.:
Krupp Protze Lorry - Camera on 22
25.00 €
60210 - Doyle, D.:
Kuebelwagen and Schwimmwagen. A Visual History of the German Army's Multi-Purpose Vehicles
27.00 €
51685 - Vollert, J.:
Kuebelwagen on all Frontlines. The 'Leichter Personenkraftwagen K 1' VW Typ 82 Wartime Service and Production Batches
45.00 €
57572 - Taylor, J.:
Land Rover Military One-Tonne
25.00 €
60636 - Ghi, V.:
Land Rover. Le vetture che hanno fatto la storia
28.00 €
68938 - Skipper, B.:
Land Rover. Military Versions of the British 4x4 - LandCraft 07
29.95 €
70366 - Skipper, B.:
Landing Craft and Amphibians. Seaborne Vessels in the 20th Century - Landcraft Series 10
29.95 €
29281 - Privratsky, K.L.:
Logistics in the Falklands War. A Case Study in Expeditionary Warfare
27.00 €
67932 - Norris, J.:
Logistics in World War II 1939-1945
55.00 €
68358 - Doyle, D.:
LVT(4) Amtrac. The Most Widely Used Amphibious Tractor of World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
61406 - Mrosko-Avants, C.-B.:
M9 ACE Armored Combat Earthmover in Detail
45.00 €
55270 - Doyle, D.:
M911 and M1070 HET Heavy-Equipment Transporters of the US Army - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
18795 - Mayer Stein, H.G.:
Medium PKW of the German Wehrmacht
13.95 €
18813 - Frank, R.:
Mercedes at War. Personnel Carriers, Cargo Trucks and Special Vehicles (German trucks and cars in WWII Vol IV)
13.95 €
32972 - Mayer Stein, H.G.:
Mercedes PKW und LKW 1935-1945
16.00 €
31042 - Marx, S.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5008: Armoured Engineer Vehicles
23.00 €
31572 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5009: First Generation Modern German Army Heavy Prime-Movers and Tractor-Trucks
23.00 €
32394 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5010: Modern German Army in the Cold War 1967-1990
23.00 €
39386 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5019: Mercedes-Benz LG 315 Early 5-ton truck of the Modern German Army
23.00 €
46402 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5027: MAN Kat I. Taktische LKW der Ersten Folgegeneration der Bundeswehr
23.00 €
51690 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5036: Dingo 1 - Protected Vehicle
23.00 €
52441 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5037: Dingo 2 - Protected Transport Vehicle
23.00 €
53222 - Blume-Vollert, P.-J.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5040: 'Emma'. The MAN 630 L2 A / L2AE 5-ton Truck in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
53961 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5042: Fahrzeug-Graffiti IFOR-SFOR-EUFOR. Personalised Vehicle Markings during the German Mission on the Balkans
23.00 €
55033 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5044: Jupiter. The 7-tonne 6x6 KHD Jupiter Truck in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
56183 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5047: Unimog U1300L Part 1: Predecessors, Development, Technology
23.00 €
56184 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5048: Unimog U1300L Part 2: Cargo Truck and Walkaround
23.00 €
56182 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5049: Unimog U1300L Part 3: Special Variants Ambulance, Fire Truck, Shelters
23.00 €
57618 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5055: Munga. Early Light All-Terrain Vehicles of the Bundeswehr: Goliath and Porsche Jagdwagen, VW Kurierwagen and the Auto Union / DKW Munga
23.00 €
58604 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5056: Minenraeumfahrzeuge. Mine-clearing Vehicles from the Keiler to the German Route Clearance System
23.00 €
59189 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5057: Iltis. The Iltis 0.5 t tmil Light Truck in Service with the Bundeswehr and other Armies
23.00 €
60354 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5059: Unimog U4000/U5000 The Unimog Series 437.4 - Development, Technology, Variants, Service
23.00 €
61083 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5060: sGeBAF Bison Heavy Protected Recovery Vehicle
23.00 €
61833 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5063: MB 1017. The Mercedes-Benz 5-ton Trucks Type 1017/1017A - History, Variants, Service
23.00 €
62397 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5065: ESK Mungo. Light Protected Vehicle for Specialised Forces
23.00 €
62874 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5066: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 1 - Development / Technology / Walkaround
23.00 €
62873 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5067: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 2 - Cargo Versions / Double-Cab Driver-Trainer
23.00 €
62872 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5068: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 3 - Box Body / Tank Dummy / Fire Engine / Armoured
23.00 €
65258 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5074: Zetros. The German GTF Protected Mobility Logistic Support Vehicle
23.00 €
65981 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5078: Biber. The Brueckenlegepanzer 1 Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
66333 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5079: Eagle V. The German Protected Utility Vehicle for Command Staff
23.00 €
66332 - Maille, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5080: UNIMOG-Sonderfahrzeuge. Specialised UNIMOG Truck Variants in German Army Service
23.00 €
67443 - Maille, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5081: Cold War Warrior MAN Kat I LKW
23.00 €
69273 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5088: ENOK 5.4. The Enok 5.4 Protected Wheeled Vehicle and Variants in the Modern German Army
23.00 €
69683 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5090: DACHS. The Dachs Armoured Engineer Vehicle in German Army Service
23.00 €
70356 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5091: Puma-VJTF. The Upgraded Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle for the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force Land
23.00 €
73267 - Nowak, D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5098: Pionierbruecken-Bataillon 130. German-British Amphibious Engineer Battalion 130
23.00 €
54292 - Fleischer, W.:
Militaerfahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres 1905-1918 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
32858 - Johnson-Rieger-Feist, R.-K.-U.:
Militaerfahrzeuge of the Wehrmacht Vol II
85.00 €
52151 - Ware, P.:
Military Motorcycles of the World
33.00 €
18913 - Fleischer, W.:
Military Vehicles of the Reichswehr
13.95 €
36368 - AAVV, :
Military Vehicles on Parade DVD
18.00 €
31575 - Burkert Opitz-Niesner, G.-C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7001: GECON-ISAF. The Vehicles of the German Army in Afghanistan
17.50 €
34031 - Niesmer, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7003: NATO Response Forces
17.50 €
46406 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7018: Free Lion 88. The Last Cold War Exercise of 1st (NL) Corps
17.50 €
52438 - Cicalesi-Rivas, J.C.-S.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7026: Ejercito Argentino. Vehicles of the Modern Argentine Army
17.50 €
53960 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7027: Svenska Armen. Vehicles of the Modern Swedish Army
17.50 €
56180 - Arthur, G.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7028: ANZAC Army Vehicles. Vehicles of the Modern New Zealand and Australian Armies
17.50 €
17154 - Doyle-Sarson, H.-P.:
New Vanguard 015: Flammpanzer. German Flamethrower Tanks 1941-45
19.00 €
20215 - Culver-Laurier, B.-J.:
New Vanguard 025: SdKfz 251 Half-Track 1939-1945
19.00 €
64067 - Neville-Dennis, L.-P.:
New Vanguard 257: Technicals. Non-Standard Tactical Vehicles from the Great Toyota War to modern Special Forces
19.00 €
29502 - Polikarpov, N.:
No 210 ZIS-5 (Tank Power Vol II) ENGLISH
22.00 €
31687 - Proczko, J.:
No 227 GAZ 64/67 (Tank Power Vol XII)
22.00 €
38774 - Ledwoch, J.:
No 285 Flammpanzer (Tank Power Vol LVI)
21.00 €
38776 - Sawicki-Ledwoch, R.-J.:
No 287 mZgkw 5t Sd Kfz 6 (Tank Power Vol LVIII)
21.00 €
25240 - Rue-Duske, J.L.-H.F.:
Nuts and Bolts 05: Mittlerer gepanzerter Beobachtungskraftwagen Saurer RK-7 (Sd.Kfz. 254) New Ed.
25.00 €
25184 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 12: Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18 to and Variants Famo 'Bulle' (Sdkfz. 9)
29.95 €
25237 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 16: Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 12 to and Variants (Daimler-Benz) (Sdkfz. 8)
29.95 €
37265 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 20: Leichter Zugkraftwagen 3 ton and variants - Hanomag/Borgward Sd.Kfz. 11
35.00 €
50665 - Baschin, J.:
Nuts and Bolts 28: Gleisketten-LKWs 'Maultier' (Sd.Kfz. 3)
35.00 €
53503 - Andorfer-Greenland-Konetzny, V.-T.-L.:
Nuts and Bolts 29: Raupenschlepper Ost RSO und Abarten
35.00 €
56641 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 32: The medium cross-country lorries 3 ton (6x4) of the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht
35.00 €
59112 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 34: Sd.Kfz.7 - 8 ton Zugkraftwagen Krauss-Maffei and variants
35.00 €
59482 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 35: Buessing's schwere Pz.Spaehwagen Part 1: schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (SdKfz.231) and schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (Fu) (SdKfz.232) (8-Rad)
35.00 €
60982 - Erdmann, H.:
Nuts and Bolts 36: Buessing's schwere Pz.Spaehwagen Part 2: schw.Pz.Spaehwagen (7,5 cm) (SdKfz.233), schw.Pz.Fu.Wg (SdKfz.263) (8-Rad) and Panzermesskraftwagen
35.00 €
64980 - Hettler-Greenland-Branigan, N.-T.-V.:
Nuts and Bolts 39: Sd.Kfz. 6 - 5 ton Zugkraftwagen Buessing-NAG and variants
35.00 €
60458 - Greenland-Branigan-De Coninck-Lecoq, T.-V.-L.-L.:
Nuts and Bolts 41: Buessing's schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper (sWS), armored and unarmored variants
35.00 €
66286 - Greenland-Branigan-De Coninck-Lecoq, T.-V.-L.-L.:
Nuts and Bolts 42: Einheitsdiesel., off. mit Einheitsfahrgestell fuer l.Lkw. The standard 6x6 cross-country lorry of the Wehrmacht
35.00 €
67191 - Hettler, N.:
Nuts and Bolts 43: Famo's Sd.Kfz. 9 18 ton Zugkraftwagen. Armoured and unarmoured variants
35.00 €
62206 - Condolo, M.:
OM. I camion - The trucks
42.00 €
25329 - Joiner, J.H.:
One More River to cross. The Story of British Military Bridging
45.00 €
19343 - Bartels, E.:
Opel at war (German trucks and cars in WWII Vol III)
13.95 €
70091 - Ranger, A.:
Opel Blitz - Camera on 24
25.00 €
32973 - Bartels, E.:
Opel Militaerfahzeuge 1906-1956
16.00 €
19344 - Bartels, E.:
Opel Military Vehicles 1906-1956
39.95 €
21626 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 11: Modelling Soft-Skinned Military Vehicles
25.00 €
66223 - Ware, P.:
Panhard Armoured Car. 1961 onwards (AML 60, AML 90 and Eland) Enthusiasts' Manual
45.00 €
43178 - Siegert, J.:
Panzer der NVA Vol 2: Radfahrzeuge 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
40951 - Luedeke, A.:
Panzer der Wehrmacht 1933-1945. Rad- und Halbkettenfahrzeuge 1939-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
55167 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 16-1 Bergepanther. Ausf. D, A and G New Ed.
29.95 €
42300 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 22-1 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1 t (Sd.Kfz. 10) Ausf. A und B
27.50 €
55168 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 22-4 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8 t (Sd. Kfz.7)
39.95 €
57446 - Jentz-Doyle, T.L.-H.L.:
Panzer Tracts 22-5 Gepanzerter 8t Zugkraftwagen and Sfl.Flak (Sd.Kfz.7)
39.95 €
44222 - Nowak, D.:
Panzermanoever 02 Panzerbrigade Bundeswehr
12.00 €
32970 - Frank, R.:
Personenkraftwagen der Wehrmacht
16.00 €
29709 - AAVV, :
Present Vehicle 03: US Army Truck Tractors in detail
28.00 €
30931 - Koran-Knizek, F.-A.:
Present Vehicle 05: URAL 375/4320 in detail
20.00 €
30938 - Koran-Martinec, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 09: ZiL-157/157K Variants in detail
28.00 €
30976 - Spurny-Martinec, J.-J.:
Present Vehicle 10: Bundeswehr Tank Transporters in detail
28.00 €
30974 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 12: M35A2 in detail. US Modern 2/5 ton Truck
24.00 €
33268 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 13: NATO Trucks and Vehicles in detail
29.95 €
35196 - AAVV, F.-T.-J.:
Present Vehicle 16: T-55 Special and Recovery Vehicles in detail. Special Vehicles on T54/55 Hull
39.95 €
41713 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 21: FMTV trucks in detail. M1078, M1083 and M1084 Veriants and M198 Howitzer
36.00 €
51703 - Koran-Zwilling, F.-R.:
Present Vehicle 31: G31-M939 Truck Family. Modern US 5-ton Trucks
36.00 €
55848 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 37: Buffalo MPCV. Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle
27.00 €
30960 - Horat-Jankasek-Sauer-Zwilling, J.-R.-B.-R.:
Present Vehicle 65: HMEE-I in detail. High Mobility Engineer Excavator
39.95 €
70964 - DeRosa-Zwilling, J.-R.:
Present Vehicle 68: Buffalo MPCV in detail. Buffalo A1/A2 Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle 2nd Ext Ed
27.00 €
47074 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 70: P-40 Long Track in detail. Soviet 1S12 and 1RL171D/128D Radars
33.00 €
48048 - Anweiler, K.:
Prototypen und Sonderfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr
36.00 €
72306 - Oliver, D.:
Puma Sdkfz 234/1 and 234/2 Heavy Armoured Cars. German Army, Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe Units, Western and Eastern Fronts 1944-1945 - Landcraft Series 12
29.95 €
19863 - Spielberger, W.:
Rad- und Vollketten Zugmaschinen des deutschen Heeres
42.50 €
43074 - Anweiler-Pahlkoetter, K.-M.:
Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1956 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
46174 - Kunkel, R.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
62082 - Gau-Siegert, L.R.-J.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA. LKW, PKW und Kraeder
55.00 €
53053 - AAVV, :
Rail Atlas 1939-1945
29.95 €
59403 - Dolezal, P.:
Rare Wheels 01: A pictorial journey of lesser-known soft-skins 1934-45
35.00 €
19904 - Vanderveen, B.:
Record of Military MACKs in the Services and Beyond (A)
39.95 €
46955 - Friedli, L.:
Repairing the Panzers Vol 1
55.00 €
70092 - Ranger, A.:
Schwerer Gelaendegaengiger Personenkfraftwagen and Successors - Camera on 27
25.00 €
64921 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz. 10/4 and 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette - Camera on 08
25.00 €
68149 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t Vol 2 - Camera on 17
25.00 €
65644 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz. 8 and Sd.Kfz. 9 schweres Zugkraftwagen (12t and 18t) - Camera on 11
25.00 €
63872 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz.10 leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t - Camera on 05
25.00 €
63868 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz.6 mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5t - Camera on 01
25.00 €
63869 - Ranger, A.:
Sd.Kfz.7 mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t - Camera on 02
25.00 €
51636 - Montagnani-Zarcone-Cappellano, M.-A.-F.:
Servizio Chimico Militare 1923-1945. Storia, ordinamento, equipaggiamento 2 Tomi (Il)
45.00 €
58236 - Doyle, D.:
Six-Ton Trucks. A Visual History of the Army's most versatile Heavy truck 1941-1950. From Prime Mover to Truck-Tractor
27.00 €
49202 - Blasi, W.:
Soldat auf zwei Raedern. Die Motorraeder des Bundesheeres der Ersten Republik (1920-1938)
79.00 €
49204 - Blasi, W.:
Soldiers on Two Wheels. Motorcycles in the Austrian Federal Army of the First Republic (1920-1938)
79.00 €
20383 - Mueller, W.:
Sound Locators, Fire Control Systems and Searchlights of the German Heavy Flak Units 1939-1945
13.95 €
45553 - Stilwell, A.:
Special Forces Land Vehicles. MRAPS - Motorcycles - All-Terrain Vehicles
39.95 €
29368 - Koran-Starosta-Lehar, F.-J.-V.:
Special Museum 18: Horch in detail
20.00 €
29701 - Koran-Plachecky, F.-P.:
Special Museum 30: US WWII Field Camp in detail
29.95 €
36683 - Koran-Mostek-Vesely, F.-J.-A.:
Special Museum 39: Opel Blitz in detail. Opel Blitz in the Czech and Belgium Museums and Private Collections
30.00 €
38196 - Koran-Velek, F.-M.:
Special Museum 44: Krupp Protze in detail
29.95 €
41718 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 51: DUKW in detail. GMC DUKW in the Belgian Royal Army and Military History Museum and in Private Collections
27.00 €
51698 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 67: Bedford QL 3-ton WWII Trucks in detail. The British QL truck family in Belgian and British Museums and private collections
35.00 €
51705 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 70: MA Jeeps in detail
29.95 €
56760 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 75: US Army Earth Movers in detail Part One: WWII Dozers, Graders and Scrapers
45.00 €
57157 - Baxter-Koran, J.-F.:
Special Museum 76: CMP C8A HUP in detail. J. Baxter's and I. Jedlicka's finely restored Office and Staff Vehicles
35.00 €
27847 - Koran-Mostek-Vojacek, F.-F.-J.:
Special Museum 77: Steyr 1500A in detail. WWII German 1.5 tonne Trucks Steyr 1500A
35.00 €
29275 - Koran, F.:
Special Museum 82: M37 Trucks in detail. Vietnam War Era Light Utility Trucks M37 and M43
35.00 €
62547 - Horak-Hughes-Koran, J.-C.-F.:
Special Museum 83: US Army Earth Movers in detail Part two. US Post-war Dozers and Wheel Loaders
45.00 €
65672 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Special Museum 84: Bedford QL 3-ton WWII Trucks in detail. The British QL Truck Family in Belgian and British Museums and Private Collections
36.00 €
65673 - Horak-Hughes-Koran, J.-C.-F.:
Special Museum 85: Matador Gun Tractors in detail. Matador Tractors with 4.5 and 5.5. inch guns
35.00 €
38262 - Baxter-de Boer-Koran, J.-J.W.-F.:
Special Museum 92: SAS and LRDG Trucks in Detail
30.00 €
29353 - Baxter-Browne-Koran, J.-K.-F.:
Special Museum 94: British WWII K2 Ambulance in detail. K2 Ambulances and Fire Trucks
30.00 €
41401 - Bates-Carter-Koran, T.-B.-F.:
Special Museum 95: Scammell Pioneer Trucks and Tractors in Detail. TRMU 30, SV/25 Trucks and TRCU30 Trailer
45.00 €
64922 - Ranger, A.:
Staff Cars in Germany WW2 Vol 1 - Camera on 09
25.00 €
68145 - Ranger, A.:
Staff Cars in Germany WW2 Vol 2 - Camera on 23
25.00 €
72850 - Ranger, A.:
Staff Cars in Germany WW2 Vol 3 - Camera on 32
36.00 €
20498 - Berndt, T.:
Standard Catalog of US Military Vehicles 1940-65
39.95 €
20650 - Squassoni-Squassoni Negri, C.-M.:
Storia illustrata del camion italiano
39.00 €
42053 - AAVV, :
Storia illustrata dell'autobus italiano
42.00 €
49221 - Ruff, V.:
Strabokran. German Gantry Crane 1942-1945 (Der)
55.00 €
50616 - Forzoni-Peyretti, S.-M.:
Strada e il trasporto prima dell'unita' d'Italia fino ai giorni nostri (La)
25.00 €
37259 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3004: Armored HEMTT
23.00 €
39381 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3005: Brothers of HEMTT. PLS-LVS
23.00 €
43531 - Weber, B.:
Tankograd American Special 3012: USAREUR. Vehicles and Units of the US Army in Europe 1992-2005
23.00 €
44450 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3013: M809 5-ton 6x6 Truck Series
23.00 €
45373 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3014: M88 Armored Recovery Vehicle
23.00 €
46400 - Blume, P.:
Tankograd American Special 3015: US Army Germany 1945-1969
23.00 €
53224 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3018: M520 Goer - M561 Gama Goat. Articulated Trucks of the US Army in the Cold War
23.00 €
63444 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3031: MTVR Tactical Truck of the US Marines
23.00 €
44354 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3033: M915 Early Variants. AM General-built Trucks of the M915 Family in the US Army
23.00 €
65256 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3034: Iron Brigade. 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th (US) Infantry Division - 'German Tour' 2017
23.00 €
65982 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3035: HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Development, Technology and Variants - Part 1
23.00 €
65983 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3036: HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Development, Technology and Variants - Part 2
23.00 €
66330 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3037: REFORGER 73 - Certain Charge. Building up NATO after the Vietnam War
23.00 €
34003 - AAVV, :
Tankograd British Special 9002: Royal Armoured Engineers
23.00 €
39120 - Nowak-Copley Smith-Maetzold, D.-S.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9007: REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Vehicles of 2nd Battalion REME - Equipment Support to 7th Armoured Brigade
23.00 €
39382 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9008: BATUS British Army Training Unit Suffield
23.00 €
43527 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9012: BAOR in REFORGER. Vehicles of the British Army of the Rhine in the REFORGER Exercises 1975-91
23.00 €
44447 - Neate, T.:
Tankograd British Special 9013: Salisbury Plain Training Area. British Army Vehicles on SPTA - 1970s to Today
23.00 €
48364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9016: Modern British Army Tank Transporters
23.00 €
50328 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9017: Task Force Helmand
23.00 €
51686 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9018: British Nuclear Artillery
23.00 €
52436 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9019: Jackal High Mobility Weapons Platform and Coyote Tactical Support Vehicle - Light
23.00 €
61512 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9025: MAN Support Vehicles. The most modern Trucks of the British Army
23.00 €
62398 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9026: British Cold War Military Trucks FODEN. Commercial Pattern Low Mobility, Medium Mobility and Variants
23.00 €
64364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9027: FV 620 STALWART High Mobility Load Carrier
23.00 €
65257 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9028: White Rhino 89. 'A Last Hurrah' - The last Large-Scale Cold War Exercise of the 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
66331 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9029: British Cold War Military Trucks - Bedford TM. TM-Series, 4-4 und 6-6 - The Last Bedfords for the British Army
23.00 €
31948 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 05: M992A2 FAASV. US Army Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (for M109)
15.00 €
57617 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 09: RG-31 Mk 5. US Medium Mine-Protected Vehicle
15.00 €
57615 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 10: Husky VMMD. US Vehicle-Mounted Mine Detector
15.00 €
58619 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 15: Keiler. German Mine-Clearing Tank
15.00 €
59574 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 16: San-Boxer. GTK Boxer A0, A1, A1+ sgSanKfz
15.00 €
48363 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd In Detail: Dragon Wagon. Tank Transporter M25
25.00 €
69689 - Arthur, G.:
Tankograd International 8010: Australian G-Wagons. Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse 4x4 und 6x6 Gelaendewagen der Australischen Streitkraefte
17.50 €
69688 - Lazzarini-Maile, C.-R.:
Tankograd International 8011: Daimler-Benz Unimog Trucks in Swiss Army Service
17.50 €
43063 - Kinnear-Vollert, J.-J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2007: Soviet Trucks of World War 2. Soviet Trucks of WW2 in Red Army and Wehrmacht Service
17.50 €
47548 - Kinnear, J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2010: Aerosan. Soviet Aero-Sleighs of World War Two in Service with the Red Army, Finnish Army and the German Wehrmacht
17.50 €
31047 - Hoppe, H.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4003: German Vehicle Rarities (3)
17.50 €
50324 - Hoppe, H.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4017: Einheits-Diesel l. gl. E.Lkw 6x6 Typ HWA 526 D. Light Off-road-capable Standardised Truck
17.50 €
53223 - Hoppe, H.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4018: Henschel 33 3-ton 6x4 Trucks in Reichswehr and in Wehrmacht Service
17.50 €
62395 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd Wehrmacht Special 4021: Einheits-PKW. German Standardised 'Einheits-PKW' Field Cars of World War Two
17.50 €
34027 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6003: US WWII GMC DUKW-353 and Cleaver-Brooks Amphibian Trailers
15.00 €
34293 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6005: US WWII Autocar U-7144 and U-8144-T Tractor Trucks
15.00 €
34294 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6006: US WWII Semitrailers for Autocar, Federal and IHC Tractor Trucks
15.00 €
37261 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6009: US WWII Half Track Cars M2, M2A1, M9A1 and Personnel Carriers M3, M3A1, M5, M5A1
15.00 €
37262 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6010: US WWII Half Track Mortar Carriers, Howitzers, Motor Carriages and Gun Motor Carriages
15.00 €
40632 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6015: US WWII GMC CCKW-352 and 353 2 1/2 ton Cargo Trucks
15.00 €
43060 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6017: US WW II M25 Tank Transporter Dragon Wagon (M26/M26A1 Pacific Car and Foundry TR-1 and M15/M15A1 Fruehauf 40/45-Ton Semitrailer)
15.00 €
43061 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6018: US WW II M19 Tank Transporter (M20 Diamond T 980/981 and M9 Rogers 45-Ton Trailer)
15.00 €
46404 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6019: US WW II GMC CCKW 2 1/2-Ton 6x6 Dump Trucks, Gun Trucks, Bomb Service Trucks
15.00 €
46405 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6020: US WW II Studebaker M29 and M29C Weasel
15.00 €
50425 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6022: US WW II Caterpillar D7 Track-Type Tractor
15.00 €
52439 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6023: US WW II GMC CCKW 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 - Air Compressor Trucks, Mess Trucks, Radio Trucks and Rocket Launcher Trucks
15.00 €
53221 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6025: US WW II White-Brockway-Corbitt 6-ton 6x6 Trucks
15.00 €
53220 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6026: US WW II M32, M31B1, M32B2, M32B3 Tank Recovery Vehicles
15.00 €
54522 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6027: US WW II GMC Wrecker Trucks, Gasoline Tank Trucks and AFKWX-353 COE Truck
15.00 €
55346 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6029: US WW II Ward LaFrance / Kenworth M1 - M1A1 Heavy Wreckers
15.00 €
56814 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6031: US WW II Dodge WC51-WC52 Weapons Carrier
15.00 €
49691 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6033: US WW II Dodge WC62-WC63 6x6 Trucks
15.00 €
59188 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6035: US WW II and Korea Dodge WC-54 and WC-64 (KD) Ambulance
15.00 €
61079 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6037: US WW II Studebaker US6 2 1/2-ton 6x6 and 6x4 Trucks
15.00 €
62870 - Franz, M. cur:
Technical Manual 6038: US WW II Chevrolet 1 1/2-ton 4x4 Trucks. Cargo, M6 Bomb Service and others
15.00 €
37303 - Kominek, R.T.:
Topshots 40: M35 A2C
13.00 €
72518 - Andres, D.:
Tracteurs et semi-remorques de l'US Army (Les)
33.00 €
54941 - De Lamotte-Vauvillier, B.F.:
Traction avant Citroen sous l'uniforme (La)
45.00 €
72515 - Ponti, M.:
Trasporti e tecnologie: una breve storia
18.00 €
61747 - Vitozzi, M.:
Trattori Lamborghini. Nella storia tra eleganza e perfezione
29.00 €
68424 - Cappellano-Pergher, F.-N.:
Trattori leggeri del Regio Esercito. Il TL 31, il TL 37, L'Autocarro Sahariano e i derivati (I)
30.00 €
56355 - Westerwelle, W.:
Truck Profile 01: Ford-Lastwagen in Deutschland
17.00 €
46292 - Westerwelle, W.:
Truck Profile 02: Opel 'Blitz'. Die Geschichte eines legendaeren LKW-Typs Teil 1: 1930-1945
17.00 €
56356 - Westerwelle, W.:
Truck Profile 03: Opel 'Blitz'. Die Geschichte eines legendaeren LKW-Typs Teil 2: 1945-1975
17.00 €
46291 - Westerwelle, W.:
Truck Profile 04: M.A.N.-Lkw Teil 1: 1915-1945
17.00 €
56357 - Westerwelle, W.:
Truck Profile 05: M.A.N.-Lkw Teil 2: 1945-1975
17.00 €
56358 - Queissner, W.:
Truck Profile 06: MAGIRUS-Lastwagen 1873-1971
17.00 €
20956 - Frank, R.:
Trucks of the Wehrmacht. A photo chronicle
33.00 €
54261 - Jendsch, W.:
Unimog Einsatzfahrzeuge - Internationale Feuerwehrfahrzeuge - Typenkompass
15.00 €
21119 - Zaloga, S.J.:
US Amtracs at war 1941-45
19.00 €
46229 - War Department, :
US Military Vehicle Markings/Marquages des Vehicules Militaires US
13.00 €
43733 - Dreer, F.:
Vehicules allies du D-Day (Les)
45.00 €
69029 - Andres, D.:
Vehicules des Transmissions de l'US Army
33.00 €
69042 - Andres, D.:
Vehicules Diamond T de l'US Army
29.95 €
37460 - Thellung-Pacchioni, G.-L.:
Veicoli dei Vigili del Fuoco in Italia
25.00 €
33087 - McNab, C.:
Veicoli militari. 300 memorabili modelli dal 1900 ad oggi
18.00 €
32971 - Mayer Stein, H.G.:
Volkswagen Militaerfahrzeuge 1938-1948
16.00 €
21344 - Mayer-Stein, H.G.:
Volkswagen of the Wehrmacht. A Photo Chronicle
33.00 €
21353 - Queissner, W.:
VW Iltis
13.95 €
41548 - Fontaine, B.:
Warhorses. How to paint and weather WW2 Trucks
21.00 €
61409 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 01: M1ABV Assault Breecher Vehicles
33.00 €
42213 - Ryan, J.F.:
Wartime Woodburners. Alternative Fuel Vehicles in World War II
39.95 €
47876 - AAVV, :
Weasel, la chenilette US passe-partout - Vehicules Militaires HS 04 (Le)
17.00 €
41648 - US Army War Department, :
Willys-Overland MB and Ford Model GPW Jeep Technical Manual TM 9-803
23.00 €
69661 - AAVV, :
Willys-Overland. The Canadian Wartime. 241, 242, 505 Contract MB
33.00 €
70794 - Bender, W.:
With Raupenschlepper Ost on the Eastern Front
39.95 €
52754 - Norris, J.:
World War II Trucks and Tanks
39.95 €
68143 - Ranger, A.:
Wuerzburg radar and Mobile 24kVA Generator - Camera on 18
25.00 €
28871 - Clarke, R.M.:
WW2 Allied Vehicles Military Portfolio 1939-45
25.00 €
32978 - Frank, R.:
Zugkraftwagen der Wehrmacht
19.95 €