Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Navale: Germania
II GM - Guerra Navale
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM: Altre Forze Asse
Armam. Terr.: Germania
Armam. Navale (Generalità)
Armam. Navale: Italia
Armam. Navale: Russia
Armam. Navale: Stati Uniti
Armam. Navale: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Navale: Francia
Armam. Navale: Giappone
Armam. Navale: Altri Paesi
Armam. Navale: Post 1945
Arm. Aereo-Germania
Armam. Navale: Sommergibili
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Navali
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 263 Prodotti
65561 - Minter-Bekker, A.-C.:
'Affondate la Bismarck!'. La battaglia - la nave
34.00 €
46934 - Guridi, J.:
Acorazado Admiral Graf Spee (El)
17.50 €
42395 - Watts, J.A.:
Affondamento dello Scharnhorst (L')
14.00 €
64773 - Peillard, L.:
Affondate la Tirpitz! L'Inghilterra contro la piu' grande e potente corazzata tedesca 1942
24.00 €
65840 - Jabes-Sappino, D.F.-S.:
Aircraft Carrier Impero. The Axis Powers' V-1 Carrying Capital Ship
45.00 €
54286 - Bauernfeind, I.:
Alliierte Schlachtschiffe - England, Frankreich und UdSSR 1939-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
49577 - Stanley, R.M.:
Axis Warships. As Seen On Photo's From Allied Intelligence Files
39.95 €
41872 - Bennett, G.:
Battaglia del Rio della Plata (La)
10.00 €
15777 - Elfrath, U.:
Battleship Bismarck
45.00 €
33376 - von Mullenheim-Rechberg, B.:
Battleship Bismarck
27.00 €
32455 - Brower, J.:
Battleship Bismarck - Anatomy of the Ship (The)
27.00 €
65386 - Skulski-Draminski, J.-S.:
Battleship Bismarck - Anatomy of the Ship Osprey (The)
59.95 €
63864 - Stern, R.C.:
Battleship Holiday. The Naval Treaties and Capital Ship Design (The)
55.00 €
59155 - Draminski-Skulski, S.:
Battleship Scharnhorst - Anatomy of the Ship Osprey (The)
59.95 €
15790 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Battleships of the Bismarck Class - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
15791 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Battleships of the Scharnhorst Class - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
64915 - Koszela, W.:
Battleships of the Third Reich Vol 1
55.00 €
64916 - Koszela, W.:
Battleships of the Third Reich Vol 2
55.00 €
15787 - Dulin-Garze, R.-W.:
Battleships: Axis and Neutral Battleship in WWII
150.00 €
55549 - Santarini, M.:
Bismarck and Hood. The Battle of the Denmark Strait: a Technical Analysis
29.95 €
56977 - Gehringer-Bonomi, R.-A.:
Bismarck class Schlachtschiff Tirpitz Vol 1 The Beast is Born - Bau und Ausbildung (1936 Oktober-1941 Mai)
95.00 €
59105 - Gehringer-Bonomi, R.-A.:
Bismarck class Schlachtschiff Tirpitz Vol 2 Ready for combat - Erster Kiregseinsatz in der Ostsee (1941/Mai-1942/Januar)
95.00 €
62069 - Gehringer-Bonomi, R.-A.:
Bismarck class Schlachtschiff Tirpitz Vol 3 First actions in Norway - Einsatz im Nordmeer (1942/Januar-Juli)
95.00 €
65132 - Gehringer-Bonomi, R.-A.:
Bismarck class Schlachtschiff Tirpitz Vol 4 Against the Allied Convoys u.a.Operation 'Roesselsprung' (1942/Juli-1943/Maerz)
95.00 €
68469 - Gehringer-Bonomi, R.-A.:
Bismarck class Schlachtschiff Tirpitz Vol 5 The Lonely Queen in the North (March 1943 - November 1944)
95.00 €
47088 - Draminski, S.:
Bismarck in Color
21.00 €
65117 - Toussaint, P.:
Bismarck. Le Geant de l'Atlantique 2eme Ed.
55.00 €
53551 - Asmussen, J.:
Bismarck. Pride of the German Navy
75.00 €
41742 - Zetterling-Tamelander, N.-M.:
Bismarck. The final days of Germany's greatest Battleship
29.95 €
24877 - Nottelmann, D.:
Brandenburg-Klasse. Hoehepunkt des deutschen panzerschiffbaus
45.00 €
26871 - Cosentino-Stanglini, M.-R.:
British and German Battlecruisers. Their Development and Operations
75.00 €
22829 - Mallmann Showeel, J.:
Buch der deutschen Kriegsmarine 1935-45
25.00 €
16023 - Wood, L.:
Bull and the barriers. The wrecks of Scapa Flow (The)
33.00 €
61040 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
Campaign 171: River Plate 1939. The sinking of the Graf Spee
27.00 €
47714 - Konstam-Wright, A.-P.:
Campaign 232: Bismarck 1941. Hunting Germany's greatest battleship
27.00 €
16021 - Konstam, A.:
Campaign 356: North Cape 1943. Sinking of the Scharnhorst
27.00 €
56679 - Grehan-Mace, J.-M.:
Capital Ships at War 1939-1945
33.00 €
40375 - Carresse, P.:
Corps de Bataille de la Marine Allemande Tome 2 1919-1945 - Marines du Monde 11 (Le)
60.00 €
40364 - Peruffo, A.:
Corsari del Kaiser. Le navi corsare tedesche nella 1a Guerra Mondiale
18.00 €
32787 - Caresse, P.:
Croiseur de Bataille Scharnhorst. Son epopee et sa fin tragique - Marines du Monde 07
55.00 €
53534 - Guridi, J.:
Crucero de batalla Scharnhorst (El)
17.50 €
69293 - Koszela, W.:
Cruisers of the III Reich Vol 1
59.95 €
59554 - Koszela, W.:
Cruisers of the III Reich Vol 2
59.95 €
51129 - Caresse, P.:
Cuirasse Bismarck - Marines du Monde 19 Nouv. Edition (Le)
60.00 €
29967 - Caresse, P.:
Cuirasse' Tirpitz 1939-1944 - Marines du Monde 39 (Le)
65.00 €
50019 - Schaefer, K.:
DDR Volksmarine - Hilfsschiffe 1949-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
50020 - Schaefer, K.:
DDR Volksmarine - Kampfschiffe 1949-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
54281 - Schaefer, K.:
DDR Volksmarine - Seehydrografischer Deinst und Grenzbrigade Kueste 1949-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
54285 - Rosentreter, R.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Die Kaiserliche Hochseeflotte 1914-1918 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
40943 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Schlachtschiffe, Torpedoboote, Kreuzer, Zerstoerer 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
43072 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - U-Boote 1933-1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
15006 - Wessel, J.:
Deutsche Marinetechnik zwischen gestern und morgen. Konzepte - Systeme - Technologien
35.00 €
27036 - Mallmann-Shovell, J.P.:
Deutsche U-Boote an feindilichen Kuesten 1939-1945
29.95 €
39460 - Lipsky-Lipsky, F.-S.:
Deutsche U-Boote. Hundert Jahre Technik und Entwicklung
42.50 €
71471 - Forsyth-Hector-Laurier, R.-G.-J.:
Dogfight 006: Me 262. Northwest Europe 1944-45
25.00 €
49519 - Martelli, A.:
Due battaglie dell'Atlantico. La guerra subacquea 1914-18 e 1939-45 (Le)
25.00 €
37749 - Williamson, G.:
Duel 003: U-Boats vs Destroyer Escorts. The Battle of the Atlantic
25.00 €
44562 - Forczyk, R.:
Duel 027: German Commerce Raider vs British Cruisers
25.00 €
46445 - Stille-Palmer, M.-I.:
Duel 031: British Dreadnought vs German Dreadnought. Jutland 1916
25.00 €
47723 - Williamson, G.:
Duel 034: E-Boat vs MTB. The English Channel 1941-45
25.00 €
54571 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
Duel 056: British Battlecruiser vs German Battlecruiser 1914-16
25.00 €
55449 - Greentree-Dennis, D.-P.:
Duel 057: Q Ship vs U-Boat 1914-18
25.00 €
64854 - Greentree-Campbell, D.-D.:
Duel 088: British Destroyer vs German Destroyer. Narvik 1940
25.00 €
17881 - Konstam, A.:
Duel 107: British Battleship vs German Battleship 1941-43
25.00 €
69406 - Lardas, M.:
Duel 113: German Heavy Cruisers vs Royal Navy Heavy Cruisers
25.00 €
70989 - Willis-Laurier, M.-J.:
Duel 124: Royal Navy torpedo-bombers vs Axis warships. 1939-45
25.00 €
71490 - Lardas-Palmer, M.-I.:
Duel 127: US Destroyers vs German U-Boats. The Atlantic 1941-45
25.00 €
41179 - Lardas-Laurier, M.-J.:
Duel 130: Sunderland vs U-boat. Bay of Biscay 1943-44
25.00 €
71525 - Tracol, M:
Engins des K-Verbaende. Toutes les versions de torpilles humaines, sous-marins de poche et canots explosifs
35.00 €
27764 - Moeller-Brack, E.-W.:
Enzyklopaedie deutscher U-Boote von 1904 bis zur Gegenwart
39.95 €
41186 - Konstam-Groult, A.-E.A.:
Fleet 002: German High Seas Fleet 1914-18. The Kaiser's challenge to the Royal Navy
25.00 €
25812 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
Fortress 003: U-Boat Bases and Bunkers 1940-45
23.00 €
58022 - Wolz, N.:
From Imperial Splendour to Internment. The German Navy in the First World War
45.00 €
72174 - Nottleman-Sullivan, D.-D.M.:
From Ironclads to Dreadnoughts. The Development of the German Battleship 1864-1918
95.00 €
15201 - Breyer, S.:
German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin
15.95 €
54209 - Brown-Backer, R.-S.:
German Battlecruisers of First World War - Shipcraft Series 22
27.00 €
58465 - Staff-Marsden, G.-S.:
German Battlecruisers of World War One. Their Design, Construction and Operations
75.00 €
15780 - Breyer, S.:
German Battleship Gneisenau
13.95 €
25833 - Grove, E. cur:
German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II Vol I: From Graf Spee to Bismarck 1939-1941
135.00 €
25189 - Grove, E. cur:
German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II Vol II: From Scharnhorst to Tirpitz 1942-1944
155.00 €
52214 - Breyer-Skwiot, S.-M.:
German Capital Ships of the Second World War. The Ultimate Photograph Album
69.95 €
64947 - Brown, R.:
German Destroyers - Shipcraft Series 25
27.00 €
26657 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
German Destroyers of WWII - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
56682 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
German Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper Class - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
23297 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-P.:
German Light Cruisers - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
29568 - Asmussen-Leon, J.-E.:
German Naval Camouflage Vol 2: 1942-1945
55.00 €
46836 - Skwiot, M.:
German Naval Guns 1939-1945
59.95 €
35833 - Wiper, S.:
German S-Boats - Shipcraft Series 6
27.00 €
38426 - Frank, H.:
German S-Boats in Action in the Second World War
39.95 €
65786 - Hamilton, A.S.:
German submarine U-1105 'Black Panther'. The Naval Archaeology of a U-Boat
39.95 €
20996 - Schmeelke-Schmeelke, K.H.-M.:
German U-Boat Bunkers. Yesterday and Today
13.95 €
21004 - Breyer, S.:
German U-Boat Type XXI
13.95 €
50317 - AAVV, :
German U-Boats at Sea. Atlantic Missions DVD
29.95 €
31366 - AAVV, :
German War Files: Submarine Warfare DVD
18.00 €
27587 - Bishop-Warner, C.-A. cur:
German Weapons of World War II
36.00 €
31465 - AAVV, :
Great German Battleships of WWII DVD
18.00 €
17646 - AAVV, :
Grey Wolves: U-Boat 1939-41 DVD
18.00 €
17648 - AAVV, :
Grey Wolves: U-Boat 1942-43 DVD
18.00 €
17649 - AAVV, :
Grey Wolves: U-Boat 1943-45 DVD
18.00 €
17653 - Roessler, E.:
Grossen Walter-Uboote Typ XVIII und Typ XXVI - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
48481 - Paterson, L.:
Guerra degli U-Boat 1939-45 (La)
24.00 €
70071 - AAVV, :
H-39 H-44. Les projets du cuirasses allemandes
25.00 €
17963 - Gray., E.:
Hitler's Battleships
35.00 €
63327 - Paterson, L.:
Hitler's Forgotten Flotillas. Kriegsmarine Security Forces
39.95 €
53851 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Naval Bases. Kriegsmarine Bases During the Second World War
33.00 €
70202 - Williamson, G.:
Hitler's Navy. The Kriegsmarine in World War II
45.00 €
42025 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's Navy. The Ships, Men and Organization of the Kriegsmarine 1935-1945
55.00 €
39463 - Meyer, K.:
Hochsee-Minensuchboote 1939-1945. Biskaya-Nordsee-Polarkueste-Finnenbusen
25.00 €
36724 - AAVV, :
HS Histoire de Guerre 02: Le Bismarck. Gloire et defaite
12.00 €
62168 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 15: Corsaires du Reich. Les Croiseurs Auxiliaires de la Kriegsmarine
17.50 €
66259 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 22: Kriegsmarine
17.50 €
68565 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 27: Prince of Wales versus Prinz Eugen. Le duel des princes
17.50 €
66140 - Caresse, P.:
HS Navires&Histoire 37: Les cuirasses de poche de la Kreigsmarine
19.95 €
66912 - Caresse, P.:
HS Navires&Histoire 38: Les Sous-marins de la Kriegsmarine 1935-1945 Vol 5: La fin
19.95 €
71738 - Caresse, P.:
HS Navires&Histoire 47: Les Croiseurs lourds de la Kriegsmarine Tome 2
19.95 €
33381 - Skwiot-Prusinowska, M.Z.-E.T.:
Hunting the Bismarck
36.00 €
51042 - Canwell-Sutherland, D.-J.:
Images of War. Tirpitz: the First Voyage
25.00 €
51279 - Sutherland, J.:
Images of War. U-108 at War
25.00 €
61919 - Judge, J.:
Imperial German Navy of WWI Vol 1: Warships (The)
95.00 €
44055 - Lombardi, A. cur:
Incrociatore pesante Prinz Eugen. La nave fortunata della Kriegsmarine (L') Libro+CD
28.00 €
70797 - Dodson-Nottelmann, A.-D.:
Kaiser's Cruisers 1871-1918
65.00 €
27833 - Trojca-Szewczyk, W.-A.:
Kriegsmarine at War
55.00 €
68874 - Porter, D.:
Kriegsmarine. Facts, Figures and Data for the German Navy 1935-45
33.00 €
18461 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Leichten Kreuzer der Koenigsberg Klasse - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
40461 - Trojca-Jaugitz, W.-M.:
LWS. Land-Wasser-Schlepper. Type I/II
49.00 €
34063 - Seeger, H.T.:
Militaerische Fernglaeser und Fernrohre in Heer, Luftwaffe und Marine - Military Binoculars and Telescopes for Land, Air and Sea Service 4a Ed
105.00 €
36534 - Arias Ramos, R.:
Militiae 04: la Kriegsmarine en la Guerra Civil Espanola.
15.00 €
65969 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 03: Bismarck and Tirpitz
23.00 €
55192 - AAVV, :
Naval Monographies 02 Croiseur Lourd Prinz Eugen
13.00 €
71011 - Bonomi-Virtuani, A.-A.:
Navi da battaglia Bismarck e Tirpitz - Storia Militare Dossier 62 (Le)
16.00 €
73256 - Williamson, G.:
Navi da guerra di Hitler (Le)
28.00 €
58935 - Woodward, D.:
Navi segrete di Hitler (Le)
18.00 €
22617 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 050: U-boats of the Kaiser's Navy
19.00 €
22565 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 051: Kriegsmarine U-boats 1939-45 (1)
19.00 €
23899 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 059: German E-boats 1939-45
19.00 €
25507 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 071: German Battleships 1939-45
19.00 €
25963 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 075: German Pocket Battleships 1939-45
19.00 €
25738 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 081: German Heavy Cruisers 1939-45
19.00 €
27031 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 084: German Light Cruisers 1939-45
19.00 €
27032 - Williamson-Palmer, G.-I.:
New Vanguard 091: German Destroyers 1939-45
19.00 €
33490 - Staff, G.:
New Vanguard 124: German Battlecruisers 1914-18
19.00 €
39030 - Williamson, G.:
New Vanguard 151: Kriegsmarine Coastal Forces
19.00 €
40758 - Williamson, G.:
New Vanguard 156: Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruisers
19.00 €
44614 - Staff, G.:
New Vanguard 164: German Battleships 1914-18 (1) Nassau to Ostfriesland classes
19.00 €
44617 - Staff, G.:
New Vanguard 167: German Battleships 1914-18 (2) Kaiser, Koenig and Bayern classes
19.00 €
55473 - Prenatt-Stille, J.-M.:
New Vanguard 212: Axis Midget Submarines 1939-45
19.00 €
58825 - Noppen, R.K.:
New Vanguard 228: German Commerce Raiders 1914-18
19.00 €
70186 - Dildy-Noppen-Wright, D.C.-R.K.-P.:
New Vanguard 306: German and Italian Aircraft Carriers of World War II
19.00 €
60225 - Pigoreau, O.:
Odyssey of the Komet. Raider of the Third Reich (The)
35.00 €
47786 - O Hara-Dickson-Worth, V.P.-W.D.-R.:
On Seas Contested. The Seven Great Navies of WWII
33.00 €
34059 - Seeger, H.T.:
Optisches Geraet der deutschen Wehrtechnik - German Military Technology: The Optical Equipment
85.00 €
44300 - Minter-Bekker, A.-C.:
Panzerschiffe della Kriegsmarine in Battaglia
32.00 €
19552 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Panzerschiffe der Deutschland Klasse - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
37602 - Chesnau, R.:
Panzerschiffe der Deutschland-Klasse im Original und Modell (Die)
19.00 €
72505 - Bonomi-Virtuani, A.-A.:
Panzerschiffe. Le corazzate tascabili tedesche (1929-1945) - Storia Militare Dossier 70
16.00 €
68200 - Colombier, P.:
Plan Z. Le fantasme naval allemand
55.00 €
15140 - Breyer, S.:
Pocket Battleship 'Admiral Graf Spee'
13.95 €
19694 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Pocket Battleships of the Deutschland Class - Warships of the Kriegsmarine
29.95 €
66547 - Konstam-Groult, A.-E.A.:
Raid 051: Tirpitz in Norway. X-craft midget submarines raid the fjords, Operation Source 1943
25.00 €
69410 - Konstam, A.:
Raid 055: Big Guns in the Atlantic. Germany's battleships and cruisers raid the convoys 1939-41
25.00 €
26428 - Dallies Labourdette, J.P.:
S-Boote. German E-Boats in action 1939-1945
39.95 €
26497 - Dallies Labourdette, J.P.:
S-Boote. Les vedettes rapides de la Kriegsmarine 1939-1945
42.50 €
69487 - Moriceau, C.:
S-Boote. Toutes les versions des vedettes lance-torpilles de la Kriegsmarine
35.00 €
65790 - McCartney, I.:
Scapa 1919. The Archaeology of a Scuttled Fleet
49.95 €
27419 - Jacobsen, A.R.:
36.00 €
52504 - Backer, S.:
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau - Shipcraft Series 20
27.00 €
72289 - Knowles, D.:
Scharnorst and Gneisenau
59.95 €
20982 - Richter, W.:
Schiff Profile 01: Typ VII C Das Kampf U-Boot der grauen Woelfe. Der meistgebaute U-Boot Typ der Welt
17.00 €
46373 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 02: Regina Danubia. Die Koenigin der Donau
17.00 €
17294 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 03: Landungsschiff Projekt: Frosch I und II
17.00 €
46374 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 05: Zerstoerer Rommel, Luetjens, Moelders
17.00 €
46375 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 06: U-Jagdkorvette der Parchim-Klasse
17.00 €
46376 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 07: Raketenschnellboot Balkom 10
17.00 €
46378 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 09: Fregatte der Klasse 122
17.00 €
46379 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 10: Unsere Bundesmarine
17.00 €
46380 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 11: Schnellboote der Klasse 143
17.00 €
46381 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 12: Schnellboote der Klasse 148
17.00 €
46383 - AAVV, :
Schiff Profile 14: Fregatten der Klasse 123
17.00 €
56353 - Rahardt, O.:
Schiff Profile 16: Die Schlepper der Klasse 722
17.00 €
27877 - Jung, D.:
Schiffe der Kaiserlichen Marine 1914-1918 und ihr Verbleib
22.00 €
20181 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
59536 - Paterson, L.:
Schnellboote. A Complete Operational History
27.00 €
67186 - Bagnasco, E.:
Schnellboote. Le motosiluranti tedesche 1939-1945 - Storia Militare Briefing 18
15.00 €
20188 - Koop-Schmolke, G.-K.P.:
Schwere Kreuzer Admiral Hipper, Bluecher, Prinz Eugen - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
71619 - Sgarlato-Sgarlato, N.-A.:
Secret Projects of the Kriegsmarine. Unseen Designs of Nazi Germany's Navy
36.00 €
34505 - Roessler, E.:
Sonaranlagen der deutschen Unterseeboote (Die)
30.00 €
48461 - Jackson, R.:
Sottomarini. 300 grandi battelli da tutto il mondo
18.00 €
68115 - Alloin, R.:
Sous-marins de la Kriegsmarine 1935-1945. Les 'loups gris' de Doenitz Vol 1 - Marines du Monde 33 (Les)
59.95 €
68113 - Alloin, R.:
Sous-marins de la Kriegsmarine 1935-1945. Les 'loups gris' de Doenitz Vol 2 - Marines du Monde 34 (Les)
59.95 €
67916 - Bagnasco, E.:
Sous-marins de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (Les)
49.95 €
52934 - Ross, C.:
Submarines 1914 to Present
33.00 €
28440 - Jackson, R.:
Submarines of the World. Over 280 of the world's greatest submarines
18.00 €
51907 - Motyka-Skwiot, M.-M.:
Super Drawings 3D 14: Battleship Gneisenau
35.00 €
54697 - Draminski-Skwiot, S.-M.:
Super Drawings 3D 19: Admiral Graf Spee
35.00 €
57008 - Goralski, W.:
Super Drawings 3D 25: Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen
35.00 €
57009 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 28: Battleship Bismarck
35.00 €
58173 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 30: Heavy Cruiser Luetzow
35.00 €
58175 - Goralski, W.:
Super Drawings 3D 32: German Cruiser Admiral Hipper
35.00 €
59093 - Wilkie-Praski, A.-F.:
Super Drawings 3D 35: SMS Viribus Unitis Austro-Hungarian Battleship
35.00 €
59816 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 38: Battleship Tirpitz
35.00 €
60937 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 45: German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin
35.00 €
63449 - Samuel-Staff, M.-G.:
Super Drawings 3D 53: German Battleship SMS Posen
35.00 €
64482 - Cestra, C.:
Super Drawings 3D 56: Schnellboot Type S-38 and S-100
35.00 €
65224 - Mironov-Pastwa, D.-D.:
Super Drawings 3D 60: Type XXI U-Boat
35.00 €
65425 - Samuel-Bohlayer, M.-W.:
Super Drawings 3D 65: German Armoured Cruiser SMS Bluecher
35.00 €
66785 - Katsikas, T.:
Super Drawings 3D 72: Brandenburg class Battleships 1890-1918
35.00 €
30465 - Skwiot, M.:
Tank Power 17: German Naval Artillery Vol 1
27.00 €
33244 - Skwiot, M.:
Tank Power 18: German Naval Artillery Vol 2
27.00 €
39237 - Skwiot, M.:
Tank Power 19: German Naval Artillery Vol 3
27.00 €
43564 - Zetterling-Tamelander, N.-M.:
Tirpitz. The Life and Death of Germany's Last Super Battleship
29.95 €
58183 - Draminski, S.:
Top Drawings 022: German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee
25.00 €
60846 - Draminski, S.:
Top Drawings 033: German Battleship Tirpitz
29.95 €
61695 - Motyka, M.:
Top Drawings 040: German Battleship Gneisenau
25.00 €
67983 - Gralski, W.:
Top Drawings 086: German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen
25.00 €
55044 - Tracol, X.:
Torpedo Los! Les U-Boote dans la Bataille de l'Atlantique Tome 1: 1939-1941
47.50 €
70070 - Tracol, X.:
Torpedo Los! Les U-Boote dans la Bataille de l'Atlantique Tome 2: 1942-1945
47.50 €
39461 - Roessler, E.:
Torpedos der deutschen U-Boote (Die)
25.00 €
55686 - Valenti, P.:
Toscana. La nave dei sue esodi
23.00 €
27930 - Wiser, J.E.:
U-505: The final journey
36.00 €
63163 - Urbanke-Rey, A.-M.:
U-552 The Red Devil Boat. Its Operational History in words and Images
75.00 €
69505 - Baeuer, L.:
U-96. La vraie histoire de 'Das Boot - Le Bateau'
39.95 €
34889 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
U-Boat Century. German Submarine Warfare 1906-2006 (The)
36.00 €
20999 - Hoegel, G.:
U-Boat Emblems in WWII 1939-1945
45.00 €
31873 - Gallop, A.:
U-Boat Owner's Workshop Manual. 1936-1945 (Type VIIA,B,C and Type VIIC/41)
45.00 €
70207 - Paterson, L.:
U-Boat War. A Global History 1939-45 (The)
45.00 €
31467 - AAVV, :
U-Boat War. Iron Coffins DVD
18.00 €
47234 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 06
27.00 €
51316 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 07
27.00 €
50785 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 08
27.00 €
54432 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 09
27.00 €
47656 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 10
27.00 €
57902 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 11
27.00 €
58448 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 12
27.00 €
59617 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 13
27.00 €
63132 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 14
27.00 €
63131 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 15
27.00 €
44292 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 16
27.00 €
66988 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 17
27.00 €
67538 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 18
29.95 €
68493 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 19
29.95 €
70376 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 20
29.95 €
72250 - AAVV, :
U-Boot im Focus 21
29.95 €
68199 - Tracol, X.:
U-Boot Typ IX. Toutes les versions des submersibles oceaniques de la U-Bootwaffe
29.95 €
59843 - Tracol, X.:
U-Boot Typ VII. Toutes les versions du U-Boot le plus redoute' de l'Atlantique
33.00 €
48489 - Valzania, S.:
U-Boot. Storie di uomini e di sommergibili nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale
11.00 €
67754 - Baeuer, L.:
U-Boote en Mediterranee Tome 1 Septembre 1941-Mai 1943 a la rescousse de l'Afrikakorps!
60.00 €
67753 - Baeuer, L.:
U-Boote en Mediterranee Tome 2 Juin 1943-Septembre 1944, face aux debarquements allies en Italie et en Provence
59.95 €
69428 - Bagnasco-Vitaly Hirst, E.-A.:
U-Boote. I sommergibili tedeschi 1939-1945 Parte 1 - Storia Militare Dossier 58
16.00 €
69937 - Bagnasco-Vitaly Hirst, E.-A.:
U-Boote. I sommergibili tedeschi 1939-1945 Parte 2 - Storia Militare Dossier 59
16.00 €
21012 - Roessler, E.:
U-Boottyp II Die 'Einbaeume' - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
21014 - Kohl-Niestle', :
U-Boottyp VII C - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
21015 - Roessler-Koehl, E.-F.:
U-Boottyp XVII - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
21016 - Kohl, F.:
U-Boottyp XXI - Vom Original zum Modell
13.00 €
62936 - Trojca, W.:
U-Bootwaffe 1935-1945 Chronicles Victories Camouflage Markings Insignia U1-U24
45.00 €
24824 - Ewerth, H.:
Ubootflotille der deutschen Marine von 1957 bis heute (Die)
45.00 €
21010 - Roessler-Emsmann, E.-H.J.:
Ubootklasse 205 (Bundesmarine) - Vom Original zum Modell
15.50 €
67915 - Tracol, X.:
Walter U-Boote Typ XXI et XXIII. Toutes les versions des U-Boote les plus modernes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
29.95 €
54633 - Wiper, S.:
Warship Pictorial 39 - German Battleships 1939-1945. Scharnhorst Gneisenau Bismarck Tirpitz
21.00 €
51048 - Jordan, J.:
Warships after Washington. The Development of the Five Major Fleets 1922-1930
45.00 €
35543 - Paterson, L.:
Weapons of Desperation. German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of World War II
36.00 €
41779 - Parker-Crosby, J.-F.:
World Encyclopedia of Submarines (The)
33.00 €
54306 - Ross, D.:
World's Greatest Battleships (The)
33.00 €
55889 - Caresse, P.:
Zerstoerers ou l'histoire des contre-torpilleurs de la Kriegsmarine - Marines du Monde 21
59.95 €