Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Europa continentale: Francia / Belgio / Olanda / Ardenne
II GM: Olocausto
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - A.O.I.
II GM - Balcani
II GM - Italia/Foibe
II GM - Blitzkrieg
II GM - Batt. Inghilterra
II GM - Germania 1944-45
II GM - Fr. Russo
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM - Resistenza
II GM - Prig.di Guerra/IMI
Risultati della Ricerca: 772 Prodotti
64607 - Stasi, J.C.:
'Chariot'. Le plus grande Raid Commando de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Saint-Nazaire 28 mars 1942
25.00 €
46913 - Dear, I.:
10 Commando
25.00 €
52221 - Bando, M.:
101st Airborne Division dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Vanguard of the Crusade (La)
45.00 €
34229 - Francois, D.:
101st Airborne in Normandy. A History in Period Photographs
75.00 €
63798 - Buffetaut, Y.:
101st Airborne in Normandy. June 1944 - Men, Battles, Weapons (The)
33.00 €
23223 - Bando, M.A.:
101st Airborne: Screaming Eagles at Normandy
36.00 €
23376 - Saunders-Hone, T.-R.:
12th Hitlerjugend SS Panzer Division in Normandy
45.00 €
41536 - Alberti-Bergonzi-Maggi-Merli, A.-P.-C.-L.:
17 August, 1943 East Anglia-Regensburg-Po Valley
15.00 €
69044 - Frognier, R.:
193rd Glider Infantry Regiment dans les Ardennes. Du sang sur la niege
25.00 €
24144 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Americans in Brittany. The Battle for Brest
39.95 €
15066 - De Diego Vaquerizo, C.:
1944 German Armour in Normandy
25.00 €
56780 - Pigoreau, O.:
1944 l'ete chaud de collabos. Sur le front de Normandie et dans les roues de Paris
27.00 €
24114 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Les americans en Bretagne. La bataille de Brest
39.95 €
57940 - De Loisy, P.:
1944, Le FFI deviennent soldats
29.95 €
36211 - Christensen, B.:
1st Fallschirmjaeger Division in World War II Vol 2: Years of Retreat (The)
99.00 €
41202 - Mortimer, G.:
2 SAS. Bill Stirling and the forgotten special forces unit of World War II
39.95 €
66317 - Deprun, F.:
2. Panzer-Division Tome 1: Normandie 1944 janvier-Juin 1944 Reformation et combats
65.00 €
66318 - Deprun, F.:
2. Panzer-Division Tome 2: Normandie 1944 1 juillet - 12 aout 1944 Caen Vire Mortain
65.00 €
68001 - Deprun, F.:
2. Panzer-Division Tome 3: Normandie 1944 13 aout - septembre 1944 Falaise et repli
65.00 €
60587 - Caravaggio, A.:
21 Days in Normandy. Maj. Gen. George Kitching and the 4th Canadian Armoured Division
45.00 €
54788 - Balkoski, J.:
29e Division Americaine en Normandie. Omaha Beach - Saint-Lo - Vire (La)
29.95 €
68366 - Bernage, G.:
29th Infantry Division. Un siecle et demi d'epopee
59.95 €
42493 - Fournier-Lymard, L.A.:
2e DB dans la liberation de Paris et de sa region Vol 1 (Le)
45.00 €
43633 - Fournier-Lymard, L.A.:
2e DB dans la liberation de Paris et de sa region Vol 2 (Le)
45.00 €
34230 - Miller, K.:
365th Fighter Squadron in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-47
75.00 €
65626 - Storey, E.:
3e Division d'Infanterie canadienne. Normandie, Boulogne, Belgique, Hollande, Allemagne (La)
25.00 €
41563 - Prime, C.:
3rd US Army. Patton's Own (La)
45.00 €
15071 - Whiting, C.:
44: in combat from Normandy to the Ardennes
29.95 €
61610 - Lavit, S.:
45e Division d'Infanterie Americaine. Du debarquement en Provence a la liberation de Dachau (La)
25.00 €
31858 - Watts, P.:
467th Bombardment Group (H) in World War II. in Combat with the B-24 Liberator over Europe (The)
75.00 €
29638 - Fairfield, T.A.:
479th Fighter Group in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-38 and P-51
85.00 €
52231 - Robinard-Trombetta-Clementine, F.-P.-J.:
50 Aerodromes pour une victoire. Juin-Septembre 1944
65.00 €
70246 - Villatoux-Le Sant, P.-T.:
6 Juin. Le Debarquement. L'album souvenir
27.50 €
51749 - Porter, D.:
7th Armoured Division at Villers-Bocage. 13th June 1944 - Visual Battle Guide
33.00 €
29641 - Francois, D.:
82nd Airborne in Normandy. A History in Period Photographs
75.00 €
67031 - Bianchi, G.:
82nd e 101st Airborne Division in battaglia Vol 1. Normandia Market-Garden Bastogne Easy Company
30.00 €
67032 - Bianchi, G.:
82nd e 101st Airborne Division in battaglia Vol 2. Normandia Market-Garden Bastogne Easy Company
30.00 €
57514 - Baumer, R.W.:
Aachen. The US Army's Battle for Charlemagne's City in World War II
39.95 €
32245 - Going-Jones, C.-A.:
Above the Battle: D-Day The Lost Evidence
29.95 €
52730 - Nelson-Roger, R.J.-C.:
Advance and Destroy. Patton as Commander in the Bulge
39.95 €
39517 - Carafano, J.J.:
After D-Day. Operation Cobra and the Normandy Breakout
27.00 €
37022 - ATB, :
After the Battle 008 Battle of the Falaise Pocket
9.95 €
37047 - ATB, :
After the Battle 033 St. Malo
9.95 €
37078 - ATB, :
After the Battle 064 Battle of Den Bosch
9.95 €
37093 - ATB, :
After the Battle 079 Bielefeld Viaduct
9.95 €
37094 - ATB, :
After the Battle 080 Death of Rommel
9.95 €
37098 - ATB, :
After the Battle 084 Supreme Headquarters for D-Day
9.95 €
37133 - ATB, :
After the Battle 119 Break-Out Across the Seine
9.95 €
40004 - ATB, :
After the Battle 139 Capture of Le Havre
9.95 €
58492 - ATB, :
After the Battle 168 Battle for Brest
9.95 €
60193 - ATB, :
After the Battle 171 Americans across the Moselle
9.95 €
60192 - ATB, :
After the Battle 172 Battle for Hochwald Gap
9.95 €
53060 - Cooper, A.:
Air Battle for Arnhem
36.00 €
54231 - Cooper, A.:
Air Battle of the Ruhr. RAF Offensive March-July 1943
25.00 €
64841 - Konstam, A.:
Air Campaign 007: Sink the Tirpitz 1942-44. The RAF and Fleet Air Arm duel with Germany's mighty battleship
27.00 €
69384 - Worrall-Turner, R.-G.:
Air Campaign 024: Ruhr 1943. the RAF's brutal fight for Germany's industrial hearthland
27.00 €
70143 - Bourque-Groult, S.A.-E.A.:
Air Campaign 028: D-Day 1944. The deadly failure of Allied heavy bombing on June 6
27.00 €
52249 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Assaults from the Sky
39.95 €
54229 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Bloody Beaches
36.00 €
54660 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Gold Juno Sword
36.00 €
53400 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. The Build Up
39.95 €
54228 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Winged Pegasus and the Rangers
36.00 €
54233 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 1. The Build Up to the Beginning
39.95 €
54234 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 2. So Near and Yet So Far
39.95 €
54236 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 3. Shrinking Perimeter
39.95 €
54686 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 4. A Bridge too Far
39.95 €
57999 - Townshend Bickers, R.:
Air War Normandy
25.00 €
71654 - Foreman-Bock, J.-W.:
Air-War 1942 Holding The Line Part 1: January to April 42
33.00 €
72214 - Newell, G.R. cur:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 1: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17-26 September 1944
75.00 €
72215 - Newell, G.R. cur:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 2: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17th-26th September 1944
90.00 €
41632 - Newell, G.R.:
Airborne to Arnhem Vol 3: Personal reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market 17th-26th September 1944
95.00 €
57409 - Gardner, I.:
Airborne. The Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company
17.50 €
20984 - Thomas-Davey, C.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 027: Typhoon and Tempest Aces of World War II
27.00 €
32063 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 069: Mosquito Aces of World War II
27.00 €
58728 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 131: Spitfire Aces of the Channel Front 1941-43
27.00 €
25302 - Gooderson, I.:
Airpower at the Battlefront. Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943-45
55.00 €
53915 - McManus, J.C.:
Alamo in the Ardennes. The Untold Story of the American Soldiers Who Made the Defense of Bastogne Possible
21.00 €
32559 - Nordyke, P.:
All American, All the Way. The Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II
45.00 €
64634 - Buffetaut, Y.:
Allied Armor in Normandy - Men, Battles, Weapons
33.00 €
57246 - Cuevas, P.:
Amberes 1944. La campana del estuario del Escalda - Imagenes de Guerra 07
20.00 €
43236 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 1: The March to D-Day
39.95 €
43237 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 2: Storming Ashore
39.95 €
46822 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 3: the Battle in France
39.95 €
57076 - Nordyke, M.P.:
American Heroes of World War II. Normandy June 6, 1944
45.00 €
58774 - Failmezger, V.:
American Knights. The Untold Story of the Men of the Legendary 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion
33.00 €
51003 - Norton, B.:
American Military Gliders of World War II. Development, Training, Experimentation, and Tactics of all Aircraft Types
85.00 €
53926 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at D-Day. The American Experience at the Normandy Invasion (The)
25.00 €
53916 - McManus, J.C.:
Americans at Normandy: the Summer of 1944. The American War from the Normandy Beaches to Falaise
27.00 €
39583 - Ducellier, D.:
Amiens Raid. Secrets Revealed (The)
36.00 €
56240 - Woodadge, P.:
Angels of Mercy. Two Screaming Eagle Medics in Angoville-au-Plain on D-Day
33.00 €
30262 - Gaujac, P.:
Aout 1944. Debarquement de Provence (Le)
45.00 €
29774 - Bergstroem, C.:
Ardennes 1944-1945. Hitler's Winter Offensive (The)
69.95 €
65931 - Guillemot, P.:
Ardennes 1944. De Nuages et de Feu. Guerre aerienne sur les Ardennes d'Anvers a Bodenplatte
35.00 €
63800 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Ardennes Battlefields. December 1944-January 1945 (The)
39.95 €
59134 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Ardennes. Battle of the Bulge (The)
39.95 €
26651 - Connell, J.M.:
Ardennes. The Battle of the Bulge 1944-45
25.00 €
21922 - Whiting, C.:
Ardennes: the secret war
29.95 €
55749 - Saint Martin, G.:
Arme blindee francaise Tome 2. 1940-1945: dans le fracas des batailles (L')
39.95 €
64715 - Gregory, R.:
Armor Color Gallery 15: Camouflage and Markings of the British Expeditionary Force. France 1939-1940. Part 1: 1st Army Tank Brigade
39.95 €
49954 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Armored Attack 1944. US Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge
55.00 €
69090 - Napier, S.:
Armored Campaign in Normandy. June-August 1944
36.00 €
27807 - Elson, A.:
Armored Fist. The 712th Tank Battalion in the Second World War (The)
29.95 €
62615 - Roberts, C.C.:
Armored Strike Force. Photo History of the American 70th Tank Battalion in World War II
45.00 €
51803 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Armored Victory 1945. US Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from the Battle of the Bulge to Germany's Surrender
55.00 €
43601 - Boscawen, R.:
Armoured Guardsmen. A War Diary from Normandy to the Rhine
25.00 €
71606 - Jarzembowski, J.:
Armoured Hussars Vol 1. Images of the 1st Polish Armoured Division 1939-47
33.00 €
71635 - Jarzembowski-Bradley, J.-D.T.:
Armoured Hussars Vol 2. Images of the 1st Polish Armoured Division. Normandy August 1944
39.95 €
71220 - Didden-Swarts, J.-M.:
Army that got Away. The German 15. Armee in the Summer of 1944 (The)
115.00 €
43560 - Urquhart, R.E.:
27.00 €
26317 - Buckingham, W.:
Arnhem 1944
15.00 €
66928 - Bergstroem, C.:
Arnhem 1944. An Epic Battle Revisited Vol 1: Tanks and Paratroopers
39.95 €
66927 - Bergstroem, C.:
Arnhem 1944. An Epic Battle Revisited Vol 2: The Lost Victory September-October 1944
39.95 €
43045 - Middlebrook, M.:
Arnhem 1944. The Airborne Battle
39.95 €
47333 - Middlebrook, M.:
Arnhem 1944. The Airborne Battle
29.95 €
54010 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Jumping the Rhine 1944 and 1945. The Greatest Airborne Battle in History
17.50 €
66321 - Ritchie, S.:
Arnhem. Myth and Reality. Airborne Warfare, Air Power and the Failure of Operation Market Garden
29.95 €
25510 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Operation Market Garden, September 1944
45.00 €
47630 - Steer, F.:
Arnhem. The Fight to Sustain. Untold Story of the Airborne Logisticians
39.95 €
51047 - Ford, K.:
Assault Crossing. The River Seine 1944
36.00 €
47475 - Braeuer, L.:
Atlantic Wall in France 1940-1945 (The)
21.00 €
52838 - Stahlberg, M.:
Atlantikwall 1942-1944. Franzoesische Atlantikkueste
29.00 €
62097 - Stahlberg, M.:
Atlantikwall 1942-1944. Von Frankreich bis Norwegen
29.00 €
30260 - Gaujac, P.:
August 15, 1944. Dragoon, the other Invasion of France
45.00 €
46685 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Banda di fratelli. La storia della compagnia Easy
14.00 €
58873 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Bastogne. The Story of the First Eight Days
29.95 €
55215 - AAVV, :
Bataille de Falaise - Uniformes HS 32 (Le)
18.00 €
69600 - AAVV, :
Bataille de Normandie 1944 Magazine 02: Le Koenigstiger '233' de Saumur identifie
17.50 €
69599 - AAVV, :
Bataille de Normandie 1944 Magazine 03: Winters a Brecourt
17.50 €
69592 - AAVV, :
Bataille de Normandie 1944 Magazine 04: Kamikazes de Hitler en Baie de Seine
17.50 €
46282 - AAVV, :
Bataille de Normandie. Memoires d'objets - Uniformes HS 25 (La)
18.00 €
59503 - Guillemot, P.:
Bataille des Ardennes 1944 Tome 1. Echec a la derniere Blitzkrieg (La)
45.00 €
60146 - Guillemot, P.:
Bataille des Ardennes 1944 Tome 2. Echec a la derniere Blitzkrieg (La)
45.00 €
30767 - Herubel, M.:
Bataille des Ardennes 1944/1945 - Gaz. des Uniformes HS 18 (La)
18.00 €
35098 - Groul, H.:
Bataille pour la Pointe du Hoc
35.00 €
56041 - Roba-Cornil, J.L.-P.:
Batailles Aeriennes HS 01: Le debarquement. Les combats aeriens de Juin 1944
21.00 €
44941 - Bussoni, M.:
Battaglia delle Ardenne (La)
18.00 €
15721 - Toland, J.:
Battaglia delle Ardenne (La)
30.00 €
44785 - Black, R.W.:
Battalion. The Dramatic Story of the 2nd Ranger Battalion in WWII (The)
29.95 €
49968 - Koskimaki, G.:
Battered Bastards of Bastogne. A Chronicle of the Defense of Bastogne. December 19, 1944 - January 17, 1945 (The)
18.00 €
44013 - Wong, J.B.:
Battle Bridges. Combat River Crossings World War II
39.95 €
33517 - Cavanagh, W.C.C.:
Battle East of Elsenborn and the Twin Villages (The)
25.00 €
55499 - Bauer, C.:
Battle of Arnhem (The)
29.95 €
55830 - Van Lunteren, F.:
Battle of the Bridges. The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden
33.00 €
22795 - Toland, J.:
Battle of the Bulge (The)
15.00 €
56066 - Cross, R.:
Battle of the Bulge 1944 - Hitler's Last Hope (The)
33.00 €
59504 - Guillemot, P.:
Battle of the Bulge 1944 Vol 1. The Failure of the Final Blitzkrieg (The)
45.00 €
60223 - Guillemot, P.:
Battle of the Bulge 1944 Vol 2. The Failure of the Final Blitzkrieg (The)
45.00 €
15762 - Gaul, R.:
Battle of the Bulge in Luxemburg Vol I - The Germans
45.00 €
15763 - Gaul, R.:
Battle of the Bulge in Luxemburg Vol II - The Americans
45.00 €
15764 - Pallud, J.P.:
Battle of the Bulge Then and Now
79.95 €
15765 - Vorwald, P.M.:
Battle of the Bulge through the lens
49.95 €
43004 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 1: The Losheim Gap / Holding the Line
29.95 €
44791 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 2: Hell at Butgenbach / Seize the Bridges
29.95 €
56080 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 3: The 3rd Fallschirmjager Division in Action, December 1944-January 1945
25.00 €
30243 - Tsouras, P. cur:
Battle of the Bulge. Hitler's Alternate Scenarios
36.00 €
27088 - Jordan, D.:
Battle of the Bulge. The first 24 Hours
33.00 €
24617 - Carruthers, B.:
Battle of the Bulge. The First Eight Days (The)
25.00 €
60584 - Parker, D.S.:
Battle of the Bulge. The German View. Perspectives from Hitler's High Command (The)
21.00 €
71615 - Skipper, B.:
Battle of the Bulge. The last Counter Offensive in the West
29.95 €
27034 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Battle Orders 003: US Armored Divisions. The European Theater of Operations, 1944-45
29.95 €
30597 - Zaloga, S:J.:
Battle Orders 010: US Tank and Tank Destroyer Battalions in the ETO 1944-45
29.95 €
35903 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Battle Orders 025: US Airborne Divisions in the ETO 1944-45
29.95 €
51737 - Brown, C.:
Battle Story: Arnhem 1944
15.00 €
51720 - Rawson, A.:
Battle Story: Battle of the Bulge 1944-45
15.00 €
46819 - O'Keeffe, T.:
Battle Yet Unsung. The Fighting Men of the 14th Armored Division
36.00 €
30138 - Havers, R.P.W.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Battle for Cherbourg
27.00 €
30629 - Yates, P.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Battle for St-Lo
27.00 €
30627 - Latawski, P.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Falaise Pocket
27.00 €
29461 - Trew, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Gold Beach
27.00 €
28773 - Ford, K.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Juno Beach
27.00 €
29458 - Badsey-Bean, S.-T.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Omaha Beach
27.00 €
30628 - Pugsley, C.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Operation Cobra
27.00 €
28242 - Clark, L.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Orne Bridgehead
27.00 €
30218 - Hart, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Road to Falaise
27.00 €
28299 - Ford, K.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Sword Beach
27.00 €
28181 - Badsey, S.:
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56779 - Giard, R.:
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49849 - Saunders, T.:
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64940 - Saunders, T.:
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Big Red One - GI 31 (The)
17.00 €
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21.00 €
15836 - Eisenhower, J.S.:
Bitter woods. The Battle of the Bulge
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46396 - Delaforce, P.:
Black Bull. From Normandy to the Baltic with the 11th Armoured Division (The)
25.00 €
31537 - McGilvray, E.:
Black Devil's March. A Doomed Odyessey. The 1st Polish Armoured Division 1939-45 (The)
55.00 €
45014 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Blitzkrieg no longer. German Wehrmacht in Battle, 1943
36.00 €
58622 - Van Lunteren, F.:
Blocking Kampfgruppe Peiper. The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the Battle of the Bulge
33.00 €
54609 - Graves, D.E.:
Blood and Steel 1. The Wehrmacht Archive: Normandy 1944
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Bloody Verrieres Vol I. The I. SS-Panzerkorps' Defence of the Verrieres-Bourguebus Ridges: Operations Goodwood and Atlantic 18-22 July 1944
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Bloody Verrieres Vol II. The I. SS-Panzerkorps' Defence of the Verrieres-Bourguebus Ridges: the Defeat of Operation Spring and the Battles of Tilly-La-Campagne, 23 July-5 August 1944
55.00 €
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71009 - Robinard, F.:
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Boys of Pointe du Hoc. Ronald Reagan, D-Day and the US Army 2nd Ranger Battalion (The)
18.00 €
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38191 - Copp, T.:
Brigade. The Fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWII (The)
21.00 €
52830 - Bouchery, J.:
British Soldier Vol 1 and Vol 2 (The)
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31086 - Fortin, L.:
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25.00 €
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Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends. Two WWII Paratroopers from the Original Band of Brothers tell their Story
21.00 €
55860 - Stewart, A.:
Caen Controversy. The Battle for Sword Beach 1944
33.00 €
53924 - Compton-Brotherton, L.B.-M.:
Call of Duty. My Life before, during and after the Band of Brothers
21.00 €
58481 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
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29.95 €
61219 - Healy-Rolfe, M.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings Ground 03. Camouflage and Markings Normandy Campaign Part 2: US and German forces
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19251 - Badsey, S.:
Campaign 001: Normandy 1944. Allied Landings and Breakout
27.00 €
15438 - Arnold, J.:
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27.00 €
18557 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
Campaign 075: Lorraine 1944. Patton versus Manteuffel
27.00 €
21634 - Zaloga-Bryan, S.J.-T.:
Campaign 088: Operation Cobra 1944. Breakout from Normandy
27.00 €
21981 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 092: St Nazaire 1942. The Great Commando Raid
27.00 €
22532 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 100: D-Day 1944 (1) Omaha Beach
27.00 €
22533 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 104: D-Day 1944 (2) Utah Beach and US Airborne Landings
27.00 €
22535 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 105: D-Day 1944 (3) Sword Beach and the British Airborne Landings
27.00 €
23554 - Ford-Lyles, K.-K.:
Campaign 112: D-Day 1944 (4) Gold and Juno Beaches
27.00 €
25863 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 115: Battle of the Bulge 1944 (1) St Vith and the Northern Shoulder
27.00 €
25658 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 127: Dieppe 1942. Combined Operations Catastrophe
27.00 €
29888 - Ford-Dennis, K.-P.:
Campaign 143: Caen 1944. Montgomery's Break-Out Attempt
27.00 €
29935 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 145: Battle of the Bulge 1944 (2) Bastogne
27.00 €
30563 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Campaign 149: Falaise 1944. Death of an army
27.00 €
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Campaign 194: Liberation of Paris 1944. Patton's race for the Seine
27.00 €
40735 - Zaloga, S.:
Campaign 210: Operation Dragoon 1944. France's other D-Day
27.00 €
47716 - Brooks-Turner, R.-G.:
Campaign 235: Walcheren 1944. Storming Hitler's island fortress
27.00 €
49409 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 236: Operation Pointblank 1944. Defeating the Luftwaffe
27.00 €
50847 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 242: Metz 1944. Patton's fortified nemesis
27.00 €
52356 - Lieb-Dennis, P.-P.:
Campaign 249: Vercors 1944. Resistance in the French Alps
27.00 €
55439 - Ford, K.:
Campaign 268: Operation Neptune 1944. D-Day's Seaborne Armada
27.00 €
56886 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 270: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (1) The American Airborne Missions
27.00 €
57363 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 278: Cherbourg 1944. The first Allied victory in Normandy
27.00 €
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Campaign 294: Operation Totalize 1944. The Allied drive sout from Caen
27.00 €
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Campaign 301: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (2) The British Airborne Missions
27.00 €
61783 - Zaloga-Shumate, S.J.-J.:
Campaign 308: St Lo 1944. The Battle of the Hedgerows
27.00 €
64041 - Ford, K.:
Campaign 317: Operation Market-Garden 1944 (3) The British XXX Corps Missions
27.00 €
64043 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Campaign 320: Brittany 1944. Hitler's Final Defenses in France
27.00 €
65749 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Campaign 335: Mortain 1944. Hitler's Normandy Panzer offensive
27.00 €
67050 - Rodgers-Tan, R.-D.:
Campaign 350: Nierstein and Oppenheim 1945. Patton Bounces the Rhine
27.00 €
43235 - English, J.A.:
Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign (The)
29.95 €
49386 - Copp-Bechtold, T.-M.:
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49.95 €
47110 - Copp-Bechthold, T.-M.:
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42.50 €
48039 - Copp, T.:
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40342 - Bechthold-Copp, M.-T.:
Canadian Battlefields in Northwest Europe 1944-45. A Visitor's Guide
42.50 €
54857 - Hicks, N.:
Captured at Arnhem. From Railwayman to Paratrooper
36.00 €
56585 - Pisani, A.R.:
Carentan Causeway. Normandy 1944 (The)
27.00 €
62587 - Van den Brink, D.:
Carentan. The Battle - June 1944
25.00 €
66509 - Manes, L.:
Carro armato medio Sherman nel teatro bellico europeo (Il)
19.90 €
36636 - AAVV, :
Cartina: 102 Bataille de Normandie-Battle of Normandy
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37319 - AAVV, :
Cartina: 103 Bataille de Provence-Battle of Provence
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37320 - AAVV, :
Cartina: 104 Bataille d'Alsace-Battle of Alsace
6.50 €
37003 - AAVV, :
Cartina: 105 Voie de la Liberte'. Juin 1944 - Janvier 1945
6.50 €
56602 - AAVV, :
Cartina: Major and Mrs. Holt' Battle Map of Market Garden
12.00 €
55704 - AAVV, :
Cartina: Major and Mrs. Holt' Battle Map of the Normandy D-Day Landing Beaches
12.00 €
58629 - Le Sant, T.:
Casques de la bataille de Normandie (Les)
50.00 €
26547 - Fortin, L.:
Chars Britanniques en Normandie (Les)
40.00 €
69722 - Segretain, F.:
Chars en Normandie. Ete 1944 le choc
45.00 €
36882 - Irwin, W.:
Chiamati in azione. Francia 1944: la storia segreta delle forze speciali alleate
18.60 €
24340 - Delaforce, P.:
Churchill's Desert Rats - From Normandy to Berlin
25.00 €
46397 - Greenacre, J.:
Churchill's Spearhead. The Development of Britain's Airborne Forces in WWII
36.00 €
27421 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Cittadini in Uniforme. L'esercito americano dallo sbarco in Normandia alla resa della Germania: la guerra vista da soldati che l'hanno combattuta
14.00 €
51006 - Sage, E.H.:
Clay Pigeons. A B-17 Pilot's Story of World War II (The)
45.00 €
37650 - Doubler, M.D.:
Closing with the Enemy. How GIs fought the War in Europe 1944-1945
25.00 €
43012 - Sparks, B.:
Cockleshell Commando
25.00 €
56147 - Hartcup, G.:
Code Name MULBERRY. The Planning, Building and Operation of the Normandy Harbours
19.95 €
36450 - Ashley Hart, S.:
Colossal Cracks. Montgomery's 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe 1944-45
21.00 €
64515 - Nobecourt, J.:
Colpo di coda di Hitler. Storia della battaglia delle Ardenne (Il)
25.00 €
58689 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Combat 015: US Infantryman vs German Infantryman. European Theater of Operations 1944
25.00 €
61763 - Greentree, D.:
Combat 023: New Zealand Infantryman vs German Motorcycle Soldier. Greece and Crete 1941
25.00 €
64050 - Campbell, D.:
Combat 033: US Airborne Soldier vs German Soldier. Sicily, Normandy and Operation Market Garden 1943-44
25.00 €
64827 - Greentree, D.:
Combat 034: Hitlerjugend Soldier vs Canadian Soldier
25.00 €
66534 - Greentree-Dennis, D.-P.:
Combat 042: British Airborne Soldier vs Waffen-SS Soldier. Arnhem 1944
25.00 €
15654 - Scutts-Tullis, J.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 002: B-26 Marauder Units of the Eighth and Ninth Air Forces
27.00 €
15667 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 015: B-24 Liberator Units of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
15660 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 018: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 1)
27.00 €
22568 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 031: Lancaster Squadrons 1942-43
27.00 €
23470 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 036: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (part 2)
27.00 €
30571 - Isby-Davey, D.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 054: C-47/R4D Units of the ETO and MTO
27.00 €
46434 - Thomas-Thomas, C.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 086: Typhoon Wings of 2nd TAF 1943-45
27.00 €
50856 - Weal-Weal, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 091: He 111 Kampfgeschwader in the West
27.00 €
50857 - Bernstein-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 092: P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force
27.00 €
71470 - Lowe-Laurier-Hector, M.V.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 149: Bf 109 Jabo Units in the West
27.00 €
73213 - Streetly, M.:
Combat Aircraft 154: Wilde Sau Nightfighters.
27.00 €
69567 - Rubbel, H. cur:
Combat History of German Tiger Tank Battalion 503 in World War II (The)
49.95 €
67852 - Haasler-Vosters, T.-S.:
Combat History of Sturmpanzer-Abteilung 217
65.00 €
52849 - Saunders, T.:
Commandos and Rangers in D-Day Operations
39.95 €
53917 - Brotherton, M.:
Company of Heroes. Personal Memories about the Real Band of Brothers and the Legacy they left us (A)
29.95 €
40685 - Bowman, M.W.:
Confounding the Reich. The RAF's Secret War of Electronic Countermeasures in WWII
36.00 €
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33.00 €
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16474 - Burgett, D.:
Currahee! Lo sbarco in Normandia
17.00 €
50268 - Gilbert, M.:
19.95 €
16516 - Collier, R.:
D-Day 6 June 1944
27.00 €
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D-Day a Pointe du Hoc. Normandia giugno 1944
15.00 €
41449 - Ferreira, S.:
D-Day American Paratrooper
15.00 €
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D-Day American Soldier
15.00 €
21691 - Flagel, T.R.:
D-Day and the Normandy Campaign - Battle Briefings 01
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D-Day Assault. The Second World War Assault Training Exercises at Slapton Sands
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D-Day Bombers. The stories of Allied Heavy Bombers During the Invasion of Normandy
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D-Day Companion. Leading historians explore history's greatest amphibious assault
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D-Day Companion. Leading historians explore history's greatest amphibious assault (Paperback ed)
25.00 €
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D-Day Deception. Operation Fortitude and Normandy Invasion
25.00 €
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D-Day Diary. Life on the Front Line in the Second World War
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55968 - De Trez-Hendrikx, M.-P.:
D-Day Minus. 17 September 1944
65.00 €
66231 - Falconer, J.:
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44786 - Baumgarten, H.:
D-Day Survivor. An Autobiography
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72781 - Hoeller, H.:
D-Day Tank Hunter. The World War II memoirs of a frontline officer from North Africa to the bloody soil of Normandy
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D-Day With the Screaming Eagles
18.00 €
56854 - Gasparini, M.:
D-Day. Da Omaha Beach a Berlino
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22384 - Kershaw, R.J.:
D-Day. Piercing the Atlantic Wall
17.50 €
16523 - Ambrose, S.E.:
D-Day. Storia dello sbarco in Normandia
14.00 €
26233 - Fowler, W.:
D-Day. The First 24 Hours
36.00 €
16524 - Holderfield, R.:
D-Day. The invasion of Normandy June 6, 1944
21.50 €
66363 - Razeto, C.:
D-Day. Una storia diversa
13.00 €
44072 - Liddle, P. cur:
D-Day: by Those Who where there
36.00 €
66930 - Bergstroem, C.:
Daisy. The History of a C-47/DC-3 in World War II
21.00 €
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Dambuster. The Life of Guy Gibson VC
25.00 €
42132 - Ward-Lee, C.-A.:
Dambusters. The Forging of a Legend: 617 Squadron in WWII
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23320 - Euler, H.:
Dams Raid through the Lens (The)
45.00 €
54772 - Merriam, R.E.:
Dark December. The Full Account of the Battle of the Bulge
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Dawn of D-Day. These men were there, 6 june 1944
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39429 - Danby, J.:
Day of the Panzer. A Story of American Heroism and Sacrifice in Southern France (The)
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Day the Devils Dropped in (The)
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25.00 €
16549 - Speer, F.:
Debden Warbirds. 4th Fighter Group in WWII
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50894 - Gardner, I.:
Deliver Us From Darkness. The untold story of Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment during Market Gardern
15.00 €
42865 - Wurst, S.:
Descending from the Clouds. From North Africa to VE Day with 505 PIR 82nd Airborne
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25893 - Verney, C.L.:
Desert Rats. The 7th Armoured Division in World War II (The)
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Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 15: La batalla de las Ardenas (1)
10.00 €
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10.00 €
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10.00 €
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10.00 €
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10.00 €
69922 - Desperta, Esp.:
Desperta Ferro Numero Especial 28 Panzer (V) 1944 El ano del Tiger
12.00 €
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Destin tourmente', histoire de l'Aerodrome de Caen-Carpiquet. De 1937 a nos jours (Un)
65.00 €
44645 - Bennett , G.H.:
Destination Normandy. Three American Regiments on D-Day
25.00 €
16597 - Reynolds, M.:
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29.95 €
43561 - Powell, G.:
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27.00 €
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39.95 €
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25.00 €
16645 - Henry, H.:
Dieppe through the Lens
27.00 €
41552 - Swinton-Cerino Badone (cur), E.D.-G.:
Difesa del guado del pivello. Alcune esperienze nel campo delle tattiche difensive per le minori unita' che potrebbero essere utili nella nostra prossima guerra - vers. HB (La)
25.00 €
16683 - Tsouras, P.:
Disaster at D-Day
25.00 €
28207 - Morgan, M.K.A.:
Down to Earth. The 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Normandy: June 6 - July 11, 1944
85.00 €
52937 - Anderson, D.:
Downfall of the Third Reich (The)
25.00 €
40624 - Frost, J.:
Drop Too Many (A)
21.00 €
33589 - Frost, J.:
Drop Too Many (A)
25.00 €
37611 - Hart, A.H.:
Duel 002: Sherman Firefly vs Tiger. Normandy 1944
25.00 €
33170 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Duel 013: Panther vs Sherman. Battle of the Bulge 1944
25.00 €
36306 - Blumenson, M.:
Duel for France, 1944. The Men and Battles that changed the Fate of Europe
24.00 €
55405 - Mitzel, J.T.:
Duty Before Self. The Story of the 781st Tank Battalion in World War II
49.95 €
27067 - Reynolds, M.:
Eagles and Bulldogs in Normandy 1944
25.00 €
53922 - Malarkey-Welch, D.-B.:
Easy Company Soldier. The Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from WWII's Band of Brothers
19.95 €
43218 - Speer, F.L.:
Eighty-One Aces of the 4th Fighter Group
75.00 €
37652 - Weigley, R.F.:
Eisenhower's Lieutenants. The Campaign of France and Germany. 1944-1945
36.00 €
15520 - Chappell, M.:
Elite 064: Army Commandos 1940-45
23.00 €
52372 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 129: World War II US Cavalry Groups: European Theater
23.00 €
34759 - Werner, B.:
Elite 145: First Special Service Force 1942-44
23.00 €
63079 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 219: D-Day Beach Assault Troops
23.00 €
70177 - Wenting-Castelein-Stacey, M.-K.-M.:
Elite 245: Dutch Resistance 1940-45. WWII Resistance and Collaboration in the Netherlands
23.00 €
16845 - Pergrin, D.:
Engineering the victory: the battle of the Bulge
45.00 €
56437 - Pigoreau, O.:
Espion nazi a Paris. Interrogatoire du SS-Hauptstumfuehrer Roland Nosek (Un)
27.00 €
54183 - Guenther, H.:
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49.95 €
43566 - Poolman, K.:
Faith, Hope and Charity. The Defence of Malta
15.00 €
17001 - Anderson, C.:
Fall of Fortress Europe: from the battle of the Bulge to the crossing of the Rhine - GI 18
17.00 €
37646 - Copp, T.:
Fields of Fire. The Canadians in Normandy
39.95 €
62501 - Franks, N.:
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Fighters of the 8th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
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46915 - Hill, J.:
Fighting Brigadier. The Life of Brigadier James Hill
36.00 €
32177 - Whitlock, F.:
Fighting First. The Untold Story of the Big Red One on D-Day (The)
21.00 €
54929 - Brown-Poyser, B.-T.:
Fighting Fox Company. The Battling Flank of the Band of Brothers
33.00 €
26922 - Isby, D. cur:
Fighting in Normandy. The German Army from D-Day to Villers Bocage
23.00 €
26924 - Isby, D.C. cur:
Fighting the Invasion. The German Army at D-Day
23.00 €
51146 - Womer-DeVito, J.-S.:
Fighting with the Filthy Thirteen. The World War II Story of Jack Womer Ranger and Paratrooper
25.00 €
23145 - Engler, R.:
Final Crisis: Combat in Northern Alsace, January 1945 (The)
69.95 €
28362 - Tout, K.:
Fine Night for Tanks. The road to Falaise (A)
15.00 €
57424 - Mackay, R.:
First Combat Bomb Wing in World War II (The)
49.95 €
36159 - MacKay, R.:
First in the Field: The 1st Air Division over Europe in WWII
75.00 €
59531 - Kent, R.:
First In. The Airborne Pathfinders. A History of the 21st Indipendent Parachute Company 1942-1946
36.00 €
53283 - Enright, M.:
Flyers Far Away. Australian Aircrews over Europe in World War II
49.95 €
20341 - Deprun-Flotte', F.-B.:
Fontenay-Rauray. Autopsie d'une bataille. Normandie 25-28 Juin 1944
49.95 €
69588 - Jeanne, F.:
Fontenay-Rauray. The Bear and Fox, Ready for the Fray. La 49th Division et la 8th brigade face a la Panzer-Lehr et la Hitlerjugend, 13.6. - 1.7.1944
62.00 €
42867 - Bilder-Bilder, M.-J.G.:
Footsoldier for Patton. The Story of a 'Red Diamond' Infantryman with the US Third Army (A)
19.95 €
64509 - Baldoli-Knapp, C.-A.:
Forgotten Blitzes. France and Italy under Allied Air Attack 1940-1945
49.95 €
55100 - Sosabowski, S.:
Freely I Served. The Memoir of the Commander 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade 1941-1944
36.00 €
44787 - Balkoski, J.:
From Beachhead to Brittany. The 29th Infantry Division at Brest. August-September 1944
36.00 €
48298 - Murrell, C.N.:
From Dunkirk to the Rhineland. Diaries and Sketches of Sergeant Charles Murrell, Welsh Guards
36.00 €
17314 - Koch, O.:
G-2. Intelligence for Patton
21.00 €
42806 - Morelock, J.D.:
Generals of the Bulge. American Leadership in the US Army's Greatest Battle
45.00 €
44235 - Ramsey-Pallud, W.-J.P.:
German Coastal Radar Stations Then and Now
45.00 €
58886 - Harding Ganz, A.:
Ghost Division. The 11th 'Gespenster' Panzer Division and the German Armored Force in WWII
55.00 €
25284 - Mansoor, P.R.:
GI Offensive in Europe. The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 (The)
30.00 €
36840 - Hoyt, E.P.:
GI's War. American Soldiers in Europe during World War II (The)
25.00 €
19386 - Mc Manus, J.:
Giorno che cambio' la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 6 giugno 1944 lo sbarco in Normandia: le diciannove ore che hanno segnato il destino del mondo
12.90 €
26328 - Ryan, C.:
Giorno piu' lungo. 6 giugno 1944. Le 24 ore che decisero l'assalto alla 'Fortezza Europa' (Il)
14.00 €
42571 - Peters-Buist, M.-L.:
Glider Pilots at Arnhem
36.00 €
41012 - Muelle, R.:
Glorieuse epopee du 1er Bataillon de Choc 1943-1945 (La)
33.00 €
43604 - Daglish, I.:
Goodwood. The British Offensive in Normandy, July 1944
25.00 €
17555 - Maguire, J.:
Gooney Birds and Ferry Tales. The 27th Air Transport Group in WWII
75.00 €
58343 - Meyer, K.:
Grenadiere. La vita e le battaglie di uno dei migliori comandanti di uomini delle Waffen-SS 2a Ed. Ampliata
36.00 €
17645 - Meyer, K.:
39.95 €
18379 - Bernage-Cadel, G.-G.:
Guerre des GI's (La)
36.00 €
65569 - Ordas, J.B.:
Guide du Paris occupe'
36.00 €
54454 - Atkinson, R.:
Guns at Last Light. The War in Western Europe 1944-1945 (The)
49.95 €
70775 - Andrew, A.:
Ham and Jam. 6th Airborne Division in Normandy - Generating Combat Effectiveness: November 1942-September 1944
45.00 €
32716 - Koskimaki, G.:
Hell's Highway. Chronicle of the 101st Airborne Division in the Holland Campaign, September-November 1944
18.00 €
30280 - How, J.J.:
Hill 112. Cornerstone of the Normandy Campaign
45.00 €
54945 - Bando, M.:
Histoire secrete de la 101st Airborne Division dans la Bataille de Normandie. Avenging Eagles
39.95 €
65500 - Jarbinet, P.:
Historica Speciale: Airborne 44 Edizione integrale
14.99 €
30873 - Cockle-Volstad, T.-R.:
Hitler Youth and the 12. SS-Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend' 1933-1945
16.00 €
60569 - Parker, D.S.:
Hitler's Ardennes Offensive. The German View of the Battle of the Bulge
23.00 €
56849 - Baudin, P.:
Hitler's Spyplane Over Normandy 1944. The World's First Jet
39.95 €
63128 - Tiquet, P.:
Hitlerjuegend. Normandie 1944. Temoignages
35.00 €
35321 - Doherty, R.:
Hobart's 79th Armoured Division at War
36.00 €
49011 - Afiero, M.:
Hohenstaufen. 9. SS-Panzer-Division
48.00 €
31844 - Haasler, T.:
Hold the Westwall or perish with it. The History of Panzer-Brigade 105 - September 1944
65.00 €
49958 - Haasler, T.:
Hold the Westwall. The History of Panzer Brigade 105. September 1944
29.95 €
47329 - Zuehlke, M.:
Holding Juno. Canada's Heroic Defence of the D-Day Beaches: June 7-12, 1944
33.00 €
50658 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 17: La bataille des Ardennes Tome I
17.50 €
54648 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 22: Duels dans le bocage. Combat de chars en Normandie
17.50 €
57237 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 25: 1944 L'ete' des occasions manquees
17.50 €
66086 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 40: Lorraine 1944. L'occasion manquee de Patton
17.50 €
66967 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 42: Finir la guerre a l'ouest. Vaincre la bete!
17.50 €
67921 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 44: Panzer en Normandie. Autopsie d'un gachis
17.50 €
68563 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 46: II. SS-Panzerkorps. Les pretoriens de l'ordre noir
17.50 €
69677 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 47: La poche de Falaise. Aout 1944
17.50 €
61471 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 53: Market Garden l'occasion manquee
17.00 €
70352 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 55: La bataille de Normandie. 1944: l'ete decisif
17.00 €
39815 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 05: Guide des unites blindes Allemandes et Alliees de juin a septembre 1944
13.00 €
60422 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 29: 5. Panzer Armee
15.00 €
62848 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 31: Koursk. Tournant de la guerre a l'est
15.00 €
65385 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 34: Le Jour le plus long. 6 juin 1944
15.00 €
65806 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 37: La Bataille des Ardennes. L'Offensive Allemande
15.00 €
64631 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 20: Operation 'Neptune'. Les Operations Aeronavales du Debarquement
17.50 €
61577 - Armes Militaria, HS:
HS Militaria 099: 1st Infantry Division Big Red One
13.10 €
51748 - Porter, D.:
I SS Panzer Corps at Villers-Bocage. 13 June 1944 - Visual Battle Guide
33.00 €
49089 - Baret, J.G.:
I Wouldn't Want to do it Again
33.00 €
31841 - Anzuoni, R.P.:
I'm the 82nd Airborne Division! A History of the All American Division in World War II After Action Reports
85.00 €
49009 - Whitlock, F.:
If Chaos Reigns. The Near-Disaster and Ultimate Triumph of the Allied Airborne Forces on D-Day. June 6, 1944
25.00 €
53930 - Wilson, G.:
If You Survive. From Normandy to the Battle of the Bulge to the End of WWII. One American Officer's Riveting True Story
12.00 €
53885 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in Northwest Europe
27.00 €
52102 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Normandy
27.00 €
33295 - Crosby, F.:
Images of War. D-Day
25.00 €
66413 - Cochet, F.:
Images of War. Fallschirmjaeger Vol 2: German Paratroopers 1942-1945
27.00 €
65025 - Forty, S.:
Images of War. Normandy 1944. The Battle of Hedgerows
25.00 €
33591 - Close, R.:
In Action with the SAS. A soldier's odyssey from Dunkirk to Berlin
36.00 €
40974 - Powdrill, E.A.:
In Face of the Enemy
36.00 €
18056 - Tieke, W.:
In the Firestorm of the last Year of the War
65.00 €
53919 - Alexander, L.:
In the Footsteps of the Band of Brothers. A Return to Easy Company's Battlefields with Sergeant Forrest Guth
21.00 €
56678 - Turner, J.F.:
Invasion '44. The Full Story of D-Day
25.00 €
63395 - Freeman, R.A.:
Invasion Airfields Then and Now
55.00 €
19430 - Bernage, G.:
Invasion Normandie 1944
39.95 €
43106 - Morison, S.E.:
Invasion of France and Germany. 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 11
29.95 €
39357 - Blaker, G.A.:
Iron Knights. The US 66th Armored Regiment in WWII
27.00 €
57710 - Nordyke, P.M.:
Irresistible Force. Lieutenant Colonel Ben Vandervoort and the 2nd Battalion. 505th Parachute Infantry in World War II (An)
33.00 €
22612 - Kershaw, R.J.:
It never snows in September. German view of Market Garden and the battle of Arnhem
15.00 €
71298 - Tildem-Ralston, R.-W.:
Joachim Peiper. Il guerriero della Leibstandarte
30.00 €
33808 - Gawne, J.:
Jour-J a l'aube. Ler troupes d'assaut americaines en Normandie
29.95 €
51148 - Alexander-Sparry, M.-J.:
Jump Commander. In Combat with the 505th and 508th Parachute Infantry Regiments, 82nd Airborne in WWII
19.95 €
43083 - Burns, D.T.:
Jump into the Valley of the Shadow
19.95 €
47322 - Zuehlke, M.:
Juno Beach. Canada's D-Day Victory - June 6, 1944
33.00 €
44491 - Rusiecki, S.M.:
Key to the Bulge. The Battle for Losheimergraben (The)
25.00 €
53396 - Moore, P.:
Kursk in Normandy. Operation Goodwood 1944
19.95 €
55970 - De Trez, M.:
Legendary Cricket of D-Day (The)
12.00 €
17206 - Dufour, P.:
Legion Etrangere - Foreign Legion 1939-1945 (La)
46.50 €
42545 - Fleischer-Eiermann, W.-R.:
Letzte Jahr der Waffen-SS. Mai 1944-Mai 1945 (Das)
18.00 €
54797 - Aubin, N.:
Liberty Roads. The American Logistics in France and Germany 1944-1945
45.00 €
49007 - Griesser, V.:
Lions of Carentan. Fallschirmjager-Regiment 6 1943-1945 (The)
27.00 €
18587 - Frappe, J.:
Luftwaffe face au debarquement. Normandie 6 Juin-31 Aout 1944
75.00 €
42863 - Bennett, D.:
Magnificent Disaster. The Failure of the Market Garden. The Arnhem Operation September 1944 (A)
21.00 €
54404 - Durrieu, A.:
Memoire des bunkers. Les plus belles fresques du Mur de l'Atlantique (La)
35.00 €
37876 - Powell, G.:
Men at Arnhem
25.00 €
18812 - Reynolds, M.:
Men of Steel. I SS Panzer Corps. The Ardennes and Eastern Front 1944-45
29.95 €
17263 - Sumner-Chappell, I.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 318: French Army 1939-45 (2)
19.00 €
21135 - Henry-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 350: US Army in World War II (3) North-West Europe
19.00 €
15970 - Brayley-Chappell, M.J.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 354: British Army 1939-45 (1) North-West Europe
19.00 €
18861 - Schadewitz, M.:
Meuse first, then Antwerp. Some aspects of Hitler's offensive in the Ardennes (The)
59.95 €
24758 - Agte, P.:
Michael Wittmann und die Tiger der Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
65.00 €
63115 - Nijborg, D.:
Mighty Eight. Masters of the Air over Europe 1942-1945 (The)
45.00 €
39374 - Hadaway, S.:
Missing Believed Killed. The Royal Air Force and the Search for Missing Aircrew 1939-1952
25.00 €
47260 - Skorzeny, O.:
Missioni segrete. Dalla liberazione di Mussolini alle Ardenne
22.00 €
46714 - Reynolds, M.:
Monty and Patton. Two Path to Victory
27.00 €
59929 - Forrestrer, C.:
Monty's Functional Doctrine. Combined Arms Doctrine in British 21st Army Group in Northwestern Europe 1944-45
39.95 €
56601 - Buckley, J.:
Monty's Men. The British Army and the Liberation of Europe
33.00 €
46281 - Braeuner, L. cur:
Mur de l'Atlantique en France 1940-1944 - Gaz. des Armes HS 17 (Le)
18.00 €
41279 - Bernage, G.:
Mur de l'Atlantique face au debarquement. 6 juin 1944
25.00 €
52482 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Muralla del Atlantico (La)
17.50 €
68418 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 294: Allied Tanks in Normandy 1944
19.00 €
68420 - Zaloga-Rodriguez, S.J.-F.:
New Vanguard 296: Tanks of D-Day 1944. Armor on the beaches of Normandy and southern France
19.00 €
55646 - Gosling, D.:
Night Fighter Navigator. Beaufighters and Mosquitos in WWII
36.00 €
48534 - Brandon-Rawnsley-Wright, L.-C.F.-R.:
Night Flyer/Mosquito Pathfinder. Night Operations in World War II
29.95 €
28813 - Solarz, J.:
No 154 France 1944 Vol 1
19.00 €
30903 - Solarz, J.:
No 216 France 1944 Vol 2 ENGLISH
22.00 €
43327 - Cowburn, B.:
No Cloack, no Daggers. Allied Spycraft in Occupied France
36.00 €
39646 - Reid, B. A.:
No Holding Back. Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944
29.95 €
44646 - WalburghSchmidt, H.:
No Return Flight. 13th Platoon at Arnhem 1944
39.95 €
59343 - Barron-Cygan, L.-D.:
No Silent Night. The Christmas Battle for Bastogne
22.00 €
56908 - Gardner, I.:
No Victory in Valhalla. The untold story of 3rd Battalion 506 PIR from Bastogne to Berchtesgaden
33.00 €
35008 - Bussoni, M.:
Normandia. I luoghi dello sbarco e della battaglia
15.00 €
61515 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 20: Clausewitz 110
17.50 €
63422 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 24
17.50 €
63785 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 26: Cote 112
17.50 €
64342 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 27: 6 juin 1944: Utah Beach
17.50 €
64897 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 28: Panzer a Mortain Bombardements du Havre
17.50 €
65612 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 29: Utah beach
17.50 €
65613 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 30 Carentan Caen
17.50 €
65220 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 31 75e Anniversaire Normandie 44
17.50 €
66280 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 32 US Paratroopers et Fallschirmjager La Fiere, Caumont ...
17.50 €
66822 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 33 Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Montebourg, Rauray, Isigny-sur-Mer
17.50 €
67223 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 34 Les Britanniques affrontent la Waffen-SS
17.50 €
63618 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 35 La Brigade Neerlandaise entre en action
17.50 €
68181 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 36 Les Wespen de la Hohenstaufen de Evrecy a Maltot
17.50 €
68307 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 37 Stug et Brummbaer deployes en Normandie
17.50 €
69245 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 39 Massacre a Graignes?
17.50 €
69779 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 40 Caen, la bataille finale
17.50 €
69780 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 41 Utah Beach
17.50 €
69974 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 42 6 Juin a l'aube
17.50 €
70374 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 43 Mourir a Saint-Lo
17.50 €
66760 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 44 Paras US au combat
17.50 €
70620 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 45 Le massacre des tanks du First Hussars au Mesnil-Patry
17.50 €
71538 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 46 La 84.ID vers le front
17.50 €
71951 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 47 Air Force - Gathemo - Tinchebray - Gold Beach
17.50 €
24308 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 48 Paras canadiens au Havre - Wespen de la Hohenstaufen
17.50 €
73031 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 50
17.50 €
52891 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 51 80e Anniversaire
17.50 €
52890 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine 52 Contre-attaque!
17.50 €
61117 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 06: Les Panzers face au debarquement 6-8 juin 1944
15.00 €
61122 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 08: La bataille du Cotentin 9-19 juin 1944
15.00 €
44352 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 13: Normandie 1944 6 Juin 1944
17.50 €
44290 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 14: Bataille de Normandie
17.50 €
65622 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 16: Combats pour Rauray 26-27-28 Juin 1944
21.00 €
66278 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 17: 6 Juin 1944 Objectif Arromanches. Gold Beach
17.50 €
66279 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 18: FNFL Les marins francais du Jour-J
15.00 €
68203 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 20: Bataille pour la Pointe du Hoc Tome 2
13.50 €
21466 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 21: l'odyssee du 506th PIR. Vers le Jour J
17.50 €
53782 - AAVV, :
Normandie 1944 Magazine HS 22: l'odyssee du 506th PIR. Normandie, 6 juin 1944
17.50 €
30710 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Francese)
65.00 €
30645 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Inglese)
65.00 €
52215 - Bauduin, P.:
Normandie 1944. Arado, l'avion espion
45.00 €
47804 - Quellien, J.:
Normandie 44
55.00 €
48799 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie Album Memorial. Invasion Journal Pictorial
65.00 €
15708 - Stiri, C.:
Normandie. La Bataille - 6 Juin/12 Septembre 1944
13.00 €
51725 - Milano-Conner, V.-B.:
Normandiefront. D-Day to Saint-Lo through German Eyes
25.00 €
19252 - Zetterling, N.:
Normandy 1944. German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness
39.95 €
65421 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Normandy Battlefields. Bocage and Breakout. From the Beaches to the Falaise Gap (The)
33.00 €
55832 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Normandy Battlefields. D-Day and the Bridgehead (The)
33.00 €
54729 - Boyd, D.:
Normandy in the time of darkness. Everyday Life and Death in the French Channel Ports 1940-1945
39.95 €
53903 - Stanley, R.M.:
Normandy Invasion June 1944. Looking Down on War (The)
39.95 €
40840 - Francois, D.:
Normandy. Breaching the Atlantic Wall From D-Day to the Breakout and Liberation
60.00 €
69594 - Dieuleveu, C. cur:
Nous, les barbares. Temoignage d'un jeune Prussien de la 10. SS-Panzerdivision 'Frundsberg'
25.00 €
30640 - Le Penven-Simmonet, E.-S.:
Nr 4 Commando. 1er BFM Commando du Commandant Kieffer
49.95 €
56778 - Giard, R.:
Object Temoins Normandie 1944
19.95 €
47384 - Bernage, G.:
Objectif Carentan 6-15 juin 1944
21.00 €
57330 - Bernage, G.:
Objectif Cherbourg. 22-30 juin 1944
25.00 €
15704 - Wenkin, H.:
Odyssee Du 506th PIR. De Toccoa au Jour J
45.00 €
16708 - von Rosen, R.:
Officier des Panzers de la Russie a la Normandie. Du Panzer III au Koenigstiger
50.00 €
57126 - Balkoski, J.:
Omaha Beach 6 Juin 1944
29.95 €
44784 - Slaughter-Kershaw, J.R.-A.:
Omaha Beach and Beyond: The Long March of Sergeant Bob Slaughter
21.00 €
55846 - Shuey, T.:
Omaha Beach Field Guide
21.00 €
42456 - Balkoski, J.:
Omaha Beach: D-Day, June 6, 1944
29.95 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
53933 - Zuehlke, M.:
On to Victory. The Canadian Liberation of the Netherlands. March 23-May 5, 1945
36.00 €
62910 - Pallud, J.P.:
Operation 'Dragoon' and Beyond. Then and Now
45.00 €
49850 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Bluecoat. Over the Battlefield
39.95 €
48805 - Bernage, G.:
Operation Cobra. La percee americaine en Normandie 2-22 juillet 1944
35.00 €
55416 - Gassend, J.L.:
Operation Dragoon. Autopsy of a Battle. The Allied Liberation of the French Riviera. August-September 1944
115.00 €
42828 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Epsom. Over the Battlefield
27.00 €
71112 - Jacquet-Paysant, S.-A.:
Operation Luettich. Mortain 1er-12 Aout 1944. Les panzers contre-attaquent
49.00 €
63307 - Witkowski, P.:
Operation Market Garden Paratroopers Vol 2. Weapons and Equipement of the 1st (Polish) Ind.Parachute Brigade 1941-1945
39.95 €
63873 - Witkowski, P.:
Operation Market Garden Paratroopers Vol 3. Transport of the 1st (Polish) Ind.Parachute Brigade 1941-45
29.95 €
54210 - Skipper, B.:
Operation Market Garden. A Bridge too Far
29.95 €
22481 - Forty-Timmermans, G.-T.:
Operation Market Garden. September 1944
39.95 €
41431 - Buckley-Preston Hugh, J.-P. cur:
Operation Market Garden. The Campaign for the Low Countries Autumn 1944 Seventy Years On
45.00 €
38971 - Schofield, B.B.:
Operation Neptune
36.00 €
49991 - Edwards, K.:
Operation Neptune. The Normandy Landings 1944
29.95 €
52070 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Overlord. June to September 1944 Vol 2. USAAF 8th and 9th Air Forces
27.00 €
57027 - Shannon-Wright, K.-S.:
Operation Tonga. The Glider Assault 6 June 1944
33.00 €
52722 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Torch. November-December 1942. The Anglo-American Invasion of Vichy French North Africa
27.00 €
72692 - Carretta-Vitali Hirst, L.-A.:
Operazione 'Overlord' parte 1 - Storia Militare Dossier 73
16.00 €
73148 - Carretta-Vitali Hirst, L.-A.:
Operazione 'Overlord' parte 2 - Storia Militare Dossier 74
16.00 €
69404 - Hastings, M.:
Operazione Chastise. 1943: il raid dei Dambusters i guastatori delle dighe
20.00 €
67217 - Cecini, G-.:
Operazione Market Garden
12.00 €
19429 - Hastings, M.:
Operazione Overlord. Il D-Day e la battaglia di Normandia
15.50 €
72713 - Alberti-Merli-Merli, A.-L.-S.:
Operazioni aeree sulla Normandia
15.00 €
42756 - De Trez, M.:
Orange is the Color of the Day
89.95 €
23574 - Whiting, C.:
Other Battle of the Bulge: Operation Northwind (The)
30.50 €
53513 - Balkoski, J.:
Our Tortured Souls: The 29th Infantry Division in the Rhineland, November-December 1944
36.00 €
61071 - Nordio, C.:
Overlord. Romanzo
20.00 €
51152 - Lodieu, D.:
Panther en Normandie. Odyssee du Bataillon de Panther de la 116.Panzer-Division en Normandie. Juillet-Aout 1944 (L')
39.95 €
54848 - Henning, O.:
Panzer Leader. Memoirs of an Armoured Car Commander 1944-1945
25.00 €
69590 - Cazenave, S.:
Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend Vol I: 24/6/43 - 5/6/44 Belgique-France
69.95 €
69589 - Cazenave, S.:
Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend Vol II: 6/6 - 7/7/44 Invasionsfront
75.00 €
59743 - Szamveber, N.:
Panzers de la Hitlerjugend. Normandie 1944 (Les)
45.00 €
19547 - Lefevre, E.:
Panzers in Normandy Then and Now
45.00 €
43606 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzers in Normandy. General Hans Eberbach and the German Defense of France 1944
25.00 €
47313 - Berne, K.:
Panzers in the Bocage - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
69591 - Stein, M.:
Panzers Normandie 44. Tiger de la s.Pz.Abt. 503 Normandie, Vexin normand juin-aout 1944
65.00 €
42080 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 08. Normandy Vol 1
33.00 €
47857 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 11. Normandy Vol 2
33.00 €
56612 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 16. Bulge
33.00 €
31944 - Archer-Auerbach, L.-W.:
Panzerwrecks 17. Normandy Vol 3
33.00 €
72488 - Archer, L.:
Panzerwrecks 25. Normandy Vol 4
39.95 €
45016 - Ross, R.T.:
Parachute Rifle Company. A Living Historian's Introduction to the Organization, Equipment, Tactics and Techniques of the U.S. Army's Elite Airborne Troops in Combat on the Western Front in World War II
65.00 €
63129 - Stasi, J.C.:
Paras Francais du Jour J
25.00 €
63563 - Longue, M.:
Paras US au combat. Easy Company 2/506th PIR
39.95 €
63793 - Smith-Forty, S.-S.:
Past and Present - 101st Airborne. Market Garden 1944
16.00 €
63803 - Forty-Timmermans, S.-T.:
Past and Present - 1st Airborne. Market Garden 1944
16.00 €
63792 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Past and Present - 6th Airborne. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
63801 - Smith, S.:
Past and Present - 82nd Airborne. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
63796 - Smith-Forty, S.-S.:
Past and Present - Bastogne. Ardennes 1944
16.00 €
63804 - Smith, S.:
Past and Present - Leibstandarte. Ardennes 1944
16.00 €
63794 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Past and Present - Omaha Beach. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
63802 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Past and Present - The Falaise Gap Battles. Normandy 1944
16.00 €
42779 - Stocker-Feast, T.-S.:
Pathfinder's War. An extraordinary tale of surviving over 100 Bomber Operations against all odds (A)
30.00 €
19593 - Blumenson, M.:
Patton papers 1940-1945 (The)
49.95 €
27609 - Ripley, T.:
Patton unleashed. Patton's Third Army and the Breakout from Normandy, August-September 1944
36.00 €
62202 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Patton Versus the Panzers. The Battle of Arracourt, September 1944
55.00 €
26055 - Ivie, T.:
Patton's Eyes in the Sky. USAAF Combat Reconnaissance Missions North-West Europe 1944-1945
55.00 €
24488 - Whiting, C.:
Patton's Last Battle
29.95 €
43608 - English, J.A.:
Patton's Peers. The Forgotten Allied Field Army Commanders of the Western Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
33764 - D'Este, C.:
Patton. A Genius for War
27.00 €
42429 - Barber, N.:
Pegasus and Orne Bridges. Their Capture, Defence and Relief on D-Day
36.00 €
64709 - von Keusgen, H.K.:
Pegasus Bridge et la Batterie de Merville. Deux operations commando du Jour J
39.95 €
33128 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Pegasus Bridge. D-Day: The Daring British Airborne Raid
15.00 €
16997 - Wenkin-Dujardin, H.-C.:
Percee de la Kampfgruppe Peiper dans les Ardennes
45.00 €
23270 - Bando, M.:
Percee de Normandie. La 2nd Armored Division dans la Lande des Morts
45.00 €
57341 - Jacquet, S.:
Percee du Bocage. 30 Juillet-16 aout 1944 Vol 1: Villers-Bocage, Aunay sur Odon, Le Mont Pincon, Conde' sur Noireau (La)
65.00 €
21297 - Jacquet, S.:
Percee du Bocage. 30 Juillet-7 Aout 1944 Vol 2: Caumont l'Evente', Saint Martin des Besaces, Le Beny Bocage, Vire
65.00 €
69602 - Jacquet, S.:
Percee du Bocage. 5-20 Aout 1944 Vol 3: Vassy, Tinchebray, Flers, Putange
69.95 €
54943 - Robinard-Bauduin, F.-P.:
Pilotes francais du 6 juin 1944. La FAFL en Normandie (Les)
25.00 €
38345 - Blake, S.:
Pioneer Mustang Group. The 354th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
85.00 €
55256 - Spezzano-Nash, R.-D.:
PK Cameraman No. 1: Panzerjaeger in the West 1944
55.00 €
27954 - Delaforce, P.:
Polar Bears. Monty's Left Flank: from Normandy to the Relief of Holland with the 49th Division (The)
25.00 €
28324 - Wilson, E.:
Press on regardless. The Story of the Fifth Royal Tank Regiment in World War Two
45.00 €
57100 - Nordyke, P.M.:
Put Us Down in Hell. The Combat History of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment in World War II
33.00 €
49571 - Gorle, R.:
Quiet Gunner at War. El Alamein to the Rhine with the Scottish Division (The)
36.00 €
57549 - Marriott-Forty, L.-S.:
Race to the Rhine. Liberating France and the Low Countries 1944-45 (The)
33.00 €
68368 - Derdos, D.:
Radios Alliees 1940-45 Tome 2. Les materiels de transmission anglais, americains, canadiens
85.00 €
65173 - Falconer, J.:
RAF Bomber Command Operations Manual 1939 to1945
45.00 €
33233 - Foreman, J.:
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of WWII Part 2: 1 January 1941-30 June 1943
36.00 €
44573 - Ford, K.:
Raid 008: Cockleshell Raid. Bordeaux 1942
25.00 €
44574 - Forczyk, R.:
Raid 009: Rescuing Mussolini. Gran Sasso 1943
25.00 €
44576 - Fowler, W.:
Raid 011: Pegasus Bridge. Benouville D-Day 1944
25.00 €
46439 - Ford-Gerrard, K.-H.:
Raid 013: Bruneval Raid. Operation Biting 1942
25.00 €
70192 - Lyman-Tooby, R.-A.:
Raid 057: Operation Jericho. Freeing the French Resistance from Gestapo jail, Amiens 1944
25.00 €
51134 - Millet, A.:
Raid de Bruneval et de la Poterie-Cap d'Antifer. Mystere et verite
65.00 €
51131 - Bucourt-Jeanne, N.F.:
Raid de Dieppe. 19 Aout 1942. Berneval. Pourville, Puys, Varengeville (Le)
65.00 €
21425 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 09. 1944 Les paras US en Normandie. Les temoins racontent
13.00 €
57775 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 10. 6 Juin 1944. Le jour le plus long
13.00 €
64007 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 15. Paras US de la Hollande a Berchtesgaden
13.00 €
64006 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 21. La bataille de Saint-Lo
10.00 €
53713 - Perquin, J.L.:
Resistance Vol 3. Les agents secrets de la France Libre. Le Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action
29.95 €
53714 - Perquin, J.L.:
Resistance Vol 3. The Free French Secret Agents. The Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action
29.95 €
54802 - Soulier, D.:
Resistance Vol 4. Le Plan Sussex: guerre secrete en France occupee 1943-1945
29.95 €
54803 - Soulier, D.:
Resistance Vol 4. The Sussex Plan: Secred War in Occupied France 1943-1945
29.95 €
58258 - Villatoux, P.:
Resistance Vol 5. Free French Saboteurs
35.00 €
58257 - Villatoux, P.:
Resistance Vol 5. Les saboteurs de la France Combattante
35.00 €
41506 - Steiger, J.:
Retreat through the Rhone Valley. Defensive battles of the Nineteenth Army. August-September 1944
39.95 €
25499 - Tout, K.:
Roads to Falaise. Cobra and Goodwood reassessed
35.00 €
25534 - Page, CLW cur:
Royal Navy and the Raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe
49.95 €
53653 - Ludewig-Zabecki, J.-D.T.:
Rueckzug. The German Retreat from France, 1944
55.00 €
42755 - De Trez, M.:
Sainte Mere Eglise. Photographs of D-Day. 6 June 1944
65.00 €
66013 - von Keusgen, H.K.:
Sainte-Mere Eglise et Merderet. Zone d'operations Americaine du Jour J
35.00 €
45736 - McCue, P.:
SAS Operation Bulbasket. Behind the Lines in Occupied France 1944
25.00 €
49843 - Mackay, F.:
SAS Trooper. Charlie Radford's Operations in Enemy-Occupied France and Italy
36.00 €
43408 - Wieviorka, O.:
Sbarco in Normandia (Lo)
15.00 €
66669 - Vecchioni, D.:
Sbarco in Normandia. D-day. Il giorno piu' lungo (Lo)
18.00 €
47214 - Young, D. cur:
Scottish Voices from WWII
29.95 €
58888 - Dettore, G.:
Screaming Eagle Gliders. The 321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion in World War II
59.95 €
54931 - Grace, A.M.:
Second Front. The Allied Invasion of France 1942-43. An Alternate History
33.00 €
57047 - Macintyre, B.:
Segreto del D-Day. La verita' sulle spie che ingannarono Hitler (Il)
13.00 €
56294 - McManus, J.C.:
September Hope. The American Side of a Bridge Too Far
19.95 €
41002 - Muelle- Mercier Bernadette, R.-F.:
Septembre 1944-Fevrier 1945. Ils ont libere la Lorraine et l'Alsace...
39.95 €
42295 - Fullick, R.:
Shan Hackett. The Pursuit of Exactitude
25.00 €
53921 - Brotherton, M.:
Shifty's War. The Authorized Biography of Sgt. Darrell 'Shifty' Powers, the Legendary Sharpshooter from the Band of Brothers
29.95 €
45673 - Keegan, J.:
Six Armies in Normandy. From D-Day to the Liberation at Paris
17.50 €
20322 - Ross, K.:
Sky Men. A Parachute Rifle Company's Story in the battle of the Bulge and the jump acroos the Rhine (The)
45.00 €
59717 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
Small Unit Actions
27.00 €
65167 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Smashing Hitler's Panzers. The Defeat of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division in the Battle of the Bulge
39.95 €
52253 - Martin, L.:
So Few Got Through. With the Gordon Highlanders from Normandy to the Baltic
27.00 €
26659 - Bouchery, J.:
Soldat Canadien de la Liberation 1944-1945. De la Normandie a la Baltique (Le)
45.00 €
57597 - Oliver-Andrew, D.-S.:
Soldaten. The German Soldier in World War 2 Vol 1: Holland
25.00 €
36600 - Pottinger, R.:
Soldier in the Cockpit. From Rifles to Typhoons in WWII (A)
21.00 €
35463 - Bradley, O.N.:
Soldier's Story (A)
25.00 €
42109 - Reynolds, M.:
Sons of the Reich. II SS Panzer Corps, Normandy, Arnhem, Ardennes and Eastern Front
29.95 €
55011 - Oliver, D.:
Sound Like Thunder. Mortain and Falaise, August 1944 (A) - Firefly Collection 04
25.00 €
63043 - Reiner-Hoeller-Hartinger, M.-H.-A.:
Sous les ordres de Rommel. Des deserts d'Afrique du nord aux plages de Normandie
45.00 €
23467 - Gawne, J.:
Spearheading D-Day. American Special Units in Normandy
29.95 €
20425 - Gaujac, P.:
Special forces in the invasion of France
24.00 €
56258 - Nathanson, E.M.:
Sporca dozzina (La)
19.50 €
66018 - Cuevas, P.:
SS Kampfgruppe Peiper en combate 1943-45 - Imagenes de guerra 24
21.00 €
15512 - Wenkin-Dujardin, H.-C.:
SS Panzer Battalion 501. Tigers in the Ardennes
33.00 €
23398 - Ripley, T.:
SS Steel Rain. Waffen-SS Panzer Battles in the West 1944-45
35.00 €
58428 - Afiero, M.:
SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper 1943-1945
29.00 €
26973 - Bishop, C.:
SS: Hell on the western front. The Waffen-SS in Europe 1940-1945
35.00 €
59718 - Marshall-USCMH, S.L.:
St-Lo (7 July-19 July 1944)
21.00 €
58953 - Wenkin-Dujardin, H.-C.:
Stavelot La Gleize. Le destin des Tigres de Peiper
45.00 €
20515 - Reynolds, M.:
Steel Inferno. I SS Panzer Corps
35.00 €
61305 - Truesdale, D.:
Steel Wall at Arnhem. The Destruction of 4 Parachute Brigade 19 September 1944
39.95 €
72531 - Barnes, B.S.:
Stern Reckoning. XXX Corps: From Gold Beach to the Seine (A)
59.95 €
31947 - Kite, B.:
Stout Hearts. The British and Canadians in Normandy 1944
39.95 €
56775 - Kershaw, R.:
Street in Arnhem. The Agony of Occupation and Liberation (A)
19.95 €
40615 - Cherry, N.:
Striking Back. Britain's Airborne and Commando Raids 1940-42
39.95 €
69632 - Archer-Haasler, L.-T.:
Sturmtiger. The Combat History of Sturmmoerser Kompanies 1000-1002
55.00 €
66014 - Lallemant, M.:
Sur les traces de l'Armee Allemande. Grenoble et le Vercors 1940-1944
39.95 €
51353 - Kessel, L.:
Surgeon at War. Parachuting into Arnhem with First Airborne Division
25.00 €
37404 - Lebenson, L.:
Surrounded by Heroes. Six Campaigns with Division Headquarters, 82d Airborne Division, 1942-1945
36.00 €
38369 - Yeide, H.:
Tank Killers. A History of America's World War II Tank Destroyer Force (The)
25.00 €
31374 - AAVV, :
Tanks! The Ardennes Offensive DVD
18.00 €
31399 - AAVV, :
Tanks! The Battles for Normandy DVD
18.00 €
43228 - Mackay, R.:
Third in Line. The 3rd Air Division over Europe in World War II
85.00 €
39318 - Fey, W.:
Tiger delle Waffen-SS in azione. Russia 1943-1944 - Normandia 1944 - Germania 1945
29.00 €
52226 - Lochmann-von Rosen-Rubbel, F.W.-R.-A.:
Tiger-Abteilung 503. La Schwere Panzerabteilung 503 du Front de l'Est a la Normandie
65.00 €
57440 - Walden, G.A.:
Tigers in the Ardennes. The 501st Heavy SS Tank Battalion in the Battle of the Bulge
45.00 €
54702 - Collins, M.:
Tigers of Bastogne. Voices of the 10th Armored Division during the Battle of the Bulge (The)
33.00 €
43928 - Jacquet, S.:
Tilly-sur-Seulle 1944
65.00 €
44872 - MacDonald, C.B.:
Time for Trumpets. The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge (A)
25.00 €
55524 - Oliver, D.:
To the Last Bullet. Germany's War on 3 Fronts Part 2: Italy - Firefly Collection 06
25.00 €
52580 - Bradham, R.:
To the Last Man. The Battle for Normandy's Cotentin Peninsula and Brittany
25.00 €
40768 - Gardner, I.:
Tonight We Die As Men. The untold story of Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment from Toccoa to D-Day
15.00 €
53932 - Zuehlke, M.:
Tragedy at Dieppe: Operation Jubilee. August 19, 1942
49.95 €
31714 - Bellamy, B.:
Troop Leader. A Tank Commander's Story
19.95 €
66681 - Elstob, P.:
Ultima offensiva di Hitler Vol 1: il sacrificio umano delle Ardenne (L')
22.00 €
66682 - Elstob, P.:
Ultima offensiva di Hitler Vol 2: l'assedio a Bastogne (L')
22.00 €
65086 - Beevor, A.:
Ultima vittoria di Hitler. Arnhem 1944 (L')
34.00 €
43110 - Garrison- Gilbert, G.-P.:
Unless Victory Comes. Hell on the Ground from the West Wall to Victory
39.95 €
24632 - Gawne, J.:
US Army Photo Album. Shooting the War in Color 1941-1945 USA to ETO
39.95 €
43164 - Smith-Westwell, S.-I.:
US Forces in Europe
21.00 €
43827 - Pauleian, E.:
US Military Vehicles. Normandy 1944
13.00 €
52112 - Stern, R.C.:
US Navy and the War in Europe (The)
55.00 €
27700 - Wolf, W.:
USAAF Jabos in the MTO and ETO
75.00 €
58879 - USCMH, :
Utah Beach to Cherbourg. 6-27 June 1944
25.00 €
54216 - Bertin, C.:
Vera storia dello sbarco in Normandia (La)
20.00 €
65271 - Besana, A.:
Viaggio nel D-Day. Protagonisti e luoghi dello sbarco in Normandia
15.00 €
40057 - Ellis, L.F. cur:
Victory in the West Vol I: The Battle of Normandy
39.95 €
68911 - Cristini, L.S.:
Villers Bocage. 13 giugno 1944: Michael Wittman entra nella leggenda
29.00 €
21296 - Taylor, D.:
Villers-Bocage through the Lens
30.00 €
57206 - Deprun-Jouault, F.-Y.:
Villers-Bocage. Autopsie d'une bataille
40.00 €
22060 - Taylor, D.:
Villers-Bocage. Operation 'Perch' the Complete Account
55.00 €
47674 - Hart, R.A.:
Vittoria in Normandia
22.00 €
66652 - Skorzeny, O.:
Vivere pericolosamente
39.00 €
64612 - Buffetaut, Y.:
Waffen SS in Normandy. June 1944: the Caen Sector - Men, Battles, Weapons (The)
33.00 €
49079 - Szamveber, N.:
Waffen-SS Armour in Normandy. The Combat History of SS-Panzer-Regiment 12 and SS-Panzerjaeger-Abteilung 12. Normandy 1944
45.00 €
48343 - AAVV, :
Waffen-SS sul fronte occidentale (La)
22.00 €
21381 - Patton, G.S.:
War as I knew it
25.00 €
21389 - Langellier, J.:
War in Europe: from Kasserine Pass to Berlin - GI 1
17.00 €
40079 - Butler, J.R.M. cur:
War in France and Flanders (The)
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42754 - De Trez, M.:
Way We Were. Col. Ben Vandervoort (The)
29.95 €
42753 - De Trez, M.:
Way We Were. Col. Bob Piper. G Company, 505th PIR (The)
29.95 €
42752 - De Trez, M.:
Way We Were. Doc McIlvoy (The)
36.00 €
21485 - Ritgen, H.:
Western Front 1944. Memoirs of a Panzer Lehr Officer
49.95 €
52000 - Oliver, D.:
Westwall. German Armour in the West, 1945 - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
27381 - Warwicker, J.:
With Britain in mortal Danger. Britain's Most Secret Army of WWII
35.00 €
29673 - Nelson, M.J.:
With The Black Devils. A Soldier's World War II Account with the First Special Service Force and the 82nd Airborne
39.95 €
41637 - Swiecicki, M.:
With the Red Devils at Arnhem. Personal Experiences with the 1st Polish Parachute Brigade 1944
29.95 €
49699 - Severloh, H.:
WN62. Memoires a Omaha Beach Normandie 6 Juin 1944
15.00 €
43211 - Freeman, R.A.:
Wolfpack Warriors. The Story of WWII Most Successful Fighter Outfit
21.00 €
34596 - Stanton, S.L.:
World War II Order of Battle: Encyclopedia Reference to US Army Ground Forces from Battalion through Division 1939-1946
105.00 €
49392 - Bull, S.:
World War II The Last War Heroes. From D-Day to Berlin
29.95 €
43127 - Adkins, A.Z.:
You Can't Get Much Closer Than This. Combat With Company H, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division
33.00 €
66017 - Cuevas, P.:
Zelanda. El bautismo de fuego de las Waffen SS y la llave de Europa 1940/44 - Imagenes de guerra 23
21.00 €