Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Terrestre: Contemporaneo
Guerra Fredda
Armam. Terrestre (Generalità)
Armam.Terr.: Italia
Armam. Terr.: Germania
Armam. Terr.: Russia
Armam. Terr.: Stati Uniti
Armam. Terr.: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Terr.: Francia
Armam. Terr.: Giappone
Armam. Terr.: Altri Paesi
Armam. Navale: Post 1945
Arm. Aereo: post 1945
Armam. Terr.: Jeeps
Armam. Terr.: Moto
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Terrestri
Uniformi: Post 1945
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 699 Prodotti
67391 - Kassis, S.:
1982 Invasion of Lebanon
45.00 €
64383 - Zwilling, R.:
1A5. The Ultimate Leopard 1
36.00 €
65264 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 01: Celtic Storm 2017
21.00 €
65263 - Kuzmin, V.:
Abrams Squad References 02: Russian Vehicles. Forum 'Army 2017'
21.00 €
65261 - Zwilling, R.:
Abrams Squad References 03: Combined Resolve US Forces
21.00 €
66778 - Zwilling-Nowak, R.-D.:
Abrams Squad References 04: Marines
21.00 €
69475 - Zwilling-Nowak, R.-D.:
Abrams Squad References 05: Trident Juncture. Live Field Exercise Vehicles
21.00 €
69478 - Zwilling, R.:
Abrams Squad References 06: M1296 Stryker Dragoon
21.00 €
69488 - Boehm, W.:
Abrams Squad References 07: Iron Horse Brigade in Germany. 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), 1st US Cavalry Division
21.00 €
69489 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 08: Syrian Armour at War Vol 1
21.00 €
70076 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 09: Syrian Armour at War Vol 2
21.00 €
31118 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 10: Ukraine at War Vol 1: Invasion!
23.00 €
46830 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad References 11: Armor in the storm. Israeli military operations 2000-2005
23.00 €
65262 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 05: Bear in the Sand. Modelling the Russian Armour in Syria and Libya
30.00 €
69479 - AAVV, :
Abrams Squad Special 08: Bear in the Mud. Modelling the Russian Armor in Eastern Europe
36.00 €
47330 - Bradford, G.:
AFV Plans: Cold War Armored Fighting Vehicles
21.00 €
34963 - Robinson-Taylor, M.P.-D.:
Age of the Main Battle Tank. Western Tank Development 1960-75 (The)
69.95 €
59033 - Ware, P.:
AM General Humvee Enthusiasts' Manual. 1985 Onwards (All Military Variants)
45.00 €
54333 - Robinson, M.P.:
American Armor in Vietnam
55.00 €
52511 - Nicklas, B.:
American Missiles. The Complete Smithsonian Field Guide. 1962 to the Present Day
55.00 €
69034 - Maisonneuve, C.:
AML Panhard. Des hommes, une Histoire
35.00 €
58923 - Robinson-Seignon, M.P.-T.:
AMX30 Main Battle Tank Enthusiasts' Manual. The AMX30 family of vehicles 1956 to 2018
45.00 €
45156 - Doyle, D.:
Armor in Action 045: M-113 APC in Vietnam
15.00 €
23424 - Hunnicutt, R.P.:
Armored Car. A history of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles
115.00 €
65519 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Armour in Profile. Armoured Fighting Vehicles of the United States Army 1945-2018
21.00 €
38255 - Brojo-Mostek, P.-J.:
Army Wheels in Detail 01: US Army 5-Ton Truck M939 Series. M923, M925, M927 and M928
19.95 €
48211 - Siegert, J.:
Artilleriesysteme der NVA. Rohr- und Raketenwaffen 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
24900 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 02
15.00 €
30443 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 09
15.00 €
31893 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 11
15.00 €
32166 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 12
15.00 €
32626 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 13
15.00 €
33287 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 14
15.00 €
34462 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 15
15.00 €
34850 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 16
15.00 €
36777 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 18
15.00 €
37765 - AAVV, :
Assault: Journal of Armored and Heliborne Warfare Vol 19
15.00 €
64862 - Hamid, S.A.:
At the Forward Edge of Battle Vol 1. A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016 - Asia @War 009
29.95 €
66105 - Hamid, S.A.:
At the Forward Edge of Battle Vol 2. A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016 - Asia @War 011
29.95 €
37785 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano Vol III: 1945-1955 (Gli)
45.00 €
46873 - Pignato-Cappellano, N.-F.:
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano Vol IV: 1956-1975 (Gli)
45.00 €
72380 - Cappellano-Esposito, F.-F.:
Autoveicoli Tattico-logistici dell'Esercito Italiano 1945-2023 (Gli) - Storia Militare Dossier 68
16.00 €
67273 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Army Leopard 1 Forty-five Years of Service - 1969 to 2014
27.50 €
64778 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Bergepanzer 2 and 2000
27.50 €
65473 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 1: Scorpion, Scimitar, Trainer, Striker
39.95 €
65474 - Gunfire Museum, :
Belgian CVR(T) Family Part 2: Spartan, Samaritan, Sultan, Samson
39.95 €
65677 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Leguan. Last of the Breed Part 2
33.00 €
65676 - Winnepenninckx, P.:
Belgian Pionierpanzer. Last of the Breed Part 1
33.00 €
64386 - Oestergaard, K.:
Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer
27.50 €
37380 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 2. M3 Halftracks in South Lebanon
25.00 €
37381 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 3. M113 Carriers in South Lebanon
25.00 €
37382 - El-Assad, M.:
Blue Steel 4. M-50 Sherman Tanks and APCs in South Lebanon
25.00 €
43647 - Molina-Manrique , L.-J.M.:
BMR. Los Blindados del Ejercito espanol
36.00 €
23252 - Halberstadt, H.:
Bradley Company - Europa Militaria 30
21.00 €
15922 - Hunnicutt, R.P.:
Bradley. A history of American Fighting and Support Vehicles
95.00 €
71965 - Kreutzkamp, S.:
British Army in Germany. 1st Amoured Division and other units - from 2000 until the end (The)
65.00 €
67084 - Dunstan, S.:
British Battle Tanks. Post-war Tanks 1946-2016
45.00 €
59922 - Taylor-Fletcher, J.-G.:
British Military Land Rovers. Leaf-Sprung Land Rovers in British Military Service
59.95 €
48047 - Weinreich, R.:
Bundeswehr-Fahrzeuge im Bild
29.95 €
72031 - AAVV, :
Bundeswehr. Modern German Army in Scale
35.00 €
40029 - Sewards-Hraban, A.-M.:
Canadian LAV III in Afghanistan
25.00 €
64387 - AAVV, :
Canadian Leopard 2A4M CAN
30.00 €
64385 - Seward-Saucier, A.-R.:
Canadian Leopard 2A6M CAN in Afghanistan
30.00 €
69646 - Doyle-Herzinger, G.-B.:
Carrier Killer. China's Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles and Theatre of Operations in the early 21st Century - Asia @War 029
29.95 €
69518 - Togores, L.E.:
Carros de Combate en el Sahara
17.50 €
36665 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Carros de Combate y Vehicuols de cadenas del Ejercito Espanol. Un siglo de Historia Vol 2
49.95 €
52018 - Marin Gutierrez-Mata Duaso, F.-J.M.:
Carros de Combate y Vehicuols de cadenas del Ejercito Espanol. Un siglo de Historia Vol 3
49.95 €
28091 - US Army, :
CD ROM M-109. 155mm Howitzer, medium, Self Propelled. 28 US Army Technical Manuals
39.00 €
27777 - US Army, :
CD ROM M-113 APC. Armored Personel Carrier Family 34 US Army Technical Manuals
39.00 €
27786 - US Army, :
CD ROM M-35 Military Vehicle. 28 Technical Manuals
39.00 €
63299 - Dunstan, S.:
Centurion Main Battle Tank Owner's Workshop Manual. 1946 to present
36.00 €
32370 - Jackson, R.:
Centurion. Armoured Hero of Post-War Tank Battles - TankCraft 14
27.00 €
40564 - Pignato , N.:
Century of Italian Armoured Cars. Un secolo di autoblindate in Italia (A)
60.00 €
66058 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 1. Bitish Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 21
29.95 €
64779 - Kreutzkamp, S.:
Challenger 2 Family in Germany (The)
30.00 €
24944 - Griffin, R.:
Challenger 2. British Main Battle Tank of the Gulf War - TankCraft 23
29.95 €
16202 - Dunstan, S.:
Challenger Squadron - Europa Militaria 29
21.00 €
40675 - Chassillan, M.:
Char Leclerc. De la Guerre froid aux conflits de demain
49.95 €
44452 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Chars de Combat Nouvelle Ed.
23.00 €
55578 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Chars legers et Vehicules a armement Lourd
23.00 €
61891 - Taylor, D.:
Chieftain Main Battle Tank 1966 to present
39.95 €
66055 - Jackson, R.:
Chieftain. Bitish Cold War Main Battle Tank - TankCraft 15
27.00 €
66386 - Kent, R.:
Chieftain. Britain's Flawed Masterpiece
45.00 €
63882 - Vallejo-Royo, F.-E.:
Chinese Power
39.95 €
66998 - Dougherty, M.:
Chinese Tanks and AFVs 1950-Present. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns - APCs - IFVs
29.95 €
70961 - Suttie, W.:
Chobham Armour. Cold War British Armoured Vehicle Development
55.00 €
26074 - Morrison, B.:
Combat Land Rovers Portfolio nr.1
25.00 €
36938 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 05: La Brunete Pt. 1
15.00 €
36939 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 06: La Brunete Pt. 2
15.00 €
64384 - Oestergaard, K.:
Danish Leopard 1A5DK1
30.00 €
41803 - Antonsen, T.:
Danish Leopard 2A5 (The)
45.00 €
64382 - Moeller-Schulze, B.-C.:
Danish Leopard 2A5DK ...and QRF
36.00 €
69721 - Tirone, L.:
De l'AMX 13 au Leclerc. Les Chars Francais de la Guerre Froide
35.00 €
35608 - Mihajlovic, M.:
Defending Putin's Empire. Russia's Air Defence System
45.00 €
69050 - Antonsen, T.:
Denmark's Leopard 2A7DK
27.50 €
47343 - Doyle, D.:
Detail in Action 001: M50A1 Ontos
23.00 €
22738 - Reiner Gau, L. et al.:
Deutsche Militaerfahrzeuge. Bundeswehr und NVA
45.00 €
42953 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Duel 018: M1 Abrams vs T-72 Ural. Operation Desert Storm 1991
25.00 €
46444 - Nordeen-Chasemore, L.-R.:
Duel 030: M60 vs T-62. Cold War Combatants 1956-92
25.00 €
58763 - Higgins, D.R.:
Duel 071: M48 Patton vs Centurion. Indo-Pakistani War 1965
25.00 €
58767 - Guardia, M.:
Duel 075: Bradley vs BMP. Desert Storm 1991
25.00 €
64053 - McNab, C.:
Duel 084: Sagger Anti-Tank Missile vs M60 Main Battle Tank
25.00 €
65765 - McNab-Gilliland-Shumate, C.-A.-J.:
Duel 094: Walker Bulldog vs T-54. Laos and Vietnam 1971-75
25.00 €
72903 - McNab-Hook, C.-A.:
Duel 133: Coalition Armor vs Iraqi Forces. Iraq 2003-06
25.00 €
64380 - Smit, W.:
Dutch Leopard 1. Armored Fist of the Royal Dutch Army
27.50 €
67281 - Gannon, T.:
Early IDF Armoured Cars
27.50 €
67282 - Gannon, T.:
Early IDF Sandwich Trucks and Improvised Armoured Vehicles
30.00 €
50290 - Chassillan, M.:
Encyclopedie des chars de combat modernes Tome 1: France, Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Japon
45.00 €
50987 - Chassillan, M.:
Encyclopedie des chars de combat modernes Tome 2: Royame Uni, Suede, Inde, Russie, Pakistan, Israel, Chine, Coreee du Sud
45.00 €
15560 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 03: Artilleriewaffen der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
19528 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 04: Panzergrenadiere der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
16639 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 06: Kanadischen Streitkraefte in Deutschland
17.00 €
19300 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 08: NVA Jeeps
17.00 €
17249 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 09: Franzosische Streitkraefte in Deutschland
17.00 €
18011 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 10: IFOR. Das schwert der NATO in Bosnien
17.00 €
19530 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 12: Panzerjaeger des deutschen Heeres
17.00 €
46293 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 13: Schuetzenpanzer BMP
17.00 €
21803 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 15: Gepanzerten Truppen des Oesterreischen Bundesheeres
17.00 €
21715 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 16: Bundeswehr in CMTC
17.00 €
46294 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 18: Panzerpioniere der Bundeswehr 1956-2000
17.00 €
46295 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 19: Heeresflugabwehr der Bundeswehr 1956-2000
17.00 €
46296 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 20: US-Panzeraufklaerungsbataillon der Division 1943-2003
17.00 €
46297 - Kroh, O.:
Fahrzeug Profile 21: Divisionspionierbataillon der US-Army 1990-2003
17.00 €
46298 - Blume-Boehm, P.-W.:
Fahrzeug Profile 22: Panzertruppe der Bundeswehr 1956-2003
17.00 €
46299 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 23: Panzertruppe der US Army
17.00 €
46300 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 24: Gepanzerte Infanterie der US Army in Deutschland 1945-2003
17.00 €
46301 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 25: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil I: Fahrzeuggeneration 1956-1976
17.00 €
46302 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 26: Pioniertruppe der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46303 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 27: Rohrartillerie der US Army in Deutschland 1945-2005
17.00 €
46304 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 28: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil II: Fahrzeuggeneration 1976-2005
17.00 €
46305 - Boehm, W.:
Fahrzeug Profile 29: 11. US-Panzeraufklaerungsregiment 'Blackhorse'
17.00 €
46306 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 30: Flugabwehr der US Army in Deutschland 1948 bis 2006
17.00 €
46307 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 31: Radfahrzeuge des Heeres der Bundeswehr Teil III: 3. Fahrzeuggeneration
17.00 €
46308 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 32: Uebung
17.00 €
46309 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 33: Jaegerbataillon 292
17.00 €
46310 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 34: Heer der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46311 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 35: US ARMY in Europa 1981. Die Divisionen und Kampftruppen
17.00 €
46312 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 36: Raketenartillerie der US ARMY in Deutschland 1954-2008
17.00 €
46313 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 37: Oesterreichische Bundesheer - The Austrian Army
17.00 €
46314 - Blume, P.:
Fahrzeug Profile 38: Panzeraufklaerungstruppe der Bundeswehr 1956 bis 2008
17.00 €
46315 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 39: 1. Panzerdivision (Eingreifkraefte) der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
46316 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 40: Lastwagen militaerischer Formationen der DDR 1949-62
17.00 €
46317 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 41: Deutsch/Franzoesische Brigade
17.00 €
46318 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 42: Geschuetzte Bundeswehrfahrzeuge der ISAF
17.00 €
46319 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 43: 2. Stryker Cavalry Regiment 'Second Dragoons' in Deutschland 2006-2007
17.00 €
46320 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 44: Nachschubtruppe der Bundeswehr
17.00 €
56320 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 45: Einheiten der US ARMY in Europa Teil 2
17.00 €
56325 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 46: Lastwagen der NVA aus sowjetischer Produktion Teil 1
17.00 €
56321 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 47: CARAVAN GUARD 89
17.00 €
56322 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 48: Die Radfahrzeuge der Belgischen Armee
17.00 €
56319 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 49: Lastwagen der NVA aus sowjetischer Produktion Teil 2
17.00 €
56330 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 51: Einheiten der US ARMY in Europa Teil 3
17.00 €
56324 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 52: 'Warriors' US OPFOR Hohenfels 1990-2007
17.00 €
56329 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 53: Die Panzertruppe der Bundeswehr 2004-2012
17.00 €
56328 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 54: Lastkraftwagen militaerischer Formationen der DDR 1962-75 Teil 3
17.00 €
56327 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 55: Schwerlasttransporter der Bundeswehr 1956-2013
17.00 €
56326 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 56: Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr Teil 1
17.00 €
56331 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 57: Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr Teil 2
17.00 €
56332 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 58: Die Einheiten der US-ARMY Europa im Jahre 1981 - Die Divisionstruppen - Teil 4
17.00 €
56686 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 59: LKW der US ARMY in Deutschland
17.00 €
56687 - AAVV, :
Fahrzeug Profile 60: SCUD and SPIDER - Operativ taktische Raketenkomplexe der NVA
17.00 €
46601 - Suhr, C.:
Fahrzeug-Klassiker der NVA
29.95 €
36741 - Plate, J.:
Fahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1955
45.00 €
65239 - Robinson-Costa-Jerrett, M.P.-V.-C.:
Famous Vehicles 01: The Leopard 1 and Leopard 2. From Cold War to Modern Day
39.95 €
40949 - Jendsch, W.:
Feuerwehr Einsatzfahrzeuge - Waldbrandbekaempfung - Typenkompass
15.00 €
71008 - AAVV, :
Forces terrestres francaises
26.00 €
46141 - Valpolini-Niccoli, P.-R.:
Forze di terra 2010
14.00 €
49085 - Valpolini-Niccoli, P.-R.:
Forze di terra 2011
15.00 €
51633 - Valpolini-Niccoli, P.-R.:
Forze di terra 2012
15.00 €
54396 - Valpolini-Niccoli, P.-R.:
Forze di terra 2013
15.00 €
63897 - AAVV, :
Foto File 03: Leopard Series 1: PRTL and PRTL-GWI Cheetah
27.50 €
63898 - AAVV, :
Foto File 04: Leopard Series 2: Dutch Leopard 2 A4
27.50 €
61554 - Doyle, D.:
German Motorcycles of WWII Part 1. A Visual History in Vintage Photos and Restored Examples
27.00 €
45821 - Lemaire-Windels-Jimenez, M.-J.C.-M.:
Guerre en Ukraine. Maquettes de blindes modernes
30.00 €
65675 - Grummitt, D.:
Guideline in Action 01: Atlantic Resolve. NATO's Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2018 Vol 1: Armor
21.00 €
57190 - Pollard, S.:
How to Build The Leopard family in 1:35
23.00 €
46412 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 03: 6eme Brigade Legere Blindee 1984-2009
15.00 €
51431 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 05: Cavaliers et blindes de France
17.50 €
51428 - AAVV, :
HS Assaut 08: Artilleurs et canons de France
17.50 €
71527 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 51: 1915-2023 Le Char retour a la case depart?
17.50 €
27076 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 11: Combat Urbain. Analyses et perspectives
15.00 €
28289 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 13: Les Chars legers en Action Vol 1
15.00 €
31506 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 16: Les Armes du Futur
15.00 €
40171 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 29: Les Chars de Combat en action Vol 4
15.00 €
43309 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 32: Les Chars de Combat en action Vol 5
15.00 €
46696 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 36: Guerre contre les engins explosifs improvises
15.00 €
53083 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 45: L'armement des vingt prochaines annees. Eurosatory 2012
15.00 €
54146 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 47: Les Vehicules Blindes anti-mines au combat
15.00 €
56217 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 51: Combat Urbain. Armement, Equipement, Vehicules, Drones
15.00 €
59392 - Raids, HS:
HS Raids 57: Le Genie. Historique - Vehicules - Projets francais - Engins Russes
15.00 €
65179 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 31: Russie vs OTAN. Etats des forces en presence
17.50 €
59016 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 34: Encyclopedie des Chars Modernes 1946-2020
17.50 €
67765 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 36: Les 20 chars qui ont marque' l'histoire
17.50 €
70011 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 41: Les materiels russes et ukrainiens au combat
17.50 €
71529 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 43: Points chauds 2023 l'annee de tous les dangers
17.50 €
71552 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 44: Atlas des Canons Automoteurs Moderne
17.50 €
18814 - Caraktere, :
HS TNT 47: Les Materiels modernes de l'Armee Francaise
17.50 €
45824 - Vivenot, E.:
HUMVEE au combat. La Guerre Moderne 02 (Le)
19.50 €
67121 - DeJohn, C.M.:
Humvee. America's Military Workhorse - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68936 - Skipper, B.:
Humvee. American Multi-Purpose Support Truck - LandCraft 06
29.95 €
47841 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 04: Magach 6B Gal and Gal Batash. M60A1 in IDF Service Part 2
45.00 €
55172 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 07: Doobi D9 Variants. D9 Bulldozer in IDF Service
45.00 €
57233 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 09: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 1: Fitters
45.00 €
47842 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 11: Puma Heavy APC. Centurion Based APC in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
59241 - Mass, M.:
IDF Armor Series 12: Merkava Siman 2. Merkava Mk. 2 in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
60004 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 15: Nagmachon Heavy APC. Centurion based APC in IDF Service Part 2
45.00 €
61473 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 16: Hummer. HMMWV (Hummer) in IDF Service
45.00 €
62231 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 18: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 2: Command and Medevac
45.00 €
63697 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 19: Puma Heavy APC. Centurion based APC in IDF Service Part 3 With Carpet, Nochri and Dozer
45.00 €
63696 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 20: Merkava Siman 1 in IDF Service Part 1
45.00 €
65250 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 21: Merkava Siman 4/4M in IDF Service Part 3
45.00 €
65248 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 22: Merkava Siman 1 in IDF Service Part 2
45.00 €
65249 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 23: Zelda M113 in IDF Service Part 3: APC and TOGA
45.00 €
65518 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 24: Merkava Siman 3D. Merkava Mk 3D In IDF Service Part 3
45.00 €
66023 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 25: Magach 6A/B. IDF Patton M60A1. M60A1 in IDF Service Part 3
45.00 €
67385 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 26: Magach 3. IDF Patton M48. Magach 3 (M48A3) in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
67386 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 27: ARV and Wreckers. ARV and Wreckers in IDF Service - Part 1
45.00 €
67387 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 28: Nakpadon Heavy APC in IDF Service
45.00 €
67557 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 29: HEMTT Oshkosh 8x8 Trucks in IDF Service Part 1
49.95 €
36907 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 30: Merkava Siman 4/4M in IDF Service Part 4
49.95 €
69668 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 31: Namer Heavy IFV. Namer IFV in IDF Service Part 1
49.95 €
69669 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 32: Merkava Siman 2D. Merkava Mk 2 in IDF Service Part 3
45.00 €
70709 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 33: Magach 7. IDF Patton M60. Magach 7 and 7 Gimel in IDF Service Part 2
49.95 €
72058 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 34: IDF Land Forces Spearhead. Modern AFV of the IDF
49.95 €
16444 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Armor Series 35: Jeep Tank Hunters.M151 and Landrovers in IDF Service Part 1
49.95 €
70892 - Guener-Segarra, Oe-R.:
IDF Colors. Painting and weathering techniques with Vallejo acrylic colors
39.95 €
64375 - Gannon, T.:
IDF Jeeps
19.95 €
65807 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Tank Wrecks Series 01: Tiran Wrecks. Tiran 4/5/6 in the IDF Part 1
39.95 €
70139 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Tank Wrecks Series 02: Patton Wrecks. Magach 3/5/6/6M/7/7C76B Wrecks
45.00 €
71972 - Mass-O'Brien, M.-A.:
IDF Tank Wrecks Series 03: Halftrack Wrecks. Special Halftracks used by the IDF
45.00 €
52154 - Ware, P.:
Illustrated guide to Military Vehicles
33.00 €
53004 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armored Warfare in the Korean War
27.00 €
54205 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in the Arab-Israeli Conflicts
27.00 €
29454 - Green, M.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in the Vietnam War
27.00 €
52104 - Ware, P.:
Images of War. British Tanks. 1945 to Present Day
27.00 €
64772 - Franks, N.:
Images of War. T-54/55. The Soviet Army's Cold War Main Battle Tank
27.00 €
65678 - Robinson, M.P.:
Images of War. The AMX 13 Light Tank. A complete History
27.00 €
52503 - Green, M.:
Images of War. The Patton Tanks
27.00 €
36682 - Koran-Martinec-de Boer, F.-J.-J.W.:
In Detail Special 04: Strv 103B/C. S-Tank 103C at the Belgian Royal Army Museum and 1/35 and 1/72 Scale Models
33.00 €
39471 - Burik, R.W.:
In Detail Special 07: NTC Fort Irvin in detail
35.00 €
64941 - Luedeke, A.:
International Tank Development From 1970
19.95 €
38503 - Taylor, D.:
ISAF Vehicles Afghanistan 2007. Kabul and Kandahar Area
29.95 €
67279 - Gannon, T.:
Israeli Half-Track-based Self Propelled Weapons
39.95 €
44494 - Gannon, T.:
Israeli Half-Tracks Vol 1 including Sandwich Trucks and Armoured Cars
45.00 €
64376 - Gannon, T.:
Israeli Sherman-based Self Propelled Weapons Vol 1
55.00 €
64377 - Gannon, T.:
Israeli Sherman-based Self Propelled Weapons Vol 2
65.00 €
33825 - Condolo, M.:
Iveco 1975-2005
34.00 €
71964 - Arthur-Miyake, G.-K.:
Japanese Type 10 and Type 90 Main Battle Tanks
27.50 €
24196 - Warren-Haynes, L.-J.:
Jeep CJ 1949 thru 1986
39.95 €
53510 - Gaujac, P.:
Jeep dans l'armee francaise Tome 1: De 1943 a 1954 De la Tunisie a l'Indochine
33.00 €
18318 - Spielberger, W.:
Kampfpanzer der NVA
42.50 €
38853 - Hilmes, R.:
Kampfpanzer heute und morgen. Konzepte - Systeme - Technologien
45.00 €
54289 - Luedeke, A.:
Kampfpanzer. Internationale Entwicklungen ab 1970 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
54288 - Luedeke, A.:
Kampfpanzer. Internationale Entwicklungen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
25700 - Grummitt, D.:
Kings of Battle. US Self-Propelled Howitzers 1963-2023
29.95 €
22849 - Oswald, W.:
Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr ab 1900
55.00 €
37379 - El-Assad, M.:
Landing Zone Lebanon. UNIFIL 2006
28.00 €
40287 - Arthur-Hearn, G.-S.:
LAV and Piranha. The Extended Family
13.00 €
30930 - Debay-Baltzer, Y.-E.:
Leopard 1 (Le)
39.95 €
20514 - Cecil-Shackleton, M.-K.M.:
Leopard 1 Main Battle Tank Owner's Workshop Manual. 1965 to present (all models and variants)
45.00 €
23112 - Stocker, W.:
Leopard 2 A5. Bei Uebung und Einsatz
37.95 €
27212 - Grummitt, D.:
Leopard 2. NATO's First Line of Defence 1979-2020 - TankCraft 28
29.95 €
64381 - Cecil, M.K.:
Leopard AS1. Leopard in Australian Service
69.95 €
18477 - Scheibert, M.:
Leopard Family. Leopard 1 and 2 - Gepard
13.95 €
50022 - Hilmes, R.:
Leopard. Die erste Generation 1958-2003 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
52894 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Light Tanks and Heavily Armed Combat Vehicles
23.00 €
25455 - AAVV, :
Lock + Load. Weapons of the US Military
36.00 €
34097 - Debay, Y.:
M1 Abrams
39.95 €
33258 - Green-Stewart, M.-G.:
M1 Abrams at War
25.00 €
65066 - Dejohn, C.M.:
M1 Abrams. America's Main Battle Tank - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
66057 - Grummitt, D.:
M1 Abrams. The US's Main Battle Tank in American and Foreign Service 1981-2018 - TankCraft 17
29.95 €
22190 - Doyle, D.:
M107/M110 Family of Self-propelled Artillery 1956 -1991
39.95 €
68556 - Skipper, B.:
M113. American Armoured Personnel Carrier - LandCraft 05
29.95 €
73271 - Cappellano-Esposito-Guglielmi, F.-F.-D.:
M113. Trasporto truppe corazzato e i suoi derivati - Storia Militare Briefing 46
15.00 €
63247 - AAVV, :
M1A1 Main Battle Tank in Detail Volume 1: Iraq
45.00 €
63248 - AAVV, :
M1A2 Main Battle Tank in Detail Volume 2
45.00 €
61407 - AAVV, :
M1A2 SEP Abrams Main Battle Tank in Detail
45.00 €
38131 - Green-Brown, M.-J.D.:
M2/M3 Bradley at War
28.00 €
65457 - Dejohn, C.M.:
M2/M3 Bradley. America's Cavalry/Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67126 - Doyle, D.:
M24 Chaffee Vol 2: Chaffee-Based Vehicle Variants in the Korean War - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
71835 - Doyle, D.:
M26 Pershing. America's Medium/Heavy Tank in World War II and Korea - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
63246 - AAVV, :
M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Detail Volume 2
45.00 €
65374 - AAVV, :
M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Europe in Detail Volume 1
45.00 €
72961 - Doyle, D.:
M42 Duster. Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Vehicle - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
72962 - Doyle, D.:
M48 Patton. America's First 'Main Battle Tank' - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
66993 - Griffin, R.:
M48 Patton. American Cold War Battle Tank - TankCraft 22
29.95 €
71021 - Doyle, D.:
M50/M50A1 Ontos. Self-Propelled Multiple 106 mm Recoilless Rifle - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
67127 - Doyle, D.:
M551 Sheridan. The US Army's Armored Reconnaissance / Airborne Assault Vehicle From Vietnam to Desert Storm - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
72963 - Doyle, D.:
M60 Tank. US Cold War MBT - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
70745 - Grummitt, D.:
M60. Main Battle Tank America's Cold War Warrior 1959-1997 - TankCraft 37
29.95 €
61405 - Mrosko-Avants, C.-B.:
M60A2 Main Battle Tank in Detail Volume 1
45.00 €
61408 - Mrosko-Avants, C.-B.:
M60A2 Main Battle Tank in Detail Volume 2
45.00 €
64705 - Mrosko-Avants, C.-B.:
M60A3 Main Battle Tank in Detail Volume 1
45.00 €
61406 - Mrosko-Avants, C.-B.:
M9 ACE Armored Combat Earthmover in Detail
45.00 €
55270 - Doyle, D.:
M911 and M1070 HET Heavy-Equipment Transporters of the US Army - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
63638 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Mezzi Corazzati Cingolati. Guida tecnica Vol 1 - Storia Militare Dossier 34
16.00 €
64090 - Guglielmi-Pieri, D.-M.:
Mezzi Corazzati Cingolati. Guida tecnica Vol 2 - Storia Militare Dossier 35
16.00 €
31035 - Vollert, J.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5001: Fuchs Armoured Personnel Carrier
23.00 €
31036 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5002: Early Years of the Modern German Army
23.00 €
31039 - Zwilling-Hoiczyk, R.-N.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5005: Modern German Army Training Center Letzlingen
23.00 €
31042 - Marx, S.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5008: Armoured Engineer Vehicles
23.00 €
31572 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5009: First Generation Modern German Army Heavy Prime-Movers and Tractor-Trucks
23.00 €
32394 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5010: Modern German Army in the Cold War 1967-1990
23.00 €
34025 - Marx, S.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5011: M 48 Main Battle Tank in German Army Service
23.00 €
34008 - Marx, S.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5012: Tanks M 41 and M 47 in German Army
23.00 €
34291 - Lobitz, F.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5013: Leopard 1 MBT in German Army Service - Early Years
23.00 €
37258 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5016: Tank Destroyers Gun/Missile of the Modern German Army
23.00 €
39123 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5018: Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle Schuetzenpanzer kurz Hotchkiss and lang HS 30
23.00 €
39386 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5019: Mercedes-Benz LG 315 Early 5-ton truck of the Modern German Army
23.00 €
42072 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5022: Wiesel 1 - Mobile Weapon Platform
23.00 €
43062 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5023: Panzertruppe '2010'. German Panzer Forces in the 21st Century
23.00 €
43529 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5024: Wiesel 2 - Mobile Weapon Platform
23.00 €
45506 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5026: Panzerhaubitzen der Bundeswehr M7 M52 M44 M55 M109
23.00 €
46402 - Peters, H.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5027: MAN Kat I. Taktische LKW der Ersten Folgegeneration der Bundeswehr
23.00 €
47066 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5028: Panzerkampf im Kalten Krieg. German Armoured Corps in Cold War Exercise Schneller Wechsel '74
23.00 €
47547 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5029: Raketenartillerie der Bundeswehr. Modern German Rocket Artillery: Honest John-Sergeant-Lance-LARS 1
23.00 €
48367 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5030: Raketenartillerie der Bundeswehr. Modern German Rocket Artillery: LARS 2 and MARS (MLRS)
23.00 €
49208 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5031: Desert Camouflage of the Vehicles of the German ISAF Contingent
23.00 €
50325 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5032: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 1
23.00 €
50326 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5033: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 2
23.00 €
50423 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5034: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 3
23.00 €
50422 - Blume-Niesner, P.-C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5035: M 113 in the Modern German Army Part 4
23.00 €
51690 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5036: Dingo 1 - Protected Vehicle
23.00 €
52441 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5037: Dingo 2 - Protected Transport Vehicle
23.00 €
52906 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5038: Cold War Tank Battle in Southern Germany on FTX Kecker Spatz 87
23.00 €
53222 - Blume-Vollert, P.-J.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5040: 'Emma'. The MAN 630 L2 A / L2AE 5-ton Truck in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
53962 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5041: Fahrzeug-Graffiti GECON-ISAF. Personalised Vehicle Markings during the German Mission in Afghanistan
23.00 €
53961 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5042: Fahrzeug-Graffiti IFOR-SFOR-EUFOR. Personalised Vehicle Markings during the German Mission on the Balkans
23.00 €
54510 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5043: Fennek. The Fennek Reconnaissance Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
55033 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5044: Jupiter. The 7-tonne 6x6 KHD Jupiter Truck in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
55034 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5045: Eagle IV. Wheeled Armoured Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
55345 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5046: Marder 1 A5 / 1A5A1. The Marder 1 A5 and 1 A5A1 AIFVs in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
56183 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5047: Unimog U1300L Part 1: Predecessors, Development, Technology
23.00 €
56184 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5048: Unimog U1300L Part 2: Cargo Truck and Walkaround
23.00 €
56182 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5049: Unimog U1300L Part 3: Special Variants Ambulance, Fire Truck, Shelters
23.00 €
56813 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5050: Yak. The Yak Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
57200 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5051: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 1: Development and Technology
23.00 €
57199 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5052: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 2: Reconnaissance / Engineer / Command
23.00 €
49701 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5053: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 3: Ambulance / Electronic Warfare / NBC
23.00 €
49702 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5054: Fuchs. The Transportpanzer 1 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier in German Army Service Part 4: Battlefield Surveillance Radar / Radio Communications / International
23.00 €
57618 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5055: Munga. Early Light All-Terrain Vehicles of the Bundeswehr: Goliath and Porsche Jagdwagen, VW Kurierwagen and the Auto Union / DKW Munga
23.00 €
58604 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5056: Minenraeumfahrzeuge. Mine-clearing Vehicles from the Keiler to the German Route Clearance System
23.00 €
59189 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5057: Iltis. The Iltis 0.5 t tmil Light Truck in Service with the Bundeswehr and other Armies
23.00 €
60354 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5059: Unimog U4000/U5000 The Unimog Series 437.4 - Development, Technology, Variants, Service
23.00 €
61083 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5060: sGeBAF Bison Heavy Protected Recovery Vehicle
23.00 €
61510 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5062: Puma. The New Armoured infantry Fighting Vehicle of the Bundeswehr Part 2
23.00 €
61833 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5063: MB 1017. The Mercedes-Benz 5-ton Trucks Type 1017/1017A - History, Variants, Service
23.00 €
62396 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5064: 'Cold War Warrior': Panzer M48. The M48 MBT in Cold War Exercises with the German Bundeswehr
23.00 €
62397 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5065: ESK Mungo. Light Protected Vehicle for Specialised Forces
23.00 €
62874 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5066: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 1 - Development / Technology / Walkaround
23.00 €
62873 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5067: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 2 - Cargo Versions / Double-Cab Driver-Trainer
23.00 €
62872 - Maile, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5068: Unimog 1,5-Tonner 'S'. The Legendary 1.5-ton Unimog Truck in German Service Part 3 - Box Body / Tank Dummy / Fire Engine / Armoured
23.00 €
63448 - Nowak-Zwilling, :
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5069: Panzer Task Force. 'Storm on the Heath 2017' - German Panzer-Formations train for VJTF (Land)
23.00 €
63447 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5070: German Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank. Development - Description - Technology
23.00 €
63446 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5071: German Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank. In Action and Variants 2A6A1 / 2A6M / 2A6MA1 /2A6M+
23.00 €
64363 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5072: Boxer A0-A1-A2 The Multirole Armoured Wheeled 'Mothership' of the German Infantry
23.00 €
44357 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5073: Gepard. The Gepard Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Gun in German Service
23.00 €
65258 - Schulze, C.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5074: Zetros. The German GTF Protected Mobility Logistic Support Vehicle
23.00 €
65260 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5075. Leopard 2A5. Development, Technology and Active Service Part 1
23.00 €
65259 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5076: Leopard 2A5. Development, Technology and Active Service Part 2
23.00 €
65980 - Blume, P.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5077: Luchs. The Luchs 8-Wheeled Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
65981 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5078: Biber. The Brueckenlegepanzer 1 Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge in Modern German Army Service
23.00 €
66333 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5079: Eagle V. The German Protected Utility Vehicle for Command Staff
23.00 €
66332 - Maille, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5080: UNIMOG-Sonderfahrzeuge. Specialised UNIMOG Truck Variants in German Army Service
23.00 €
67443 - Maille, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5081: Cold War Warrior MAN Kat I LKW
23.00 €
67287 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5082: Feuertaufe Leopard 2. The Leopard 2 MBT's Baptism of Fire on Army Exercises 1984-86
23.00 €
67906 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5083: Leopard 2A4 Part 1 - Development and Active Service
23.00 €
67905 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5084: Leopard 2A4 Part 2 - Technology and Driver Training Vehicle Leopard 2
23.00 €
67904 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5085: Bueffel. The Leopard-2-based Armoured Recovery Vehicle in German Army Service
23.00 €
67926 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5086: LEGUAN. The Leopard-2-based Armoured Bridge-Laying System
23.00 €
68271 - Nowak, D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5087: German Armoured Infantry Vehicles - Today
23.00 €
69273 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5088: ENOK 5.4. The Enok 5.4 Protected Wheeled Vehicle and Variants in the Modern German Army
23.00 €
69272 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5089: Heeresuebungen - Battlefield Germany. Making a Stand against the Warsaw Pact: Multi-National Full-Force Exercises of the 1970s
23.00 €
69683 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5090: DACHS. The Dachs Armoured Engineer Vehicle in German Army Service
23.00 €
70356 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5091: Puma-VJTF. The Upgraded Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle for the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force Land
23.00 €
54389 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5092: Leopard 2A7V. The new German Leopard 2A7V - The World's Best Main Battle Tank
23.00 €
70634 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5093: Panzertruppe. German Armour Corps Vehicles Today
23.00 €
71841 - Boehm, W.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5094: Cold War Warrior Leopard 1. The Leopard 1 MBT in Cold War Exercises with the German Bundeswehr
23.00 €
72339 - Zwilling, R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5095: Leopard 2A7 Development History - Technology - Modernisation and Upgrades
23.00 €
72643 - Nowak, D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5096: Heeresaufklaerungstruppe - German Reconnaissance Vehicles and Equipment Today
23.00 €
55209 - Zwilling , R.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5097: Bv 206 S. The Bandvagn 206 S in Bundeswehr Service
23.00 €
73267 - Nowak, D.:
Militaerfahrzeug Special 5098: Pionierbruecken-Bataillon 130. German-British Amphibious Engineer Battalion 130
23.00 €
36733 - AAVV, :
Militaertechnik in den Technik Museen Sinsheim und Speyer
19.95 €
31575 - Burkert Opitz-Niesner, G.-C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7001: GECON-ISAF. The Vehicles of the German Army in Afghanistan
17.50 €
34031 - Niesmer, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7003: NATO Response Forces
17.50 €
34292 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7004: Uhlan Eagle
17.50 €
34695 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7005: Esercito Italiano - Modern Italian Army in action
17.50 €
37260 - Blume, P.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7007: Nederlandse Troepen - Vehicles of the Royal Netherlands Army in Germany 1963-2006
17.50 €
38016 - Arthur, G.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7008: US Army in Korea USFK/EUSA. Vehicles of the United States Forces Korea / Eight United States Army
17.50 €
39121 - Bouchal, T.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7010: Czech Republic Army ACR-Armada Ceske Republiky. Vehicles of the Modern Czech Republic Armed forces Part 1
17.50 €
39122 - Bouchal, T.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7011: Czech Republic Army ACR-Armada Ceske Republiky. Vehicles of the Modern Czech Republic Armed forces Part 2
17.50 €
43059 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7015: Vehicles of the Multinational IFOR Peace-Keeping Operation 1995-1996
17.50 €
46406 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7018: Free Lion 88. The Last Cold War Exercise of 1st (NL) Corps
17.50 €
49205 - Monteiro, P.M.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7022: Exercito Portugues. Vehicles of the Modern Portuguese Army
17.50 €
50327 - Dimitrijevic, B.B.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7023: Yugoslav Armies. Armor of the Yugoslav/Serbian Armies from 1945 to Today
17.50 €
15220 - Schulze, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7024: DANCON-ISAF - Danish Battle Group
17.50 €
52438 - Cicalesi-Rivas, J.C.-S.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7026: Ejercito Argentino. Vehicles of the Modern Argentine Army
17.50 €
53960 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7027: Svenska Armen. Vehicles of the Modern Swedish Army
17.50 €
56180 - Arthur, G.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7028: ANZAC Army Vehicles. Vehicles of the Modern New Zealand and Australian Armies
17.50 €
63445 - Niesner, C.:
Mission and Manoeuvres 7030: Finland's Maavoimat. Vehicles of the modern Finnish Army
17.50 €
41365 - Orczyc Musialek, L.:
Modeling Modern Armored Fighting 8x8 Vehicles
36.00 €
67215 - AAVV, :
Modeling World's Most Iconic Tank T-54 T-55
35.00 €
66997 - Hart-Hart, R.-S.:
Modern Russian Tanks and AFVs 1990-Present. Tanks - Self-Propelled Guns - APCs - IFVs
29.95 €
66999 - Hart-Hart, R.-S.:
Modern Tanks and AFVs 1991-Present. Armoured Fighting Vehicles
45.00 €
27458 - Green-Stewart, M.-G.:
Modern US Tanks and AFVs
21.00 €
56234 - Anweiler-Pahlkotter, K.-M.:
MTW M-113 seit 1962 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
69172 - White, K.:
Never Ready. Britain and NATO's Flexible Response Strategy 1968-1989 - Europe@war 16
29.95 €
18615 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 002: M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank 1982-92
19.00 €
20773 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 006: T-72 Main Battle Tank 1974-93
19.00 €
21429 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 010: Warrior Mechanised Combat Vehicle 1987-1994
19.00 €
15867 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 012: BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1967-1994
19.00 €
20197 - Foss-Sarson, C.-P.:
New Vanguard 013: Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle 1972-1994
19.00 €
18474 - Jerchel-Sarson, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 016: Leopard 1 Main Battle Tank 1965-1995
19.00 €
18619 - Zaloga-Sarson, S.J.-P.:
New Vanguard 018: M-2/M-3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle 1983-95
19.00 €
18819 - Katz-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 021: Merkava Main Battle Tank Mks I, II and III
19.00 €
16200 - Dunstan-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 023: Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-97
19.00 €
18475 - Jerchel-Badrocke, M.-M.:
New Vanguard 024: Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank 1979-1998
19.00 €
22520 - Lathrop-Laurier, R.-J.:
New Vanguard 052: Cadillac Gage V-100 Commando 1960-71
19.00 €
22572 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
New Vanguard 053: M-8 Greyhound Light Armored Car 1941-91
19.00 €
26763 - Dunstan-Sarson, S.-P.:
New Vanguard 080: Chieftain Main Battle Tank 1965-2003
19.00 €
26970 - Lathrop-Laurier, R.-J.:
New Vanguard 085: M60 Main Battle Tank 1961-91
19.00 €
26972 - Lathrop-Laurier, R.-J.:
New Vanguard 086: M109 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
19.00 €
26772 - Gelbart-Bryan, M.-T.:
New Vanguard 093: Modern Israeli Tanks and Infantry Carriers 1985-2004
19.00 €
29939 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
New Vanguard 102: T-54 and T-55 Main Battle Tanks 1944-2004
19.00 €
33463 - Dunstan, S.:
New Vanguard 112: Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank 1987-2006
19.00 €
32071 - Zaloga-Laurer Ray, S.J.-J.L.:
New Vanguard 120: Scud Ballistic Missile and Launch Systems 1955-2005
19.00 €
33487 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 121: Stryker Combat Vehicle 2002-06
19.00 €
33601 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 122: HMMWV Humvee 1980-2005. US Army tactical vehicle
19.00 €
35947 - Zaloga-Laurier, S.J.-J.:
New Vanguard 134: Red SAM. The SA-2 Guideline 1955-2000
19.00 €
40754 - Zaloga, S.:
New Vanguard 152: T-80 Standard Tank. The Soviet Army's Last Armored Champion
19.00 €
40755 - Zaloga, S.:
New Vanguard 153: M551 Sheridan. US Airmobile Tanks 1941-2001
19.00 €
42980 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 158: T-62 Main Battle Tank 1965-2005
19.00 €
49444 - Rottman-Bryan, G.L.-T.:
New Vanguard 184: Vietnam Gun Trucks
19.00 €
49445 - D'Angina-Morshead, J.-H.:
New Vanguard 185: LAV-25. The Marine Corps' Light Armored Vehicle
19.00 €
53603 - Estes-Chasemore, K.W.-R.:
New Vanguard 197: M103 Heavy Tank 1950-74
19.00 €
57390 - Guardia-Morshead, M.-H.:
New Vanguard 222: Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns of the Soviet Union
19.00 €
58837 - Estes, K.W.:
New Vanguard 240: M50 Ontos and M56 Scorpion 1956-70. US Tank Destroyers of the Vietnam War
19.00 €
62829 - Prenatt-Morshead-Shumate, J.-H.-J.:
New Vanguard 252: M113 APC 1960-75. US, ARVN and Australian variants in Vietnam
19.00 €
64065 - Zaloga, S.J.:
New Vanguard 255: T-90 Standard Tank. The First Tank of the New Russia
19.00 €
64067 - Neville-Dennis, L.-P.:
New Vanguard 257: Technicals. Non-Standard Tactical Vehicles from the Great Toyota War to modern Special Forces
19.00 €
65767 - Dunstan-Morshead, S.-H.:
New Vanguard 267: French Armour in Vietnam 1945-54
19.00 €
65768 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 268: M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank 1993-2018
19.00 €
67068 - Galeotti-Hook, M.-A.:
New Vanguard 282: Combat Vehicles of Russia's Special Forces. Spetsnaz, airborne, arctic and interior troops
19.00 €
68419 - Mortimer-Morshead-Cano Rodriguez, G.-H.-I.:
New Vanguard 295: SAS Combat Vehicles 1942-91
19.00 €
69412 - Nash-Searle, E.-A.:
New Vanguard 299: Kurdish Armour Against ISIS
19.00 €
69414 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 301: Tanks at the Iron Curtain 1946-60
19.00 €
70183 - Hiestand-Cano Rodriguez, W.E.-I.:
New Vanguard 303: Tanks in the Easter Offensive 1972
19.00 €
71491 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 315: Russian S-300 and S-400 Missile Systems
19.00 €
64169 - Cappellano-Mosolo, F.-E.:
Obice da 105/14 - Storia Militare Briefing 07 (L')
15.00 €
40509 - AAVV, :
On Display Vol 1 Post War Armour
29.95 €
33462 - Davidson-Johnston, G.-P.:
Osprey Modelling 029: Modelling the Challenger 1 and 2 MBT and Variants
25.00 €
21625 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 10: Modelling Postwar Tanks
25.00 €
56782 - Lopez Ruiz, J.L.:
Painting Guide for AFV of WWII and Modern Era
23.00 €
66223 - Ware, P.:
Panhard Armoured Car. 1961 onwards (AML 60, AML 90 and Eland) Enthusiasts' Manual
45.00 €
39453 - Anweiler-Pahlkotter, K.-M.:
Panzer der Bundeswehr seit 1956 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
39464 - Siegert, J.:
Panzer der NVA Vol 1: 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
43178 - Siegert, J.:
Panzer der NVA Vol 2: Radfahrzeuge 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
71320 - Lenzin-Buehler, M.-S.:
Panzerfahrzeuge der schweizer Armee seit 1921
25.00 €
44222 - Nowak, D.:
Panzermanoever 02 Panzerbrigade Bundeswehr
12.00 €
56781 - Lopez Ruiz, J.L.:
Peinture des blindes de la seconde guerre mondiale et modernes
23.00 €
66786 - Taylor, D.:
Photosniper 030: Challenger 2
29.95 €
71962 - Monteiro, P.M.:
Portuguese Leopard 2A6 in Field Manoeuvres
27.50 €
47394 - Haskew, M.E.:
Postwar Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1945 to Present
33.00 €
48988 - Haskew, M.E.:
Postwar Artillery 1945 to Present
33.00 €
29709 - AAVV, :
Present Vehicle 03: US Army Truck Tractors in detail
28.00 €
29710 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 04: M998 HMMWV in detail
22.00 €
30931 - Koran-Knizek, F.-A.:
Present Vehicle 05: URAL 375/4320 in detail
20.00 €
29715 - Spurny, J.:
Present Vehicle 08: AS-90 Braveheart in detail
24.00 €
30938 - Koran-Martinec, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 09: ZiL-157/157K Variants in detail
28.00 €
30976 - Spurny-Martinec, J.-J.:
Present Vehicle 10: Bundeswehr Tank Transporters in detail
28.00 €
30744 - Spurny-Martinec, J.-J.:
Present Vehicle 11: Panzerhaubitze PzH 2000 in detail
25.00 €
30974 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 12: M35A2 in detail. US Modern 2/5 ton Truck
24.00 €
33268 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 13: NATO Trucks and Vehicles in detail
29.95 €
35196 - AAVV, F.-T.-J.:
Present Vehicle 16: T-55 Special and Recovery Vehicles in detail. Special Vehicles on T54/55 Hull
39.95 €
36681 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 17: Stryker in detail. US Stryker Interim Armored Vehicle Family Part 1 (2nd extended Ed.)
39.95 €
39469 - Koran-Perry-de Boer, F.-D.-J.W.:
Present Vehicle 20: PT-76 Family in detail
39.95 €
41713 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 21: FMTV trucks in detail. M1078, M1083 and M1084 Veriants and M198 Howitzer
36.00 €
41714 - Koran-Horac-Zwilling, F.-J.-R.:
Present Vehicle 22: KAJAPA in detail. German Modern Kanonenjagdpanzer 90mm and Beobachtung Panzer
27.00 €
43335 - Koran-Perry-de Boer, F.-D.-J.W.:
Present Vehicle 23: BTR-70 in detail
27.00 €
43514 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 24: Japanese 4x4 LAV in detail
27.00 €
45740 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 26: Guardian in detail. M1117 Guardian and M1200 armored Knight
33.00 €
46855 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 27: Stryker MGS. Stryker M1128 Mobile Gun System
33.00 €
48939 - Koran-Horac, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 28: DANA ShKH Vz.77 in detail
45.00 €
51697 - de Boer-Kautsky-Koran, J.-A.-F.:
Present Vehicle 29: Special Operations Landies in detail. Armed Landies used by Special Forces
36.00 €
51702 - Browne-Koran, K.-F.:
Present Vehicle 30: Ferret Scout Cars in detail. Ferret Mk.1, Mk. 1/2 and Mk. 2
45.00 €
51703 - Koran-Zwilling, F.-R.:
Present Vehicle 31: G31-M939 Truck Family. Modern US 5-ton Trucks
36.00 €
55009 - Zwilling-Collins, R.-M.:
Present Vehicle 33: RG-31 Mark 1/3 MRAP in detail
30.00 €
55851 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 34: Gvozdika and Akatsiya in detail. Modern Soviet 122/152mm SPHs and Guns
36.00 €
55850 - de Boer-Collins-Koran-Velek, J.W.-M.-F.-M.:
Present Vehicle 35: Merkava Mk. 1B in detail. Merkava Mk. 1B in European Museums
36.00 €
55848 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 37: Buffalo MPCV. Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle
27.00 €
27297 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 39: M2A2 Bradley in detail. M2A2 ODS Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle
33.00 €
27843 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 40: M108/109 SPH in detail. M108 and M109/A2 US Self-Propelled Howitzers
36.00 €
59195 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 41: BTR-60 in detail
36.00 €
59194 - Zwilling, R.:
Present Vehicle 42: Stryker Family Upgrades in detail
36.00 €
59184 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 43: Pion 2S7 in detail. Soviet modern 203 mm Self-Propelled Atomic Gun
30.00 €
61615 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 45: Shilka AA Gun in detail. ZSU-23-4 V1/M in World Museums
36.00 €
61614 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 46: SA-6 Gainful in detail. Launcher and Radar Vehicle Fully Uncovered
36.00 €
61613 - Koran-Zwilling, F.-R.:
Present Vehicle 47: Leopard 1 in detail. Leopard 1A3/4 of the DPM Munster
33.00 €
61838 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 48: AMX-13 Family in detail. AMX-13 70/90/105 and SS-11 ATGM
33.00 €
61837 - Kautsky-Koran, A.-F.:
Present Vehicle 49: Airborne Landies in detail. Lightweights in British and Czech Collections
33.00 €
63473 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 50: Strela S10 in detail. Russian SA-13 Gopher AA System
36.00 €
65331 - Koran-Winnepennincks, F.-P.:
Present Vehicle 51: Leopard 1A1/2/5 in detail. Cast Turret Leopard 1 A1/2/5 Variants
39.95 €
65330 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 52: T-62 and Tiran 3/6 MBT in detail. T-62 and Tiran 3/6 MBTs
39.95 €
65336 - Koran-Mostek, F.-J.:
Present Vehicle 53: MUTT A2 in detail. M151 A2 and M718 A1 Ambulance Frontline
39.95 €
62546 - Kautsky-Koran, A.-F.:
Present Vehicle 54: LMV Lince in detail. LMV in the Belgian, British and Czech Armies
36.00 €
63474 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 55: Frog-7 in detail. Luna-M Tactical Missile on ZiL-135 Carrier
36.00 €
65334 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 56: SA-4 Ganef in detail. Soviet Long Range AA System 2K11 Krug
36.00 €
65333 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 57: AMX-30 MBT Family in detail. French AMX-30 MBT Family
36.00 €
65332 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 58: MGM 52 Lance in detail. MGM 52, M752 Launcher and M688 Loader
33.00 €
65335 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 59: AT-T Vehicles Family in detail. Soviet AT-T, BTM-3, BAT-M and MDK-2M
36.00 €
66770 - Koran, F.:
Present Vehicle 60: Early M113 in detail. M113 ACAV, Dozer, Fitter and Early IDF Zelda
39.95 €
66771 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 61: SA-8 Gecko in detail. Russian Amphibious AA System 9K33 OSA
45.00 €
66772 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 62: T-54 MBT in detail. T-54 Models 1951, AR, AM, B and M
45.00 €
66779 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 63: Maxx Pro Mrap in detail 2nd. Ed. MaxxPro, Dash and Dash DXM
45.00 €
44383 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 64: T-54 Chassis-based Vehicles in detail. type 69, Tiran 4, ZSU-57-2 and other
33.00 €
30960 - Horat-Jankasek-Sauer-Zwilling, J.-R.-B.-R.:
Present Vehicle 65: HMEE-I in detail. High Mobility Engineer Excavator
39.95 €
52598 - AAVV, :
Present Vehicle 66: IED Hunters in detail. US Army Route Clearance Vehicles
39.95 €
29364 - Horak-Koran, J.-F.:
Present Vehicle 67: M107/110 in detail. M107/110 SPH and M578 Recovery Vehicle
35.00 €
70964 - DeRosa-Zwilling, J.-R.:
Present Vehicle 68: Buffalo MPCV in detail. Buffalo A1/A2 Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle 2nd Ext Ed
27.00 €
47073 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 69: T-72 MBT in detail. Early Models Ural, 72, M and M1
49.00 €
47074 - Koran et al., F.:
Present Vehicle 70: P-40 Long Track in detail. Soviet 1S12 and 1RL171D/128D Radars
33.00 €
48048 - Anweiler, K.:
Prototypen und Sonderfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr
36.00 €
30105 - Anweiler, K.:
Prototypen und Sonderfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1956
36.00 €
35469 - Anweiler, K.:
Prototypen und Sonderfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1956 Band 2
36.00 €
43074 - Anweiler-Pahlkoetter, K.-M.:
Radfahrzeuge der Bundeswehr seit 1956 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
46174 - Kunkel, R.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA 1956-1990 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
62082 - Gau-Siegert, L.R.-J.:
Radfahrzeuge der NVA. LKW, PKW und Kraeder
55.00 €
70893 - Cabrero, C.:
Red Steel. Modern Soviet/Russian AFV in action
45.00 €
72691 - Mihajlovic, M.S.:
Rockets and Missiles over Ukraine. The Changing Face of Battle
45.00 €
39161 - AAVV, :
Saumur. Ecole des blindes de demain
40.00 €
54299 - Lohman-Hilmes, L.-R.:
Schuetzenpanzer Marder. Die technische Dokumentation der Waffensysteme
45.00 €
70739 - Grummitt, D.:
Scorpion and Scimitar. British Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicles 1970-2022 - TankCraft 33
29.95 €
68694 - Dunstan, S.:
Scorpion CVR(T) Owner's Workshop Manual. Scorpion FV101 Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (tracked) in British service 1972-2020
39.95 €
31516 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 03: How to Paint IDF Vehicles
15.00 €
68263 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 07: How to Paint Modern Russian Tanks
15.00 €
70061 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 16: How to Paint Modern US Military Sand Scheme
15.00 €
68168 - Venter, D.:
South African Armoured Fighting Vehicles. A History of Innovation and Excellence 1960-2020 - Africa @War 049
29.95 €
71963 - Arthur, G.:
South Korean K1 and K2 Family
27.50 €
66336 - Kinnear, J.:
Soviet Army on Parade 1946-1991
59.95 €
41550 - Lemaire, M.:
Soviet Arsenal in the War in Ukraine (The)
21.00 €
58040 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Soviet Cold War Weaponry. Tanks and Armoured Vehicles
27.00 €
61795 - Kinnear-Sewell, J.-S.L.:
Soviet T-10 Heavy Tank and Variants
39.95 €
64625 - Kinnear-Sewell, J.-S.L.:
Soviet T-54 Main Battle Tank
39.95 €
66577 - Kinnear-Sewell-Aksenov, J.-S.L.-A.:
Soviet T-55 Main Battle Tank
45.00 €
68440 - Kinnear-Sewell, J.-S.L.:
Soviet T-62 Main Battle Tank
45.00 €
48220 - Lohmann, H.P.:
Spaehpanzer Luchs. Die technische Dokumentation des Waffensystems
45.00 €
45553 - Stilwell, A.:
Special Forces Land Vehicles. MRAPS - Motorcycles - All-Terrain Vehicles
39.95 €
29293 - Hellebrand-Petz, K.-D.:
Special Museum 14: Israeli Armour in detail Part 2
18.00 €
45105 - de Boer-Prigent-Velek, J.W.-J.-M.:
Special Museum 56: M51 IDF Sherman in detail. IDF Sherman M51 in Israeli Museums and Private Collection in Holland
29.95 €
29275 - Koran, F.:
Special Museum 82: M37 Trucks in detail. Vietnam War Era Light Utility Trucks M37 and M43
35.00 €
68495 - deBoer-Hughes-Koran, J.W.-C.-F.:
Special Museum 87: BTR-40 in detail. Soviet and IDF BTR-40 Variants
30.00 €
64312 - Koran, F.:
Special Museum 93: MUTT A1 Trucks in Detail
39.95 €
65809 - Labrot, J.-J.:
Spoils of War Vol 1. 1991 Gulf War. Iraqi Army Hardware Captured by the French Army Division Daguet
25.00 €
69530 - Labrot, J.-J.:
Spoils of War Vol 2. 1991 Gulf War. Iraqi Army Hardware Captured by US and British Armies Division Daguet
25.00 €
30638 - Foster, P.R.:
Story of Jeep 2nd Edition (The)
29.95 €
68937 - Grummitt, D.:
Stryker Interim Combat Vehicle. The Stryker and LAV III in US and Canadian Service 1999-2020 - LandCraft 04
29.95 €
69051 - Winnepenninckx-Zwilling, P.-R.:
Swiss Leopard 2 - Panzer 87 and 87WE
27.50 €
65253 - Kinnear, J.:
T-14 Armata Main Battle Tank
29.95 €
63866 - Skulski, P.:
T-34-85 after WW2. Camouflage and Markings 1946-2016
39.95 €
50304 - Jackson, R.:
T-54/55. Soviet Cold War Main Battle Tank - TankCraft 16
27.00 €
72928 - Skulski-Becker, P.-L.:
T-72. Le cheval de bataille de l'Armee russe
35.00 €
47747 - AAVV, :
Tank Spotter's Guide
12.00 €
55014 - Rinaldi, M.:
TankArt 03: Modern Armor
59.95 €
72049 - AAVV, :
Tanker Special IDF 01
25.00 €
72050 - AAVV, :
Tanker Special IDF 02
25.00 €
37259 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3004: Armored HEMTT
23.00 €
39381 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3005: Brothers of HEMTT. PLS-LVS
23.00 €
39388 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3006: Reforger 1969-1978 Part 1
23.00 €
39940 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3007: Reforger 1979-1985 Part 2
23.00 €
40634 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3008: Reforger 1986-1993 Part 3
23.00 €
43530 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3011: MRAP. Modern US Army Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles
23.00 €
43531 - Weber, B.:
Tankograd American Special 3012: USAREUR. Vehicles and Units of the US Army in Europe 1992-2005
23.00 €
44450 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3013: M809 5-ton 6x6 Truck Series
23.00 €
45373 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3014: M88 Armored Recovery Vehicle
23.00 €
48369 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3016: LVTP7-AAVP7A1. The AMTRACS of the US Marines - Development, technology, Operational Use
23.00 €
53224 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3018: M520 Goer - M561 Gama Goat. Articulated Trucks of the US Army in the Cold War
23.00 €
53964 - Weber, B.:
Tankograd American Special 3019: 1st Armored Division. Vehicles of the 1st Armored Division in Germany 1971-2011
23.00 €
54521 - Boehm-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Tankograd American Special 3020: Nuclear Winter FTX. US Army Vehicles during the Cold War Exercises WINTER SHIELD I and II in 1960-61
23.00 €
56185 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3021: M60 M60A1 and M728. The M60 / M60A1 / M60A1 (AOS) / M60A1 (RISE) MBTs and the M728 CEV in Service with the US Army
23.00 €
56815 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3022: M60A2, M60A3, AVLB. The M60A2 / M60A3 / M60A3 TTS MBTs and the M60A1 AVLB in Service with the US Army
23.00 €
57594 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3023: Cold War Warrior M1/IPM1 Abrams. The M1/IPM1 Abrams Main Battle Tank during the Cold War 1982-88
23.00 €
58603 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3024: Constant Enforcer 79. US Army and NATO-Allies fight for the 'Fulda Gap'
23.00 €
60355 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3025: Operation Big Lift 63. Cold War Airbridge from Texas to Germany
23.00 €
60356 - Zwilling-Boehm, R.-W.:
Tankograd American Special 3026: M1 Abrams Breacher. The M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV) - Technology and Service
23.00 €
61086 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd American Special 3027: Patriot. Advanced Capability Air Defence Missile System
23.00 €
61832 - Franz, M.:
Tankograd American Special 3028: Besatzungstruppe US Army. From Enemy to Ally - US Army Occupation Forces in Germany 1945-55
23.00 €
62871 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3030: Cold War Warrior - M60/M60A1/A2/A3. The M60-Series of Main Battle Tanks in Cold War Exercises 1962-88
23.00 €
63444 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3031: MTVR Tactical Truck of the US Marines
23.00 €
64362 - Boehm-Igert-Ruiz Palmer, W.-W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3032: Carbine Fortress 82. REFORGER Show of Force against the Soviet Union
23.00 €
44354 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3033: M915 Early Variants. AM General-built Trucks of the M915 Family in the US Army
23.00 €
65256 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3034: Iron Brigade. 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th (US) Infantry Division - 'German Tour' 2017
23.00 €
65982 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3035: HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Development, Technology and Variants - Part 1
23.00 €
65983 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd American Special 3036: HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Development, Technology and Variants - Part 2
23.00 €
66330 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3037: REFORGER 73 - Certain Charge. Building up NATO after the Vietnam War
23.00 €
66853 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3038: Dagger Brigade. Army Rotational Force - Die Rueckkehr der 2nd Dagger Brigade
23.00 €
67902 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3039: REFORGER 85 - Central Guardian. Winter War FTX against the Warsaw Pact
23.00 €
67903 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd American Special 3040: M75 and M59 'Boxes on Tracks'. Blueprint for US Armored Personnel Carriers in the Cold War
23.00 €
67925 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3041: REFORGER 77 Carbon Edge. Forward Defence at the Iron Curtain
23.00 €
69274 - Franz-Vollert, M.-J.:
Tankograd American Special 3042: M65 Atomic Annie. The 280mm Gun M65 and its Soviet Counterparts 406mm 2A3 and 420mm 2B1
23.00 €
69275 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3043: REFORGER 76 Gordian Shield / Lares Team. The Screaming Eagles deploy to West Germany's Defence
23.00 €
69682 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3044: REFORGER 88 Certain Challenge. End of an Era - The largest REFORGER Exercise ever
23.00 €
70355 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3045: Berlin Brigade. Vehicles of the US Army in West-Berlin 1950-94
23.00 €
54376 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd American Special 3046: REFORGER 75 Certain Trek. The US Army training on NATO's Eastern Frontline
23.00 €
71904 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3047: Fulda Gap. NATO's Key Sector for the Defence of Central Europe during the Cold War
23.00 €
72644 - Arthur, G.:
Tankograd American Special 3048: US Military Vehicles on Exercise in Australia. US Army and USMC stem the tide against Chinese ambitions in Asia-Pacific
23.00 €
21269 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3049: REFORGER 78 Saxon Drive/Certain Shield. US Army and Allied Armies train to counter a Conventional Attack from the East
23.00 €
73268 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd American Special 3050: Stryker Interim Armored Vehicle. Die Radpanzer-Familie der US Army
23.00 €
34003 - AAVV, :
Tankograd British Special 9002: Royal Armoured Engineers
23.00 €
38018 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9005: British Armour Evolution. Development, Types and Detail of Modern British Vehicle Armor
23.00 €
39120 - Nowak-Copley Smith-Maetzold, D.-S.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9007: REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Vehicles of 2nd Battalion REME - Equipment Support to 7th Armoured Brigade
23.00 €
39382 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9008: BATUS British Army Training Unit Suffield
23.00 €
39925 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9009: British Next Generation Armour
23.00 €
42073 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9010: Last Cold War Exercise of the BAOR - Key Flight '89
23.00 €
43058 - Nowak-Maetzold, D.-T.:
Tankograd British Special 9011: RECCE. Eyes and Ears of 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
43527 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9012: BAOR in REFORGER. Vehicles of the British Army of the Rhine in the REFORGER Exercises 1975-91
23.00 €
44447 - Neate, T.:
Tankograd British Special 9013: Salisbury Plain Training Area. British Army Vehicles on SPTA - 1970s to Today
23.00 €
48364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9016: Modern British Army Tank Transporters
23.00 €
50328 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9017: Task Force Helmand
23.00 €
51686 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9018: British Nuclear Artillery
23.00 €
52436 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9019: Jackal High Mobility Weapons Platform and Coyote Tactical Support Vehicle - Light
23.00 €
53959 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9020: Challenger 1. The Last Cold War Era Tank of Britain's Armoured Corps
23.00 €
57201 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9022: Cold War Exercise Spearpoint 80. Joint British and American Forces face the Threat from the East
23.00 €
59187 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9023: Conqueror Heavy Gun Tank. Britain's Cold War Heavy Tank
23.00 €
59576 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9024: AT 105 Saxon. Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier of the British Army 1977 to Today
23.00 €
61512 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9025: MAN Support Vehicles. The most modern Trucks of the British Army
23.00 €
62398 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9026: British Cold War Military Trucks FODEN. Commercial Pattern Low Mobility, Medium Mobility and Variants
23.00 €
64364 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9027: FV 620 STALWART High Mobility Load Carrier
23.00 €
65257 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9028: White Rhino 89. 'A Last Hurrah' - The last Large-Scale Cold War Exercise of the 1st (UK) Armoured Division
23.00 €
66331 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9029: British Cold War Military Trucks - Bedford TM. TM-Series, 4-4 und 6-6 - The Last Bedfords for the British Army
23.00 €
67442 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9030: British Forces in Germany. The British Army in Germany - Post-BAOR to Today
23.00 €
69686 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd British Special 9031: FV4201 Chieftain. Britain's Cold War Main Battle Tank
23.00 €
69687 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9032: Farewell BAOR. The Last Years of the British Army of the Rhine 1989-94
23.00 €
69685 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9033: CVR(T). Scorpion - Scimitar - Sabre
23.00 €
69684 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9034: CVR(T). Variants
23.00 €
70357 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9035: Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle
23.00 €
70358 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9036: Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades
23.00 €
71040 - Boehm-Ruiz Palmer, W.-D.:
Tankograd British Special 9037: Lionheart 84. The largest British Exercise of the Cold War
23.00 €
71905 - Nowak, D.:
Tankograd British Special 9038: BAOR-SLTA. Vehicles of the Legendary Soltau-Lueneburg Training Area of the British Army of the Rhine
23.00 €
25260 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9039: RAC Germany. Armoured Vehicles of the Royal Armoured Corps during the Cold War in West Germany 1950-90
23.00 €
20995 - Boehm, W.:
Tankograd British Special 9040. Iron Hammer 88. Divisional Training Exercise of the 3rd (BR) Armoured Division 'The Iron Division'
23.00 €
31948 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 05: M992A2 FAASV. US Army Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (for M109)
15.00 €
35688 - Miyake-Arthur, K.-G.:
Tankograd Fast Track 06: Type 10TK Hitomaru-Shiki-Sensha. Modern Japanese Army Main Battle Tank
15.00 €
57617 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 09: RG-31 Mk 5. US Medium Mine-Protected Vehicle
15.00 €
57615 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 10: Husky VMMD. US Vehicle-Mounted Mine Detector
15.00 €
58620 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd Fast Track 11: Warrior FV510 TES(H). British Infantry Fighting Vehicle
15.00 €
58618 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 12: Dingo 2 GE A3.3 PatSi. German Protected Patrol Vehicle
15.00 €
58621 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 13: Grantiger Loewe. German Camouflage - Markings - Soldiers
15.00 €
58619 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 15: Keiler. German Mine-Clearing Tank
15.00 €
59574 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 16: San-Boxer. GTK Boxer A0, A1, A1+ sgSanKfz
15.00 €
59575 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd Fast Track 17: Leopard 2A4M CAN
15.00 €
61830 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd Fast Track 21: Urban Panzer Ops. Modern German Tanks in Urban Area Warfare
15.00 €
62617 - Kirchoff, A.:
Tankograd Fast Track 22: Pansarbandvagn PBV 302B and variants
15.00 €
47964 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd In Detail: DANA. Czech Wheeled Self-Propelled 152mm Gun-Howitzer
25.00 €
53965 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd in Detail: Leopard 2 Maintenance
25.00 €
59190 - Zwilling, R.:
Tankograd in Detail: Leopard 2A4 Cold War Hero
25.00 €
47545 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd International 8003: CV 90. Swedish Infantry Combat Vehicle - History, Technology
17.50 €
47544 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd International 8004: CV 90 International. In Service with Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland and Finland
17.50 €
48938 - Kirchhoff, A.:
Tankograd International 8005: Finnish Leopards. The Finnish Army Leopard 2 A4 MBT, 2R AEV and 2L AVLB
17.50 €
51688 - Cicalesi-Rivas, J.C.-S.:
Tankograd International 8006: TAM - Tanque Argentino Mediano
17.50 €
52437 - Schulze, C.:
Tankograd International 8007: Canadian Leopard C1 in West Germany 1977-93
17.50 €
44372 - Arthur, G.:
Tankograd International 8008: Australian M1A1 Abrams
17.50 €
67927 - Kirchhoff, A.:
Tankograd International 8009: Finnish Leopards Vol 2
17.50 €
69689 - Arthur, G.:
Tankograd International 8010: Australian G-Wagons. Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse 4x4 und 6x6 Gelaendewagen der Australischen Streitkraefte
17.50 €
69688 - Lazzarini-Maile, C.-R.:
Tankograd International 8011: Daimler-Benz Unimog Trucks in Swiss Army Service
17.50 €
42064 - Koshchavtsev-Kinnear-Koch, A.-J.-F.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2006: PT-76 Soviet and Warsaw Pact Amphibious Light Tank
17.50 €
43064 - Kinnear, J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2008: Russian Army on Parade. The Return of Russia's Red Square Military Parades 2008-2009
17.50 €
44451 - Kinnear, J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2009: T-62. The T-62 MBT in Soviet Army Service
17.50 €
61509 - Koch, F.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2011: T34 NVA. The Soviet T-34 Tank and its Variants in Service with the East German Army (NVA)
17.50 €
67901 - Vollert, J.:
Tankograd Soviet Special 2012: T-35 The Soviet 'Giant of the Eastern Front' - Development, Production Batches and Combat
17.50 €
48992 - Haskew, M.E.:
Tanks Inside Out
35.00 €
68109 - Gannon, T.:
Tanks of the Early IDF Vol 3 History of the IDF Armoured Corps
65.00 €
32210 - Foss, C.:
Tanks. The World's Best Tanks in 500 great Photos
19.95 €
67389 - Mass-Pulinckx, M.-K.:
Their Last Path. IDF Tank Wrecks Merkava Mk. 1 and 2
45.00 €
57125 - Kassis, S.:
Tiran in Lebanese Wars
25.00 €
37303 - Kominek, R.T.:
Topshots 40: M35 A2C
13.00 €
40664 - Rivet, G.:
TSAHAL. Au coeur de l'action
35.00 €
58952 - Seignon, T.:
UNIFIL FINUL 1978-2011 - Blindes et Mantien de la Paix au Sud du Liban / Tanks and Maintenance of Peace in Southern Lebanon
36.00 €
54261 - Jendsch, W.:
Unimog Einsatzfahrzeuge - Internationale Feuerwehrfahrzeuge - Typenkompass
15.00 €
28868 - Southworth, S.A.:
US Armed Forces Arsenal. A Guide to Modern Combat Hardware
22.50 €
69454 - DeRosa, J.:
US Army Combat Engineer Vehicles. 1980 to the Present
55.00 €
73254 - Zaloga, S.J.:
US Battle Tanks 1946-2025
45.00 €
20990 - Crismon, F.W.:
US Military Tracked Vehicles
45.00 €
21191 - Blume, P.:
US-Army 1943-1945 band 1
39.00 €
72964 - Doyle, D.:
USMC Tracked Amphibious Vehicles. T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1 - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
52833 - Obraztsov, Y.:
Vehicules blindes de Combat 8x8 / Wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicles
23.00 €
45242 - Robinson, P.:
Visual Modelers Guide Steel Series Vol 3 T-54/TYPE 59
17.50 €
24040 - Dunstan, S.:
Vital Guide: Modern Tanks and AFVs
18.00 €
21370 - Spielberger, W.:
Waffensysteme Leopard 1 und Leopard 2
45.00 €
61409 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 01: M1ABV Assault Breecher Vehicles
33.00 €
61404 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 02: Stryker MGS M1128 Mobile Gun System
33.00 €
63899 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 03: M1A2 in Europe 2017
39.00 €
63465 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 04: M1A1 SA in Iraqi service
33.00 €
65375 - AAVV, :
Warmachines 05: USMC M60A1
33.00 €
68973 - Grummit, D. cur:
Warpaint Armour 02. NATO Armor 1991-2020. NATO Armour from the Cold War to Today
29.95 €
51710 - Taylor, D.:
Warpaint Vol 4. Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003
29.95 €
21431 - Dunstan, S.:
Warrior Company - Europa Militaria 25
21.00 €
43824 - MacGregor, D.:
Warrior's Rage. The Great Tank Battle of 73 Easting
33.00 €
45188 - AAVV, :
Weathering Special: How to paint IDF Tanks
25.00 €
35655 - Forty-Livesey, G.-J.:
World Encyclopedia of Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles
36.00 €