Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra mondiale - Guerra Terrestre
II Guerra Mondiale
II GM - Guerra Navale
II GM - Guerra Aerea
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - A.O.I.
II GM - Balcani
II GM - Italia/Foibe
II GM - Blitzkrieg
II GM - Batt. Inghilterra
II GM - Europa
II GM - Germania 1944-45
II GM - Fr. Russo
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM - Italia
II GM - Italia/RSI
II GM: Germania
II GM: Giappone
II GM: Altre Forze Asse
II GM: Gran Bretagna
II GM: Commonwealth
II GM: Altri Alleati
II GM: Stati Uniti
II GM: Russia
Armam. Terrestre (Generalità)
Risultati della Ricerca: 812 Prodotti
33947 - Villari, P.L.:
'Husky' 10 Luglio 1943. I militari italiani e la difesa della Sicilia
15.00 €
44216 - Andre-Muller, M.-P.:
10 plus grandes batailles de chars de la Seconde guerre mondiale (Les)
45.00 €
23223 - Bando, M.A.:
101st Airborne: Screaming Eagles at Normandy
36.00 €
37770 - AAVV, :
1939-1945 La guerre des Intelligences
35.00 €
54431 - Cavasinni-Franceschelli, A.-F.:
1942: Natale in Russia Libro+DVD+CD
15.00 €
33782 - Paoletti-Biscarini-Meoni, P.-C.-V.:
1943-1944 Vicende belliche e resistenza in terra di Siena
12.00 €
24144 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Americans in Brittany. The Battle for Brest
39.95 €
33783 - Biscarini, C.:
1944 I francesi e la liberazione di Siena. Storia e immagini delle operazioni militari
12.00 €
24114 - Gawne, J.:
1944 Les americans en Bretagne. La bataille de Brest
39.95 €
40996 - Muelle, R.:
1945. L'armee Francaise dans la campagne d'Allemagne
33.00 €
54788 - Balkoski, J.:
29e Division Americaine en Normandie. Omaha Beach - Saint-Lo - Vire (La)
29.95 €
42493 - Fournier-Lymard, L.A.:
2e DB dans la liberation de Paris et de sa region Vol 1 (Le)
45.00 €
43633 - Fournier-Lymard, L.A.:
2e DB dans la liberation de Paris et de sa region Vol 2 (Le)
45.00 €
15071 - Whiting, C.:
44: in combat from Normandy to the Ardennes
29.95 €
34669 - Holmes, R.:
6 June 1944. The D-Day Experience from the Invasion to the Liberation of Paris - Cofanetto+2CD
55.00 €
34193 - Fazendin, R.:
756th Tank Battalion in The Battle of Cassino, 1944
36.00 €
51749 - Porter, D.:
7th Armoured Division at Villers-Bocage. 13th June 1944 - Visual Battle Guide
33.00 €
33041 - Thorban, F.W.:
Abwehrkampf um Petsamo und Kirkenes. Operation 'Birke' und 'Nordlicht' 1944 (Der)
15.00 €
52730 - Nelson-Roger, R.J.-C.:
Advance and Destroy. Patton as Commander in the Bulge
39.95 €
26216 - Zucconi, E.:
Afrika Korps
15.00 €
31380 - AAVV, :
Afrika Korps DVD
18.00 €
30794 - Peitz-Wilkins, B.-G.:
Afrikakorps. Rommel's Tropical Army in original color
75.00 €
39517 - Carafano, J.J.:
After D-Day. Operation Cobra and the Normandy Breakout
27.00 €
40639 - Glantz, D.M.:
After Stalingrad. The Red Army's Winter Offensive 1942-1943
55.00 €
37022 - ATB, :
After the Battle 008 Battle of the Falaise Pocket
9.95 €
37023 - ATB, :
After the Battle 009 Obersalzberg
9.95 €
37033 - ATB, :
After the Battle 019 Guide to Hitler's Headquarters
9.95 €
37036 - ATB, :
After the Battle 022 Rescue of Mussolini
9.95 €
37047 - ATB, :
After the Battle 033 St. Malo
9.95 €
37052 - ATB, :
After the Battle 038 Pearl Harbor Then and Now
9.95 €
37061 - ATB, :
After the Battle 047 Operation 'Merkur', The German Invasion of Crete
9.95 €
37062 - ATB, :
After the Battle 048 Germany Surrenders
9.95 €
37065 - ATB, :
After the Battle 051 Libya - Tobruk Revisited
9.95 €
37074 - ATB, :
After the Battle 060 Maginot Line
9.95 €
37075 - ATB, :
After the Battle 061 Reichs Chancellery
9.95 €
37078 - ATB, :
After the Battle 064 Battle of Den Bosch
9.95 €
37088 - ATB, :
After the Battle 074 Peenemuende Rocket Centre
9.95 €
37093 - ATB, :
After the Battle 079 Bielefeld Viaduct
9.95 €
37094 - ATB, :
After the Battle 080 Death of Rommel
9.95 €
37095 - ATB, :
After the Battle 081 Tragino
9.95 €
37098 - ATB, :
After the Battle 084 Supreme Headquarters for D-Day
9.95 €
37104 - ATB, :
After the Battle 090 Battle for Leros
9.95 €
37109 - ATB, :
After the Battle 095 Salerno
9.95 €
37111 - ATB, :
After the Battle 097 Battle of the Alps
9.95 €
37112 - ATB, :
After the Battle 098 Battle for New Georgia
9.95 €
37123 - ATB, :
After the Battle 109 Vaagso Commando Raid
9.95 €
37133 - ATB, :
After the Battle 119 Break-Out Across the Seine
9.95 €
37134 - ATB, :
After the Battle 120 SAS Tragedy at Sennecy-Le-Grand
9.95 €
37136 - ATB, :
After the Battle 122 November push to the Rhine
9.95 €
37137 - ATB, :
After the Battle 123 Siege of Leningrad
9.95 €
37138 - ATB, :
After the Battle 124 German Air Raid Shelters
9.95 €
37144 - ATB, :
After the Battle 130 Battle for Leipzig
9.95 €
37148 - ATB, :
After the Battle 134 Kasserine
9.95 €
37762 - ATB, :
After the Battle 137 Kokoda Trail
9.95 €
40004 - ATB, :
After the Battle 139 Capture of Le Havre
9.95 €
40003 - ATB, :
After the Battle 140 Battle for Geilenkirchen
9.95 €
48325 - ATB, :
After the Battle 150 Fromelles - Cefalonia - Sinalunga
9.95 €
48330 - ATB, :
After the Battle 152 Liberation of Rome
9.95 €
49265 - ATB, :
After the Battle 153 Raid on Rommel's HQ
9.95 €
50386 - ATB, :
After the Battle 154 Heligoland
9.95 €
22521 - Grookenden, N.:
Airborne at War
35.00 €
47332 - Mrazek, J.:
Airborne Combat. Axis and Allied Glider Operations in World War II
29.95 €
35679 - Bungay, S.:
25.00 €
38596 - Villari, P.L.:
Alba della riscossa. Monte Lungo 8-16 dicembre 1943 (L')
16.50 €
57246 - Cuevas, P.:
Amberes 1944. La campana del estuario del Escalda - Imagenes de Guerra 07
20.00 €
43236 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 1: The March to D-Day
39.95 €
43237 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 2: Storming Ashore
39.95 €
46822 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann, J.E.-H.W.:
American GI in Europe in WWII Vol 3: the Battle in France
39.95 €
15331 - Berndt, T.:
American Tanks of WWII
22.95 €
36551 - Clarck, L.:
Anzio. The Friction of War. Italy and the Battle for Rome 1944
19.00 €
36304 - Blumenson, M.:
Anzio. The Gamble that failed
22.50 €
30262 - Gaujac, P.:
Aout 1944. Debarquement de Provence (Le)
45.00 €
26651 - Connell, J.M.:
Ardennes. The Battle of the Bulge 1944-45
25.00 €
31497 - Moretti, R.:
Argenta Gap. L'ultima battaglia della Campagna d'Italia. Aprile 1945
19.50 €
43483 - Glantz, D.M.:
Armageddon in Stalingrad. September-November 1942 - Stalingrad Trilogy Vol 2
59.95 €
34581 - Cornish, N.:
Armageddon Ost. The German Defeat on the Eastern Front 1944-45
36.00 €
31541 - Chazette, A.:
Armee allemande sur la cote Mediterraneenne. AOK 19 Mittelmeerkuestenfront Vol 1 (L')
35.00 €
29950 - Gaujac, P.:
Armee de la Victoire T.1 Le rearmement (L')
27.00 €
29951 - Gaujac, P.:
Armee de la Victoire T.2 De Naples a l'Elbe (L')
27.00 €
29952 - Gaujac, P.:
Armee de la Victoire T.3 De la Provence a l'Alsace (L')
27.00 €
29953 - Gaujac, P.:
Armee de la Victoire T.4 Du Rhin au Danube (L')
27.00 €
53520 - AAVV, :
Armored Bears Vol 1. The German 3rd Panzer Division in World War II
39.95 €
53522 - AAVV, :
Armored Bears Vol 2. The German 3rd Panzer Division in World War II
39.95 €
27807 - Elson, A.:
Armored Fist. The 712th Tank Battalion in the Second World War (The)
29.95 €
36666 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Armoured Operations of the Second World War Vol I
45.00 €
38189 - Wood, J.A. cur:
Army of the West. The Weekly Reports of German Army Group B from Normandy to the West Wall
21.00 €
43560 - Urquhart, R.E.:
27.00 €
26317 - Buckingham, W.:
Arnhem 1944
15.00 €
43045 - Middlebrook, M.:
Arnhem 1944. The Airborne Battle
39.95 €
47333 - Middlebrook, M.:
Arnhem 1944. The Airborne Battle
29.95 €
54010 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Jumping the Rhine 1944 and 1945. The Greatest Airborne Battle in History
17.50 €
66321 - Ritchie, S.:
Arnhem. Myth and Reality. Airborne Warfare, Air Power and the Failure of Operation Market Garden
29.95 €
25510 - Clark, L.:
Arnhem. Operation Market Garden, September 1944
45.00 €
47630 - Steer, F.:
Arnhem. The Fight to Sustain. Untold Story of the Airborne Logisticians
39.95 €
23154 - De Lillio, G.:
Arnhem: Defeat and Glory. A Miniaturist Perspective
45.00 €
28994 - Caruso, A.:
Arrivano i nostri. 10 luglio 1943: gli Alleati sbarcano in Sicilia. Il tradimento di tanti, l'eroismo di pochi
17.00 €
28329 - Cavallaro, L.:
Assalto a Cassino. La stazione, il castello, la collina
26.00 €
60102 - Buttar, P.:
Assalto al fronte orientale. L'invasione sovietica della Prussia 1944-1945
22.00 €
39547 - Ford, K.:
Assault on Sicily. Monty and Patton at War
36.00 €
52531 - Kaufmann-Kaufmann et al., :
Atlantic Wall. History and Guide
45.00 €
51750 - Hart, S.:
Atlas of Tank Warfare. From 1916 to the present day
33.00 €
45341 - de Lannoy, F.:
Au coeur du Reich. Allemagne 1945
36.00 €
34144 - Warner, P.:
Auchinleck. The Lonely Soldier
36.00 €
30260 - Gaujac, P.:
August 15, 1944. Dragoon, the other Invasion of France
45.00 €
36309 - Hoyt, E.P.:
Backwater War. The Allied Campaign in Italy, 1943-45
21.00 €
39292 - Brighton, T.:
Balaklava. La vera storia della piu' famosa carica di cavalleria di tutti i tempi
22.00 €
45332 - Glantz, D.M.:
Barbarossa Derailed. The Battles for Smolensk Vol 1 10 July-10 September 1941
85.00 €
47370 - Glantz, D.M.:
Barbarossa Derailed. The Battles for Smolensk Vol 2 10 July-10 September 1941
85.00 €
55838 - Glantz, D.M.:
Barbarossa Derailed. The Battles for Smolensk Vol 3 10 July-10 September 1941 The Documentary Companion
59.95 €
49661 - Glantz, D.M.:
Barbarossa Derailed. The Battles for Smolensk Vol 4 10 July-10 September 1941. Atlas
59.95 €
55399 - Luther, C.W.H.:
Barbarossa Unleashed. The German Blitzkrieg through Central Russia to the Gates of Moscow June-December 1941
75.00 €
28178 - Fowler, W.:
Barbarossa. The first 7 days
33.00 €
33099 - Rawson, A.:
Bataille des Ardennes. Photo inedites d'archives de guerre (La)
30.00 €
55129 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Batalla de Stalingrado 1942-1943
17.50 €
50789 - Ormeno, J.:
Batallas de Kharkov. Los medios acorazados sovieticos 1941-1943 (Las)
26.00 €
49523 - Anfora, D.:
Battaglia degli Iblei. 9-16 Luglio 1943 (La)
24.00 €
39380 - Moretti, R.:
Battaglia dell'Argenta Gap. Guida storico-turistica (La)
5.00 €
44941 - Bussoni, M.:
Battaglia delle Ardenne (La)
18.00 €
43267 - Marzilli, M.:
Battaglia di Cassino. Gennaio-maggio 1944
12.00 €
62359 - Carver, M.:
Battaglia di El Alamein (La)
22.00 €
53216 - Caruso, A.:
Battaglia di Stalingrado (La)
11.60 €
51251 - Chujkov, V.I.:
Battaglia di Stalingrado. Il racconto del generale che ha sconfitto i nazisti (La)
22.00 €
15737 - Bongiovanni, A.:
Battaglie nel Deserto
16.80 €
36913 - Rossi-Tampieri cur, R.-F.:
Battaglie sull'Appennino. Storia della Prima Divisione Britannica
20.00 €
21700 - Rastelli, A.:
Battaglie Terrestri del XX Secolo 1939-2000
22.50 €
44785 - Black, R.W.:
Battalion. The Dramatic Story of the 2nd Ranger Battalion in WWII (The)
29.95 €
44013 - Wong, J.B.:
Battle Bridges. Combat River Crossings World War II
39.95 €
33517 - Cavanagh, W.C.C.:
Battle East of Elsenborn and the Twin Villages (The)
25.00 €
41101 - Spencer , J.H.:
Battle for Crete
36.00 €
25554 - Glantz, D.M. cur:
Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study
55.00 €
25253 - Glantz, D.M. cur:
Battle for L'vov 1944. The Soviet General Staff study
135.00 €
26029 - Glantz, D.M.:
Battle for Leningrad 1941-1944 (The)
55.00 €
27682 - Forty, G.:
Battle for Malta
45.00 €
47940 - Haarr, G.H.:
Battle for Norway. April-June 1940
45.00 €
39613 - Blackwell, I.:
Battle for Sicily. Stepping Stone to Victory
36.00 €
28382 - Whiting, C.:
Battle for the Hurtgen Forest (The)
15.00 €
27574 - Glantz-Orenstein, D.M.-H.S.:
Battle for the Ukraine. The Red Army's Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii Offensive, 1944 (The)
125.00 €
55499 - Bauer, C.:
Battle of Arnhem (The)
29.95 €
43485 - Forty, G.:
Battle of Crete
15.00 €
41170 - Biank, M.A.:
Battle of Crete: Hitler's Airborne Gamble (The)
15.00 €
37538 - Glantz-House, D.M.-J.M.:
Battle of Kursk (The)
30.00 €
37792 - Mitcham-von Stauffenberg, S.W. jr-F.:
Battle of Sicily. How the Allies Lost Their Chance for Total Victory
27.00 €
28760 - Baxter-Volstad, I.-R.:
Battle of Stalingrad. Russia's Great Patriotic War
16.00 €
22795 - Toland, J.:
Battle of the Bulge (The)
15.00 €
56066 - Cross, R.:
Battle of the Bulge 1944 - Hitler's Last Hope (The)
33.00 €
15762 - Gaul, R.:
Battle of the Bulge in Luxemburg Vol I - The Germans
45.00 €
15763 - Gaul, R.:
Battle of the Bulge in Luxemburg Vol II - The Americans
45.00 €
43004 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 1: The Losheim Gap / Holding the Line
29.95 €
44791 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 2: Hell at Butgenbach / Seize the Bridges
29.95 €
56080 - Wijers, H.:
Battle of the Bulge Vol 3: The 3rd Fallschirmjager Division in Action, December 1944-January 1945
25.00 €
27088 - Jordan, D.:
Battle of the Bulge. The first 24 Hours
33.00 €
63368 - Harrison, R.W. cur:
Battle of the Dnepr. The Red Army's Forcing of the East Wall. September-December 1943- Soviet General Staf (The)
69.95 €
32055 - Sayen, J.J.:
Battle Orders 017: US Army Infantry Divisions 1942-43
29.95 €
35902 - Sayen, J.J.:
Battle Orders 024: US Army Infantry Divisions 1944-45
29.95 €
38089 - Fremont Barnes, G.:
Battle Orders 031: Royal Navy 1793-1815
29.95 €
51737 - Brown, C.:
Battle Story: Arnhem 1944
15.00 €
51720 - Rawson, A.:
Battle Story: Battle of the Bulge 1944-45
15.00 €
54002 - Healy, M.:
Battle Story: Kursk 1943
15.00 €
54004 - Brown, C.:
Battle Story: Singapore 1942
15.00 €
30138 - Havers, R.P.W.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Battle for Cherbourg
27.00 €
30629 - Yates, P.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Battle for St-Lo
27.00 €
30627 - Latawski, P.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Falaise Pocket
27.00 €
29461 - Trew, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Gold Beach
27.00 €
28773 - Ford, K.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Juno Beach
27.00 €
29458 - Badsey-Bean, S.-T.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Omaha Beach
27.00 €
30628 - Pugsley, C.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Operation Cobra
27.00 €
28242 - Clark, L.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Orne Bridgehead
27.00 €
30218 - Hart, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Road to Falaise
27.00 €
28299 - Ford, K.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Sword Beach
27.00 €
28181 - Badsey, S.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Utah Beach
27.00 €
30137 - Forty, G.:
Battle Zone Normandy: Villers Bocage
27.00 €
31376 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: Arnhem. Operation Market Garden DVD
18.00 €
32872 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: Campaign in the Balkans DVD
18.00 €
31369 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: El Alamein DVD
18.00 €
32876 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The Battle for the Crimea DVD
18.00 €
31367 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The Battle of Kursk DVD
18.00 €
31378 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The Battles for Tunisia DVD
18.00 €
31368 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The Siege of Leningrad DVD
18.00 €
31379 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: The West Wall DVD
18.00 €
43812 - Steer, F.:
Battleground Europe - Arnhem. Landing Ground and Oosterbeck
21.00 €
24252 - Tolhurst, M.:
Battleground Europe - Bulge: Bastogne
19.95 €
24011 - Tolhurst, M.:
Battleground Europe - Bulge: St Vith, 18 Volksgrenadier Division Vs US 106 Division
19.95 €
23654 - Forty, G.:
Battleground Europe - Channel Islands: German Occupation
19.95 €
23606 - Cooksey, J.:
Battleground Europe - Channel Ports: Boulogne
19.95 €
24039 - Wilson, P.:
Battleground Europe - Channel Ports: Dunkirk
19.95 €
32996 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Crossing the Rhine: Operation Plunder and Varsity
19.95 €
32997 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Dieppe: Operation Jubilee
25.00 €
32994 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Fort Eben Emael 1940
25.00 €
23614 - Cooksey, J.:
Battleground Europe - France: Calais 30 Brigades's Defiant Defence, May 1940
19.95 €
23915 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Market Garden: Hell's Highway
25.00 €
23924 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Market Garden: Nijmegen. US 82nd Airborne and Guards Armoured Division
25.00 €
23638 - Dunphie, C.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Gold Beach
19.95 €
34401 - Daglish, I.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Goodwood
19.95 €
24273 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Hill 112, Battle of the Odon
19.95 €
34404 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Juno Beach
19.95 €
34403 - Hunt, E.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Mont Pincon
19.95 €
23744 - Kilvert-Jones, T.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Omaha Beach. V Corps' Battle for the Normandy Beachhead
19.95 €
23940 - Shilleto, C.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Pegasus Bridge - Merville Battery New Ed.
25.00 €
23752 - Kilvert-Jones, T.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Sword Beach
19.95 €
23948 - Shilleto, C.:
Battleground Europe - Normandy: Utah Beach and St. Mere Eglise. VII Corps, 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions
19.95 €
49849 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - Operation Epsom. VIII British Corps vs 1st SS Panzerkorps
19.95 €
34400 - Rawson, A.:
Battleground Europe - Rhine Crossing: Remagen Bridge
19.95 €
34399 - Saunders, T.:
Battleground Europe - The Island. Nijmegen to Arnhem
25.00 €
26599 - Delaforce, P.:
Battles with Panzers. Monty's Tank Battalions 1 RTR and 2 RTR at War
35.00 €
31852 - Spayd-Wilkins, P.A.-G.:
Bayerlein. After Action Reports of the Panzer Lehr Division Commander From D-Day to the Ruhr
75.00 €
26688 - Spayd, P.A. cur:
Bayerlein. From Afrikakorps to Panzer Lehr the life of Rommel's Staff Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein
75.00 €
28901 - Glantz, D.M.:
Before Stalingrad. Barbarossa - Hitler's Invasion of Russia 1941
21.00 €
25188 - Glantz, D.M. cur:
Belorussia 1944. The Soviet General Staff study
49.95 €
48540 - AAVV, :
Berlin 1945
18.00 €
42591 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Berlin 1945 el crepusculo de los Dioses
17.50 €
41947 - AAVV, :
Berlin 1945. The collapse of the 'Thousand-Years' Reich
36.00 €
56065 - Bahm, K.:
Berlin 1945. The Final Reckoning
33.00 €
28776 - Ezquerra, M.:
Berlin a vida o muerte. Volontari spagnoli nel Terzo Reich
19.00 €
44901 - Lopez, J.:
Berlin. Les offensives geantes de l'Armee Rouge, Vistule-Oder-Elbe (12 janvier-9 mai 1945)
35.00 €
26280 - Butz, A.:
Beschreibung, Handhabung und Bedienung des MG 34 als leichtes MG, schweres MG und in der Fliegerabwehr
29.95 €
53628 - Buttar, P.:
Between Giants. The Battle for the Baltics in World War II
25.00 €
32847 - Balkoski, J.:
Beyond the Beachhead. The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy
27.00 €
40844 - D'Este, C.:
Bitter Victory. The Battle for Sicily 1943
21.00 €
15836 - Eisenhower, J.S.:
Bitter woods. The Battle of the Bulge
29.95 €
31537 - McGilvray, E.:
Black Devil's March. A Doomed Odyessey. The 1st Polish Armoured Division 1939-45 (The)
55.00 €
45014 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Blitzkrieg no longer. German Wehrmacht in Battle, 1943
36.00 €
47306 - Hargreaves, R.:
Blitzkrieg Unleashed. The German Invasion of Poland, 1939
29.95 €
41176 - Miksche, F.O.:
Blitzkrieg. The German method 1939-41
39.95 €
31224 - Sweeting, C.G.:
Blood and Iron. The German Conquest of Sevastopol
45.00 €
54609 - Graves, D.E.:
Blood and Steel 1. The Wehrmacht Archive: Normandy 1944
36.00 €
15863 - Whiting, C.:
Bloody Aachen
29.95 €
24247 - Tout, K.:
Bloody Battle for Tilly
15.00 €
34896 - Gilbert, J.:
Bloody Buron! Canada's D-Day + 1
39.00 €
36305 - Blumenson, M.:
Bloody River. The real tragedy of the Rapido
22.50 €
40959 - Hamilton, A.S.:
Bloody Streets. The Soviet Assault on Berlin, April 1945. Revised and Expanded Edition
90.00 €
43385 - Calderoni-Grandi, V.R. cur:
Blue Devils. Le battaglie del Nord-Appennino nell'autunno 1944 raccontate dai protagonisti dell'88. Divisione
40.00 €
53535 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Bolsa de Cholm (La)
17.50 €
53931 - Zuehlke, M.:
Breakout from Juno. First Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign, July 4-August 21, 1944
36.00 €
24428 - Kurowski, F.:
Bridgehead Kurland. The Six Epic Battles of Heeresgruppe Kurland
55.00 €
38191 - Copp, T.:
Brigade. The Fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWII (The)
21.00 €
42385 - Antal, J.:
Brothers in Arms. Hell's Highway
15.00 €
42643 - Haupt, W.:
Caduta di Berlino. L'ultima battaglia di Hitler (La)
25.00 €
37839 - Lesouef, P.:
Campagne de Birmanie 1942-1945 (La)
25.00 €
33375 - Lyman-Gerrard, R.-H.:
Campaign 165: Iraq 1941. The battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Falluja and Baghdad
27.00 €
43235 - English, J.A.:
Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign (The)
29.95 €
49386 - Copp-Bechtold, T.-M.:
Canadian Battlefields in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. A Visitor's Guide
49.95 €
48038 - McGeer-Symes, E.-M.:
Canadian Battlefields in Italy. The Gothic Line and the Battle for the Rivers
45.00 €
47110 - Copp-Bechthold, T.-M.:
Canadian Battlefields in Normandy. A Visitor's Guide
42.50 €
48039 - Copp, T.:
Canadian Battlefields in Northern France. A Visitor's Guide
42.50 €
40342 - Bechthold-Copp, M.-T.:
Canadian Battlefields in Northwest Europe 1944-45. A Visitor's Guide
42.50 €
28344 - McAndrew, B.:
Canadians and the Italian Campaign 1943-1945
49.95 €
43041 - Rebora, A.:
Carri Ariete combattono. Le vicende della divisione corazzata Ariete nelle lettere del tenente Pietro Ostellino Africa Settentrionale 1941-1943
18.00 €
50964 - Mary-Kerger, J.Y.-P.:
Carrousel des panzers 'Durch die Weygand Linie' Vol 1 (Le)
69.00 €
53792 - Mary-Kerger, J.Y.-P.:
Carrousel des panzers 'Nach Frankreich hinein' Vol 2 (Le)
65.00 €
26594 - Gooderson, I.:
Cassino 1944
25.00 €
55056 - Ford, K.:
Cassino 1944. Lo sfondamento della linea Gustav
18.00 €
32825 - Avallone-Lottici-Molle, R.-M.-R.:
Cassino War Memorial. Le immagini della battaglia
25.00 €
16150 - Ford-Chappell, K.-M.:
Cassino, the four Battles. January - May 1944
59.95 €
16165 - Tieke, W.:
Caucasus and the Oil. The German-Soviet War in the Caucasus 1942-43
55.00 €
50775 - Lopez, J.:
Chaudron de Tcherkassy-Korsun et la bataille pour le Dniepr. Septembre 1943-fevrier 1944 (Le)
35.00 €
41763 - Carnimeo, N.:
Cheren. 1 febbraio-27 marzo 1941
22.00 €
48350 - Costantini-Costantini, M.-F.:
Cheren. La fine dell'Impero. La Dien Bien Phu italiana
20.00 €
40800 - Bennett, G.:
Churchill's Man of Mystery. Desmond Morton and the World of Intelligence
39.95 €
27421 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Cittadini in Uniforme. L'esercito americano dallo sbarco in Normandia alla resa della Germania: la guerra vista da soldati che l'hanno combattuta
14.00 €
39952 - Montemaggi, A.:
Clausewitz sulla Linea Gotica. Come la superiore tattica tedesca riusci' a bloccare l'attacco dei soverchianti eserciti alleati
23.00 €
37650 - Doubler, M.D.:
Closing with the Enemy. How GIs fought the War in Europe 1944-1945
25.00 €
36450 - Ashley Hart, S.:
Colossal Cracks. Montgomery's 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe 1944-45
21.00 €
37533 - Glantz, D.M.:
Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943
55.00 €
51769 - Kortenhaus, W.:
Combat History of the 21st Panzer Division 1943-45 (The)
69.95 €
32193 - Ruggero, E.:
Combat Jump. The Young Men Who Led the Assault Into Fortress Europe, July 1943
27.00 €
51278 - Bull, S.:
Commando Tactics. The Second World War
36.00 €
44987 - Ferrari, P. cur:
Conoscere il nemico. Apparati di intelligence e modelli culturali nella storia contemporanea
49.00 €
23814 - Setti, M.:
Conquista di Eben Emael (La)
18.00 €
47388 - Mary, J.Y.:
Corridor des Panzers 3: Le guide du champ de bataille
35.00 €
43664 - Hinze, R.:
Crucible of Combat. Germany Defensive Battles in the Ukraine 1943-44
55.00 €
50268 - Gilbert, M.:
19.95 €
16516 - Collier, R.:
D-Day 6 June 1944
27.00 €
28999 - Penrose, J. cur:
D-Day Companion. Leading historians explore history's greatest amphibious assault
36.00 €
40721 - Penrose, J. cur:
D-Day Companion. Leading historians explore history's greatest amphibious assault (Paperback ed)
25.00 €
43602 - Barbier, M.K.:
D-Day Deception. Operation Fortitude and Normandy Invasion
25.00 €
44786 - Baumgarten, H.:
D-Day Survivor. An Autobiography
29.95 €
36462 - Levine, A.J.:
D-Day to Berlin. The Northwest Europe Campaign 1944-45
21.00 €
22384 - Kershaw, R.J.:
D-Day. Piercing the Atlantic Wall
17.50 €
26233 - Fowler, W.:
D-Day. The First 24 Hours
36.00 €
16524 - Holderfield, R.:
D-Day. The invasion of Normandy June 6, 1944
21.50 €
29290 - Stafford, D.:
D-Day: conto alla rovescia
20.00 €
52327 - Leixner, L.:
Da Leopoli a Bordeaux. Con la Wehrmacht in Polonia, Belgio, Olanda e Francia. Libro+DVD
25.00 €
34693 - Raus, E.:
Da Stalingrado a Kharkov (CMH)
32.00 €
33701 - Coutau-Begarie, H.:
Dakar 1940. La bataille fratricide
30.00 €
39518 - Hanford, W.B.:
Dangerous Assignment. An Artillery Forward Observer in World War Two
21.00 €
50901 - Mortimer, G.:
Daring Dozen. 12 Special Forces Legends of World War II (The)
33.00 €
42646 - Haupt, W.:
Das war Kurland. Die sechs Kurland-Schlachten aus der Sicht der Divisionen
18.00 €
39429 - Danby, J.:
Day of the Panzer. A Story of American Heroism and Sacrifice in Southern France (The)
39.95 €
48118 - Barber, N.:
Day the Devils Dropped in (The)
25.00 €
24067 - Granholm, J.:
Day we bombed Switzerland (The)
19.00 €
35970 - Le Tissier, T.:
Death Was Our Companion. The Final Days of the Third Reich
21.00 €
16555 - Nipe, G.M.:
Decision in the Ukraine. Summer 1943
29.95 €
40296 - Belle, J.:
Defaite francaise, un desastre evitable Tome 1 (La)
45.00 €
43116 - Belle, J.:
Defaite francaise, un desastre evitable Tome 2 (La)
35.00 €
57748 - Ramsey, W.G. cur:
Defeat of Germany Then and Now
75.00 €
56211 - Radey-Sharp, J.-C.:
Defense of Moscow 1941. The Northern Flank (The)
25.00 €
53049 - Radey-Sharp, J.-C.:
Defense of Moscow 1941: The Northern Flank (The)
39.95 €
47435 - Zamulin, V.:
Demolishing the Myth. The Tank Battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk 1943. An Operational Narrative
55.00 €
42865 - Wurst, S.:
Descending from the Clouds. From North Africa to VE Day with 505 PIR 82nd Airborne
19.95 €
36447 - Allen Watson, B.:
Desert Battles. From Napoleon to the Gulf War
21.00 €
42648 - Haupt, W.:
Deutschen vor Moskau 1941-42 (Die)
18.00 €
43561 - Powell, G.:
Devil's Birthday. Bridges to Arnhem 1944 (The)
27.00 €
16645 - Henry, H.:
Dieppe through the Lens
27.00 €
51340 - Hood, J.:
Dig WW2. Rediscovering the Great Wartime Battles
39.95 €
24385 - Carver, M.:
Dilemmas of the desert war. The Libyan Campaign 1940-1942
27.50 €
16683 - Tsouras, P.:
Disaster at D-Day
25.00 €
52908 - Zetterling-Frankson, N.- A.:
Drive on Moscow 1941. Operation Taifun and Germany's First Great Crisis in WWII (The)
29.95 €
33589 - Frost, J.:
Drop Too Many (A)
25.00 €
36306 - Blumenson, M.:
Duel for France, 1944. The Men and Battles that changed the Fate of Europe
24.00 €
55405 - Mitzel, J.T.:
Duty Before Self. The Story of the 781st Tank Battalion in World War II
49.95 €
37624 - Lodieu, D.:
Dying for Saint-Lo. Hedgerow Hell, July 1944
45.00 €
27067 - Reynolds, M.:
Eagles and Bulldogs in Normandy 1944
25.00 €
26444 - Stewart, A.:
Early Battles of Eight Army. Crusader to the Alamein Line 1941-1942
36.00 €
47321 - Stewart, A.:
Early Battles of Eight Army. Crusader to the Alamein Line 1941-1942
25.00 €
16790 - Hinze, R.:
East Front Drama
55.00 €
33513 - Turner, A.:
Eighth Army's Greatest Victories. Alam Halfa to Tunis 1942-43 (The)
36.00 €
37652 - Weigley, R.F.:
Eisenhower's Lieutenants. The Campaign of France and Germany. 1944-1945
36.00 €
52631 - Ford-Gerrard, Ford-Gerrard:
El Alamein 1942
18.00 €
40102 - AAVV, :
El Alamein 1942. The Axis' Major Defeat in Africa
29.95 €
51250 - Bussoni, M.:
El Alamein. I luoghi delle tre battaglie
16.00 €
40224 - Moretto, D.:
El Alamein. Itinerario sulla linea del fronte dalla costa ad El Quattara
16.00 €
30653 - AAVV, :
El Alamein. La battaglia che ha deciso la Guerra d'Africa
15.00 €
51252 - Lucas Phillips, C.E.:
El Alamein. Resoconto di un'epica battaglia
20.00 €
50895 - Hammond, B.:
El Alamein. The Battle that turned the tide of World War II
29.95 €
26743 - Bull, S.:
Elite 105: World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
23.00 €
29916 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 117: US WWII Amphibious Tactics. Army and Marine Corps, Pacific Theater
23.00 €
30547 - Bull-Dennis, S.-P.:
Elite 122: World War II Infantry Tactics (2) Company and Battalion
23.00 €
30584 - Rottman-Noon, G.-S.:
Elite 124: World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
23.00 €
32053 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 136: World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
33475 - Jowett-Snodgrass, P.-B.:
Elite 141: Finland at War 1939-45
23.00 €
34758 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 144: US World War II Amphibious Tactics. Mediterranean and European Theaters
23.00 €
35920 - Bull-Noon, S.-S.:
Elite 151: World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
37163 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 156: World War II Combat Reconnaissance Tactics
23.00 €
38042 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Elite 160: World War II Infantry Assault Tactics
23.00 €
38044 - Griffith-Hook, P.-A.:
Elite 162: World War II Desert Tactics
23.00 €
33173 - Bull, S.:
Elite 168: World War II Street-Fighting Tactics
23.00 €
44568 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 181: World War II Battlefield Communications
23.00 €
53592 - Bull-Noon, S.-S.:
Elite 193: World War II Winter and Mountain Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
54573 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 195: World War II River Assault Tactics
23.00 €
58697 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 214: World War II Infantry Fire Support Tactics
23.00 €
40297 - Chaix, B.:
En mai 1940, fallait-il entrer en Belgique?
39.95 €
38234 - Restayn, J.:
Encyclopedie des Blindes 1939-1945 (L')
45.00 €
51741 - Tout, K.:
End of War. Fatal Final Days to VE Day 1945 (An)
33.00 €
42644 - Haupt, W.:
Ende im Osten 1945. Chronik vom Kampf in Ost- und Mitteldeutschland (Das)
19.95 €
56236 - Glantz, D.M.:
Endgame at Stalingrad: Book 1: November 1942 - Stalingrad Trilogy Volume 3/1
55.00 €
56364 - Glantz, D.M.:
Endgame at Stalingrad: Book 2: December 1942-February 1943 - Stalingrad Trilogy Volume 3/2
55.00 €
33035 - Kurowski, F.:
Endkampf um das Reich 1944-1945. Hitlers letzte Bastionen
16.00 €
43512 - Urbanke, A.:
Endkampf um das Reichsgebiet 1944-1945
59.95 €
26384 - Craig, W.:
Enemy at the Gates. The Battle for Stalingrad
21.00 €
54214 - van Dijke, J.:
Entre le marteau et l'enclume. Von Kluge face a l'effondrement allemand
21.00 €
54408 - Garibaldi, L.:
Eroi di Montecassino. Storia dei Polacchi che liberarono l'Italia (Gli)
11.00 €
31897 - Sulla-Trota, G.-E.:
Eroi venuti dal Brasile. Storia fotografica del Corpo di Spedizione brasiliano in Italia 1944-45 (Gli)
15.00 €
70006 - Urbanke, A.:
Escape from the Halbe Pocket! The Story of Tank Officer Joachim Senholdt
85.00 €
23184 - Horner, D.:
Essential Histories 018: Second World War (1) The Pacific
23.00 €
23192 - Jukes, G.:
Essential Histories 024: Second World War (5) The Eastern Front 1941-1945
23.00 €
23703 - Hart, R.:
Essential Histories 032: Second World War (6) Northwest Europe 1944-1945
23.00 €
23685 - Havers, R.:
Essential Histories 035: Second World War (2) Europe 1939-1943
23.00 €
25221 - Collier, P.:
Essential Histories 048: Second World War (4) The Mediterranean 1940-1945
23.00 €
36443 - Allen Watson, B.:
Exit Rommel. The Tunisian Campaign 1942-43
21.00 €
36394 - AAVV, :
Eyewitness. The Pacific War Vol 2: Day of Infamy DVD
18.00 €
38920 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Falaise, the Flawed Victory. The Destruction of Panzergruppe West, August 1944
36.00 €
31315 - Jordan, D.:
Fall of Hitler's Third Reich. Germany's defeat in Europe 1943-45
36.00 €
35726 - D'Este, C.:
Fatal Decision. Anzio and the Battle for Rome
21.00 €
52741 - Freidlin-Richardson, W.-S.:
Fatal Decisions. First Hand Accounts by Hitler's Generals (The)
36.00 €
56210 - Freidin-Richardson, S.-W.:
Fatal Decisions. Six Decisive Battles of WWII from the Viewpoint of the Vanquished
25.00 €
37646 - Copp, T.:
Fields of Fire. The Canadians in Normandy
39.95 €
52676 - Blackwell, I.:
Fifth Army in Italy 1943-1945. A Coalition at War (The)
36.00 €
32177 - Whitlock, F.:
Fighting First. The Untold Story of the Big Red One on D-Day (The)
21.00 €
28197 - Isby, D. cur:
Fighting the breakout. The German Army in Normandy from Cobra to the Falaise Gap
49.95 €
62632 - Santarelli, G.:
Filottrano 1944-1945. Fatti e personaggi nei giorni tragici ed eroici della citta'
25.00 €
45350 - Ragache, G.:
Fin de la campagne de France. Les combats oublies des Armees de Centre 15 Juin-25 Juin 1940 (La)
29.95 €
23145 - Engler, R.:
Final Crisis: Combat in Northern Alsace, January 1945 (The)
69.95 €
28362 - Tout, K.:
Fine Night for Tanks. The road to Falaise (A)
15.00 €
40405 - Trota, E.:
Finito! 1945 L'avanzata degli Americani nella Val Padana e la resa dei Tedeschi
12.00 €
35400 - Bradley-Powers, J.-R.:
Flags of our Fathers. La battaglia di Iwo Jima
10.80 €
30556 - Dunstan-Johnson, S.-H.:
Fortress 030: Fort Eben Emael. The key to Hitler's victory in the West
23.00 €
32073 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
Fortress 037: D-Day Fortifications in Normandy
23.00 €
32057 - Stephenson-Taylor, C.-C.:
Fortress 041: Channel Islands 1941-45. Hitler's impregnable fortress
23.00 €
35931 - Rottman-Taylor, G,C.:
Fortress 062: Soviet Field Fortifications 1941-45
23.00 €
35932 - Zaloga-Johnson-Ray-Taylor, S.J.-H.-L.-C.:
Fortress 063: Atlantic Wall (1) France
23.00 €
38058 - Zaloga-Johnson, S.J.-H.:
Fortress 072: German V-Weapon Sites 1943-45
23.00 €
42972 - Irincheev, B.:
Fortress 088: Mannerheim Line 1920-39. Finnish Fortifications of the Winter War
23.00 €
42973 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Fortress 089: Atlantic Wall (2) Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway
23.00 €
52535 - Ford, K.:
From Addis to the Aosta Valley. A South African in the North African and Italian Campaigns 1940-1945
33.00 €
44787 - Balkoski, J.:
From Beachhead to Brittany. The 29th Infantry Division at Brest. August-September 1944
36.00 €
54875 - Balkoski, J.:
From Brittany to the Reich: The 29th Infantry Division in Germany. September-November 1944
36.00 €
25119 - Glantz, D.M.:
From the Don to the Dnepr. Soviet offensive operations December 1942 - August 1943
59.95 €
52115 - Nekrasov, V.:
Front-Line Stalingrad
25.00 €
42585 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Fuego en los Fiordos. La Wehrmacht en la envasion de Noruega
17.50 €
17314 - Koch, O.:
G-2. Intelligence for Patton
21.00 €
40874 - Iacono, G.:
Gela. Le operazioni dei reparti italiani nella battaglia del 10-11 luglio 1943
13.00 €
24202 - Almons Windmill, L.:
Gentleman Jim. The Wartime Story of a Founder of the SAS and Special Forces
23.00 €
29646 - Fleischer, W.:
German Anti-Tank (Panzerjaeger) Troops in World War II
45.00 €
26037 - Baxter, I.:
German Armoured Warfare of World War II. The unpublished Photographs 1939-1945
36.00 €
31010 - Westwood, D.:
German Army 1939-1945. Organisation and Personnel
69.95 €
36310 - Mitcham, S.W.:
German Defeat in the East 1944-45 (The)
27.00 €
43320 - Haarr, G.H.:
German Invasion of Norway. April 1940
45.00 €
29647 - Fleischer, W.:
German Motorized Artillery and Panzer Artillery in World War II
45.00 €
31174 - Kaltenegger, R.:
German Mountain Troops in World War II. A Photographic Chronicle of the Elite Gebirgsjaeger
75.00 €
42202 - Gonzalez, O.:
German Paratroops in Scandinavia. Fallschirmjaeger in Denmark and Norway April-June 1940
59.95 €
31355 - AAVV, :
German War Files: Green Devils 1942-1945. The German Paratrooper Elite DVD
18.00 €
31013 - Guillaume, A.:
German-Russian War 1941-1945
22.00 €
40616 - Hargreaves, R.:
Germans in Normandy (The)
27.00 €
37367 - Hargreaves, R.:
Germans in Normandy (The)
36.00 €
45718 - Di Nardo, R.L.:
Germany and the Axis Powers. From Coalition to Collapse
49.95 €
38864 - AAVV, :
Geschichte der Deutschen Panzer-Waffe (Die) DVD
29.95 €
25284 - Mansoor, P.R.:
GI Offensive in Europe. The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 (The)
30.00 €
43604 - Daglish, I.:
Goodwood. The British Offensive in Normandy, July 1944
25.00 €
34194 - Zuehlke, M.:
Gothic Line. Canada's Month of Hell in World War II Italy (The)
33.00 €
31445 - AAVV, :
Great Tank Battle of Kursk (The) DVD
18.00 €
23005 - Gedge, G. (reg.):
Guerra a colori (La) VHS ULTIME COPIE !!!
17.50 €
27971 - Faverjon, P.:
Guerra e' truffa (La)
16.90 €
53086 - Ruzzi, M.:
Guerra in Africa Settentrionale 1940-1943 (La)
16.00 €
48780 - Cavasinni-Franceschelli-Franceschelli, A.-F.-M.:
Guerra in Casa: La Linea Gustav: Chieti e provincia (La) - Libro+DVD
26.00 €
17763 - Fabei, S.:
Guerra santa nel Golfo
15.00 €
43590 - Martinez Canales, F.:
Guerreros y Batallas 052: Leningrado 1941-44. La Division Azul en combate
17.00 €
47658 - Munoz Bolanos-Garcia Pinto, R.-A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 066: Bagration y la offensiva sovieticas de 1944. La destruccion del Grupo de Ejercitos Centro aleman
17.00 €
48802 - Bernage, G.:
Guide de la Bataille da Normandie (Le)
21.00 €
39276 - Gooderson, I.:
Hard Way to Make a War. The Italian Campaign in the Second World War (A)
36.00 €
42651 - Haupt, W.:
Heeresgruppe Nord. Der Kampf im Nordabschnitt der Ostfront 1941-1945
19.95 €
43691 - Giangreco, D.M.:
Hell to Pay. Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan 1945-47
39.95 €
24203 - Nash, D.E.:
Hell's Gate - The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket
79.95 €
30280 - How, J.J.:
Hill 112. Cornerstone of the Normandy Campaign
45.00 €
43383 - West, N.:
Historical Dictionary of WWII Intelligence
89.95 €
39779 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Hitler's Great Panzer Heist. Germany's Foreign Armor in Action 1939-45
33.00 €
42872 - Lunde, H.O.:
Hitler's Pre-Emptive War. The Battle for Norway 1940: History's First Special Operations Campaign
25.00 €
54691 - Lunde, H.O.:
Hitler's Wave-Breaker Concept. An Analysis of the German End Game in the Baltic 1944-45
33.00 €
35321 - Doherty, R.:
Hobart's 79th Armoured Division at War
36.00 €
31844 - Haasler, T.:
Hold the Westwall or perish with it. The History of Panzer-Brigade 105 - September 1944
65.00 €
49958 - Haasler, T.:
Hold the Westwall. The History of Panzer Brigade 105. September 1944
29.95 €
47329 - Zuehlke, M.:
Holding Juno. Canada's Heroic Defence of the D-Day Beaches: June 7-12, 1944
33.00 €
36764 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 03: 1940. Preux demeurons. L'epopee du 6e GRDI
15.00 €
53135 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 20: Les As de la Panzerwaffe a Koursk. Recits et temoinages
17.50 €
54648 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 22: Duels dans le bocage. Combat de chars en Normandie
17.50 €
55251 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 23: 2nde Guerre mondiale, la revolution de la guerre mecanisee
17.50 €
32976 - AAVV, :
HS Histoire de Guerre 01: Barbarossa. Hitler en echec devant Moscou
12.00 €
44505 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 08: 1940-1945 L'epopee de l'armee d'Afrique
13.00 €
45287 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 09: 1940-1942 FFL. Les heures de gloire
13.00 €
46163 - Caraktere, :
HS Ligne de Front 10: 1939-1940 De la drole de guerre au desastre
13.00 €
28208 - Longmate, N.:
If Britain Had Fallen
25.00 €
36327 - Lodieu, D.:
III. Pz. Korps at Kursk
45.00 €
21844 - Ailsby, C.:
Images of Barbarossa. The German invasion of Russia 1941
36.00 €
52102 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Normandy
27.00 €
32895 - Rawson, A.:
Images of War. Battle of the Bulge
25.00 €
45729 - Cornish, N.:
Images of War. Berlin. Victory in Europe
25.00 €
33295 - Crosby, F.:
Images of War. D-Day
25.00 €
43030 - Baxter, I.:
Images of War. Hitler's Defeat on the Eastern Front
27.00 €
42572 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Images of War. Malta GC
25.00 €
34575 - Birch, G.:
Images of War. Motorcycles at War
27.00 €
52714 - Baxter, I.:
Images of War. Operation Barbarossa. Hitler's Invasion of Russia
27.00 €
43046 - Cornish, N.:
Images of War. Stalingrad. Victory on the Volga
27.00 €
42028 - Baxter, I.:
Images of War. The Crushing of Poland
27.00 €
41671 - Cammarana-Ciriacono, A.-G.:
Immagini della storia. Lo sbarco americano in Sicilia nel Luglio 1943 (Le)
15.00 €
31067 - Caruso, A.:
In cerca di una Patria. 8 settembre 1943: i ragazzi della generazione sfortunata tornano in guerra con l'Esercito del Re per rifare l'Italia
16.00 €
35251 - Bidermann, G.H.:
In deadly Combat. A German Soldier's Memoir of the Eastern Front
25.00 €
40974 - Powdrill, E.A.:
In Face of the Enemy
36.00 €
47305 - Yeide, H.:
Infantry's Armor. The US Army's Separate Tank Battalions in World War II (The)
39.95 €
18080 - Bond, H.:
Inferno a Cassino
18.00 €
25474 - Glantz, D.M.:
Initial period of war in the Eastern Front. 22 June - August 1941
59.95 €
18124 - Macksey, K.:
27.00 €
56678 - Turner, J.F.:
Invasion '44. The Full Story of D-Day
25.00 €
22583 - McNish, R.:
Iron Division. The history of the 3rd division 1809-2000
45.00 €
22612 - Kershaw, R.J.:
It never snows in September. German view of Market Garden and the battle of Arnhem
15.00 €
53991 - Mas, C.:
Juin-Novembre 1942. La bataille d'El Alamein
40.00 €
43083 - Burns, D.T.:
Jump into the Valley of the Shadow
19.95 €
47322 - Zuehlke, M.:
Juno Beach. Canada's D-Day Victory - June 6, 1944
33.00 €
40945 - Knoblauch, K.:
Kampf und Untergang der 95. Infanteriedivision. Chronik einer Infanteriedivision von 1939-1945 in Frankreich und an der Ostfront
21.00 €
33033 - Scheibert, H.:
Kampf und Untergang der deutschen Panzertruppe 1939-1945
16.00 €
39931 - Cooke-Evans, D.-W.:
Kampfgruppe Peiper at the Battle of the Bulge
25.00 €
33593 - Cooke-Evans, D.-W.:
Kampfgruppe Peiper. The race for the Meuse
36.00 €
43849 - Wajda, A.:
Katyn DVD
25.00 €
44491 - Rusiecki, S.M.:
Key to the Bulge. The Battle for Losheimergraben (The)
25.00 €
52027 - Naud, P.:
Kharkov 1943. A Lost Victory for the Panzers? - Men and Battles 10
21.00 €
52028 - Naud, P.:
Kharkov 1943. Victoire perdu pour les panzers? - Des Batailles et des Hommes 10
21.00 €
51384 - Stahel, D.:
Kiev 1941. Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East
29.95 €
42655 - Haupt, W.:
Kiew. Die groesste Kesselschlacht der Geschichte
18.00 €
47431 - Crump, S.:
Koevoet Vol 1: South-West African Police Counterinsurgency Operations during the South African Border War 1978-1984 - Africa @War 060
29.95 €
40294 - Lopez, J.:
Koursk. Les quarante jours qui ont ruine' la Wehrmacht. 5 juillet - 20 aout 1943
35.00 €
42656 - Haupt, W.:
Kurland. Die vergessene Heeresgruppe 1944-1945
16.00 €
23511 - Barbier, M.K.:
Kursk - The Greatest Tank Battle 1943
33.00 €
53396 - Moore, P.:
Kursk in Normandy. Operation Goodwood 1944
19.95 €
39520 - Dunn, W.S.:
Kursk. Hitler's Gamble 1943
21.00 €
53397 - Clark, L.:
Kursk: the Greatest Battle. Eastern Front 1943
19.95 €
40651 - Quellien, J.:
Landing Beaches
25.00 €
61490 - Hornfischer, J.D.:
Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors. The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy's Finest Hour (The)
29.95 €
48116 - Granin, D.A.:
Leningrad Under Siege. First-hand Accounts of the Ordeal
36.00 €
42645 - Fleischer, W.:
Letzte Jahr des deutschen Heeres 1944-1945 (Das)
18.00 €
31435 - AAVV, :
Line of Fire: Arnhem DVD
18.00 €
31433 - AAVV, :
Line of Fire: The Battle of Berlin DVD
18.00 €
31419 - AAVV, :
Line of Fire: The Battle of the Bulge DVD
18.00 €
38844 - Montemaggi, A.:
Linea Gotica 1944. La 'Battaglia di Rimini' e lo sbarco in Grecia decisivi per l'Europa sud-orientale e il Mediterraneo
35.00 €
35132 - Zuehlke, M.:
Liri Valley. Canada's World War II Breakthrough to Rome
27.00 €
26441 - Lloyd Owen, D.:
Long Range Desert Group 1940-1945. Providence their Guide (The)
27.00 €
31032 - Kershaw, A.:
Longest Winter. The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of World War II's Most Decorated Platoon
35.00 €
18570 - Lambert, J.W.:
Low Level Attack: Pacific
28.00 €
60980 - Trojca, W.:
LSSAH in Photos 1933-1945
49.95 €
36463 - Newark, T.:
Mafia at War. Allied Collusion With the Mob (The)
39.00 €
52727 - Taaffe, S.R.:
Marshall and His Generals. US Army Commanders in WWII
45.00 €
18741 - Zaslasky, V.:
Massacro di Katyn. Il crimine e la menzogna (Il)
10.33 €
39524 - Di Nardo, R.L.:
Mechanized Juggernaut or Military Anachronism. Horses and the German Army of World War II
21.00 €
40070 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol I: The early Successes against Italy (to March 1941)
36.00 €
40071 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol II: The Germans come to the Help of their Ally (1941)
36.00 €
40072 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol III: British Fortunes reach their lowest Ebb (Sept 1941 to Sept 1942)
36.00 €
40073 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol IV: The Destruction of the Axis Forces in Africa
36.00 €
40058 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol V: Campaign of Sicily and the Campaign of Italy 3rd September 1943 to 31st March 1944
36.00 €
40074 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol VI Part 1: Victory in the Mediterranean - 1st April to 4th June 1944
36.00 €
40075 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol VI Part 2: Victory in the Mediterranean - June to October 1944
36.00 €
40076 - AAVV, :
Mediterranean and Middle East Vol VI Part 3: Victory in the Mediterranean - November 1944 to May 1945
36.00 €
37876 - Powell, G.:
Men at Arnhem
25.00 €
43565 - Mitcham , S.W.:
Men of Barbarossa. Commanders of the German Invasion of Russia 1941 (The)
30.00 €
26731 - Abbott, P.:
Men-at-Arms 412: Ukrainian Armies 1914-55
19.00 €
18861 - Schadewitz, M.:
Meuse first, then Antwerp. Some aspects of Hitler's offensive in the Ardennes (The)
59.95 €
38833 - Monni, R.:
Mia campagna di Russia 1941-1943. Ricordi e verita' (La)
8.00 €
30090 - Doorman, P.L.G.:
Military Operations of the Dutch Army 10th-17th May 1940
29.95 €
22979 - Lord, W.:
Miracle of Dunkirk (The)
9.00 €
38099 - Weinberg, G.L.:
Mondo in armi. Storia globale della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Il)
35.00 €
24132 - Hapgood-Richardson, D.-D.:
Monte Cassino
27.00 €
28262 - Parker, M.:
Montecassino. 15 gennaio-18 maggio 1944 Storia e uomini di una grande battaglia
20.00 €
55551 - Delaforce, P.:
Monty's Rhine Adventure. War and Peace. September 1944 NW Europe
25.00 €
39354 - Bimberg, E.L.:
Mountain Warriors. Moroccan Goums in WWII
21.00 €
37625 - Lodieu, D.:
Mourir pour Saint-Lo. Juillet 1944, la bataille des haies
45.00 €
35141 - Follain, J.:
Mussolini's Island. The Invasion of Sicily through the eyes of those who witnessed the Campaign
36.00 €
52326 - Boettger, G.:
Narvik in foto. Narvik: la lotta della Germania sotto il sole di mezzanotte. Libro+DVD
28.00 €
28690 - Kolomyjec-Swirin, M.-M.:
No 085 Battle of Kursk 1943 Vol 2 ULTIME COPIE !!!
17.00 €
28819 - Solarz, J.:
No 143 Balkany 1940-41
21.00 €
28813 - Solarz, J.:
No 154 France 1944 Vol 1
19.00 €
28836 - Solarz, J.:
No 162 Battle of Leningrad 1941
19.00 €
28838 - Kolometz-Moszczansky, M.-I.:
No 177 Battle of Caucasus 1942
21.00 €
28840 - Kolometz, M.:
No 179 Battle of Moscow 1941
21.00 €
30903 - Solarz, J.:
No 216 France 1944 Vol 2 ENGLISH
22.00 €
36004 - Domanski, J.:
No 262 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 2 (Tank Power Vol XXXVIII)
22.00 €
36007 - Solarz, J.:
No 264 T-70 (Tank Power Vol XXXIX)
22.00 €
38769 - Domanski, J.:
No 280 Prochorowka 1943
21.00 €
39978 - Domanski, J.:
No 299 Studzianki 1944 (Tank Power Vol LXVII)
21.00 €
41920 - Domanski, J.:
No 314 Budziszyn 1945
21.00 €
43509 - Domanski, J.:
No 323 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 3
21.00 €
44694 - Solarz, J.:
No 327 Warszawa 1944 - Limited Edition
21.00 €
46869 - Domanski, J.:
No 345 Stalingrad 1942-1943 Vol II
21.00 €
48026 - Domanski, J:
No 350 Barbarossa 1941 Vol 4
22.50 €
39646 - Reid, B. A.:
No Holding Back. Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944
29.95 €
35025 - Caruso, A.:
Noi moriamo a Stalingrado
16.60 €
30710 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Francese)
65.00 €
30645 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie 1944 Memorial Album First US Army (Inglese)
65.00 €
47804 - Quellien, J.:
Normandie 44
55.00 €
48799 - Bernage, G.:
Normandie Album Memorial. Invasion Journal Pictorial
65.00 €
40650 - Desquesnes, R.:
Normandy 1944. The Atlantic Wall
10.00 €
39491 - Lodieu, D.:
Normandy 44. Operations Goodwood - Men and Battles 03
18.50 €
39489 - Fortin, L.:
Normandy 44. Operations Totalize and Tractable - Men and Battles 02
18.50 €
40840 - Francois, D.:
Normandy. Breaching the Atlantic Wall From D-Day to the Breakout and Liberation
60.00 €
24305 - Stewart, A.:
North african victory
16.50 €
54474 - Anfora-Pepi, D.-S.:
Obiettivo Biscari. 9-14 luglio 1943: dal ponte Dirillo all'aeroporto 504
17.00 €
47384 - Bernage, G.:
Objectif Carentan 6-15 juin 1944
21.00 €
57330 - Bernage, G.:
Objectif Cherbourg. 22-30 juin 1944
25.00 €
37789 - Schipsi, D.:
Occupazione italiana dei territori metropolitani francesi 1940-1943 (L')
27.00 €
19310 - Cuzzi, M.:
Occupazione italiana della Slovenia (L')
21.00 €
44784 - Slaughter-Kershaw, J.R.-A.:
Omaha Beach and Beyond: The Long March of Sergeant Bob Slaughter
21.00 €
42456 - Balkoski, J.:
Omaha Beach: D-Day, June 6, 1944
29.95 €
52728 - DeFelice, J.:
Omar Bradley. General at War
35.00 €
53933 - Zuehlke, M.:
On to Victory. The Canadian Liberation of the Netherlands. March 23-May 5, 1945
36.00 €
58282 - Delaforce, P.:
Onslaught on Hitler's Rhine. Operations Plunder and Varsity, March 1945
33.00 €
43875 - Stahel, D.:
Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East
39.95 €
52687 - Olive-Edwards, R.-M.:
Operation Barbarossa and the Eastern Front 1941
36.00 €
19350 - Carell, P.:
Operation Barbarossa in photographs
65.00 €
54600 - Kirchubel, R.:
Operation Barbarossa. The German Invasion of Soviet Russia
45.00 €
49850 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Bluecoat. Over the Battlefield
39.95 €
25732 - Restayn-Moller, J.-N.:
Operation Citadel Vol 1: The South
115.00 €
55416 - Gassend, J.L.:
Operation Dragoon. Autopsy of a Battle. The Allied Liberation of the French Riviera. August-September 1944
115.00 €
42828 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Epsom. Over the Battlefield
27.00 €
38763 - Berglyd, J.:
Operation Freshman. The Hunt for Hitlers Heavy Water
29.95 €
42841 - Daglish, I.:
Operation Goodwood. Over the Battlefield
27.00 €
47324 - Zuehlke, M.:
Operation Husky. The Canadian Invasion of Sicily, July 10-August 7, 1943
33.00 €
40621 - Sadler, J.:
Operation Mercury. The Fall of Crete 1941
21.00 €
33883 - Sadler, J.:
Operation Mercury. The Fall of Crete 1941
36.00 €
28381 - Fleming, P.:
Operation Sealion
15.00 €
50776 - Lopez, J.:
Operation Torch et la Tunisie. De Casablanca a Tunis. Novembre 1942-septembre 1943 (L')
35.00 €
53767 - Stahel, D.:
Operation Typhoon. Hitler's March on Moscow October 1941
29.95 €
33038 - Fleischer, W.:
Operation Zitadelle. Die Groesste Panzerschlacht des Zweiten Weltkriegs
16.00 €
48915 - Plumari, E.:
Operazione Husky. La guerra nell'entroterra ennese
25.00 €
45688 - Condorelli, G.:
Operazione Husky. Sintesi storica dello sbarco in Sicilia
10.00 €
21937 - De Franceschi, C. et al.:
Operazioni delle unita' italiane al Fronte Russo (1941-43) (Le)
40.00 €
19369 - Montanari, M.:
Operazioni in Africa Settentrionale Vol I: Sidi el Barrani (Le)
23.50 €
19370 - Montanari, M.:
Operazioni in Africa Settentrionale Vol II: Tobruk (Le)
23.50 €
19367 - Montanari, M.:
Operazioni in Africa Settentrionale Vol III: El Alamein (Le)
27.00 €
19368 - Montanari, M.:
Operazioni in Africa Settentrionale Vol IV: Enfidaville (Le)
23.50 €
38206 - Bishop, C.:
Order of Battle: German Panzers in WWII
36.00 €
38282 - Bishop, C.:
Order of Battle: German Panzers in WWII
25.00 €
35133 - Zuehlke, M.:
Ortona. Canada's Epic World War II Battle
33.00 €
48219 - Hinze, R.:
Ostfront 1944
25.00 €
33039 - Buchner, A.:
Ostfront 1944
18.00 €
23574 - Whiting, C.:
Other Battle of the Bulge: Operation Northwind (The)
30.50 €
24833 - Liddell Hart, B.H.:
Other side of the Hill (The)
15.00 €
53513 - Balkoski, J.:
Our Tortured Souls: The 29th Infantry Division in the Rhineland, November-December 1944
36.00 €
42839 - Costello, J.:
Pacific War 1941-1945. The first comprehensive one-volume account of the conduct of WWII in the Pacific (The)
27.00 €
35234 - Feuer, A.B.:
Packs on! Memoirs of the 10th Mountain Division in WWII
21.00 €
31177 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzer Aces 2
69.95 €
19498 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzer Aces I. German Tank Commanders of WWII
29.95 €
47264 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzer Aces III. Battle Stories of German Tank Commanders of WWII
29.95 €
39526 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzer Commanders of the Western Front. German Tank Generals in World War II
21.00 €
27412 - Koch, F.:
Panzer gegen Panzer. Deutsche Panzer und ihre Gegner bis 1945. Eine Gegenueberstellung
25.00 €
43195 - Friesen, B.:
Panzer Gunner. A Canadian in the German 7th Panzer Division 1944-45
25.00 €
33034 - Scheibert-Ellrath, H.-U.:
Panzer in Russland. Die deutschen gepanzerten Verbaende im Russland-Feldzug 1941-1944
16.00 €
32671 - Friedli, L.:
Panzer Instandsetzung der Wehrmacht (Die)
40.00 €
54190 - Drabkin, A.:
Panzer Killers. Anti-Tank Warfare in the Eastern Front
36.00 €
36308 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzer Legions. A Guide to the German Army Tank Divisions of WWII and their Commanders (The)
27.00 €
28047 - Raus, E.:
Panzer Operations. The Eastern Front Memoir of General Raus, 1941-1945
25.00 €
51806 - Schaeufler, H.:
Panzer Warfare on the Eastern Front
35.00 €
51807 - Lucke, F.:
Panzer Wedge Vol 1: The German 3rd Panzer Division and the Summer of Victory in the East
25.00 €
53511 - Lucke, F.:
Panzer Wedge Vol 2: The German 3rd Panzer Division and Barbarossa's Failure at the Gates of Moscow
25.00 €
47265 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzergrenadier Aces. German Mechanized Infantrymen in WW II
39.95 €
24082 - McCarthy-Syron, P.-M.:
36.00 €
31845 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzerkrieg. An Overview of German Armored Operations in World War II
75.00 €
43606 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzers in Normandy. General Hans Eberbach and the German Defense of France 1944
25.00 €
38479 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzers in Winter. Hitler's Army and the Battle of the Bulge
21.00 €
36615 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Panzers in Winter. Hitler's Army and the Battle of the Bulge
49.95 €
22986 - de Lannoy-Charita, F.-J.:
Panzertruppen. Les troupes blindees allemandes 1935-1945
46.50 €
53228 - Leoni, A.:
Paradiso devastato. Storia militare della Campagna d'Italia 1943-1945 (Il)
19.50 €
26026 - Whiting, C.:
Paths of Death and Glory: The Last Days of the Third Reich
29.95 €
27609 - Ripley, T.:
Patton unleashed. Patton's Third Army and the Breakout from Normandy, August-September 1944
36.00 €
19594 - Prefer, N.:
Patton's ghost corps. Cracking the Siegfried Line
27.00 €
24488 - Whiting, C.:
Patton's Last Battle
29.95 €
43608 - English, J.A.:
Patton's Peers. The Forgotten Allied Field Army Commanders of the Western Front, 1944-45
36.00 €
33764 - D'Este, C.:
Patton. A Genius for War
27.00 €
42429 - Barber, N.:
Pegasus and Orne Bridges. Their Capture, Defence and Relief on D-Day
36.00 €
33128 - Ambrose, S.E.:
Pegasus Bridge. D-Day: The Daring British Airborne Raid
15.00 €
34845 - Pyl'cyn, A.V.:
Penalty Strike. The Memoirs of a Red Army Penal Company Commander 1943-45
39.95 €
34567 - Barr, N.:
Pendulum of War. The Three Battles of El Alamein
18.00 €
27484 - Bianchini Ciampoli, N.:
Per l'onore. La testimonianza di un guardiamarina della Decima MAS
11.00 €
48916 - Williamson, D.G.:
Poland Betrayed. The Nazi-Soviet Invasion of 1939
25.00 €
38991 - Hempel, A.:
Poland in World War II. An Illustrated Military History
18.95 €
30471 - AAVV, :
Polonia: l'ombra della svastica - Norvegia: l'aquila sui fiordi (DVD+opuscolo)
13.90 €
28324 - Wilson, E.:
Press on regardless. The Story of the Fifth Royal Tank Regiment in World War Two
45.00 €
43401 - Fulceri, B.:
Prezzo della liberta'. Diario di guerra. I nomi dei caduti 34a Divisione USA. Eccidi e rappresaglie partigiani
16.00 €
46217 - Costantini-Costantini, M.-F.:
Prima battaglia delle Alpi. 10-25 giugno 1940 (La)
20.00 €
33739 - Zaslavsky, V.:
Pulizia di classe. Il massacro di Katyn
10.00 €
25468 - Le Tissier, T.:
Race for the Reichstag. The 1945 Battle for Berlin
27.00 €
36181 - McKee, A.:
Race for the Rhine Bridges 1940 1944 1945 (The)
23.00 €
34495 - Serena, M.:
Ragazzi della Maiella. Le operazioni della Brigata sul fronte romagnolo 1944-1945 (I)
18.00 €
42986 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Raid 001: Rangers Lead the Way. Pointe-du-Hoc D-Day 1944
25.00 €
42988 - Rottman, G.L.:
Raid 003: Cabanatuan Prison Raid. Philippines 1945
25.00 €
50883 - Forczyk-Shumate, R.-J.:
Raid 030: Red Christmas. Tatsinskaya Airfield Raid 1942
25.00 €
31201 - Marshall, C.F.:
Ramble Through My War. Anzio and Other Joys
27.00 €
68257 - Buttar, P.:
Reckoning. The Defeat of Army Group South 1944 (The)
25.00 €
72519 - Taylor, D.:
Red Army Towards the Oder then and Now (The)
45.00 €
54121 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 01. Objectif Stalingrad. 1942 L'annee decisive
13.00 €
36307 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Retreat to the Reich. The German Defeat in France, 1944
21.00 €
26295 - Whitaker-Whitaker, D.-S.:
Rhineland. The Battle to end the War
29.95 €
31311 - Bishop, C.:
Rise of Hitler's Third Reich. Germany's victory in Europe1939-42
36.00 €
46370 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 05: Major Gerhard Tuerke
17.00 €
46372 - AAVV, :
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 07: Arnold Huebner. Der erste Gefreite des Afrikakorps mit Ritterkreuz
17.00 €
56348 - Schumann-Westerwelle, R.-W.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 08: Joachim Muencheberg. Der Jaeger von Malta
17.00 €
56349 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 09: Wilhelm Weissberg. Kommandeur der I./Flak-Sturmabteilung Flak-Regiment 25
17.00 €
56351 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 10: Franz von Werra. der Ausbrecherkoenig
17.00 €
56350 - Steinecke, G.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 11: Hans Philipp. Einer von Viele
17.00 €
56968 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 12: Walther Dahl. Kommodore der Rammjaeger
17.00 €
56352 - Schumann, R.:
Ritterkreuztraeger Profile 13: Rudolf Frank. Eichenlaubtraeger der Nachtjagd
17.00 €
65314 - A., Rosselli:
Rivolta nazionalista irachena del 1941. Antefatto dei conflitti che hanno sconvolto il paese mediorientale (La)
12.50 €
20030 - Erickson, J.:
Road to Berlin (The)
19.95 €
43298 - Baxter, I.:
Road To Destruction: Operation Blue and the Battle of Stalingrad a Photographic History
39.95 €
20033 - Erickson, J.:
Road to Stalingrad (The)
19.95 €
25499 - Tout, K.:
Roads to Falaise. Cobra and Goodwood reassessed
35.00 €
25636 - Whitlock, F.:
Rock of Anzio. From Sicily to Dachau: a History of the US 45th Infantry Division
27.00 €
39647 - Salecker, G.E.:
Rolling Thunder Against the Rising Sun
45.00 €
31514 - Trevelyan, R.:
Rome '44 The Battle for the Eternal City
19.95 €
25864 - Pimlott, J. cur:
Rommel and his Art of War by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
25.00 €
20060 - Massignani, A.:
Rommel in Africa settentrionale
14.50 €
49660 - Beckett, I.F.W. cur:
Rommel reconsidered
27.00 €
39527 - Bradford, G.:
Rommel's Afrika Korps. El Agheila to El Alamein
33.00 €
37791 - Mitcham, S.W. jr:
Rommel's Desert War. The Life and Death of the Afrika Korps
21.00 €
36613 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Rommel's Lieutenants. The Men who Served the Desert Fox. France, 1940
21.00 €
27611 - Joergensen, C.:
Rommel's Panzers. Rommel and the Panzers Forces of the Blitzkrieg 1940-1942
36.00 €
30623 - Joergensen, C.:
Rommel. Meister der Panzertaktik
35.00 €
33945 - Chazette-Reberac, A.-F.:
Royan-Pointe de Grave. Poche de l'Atlantique. Occupation-Fortifications-Liberation 1939-1945
55.00 €
26358 - Fowler, W.:
Russia 1941-42 - Blitzkrieg 03 ULTIME COPIE !!!
24.00 €
36414 - Erickson, J.:
Russian Front: Barbarossa. Hitler Turns East (The)
18.00 €
33833 - Oltmann, R.:
Russlandkrieg im Farbe Vol 2: In die Tiefen Russlands. Durchbruch zu wolga und Kaukasus (1942)
29.00 €
52533 - Gerasimova, S.:
Rzhev Slaughterhouse. The Red Army's Forgotten 15-month Campaign against Army Group Center 1942-1943 (The)
55.00 €
50982 - Roggero, R.:
Sabbia e fuoco. Le battaglie del Nord-Africa dall'impresa di Libia alla resa Italo-tedesca 1941-1943
24.00 €
35565 - Vicentini, C.:
Sacrificio della Julia in Russia (Il)
14.50 €
49189 - Rainero, R.H.:
Sahara italiano nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Il)
17.50 €
54651 - Konstam, A.:
Salerno 1943. Gli Alleati invadono l'Italia meridionale
18.00 €
37772 - Konstam, A.:
Salerno 1943. The Allied Invasion of Italy
36.00 €
31895 - Pond, H.:
Salerno! 'Operazione Avalanche'. Il giorno piu' lungo a Salerno e in Italia
18.00 €
27570 - Carloni, F.:
San Pietro Infine. 8-17 dicembre 1943: la battaglia prima di Cassino
14.30 €
45736 - McCue, P.:
SAS Operation Bulbasket. Behind the Lines in Occupied France 1944
25.00 €
39378 - AAVV, :
Sbarco in Sicilia - Archivi di guerra 06 Libro+DVD
12.90 €
27158 - Koestler, A.:
Schiuma della terra
12.00 €
42650 - Haupt, W.:
Schlachten der Heeresgruppe Mitte aus der Sicht der Divisionen (Die)
19.95 €
36429 - AAVV, :
Scorched Earth: Airborne Warfare. German Parachute Divisions
18.00 €
36423 - AAVV, :
Scorched Earth: Panzer Battles. Hitler's Tank in Action!
18.00 €
36433 - AAVV, :
Scorched Earth: Stalemate In Italy. Assault on the Gustav Line
18.00 €
51229 - Bull, S.:
Second World War Infantry Tactics. The European Theatre
36.00 €
30140 - Warner, P.:
Secret Forces of WWII
25.00 €
41002 - Muelle- Mercier Bernadette, R.-F.:
Septembre 1944-Fevrier 1945. Ils ont libere la Lorraine et l'Alsace...
39.95 €
54181 - Zaloga, S.:
Sicilia 1943. La prima operazione congiunta degli Alleati
18.00 €
43034 - Le Tissier, T.:
Siege of Kuestrin 1945. Gateway to Berlin
27.00 €
47337 - Le Tissier, T.:
Siege of Kuestrin 1945. Gateway to Berlin
29.95 €
22102 - Glantz, D.M.:
Siege of Leningrad 1941-1944 (The)
35.00 €
31846 - McTaggart, P.:
Siege! 6 Epic Sieges of WWII on the Eastern Front
45.00 €
35779 - Pleshakov, C.:
Silenzio di Stalin. I primi dieci tragici giorni dell'Operazione Barbarossa (Il)
24.00 €
20322 - Ross, K.:
Sky Men. A Parachute Rifle Company's Story in the battle of the Bulge and the jump acroos the Rhine (The)
45.00 €
33951 - Whiting, C.:
Slaughter over Sicily
25.00 €
53824 - Cepic-Gustin-Troha, Z.-D.-N.:
Slovenia durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale (La)
33.00 €
25923 - Delaforce, P.:
Smashing the Atlantic Wall. The Destruction of Hitler's Coastal Fortresses
35.00 €
52253 - Martin, L.:
So Few Got Through. With the Gordon Highlanders from Normandy to the Baltic
27.00 €
35463 - Bradley, O.N.:
Soldier's Story (A)
25.00 €
24625 - Doherty, R.:
Sound of History. El Alamein 1942 (The)
35.00 €
39351 - Dunn, W.S.:
Soviet Blitzkrieg. The Battle for White Russia, 1944
21.00 €
25238 - Orenstein, H. cur:
Soviet Documents on War Experience. Volume I - The initial Period of War 1941
135.00 €
25578 - Orenstein, H. cur:
Soviet Documents on War Experience. Volume II - The Winter Campaign 1941-1942
155.00 €
25115 - Orenstein, H. cur:
Soviet Documents on War Experience. Volume III - Military Operations 1941 - 1942
165.00 €
25137 - Van Dyke, C.:
Soviet Invasion of Finland 1939-40
49.95 €
36399 - AAVV, :
Special Forces. Elite Military Units in Combat 3 DVD
39.00 €
30107 - Kaltenegger, R.:
Spezialverbaende der Gebirgstruppe 1939-1945
36.00 €
26146 - Pieraccini, G.:
Spring Time 1945. Tempo di primavera. VIII Armata. Le operazioni preliminari e complementari all'offensiva del 9 aprile 1945 nel settore adriatico del fronte
11.00 €
42657 - Kurowski, F.:
Sprung in die Hoelle. Kreta
18.00 €
20491 - Seidl, H.D.:
Stalin's Eagles
75.00 €
38190 - Dunn, W.S.:
Stalin's Keys to Victory. The Rebirth of the Red Army in WWII
21.00 €
41983 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Stalin's Revenge. Operation Bagration and the Annihilation of Army Group Centre
36.00 €
33043 - Scheibert-Haupt, H.-W.:
Stalingrad 1942. Offensive und Niederlage
16.00 €
52608 - Turner, J.F.:
Stalingrad Day by Day
36.00 €
40208 - Ziemke, E.F.:
Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East
50.00 €
41586 - Ziemke, E.F.:
Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East
65.00 €
46775 - Jones, M.K.:
Stalingrad. How the Red Army Triumphed
27.00 €
42507 - Lopez, J.:
Stalingrad. La Bataille au Bord du Gouffre
35.00 €
54303 - Walsh, S.:
Stalingrad. The Infernal Cauldron 1942-1943
33.00 €
31320 - Fowler, W.:
Stalingrad. The Vital 7 Days
36.00 €
53819 - Antill, P.:
Stalingrado 1942
18.00 €
52248 - Martinez Canales, F.:
Stalingrado 1942. Vertice de la Segunda Guerra Mundial - Imagenes de Guerra 02
20.00 €
40174 - Joyce, C.:
Stand Where They Fought. 150 Normandy Battlefields of the 77-Day Campaign. Vol 1: The American Sector
35.00 €
43665 - Baxter, I.:
Steel Bulwark. The Last Years of the German Panzerwaffe on the Eastern Front 1943-45
39.95 €
40499 - Robbins, D.L.:
Strada della liberta'. Romanzo (La)
18.60 €
43761 - Borsato, F.:
Strada per Roma. Perche' lo sbarco di Anzio e la distruzione di Cassino (La)
35.00 €
56775 - Kershaw, R.:
Street in Arnhem. The Agony of Occupation and Liberation (A)
19.95 €
40615 - Cherry, N.:
Striking Back. Britain's Airborne and Commando Raids 1940-42
39.95 €
24849 - Woodhouse, C.M.:
Struggle for Greece 1941-1949 (The)
32.50 €
42658 - Haupt, W.:
Sturm auf Moskau. Der Angriff-Die Schlacht-Der Rueckschlag
19.95 €
52223 - Bork, B.:
Sturmgeschuetz Brigade 191. La Buffelbrigade de 1940-45 des Balkans a la steppe des Kalmouks
55.00 €
38883 - Trojca-Jaugitz, W.-M.:
Sturmtiger and Sturmpanzer in Combat
65.00 €
51353 - Kessel, L.:
Surgeon at War. Parachuting into Arnhem with First Airborne Division
25.00 €
47338 - English, J.A.:
Surrender Invites Death. Fighting the Waffen SS in Normandy
36.00 €
40944 - Bork, B.:
Sutrmgeschuetz-Brigade 191. Die 'Bueffelbrigade' im Einsatz auf dem Balkan und in den Weiten Russlands 1940-1945 (Die)
29.95 €
27309 - Bessonov, E.:
Tank Rider. Into the Reich with the Red Army
25.00 €
34568 - Forty, G.:
Tanks Across the Desert. The War Diary of Jake Wardrop
36.00 €
31396 - AAVV, :
Tanks! Barbarossa DVD
18.00 €
31398 - AAVV, :
Tanks! On Campaign DVD
18.00 €
31373 - AAVV, :
Tanks! Steel Tigers DVD
18.00 €
31374 - AAVV, :
Tanks! The Ardennes Offensive DVD
18.00 €
31371 - AAVV, :
Tanks! The Battle of Kursk DVD
18.00 €
31399 - AAVV, :
Tanks! The Battles for Normandy DVD
18.00 €
31372 - AAVV, :
Tanks! Tigers in the Desert DVD
18.00 €
55953 - Bull-Rottman, S.-G.L.:
Tattiche della fanteria nella seconda guerra mondiale
28.00 €
34577 - Wilson, D.:
Tempting the Fates
36.00 €
40104 - AAVV, :
Thematiques Batailles 01: Un officier de la 9e Panzerdivision
13.00 €
40930 - AAVV, :
Thematiques Batailles 02: La Bataille de Stonne. Campagne de France 1940
13.00 €
36772 - Montanari, M.:
Three Battles of El Alamein (The)
25.00 €
54702 - Collins, M.:
Tigers of Bastogne. Voices of the 10th Armored Division during the Battle of the Bulge (The)
33.00 €
44872 - MacDonald, C.B.:
Time for Trumpets. The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge (A)
25.00 €
32894 - Hinze, R.:
To the Bitter End. The final battles of Army Groups North Ukraine, A, Centre, Eastern Front 1944-45
21.00 €
43482 - Glantz, D.M.:
To the Gates of Stalingrad. Soviet-German Combat Operations, April-August 1942 - Stalingrad Trilogy Vol 1
49.95 €
47312 - Oliver, D.:
To the Last Bullet. Germany's War on 3 Fronts Part 1: The East - Firefly Collection
25.00 €
52580 - Bradham, R.:
To the Last Man. The Battle for Normandy's Cotentin Peninsula and Brittany
25.00 €
47215 - Buckingham, W.:
Tobruk. The Great Siege 1941-42
29.95 €
28862 - Holland, J.:
Together we stand. North Africa 1942-1943: Turning the Tide in the West
21.00 €
48303 - Bergerud, E.:
Touched with Fire. The Land War in the South Pacific
20.00 €
33590 - Waddy, J.:
Tour of Arnhem Battlefield (A)
25.00 €
24735 - Ghigi, B.:
Tragedia della guerra nel Lazio 1943-44 (La)
30.99 €
53932 - Zuehlke, M.:
Tragedy at Dieppe: Operation Jubilee. August 19, 1942
49.95 €
41655 - Keene, J.:
Treason on the Airways. Three Allied Broadcasters on Axis Radio During WWII
49.95 €
43611 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Triumphant Fox. Erwin Rommel and the Rise of the Afrika Korps
25.00 €
31714 - Bellamy, B.:
Troop Leader. A Tank Commander's Story
19.95 €
72251 - Urbanke, A.:
U-Bootmaenner als Panzerjaeger. Das Marine-Panzerjagd-Regiment 1 und die Kaempfe bei Hamburg im April/Mai 1945
75.00 €
41875 - Augello, A.:
Uccidi gli Italiani. Gela 1943, la battaglia dimenticata N.Ed.
18.00 €
39306 - Lombardi, A. cur:
Ultima Blitzkrieg. Le campagne della Wehrmacht nei Balcani: Jugoslavia, Grecia e Creta, aprile-maggio 1941 (L')
24.00 €
28177 - Romualdi, A.:
Ultime ore dell'Europa (Le)
15.00 €
43296 - AAVV, :
Under Siege. Leningrad 1941 DVD
18.00 €
27697 - Schuster-Tiede, P.-H.:
Uniforms and Insigna of the Cossacks in the German Wehrmacht in World War II
65.00 €
43110 - Garrison- Gilbert, G.-P.:
Unless Victory Comes. Hell on the Ground from the West Wall to Victory
39.95 €
37548 - Casaldi, S.:
Uomini dello sbarco. Anzio-Nettuno 1944 (Gli)
35.00 €
33969 - Lee, D.:
Up Close and Personal. The reality of close-quarter fighting in World War II
39.00 €
31114 - Hays, J.J.:
US Army Ground Forces TOE WWII 1/I: Infantry Division 1940-1945
36.00 €
31112 - Hays, J.J.:
US Army Ground Forces TOE WWII 2/I: Armored Division 1940-1945
36.00 €
43164 - Smith-Westwell, S.-I.:
US Forces in Europe
21.00 €
25601 - Bolzoni, A.:
Ustacha. Gli uomini di Ante Pavelic che sognarono una Croazia libera
13.00 €
37801 - Woodruff, W.:
Vessel of Sadness
13.00 €
52532 - Lopukhovsky, L.:
Viaz'ma Catastrophe 1941. The Red Army's disastrous stand against Operation Typhoon (The)
69.95 €
40057 - Ellis, L.F. cur:
Victory in the West Vol I: The Battle of Normandy
39.95 €
40080 - Butler, J.R.M. cur:
Victory in the West Vol II: The Defeat of Germany
39.95 €
26232 - Sutherland, J.:
Vital Guide: Elite Troops of WWII
18.00 €
25822 - Sutherland, J.:
Vital Guide: WWII Tanks and AFVs
18.00 €
33080 - Baroni, P.:
Vittoria tradita. Marmarica novembre-dicembre 1941. Sulle orme di una grande battaglia (La)
16.00 €
47628 - Anderson, T.:
Vorwaerts immer, rueckwaerts nimmer. An illustrated Guide to history and Fate of the German Assault Artillery in WWII
49.95 €
39356 - Levine, A.L.:
War Against Rommel's Supply Lines 1942-1943
21.00 €
21381 - Patton, G.S.:
War as I knew it
25.00 €
40079 - Butler, J.R.M. cur:
War in France and Flanders (The)
39.95 €
39528 - Smith-Walker, P. C.-E. R.:
War in the Aegean. The Campaign for the Eastern Mediterranean in World War II
27.00 €
29097 - Ireland, B.:
War in the Mediterranean (The)
36.00 €
39115 - Brooks, T.R.:
War North of Rome. June 1944-May 1945 (The)
25.00 €
22347 - Kershaw, R.:
War without Garlands-Operation Barbarossa 1941-1942
19.95 €
52798 - Czajkowski, M.:
Warsaw 1944. An Insurgent's Journal of the Uprising Written by Zbigniew Czajkowski
36.00 €
47773 - Ledwoch, J.:
Warsaw I. Tanks in the Uprising, Units and Operations, August to October 1944
45.00 €
42671 - Bacyk, N.:
Warsaw II. Tank Battle at Praga July-Sept. 1944. The 4th SS-Panzerkorps vs the 1st Belorussian Front
39.95 €
30525 - Jaworska, K. cur:
Warszawa 1944. I 63 giorni dell'insurrezione
12.00 €
34949 - Yeide, H.:
Weapons of the Tankers. American Armor in World War II
30.00 €
27598 - Baxter, I.:
Western Front. SS Secret Archives
36.00 €
56914 - Forczyk, R.:
Where the Iron Crosses Grow. The Crimea 1941-1944
15.00 €
51810 - Wijers, H.:
Winter Storm. The Battle for Stalingrad and the Operation to Rescue 6th Army
29.95 €
21910 - Le Tissier, T.:
With our backs to Berlin. The German Army in retreat 1945
21.00 €
29673 - Nelson, M.J.:
With The Black Devils. A Soldier's World War II Account with the First Special Service Force and the 82nd Airborne
39.95 €
34596 - Stanton, S.L.:
World War II Order of Battle: Encyclopedia Reference to US Army Ground Forces from Battalion through Division 1939-1946
105.00 €
49392 - Bull, S.:
World War II The Last War Heroes. From D-Day to Berlin
29.95 €
48989 - Kerrigan, M.:
WWII Plans that Never Happened 1939-1945
33.00 €
43127 - Adkins, A.Z.:
You Can't Get Much Closer Than This. Combat With Company H, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division
33.00 €