Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
I Guerra Mondiale - Aviazione
IGM Generalità
I GM: Navale
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Risultati della Ricerca: 414 Prodotti
70670 - Rabito, W.:
112a Squadriglia Aeroplani
30.00 €
54041 - Ballard-Parks, J.-J.J.:
147th Aero Squadron in World War I. A Training and Combat History of the 'Who Said Rats' Squadron (The)
75.00 €
59087 - Rech, M. cur:
1918. Sui cieli del Grappa. Un aviatore ungherese al fronte
13.00 €
63839 - Laureati, M.:
4,20 andare: 6,10 a tornare. I Raid di Giulio Laureati e una corrispondenza con D'Annunzio per il volo su Vienna
15.00 €
48592 - Udet, E.:
Ace of the Black Cross. The Memoirs of a first World War German Air Ace
33.00 €
20749 - Wood, A.C.:
Aces and Airmen of World War I ULTIME COPIE !!!
36.00 €
70437 - Herris, J.:
AEG Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
70438 - Guttman, J.:
Aerial Foreign Legion. Volunteer Foreign Airmen in French Escadrille Service
59.95 €
59849 - Longhi, L.:
Aerofilia italiana dai pionieri dell'aviazione agli assi della Grande Guerra 1884-1920
60.00 €
65029 - Ledet, M:
Aeroplanes Voisin - Histoire de l'Aviation 39 (Les)
45.00 €
69152 - De Risio, C.:
Affondate la Graf Spee
15.00 €
70975 - Corum-turner, J.S.-G.:
Air Campaign 033: Bloody April 1917. The birth of modern air power
27.00 €
47625 - Nicolle-Gabr, D.-G.A.:
Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Vol 01 Military Flying Services in the Arab Countries 1909-1918 - Middle East @War 020
29.95 €
67534 - Nicolle-Gabr, D.-G.A.:
Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Vol 02 Arab Side Shows 1914-1918 - Middle East @War 026
29.95 €
46702 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Air Sea Rescue Service 1918-1986 (The)
25.00 €
52348 - Guttman, J.:
Air Vanguard 003: Sopwith Camel
23.00 €
53569 - Miller-Miller, J.F.-J.F.:
Air Vanguard 005: Albatros D.I-D.II
23.00 €
55427 - Miller-Miller, J.F.-J.F.:
Air Vanguard 013: Albatros D.III
23.00 €
15227 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 032: Albatros Aces of World War I Part 1
27.00 €
19221 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 033: Nieuport Aces of World War I
27.00 €
20407 - Guttman, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 039: SPAD VII Aces of World War I
27.00 €
17187 - Franks, N.:
Aircraft of the Aces 040: Fokker Dr I Aces of World War I
27.00 €
21635 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 042: American Aces of World War I
27.00 €
21709 - Shores-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 045: British and Empire Aces of World War I
27.00 €
21690 - Chant-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 046: Austro-Hungarian Aces of World War I
27.00 €
22602 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 047: SPAD XII/XIII Aces of World War I
27.00 €
22537 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 048: Dolphin and Snipe Aces of World War I
27.00 €
25339 - Franks-Weal, N.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 052: Sopwith Camel Aces of World War I
27.00 €
25673 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 053: Fokker D VII Aces of World War I Part 1
27.00 €
26770 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 062: Sopwith Triplane Aces of World War I
27.00 €
26771 - Franks-VanWyngarden, N.-G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 063: Fokker D VII Aces of World War I Part 2
27.00 €
32036 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 066: Balloon-Busting Aces of World War I
27.00 €
32030 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 067: Sopwith Pup Aces of World War I
27.00 €
33497 - VanWyngarden, G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 071: Pfalz Scout Aces of World War I
27.00 €
34741 - VanWyngarden, G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 073: Early German Aces of World War I
27.00 €
35897 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 077: Albatros Aces of World War I Part 2
27.00 €
35898 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 078: SE 5/5a Aces of World War I
27.00 €
37156 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 079: Bristol F2 Fighter Aces of World War I
27.00 €
40725 - Guttman, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 088: Pusher Aces of World War I
27.00 €
42939 - Varriale, P.:
Aircraft of the Aces 089: Italian Aces of World War I
27.00 €
49404 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 097: Naval Aces of World War I Part 1
27.00 €
50842 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 104: Naval Aces of World War I part 2
27.00 €
52345 - Varriale-Dempsey, P.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 110: Austro-Hungarian Albatros Aces of World War I
27.00 €
53567 - Kulikov-Dempsey, V.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 111: Russian Aces of World War I
27.00 €
53568 - Stenman-Davey, K.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 112: Fokker D.XXI Aces of World War II
27.00 €
54546 - Van Wyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 118: Aces of Jagdstaffel 17
27.00 €
56881 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 123: Reconnaissance and Bomber Aces of World War I
27.00 €
58725 - VanWyngarden, G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 128: Aces of Jagdgeschwader Nr III
27.00 €
45921 - Harris-Pearson, J.-B.:
Aircraft of World War I 1914-18
33.00 €
31304 - Laemlein, T.:
Aircraft Weapons of World War One. A Photo Study of Aerial Ordnance in the Great War
45.00 €
42570 - Wotherspoon-Clark-Sheldon, N.-A.-M.:
Aircraft Wrecks. A Walker's Guide. Historic Crash Sites on the Moors and Mountains of the British Isles
39.95 €
45613 - AAVV, :
Airplanes in Scale 3: World War I
33.00 €
70439 - Herris, J.:
Albatros Aircraft of WWI Vol 1
59.95 €
70440 - Herris, J.:
Albatros Aircraft of WWI Vol 2
59.95 €
70441 - Herris, J.:
Albatros Aircraft of WWI Vol 3
45.00 €
70442 - Herris, J.:
Albatros Aircraft of WWI Vol 4
59.95 €
23139 - Hoefling, R.:
Albatros DII. Germany's legendary WWI Aircraft
27.00 €
48952 - Bowyer, C.:
Albert Ball VC. The Story of the WWI Ace
15.00 €
29615 - Luppi, L.:
Aldo Finzi. Cofondatore della Regia Aeronautica e martire delle Fosse Ardeatine
19.50 €
67096 - Dell'Orco, D. cur:
Ali di D'Annunzio. I pionieri dell'aviazione che volarono insieme al Vate (Le)
18.00 €
24966 - Musizza-de Dona', W.-G.-M.:
Ali di Guerra sulle Dolomiti. Vol 1 Aviazione Italiana
15.00 €
33292 - Lombardi, S.D.:
Ali di Tela. Tra mito e storia: l'aviazione italiana dalle origini alla Grande Guerra
21.00 €
55312 - Lando, P.:
Ali di Venezia. Nascita e sviluppo dell'aviazione nel Novecento lagunare (Le)
22.00 €
15251 - Di Martino, B.:
Ali sulle trincee. Ricognizione tattica ed osservazione aerea dell'aviazione italiana durante la Grande Guerra
21.50 €
72866 - AAVV, :
Almanacco 1923-2023. Aeronautica Militare. In volo verso il futuro
35.00 €
70556 - Casari, B.:
American Military Aircraft 1908-1919
125.00 €
70116 - Miana-Keraenen-Gandini-Ottenziali, P.-J.-M.-F. cur:
Ansaldo SVA. Monografia tecnica
33.00 €
44740 - Rosselli, A.:
Aquile della Mezzaluna. L'aviazione turca durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale (Le)
12.00 €
61315 - Solli, G.:
Aquile della Regia Marina 1915-1918
25.00 €
70443 - Wilberg, J.:
Art of the Dogfight Part 1
59.95 €
70444 - Wilberg, J.:
Art of the Dogfight Part 2
59.95 €
70445 - Wilberg, J.:
Art of the Dogfight Part 3
59.95 €
70446 - Wilberg, J.:
Art of the Dogfight Part 4
59.95 €
51515 - Chant, C.:
Assi austroungarici della Grande Guerra (Gli)
18.00 €
49805 - Varriale, P.:
Assi italiani della Grande Guerra (Gli)
12.00 €
22234 - von Richthofen, M.:
Asso nemico. Diario di guerra (L')
16.53 €
70447 - Duesing, M.:
August Euler and His Airplanes Vol 1
49.95 €
70448 - Duesing, M.:
August Euler and His Airplanes Vol 2
49.95 €
70449 - Czirok, Z.:
Austro-Hungarian Fighter Units of WWI Vol 1: Fliks 68/J, 72/J and 74/J
33.00 €
70450 - Herris, J.:
Aviatik Aircraft of WWI 2nd Edition
59.95 €
24892 - O'Connor, N.W.:
Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany in WWI and the Men who earned them Vol VII: The Aviation Awards of Eight German States and Three Free Cities
85.00 €
29927 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 016: 'Richthofen's Circus' Jagdgeschwader Nr 1
27.00 €
29892 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 017: SPA124 Lafayette Escadrille. American Volunteer Airmen in World War I
27.00 €
29893 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 018: Groupe de Combat 12, 'Les Cigognes'
27.00 €
37783 - Vanwyngarden, G.:
Aviation Elite Units 026: Jagdstaffel 2 'Boelcke'. Von Richthofen's Mentor
27.00 €
42941 - Revell, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 033: No 56 Sqn RAF/RFC
27.00 €
47707 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 040: Jasta 18. The Red Noses
27.00 €
49407 - Revell-Dempsey, A.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 041: No 60 Sqn RFC/RAF
27.00 €
57533 - Ferry, V.:
Aviation Francaise 1914-1918 (L')
39.95 €
41126 - Penz, G.:
Aviazione austro-ungarica a Caporetto (L')
24.00 €
57924 - Gualtieri, A.:
Aviazione della Grande Guerra. Cavalieri, tattiche e tecnologie nei cieli d'Europa (L')
15.00 €
65803 - Cosentino, M.:
Aviazione della Regia Marina durante la 1a Guerra Mondiale (L')
39.00 €
51658 - Di Martino, B.:
Aviazione italiana a Caporetto (L')
18.00 €
48305 - Di Martino, B.:
Aviazione italiana nella Grande Guerra (L')
26.00 €
56436 - Villatoux-Mallet, P.-P.:
Avions Celebres de la Premiere Guerre Mondiale
29.95 €
38142 - Di Martino, B.:
Avventura del Drachen. Gli aerostati italiani nella Grande Guerra (L')
15.00 €
33515 - Fegan, T.:
Baby Killers. German Air Raids on Britain in First World War (The)
36.00 €
34318 - Christopher, J.:
Balloons at War. Gasbags, Flying Bombs and Cold War Secrets
36.00 €
65730 - Guarnieri-Nurcis-Vergerio, A.-P.-L.:
Baracca e il Barone
18.00 €
46741 - Castan, J.:
Barone Rosso. La storia di Manfred Von Richtofen (Il)
20.00 €
38245 - Jackson, R.:
Battle of the Baltic. The Wars 1918-1945
36.00 €
38935 - O'Connor, M.:
Battleground Europe - Aircraft and Airmen: Arras
19.95 €
38936 - O'Connor, M.:
Battleground Europe - Airfields and Airmen of the Channel Coast
19.95 €
32988 - O'Connor, M.:
Battleground Europe - Cambrai: Airfields and Airmen
19.95 €
32991 - Pedersen, P.:
Battleground Europe - Somme: Villers-Bretonneux
21.00 €
46506 - Evans, A.S.:
Beneath the Waves. A History of HM Submarine Losses 1904-1971
39.95 €
41662 - Kilduff, P.:
Black Fokker Leader. The First World War's Last Airfighter Knight
29.95 €
62229 - Clark, L.:
Blitzkrieg. Myth, Reality and Hitler's Lightning War. France 1940
39.95 €
63436 - Langham, R.:
Bloody Paralyser. The Giant Handley Page Bombers of the First World War
33.00 €
70558 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 01
39.00 €
70559 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 02
39.00 €
70451 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 03
39.00 €
70452 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 04
39.00 €
70453 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 05
39.00 €
70454 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 06
39.00 €
70455 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 07
39.00 €
70456 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 08
39.00 €
70457 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 09
45.00 €
70458 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 10
39.00 €
70459 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 11
39.00 €
70460 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 12
45.00 €
70461 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 13
39.00 €
70462 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 14
45.00 €
70463 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 15
49.95 €
70464 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 16
39.00 €
70465 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 17
45.00 €
70466 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 18
39.00 €
71786 - Bronnenkant, L.J.:
Blue Max Airmen. German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Merite Vol 19
49.95 €
71544 - Di Martino-Marcuzzo, B.-B.:
Bombardierung. Gli artigli dell'Impero. I bombardamenti austro-ungarici sull'Italia e l'armamento impiegato
18.00 €
44965 - Cooper, A.:
Bravery Awards for Aerial Combat. Stories behind the award of the CGM
36.00 €
45735 - Revell, A.:
Brief Glory. The Life of Arthur Rhys Davids
36.00 €
21424 - Briscoe-Stannard, W.A.-H.R.:
Britain's Forgotten Fighter Ace Captain Ball VC
25.00 €
70467 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: Experimental Fighters Part 1
45.00 €
70468 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Experimental Fighters Part 2
59.95 €
70469 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 3: Fairey Aircraft
59.95 €
31859 - Franks, N.:
British and American Aces of World War I. The Pictorial Record
75.00 €
15979 - Rogers, L.:
British Aviation Squadron Markings of World War I. RFC - RAF - RNAS
85.00 €
61985 - Roberts, J.:
British Battlecruisers 1905-1920
55.00 €
51360 - Burt, R.A.:
British Battleships 1919-1945
69.95 €
52981 - Burt, R.A.:
British Battleships of World War One
39.95 €
34232 - Revell, A.:
British Single-Seater Fighter Squadrons in World War I
85.00 €
70470 - Wilkins, M.C.:
Building the Dawn Patrol Vol 1: Spad XIII
27.00 €
27863 - Varriale, P.:
Caduti dell'Aviazione Italiana nella Grande Guerra (I)
25.00 €
16063 - Reed, O.:
Camel drivers: 17th Aero squadron in WWI
59.95 €
38030 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 193: London 1914-17. The Zeppelin Menace
27.00 €
46437 - Castle-Hook, I.-C.:
Campaign 227: London 1917-18. The bomber blitz
27.00 €
35483 - Hilliard, J.B.:
Capronis Farmans and SIAs. US Army Aviation training and combat in Italy with Fiorello La Guardia
27.00 €
52047 - Bennett, A.:
Captain Roy Brown: the Definitive Biography
25.00 €
24714 - Viazzi, L.:
Cavalieri del Cielo. L'Aviazione Militare Italiana dalle origini alla Grande Guerra. Le Aviazioni con le stellette in Italia oggi (I)
24.00 €
67218 - Fiegel-Hamady, S.-T.:
Champions of Flight. Clayton Knight and William Heaslip Artists who chronicled aviation from the Great War to Victory in WWII
59.95 €
54185 - Stiaccini-Caffarena, C.-F.:
Chi vola vale. L'immagine della Regia Aeronautica nell'Archivio del Generale Cagna
45.00 €
55950 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Circo volante di Richthofen. L'aviazione da caccia tedesca sul fronte occidentale 1916-1918 (Il)
22.00 €
64806 - Tome'-Manuzzato, E.-V.:
Costruisci l'aeroplano 3D. La storia dell'aviazione - Viaggia conosci esplora
19.90 €
48182 - Woodling-Chayka, B.-T.:
Curtiss Hydroaeroplane. The US Navy's First Airplane 1911-1916
75.00 €
50410 - Capone, C.:
D'Annunzio poeta aviatore. L'estasi del volo
10.00 €
59169 - AAVV, :
Dalla Serenissima all'aquila bicipite. Le basi navali e gli arsenali di Venezia, Pola e Cattaro durante la Grande Guerra
20.00 €
22945 - Owers, C.:
De Havilland Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: DH1 - DH4
45.00 €
22977 - Owers, C.:
De Havilland Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: DH5 - DH15
49.95 €
33372 - Davis Lewis, E.:
Dear Bert. An American Pilot flying in World War I Italy
15.00 €
40372 - Air Ministry 1918, :
Details of Aerial Bombs. Air Ministry 1918
33.00 €
70471 - Herris, J.:
Development of German Warplanes in WWI Vol 1. A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes and Seaplane
45.00 €
70472 - Herris, J.:
DFW Aircraft of WWI
69.95 €
39199 - von Richtofen, M.:
Diario di guerra aerea. Autobiografia
22.00 €
31902 - Di Martino, B.:
Dirigibili italiani nella Grande Guerra
30.00 €
59517 - Franks, N.:
Dog Fight. Aerial Tactics of the Aces of the First World War
25.00 €
27305 - Franks, N.:
Dog-Fight. Aerial Tactics of the Aces of World War I
36.00 €
38038 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Duel 007: Sopwith Camel vs Fokker Dr I. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
40741 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 017: SPAD XIII vs Fokker D VII: Western Front 1916-18
25.00 €
42955 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 020: SE 5a vs Albatros D V. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
47725 - Guttman-Laurier, J.-J.:
Duel 036: SPAD VII vs Albatros D III 1917-18
25.00 €
50859 - Miller-Laurier, J.F.-J.:
Duel 042: DH 2 vs Albatros D I/D II. Western Front 1916
25.00 €
55448 - Miller-Laurier, J.F.-J.:
Duel 055: FE 2b/d vs Albatros Scouts. Western Front 1916-17
25.00 €
54571 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
Duel 056: British Battlecruiser vs German Battlecruiser 1914-16
25.00 €
55451 - Guttman-Laurier, J.-J.:
Duel 059: Nieuport 11/16 Bebe vs Eindecker. Western Front 1916
25.00 €
64054 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 085: Zeppelin vs British Home Defence 1915-18
25.00 €
70473 - Wilberg, J.:
Eagle of Trieste. Gottfried von Banfield and the Naval Air War Over the Northern Adriatic in WWI Vol 1: The Man and His Aircraft
59.95 €
70474 - Wilberg, J.:
Eagle of Trieste. Gottfried von Banfield and the Naval Air War Over the Northern Adriatic in WWI Vol 2: Adriatic Air War
59.95 €
32060 - Sumner-Sumner, I.-G.:
Elite 135: German Air Forces 1914-18
23.00 €
64559 - Scroccaro, L.:
Eroi dell'aria 1915-1918
15.00 €
49606 - Revell, A.:
Fall of Eagles. Airmen of WWI
36.00 €
47807 - Bennett, L.:
Fall of the Red Baron. WWI Aerial Tactics and the death of Richtofen
39.95 €
70475 - Owers, C.A:
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70476 - Owers, C.A:
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46916 - Bedle, J.:
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45.00 €
17124 - Treadwell, T.:
First Air War. A pictorial history (A)
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17133 - Wolley, C.:
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43014 - Gardiner, I.:
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53284 - Wait, A.M.:
Flying Fox. Otto Fuchs. A German Aviator's Story 1917-1918
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17169 - McCudden, J.:
Flying Fury. Five Years in the Flying Corps
27.00 €
17163 - AAVV, :
Flying officers of US Navy 1917-19
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70477 - Herris, J.:
Fokker Aircraft of WWI Vol 1. Spinne - M.10 and Watercraft
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70478 - Herris, J.:
Fokker Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Eindeckers
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70479 - Herris, J.:
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70480 - Herris, J.:
Fokker Aircraft of WWI Vol 4: V.1 . V.8, F.I and Dr. I
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70481 - Herris, J.:
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71896 - Herris, J.:
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70482 - Herris, J.:
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67115 - Wilkins, M.C.:
Fokker Dr. 1. Germany's Famed Triplane in World War I - Legends of Warfare
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47677 - Guttman, J.:
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17190 - Nowarra, H.J.:
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17192 - Schuster, W.:
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22014 - Deggiovanni-Roncuzzi, P.-V.:
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58208 - Goldoni-Goldoni, L.-A.:
Francesco Baracca. L'eroe dimenticato della Grande Guerra
13.50 €
36900 - Manca, V.R.:
Francesco Baracca. L'uomo, l'aviatore, i suoi valori
26.00 €
64825 - Varriale, P.:
Francesco Baracca. Una Biografia
30.00 €
49333 - Gariglio-Papa-De Antoni, P.-M.-M.:
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17.00 €
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French Aces of WWI Vol 2: H-V
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57534 - Ferry, V.:
French Aricraft During the First World War
39.95 €
70485 - Owers, C.A:
French Waplanes of WWI Vol 1: Fighters
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70486 - Herris-Pearson-Anderson, J.-B.-S.:
Friedrichshafen Aircraft of WWI
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39808 - Gambarotto-Raffaelli-Zanandrea, S.-E.-S.:
Fuoco dal cielo. I bombardamenti aerei sulle citta' del Veneto e i danni al patrimonio artistico 1915-1918
14.00 €
70487 - Herris, J.:
Genesis of Fighter Aviation in WWI
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70488 - Herris, J.:
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70489 - Herris, J.:
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17383 - Nowarra, H.J.:
German Airships: Parseval - Schuttel - Lanz - Zeppelin
13.95 €
54755 - Treadwell, T.C.:
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70490 - Herris, J.:
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17422 - Koesin, R.:
German fighter since 1915
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70493 - Herris, J.:
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70494 - Herris, J.:
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70495 - Herris, J.:
German Seaplanes of WWI. Sablatnig, Kaiserliche Werften, Luebeck-Travemuende, LTG and Oertz Aircraft of WWI
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70496 - Duesing, M.:
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58424 - Lonati-Pacelli, P.-M.:
Gianni Caproni e l'aeronautica militare italiana
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58926 - Malatesta, L.:
Girolamo 'Gino' Allegri. Dalla beffa di Feltre al volo su Vienna
10.00 €
67891 - Di Marco, S.:
Giuseppe de Marco. Pioniere dell'avizione in Sicilia
15.00 €
70498 - Herris, J.:
Gotha Aircraft of WWI
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52484 - Vazquez Garcia, J.:
Gran Guerra en el Aire (La)
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62858 - Lehmann, E.:
Grande Guerra aerea. Sguardi incrociati italo-francesi
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Grande Guerra sopra le Crode. I primi voli del XII Gruppo tra le Dolomiti Bellunesi (La)
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70109 - Rigo-Dalle Fratte-Callegari, A.-M.-R.:
Grande Guerra tra terra e cielo. Istrana: battaglie, volti e memorie (La)
18.00 €
17606 - Apostolo, G.:
Grandi battaglie aeree del XX secolo (Le)
22.50 €
51855 - Lopreiato, A.:
Grandi battaglie aeree. Le imprese, le vittorie e le sconfitte piu' incredibili mai avvenute in cielo (Le)
12.00 €
55492 - Ramsey, G.:
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36.00 €
70499 - Matt Bowden, M.:
Great War's Finest. An Operational History of the Imperial German Air Service Vol 1: Western Front 1914
79.95 €
70500 - Guttman, J.:
Grim Reapers. French Escadrille 94 in World War I
39.00 €
28258 - Ghiara-Scarlini, S.-G.:
Grosseto, 26 aprile 1943. Operazione 'Uovo di Pasqua'
25.00 €
58626 - Sore', P.:
Guerra aerea da Caporetto a Vittorio Veneto. 24 ottobre 1917-4 novembre 1918 (La)
36.00 €
23419 - Di Martino, B.:
Guerra Aerea. Vicende ed immagini dell'aviazione italiana sugli altipiani veneto-trentini
15.00 €
49676 - Spiess, J.:
Guerra sottomarina 1914-1918 (La)
18.00 €
47669 - Faggioni, G.:
Guerre navali nel Mar Baltico. L'epopea dei convogli e la guerra nel Mare del Nord
13.00 €
70501 - Herris, J.:
Guide to German B-Type of WWI
27.00 €
70502 - Herris, J.:
Guide to German Seaplanes of WWI
33.00 €
71895 - Olejko, A.:
Habsburg Wings 1915. Austro-Hungarian Aviation in the 1915 Campaign Over Galicia and the Balkans
59.95 €
70503 - Herris, J.:
Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: A Types to C.III
59.95 €
70504 - Herris, J.:
Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: CL.IV-CLS.I and Fighters
69.95 €
70505 - Owers, C.A:
Hannover Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
70506 - Owers, C.A:
Hansa-Brandenburg Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: Landplanes
69.95 €
70507 - Owers, C.A:
Hansa-Brandenburg Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Biplane Seaplanes
69.95 €
70508 - Owers, C.A:
Hansa-Brandenburg Aircraft of WWI Vol 3: Monoplane Seaplanes
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70509 - Revell, A.:
Happy Warrior. The Life of James Thomas Byford McCudden VC (The)
39.00 €
40219 - Facon, P.:
Histoire de l'Armee de l'Air. Une jeunesse tumultueuse 1880-1945 (L')
65.00 €
34235 - Westrop, M.:
History of No. 6 Squadron Royal Naval Air Service in World War I
75.00 €
29650 - Westrop, M.:
History of No.10 Squadron Royal Naval Air Service in World War I
75.00 €
56520 - Barber, H.:
How to Fly a Plane. The First World War Pilot's Manual
15.00 €
55790 - Avions HS, 38:
HS Avions 38: Dieudonne' Costes, l'As vainqueur de l'Atlantique
19.95 €
52501 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Images of War. Royal Flying Corps
27.00 €
64945 - Franks, N:
Images of War. Sopwith Camels Over Italy 1917-1918
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42761 - Immelmann, F.:
Immelmann. The Eagle of Lille
27.00 €
55554 - Petrov, G.:
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22982 - Durkota, A. et al.:
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57119 - Previtera, S.T.:
Imperial Sky Vol I. Flight Badges of the Imperial German and Bavarian Armies. Libro+cofanetto
195.00 €
59369 - Stiaccini-Caffarena, C.-F.:
In guerra sopra le nubi. Il pilota Giuseppe Canonica nel Primo conflitto mondiale
35.00 €
70510 - Casarrubea, A.:
In The Skies of Forgotten Courage. The RNAS and the RAF in the Adriatic and Albania 1917-1918
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70512 - Miller, J.:
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51955 - Kilduff, P.:
Iron Man. Rudolf Berthold: Germany's Indomitable Fighter Ace of WWI
29.95 €
24901 - Gentilli-Iozzi-Varriale, R.-A.-P.:
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85.00 €
52916 - Kaehnert, M.E.:
Jagdstaffel 356. The Story of a German Fighter Squadron
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57110 - Mueckler-Absmeier-Urbanke, J.-R.-A.:
Jasta 14. Die Geschichte der Jagdstaffel 14 1916-1918
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29035 - Franks, N.:
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36.00 €
70513 - Schmaeling, B.:
Jasta Colors Vol 1
79.95 €
70514 - Schmaeling, B.:
Jasta Colors Vol 2
69.95 €
70516 - Owers, C.A:
Junkers Aircrafts of WWI Vol 1
59.95 €
70517 - Owers, C.A:
Junkers Aircrafts of WWI Vol 2
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70518 - Breuer-Waiss, F.-W.:
Kaiser's Flyers in Macedonia 1914-1918
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57113 - Ryheul, J.:
KEKs and Fokkerstaffels. The early German Fighter Units in 1915-1916
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43569 - Werner, J.:
Knight of Germany. Oswald Boelcke, German Ace
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18396 - Gordon, D.:
Lafayette Flying Corps. American volunteers in the French Air Service in WWI
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46706 - Hynes, J.P.:
Lawrence of Arabia's Secret Air Force. Based on the Diary of Flight Sergeant George Hynes
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54680 - Kocent Zielinski, E.:
Legends of Aviation 07: Pfalz. Fighter Aircraft from Rheinland the Wine Country
21.00 €
65240 - Olejko, A.:
Library of Armed Conflicts 04: The Habsburgs' Wings 1914 Vol 1
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35481 - Ficini, S.:
Luigi Falchi. Pioniere del bombardamento aereo
14.00 €
70519 - Herris, J.:
LVG Aircraft Vol 1
49.95 €
70520 - Herris, J.:
LVG Aircraft Vol 2
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70521 - Herris, J.:
LVG Aircraft Vol 3
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25460 - AAVV, :
Macchina di sorveglianza. La ricognizione aerofotografica italiana e austriaca sul Trentino 1915-1918
62.00 €
42252 - Franks-Saunders, N.-A.:
Mannock. The Life and Death of Major Edward Mannock
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59863 - Bianchi, G.:
Marchese Piero Massoni Tenente pilota della 'Serenissima' ed il volo su Vienna (Il)
20.00 €
70522 - Olejko, A.:
Marinefliegerstation Putzig 1911-1920
39.00 €
70523 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 1: Aviators of WWI
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70524 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 2: Interwar Years 1919-1939
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70526 - Durkota, A.:
Medal of Honor Vol 4: Marine Aviators of WW2 Part 2
45.00 €
22927 - Durkota, A.:
Medals of Honor. Aviators of WWI
33.00 €
70527 - Crouthamel, J.:
Memoirs of German Pilots in the First World War. Vol 1: Buddecke, von Tutschek, and Gontermann
45.00 €
65406 - Crouthamel, J.:
Memoirs of German Pilots in the First World War. Vol 2: Rosenstein, Boehme, and Schaefer
39.99 €
71779 - Baracca, F.:
Memorie di guerra aerea
18.00 €
72032 - Baracca, F.:
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20.00 €
15964 - Cormack-Cormack, A.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 351: British Air Forces 1914-18 (2)
19.00 €
70798 - Wood-Sutton, A.C.-M.:
Military Aviation of the First World War
45.00 €
69618 - Hooper, D.:
Modelling German World War I Aircrafts
33.00 €
72860 - Galbiati-Pruneri, F.-S.:
Monza e i suoi aviatori 1905-1945
22.00 €
22620 - Fischer, S.:
Mother of Eagles
39.95 €
72920 - Ognibene- Di Martino, S.-B.:
MUSAM. Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare
35.00 €
70528 - Herris, J.:
Nachtflugzeug! German N-Types of WWI
21.00 €
59368 - Alegi, G.:
Nascita - La Storia dell'Aeronautica Militare (La)
45.00 €
33949 - Zelaschi, M.:
Navi da battaglia austro-ungariche nella Prima Guerra Mondiale 1914-1918
34.00 €
19208 - Lowell, l.:
New England Aviators 1914-18 Vol I
65.00 €
19209 - Lowell, l.:
New England Aviators 1914-18 Vol II
65.00 €
29922 - Stephenson-Palmer, C.-I.:
New Vanguard 101: Zeppelins: German Airships 1900-40
19.00 €
40757 - Castle, I.:
New Vanguard 155: British Airships 1905-30
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58835 - Lardas, M.:
New Vanguard 238: World War I Seaplane and Aircraft Carriers
19.00 €
58838 - Noppen, R.K..:
New Vanguard 241: Austro-Hungarian Cruisers and Destroyers 1914-18
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40778 - Alegi, G. cur:
Nieuport 10. Storia di un aereo
15.00 €
38341 - Hamady, T.:
Nieuport 28. America's First Fighter (The)
75.00 €
72314 - Cimbolli Spagnesi, P. cur:
Occhio sul mare. La Regia Marina Italiana e la ricognizione aerea nella Prima Guerra Mondiale (L')
39.00 €
28886 - Polmar-Bell, N.-D.:
One Hundred Years of World Military Aircraft
39.95 €
48545 - Guttman, J.:
Origin of the Fighter Aircraft (The)
33.00 €
50906 - Grattan, R.F.:
Origins of Air War. Development of Military Air Strategy in WWI (The)
90.00 €
66884 - Di Martino, B.:
Ortigara il fronte nel cielo. Le operazioni aeree sugli altopiani veneti e trentini nel giugno 1917
19.00 €
70529 - Herris, J.:
Otto, Ago, BFW Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
70111 - Grampa, A.:
Parco degli idrovolanti. L'idroscalo militare di Sant'Anna (Il)
20.00 €
70530 - Owers, C.A. cur:
Patrolling the North Sea in WWI
49.95 €
70531 - Biber, J.:
Paul Biber and the Seeflugzeug-Versuchs-Kommando Warnemuende 1916-1918
69.95 €
70532 - Biber, J.:
Paul Biber's Experiences at Szentandras airship Base near Timisoara
59.95 €
62860 - Mega, G.:
Per l'aria, buona guardia! Un secolo di sorveglianza dei cieli italiani
25.00 €
70533 - Herris, J.:
Pfalz Aircraft of World War I
69.95 €
69438 - Cristini-Rybak, L.S.- S.:
Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 - Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
22.00 €
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Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 ADD-ON - Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
25.00 €
36292 - Kennett, L.:
Premiere Guerre aerienne 1914-1918 (La)
30.00 €
43994 - Baroni, P.:
Principe con le ali. Fulco Ruffo di Calabria (Il)
20.00 €
47718 - Castle-Dennis, I.-P.:
Raid 018: Zeppelin Base Raids. Germany 1914
25.00 €
53219 - Castle, I.:
Raid inglesi sulle Basi Zeppelin. Germania 1914 (I)
15.00 €
67883 - Andri, A.:
Recuperi navali in basso fondale. Leonardo da Vinci - Duilio - Corazziere - Pontone posa massi
23.00 €
38183 - Franks-Bennett, N.-A.:
Red Baron Last Flight. An in-depth investigation into what really happened on the day Von Richthofen was shot down
18.00 €
19939 - Gentilli-Varriale, R.-P.:
Reparti dell'Aviazione italiana nella Grande Guerra (I)
30.00 €
49713 - Burns, I.M.:
RNAS and the Birth of the Aircraft Carrier 1914-1918 (The)
33.00 €
70534 - Herris, J.:
Roland Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
38593 - Bar, R.:
Ronny Bar Profiles. German Fighters of the Great War Vol 1
45.00 €
48999 - Bar, R.:
Ronny Bar Profiles. German Fighters of the Great War Vol 2
59.95 €
63301 - Garton, N.:
Royal Aircraft Factory SE5 Owners' Workshop Manual. 1916 Onwards. SE5, SE5A, SE5B and SE-5E
39.95 €
70563 - Schmaeling-Bock, B.-W.:
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 23
89.95 €
70598 - Schmaeling, B.:
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 76
59.95 €
25020 - Treadwell-wood, T.C.-A.C.:
Royal Flying Corps (The)
21.00 €
22850 - Treadwell-Wood, C.-A.C.:
Royal Naval Air Service (The)
21.00 €
59797 - Hobbs, D.:
Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War
55.00 €
70564 - Schmaeling-Bock, B.-W.:
Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 30
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70535 - Herris, J.:
Rumpler Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
43224 - Blume, A.G.:
Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I Vol 1: A Chronology 1910-1917 (The)
99.00 €
43225 - Blume, A.G.:
Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I Vol 2: Victories, Losses, Awards (The)
99.00 €
36257 - Lewis, C.:
Sagittarius Rising
27.00 €
22720 - Owers, C. et al.:
Salmson Aircraft of WWI
65.00 €
54712 - Molteni, M.:
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28.00 €
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Seefrosta. Seefrontstaffel Flanders October 1917-August 1918
49.95 €
48957 - Brown, R.:
Shark Squadron. The History of 112 Squadron 1917-1975
39.95 €
54663 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: Early Types
59.95 €
70820 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Short 184
59.95 €
70821 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 3: Later Types
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70537 - Herris, J.:
Siemens-Schuckert Aircraft of WWI
59.95 €
22891 - Mikheyev, V.:
Sikorsky S-16
27.00 €
17957 - Varriale, P.:
Silvio Scaroni. L'asso che divento' generale
30.00 €
52578 - Hart, P.:
Somme Success. The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of the Somme 1916
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Stand. The Final Flight of Lt. Frank Luke, Jr. (The)
85.00 €
52446 - Iacomino, L.:
Storia dell'aviazione in Capitanata
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Storia dell'aviazione italiana (Una)
18.00 €
31523 - Warner, O.:
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34500 - Emiliani-Filippi, A.-D.:
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27429 - Kilduff, P.:
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49842 - Reese, P.:
Target London. Bombing the Capital 1915-2005
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56791 - Azzini, E.:
Tenente pilota Enrico Gadda. Breve vita del Gadda, bello, spensierato e aviatore (Il)
13.00 €
31056 - Shores, C.:
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51064 - Bennett, L.:
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67984 - Noszak, M.:
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70540 - Schmeelke, M.:
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15284 - Bargoni, F.:
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21094 - Shirley, n.:
United States Naval Aviation 1910-18
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65710 - Garros, R.:
Uomo che baciava le nuvole. Memorie e diario di guerra di Roland Garros (L')
23.00 €
22944 - Revell, A.:
Victoria Cross. WWI Airmen and their Aircraft
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70541 - Revell, A.:
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54094 - Yeates, V.M.:
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21393 - Murray, W.:
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42733 - Hooton, E.R.:
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70542 - Ljejko, A.:
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59808 - Willis, M.:
Warpaint 105: Sopwith Pup
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