Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Guerre Coloniali - Altri Paesi
Risultati della Ricerca: 452 Prodotti
47379 - Bruschi, M.:
13eme RDP Combat en Algerie 1955-1962
55.00 €
46516 - Gaujac, P.:
1940 Les Troupes Coloniales dans la Campagne de France
35.00 €
38273 - Dufour, P.:
1er Regiment de Trailleurs. Tirailleurs de l'Armee d'Afrique
35.00 €
57342 - Dutrone-Maily, C.-J.M.:
2e BCCP. Battalion Coloniale de Commandos Parachutistes. Indochine 1947-1949
49.95 €
55580 - Gaujac, P.:
3 sous le signe de la victoire. De la 3e DIA a la 3e BM 1943-2003 (La)
35.00 €
29987 - Dufour, P.:
5eme Etranger Tome 1. Tome 1 Indochine 1883-1946
39.00 €
69154 - De Risio, C.:
6650 chilometri. La 'corsa' al Nilo 'fin de siecle' delle grandi potenze
14.00 €
24883 - Carman, W.Y.:
Ackermann Military Prints. Uniforms of the British and Indian Armies (The)
75.00 €
32893 - Dorney, R.:
Active Service. The story of a soldier's life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS, 1935-58 (An)
33.00 €
49547 - Walker, J.:
Aden Insurgency. The Savage War in Yemen 1962-1967
27.00 €
43674 - Hensman, H.:
Afghan War of 1879-1880 (The)
33.00 €
27463 - Heathcote, T.A.:
Afghan Wars 1839-1919 (The)
27.00 €
24662 - Maley, W.:
Afghanistan Wars (The)
25.00 €
35193 - Tanner, S.:
Afghanistan. A Military History from Alexander de Great to the fall of the Taliban
21.00 €
57500 - Di Rienzo, E.:
Afghanistan. Il grande gioco 1914-1947
12.00 €
56112 - Guerrini, M.:
Afghanistan. Passato e presente
28.00 €
59709 - Campiglio, G.:
Africa bianca. Dalle origini all'indipendenza 1652-1910
13.00 €
69462 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels, P.:
Africa Orientale Italiana 1940-1941. La fine di un Impero
29.00 €
25509 - Edgerton, R.B.:
Africa's Armies. From Honor to Infamy, a History from 1791 to the Present
35.00 €
49076 - Stapleton, T.:
African Police and Soldiers in Rhodesia 1923-1980
75.00 €
51402 - Peers, C.:
African Wars. Warriors and Soldiers of the Colonial Campaigns (The)
36.00 €
38384 - Betts, R.F.:
Alba illusoria. L'imperialismo europeo nell'Ottocento (L')
18.00 €
53037 - Roggero, C.:
Algeria e il Maghreb. La guerra di liberazione e l'unita' regionale (L')
16.00 €
61497 - Hopkirk, P.:
Alla conquista di Lhasa
25.00 €
70265 - Dalrymple, W.:
34.00 €
52538 - Milne, R.:
Anecdotes of the Anglo-Boer War. Tales from 'The Last of the Gentlement's Wars'
27.00 €
47427 - Lord-Birtles, C.-D.:
Armed Forces of Aden and the Protectorate 1839-1967 (The)
45.00 €
73072 - Carmichael, E.:
Armies and Wars of the French East India Companies 1664-1770. European, Asian and African Soldiers in India, Africa, the Far East and Louisiana
55.00 €
43677 - MacMunn, G.F.:
Armies of India (The)
33.00 €
32390 - Heath, I.:
Armies of the 19th Century. Asia Vol 1: India's North-East Frontier
39.95 €
69264 - Rosselli, A.:
Ascari del Kaiser. La guerra in Ostafrika 1914-1918. Von Lettow-Vorberck e i tedeschi che non persero mai
29.00 €
46460 - Farrel, J.G.:
Assedio di Krishnapur (L')
11.00 €
42100 - Cony-Ledet, C.-M.:
Aviation francaise en Indochine 1910-1945 - Histoire de l'Aviation 21 (L')
80.00 €
26523 - Plueschow, G.:
Aviatore di Tsingtao. Avventure di guerra 1914-1918 (L')
17.00 €
57085 - Reed, J.:
Avventura e rivoluzione
14.00 €
41456 - Angeletti, F.:
Avventure coloniali minori
18.00 €
68855 - Fleming, P.:
Baionette a Lhasa. L'invasione britannica del Tibet
26.00 €
66918 - Albi de la Cuesta, J.:
Banderas olvidadas. El Ejercito espanol en las guerras de Emancipation de America
30.00 €
40216 - Maisonneuve, C.:
Bataille de Dien Bien Phu. Les chevaliers condamnes de l'armee coloniale (La)
65.00 €
37830 - Farale, D.:
Bataille des monts Nementcha (Algerie 1954-1962): un cas concret de guerre subversive et contre-subversive (La)
25.00 €
72168 - Benneyworth, G.:
Battle of Magersfontein. Victory and defeat on the South African veld. 10-12 December 1899 (The)
45.00 €
66949 - Laband, J.:
Battle of Majuba Hill. The Transvaal Campaign 1880-1881 (The)
33.00 €
51722 - Yorke, E.:
Battle Story: Isandlwana 1879
15.00 €
54003 - Yorke, E.:
Battle Story: Kabul 1841-1842
15.00 €
54008 - Yorke, E.:
Battle Story: Maiwand 1880
15.00 €
52751 - Wright, W.:
Battle Story: Omdurman 1898
15.00 €
51730 - Yorke, E.:
Battle Story: Rorke's Drift 1879
15.00 €
23760 - Knight, I.:
Battleground South Africa - Isandlwana
21.00 €
23571 - Childs, L.:
Battleground South Africa - Kimberley :Belmont/Graspan/Modder River/Magersfontein
19.95 €
45326 - Rookes, S.:
Belgian Military Forces in the Congo Vol 1: The Force Publique 1885-1960 - Africa @War 058
29.95 €
71968 - Rookes-Stevens, S.-P.:
Belgian Military Forces in the Congo Vol 2: Congolese Tactical Air Force co-operation with the CIA 1964-67 - Africa @War 061
29.95 €
48550 - Snook, M.:
Beyond the Reach of Empire. The Gordon Relief Expeditions 1884-5
65.00 €
72169 - Barry, Q.:
Black Week. The British Army and Defeat in the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1900
45.00 €
43599 - Garcia del Rio Fernandez-Gonzalez Rosado, J.-C.:
Blocaos. Vida y muerte en Marruecos
26.00 €
26385 - Judd-Surridge, D.-K.:
Boer War (The)
45.00 €
53849 - Judd-Surridge, D.-K.:
Boer War. A History (The)
19.95 €
25437 - Gooch, J. cur:
Boer War. Direction, experience and Immage (The)
135.00 €
51824 - Nasson, B.:
Boer War. The Struggle for South Africa (The)
27.00 €
71721 - Rompel, F.:
Boeri e la guerra sudafricana (I)
25.00 €
46190 - Saint Loup, :
Boeri...all'attacco! I Commando Sudafricani in guerra 1881-1978
26.00 €
53742 - Annett, R.:
Borneo Boys. RAF Tyro Rotary Pilots in Action. Indonesia Confrontation 1962-66
45.00 €
34410 - Knight, I.:
Brave Men's Blood. The Epic of the Zulu War 1879
21.00 €
22326 - Lenman, B.:
Britain's Colonial Wars 1688-1783
39.00 €
35334 - Hernon, I.:
Britain's Forgotten Wars. Colonial Campaigns of the 19th Century
22.50 €
43323 - Pemble, J.:
Britain's Gurkha War. The Invasion of Nepal 1814-16
36.00 €
68167 - Singh Mann, G.:
British and the Sikhs. Discovery, Warfare and Friendship 1700-1900 (The)
27.00 €
25680 - Morewood, S.:
British Defence of Egypt 1935-40: Conflict and Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean
135.00 €
27821 - Duckers, P.:
British Indian Army 1860-1920 (The)
15.00 €
29485 - van der Bijl, N.:
British Military Operations in Aden and Radfan. 100 Years of British Colonial Rule
39.95 €
71636 - Beckett, I.:
British Military Panoramas. Battle in The Round 1800-1914
55.00 €
33356 - Seymour, W.:
British Special Forces. The Story of Britain's Undercover Soldiers
19.95 €
52952 - Cann, J.P.:
Brown Waters of Africa. Portuguese Riverine Warfare 1961-1974
39.95 €
52641 - van der Bijl, N.:
Brunei Revolt 1962-1963 (The)
36.00 €
60981 - Wassermann, M.:
Bula Matari. La vita di Henry Stanley
17.50 €
37507 - Somerville, M.:
Bull Run to Boer War. How the American Civil War Changed the British Army
45.00 €
70751 - Brown, S.:
By Fire and Bayonet. Grey's West Indies Campaign of 1794
39.95 €
54180 - De Quesada, A.M.:
Caccia a Pancho Villa. L'attacco a Columbus e la spedizione punitiva di Pershing 1916-1917
15.00 €
59604 - Cross, C.:
Caduta dell'Impero Britannico 1918-1968 (La)
22.00 €
16061 - Marshall, P.J.:
Cambridge Illustrated History of British Empire
49.95 €
21573 - Knight, I.:
Campaign 014: Zulu War 1879. Twilight of a Warrior Nation
27.00 €
18332 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 023: Khartoum 1885. General Gordon's Last Stand
27.00 €
20816 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 027: Tel El-Kebir 1882. Wolseley's Conquest of Egypt
27.00 €
19332 - Featherstone, D.:
Campaign 029: Omdurman 1898. Kitchener's victory in the Sudan
27.00 €
19691 - Harrington, P.:
Campaign 035: Plassey 1757. Clive of India's Finest Hour
27.00 €
16284 - Knight, I.:
Campaign 038: Colenso 1899. The Boer War in Natal
27.00 €
20072 - Knight-Perry, I.-A.:
Campaign 041: Rorke's Drift 1879. 'Pinned like rats in a hole'
27.00 €
18652 - Castle, I.:
Campaign 045: Majuba 1881. The Hill of Destiny
27.00 €
19609 - Harrington-Perry, P.-M.:
Campaign 085: Peking 1900. The Boxer Rebellion
27.00 €
23544 - Knight-Hook, I.-A.:
Campaign 111: Isandlwana 1879. The great Zulu victory
27.00 €
33481 - Millar, S.:
Campaign 166: Assaye 1803 . Wellington's first and 'bloodiest' victory
27.00 €
58758 - Macrory, R.:
Campaign 298: The First Afghan War 1839-42. Invasion, Catastrophe and Retreat
27.00 €
66527 - Smith-Noon, D.-S.:
Campaign 338: First Anglo-Sikh War 1845-46. The Betrayal of the Khalsa
27.00 €
73216 - Knight, I.:
Campaign 402: Blood River 1838. The Zulu-Boer War and the Great Trek
27.00 €
34621 - Greenwood, J.:
Campaign in Afghanistan (The)
18.00 €
54639 - Felton, M.:
China Station. The British Military in the Middle Kingdom 1839-1997
36.00 €
54597 - Jowett, P.:
China's Wars. Rousing the Dragon 1894-1949
39.95 €
43671 - Ouchterlony, J.:
Chinese War (The)
33.00 €
16289 - Kiernan, V.G.:
Colonial Empires and Armies 1815 - 1960
17.50 €
54555 - Knight-Dennis, I.-P.:
Combat 003: British Infantryman vs Zulu Warrior. Anglo-Zulu War 1879
25.00 €
57413 - Adams, G.:
Combat 020: King's African Rifles Soldier vs Schutztruppe Soldier. East Africa 1917-18
25.00 €
62941 - Knight-Shumate, I.-J.:
Combat 026: Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier. South Africa 1880-1902
25.00 €
69398 - Knight, I.:
Combat 058: British Infantryman vs Mahdist Warrior. Sudan 1884-98
25.00 €
50646 - Jasanoff, M.:
Compagnia delle Indie. La prima multinazionale (La)
25.00 €
40083 - Knight, I.:
Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War
36.00 €
55213 - Herbert-Ryan, W.V.-C.:
Conflict at Plevna. Two Accounts of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78
19.95 €
72171 - Driver, H.:
Controlling the Frontier. Southern Africa 1806-1828. The Cape Frontier Wars and The Fetcani Alarm
29.95 €
34692 - Pratt, H.:
Corto Maltese. Le Etiopiche
23.00 €
63335 - Jones, D.R.:
Crimean War then and now (The)
55.00 €
28863 - Robson, B.:
Crisis on the Frontier. The Third Afghan War and the Campaign in Waziristan 1919-20
30.00 €
48321 - Poponessi, P.:
Croce tra gli Alpini. Un cappellano militare nelle guerre di Mussolini (Una)
18.00 €
36937 - AAVV, :
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 04: Sahara, 1975. Imagines ineditas de la presencia militar espanola
15.00 €
54217 - Erusalimskij, A.S.:
Da Bismarck a Hitler.L'imperialismo tedesco nel ventesimo secolo
28.00 €
57663 - Kamel, L.:
Dalle profezie all'impero. L'espansione britannica nel Mediterraneo orientale 1798-1878
18.00 €
52111 - Ray, B.:
Dangerous Frontiers. Campaigning in Somaliland and Oman
25.00 €
34414 - Rattray, D.:
David Rattray's Guidebook To The Anglo-Zulu War Battlefields
27.00 €
29975 - AAVV, :
De Bizerte a Sarajevo. Les Troupes de Marine dans les interventions exterieures de 1961 a 1995
36.00 €
56818 - Smith, K.:
Dead Was Everything. Studies in the Anglo-Zulu War
45.00 €
38380 - Swinton, E.D.:
Defence of Duffer's Drift. A Lesson in the Fundamentals of Small Unit Tactics
21.00 €
49708 - Edwards, A.:
Defending the Realm? The Politics of Britain's Small Wars Since 1945
33.00 €
31543 - Warner, P.:
Dervish. The Rise and Fall of an African Empire
36.00 €
29977 - AAVV, :
Des Troupes coloniales aux Troupes de Marine - Un reve d'aventure 1900-2000
40.00 €
50246 - Townshend, C.:
Desert Hell. The British Invasion of Mesopotamia
45.00 €
27192 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 11 1925, el desembarco de Alhucemas
10.00 €
62011 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 21 Cuba 1898
10.00 €
63920 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 30 El desastre de Annual
10.00 €
66893 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 36 La Guerra de Filipinas 1896-1898
10.00 €
68923 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 44 Los ultimos de Filipinas
10.00 €
70731 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 52 El barranco del Lobo y la Semana Tragica
10.00 €
71326 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 57 La Guerra de Marruecos. Espana contra El Raisuni
10.00 €
27851 - Desperta, Mod.:
Desperta Ferro - Moderna 11 El Gran Juego
10.00 €
59949 - Desperta, Mod.:
Desperta Ferro - Moderna 23 Jartum 1885
10.00 €
69923 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Moderna 52 El motin de la India
10.00 €
71332 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Moderna 65 La expedicion a Cochinchina
10.00 €
73162 - Desperta, AyM:
Desperta Ferro - Moderna 70 Cuba 1868-1878. La Guerra Grande
10.00 €
43963 - Kraus-Mueller, J.-T.:
Deutschen Kolonial und Schutztruppen von 1889 bis 1918 (Die)
110.00 €
39454 - Laengin-Schindler, B.G.-M.:
Deutschen Kolonien. Schauplaetze und Schicksale 1888-1918 (Die)
22.50 €
61496 - Hopkirk, P.:
Diavoli stranieri sulla Via della seta. La ricerca dei tesori perduti dell'Asia centrale
25.00 €
71637 - Whitburn, B.:
Dust of Glory. The First Anglo-Afghan War 1839-1842. Its Causes and Course
45.00 €
49272 - Gialdroni, S.:
East India Company. Una storia giuridica 1600-1708
27.00 €
51743 - Bancroft, J.W.:
Echelon. The Light Brigade Action at Balaclava: a New Perspective
27.00 €
21576 - Knight-McBride, I.-A.:
Elite 021: Zulus
23.00 €
19324 - Barthorp-Turner, M.-P.:
Elite 024: Old Contemptibles: British Expeditionary Forces 1902-14
23.00 €
15992 - Knight-Scollins, I.-R.:
Elite 032: British Forces in Zululand 1879
23.00 €
21590 - Sumner-Hook, I.-R.:
Elite 077: British Colours and Standards 1747-1881 (1) Cavalry
23.00 €
21710 - Sumner-Hook, I.-R.:
Elite 081: British Colours and Standards 1747-1881 (2) Infantry
23.00 €
73227 - Jowett-Windrow, P.-M.:
Elite 257: Rif War 1921-26. Morocco's Berber Uprising
23.00 €
47536 - Harding , R.:
Emergence of Britain's Global Naval Supremacy. The War 1739-1748 (The)
99.95 €
21773 - Lieven, D.:
Empire. The Russian Empire and its rivals
49.95 €
26712 - Doyle, M.W.:
36.00 €
22285 - Lenman, B.:
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688
39.00 €
49474 - Molero Colina, C.:
Espanoles en el Rif. Album fotografico de la guerra de Marruecos 1921-1922
49.95 €
16912 - Miege, J.:
Espansione europea e decolonizzazione dal 1870 ai nostri giorni
28.00 €
39268 - Beretta, F.:
Esperienza inutile. I conflitti anglo-boero e russo-giapponese e l'impreparazione italiana alla guerra di trincea (L')
12.00 €
42999 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 040: Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839-1919
23.00 €
25613 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 052: Boer War 1899-1902
23.00 €
25448 - Knight, I.:
Essential Histories 056: Zulu War 1879
23.00 €
34763 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 066: Wars of the Barbary Pirates. To the shores of Tripoli: the rise of the US Navy and Marines
23.00 €
35925 - Fremont-Barnes, G.:
Essential Histories 068: Indian Mutiny 1857-58
23.00 €
67770 - Canale Cama, F.:
Eta' contemporanea. Una storia globale (L')
28.00 €
16919 - Hobsbawm, E.J.:
Eta' degli imperi 1875-1914 (L')
15.00 €
69953 - Aluisini-Bollini, S.-G.:
Eterni ribelli (Gli)
25.00 €
54075 - Taddia, I.:
Etiopia 1800-1900. Le strategie del potere tra Africa e Italia
22.00 €
16933 - Ghilardi, F.:
Europa degli equilibri 1815-1890 (L')
20.00 €
57071 - Crane, S.:
Ferite nella pioggia
17.50 €
52668 - AAVV, :
Ferrer-Dalmau y el legado de Cusachs. Dos pintores catalanes para un ejercito
21.00 €
52716 - Francisco-Sala, L.M.-L.:
Ferrer-Dalmau. Guardias Civiles de Caballeria
33.00 €
53387 - AAVV, :
Ferrer-Dalmau. Historia y ejercito en Zaragoza
21.00 €
47727 - Bodley Scott, R.:
Field of Glory Renaissance 004: Colonies and Conquest. Asia 1494-1698
27.00 €
43578 - AAVV, :
Fighting Techniques of the Imperial Age 1776-1914
33.00 €
43859 - Snape, D.:
Fire of Venture Was in His Veins. Major Allan Wilson and the Shangani Patrol 1893: Rhodesia's 'Custer's Last Stand' (The)
39.95 €
41729 - Durand, H.M.:
First Afghan War and its Causes (The)
29.95 €
29653 - Singh, A.:
First Anglo-Sikh War (The)
15.00 €
37879 - Butler, D.A.:
First Jihad. The Battle of Khartoum and the Dawn of Militant Islam (The)
36.00 €
70235 - Zaccaria, M:
Flagello degli schiavisti. Romolo Gessi in Sudan 1874-1881 (Il)
20.00 €
51194 - Greaves, A.:
Forgotten Battles of the Zulu Wars
36.00 €
37848 - Anderson, R.:
Forgotten Front 1914-18. The East African Campaign (The)
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Fortress 081: Maori Fortifications
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Guerre afgane (Le)
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Guerre dell'oppio. Il primo scontro tra Occidente e Cina 1839-1842, 1856-1860 (Le)
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33439 - Martin Gomez, A.L.:
Guerreros y Batallas 025: Filipinas 1847-1851. Las campanas del Caraballo, Balanguingui y Jolo
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Guerreros y Batallas 058: La batalla de los Castillejos. Guerra de Africa 1859-60
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Guerreros y Batallas 070: El 'Alcantara' 1921. La Caballeria en el desastre de Annual
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Guerreros y Batallas 071: De Tetuan a Guad Ras. Guerra de Africa 1859-1860
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Guerreros y Batallas 117: La expedicion espanola a Cochinchina 1858-1863
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Guerreros y Batallas 127: Guerras Civiles II La independencia de los virreinatos de la monarquia espanola en America
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65703 - Lopez Fernandez, J.A.:
Guerreros y Batallas 130: Guerras Civiles III. La independencia de los virreinatos de la monarquia espanola in America
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Guerreros y Batallas 131: Taxdirt 1909. Heroica carga de caballeria en la campana de Melilla
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Hand of Captain Danjou: Camerone and the French Foreign Legion in Mexico, 30 April 1863 (The)
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History of the Black Watch 1729-1888 (The)
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History of the Zulu War and Its Origin
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31390 - AAVV, :
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History of Warfare: Zulu Wars 1879 DVD
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36294 - Fouquet Lapar, P.:
Hoa Binh 1951-1952. De Lattre attaque en Indochine
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22863 - Armitage, D.:
Ideological origins of the British Empire (The)
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IFNI - Sahara 1958. Sangriento combate en Edchera
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Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Uniforms of the 19th Century. An Expert Guide to the American Civil War, the Boer War, the Wars of German and Italian Unification and the Colonial Wars (An)
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Imperi e stati nazionali nell'Ottocento
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42526 - Levine, P.:
Impero britannico (L')
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48289 - Gardiner, I.:
In the Service of the Sultan. A First Hand Account of the Dhofar Insurgency
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22765 - Harris, J.:
Indian Mutiny (The)
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Inniskilling Diaries 1899-1903
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Insignes des Spahis (Les)
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Insurrezioni anti-imperialiste di fine secolo XIX (Le)
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43326 - Snook, M.:
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49106 - Cardoza, T.:
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49846 - Greaves, A.:
Islandlwana. How the Zulus Humbled the British Empire
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18179 - Serra-Seton Watson, :
Italia e Inghilterra nell'eta' dell'imperialismo
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54641 - Bagnato, B.:
Italia e la Guerra D'Algeria (1954-1962) (L')
28.00 €
58205 - Fochessati-Franzone, M.-G.:
Italia fara' da se'. Propaganda moda e societa' negli anni dell'autarchia (L')
20.00 €
47529 - Rastelli, A.:
Italiani a Shangai. La Regia Marina in Estremo Oriente
14.00 €
52896 - Legionario Matricola 119335 , (Recrosio Zampa B.):
Je ne regrette rien. Nella Legione Straniera in Algeria 1957-1962
25.00 €
49544 - Coley, J.:
Journal of the Sutlej Campaign of 1845-1846. An Eyewitness Account of the First Sikh War
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23302 - Macroy, P.:
Kabul catastrophe. The Invasion and Retreat 1839-1842
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18312 - Wolley, C.:
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Khalsa! A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849
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29720 - Lunn, J.:
Killigrew. La rotta del drago
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39803 - Lunn, J.:
Killigrew. La rotta del leopardo
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48539 - Page, M.:
King's African Rifles. A History
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66951 - Samson, A.:
Kitchener. The Man Not The Myth
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22573 - Spiers, E.:
Late Victorian Army 1868-1902
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Lawrence d'Arabia e l'invenzione del Medio Oriente
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46706 - Hynes, J.P.:
Lawrence of Arabia's Secret Air Force. Based on the Diary of Flight Sergeant George Hynes
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57620 - de Aguirre Bullido, A.F.:
Legion en las campanas de Marruecos 1921-1927 (La)
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Legion y la 'Guerra Relampago'. Yague y el Cuerpo de Ejercito Marroqui Vol I (La)
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Legion y la 'Guerra Relampago'. Yague y el Cuerpo de Ejercito Marroqui Vol II (La)
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44859 - Veneziano, S.:
Legionario in Algeria 1957-1962
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35185 - Aceto, D.:
Legionario in Indocina 1951-1953
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40092 - Skeen, A.:
Lessons in Imperial Rules. Instructions for British Infantrymen on the Indian Frontier
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56064 - McGuirk-Williams, R.-C.C.H.:
Light Car Patrols 1916-1919. War and Exploration in Egypt and Lybia with the Model T Ford
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49395 - Hunt, E.:
Light Dragoons. A Regimental History 1715-2009 (The)
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46504 - Snook, M.:
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71976 - Jeynes, R.:
Line in the sand. French Foreign Legion Forts and Fortifications in Morocco 1900-1926
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44039 - Wessels, A.:
Lord Kitchener and the War in South Africa 1899-1902
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58122 - Lady Inglis, J.:
Lucknow 1857. A terrible siege
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18572 - Juenger, E.:
Ludi Africani
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39638 - Knight, I.:
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56281 - Crum, F.M.:
Memoirs of a Rifleman Scout
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21575 - McBride-McBride, A.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 057: Zulu War
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Men-at-Arms 059: The Sudan Campaigns 1881-98
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25249 - Wilkinson-Latham-Roffe, C.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 062: Boer War
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18066 - Wilkinson-Latham-Embleton, C.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 067: Indian Mutiny
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19273 - Wilkinson-Latham-McBride, R.-A.:
Men-at-Arms 072: North-West Frontier 1837-1947
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Men-at-Arms 091: Bengal Cavalry Regiments 1857-1914
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Men-at-Arms 095: Boxer Rebellion
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18656 - Scurr-Chappell, J.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 132: Malayan Campaign 1948-60
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Men-at-Arms 193: British Army on Campaign (1) 1816-1853
19.00 €
15976 - Barthorp-Turner, M.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 198: British Army on Campaign (3) 1856-1881
19.00 €
15977 - Barthorp-Turner, M.-P.:
Men-at-Arms 201: British Army on Campaign (4) 1882-1902
19.00 €
18427 - Nicolle-Hook, D.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 208: Lawrence and the Arab Revolts
19.00 €
21270 - Knight-Scollins, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 212: Queen Victoria's Enemies (1) Southern Africa
19.00 €
21271 - Knight-Scollins, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 215: Queen Victoria's Enemies (2) Northern Africa
19.00 €
21272 - Knight-Scollins, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 219: Queen Victoria's Enemies (3) India
19.00 €
21273 - Knight-Scollins, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 224: Queen Victoria's Enemies (4) Asia, Australasia and the Americas
19.00 €
20778 - Heath-Perry, I.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 275: Taiping Rebellion 1851-66
19.00 €
15877 - Knight-Embleton, I.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 301: Boer Wars (1) 1836-1898
19.00 €
15878 - Knight-Embleton, I.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 303: Boer Wars (2) 1898-1902
19.00 €
15239 - Windrow-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 312: Algerian War 1954-62
19.00 €
19263 - Heath-Perry, I.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 324: North-East Frontier 1837-1901
19.00 €
23844 - Abbott-Ruggeri, P.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 379: Armies In East Africa 1914-18
19.00 €
25986 - Castle-Ruggeri, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 388: Zulu Wars - Volunteers, Irregulars and Auxiliaries
19.00 €
26992 - Peers-Ruggeri, C.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 411: Warrior Peoples of East Africa 1840-1900
19.00 €
30567 - Heath-Perry, I.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 421: Sikh Army 1799-1849
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33468 - Fowler, W.:
Men-at-Arms 431: Britain's Secret War. The Indonesian Confrontation 1962-66
19.00 €
35940 - de Quesada-Walsh, A.-S.:
Men-at-Arms 437: Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection 1898-1902
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37172 - Reid-Embleton, S.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 442: Queen Victoria's Highlanders
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42976 - Reid, S.:
Men-at-Arms 453: Armies of the East India Company 1750-1850
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40752 - Langellier, J.:
Men-at-Arms 455: US Armed Forces in China 1856-1941
19.00 €
49439 - Chartrand-Rickman, R.-D.:
Men-at-Arms 475: Spanish Army in North America 1700-1783
19.00 €
53597 - Knight-Ruggeri, I.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 487: New Zealand Wars 1820-72
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54577 - de Quesada-Walsh, A.-S.:
Men-at-Arms 490: Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885-1918
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64061 - Chartrand, R.:
Men-at-Arms 517: French Naval and Colonial Troops 1872-1914
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64317 - Jalali, A.A.:
Military History of Afghanistan. From the Great Game to the Global War on Terror (A)
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Military in British India. The Development of British Land Forces in South Asia 1600-1947
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39874 - Eyre, V.:
Military Operations at Cabul. The Retreat and Destruction of the British Army
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Military Sun Helmets of the World
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36535 - Arias Ramos, R.:
Militiae 05: Annual, 1921. Cronica de un desastre
15.00 €
36538 - Roca Gonzalez, C.:
Militiae 09: Isandlwana. Amarga victoria Zulu'
15.00 €
36607 - Trinquier, R.:
Modern Warfare. A French View of Counterinsurgency
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40098 - Heathcote, T.A.:
Mutiny and Insurgency in India 1857-58
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43675 - Snodgrass, M.:
Narrative of the Burmese War
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Nasan. La victoire oubliee (1952-1953)
29.95 €
19136 - Foppiani, O.:
Nascita dell'imperialismo americano 1890-1898 (La)
14.00 €
66384 - Olender, P.:
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39.95 €
58836 - Konstam, A.:
New Vanguard 239: Nile River Gunboats 1882-1918
19.00 €
65769 - Konstam, A.:
New Vanguard 269: European Ironclads 1860-75. La Gloire sparks the great ironclad arms race
19.00 €
72911 - Konstam-Wright, A.-P.:
New Vanguard 328: Warships in the War of the Pacific 1879-83. South America's ironclad naval campaign
19.00 €
34422 - Ziegler, P.:
15.00 €
70769 - Surridge, K.:
Onwards to Omdurman. The Anglo-Egyptian Campaign to Reconquer the Sudan 1896-1898
39.95 €
63109 - Kowalczuk, D.:
Operations 'Leopard' and 'Red Bean'. Kolwezi 1978 - Africa @War 032
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37840 - Bourgerie-Lesoeuf, R.-P.:
Palikao 1860. Le sac du Palais d'Ete et la prise de Pekin
25.00 €
61692 - Mueller-Ferrario, R.-I.E.:
Para' in Congo e Yemen 1965-1969 (Un)
18.00 €
52033 - Adam-Pivetta, E.-P.:
Paras francais en Algerie 1954-1962 (Les)
45.00 €
44879 - Adam-Pivetta, E.-P.:
Paras francais en Indochine 1945-1954 (Les)
45.00 €
60381 - Gulisano, P.:
Per l'onore d'Irlanda. L'insurrezione irlandese del 1916
18.00 €
41863 - Morris, J.:
Per volonta' del cielo. 1837-1897 Nascita di un Impero
24.00 €
51295 - McAllister, L.B.:
Philippine War 1899-1902 (The)
25.00 €
35819 - AAVV, :
Pietro Savorgnan di Brazza' dal Friuli al Congo Brazzaville
25.00 €
60912 - Course, A.G.:
Pirati dei mari orientali (I)
20.00 €
19711 - Fieldhouse, D.K.:
Politica ed economia del colonialismo
14.46 €
66258 - Cann, J.P.:
Portogallo nelle guerre d'oltremare. Dottrina operativa e operazioni di controinsurrezione in Africa 1961-1974 (Il)
30.00 €
26633 - Colley, L.:
Prigionieri. L'Inghilterra, l'Impero e il mondo. 1600-1850
43.00 €
61413 - Haardt-Audouin Dubreui, G.M.-L.:
Prima traversata del Sahara (La)
20.00 €
66586 - Gillet, M.:
Principes de pacification du Marechal Lyautey
25.00 €
68696 - Fera, G.:
Profumo di cedro nel rambutan e nei datteri. L'epilogo coloniale francese 1951-1956, Tunisia, Marocco, Algeria, Indocina, vissuto da un legionario italiano
25.00 €
69979 - Matta, L.:
Prussiano d'Africa. La storia di Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, uno Junker fuori dal comune (Il)
15.00 €
26259 - Harrington-Tomasek, P.-M.:
Queen Victoria's Army in Color. The British Military Paintings of Orlando Norie
75.00 €
19837 - Farwell, B.:
Queen Victoria's Little Wars
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61450 - Galanti, M.:
Questione indiana da Colombo al terzo millennio (La)
24.00 €
34411 - Greaves, A.:
Redcoats and Zulus. Thrilling Tales from the 1879 War
36.00 €
43420 - Newbury, R.:
Regina Vittoria (La)
12.50 €
56497 - Strachey, L.:
Regina Vittoria (La)
18.50 €
52060 - Parker, C.H.:
Relazioni globali nell'eta' moderna 1400-1800
28.00 €
35089 - Faivre, M.:
Renseignement dans la guerre d'Algerie (Le)
35.00 €
54122 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 02. Dien Bien Phu. 1954 La fin de l'empire colonial en Extreme-Orient
13.00 €
54124 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 04. Les Bigeard Boys. 1955-58 Les Paras francais en Algerie. les Bigeard Boys
13.00 €
64008 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 22. Paras en Algerie
10.00 €
64009 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 23. Commandos en Indochine
10.00 €
47571 - Norris, F.:
Resa di Santiago e altri racconti di guerra e di frontiera (La)
10.00 €
34713 - Snape, D.:
Rescue They Called a Raid. The Jameson Raid 1895-96 (The)
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71747 - Iocchi, A.:
Resistenti, ribelli e terroristi nel Sahel. Dall'occupazione coloniale alle crisi contemporanee 1897-2022
21.00 €
53938 - Binda, A.:
Rhodesia Regiment. From Boer War to Bush War 1899-1980 (The)
45.00 €
54300 - Garcia de Gabiola, J.:
Rif War Vol 1: From Taxdirt to the Disaster of Annual 1909-1921 - Africa @War 056
29.95 €
72046 - Garcia de Gabiola, J.:
Rif War Vol 2: From Xauen to the Alhucemas Landing and Beyond 1922-1927 - Africa @War 062
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70771 - Singh Mann, G.:
Rise of the Sikh Soldier. The Sikh Warrior through the ages c. 1700-1900
36.00 €
58210 - Dalrymple, W.:
Ritorno di un re (Il)
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56727 - Bell, G.:
Ritratti persiani
18.50 €
23078 - Churchill, W.S.:
River war (The)
19.00 €
58260 - Gaiani, E.:
Rivolta degli Herero. Deutsch-Suedwestafrika 1904-1907. Libro + DVD (La)
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26490 - Robson, B.:
Road to Kabul. The Second Afghan War, 1878-1881 (The)
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49441 - Atwood, R.:
Roberts and Kitchener in South Africa 1900-1902
45.00 €
22848 - Glover, M.:
Rorke's Drift
12.00 €
20073 - Bancroft, J.W.:
Rorke's Drift. The Zulu war 1879
36.00 €
25413 - Seely, R.:
Russo-Chechen Conflict 1800-2000
49.95 €
47356 - Beggiora, S.:
Sacrifici umani e guerriglia nell'India Britannica
25.00 €
49891 - Manrique-Molin, J.M.-L.:
Sahara Espanol. Una Historia de traiciones
17.50 €
35606 - Dogo, M. cur:
Schegge d'impero, pezzi d'Europa. Balcani e Turchia fra continuita' e mutamento 1804-1923
20.00 €
72823 - MacIntyre-Morris-Demetriades, I.-H.-A. cur:
Scotland's contribution to Naval and Military Medicine and Surgery
45.00 €
70346 - Hopkirk, P.:
Servizi segreti a oriente di Costantinopoli
32.00 €
58808 - Melvin CB OBE, M.:
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45.00 €
63342 - Stephenson, C.:
Siege of Tsingtau. The German-Japanese War 1914 (The)
39.95 €
32449 - Pagden, A.:
Signori del mondo. Ideologie dell'Impero in Spagna, Gran Bretagna e Francia 1500 - 1800
14.00 €
51717 - Olender, P.:
Sino-Fench Naval War 1884-1885
33.00 €
56514 - Olender, P.:
Sino-Japanese Naval War 1894-1895
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50576 - Paine, S.C.M.:
Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Perception, Power, and Primacy (The)
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53722 - Davis, F.L.:
Societa' segrete in Cina 1840-1911 (Le)
16.00 €
61581 - Bru-Dominguez, J.-D.A.:
36.00 €
51941 - Brazzoduro, A.:
Soldati senza causa. Memorie della guerra d'Algeria
28.00 €
20035 - Molinari, P.:
Sole Nero. La guerra anglo-zulu del 1879
21.00 €
29970 - Mone, T.:
Spahis du 1er Marocains
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26359 - Goldstein-Dillon, D.M.-K.V.:
Spanish-American War. The Story and Photograph (The)
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72796 - Davidson, R.:
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66743 - Belloc, H.:
Storia d'Inghilterra Vol 2: Dalla rivoluzione inglese alla regina Vittoria
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67689 - Fage, J.D.:
Storia dell'Africa. Sulle tracce di una leggenda
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70625 - Bruti Liberati, L.:
Storia dell'Impero Britannico 1785-1999
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55083 - De Bosschere, G.:
Storia della colonizzazione. I due versanti della storia Vol 1
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55084 - De Bosschere, G.:
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Story of the Malakand Field Force (The)
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Suffren dans l'Ocean indien (1781-1783)
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68992 - Verusio, G.:
Sui campi di battaglia
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T.E. Lawrence in War and Peace. An Anthology of the Military Writings of Lawrence of Arabia
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53409 - Bataller Alventosa, V.:
Tiradores de IFNI. La guerra de IFNI en imagenes
27.00 €
59981 - Tradition, :
Traditions 04. La conquete du Mexique. Janvier 1862
13.00 €
29984 - AAVV, :
Troupes de Marine 1900-2000. Un siecle d'histoire 1900 - 2000 (Les)
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29969 - AAVV, :
Troupes de Marine. Quatre siecles d'histoire (Les)
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21059 - Langellier, J.:
Uncle's Sam little wars 1898-1902 - GI 15
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48301 - Polk, W.R.:
Understanding Iraq
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73056 - Gonzalez Rosado, C.:
Unidades Indigenas al servicio de Espana. Protectorado en Marruecos 1906-1956
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73062 - Montes Ramos, J.F.:
Uniformidad de las Fuerzas Indigenas Marroquies al servicio de Espana
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43231 - Woolley, C.:
Uniforms of the German Colonial Troops 1884-1918
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39643 - Douglas, J.:
Unofficial History. Field-Marshall Sir William Slim
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Unter der Sonne Nordafrikas. Legionaer in Algerien
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39839 - McAllister Linn, B.:
US Army and Counterinsurgency in the Philippine War 1899-1902
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Viaggio in Etiopia
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Victoria's Generals
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26525 - Longford, E.:
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63336 - Grehan, J.:
Voices from the Past. The Charge of the Light Brigade
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Voices from the Past. The Siege of Sevastopol 1854-1855
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Voices from the Zulu War
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