Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Gran Bretagna
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - A.O.I.
II GM - Blitzkrieg
II GM - Batt. Inghilterra
II GM - Europa
II GM - Germania 1944-45
II GM - Atlantico
II GM: Commonwealth
II GM: Altri Alleati
II GM: Stati Uniti
II GM: Russia
Armi Fuoco-Gran Bretagna
Armam. Terr.: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Navale: Gran Bretagna
Arm. Aereo: Gran Bretagna
Uniformi: II GM - Alleati
Risultati della Ricerca: 650 Prodotti
64607 - Stasi, J.C.:
'Chariot'. Le plus grande Raid Commando de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Saint-Nazaire 28 mars 1942
25.00 €
46913 - Dear, I.:
10 Commando
25.00 €
46920 - Hart, P.:
16th Durham Light Infantry in Italy 1943-1945 - Voices from the Front
25.00 €
34321 - Rogers, A. cur:
185 The Malta Squadron
45.00 €
72301 - Bernasconi, A.:
1943 Linea del Mareth. Bunker e battaglie in Tunisia
27.00 €
52463 - Otter, P.:
1st Group. Swift to Attack. Bomber Command's Unsung Heroes
39.95 €
41202 - Mortimer, G.:
2 SAS. Bill Stirling and the forgotten special forces unit of World War II
39.95 €
62601 - Cull-Galea, B.-F.:
249 at Malta. RAF's Top-Scoring Fighter Squadron
39.95 €
51749 - Porter, D.:
7th Armoured Division at Villers-Bocage. 13th June 1944 - Visual Battle Guide
33.00 €
24077 - Novaria-Paviolo, G.-G.:
A un passo dalla liberta' 1944. Odissea sul Colle Galisia
9.50 €
32893 - Dorney, R.:
Active Service. The story of a soldier's life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS, 1935-58 (An)
33.00 €
22121 - Douglas-Hamilton, J.:
Air Battle for Malta. The Diaries of a Spitfire Pilot (The)
25.00 €
73210 - Konstam, A.:
Air Campaign 049: Sumatra 1944-45. The British Pacific Fleet's oil campaign in the Dutch East Indies
27.00 €
45733 - Canwell-Sutherland, D.-J.:
Air War over the Nore. Defending England's North Sea Coast in WWII
36.00 €
72214 - Newell, G.R. cur:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 1: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17-26 September 1944
75.00 €
72215 - Newell, G.R. cur:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 2: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17th-26th September 1944
90.00 €
41632 - Newell, G.R.:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 3: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17th-26th September 1944
95.00 €
18421 - Price-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 005: Late Mark Spitfire Aces 1942-45
27.00 €
20457 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 012: Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939-41
27.00 €
20458 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 016: Spitfire Mark V Aces 1941-45
27.00 €
17997 - Holmes-Fretwell, T.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 018: Hurricane Aces 1939-40
27.00 €
20984 - Thomas-Davey, C.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 027: Typhoon and Tempest Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20909 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 038: Tomahawk and Kittyhawk Aces of the RAF and Commonwealth
27.00 €
21603 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 044: Gloster Gladiator Aces
27.00 €
30589 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 065: Beaufighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
32063 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 069: Mosquito Aces of World War II
27.00 €
35895 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 075: Royal Navy Aces of World War II
27.00 €
38021 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 081: Griffon Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
33149 - Nichols, S.:
Aircraft of the Aces 083: Malta Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
40724 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 087: Spitfire Aces of Burma and the Pacific
27.00 €
40096 - Warner, P.:
Alamein. Recollection of the Heroes
36.00 €
38528 - Sangster, A.:
Alan Brooke. Churchill's Right-Hand Critic
45.00 €
59073 - Hodges, A.:
Alan Turing. Storia di un Enigma
18.00 €
65641 - Brooke Viscount Alanbrooke, A.:
Alanbrooke War Diaries 1939-1945. Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke
33.00 €
46492 - Alexander of Tunis, H.:
Alexander Memoirs 1940-1945 (The)
36.00 €
51958 - Pike, R.:
Alfie's War. A WWII Fleet Air Arm Lieutenant's Exploits on HMS Illustrious in Greece and Crete
33.00 €
40904 - Cunningham, A.B.:
Andrew Browne Cunningham 'A-B-C'. Il vincitore della battaglia del Mediterraneo
32.00 €
69699 - Giannecchini-Caproni, A.-G.:
Anthony John Oldham. Un inglese oltre la Linea Gotica in Garfagnana 1943-1944
16.00 €
52289 - Carter, M.:
Anti Tank. The Story of a Desert Gunner in WWII
36.00 €
30262 - Gaujac, P.:
Aout 1944. Debarquement de Provence (Le)
45.00 €
54855 - Grossmith, M.:
Arctic Warriors. A Personal Account of Convoy PQ18
36.00 €
31497 - Moretti, R.:
Argenta Gap. L'ultima battaglia della Campagna d'Italia. Aprile 1945
19.50 €
45855 - Gleed, I.:
Arise to Conquer
13.00 €
27748 - Poolman, K.:
Ark Royal. The courageous Story of one of the best-loved and best-fought Ships to fly the White Ensign
17.50 €
32423 - Hastings, M.:
Armageddon. The battle for Germany 1944-45
18.00 €
53798 - Nesbit, R.C.:
Armed Rovers. Beauforts and Beaufighters Over the Mediterranean (The)
36.00 €
43601 - Boscawen, R.:
Armoured Guardsmen. A War Diary from Normandy to the Rhine
25.00 €
58001 - Willett, P.:
Armoured Horseman. With the Bays and Eight Army in North Africa and Italy
36.00 €
43560 - Urquhart, R.E.:
27.00 €
25510 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Operation Market Garden, September 1944
45.00 €
47630 - Steer, F.:
Arnhem. The Fight to Sustain. Untold Story of the Airborne Logisticians
39.95 €
48021 - Porzio, M.:
Arrivano gli Alleati! Amori e violenze nell'Italia 'liberata'
20.00 €
28994 - Caruso, A.:
Arrivano i nostri. 10 luglio 1943: gli Alleati sbarcano in Sicilia. Il tradimento di tanti, l'eroismo di pochi
17.00 €
51047 - Ford, K.:
Assault Crossing. The River Seine 1944
36.00 €
39547 - Ford, K.:
Assault on Sicily. Monty and Patton at War
36.00 €
47172 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Assi della caccia della RAF (Gli)
24.00 €
48995 - Sims, E.H.:
Assi della RAF raccontano (Gli)
20.00 €
55500 - Armstrong, D.:
At Close Quarters. SOE Close Combat Pistol Instructor Colonel Hector Grant-Taylor
29.95 €
67076 - The National Archives, :
Audacious Missions of World War II. Daring Acts of Bravery Revealed Through Letters and Documents from the Time
39.95 €
30260 - Gaujac, P.:
August 15, 1944. Dragoon, the other Invasion of France
45.00 €
48932 - Paloque, G.:
Aviation Alliee en Europe de l'Ouest. 1944-1945: 9th US Air Force - 2nd Tactical Air Force
36.00 €
15647 - Croucher Pack, S.W.:
Azione notturna al largo di Capo Matapan
15.00 €
36309 - Hoyt, E.P.:
Backwater War. The Allied Campaign in Italy, 1943-45
21.00 €
40094 - Frayn Turner, J.:
Bader Wing (The)
36.00 €
43017 - Shireff, D.:
Bare Feet and Bandoliers. Wingate, Sandford, The Patriots and the Liberation of Ethiopia
39.95 €
22937 - Freeman, R.:
Bases of Bomber Command Then and Now
75.00 €
42178 - Croucher Pack, S.W.:
Battaglia di Creta (La)
16.00 €
62359 - Carver, M.:
Battaglia di El Alamein (La)
22.00 €
71861 - Hastings, M.:
Battaglia di mezzo agosto. Operazione Pedestal 1942: la flotta che salvo' Malta (La)
28.00 €
36913 - Rossi-Tampieri cur, R.-F.:
Battaglie sull'Appennino. Storia della Prima Divisione Britannica
20.00 €
22231 - Conyers Nesbit, R.:
Battle of Britain (The)
45.00 €
44596 - Moore, K.:
Battle of Britain (The)
17.50 €
46704 - Turner, J.F.:
Battle of Britain (The)
25.00 €
71611 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive - Battle of Britain Day Supplement
33.00 €
59308 - Parker, N.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 01: 10th to 22nd July 1940
45.00 €
59906 - Parker, N.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 02: 23 July to 8 August 1940
45.00 €
61710 - Parker, N.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 03: 9 August - 13 August 1940
45.00 €
62265 - Parker, N.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 04: 14 August - 15 August 1940
45.00 €
62399 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 05: 16 August - 18 August 1940
45.00 €
64701 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 06: 19 August 1940 - 25 August 1940
45.00 €
66469 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 07: 26 August - 29 August 1940
36.00 €
67701 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 08: 30 August - 31 August 1940
45.00 €
68486 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 09: 1 September - 3 September 1940
45.00 €
69585 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 10: 4 September - 6 September 1940
45.00 €
69866 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 11: 7 September - 8 September 1940
45.00 €
70713 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 12: 9 September - 11 September 1940
45.00 €
71609 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 13: 12 September - 15 September 1940
45.00 €
72626 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 14: 16 September - 23 September 1940
45.00 €
73065 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Combat Archive Vol 15: 24 September - 26 September 1940
45.00 €
69143 - Parry, S.W.:
Battle of Britain Prelude. Air Combat Archive. 18 June 1940 - 9 July 1940
45.00 €
57976 - Saunders, A.:
Battle of Britain RAF Operational Manual. July to October 1940
39.95 €
25285 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Battle of Britain. Air Defence of Great Britain Vol II (The)
49.95 €
58637 - Palazzo, A.:
Battle of Crete (The)
17.50 €
38600 - Cornwell, P.D.:
Battle of France Then and Now. Six Nations locked in aerial Combat September 1939 to June 1940 (The)
75.00 €
41665 - Holmes, R.:
Battle of Heligoland Bight 1939. Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe's Baptism of Fire
29.95 €
43319 - Scott, P.:
Battle of Narrow Seas. The History of the Light Coastal Forces in the Channel and North Sea 1939-1945 (The)
39.95 €
30574 - Jeffreys, A.:
Battle Orders 013: British Army in the Far East 1941-45
29.95 €
32043 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 018: British Commandos 1940-46
29.95 €
37153 - Moreman, T.:
Battle Orders 028: Desert Rats. British 8th Army in North Africa 1941-43
29.95 €
31821 - Ford, K.:
Battleaxe Division. From Africa to Italy with the 78th Division 1942-45
16.99 €
54391 - Clayton-Dannatt, A.-L.:
Battlefield Rations. The Food Given to the British Soldier for Marching and Fighting 1900-2011
29.95 €
49849 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Operation Epsom. VIII British Corps vs 1st SS Panzerkorps
19.95 €
56681 - Pettit, P.:
Battles of a Gunner Officer. Tunisia, Sicily, Normandy and the Long Road to Germany
39.95 €
26599 - Delaforce, P.:
Battles with Panzers. Monty's Tank Battalions 1 RTR and 2 RTR at War
35.00 €
40684 - Stevens, S.:
Beaufighter Over The Balkans. From the Balkans Air Force to the Berlin Airlift
25.00 €
53544 - Scott, M.:
Behind Enemy Lines with the SAS: The Story of Amedee Maingard SOE Agent
36.00 €
49612 - Thomas, N.:
Ben Bennions DFC. Battle of Britain Fighter Ace
36.00 €
55254 - Pearce, M.J.:
Between Hostile Shores. Mediterranean Convoys 1941-1942
27.50 €
43865 - Tudor, M.:
Beyond the Wire. A True Story of Allied POWs in Italy 1943-1945
19.95 €
40086 - Caygill, P.:
Biggin Hill Wing 1941. From Defence to Attack (The)
36.00 €
33594 - Smart, N.:
Biografical Dictionary of British Generals of the Second World War
45.00 €
53869 - Smith, W.S.:
Birth of the Black Panthers
22.50 €
40844 - D'Este, C.:
Bitter Victory. The Battle for Sicily 1943
21.00 €
46396 - Delaforce, P.:
Black Bull. From Normandy to the Baltic with the 11th Armoured Division (The)
25.00 €
15947 - Knott, R.:
Black Night for Bomber Command. The Tragedy of 16 December 1943
36.00 €
48978 - Boiten, T.:
Blenheim Strike. Blenheim Operations over Holland in WWII
39.95 €
15848 - Ramsey, W.:
Blitz Then and Now (The) 3 volumes set
195.00 €
15849 - Ramsey, W.:
Blitz Then and Now (The) Vol 1 Sept. 3, 1939 - Sept. 6, 1940
49.95 €
15850 - Ramsey, W.:
Blitz Then and Now (The) Vol 2 Sept. 7, 1940 - May 1941
75.00 €
15851 - Ramsey, W.:
Blitz Then and Now (The) Vol 3 May 1941 - May 1945
75.00 €
54019 - Brew, S.:
Blood, Sweat and Valour: 41 Squadron RAF 1942-1945
55.00 €
24247 - Tout, K.:
Bloody Battle for Tilly
15.00 €
19144 - Barnes, B.S.:
Bloody Road to Catania. A History of XIII Corps in Sicily 1943
33.00 €
54668 - Thorburn, G.:
Bomber Command 1939-1940
36.00 €
15890 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 1: 1939-40 2nd Ed.
33.00 €
15891 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 2: 1941
24.00 €
15894 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 5: 1944
40.00 €
15895 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 6: 1945
27.00 €
26679 - Chorley, W.L.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 7: OTUs 1940-47
35.00 €
28321 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 8: Heavy Conversion Units and Miscellaneous Units, 1939-1947
29.95 €
38195 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 9: Roll of Honour, 1939-1947
36.00 €
55253 - Hall, M.:
Bomber Command, Operation Hurricane. The Story of Those Who Flew, Fought, and Failed to Return on 14 and 15 October 1944
29.95 €
49616 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 1. Cover of Darkness: Retaliation 1939-1941
39.95 €
51227 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 2: Live to Die Another Day. June 1942 - Summer 1943
39.95 €
51363 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 3: Battleground Berlin. July 1943 - March 1944
39.95 €
52581 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 4: Battles with the Nachtjagd. 30/31 March - September 1944
39.95 €
52677 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 5: Armageddon 27 September 1944-May 1945
39.95 €
70003 - Hastings, M.:
Bomber Command. The Strategic Offensive 1939-45
21.00 €
22455 - Bowyer, C.:
Bomber group at War
35.00 €
22243 - Probert, H.:
Bomber Harris. His Life and Times
45.00 €
49607 - Granfield, A.:
Bombers over Sand and Snow. 205 Group RAF in WWII
45.00 €
44965 - Cooper, A.:
Bravery Awards for Aerial Combat. Stories behind the award of the CGM
36.00 €
41949 - AAVV, :
Britain 1940. The RAF Fights a Desperate Battle Against the Luftwaffe
36.00 €
26172 - Aldgate-Richards, A.-J.:
Britain can take it. The British Cinema in the Second World War
35.00 €
41499 - Magreehan, M.:
Britain's Airborne Forces of WWII. Uniforms and Equipment
33.00 €
26464 - Carver, :
Britain's Army in the 20th Century
25.00 €
66428 - Braddock, D.:
Britain's Desert War in Egypt and Libya 1940-1942
29.95 €
30712 - Mackay, R.:
Britain's Fleet Air Arm in World War II
75.00 €
40640 - Almonds Windmill, L.:
British Achilles (A)
25.00 €
55912 - Le Sant, T.:
British and Canadian Soldiers in Normandy
15.00 €
35328 - Franks, N.:
British and Commonwealth Aces of World War II. The Pictorial Record
75.00 €
24137 - Bevis, M.:
British and Commonwealth Armies 1939-1943
29.95 €
27982 - Bevis, M.:
British and Commonwealth Armies 1939-1945 Supplement 1
29.95 €
27172 - Bevis, M.:
British and Commonwealth Armies 1939-1945 Supplement 2
29.95 €
28251 - Bevis, M.:
British and Commonwealth Armies 1944-1945
29.95 €
22162 - Tennent, AJ.:
British and Commonwealth Merchant Ship Losses to Axis Uboats 1939-45
45.00 €
42091 - Tackle, P.:
British Army in France after Dunkirk
36.00 €
59734 - Allen, H.R.:
British Bombing Policy During the Second World War
36.00 €
36983 - Dunning, J.:
British Commandos. The Origins and Special Training of an Elite Unit (The)
25.00 €
25680 - Morewood, S.:
British Defence of Egypt 1935-40: Conflict and Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean
135.00 €
68517 - Forty, S.:
British Infantryman Operations Manual. The British and Commonwealth soldier 1939-45 (all models)
39.95 €
40609 - Jackson, S.:
British Interrogation Techniques in the Second World War
27.00 €
55402 - Dorrell, O.C.:
British Officers' Peak Caps of the Second World War
85.00 €
60148 - Perquin, J.F.:
British Parachutes. Special Forces Equipment
30.00 €
52830 - Bouchery, J.:
British Soldier Vol 1 and Vol 2 (The)
45.00 €
33356 - Seymour, W.:
British Special Forces. The Story of Britain's Undercover Soldiers
19.95 €
31086 - Fortin, L.:
British Tanks in Normandy
25.00 €
45845 - Ince, D.:
Brotherhood of the Skies. Wartime Experiences of a Gunnery Officer and Typhoon Pilot David Ince DFC
33.00 €
67492 - Iredale, W.:
Cacciatori di Kamikaze. Lo scontro decisivo
12.00 €
61675 - Bovio-Lanconelli-Zauli, L.-E.-E.:
Cadere da nemici, cadere da alleati. Gli incidenti aerei in Valchiusella nel 1943 e nel 1944
12.00 €
55860 - Stewart, A.:
Caen Controversy. The Battle for Sword Beach 1944
33.00 €
73295 - Scanlon, G.:
Camouflaged Fist. Camouflage Smocks used by the Infantry Brigades of 6th Armoured Division in Italy 1944
45.00 €
54857 - Hicks, N.:
Captured at Arnhem. From Railwayman to Paratrooper
36.00 €
72532 - Barnes, B.S.:
Chaos in the Sand. A History of XIII Corps at Alamein The Southern Sector. October and November 1942
29.95 €
29172 - Hobson, R.W.:
Chariots of War
49.95 €
26547 - Fortin, L.:
Chars Britanniques en Normandie (Les)
40.00 €
36882 - Irwin, W.:
Chiamati in azione. Francia 1944: la storia segreta delle forze speciali alleate
18.60 €
54639 - Felton, M.:
China Station. The British Military in the Middle Kingdom 1839-1997
36.00 €
43955 - Casini, F.:
Churchill e la Campagna d'Italia. Agosto 1944: passaggio in Toscana
12.00 €
24340 - Delaforce, P.:
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27897 - Shores-Massimello et al., C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 3: Tunisia and the end in Africa, November 1942-May 1943
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64432 - Shores-Massimello et al., C.-G.-R.:
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35321 - Doherty, R.:
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36.00 €
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72240 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 46: La Fleet Air Arm dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
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HS Militaria 108: Grandes Batailles. La British Expeditionary Force 1939-1940
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Identity men. Le donne e gli uomini che hanno difeso il patrimonio culturale italiano durante la seconda guerra mondiale 1943-1951
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41214 - War Office, :
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23358 - Beurling, G.:
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40070 - AAVV, :
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36.00 €
40071 - AAVV, :
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40073 - AAVV, :
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59925 - Wynn, K.G.:
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48825 - Millet-Murray, A.R.-W. cur:
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59929 - Forrestrer, C.:
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56601 - Buckley, J.:
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40420 - Bowman, M.W.:
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39697 - Bowman, M.W.:
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22725 - Jones, R.V.:
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66650 - Jullian, M.:
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18.00 €
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25412 - Cox, S. (ed.):
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125.00 €
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48966 - Brandon, L.:
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19229 - Doherty, R.:
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70301 - Loftis, L.:
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24305 - Stewart, A.:
North african victory
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19282 - Schofield, B.:
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25.00 €
16528 - De Wailly, H.:
Offensive blindee alliee d'Abbeville 27 mai-4 juin 1940 (L')
33.00 €
33654 - Rogers-Williams, D.-S. cur:
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19339 - Young, E.:
One of our submarines
15.00 €
49850 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Bluecoat. Over the Battlefield
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48805 - Bernage, G.:
Operation Cobra. La percee americaine en Normandie 2-22 juillet 1944
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42828 - Daglish, I.:
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42841 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Goodwood. Over the Battlefield
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48412 - Cooper-Montagu, D.-E.:
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Operation Millenium. Bomber Harris's Raid on Cologne, May 1942
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38971 - Schofield, B.B.:
Operation Neptune
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15.00 €
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20.00 €
68810 - McGovern, J.C.:
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22.00 €
72073 - Fagone, S.:
Operazione Husky. Cronaca dei bombardamenti alleati sulla Sicilia 1943
30.00 €
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Operazione Husky. Sintesi storica dello sbarco in Sicilia
10.00 €
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33561 - Buckingham, W.F.:
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13.00 €
29356 - Payne Oam, R.:
Paras. Voices of the British Airborne Forces in Second World War
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26026 - Whiting, C.:
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Pedestal. The Convoy that saved Malta
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42429 - Barber, N.:
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33128 - Ambrose, S.E.:
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15.00 €
67778 - Incerti, M.:
Pellerossa che liberarono l'Italia (I)
18.00 €
57341 - Jacquet, S.:
Percee du Bocage. 30 Juillet-16 aout 1944 Vol 1: Villers-Bocage, Aunay sur Odon, Le Mont Pincon, Conde' sur Noireau (La)
65.00 €
28247 - Parlour-Parlour, A.-S.:
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39788 - Samuels, M.:
Piercing the Fog of War. The Theory and Practice of Command in the British and German Armies 1918-1940
45.00 €
43661 - British SOE and American OSS, :
Pocket Manual of The Allied Spy 1939-1945 (A)
15.00 €
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25.00 €
28324 - Wilson, E.:
Press on regardless. The Story of the Fifth Royal Tank Regiment in World War Two
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73518 - Churchill, W.:
Privata e confidenziale. La vita attraverso le lettere ad amici e familiari
22.00 €
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36.00 €
46833 - Edwards , B.:
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25.00 €
53946 - Zimmerman, D.:
Radar. Britain's Shield and the Defeat of the Luftwaffe
19.95 €
50418 - Bussoni, M.:
Radio Londra. Voci dalla liberta'
12.50 €
53054 - Falconer, J.:
RAF Airfields of WWII
55.00 €
62360 - Grehan, J.:
RAF and the SOE. Special Duty Operations in Europe During World War II
39.95 €
36395 - AAVV, :
RAF At War (The) 3 DVD
39.00 €
25288 - Goulding-Moyes, J.-P.:
RAF Bomber Command and its Aircraft 1936-1940 Vol 1
35.00 €
25266 - Goulding-Moyes, J.-P.:
RAF Bomber Command and its Aircraft 1941-1945 Vol 2
35.00 €
65173 - Falconer, J.:
RAF Bomber Command Operations Manual 1939 to1945
45.00 €
17082 - Franks, N.:
RAF Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Vol 1: 1939-41
24.00 €
17084 - Franks, N.:
RAF Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Vol 3: 1944-45
27.00 €
26475 - Foreman, J.:
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of WWII Part 1: 1939-31 December 1940
36.00 €
33233 - Foreman, J.:
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of WWII Part 2: 1 January 1941-30 June 1943
36.00 €
72577 - Chapman-Jaggard, L.-J.:
RAF kit Through the Ages
25.00 €
49696 - Pateman, C.:
RAF Special Duties. Unique Sorties of WWII
36.00 €
39616 - Thomas, N.:
RAF Top Gun
36.00 €
46439 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 013: Bruneval Raid. Operation Biting 1942
25.00 €
47721 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 021: Operation Archery. The Commandos and the Vaagso Raid 1942
25.00 €
51134 - Millet, A.:
Raid de Bruneval et de la Poterie-Cap d'Antifer. Mystere et verite
65.00 €
51131 - Bucourt-Jeanne, N.F.:
Raid de Dieppe. 19 Aout 1942. Berneval. Pourville, Puys, Varengeville (Le)
65.00 €
52494 - Jones, W.:
Raiding Support Regiment. The Diary of a Special Forces Soldier 1943-1945
33.00 €
15320 - Bryan, T.:
Railways in Wartime
15.00 €
60895 - French, D.:
Raising Churchill's Army. The British Army and the War Against Germany 1919-1945
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66421 - Brown-Harri-Jackson, M.-C.-C.J.:
Ration Book Diet
25.00 €
47153 - Smith, R.:
Rear Gunner Pathfinders
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44960 - Smith, F.G.:
Red Tobruk. Memoirs of a WWII Destroyer Commander
36.00 €
42441 - Irons, R.:
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36.00 €
41072 - Nesbit, R.C.:
Reported Missing. Lost Airmen of WWII
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53748 - Stafford, D.:
Resistenza segreta. Le missioni del SOE in Italia 1943-1945 (La)
20.00 €
55124 - More, C.:
Road to Dunkirk. The British Expeditionary Force and the Battle of the Ypres-Comines Canal 1940 (The)
45.00 €
25499 - Tout, K.:
Roads to Falaise. Cobra and Goodwood reassessed
35.00 €
51104 - AAVV, :
Romagna 1944-45. Le immagini dei fotografi di guerra inglesi dall'Appennino al Po
31.00 €
35364 - Llewellyn Jones, M.:
Royal Navy and the Arctic Convoys: A Naval Staff History (The)
125.00 €
38011 - Llewellyn Jones, M.:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Convoys: A Naval Staff History (The)
145.00 €
25502 - Brown, D. cur:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Vol I: September 1939-October 1940
135.00 €
25168 - Brown, D. cur:
Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Vol II: November 1940-December 1941
135.00 €
25534 - Page, CLW cur:
Royal Navy and the Raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe
49.95 €
65551 - Tudor, M.:
SAS in Italy 1943-1945. Raiders in Enemy Territory
30.00 €
49579 - Lett, B.:
SAS in Tuscany 1943-1945
36.00 €
49401 - Mortimer, G.:
SAS in World War II. An Illustrated History (The)
15.00 €
45736 - McCue, P.:
SAS Operation Bulbasket. Behind the Lines in Occupied France 1944
25.00 €
49843 - Mackay, F.:
SAS Trooper. Charlie Radford's Operations in Enemy-Occupied France and Italy
36.00 €
31282 - McLean, S:
SAS. History of the Special Raiding Squadron. Paddy's Men
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57652 - Mortimer, G.:
SAS. Lo Special Air Service nella seconda guerra mondiale
28.00 €
59533 - Davis MC, P.:
SAS. Men in the Making. An Original Account of Operations in Sicily and Italy
39.95 €
54598 - Mortimer, G.:
SBS in World War II. An Illustrated History (The)
15.00 €
36412 - AAVV, :
Scorched Earth: British Fighter Command DVD
18.00 €
47214 - Young, D. cur:
Scottish Voices from WWII
29.95 €
49755 - Briggs, A.:
Secret Days. Codebreaking in Bletchley Park
36.00 €
53896 - Richards, B.:
Secret Flotillas Vol 1. Clandestine Sea Operations in Brittany 1940-1944
29.95 €
53897 - Richards, B.:
Secret Flotillas Vol 2. Clandestine Sea Operations in the Western Mediterranean, North African and the Adriatic 1940-1944
29.95 €
30140 - Warner, P.:
Secret Forces of WWII
25.00 €
62816 - Festorazzi, R.:
Secret. MI6. L'implacabile azione dei servizi segreti inglesi contro il Duce 1943-1945
20.00 €
38970 - Turner, J.F.:
Service Most Silent. The Navy's Fight Against Enemy Mines
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34142 - Pike, R.:
Seven Seas, Nine Lives
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42295 - Fullick, R.:
Shan Hackett. The Pursuit of Exactitude
25.00 €
48957 - Brown, R.:
Shark Squadron. The History of 112 Squadron 1917-1975
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42159 - Barker, R.:
Ship-Busters! A Classic Account of RAF Torpedo-Bombers in WWII
23.00 €
63104 - Pitchford, G.:
Shot Down and in the Drink. True Stories of RAF and Commonwealth Aircrews Saved from the Sea in WWII
17.50 €
63107 - Pitchford, G.:
Shot Down and on the Run. True Stories of RAF and Commonwealth Aircrews of WWII
17.50 €
70103 - Bovi-Moscuzza, L.-A.:
Sicilia.WW2 Speciale: Gliders a Siracusa. Il primo assalto con gli alianti
20.00 €
42286 - Page Schrader, H.:
Sisters in Arms. British and American Women Pilots during WWII
36.00 €
68515 - O Hara, V.P.:
Six Victories. North Africa Malta and the Mediterranean Convoy War November 1941-March 1942
45.00 €
48944 - Franks, N.:
Sky Tiger. The Story of Sailor Malan
12.00 €
33951 - Whiting, C.:
Slaughter over Sicily
25.00 €
22915 - Lewin, R.:
Slim: the Standardbearer
9.00 €
52253 - Martin, L.:
So Few Got Through. With the Gordon Highlanders from Normandy to the Baltic
27.00 €
36600 - Pottinger, R.:
Soldier in the Cockpit. From Rifles to Typhoons in WWII (A)
21.00 €
52049 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Sommergibili britannici nella seconda guerra mondiale e il caso dell'HMS Graph (I)
22.00 €
24625 - Doherty, R.:
Sound of History. El Alamein 1942 (The)
35.00 €
18003 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Special Air Service (1941-1945)
20.00 €
50997 - Scott, M.:
Special Forces Commander. The Life and Wars of Peter Wand-Tetley OBE MC Commando, SAS, SOE and Paratrooper
36.00 €
59526 - Miller, D.:
Special Forces Operations in South-East Asia 1941-1945. Minerva, Baldhead and Longshanks/Creek
36.00 €
58095 - Patucchi, M.:
Spia venuta dal nulla. Storia di Gabor Adler agente britannico morto nel 1944 per la liberta' di Roma (La)
15.90 €
45867 - Ruzzi, M.:
Spionaggio, controspionaggio e ordine pubblico in Veneto. Aprile-dicembre 1945
12.50 €
47213 - Hugh, T.:
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15.00 €
56523 - Sarkar, D.:
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66991 - Sarkar, D.:
Spitfire! The full story of a unique Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron
45.00 €
68537 - Larson, E.:
Splendore e vilta'
22.00 €
26146 - Pieraccini, G.:
Spring Time 1945. Tempo di primavera. VIII Armata. Le operazioni preliminari e complementari all'offensiva del 9 aprile 1945 nel settore adriatico del fronte
11.00 €
50248 - Ogden, A.:
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38913 - Evans, P.:
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25.00 €
41066 - Donald, W.:
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59938 - Smith, D.:
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61305 - Truesdale, D.:
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61854 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Storia dei Commando
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54143 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Storia del Coastal Command
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Storia dell'estrema destra inglese
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30928 - Melville, M.L.:
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31947 - Kite, B.:
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48960 - Smith, P.C.:
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25250 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Strategic Air War against Germany. The official report of the british Bombing Survey Unit
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41730 - O Hara, V.P.:
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67779 - Incerti, M.:
Suonatore matto (Il)
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51353 - Kessel, L.:
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42094 - Docherty, T.:
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42579 - Docherty, T.:
Swift to Battle. No 72 Fighter Squadron RAF in Action Vol II: 1942 to 1947
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48373 - Rivaz, R.C.:
Tail Gunner
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62215 - Robison, B.:
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42158 - Foster, R.W.:
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22298 - Dealforce, P.:
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Target Italy. I servizi segreti inglesi contro Mussolini. Le operazioni in Italia 1940-1943
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42576 - Cooper, A.:
Target Leipzig. The RAF's Disastrous Raid of 19-20 February 1944
36.00 €
47035 - Smith, P.C.:
Task Force 57. The British Pacific Fleet 1944-45
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70129 - Russell, J.:
Theirs the Strife. The Forgotten Battles of British Second Army and Armeegruppe Blumentritt, April 1945
45.00 €
54001 - Goodrum, A.:
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43522 - Eyre, P.:
Those Who Dared. Gallantry Awards to the British SAS and Attached SBS Units 1941-1946
22.00 €
72529 - Kite, B.:
Through Adversity. Britain and the Commonwealth's War in the Air 1939-1945 Vol 1
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46398 - Ogden, A.:
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36.00 €
47216 - Sweetman, J.:
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17.00 €
31714 - Bellamy, B.:
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55989 - Cherry, N.:
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56504 - Hilary, R.:
Ultimo nemico (L')
10.90 €
54482 - Hillary, R.:
Ultimo nemico (L')
13.50 €
72530 - Kite, B.:
Undaunted. Britain and the Commonwealth's War in the Air 1939-1945 Vol 2
55.00 €
26204 - Lewis, W.J.:
Under the Red Duster. The Merchant Navy in WWII
35.00 €
52639 - Grehan-Mace, J.-M.:
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36.00 €
39643 - Douglas, J.:
Unofficial History. Field-Marshall Sir William Slim
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41369 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Uomini della RAF. Il Bomber Command nella battaglia di Berlino 1943-1944
22.00 €
62886 - Warren-Benson, C.E.T.-J.:
Uomini sul fondo
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51641 - Crosley, R.M.:
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46490 - Stanley, R.M.:
V Weapons Hunt
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43091 - Migliavacca, R.:
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18.00 €
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21255 - Beesly, P.:
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63343 - Best, B.:
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40057 - Ellis, L.F. cur:
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66041 - Pearson, J.:
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58072 - Tariq, A.:
Vita e malefatte di Winston Churchill
25.00 €
58043 - Bowman, M.:
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50471 - Turner, J.F.:
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56077 - Kelly, S.:
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44751 - Roskill, S.:
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44752 - Roskill, S.:
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44753 - Roskill, S.:
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44754 - Roskill, S.:
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24686 - Newark, T.:
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40079 - Butler, J.R.M. cur:
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25865 - Jeffreys, A.:
Warrior 066: British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-45
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39077 - Crowdy, T.:
Warrior 133: SOE Agent. Churchill's Secret Warriors
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45811 - Moreman-Ruggeri, T.-R.:
Warrior 148: Long Range Desert Group Patrolman. Western Desert 1940-43
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58712 - Konstam-Turner, A.-G.:
Warrior 181: British Commando 1940-45
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63082 - Grant-Turner, N.-G.:
Warrior 183: British Tank Crewman 1939-45
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46817 - Schofield, V.:
Wavell. Soldier and Statesman
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46153 - Baveystock, L.:
Wavetops at my Wingtips. Flying with RAF Bomber and Coastal Command in WWII
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47031 - Verity, H.:
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17.50 €
48178 - Sandall, H.J.:
We Wage War by Night. An Operational and Photographic History of No.622 Squadron RAF Bomber Command
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48961 - Chappel, F.R.:
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48292 - Dunning, J.:
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47070 - Johnson, J.:
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28.00 €
46707 - Drucker, G.:
Wings over the Waves. The Biography and Letters of Lieut. Com. Roy Baker-Falkner DSO DSC RN
39.95 €
22742 - Pelling, H.:
Winston Churchill
9.00 €
27381 - Warwicker, J.:
With Britain in mortal Danger. Britain's Most Secret Army of WWII
35.00 €
38008 - Wellham, J.:
With Naval Wings. The Autobiography of a Fleet Air Arm Pilot in World War II
27.00 €
52640 - Bryn, E.:
With the East Surreys in Tunisia and Italy 1942-1945. Fighting for Every River and Mountain
39.95 €
51758 - Hart-Mann, S.-C.:
World War II Secret Operations Handbook. Sabotaging the Nazi War Machine
25.00 €
21534 - Brayley-Ingram, M.J.-R.:
World War II Tommy. British Army Uniforms, European Theatre 1939-45
36.00 €
33954 - Naydler, M.:
Young Man, You'll Never Die
36.00 €