Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Stati Uniti
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - Europa
II GM - Germania 1944-45
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM: Gran Bretagna
II GM: Commonwealth
II GM: Altri Alleati
II GM: Russia
Armi Fuoco-Stati Uniti
Uniformi: II GM - Alleati
Risultati della Ricerca: 706 Prodotti
52221 - Bando, M.:
101st Airborne Division dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Vanguard of the Crusade (La)
45.00 €
34229 - Francois, D.:
101st Airborne in Normandy. A History in Period Photographs
75.00 €
23223 - Bando, M.A.:
101st Airborne: Screaming Eagles at Normandy
36.00 €
69442 - Chapman, D.P.:
10th Mountain Division. A History from World War II to 2005 (The)
49.95 €
52818 - Paloque, G.:
12th and 15th Air Forces - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
52819 - Paloque, G.:
12th et 15th Air Forces - Histoires Aeriennes (Les)
29.95 €
29637 - Wolf, W.:
13th Fighter Command in World War II. Air Combat over Guadalcanal and the Solomons
75.00 €
38344 - Lambert, J.W.:
14th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
59.95 €
41638 - Galbiati, F.:
15a Forza Aerea dell'USAAF 1943-1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 76
16.00 €
41536 - Alberti-Bergonzi-Maggi-Merli, A.-P.-C.-L.:
17 August, 1943 East Anglia-Regensburg-Po Valley
15.00 €
46524 - Lawson-Considine, T.W.-B.:
18 Aprile 1942. Il Raid di Doolittle su Tokyo
20.00 €
69044 - Frognier, R.:
193rd Glider Infantry Regiment dans les Ardennes. Du sang sur la niege
25.00 €
24144 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Americans in Brittany. The Battle for Brest
39.95 €
24114 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Les americans en Bretagne. La bataille de Brest
39.95 €
15049 - Paoletti, P.:
1944 San Miniato
18.50 €
65910 - Mori-Sulla, D.-G.:
1945. La 10a Divisione da montagna americana in Italia. Allora e Ora
30.00 €
62637 - Lavit-Charbonnier, S.-P.:
1re Division d'Infanterie americaine. Afrique du Nord, Sicile, Normandie, Ardennes, Allemagne (La)
25.00 €
51350 - AAVV, :
22 Gennaio 1944. Lo sbarco
30.00 €
51017 - Malayney, N.:
25th Bomb Group (Rcn) in World War II (The)
85.00 €
54788 - Balkoski, J.:
29e Division Americaine en Normandie. Omaha Beach - Saint-Lo - Vire (La)
29.95 €
68366 - Bernage, G.:
29th Infantry Division. Un siecle et demi d'epopee
59.95 €
40059 - AAVV, :
2a Guerra Mondiale a colori. Vista dagli Americani Vol 2 (La) DVD
21.00 €
15065 - AAVV, :
350th Fighter Group in the Mediterranean Campaign
27.00 €
57332 - Trombetta, P.:
362nd Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
24910 - Miller, K.:
363rd Fighter Group in WWII in action over Germany with the P-51 Mustang (The)
65.00 €
34230 - Miller, K.:
365th Fighter Squadron in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-47
75.00 €
41563 - Prime, C.:
3rd US Army. Patton's Own (La)
45.00 €
55844 - Trombetta, P.:
404th Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
15070 - Kolln, J.:
421st Night Fighter Squadron in World War II (The)
59.95 €
23205 - Brett, J.:
448th Group (H). Liberators over Germany in WWII (The)
65.00 €
15072 - Hill, M.:
451st Bomb Group in World War II. A Pictorial History (The)
59.95 €
61610 - Lavit, S.:
45e Division d'Infanterie Americaine. Du debarquement en Provence a la liberation de Dachau (La)
25.00 €
24919 - Hill, M.:
464th Bomb Group in WWII in action over the Third Reich with the B-24 Liberator (The)
75.00 €
31858 - Watts, P.:
467th Bombardment Group (H) in World War II. in Combat with the B-24 Liberator over Europe (The)
75.00 €
29638 - Fairfield, T.A.:
479th Fighter Group in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-38 and P-51
85.00 €
43630 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
43631 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Histoires Aeriennes (La)
29.95 €
51020 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 1: Pearl Harbor to the Reduction of Rabaul (The)
85.00 €
53273 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 2. The End in New Guinea, the Philippines, to V-J Day (The)
85.00 €
57417 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 3: 5FC vs. Japan - Aces, Units, Aircraft, and Tactics (The)
85.00 €
34193 - Fazendin, R.:
756th Tank Battalion in The Battle of Cassino, 1944
36.00 €
43213 - Glenn, H.:
782 Gear United States Marine Corps Field Gear and Equipment of World War II
115.00 €
22215 - Woerpel, D.:
79th Fighter Group over Tunisia, Sicily and Italy in WWII
59.95 €
34874 - Francois, D.:
82nd Airborne Division 1917-2005
69.95 €
29641 - Francois, D.:
82nd Airborne in Normandy. A History in Period Photographs
75.00 €
67031 - Bianchi, G.:
82nd e 101st Airborne Division in battaglia Vol 1. Normandia Market-Garden Bastogne Easy Company
30.00 €
67032 - Bianchi, G.:
82nd e 101st Airborne Division in battaglia Vol 2. Normandia Market-Garden Bastogne Easy Company
30.00 €
34455 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. American Heavy Bomber Groups in England, 1942-45
45.00 €
34456 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. Les bombardiers lourds de l'aviation americaine en Angleterre, 1942-1945 (La)
45.00 €
35220 - Lambert, J.W.:
8th Air Force: Victory and Sacrifice. A WWII Photo History (The)
49.95 €
61913 - Howland, N.:
8th Army Air Force in Color. As Seen through the Eyes of Kodak Film (The)
65.00 €
40783 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. American Tactical Aviation in the ETO 1943-45
45.00 €
40782 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. Les groupes d'aviation tactique americains, 1942-1945
45.00 €
57514 - Baumer, R.W.:
Aachen. The US Army's Battle for Charlemagne's City in World War II
39.95 €
21671 - Newcomb, R.F.:
Abbandonate la nave
17.56 €
15115 - Carey, A.:
Above an Angry Sea. US Navy B-24 Liberator and PBY-2 Privateer Operations in the Pacific. October 1944-August 1945
33.00 €
51021 - Cook, L.:
Aces of Fighting 17. VF-17's Top Guns in WWII (The)
85.00 €
52719 - Borneman, W.R.:
Admirals. Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King. The Five-Star Admirals who won the War at Sea (The)
25.00 €
52730 - Nelson-Roger, R.J.-C.:
Advance and Destroy. Patton as Commander in the Bulge
39.95 €
41325 - Cortina, D.:
Aereo che cadde a casa mia. Sant'Antonio Tortal. Storia di un B-24G americano e del suo equipaggio (L')
15.00 €
39517 - Carafano, J.J.:
After D-Day. Operation Cobra and the Normandy Breakout
27.00 €
65951 - Delaitre, K.:
Airborne 2eme GM-WWII. Ecussons de chalots - Cap Patches
25.00 €
57409 - Gardner, I.:
Airborne. The Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company
17.50 €
19463 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 001: P-51 Mustang Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
21498 - Tillman-Davey, B.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 003: Wildcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
19053 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 007: Mustang Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces and the RAF
27.00 €
16413 - Styling-Styling, M.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 008: Corsair Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17908 - Tillman-Styling, B.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 010: Hellcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
18503 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 014: P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
18502 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 019: P-38 Lightning Aces of the ETO/MTO
27.00 €
19461 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 024: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
20875 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 026: Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
20876 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 030: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces
27.00 €
18548 - O'Leary, M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 031: Long Reach. VIII Fighter Command at War (Special edit.)
27.00 €
19458 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 035: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the CBI
27.00 €
19454 - Stanaway-Laurier, J.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 036: P-39 Airacobra Aces of World War II
27.00 €
15333 - Clements-Laurier, T.J-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 041: American Volunteer Group Colours and Markings
27.00 €
22585 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 043: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the MTO
27.00 €
25228 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 051: 'Down to Earth' Strafing Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
25786 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 055: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
26787 - Holmes-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 061: 'Twelve to One' V Fighter Command Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
37157 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 080: American Spitfire Aces of World War II
27.00 €
33150 - Thompson, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 084: American Nightfighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40723 - Persyn, L.:
Aircraft of the Aces 086: P-36 Hawk Aces of World War II
27.00 €
42575 - Jacobs, P.:
Airfields of the D-Day Invasion Air Force. 2nd Tactical Air Force in South-East England in WWII
25.00 €
15211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Airfields of the Eighth Then and now
45.00 €
53915 - McManus, J.C.:
Alamo in the Ardennes. The Untold Story of the American Soldiers Who Made the Defense of Bastogne Possible
21.00 €
43099 - Morison, S.E.:
Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls. June 1942-April 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 7
29.95 €
43617 - Childers, T.:
Ali del mattino. L'ultimo bombardiere americano abbattuto sulla Germania 21 aprile 1945 (Le)
20.00 €
32559 - Nordyke, P.:
All American, All the Way. The Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II
45.00 €
22287 - Anzuoni, R.P:
All American. An illustrated history of 82nd Airborne Division 1917 to the present (The)
59.95 €
34944 - Nordyke, P.:
All Americans in World War II. A Photographic History of the 82nd Airborne Division at War (The)
45.00 €
68468 - Domenig, R.:
Alleati al confine orientale
28.00 €
44100 - Ranieri, R. cur:
Alleati in Umbria 1944-45 - The Allies in Umbria 1944-45 (The)
24.00 €
49387 - Hammel, E.:
Always Faithful. US Marines in WWII Combat
45.00 €
69031 - Andres, D.:
Ambulances et Vehicules Medicaux de l'US Army
33.00 €
22299 - Thompson, L.:
America's Commandos. US Special Operations Forces of WWII and Korea - GI 25
17.00 €
68439 - Yenne, B.:
America's few. Marine Aces of the South Pacific
45.00 €
23509 - Hess, W.:
America's Top WWII Aces
27.00 €
26263 - Moran, J.:
American Airborne Pathfinders in WWII
65.00 €
61075 - Spilling, M. cur:
American Battles and Campaigns. A Chronicle from 1622-Present
36.00 €
43666 - Manchester, W.:
American Caesar. Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964
25.00 €
43236 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 1: The March to D-Day
39.95 €
43237 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 2: Storming Ashore
39.95 €
46822 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 3: the Battle in France
39.95 €
51759 - Guardia, M.:
American Guerrilla. The Forgotten Heroics of Russell W. Volckmann
19.95 €
57076 - Nordyke, M.P.:
American Heroes of World War II. Normandy June 6, 1944
45.00 €
58774 - Failmezger, V.:
American Knights. The Untold Story of the Men of the Legendary 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion
33.00 €
51003 - Norton, B.:
American Military Gliders of World War II. Development, Training, Experimentation, and Tactics of all Aircraft Types
85.00 €
43634 - De Trez, M.:
American Paratrooper Helmets
49.95 €
42759 - Samuel, W.W.E.:
American Raiders. The Race to Capture the Luftwaffe's Secrets
49.95 €
24545 - Hearn, C.G.:
American Soldier in WWII (The)
35.00 €
25271 - Ross, S.:
American War Plans. 1890-1939
39.95 €
25799 - Ross, S.:
American War Plans. 1941-45
49.95 €
42751 - De Trez, M.:
American Warriors. A Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy
65.00 €
41007 - Li Gotti, C.:
Americani a Licata (Gli)
12.00 €
53926 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at D-Day. The American Experience at the Normandy Invasion (The)
25.00 €
53916 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at Normandy: the Summer of 1944. The American War from the Normandy Beaches to Falaise
27.00 €
56240 - Woodadge, P.:
Angels of Mercy. Two Screaming Eagle Medics in Angoville-au-Plain on D-Day
33.00 €
41531 - Eisenhower, D.:
Anni della guerra 1943-1945 (Gli)
28.00 €
15396 - Wagner, R.:
Any Place, Any Time, Any Where. The 1st Air Commandos in WWII
49.95 €
58872 - USCMH, :
Anzio Beachhead. 22 January - 25 May1944
21.00 €
36551 - Clarck, L.:
Anzio. The Friction of War. Italy and the Battle for Rome 1944
19.00 €
36304 - Blumenson, M.:
Anzio. The Gamble that failed
22.50 €
30262 - Gaujac, P.:
Aout 1944. Debarquement de Provence (Le)
45.00 €
53360 - AAVV, :
Archives de Guerre 03: La 2nd US Armored Division 'Hell on Wheels'
29.95 €
59134 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Ardennes. Battle of the Bulge (The)
39.95 €
32423 - Hastings, M.:
Armageddon. The battle for Germany 1944-45
18.00 €
23410 - Shelton, P.:
Armata delle nevi. La storia mai raccontata degli sciatori che fermarono Hitler
18.50 €
49954 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Armored Attack 1944. US Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge
55.00 €
27807 - Elson, A.:
Armored Fist. The 712th Tank Battalion in the Second World War (The)
29.95 €
62615 - Roberts, C.C.:
Armored Strike Force. Photo History of the American 70th Tank Battalion in World War II
45.00 €
51803 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Armored Victory 1945. US Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from the Battle of the Bulge to Germany's Surrender
55.00 €
25510 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Operation Market Garden, September 1944
45.00 €
48021 - Porzio, M.:
Arrivano gli Alleati! Amori e violenze nell'Italia 'liberata'
20.00 €
28994 - Caruso, A.:
Arrivano i nostri. 10 luglio 1943: gli Alleati sbarcano in Sicilia. Il tradimento di tanti, l'eroismo di pochi
17.00 €
65942 - Anfora, D.:
Assalto dei Paracadutisti americani. Sicilia 9-11 luglio 1943 (L')
18.00 €
39547 - Ford, K.:
Assault on Sicily. Monty and Patton at War
36.00 €
46849 - Sims, E.H.:
Assi Americani raccontano
25.00 €
66285 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Assi della caccia americana (Gli)
20.00 €
27473 - Bulkley Jr, R.J.:
At Close Quarters. PT Boats in the United States Navy
27.00 €
43104 - Morison, S.E.:
Atlantic Battle Won. May 1943-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 10 (The)
29.95 €
15595 - Stanaway, J.:
Attack and Conquer. The 8th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
15597 - Glines, C.:
Attack on Yamamoto
27.00 €
30260 - Gaujac, P.:
August 15, 1944. Dragoon, the other Invasion of France
45.00 €
48932 - Paloque, G.:
Aviation Alliee en Europe de l'Ouest. 1944-1945: 9th US Air Force - 2nd Tactical Air Force
36.00 €
28179 - Bowman, M.W.:
B-17 Groups of the 8th Air Force in Focus
33.00 €
34589 - Feuer, A.B.:
B-24 in China. General Chennault's Secret Weapon in WWII (The)
21.00 €
34231 - Hill-Beitling, M.D.-R.:
B-24 Liberators of the 15th Air Force/49th Bomb Wing in World War II
75.00 €
34856 - Alberti-Merli-Merli, A.-S.-L.:
Baa Baa Black Sheep! - Tuskegee Airmen
16.00 €
36309 - Hoyt, E.P.:
Backwater War. The Allied Campaign in Italy, 1943-45
21.00 €
46685 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Banda di fratelli. La storia della compagnia Easy
14.00 €
58873 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Bastogne. The Story of the First Eight Days
29.95 €
49523 - Anfora, D.:
Battaglia degli Iblei. 9-16 Luglio 1943 (La)
24.00 €
53196 - Giannini-Biondi, D.-V.L.:
Battaglia di Sommocolonia 26 dicembre 1944 (La)
13.00 €
44098 - Kinrade Dethick, J.:
Battaglia dimenticata. Alleati, tedeschi e popolazione civile sulla Linea del Trasimeno. Giugno-Luglio 1944 (La)
35.00 €
64690 - Barry, S.T.:
Battalion Commanders at War. US Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater 1942-1943
59.95 €
44785 - Black, R.W.:
Battalion. The Dramatic Story of the 2nd Ranger Battalion in WWII (The)
29.95 €
49968 - Koskimaki, G.:
Battered Bastards of Bastogne. A Chronicle of the Defense of Bastogne. December 19, 1944 - January 17, 1945 (The)
18.00 €
44013 - Wong, J.B.:
Battle Bridges. Combat River Crossings World War II
39.95 €
33517 - Cavanagh, W.C.C.:
Battle East of Elsenborn and the Twin Villages (The)
25.00 €
51144 - Prefer, N.N.:
Battle for Tinian. Vital Stepping Stone in America's War Against Japan (The)
33.00 €
47408 - Morison, S.E.:
Battle of the Atlantic. September 1939-May 1943. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 1 (The)
29.95 €
55830 - Van Lunteren, F.:
Battle of the Bridges. The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden
33.00 €
56066 - Cross, R.:
Battle of the Bulge 1944 - Hitler's Last Hope (The)
33.00 €
15763 - Gaul, R.:
Battle of the Bulge in Luxemburg Vol II - The Americans
45.00 €
15764 - Pallud, J.P.:
Battle of the Bulge Then and Now
79.95 €
27004 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 001: US Marine Corps Pacific Theater of Operations (1) 1941-43
29.95 €
27034 - Zaloga, S.J.:
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16845 - Pergrin, D.:
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Epopee de la 101st Airborne - Gaz. des Uniformes HS 13 (L')
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17089 - Miller, K.:
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17100 - Daugherty, L.J.:
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72102 - Sangster-Battistelli, A.-P.P.:
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Frogmen of WWII. An oral History of the US Navy's Underwater Demolition Units (The)
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Gotica rosso sangue 1945 Foto e memorie della 10a divisione da montagna USA in Italia
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21819 - Moon, T.:
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Guns at Last Light. The War in Western Europe 1944-1945 (The)
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32716 - Koskimaki, G.:
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17913 - Green, H.:
Herky! The Memoirs of a Checkertail
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55159 - Angolia, J.R:
Heroes In Our Midst Vol 1. WWII American Airborne: Early Years, Training, Jump Wings, Parachutes, Jump Helmets, Paramarines
105.00 €
57055 - Angolia, J.R:
Heroes In Our Midst Vol 2. Troop Carrier Command, Pathfinders, Glider Troops, The Jump Uniform
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63245 - Angolia, J.R:
Heroes In Our Midst Vol 3. Uniforms and Insignia, Airborne Commands, Specific Insignia
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65669 - Angolia, J.R:
Heroes In Our Midst Vol 4. First Special Service Force, Airborne Weapons/Equipements, Airborne Engineers, Aviation Engineers Battalions...
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54945 - Bando, M.:
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Histoires de GI 1942-1945
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72638 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 48: L'US Army Air Force
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52105 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 15: Les Paras de la seconde guerre mondiale Tome I: Les Allies
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61577 - Armes Militaria, HS:
HS Militaria 099: 1st Infantry Division Big Red One
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63611 - Armes Militaria, HS:
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18000 - Doolittle, J.:
I could never be so lucky again
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49089 - Baret, J.G.:
I Wouldn't Want to do it Again
33.00 €
31841 - Anzuoni, R.P.:
I'm the 82nd Airborne Division! A History of the All American Division in World War II After Action Reports
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68990 - Villa-Meomartini, A.-A.:
Identity men. Le donne e gli uomini che hanno difeso il patrimonio culturale italiano durante la seconda guerra mondiale 1943-1951
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40599 - Bodle, P.:
Images of War. Liberators in England in World War II
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Immagini della storia. Lo sbarco americano in Sicilia nel Luglio 1943 (Le)
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22766 - Kucera, D.:
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21.00 €
31767 - Klokner, J.B.:
Individual Gear and Personal Items of the GI in Europe 1942-1945. From 'Pro-Kits' to 'Pin-Ups'!
75.00 €
47305 - Yeide, H.:
Infantry's Armor. The US Army's Separate Tank Battalions in World War II (The)
39.95 €
18080 - Bond, H.:
Inferno a Cassino
18.00 €
54727 - Besnard, P.:
Insignes de l'US Army 1941-1945 Tome 1. Guide Militaria 06 (Les)
25.00 €
56447 - Schultz, D.:
Into the Fire. Ploesti: the Most Fateful Mission of World War II
39.95 €
63395 - Freeman, R.A.:
Invasion Airfields Then and Now
55.00 €
19430 - Bernage, G.:
Invasion Normandie 1944
39.95 €
43106 - Morison, S.E.:
Invasion of France and Germany. 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 11
29.95 €
39357 - Blaker, G.A.:
Iron Knights. The US 66th Armored Regiment in WWII
27.00 €
57710 - Nordyke, P.M.:
Irresistible Force. Lieutenant Colonel Ben Vandervoort and the 2nd Battalion. 505th Parachute Infantry in World War II (An)
33.00 €
47930 - Laing Merillat, H.:
Island. A History of the 1st Marine Division at Guadalcanal (The)
19.95 €
57471 - Prados, J.:
Islands of Destiny. The Solomons Campaign and the Eclipse of the Rising Sun
19.95 €
53366 - Hammel, E.:
Islands of Hell. The US Marines in the Western Pacific 1944-1945
59.95 €
61659 - Werner, B.:
Italia 1943. Assalto al Monte La Defensa
18.00 €
33790 - Senesi, L.:
Italia e Stati Uniti. Tra collaborazione e diffidenza (1936-1940)
12.00 €
53367 - Hammel, E.:
Iwo Jima. Portrait of a Battle. United States Marines at War in the Pacific
49.95 €
62630 - Richardson, R.L.:
Jagged Edge of Duty. A Fighter Pilot's World War II (The)
39.95 €
18282 - AAVV, :
Jolly Rogers. The 90th Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific 1942-1944
49.95 €
33808 - Gawne, J.:
Jour-J a l'aube. Ler troupes d'assaut americaines en Normandie
29.95 €
51148 - Alexander-Sparry, M.-J.:
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19.95 €
43083 - Burns, D.T.:
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19.95 €
18321 - Stanaway, J.:
Kearby's Thunderbolts. The 348th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
44491 - Rusiecki, S.M.:
Key to the Bulge. The Battle for Losheimergraben (The)
25.00 €
70051 - Debout-Durieux Trouilleton, J.C.-E.:
Kits medicaux de l'US Army 1941-1945. Medical Supply Catalog (Les)
40.00 €
47431 - Crump, S.:
Koevoet Vol 1: South-West African Police Counterinsurgency Operations during the South African Border War 1978-1984 - Africa @War 060
29.95 €
49762 - Farago, L.:
Last Days of Patton (The)
25.00 €
39352 - Wright, S.L.:
Last Drop. Operation Varsity March 24-25, 1945 (The)
39.95 €
34241 - Hicks, A.:
Last Fighting General. The Biography of Robert Tryon Frederick
45.00 €
61490 - Hornfischer, J.D.:
Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors. The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy's Finest Hour (The)
29.95 €
42862 - Gilbert, A.K.:
Leader Born. The Life of Admiral John Sidney McCain, Pacific Carrier Commander (A)
33.00 €
23238 - Carey, A.C.:
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33.00 €
55970 - De Trez, M.:
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12.00 €
56599 - Barnes-Williams-Calkins, A.F.-T.-C.:
Let's Go! The History of the 29th Infantry Division 1917-2001
89.95 €
52911 - Prefer, N.N.:
Leyte 1944. The Soldier's Battle
33.00 €
43101 - Morison, S.E.:
Leyte. June 1944-January 1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 12
29.95 €
28307 - Vaccari, P.F.:
Leyte. La battaglia navale piu' grande della storia 24-26 ottobre 1944
16.00 €
43102 - Morison, S.E.:
Liberation of the Phillippines. Luzon, Mindanao, the Visayas 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 13
29.95 €
54411 - Kershaw, A.:
Liberatore. Un'odissea lunga 500 giorni dalle spiagge della Sicilia ai cancelli di Dachau (Il)
19.00 €
45028 - Mackay-Bailey-Scorza, R.-M.-D.:
Liberators over Norwich. The 458th Bomb Group (H), 8th USAAF at Horsham St. Faith 1944-1945
85.00 €
54797 - Aubin, N.:
Liberty Roads. The American Logistics in France and Germany 1944-1945
45.00 €
58955 - Gentile, R.:
Linea Gotica. Fronte e retrovie nei photocolor dell'US Signal Corps
32.00 €
37665 - Schwarzer, W.:
Lion Killers. Billy Mitchell and the Birth of Strategic Bombing 2nd Ed. (The)
21.00 €
34242 - Lambert, J.W.:
Long Campaign. The History of the 15th Fighter Group in World War II
65.00 €
46610 - Oosterman, P.:
M-1 Helmet of the World War II GI. M-1 Helmet, Steel Shell, Liners, Rayon Suspension, Cotton Suspension, M-2 Helmet, Jungle Liner (The)
115.00 €
67768 - Gunther, J.:
MacArthur il Generale ribelle. Dal Giappone alla Corea: le guerre nel Pacifico secondo il comandante delle Forze Americane
20.00 €
57516 - Zobel, Z.:
MacArthur. The Supreme Commander at War in the Pacific
33.00 €
36463 - Newark, T.:
Mafia at War. Allied Collusion With the Mob (The)
39.00 €
42863 - Bennett, D.:
Magnificent Disaster. The Failure of the Market Garden. The Arnhem Operation September 1944 (A)
21.00 €
56247 - Cressman, R.J.:
Magnificent Fight. The Battle for Wake Island (A)
29.95 €
18718 - Lane, K.:
Marine Pioneers. The unsung heroes of WWII
39.95 €
64467 - Trang, C.:
Marines dans l'Enfer du Pacifique (Les)
65.00 €
52727 - Taaffe, S.R.:
Marshall and His Generals. US Army Commanders in WWII
45.00 €
32849 - Corvo, M.:
Max Corvo: OSS Italy 1942-1945. A Personal Memoir of the Fight for Freedom
35.00 €
70525 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 3: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 1
45.00 €
23162 - Perkins, B.W.:
Memphis Belle. Biography of a B-17 Flying Fortress
59.95 €
21614 - Anderson, C.J.:
Men of Mighty Eight 1942-45 - GI 24
17.00 €
21122 - Katcher-Collingwood, P.-C.:
Men-at-Arms 070: US Army 1941-45
19.00 €
15268 - Kemp-McBride, A.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 120: Allied Commanders of World War II
19.00 €
21133 - Henry-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 342: US Army in World War II (1) Pacific
19.00 €
21134 - Henry-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 347: US Army in World War II (2) Mediterranean
19.00 €
21135 - Henry-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 350: US Army in World War II (3) North-West Europe
19.00 €
21655 - Brayley-Bujeiro, M.J.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 357: World War II Allied Women's Services
19.00 €
40752 - Langellier, J.:
Men-at-Arms 455: US Armed Forces in China 1856-1941
19.00 €
52385 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 482: US 10th Mountain Division in World War II
19.00 €
52094 - Bowden, R.:
Merseburg: Blood, Flak and Oil. The 8th Air Force Missions
29.95 €
46595 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mighty Eight at War. The USAAF 8th Air Force Bombers versus the Luftwaffe 1943-1945 (The)
36.00 €
23515 - Freeman, R.A.:
Mighty Eight war manual (The)
35.00 €
36838 - MacDonald, C.B.:
Mighty Endeavor. The American War in Europe (The)
36.00 €
42864 - Alling, C.:
Mighty Fortress. Lead Bomber Over Europe (A)
19.95 €
48824 - Millet-Murray, A.R.-W. cur:
Military Effectiveness Vol 2. The Interwar Period
36.00 €
48825 - Millet-Murray, A.R.-W. cur:
Military Effectiveness Vol 3. The Second World War
36.00 €
36536 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Militiae 06: Patton. El ultimo guerrero
15.00 €
53523 - De Jong, I.:
Mission 85. The US Eighth Air Force's Battle Over Holland August 19, 1943
25.00 €
54422 - Steinbeck, J.:
Missione Compiuta
16.50 €
52266 - Bisetto-Caporello, U.-M. cur:
Modello bellico americano (Il)
20.00 €
64942 - Doherty, R.:
Monte Cassino. Opening the Road to Rome
45.00 €
46714 - Reynolds, M.:
Monty and Patton. Two Path to Victory
27.00 €
31033 - Fisher, L.:
Nazi Saboteurs on Trial. A Military Tribunal and American Law
45.00 €
51794 - Hornfischer, J.D.:
Neptune's Inferno. The US Navy at Guadalcanal
30.00 €
61935 - Miller, M.:
Neutron's long shadow. Legacies of Nuclear Explosives Production in the Manhattan Project (The)
59.95 €
48304 - Hammel, E.:
New Georgia, Bouganville and Cape Gloucester. The US Marines in WWII
39.95 €
43100 - Morison, S.E.:
New Guinea and the Marianas. March 1944-August 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 8
29.95 €
43222 - Mays, T.M.:
Night Hawks and Black Widows. 13th Air Force Night Fighters in the South and Southwest Pacific 1943-1945
85.00 €
46503 - MacLachan, I.:
Night of the Intruders. The Slaughter of Homeward Bound USAAF Mission 311
36.00 €
44076 - Potter, E.B.:
39.95 €
43488 - Giannasi, A.:
Nisei in guerra. I soldati nippoamericani in Italia 1944-45 (I)
15.00 €
39646 - Reid, B. A.:
No Holding Back. Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944
29.95 €
56908 - Gardner, I.:
No Victory in Valhalla. The untold story of 3rd Battalion 506 PIR from Bastogne to Berchtesgaden
33.00 €
21466 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 21: l'odyssee du 506th PIR. Vers le Jour J
17.50 €
30710 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Francese)
65.00 €
30645 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Inglese)
65.00 €
40840 - Francois, D.:
Normandy. Breaching the Atlantic Wall From D-Day to the Breakout and Liberation
60.00 €
54474 - Anfora-Pepi, D.-S.:
Obiettivo Biscari. 9-14 luglio 1943: dal ponte Dirillo all'aeroporto 504
17.00 €
53783 - Trang, C.:
Old Breed. La 1st Marine Division dans l'enfer du Pacifique (The)
65.00 €
57126 - Balkoski, J.:
Omaha Beach 6 Juin 1944
29.95 €
44784 - Slaughter-Kershaw, J.R.-A.:
Omaha Beach and Beyond: The Long March of Sergeant Bob Slaughter
21.00 €
42456 - Balkoski, J.:
Omaha Beach: D-Day, June 6, 1944
29.95 €
52728 - DeFelice, J.:
Omar Bradley. General at War
35.00 €
33654 - Rogers-Williams, D.-S. cur:
On the Bloody Road to Berlin. Frontline Accounts from North-West Europe and the Eastern Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
28124 - Marion, O.J.:
On the Canal. The Marines of L35 on Guadalcanal
27.00 €
37651 - Ellis, J.:
On the Front Lines. The Experience of War through the Eyes of the American Soldiers in WWII
25.00 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
68630 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Operation Matterhorn. Il debutto operativo del Boeing B-29 Superfortress
15.00 €
38971 - Schofield, B.B.:
Operation Neptune
36.00 €
47157 - Morison, S.E.:
Operations in North African Waters. October 1942-June 1943. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 2 (The)
29.95 €
28389 - Marciano', G.:
Operazione Baytown. Lo sbarco degli alleati in Calabria 2a ed. 3 settembre 1943
15.00 €
48402 - Maniaci, B.:
Operazione Brolo Beach
11.00 €
68810 - McGovern, J.C.:
Operazione Crossbow e Overcast. La caccia alle armi segrete tedesche
22.00 €
72073 - Fagone, S.:
Operazione Husky. Cronaca dei bombardamenti alleati sulla Sicilia 1943
30.00 €
45688 - Condorelli, G.:
Operazione Husky. Sintesi storica dello sbarco in Sicilia
10.00 €
19429 - Hastings, M.:
Operazione Overlord. Il D-Day e la battaglia di Normandia
15.50 €
72512 - Pais, A.:
Oppenheimer. La tragedia di uno scienziato: dalla bomba atomica alla guerra fredda
18.00 €
71999 - Bird-Sherwin, K.-M.:
Oppenheimer. Trionfo e caduta dell'inventore della bomba atomica
20.00 €
42756 - De Trez, M.:
Orange is the Color of the Day
89.95 €
43575 - Haskew, M.E.:
Order of Battle: Western Allied Forces of WWII
33.00 €
29662 - Lemons, C.:
Organization and Markings of United States Army Armored Units 1918-1941
75.00 €
32240 - Harris Smith, R.:
OSS. The secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency
25.00 €
55417 - Marshall, J.W.:
Our Might Always. The 355th Fighter Group in World War II
99.00 €
53513 - Balkoski, J.:
Our Tortured Souls: The 29th Infantry Division in the Rhineland, November-December 1944
36.00 €
56253 - Lacey, S.T.:
Pacific Blitzkrieg. World War II in the Central Pacific
33.00 €
63116 - McKelvey Cleaver, T.:
Pacific Thunder. The US Navy's Central Pacific Campaign, August 1943-October 1944
19.95 €
42088 - Hopkins, W.B.:
Pacific War. The Strategy, Politics, and Players that Won the War (The)
35.00 €
53370 - Hammel, E.:
Pacific Warriors. The US Marines in World War II. A Pictorial Tribute
29.95 €
35234 - Feuer, A.B.:
Packs on! Memoirs of the 10th Mountain Division in WWII
21.00 €
52491 - Montone, G.:
Palazzo Reale di Caserta come sede del Quartier Generale delle Forze Alleate 1943-1946
13.90 €
52644 - AAVV, :
Paras de la 82nd Airborne - Uniformes HS 30 (Les)
18.00 €
63562 - AAVV, :
Paras de la 82nd Airborne. Sicile, Italie, Normandie, Hollande, Ardennes
21.00 €
30266 - Deschodt, C.:
Paras du D-Day. Les Americains (Les)
35.00 €
63563 - Longue, M.:
Paras US au combat. Easy Company 2/506th PIR
39.95 €
52920 - Booth-Spencer, T.M.-D.:
Paratrooper. The Life of General James M. Gavin
33.00 €
63793 - Smith-Forty, S.-S.:
Past and Present - 101st Airborne. Market Garden 1944
16.00 €
63801 - Smith, S.:
Past and Present - 82nd Airborne. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
63796 - Smith-Forty, S.-S.:
Past and Present - Bastogne. Ardennes 1944
16.00 €
63794 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Past and Present - Omaha Beach. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
26026 - Whiting, C.:
Paths of Death and Glory: The Last Days of the Third Reich
29.95 €
19593 - Blumenson, M.:
Patton papers 1940-1945 (The)
49.95 €
27609 - Ripley, T.:
Patton unleashed. Patton's Third Army and the Breakout from Normandy, August-September 1944
36.00 €
62202 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Patton Versus the Panzers. The Battle of Arracourt, September 1944
55.00 €
19594 - Prefer, N.:
Patton's ghost corps. Cracking the Siegfried Line
27.00 €
24488 - Whiting, C.:
Patton's Last Battle
29.95 €
43608 - English, J.A.:
Patton's Peers. The Forgotten Allied Field Army Commanders of the Western Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
33764 - D'Este, C.:
Patton. A Genius for War
27.00 €
46500 - Farago, L.:
Patton. Ordeal and Triumph
33.00 €
46070 - Blumenson, M.:
Patton. The Man Behind the Legend 1885-1945
19.95 €
48502 - Boyington, G.:
Pecora nera. La storia di 'Pappy' Boyington. dalle Tigri Volanti al 214. Sqn 'Black Sheep'
25.00 €
23270 - Bando, M.:
Percee de Normandie. La 2nd Armored Division dans la Lande des Morts
45.00 €
57341 - Jacquet, S.:
Percee du Bocage. 30 Juillet-16 aout 1944 Vol 1: Villers-Bocage, Aunay sur Odon, Le Mont Pincon, Conde' sur Noireau (La)
65.00 €
44099 - Absalom, R. cur:
Perugia Liberata. Documenti anglo-americani sull'occupazione alleata di Perugia 1944-1945
65.00 €
35342 - Lambert, J.W.:
Pineapple Air Force: Pearl Harbor to Tokyo (the)
75.00 €
38345 - Blake, S.:
Pioneer Mustang Group. The 354th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
85.00 €
52089 - Bowden, R.:
Plane Names and Fancy Noses. The 91st Bomb Group (Heavy) USAAF
33.00 €
29445 - Freeman, R.A.:
Ploesti Raid through the Lens (The)
39.95 €
50801 - Kershaw, A.:
Pochi. Molto prima di ogni altro un pugno di ragazzi rischio' tutto per cio' che era giusto (I)
18.50 €
19743 - Stanaway, J.:
Possum, Clover and Hades. The 475th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
43401 - Fulceri, B.:
Prezzo della liberta'. Diario di guerra. I nomi dei caduti 34a Divisione USA. Eccidi e rappresaglie partigiani
16.00 €
40854 - Shanle, L.:
Project Seven Alpha. American Airlines in Burma 1942
36.00 €
19801 - Ferguson, S.:
Protect and avenge. The 49th Fighter Group in WWII
65.00 €
59015 - Del Giudice, D.:
Pruple Heart Regiment. I Nisei del 100./442. Regimental Combat Team
28.00 €
57100 - Nordyke, P.M.:
Put Us Down in Hell. The Combat History of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment in World War II
33.00 €
37598 - Oppenheimer, J.R.:
Quando il futuro sara' storia. Otto lezioni dopo Hiroshima
17.00 €
19876 - Havelaar, M.:
Ragged Irregulars. The 91st Bomb Group in WWII
59.95 €
42986 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Raid 001: Rangers Lead the Way. Pointe-du-Hoc D-Day 1944
25.00 €
42988 - Rottman, G.L.:
Raid 003: Cabanatuan Prison Raid. Philippines 1945
25.00 €
46440 - Rottman-Shumate, G.L.-J.:
Raid 014: Los Banos Prison Camp Raid. Philippines 1945
25.00 €
71002 - Lardas-Cano Rodriguez, M.-I.:
Raid 058: Capture of U-505. The US Navy's controversial Enigma raid, Atlantic Ocean 1944
25.00 €
31201 - Marshall, C.F.:
Ramble Through My War. Anzio and Other Joys
27.00 €
43208 - Black, R.W.:
Ranger Force. Darby's Rangers in WWII
39.95 €
19936 - Carey, A.:
Reluctant Raiders. The Story of US Navy Bombing Sqn VB/VPB-109 in WWII
39.95 €
47550 - AAVV, :
Remount blue 1945. Dal Tirreno al Garda con la Decima Divisione da Montagna USA
10.00 €
57689 - Brower, D.R.:
Remount Blue. Dalla linea Gotica al Lago di Garda 1944-1945
20.00 €
21425 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 09. 1944 Les paras US en Normandie. Les temoins racontent
13.00 €
57775 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 10. 6 Juin 1944. Le jour le plus long
13.00 €
64000 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 16. 1942-1945 L'USAAF bombarde l'Europe
13.00 €
19993 - Mackay, R.:
Ridgewell's Flying Fortresses. The 381st Bombardment Group (H) in WWII
75.00 €
41631 - US War Department, :
Rifle Company 1944 - FM 7-10 (The)
45.00 €
73108 - Clerico, G.:
Riportatelo a casa! Seconda guerra mondiale: la storia vera di un pilota scomparso sulle Alpi italiane
18.00 €
47158 - Morison, S.E.:
Rising Sun in the Pacific. 1931-April 1942. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 3 (The)
29.95 €
25499 - Tout, K.:
Roads to Falaise. Cobra and Goodwood reassessed
35.00 €
25636 - Whitlock, F.:
Rock of Anzio. From Sicily to Dachau: a History of the US 45th Infantry Division
27.00 €
39647 - Salecker, G.E.:
Rolling Thunder Against the Rising Sun
45.00 €
31514 - Trevelyan, R.:
Rome '44 The Battle for the Eternal City
19.95 €
42755 - De Trez, M.:
Sainte Mere Eglise. Photographs of D-Day. 6 June 1944
65.00 €
37772 - Konstam, A.:
Salerno 1943. The Allied Invasion of Italy
36.00 €
58877 - Blumenson-USCMH, M.:
Salerno to Cassino. The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
36.00 €
31895 - Pond, H.:
Salerno! 'Operazione Avalanche'. Il giorno piu' lungo a Salerno e in Italia
18.00 €
36793 - Webster, G.:
Savage Sky. Life and Death on a Bomber over Germany in 1944 (The)
21.00 €
43408 - Wieviorka, O.:
Sbarco in Normandia (Lo)
15.00 €
52260 - Middlebrook, M.:
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission. The American Raids on 17 August 1943 (The)
27.00 €
58888 - Dettore, G.:
Screaming Eagle Gliders. The 321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion in World War II
59.95 €
20205 - Anderson, C.J.:
Screaming Eagles. The 101st Airborne Div. from D-Day to desert Storm - GI 22
17.00 €
30140 - Warner, P.:
Secret Forces of WWII
25.00 €
22556 - Carty, P.:
Secret Squadrons of the Eighth
35.00 €
56294 - McManus, J.C.:
September Hope. The American Side of a Bridge Too Far
19.95 €
54438 - Del Giudice, D.:
Sfondamento della Linea Gotica a Carrara e in Lunigiana 11-26 aprile 1945. La Battaglia della Val di Taro 27-30 aprile 1945 (Lo)
26.00 €
46525 - Del Giudice, D.:
Sfondamento della Linea Gotica a Massa e in Versilia (Lo)
20.00 €
51219 - Guardia, M.:
Shadow Commander. The Epic Story of Donald D.Blackburn
33.00 €
57540 - Giuliani, R.:
Sherman dans le Pacifique 1943-1945
45.00 €
53921 - Brotherton, M.:
Shifty's War. The Authorized Biography of Sgt. Darrell 'Shifty' Powers, the Legendary Sharpshooter from the Band of Brothers
29.95 €
58878 - USCMH, :
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
39.95 €
41969 - Morison, S.E.:
Sicily-Salerno-Anzio. January 1943-June 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II 09
29.95 €
52909 - Green, M. cur:
Silent Service in WWII. US Navy Submarine Force in the Words of the Men Who Lived It
39.95 €
42286 - Page Schrader, H.:
Sisters in Arms. British and American Women Pilots during WWII
36.00 €
20321 - Cook, L.:
Skull and Cross Bones Squadron: VF-17 in WWII
59.95 €
20322 - Ross, K.:
Sky Men. A Parachute Rifle Company's Story in the battle of the Bulge and the jump acroos the Rhine (The)
45.00 €
34243 - Mackay-Wilson, R.-P.:
Sky Scorpions. The Story of the 389th Bomb Group in World War II
75.00 €
33951 - Whiting, C.:
Slaughter over Sicily
25.00 €
64119 - Cross, G.:
Slybirds. A Photographic Odyssey of the 353rd Fighter Group During the Second World War
45.00 €
59717 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Small Unit Actions
27.00 €
71105 - Pretelli-Fusi, M.-F.:
Soldati e Patrie. I combattenti alleati di origine italiana nella Seconda guerra mondiale
38.00 €
35463 - Bradley, O.N.:
Soldier's Story (A)
25.00 €
53125 - Eisenhower, J.S.D.:
Soldiers and Statesmen. Reflections on Leadership
45.00 €
52216 - Blanchard, D.:
Souvenirs de GI's. De la Bataille del Normandie au coeur du IIIe Reich
42.00 €
23467 - Gawne, J.:
Spearheading D-Day. American Special Units in Normandy
29.95 €
49718 - Sapio, M.:
Spie in guerra. L'intelligence americana dalla caduta di Mussolini alla Liberazione 1943-1945
17.00 €
28882 - Moore, J.M.:
Spies for Nimitz. Joint Military Intelligence in the Pacific War
36.00 €
20463 - Hutton, S.:
Squadron of Deception. 36th Bomb Sq. in WWII
49.95 €
59718 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
St-Lo (7 July-19 July 1944)
21.00 €
48703 - Di Stasi, L.:
Storia Segreta. The Secret History of Italian American Evacuation and Internment During World War II (Una)
27.50 €
58568 - Biscarini, C.:
Strada per l'Arno dei Blue Devils. L'88th US Infantry Division da Volterra a San Miniato 7-24 luglio 1944 (La)
20.00 €
30694 - Ciriacono, G.:
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